diff options
5 files changed, 76 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
index ca6f5ad..0d0a442 100644
--- a/Main.hs
+++ b/Main.hs
@@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ main = do
-- TODO, general iterators for these lists.
sequence_ [ setInitialProperties w >> reveal w
| wk <- map W.workspace (W.current winset : W.visible winset)
- , w <- W.integrate (W.stack wk) ]
+ , w <- W.integrate' (W.stack wk) ]
sequence_ [ setInitialProperties w >> hide w
| wk <- W.hidden winset
- , w <- W.integrate (W.stack wk) ]
+ , w <- W.integrate' (W.stack wk) ]
mapM_ manage ws -- find new windows
diff --git a/Operations.hs b/Operations.hs
index 994b773..e03c0fd 100644
--- a/Operations.hs
+++ b/Operations.hs
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ windows f = do
-- and must be called on all visible workspaces.
broadcastMessage UnDoLayout
XState { windowset = old, layouts = fls, xineScreens = xinesc, statusGaps = gaps } <- get
- let oldvisible = concatMap (W.integrate . W.stack . W.workspace) $ W.current old : W.visible old
+ let oldvisible = concatMap (W.integrate' . W.stack . W.workspace) $ W.current old : W.visible old
ws = f old
modify (\s -> s { windowset = ws })
d <- asks display
@@ -145,8 +145,7 @@ windows f = do
this = W.view n ws
Just l = fmap fst $ M.lookup n fls
flt = filter (flip M.member (W.floating ws)) (W.index this)
- tiled = W.filter (not . flip M.member (W.floating ws))
- . W.stack . W.workspace . W.current $ this
+ tiled = W.filter (not . flip M.member (W.floating ws)) . W.stack . W.workspace . W.current $ this
(Rectangle sx sy sw sh) = genericIndex xinesc (W.screen w)
(gt,gb,gl,gr) = genericIndex gaps (W.screen w)
viewrect = Rectangle (sx + fromIntegral gl) (sy + fromIntegral gt)
@@ -154,7 +153,7 @@ windows f = do
-- just the tiled windows:
-- now tile the windows on this workspace, modified by the gap
- rs <- doLayout l viewrect tiled -- `mplus` doLayout full viewrect tiled
+ rs <- runLayout l viewrect tiled -- `mplus` doLayout full viewrect tiled
mapM_ (uncurry tileWindow) rs
-- now the floating windows:
@@ -388,9 +387,7 @@ instance Message IncMasterN
-- simple fullscreen mode, just render all windows fullscreen.
-- a plea for tuple sections: map . (,sc)
full :: Layout
-full = Layout { doLayout = \sc ws -> return $ case ws of
- W.Empty -> []
- (W.Node f _ _) -> [(f, sc)]
+full = Layout { doLayout = \sc (W.Stack f _ _) -> return [(f, sc)]
, modifyLayout = const (return Nothing) } -- no changes
diff --git a/StackSet.hs b/StackSet.hs
index 581eb0b..6518d66 100644
--- a/StackSet.hs
+++ b/StackSet.hs
@@ -74,10 +74,11 @@
module StackSet (
- StackSet(..), Workspace(..), Screen(..), Stack(..), RationalRect(..),
- new, view, lookupWorkspace, peek, index, integrate, differentiate, focusUp, focusDown,
+ StackSet(..), Workspace(..), Screen(..), StackOrNot, Stack(..), RationalRect(..),
+ new, view, lookupWorkspace, peek, index, integrate, integrate', differentiate,
+ focusUp, focusDown,
focusWindow, member, findIndex, insertUp, delete, shift, filter,
- swapMaster, swapUp, swapDown, modify, float, sink -- needed by users
+ swapMaster, swapUp, swapDown, modify, modify', float, sink -- needed by users
) where
import Prelude hiding (filter)
@@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ data Screen i a sid = Screen { workspace :: !(Workspace i a), screen :: !sid }
-- |
-- A workspace is just a tag - its index - and a stack
-data Workspace i a = Workspace { tag :: !i, stack :: Stack a }
+data Workspace i a = Workspace { tag :: !i, stack :: StackOrNot a }
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
data RationalRect = RationalRect Rational Rational Rational Rational
@@ -165,10 +166,11 @@ data RationalRect = RationalRect Rational Rational Rational Rational
-- structures, it is the differentiation of a [a], and integrating it
-- back has a natural implementation used in 'index'.
-data Stack a = Empty
- | Node { focus :: !a -- focused thing in this set
- , up :: [a] -- clowns to the left
- , down :: [a] } -- jokers to the right
+type StackOrNot a = Maybe (Stack a)
+data Stack a = Stack { focus :: !a -- focused thing in this set
+ , up :: [a] -- clowns to the left
+ , down :: [a] } -- jokers to the right
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
@@ -189,7 +191,7 @@ new :: (Integral i, Integral s) => i -> s -> StackSet i a s
new n m | n > 0 && m > 0 = StackSet n cur visi unseen M.empty
| otherwise = abort "non-positive arguments to StackSet.new"
- where (seen,unseen) = L.genericSplitAt m $ Workspace 0 Empty : [ Workspace i Empty | i <- [1 ..n-1]]
+ where (seen,unseen) = L.genericSplitAt m $ Workspace 0 Nothing : [ Workspace i Nothing | i <- [1 ..n-1]]
(cur:visi) = [ Screen i s | (i,s) <- zip seen [0..] ]
-- now zip up visibles with their screen id
@@ -232,23 +234,28 @@ lookupWorkspace sc w = listToMaybe [ tag i | Screen i s <- current w : visible w
-- |
-- The 'with' function takes a default value, a function, and a
--- StackSet. If the current stack is Empty, 'with' returns the
+-- StackSet. If the current stack is Nothing, 'with' returns the
-- default value. Otherwise, it applies the function to the stack,
-- returning the result. It is like 'maybe' for the focused workspace.
with :: b -> (Stack a -> b) -> StackSet i a s -> b
-with dflt f s = case stack (workspace (current s)) of Empty -> dflt; v -> f v
- -- TODO: ndm: a 'catch' proof here that 'f' only gets Node
- -- constructors, hence all 'f's are safe below?
+with dflt f = maybe dflt f . stack . workspace . current
-- |
--- Apply a function, and a default value for Empty, to modify the current stack.
+-- Apply a function, and a default value for Nothing, to modify the current stack.
-modify :: Stack a -> (Stack a -> Stack a) -> StackSet i a s -> StackSet i a s
+modify :: StackOrNot a -> (Stack a -> StackOrNot a) -> StackSet i a s -> StackSet i a s
modify d f s = s { current = (current s)
{ workspace = (workspace (current s)) { stack = with d f s }}}
-- |
+-- Apply a function to modify the current stack if it isn't empty, and we don't
+-- want to empty it.
+modify' :: (Stack a -> Stack a) -> StackSet i a s -> StackSet i a s
+modify' f = modify Nothing (Just . f)
+-- |
-- /O(1)/. Extract the focused element of the current stack.
-- Return Just that element, or Nothing for an empty stack.
@@ -259,27 +266,27 @@ peek = with Nothing (return . focus)
-- /O(n)/. Flatten a Stack into a list.
integrate :: Stack a -> [a]
-integrate Empty = []
-integrate (Node x l r) = reverse l ++ x : r
+integrate (Stack x l r) = reverse l ++ x : r
+integrate' :: StackOrNot a -> [a]
+integrate' = maybe [] integrate
-- |
-- /O(n)/. Texture a list.
-differentiate :: [a] -> Stack a
-differentiate [] = Empty
-differentiate (x:xs) = Node x [] xs
+differentiate :: [a] -> StackOrNot a
+differentiate [] = Nothing
+differentiate (x:xs) = Just $ Stack x [] xs
-- |
-- /O(n)/. 'filter p s' returns the elements of 's' such that 'p' evaluates to
-- True. Order is preserved, and focus moves to the next node to the right (if
-- necessary).
-filter :: (a -> Bool) -> Stack a -> Stack a
-filter _ Empty = Empty
-filter p (Node f ls rs) = case L.filter p (f:rs) of
- (f':rs') -> Node f' (L.filter p ls) rs'
- [] -> case reverse $ L.filter p ls of
- [] -> Empty
- (f':rs') -> Node f' [] rs'
+filter :: (a -> Bool) -> Stack a -> StackOrNot a
+filter p (Stack f ls rs) = case L.filter p (f:rs) of
+ (f':rs') -> Just $ Stack f' (L.filter p ls) rs'
+ [] -> do f':rs' <- return $ reverse $ L.filter p ls
+ Just $ Stack f' [] rs'
-- |
-- /O(s)/. Extract the stack on the current workspace, as a list.
@@ -305,23 +312,22 @@ index = with [] integrate
-- the current stack.
focusUp, focusDown, swapUp, swapDown :: StackSet i a s -> StackSet i a s
-focusUp = modify Empty focusUp'
-focusDown = modify Empty (reverseStack . focusUp' . reverseStack)
+focusUp = modify' focusUp'
+focusDown = modify' (reverseStack . focusUp' . reverseStack)
-swapUp = modify Empty swapUp'
-swapDown = modify Empty (reverseStack . swapUp' . reverseStack)
+swapUp = modify' swapUp'
+swapDown = modify' (reverseStack . swapUp' . reverseStack)
focusUp', swapUp' :: Stack a -> Stack a
-focusUp' (Node t (l:ls) rs) = Node l ls (t:rs)
-focusUp' (Node t [] rs) = Node x xs [] where (x:xs) = reverse (t:rs)
+focusUp' (Stack t (l:ls) rs) = Stack l ls (t:rs)
+focusUp' (Stack t [] rs) = Stack x xs [] where (x:xs) = reverse (t:rs)
-swapUp' (Node t (l:ls) rs) = Node t ls (l:rs)
-swapUp' (Node t [] rs) = Node t (reverse rs) []
+swapUp' (Stack t (l:ls) rs) = Stack t ls (l:rs)
+swapUp' (Stack t [] rs) = Stack t (reverse rs) []
-- | reverse a stack: up becomes down and down becomes up.
reverseStack :: Stack a -> Stack a
-reverseStack (Node t ls rs) = Node t rs ls
-reverseStack x = x
+reverseStack (Stack t ls rs) = Stack t rs ls
-- | /O(1) on current window, O(n) in general/. Focus the window 'w',
@@ -348,8 +354,8 @@ member a s = maybe False (const True) (findIndex a s)
findIndex :: Eq a => a -> StackSet i a s -> Maybe i
findIndex a s = listToMaybe
[ tag w | w <- workspace (current s) : map workspace (visible s) ++ hidden s, has a (stack w) ]
- where has _ Empty = False
- has x (Node t l r) = x `elem` (t : l ++ r)
+ where has _ Nothing = False
+ has x (Just (Stack t l r)) = x `elem` (t : l ++ r)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Modifying the stackset
@@ -370,10 +376,10 @@ findIndex a s = listToMaybe
insertUp :: Eq a => a -> StackSet i a s -> StackSet i a s
insertUp a s = if member a s then s else insert
- where insert = modify (Node a [] []) (\(Node t l r) -> Node a l (t:r)) s
+ where insert = modify (Just $ Stack a [] []) (\(Stack t l r) -> Just $ Stack a l (t:r)) s
-- insertDown :: a -> StackSet i a s -> StackSet i a s
--- insertDown a = modify (Node a [] []) $ \(Node t l r) -> Node a (t:l) r
+-- insertDown a = modify (Stack a [] []) $ \(Stack t l r) -> Stack a (t:l) r
-- Old semantics, from Huet.
-- > w { down = a : down w }
@@ -381,10 +387,10 @@ insertUp a s = if member a s then s else insert
-- /O(1) on current window, O(n) in general/. Delete window 'w' if it exists.
-- There are 4 cases to consider:
--- * delete on an Empty workspace leaves it Empty
+-- * delete on an Nothing workspace leaves it Nothing
-- * otherwise, try to move focus to the down
-- * otherwise, try to move focus to the up
--- * otherwise, you've got an empty workspace, becomes Empty
+-- * otherwise, you've got an empty workspace, becomes Nothing
-- Behaviour with respect to the master:
@@ -399,13 +405,13 @@ delete w s | Just w == peek s = remove s -- common case.
removeWindow o n = foldr ($) s [view o,remove,view n]
-- actual removal logic, and focus/master logic:
- remove = modify Empty $ \c ->
+ remove = modify Nothing $ \c ->
if focus c == w
then case c of
- Node _ ls (r:rs) -> Node r ls rs -- try down first
- Node _ (l:ls) [] -> Node l ls [] -- else up
- Node _ [] [] -> Empty
- else c { up = w `L.delete` up c, down = w `L.delete` down c }
+ Stack _ ls (r:rs) -> Just $ Stack r ls rs -- try down first
+ Stack _ (l:ls) [] -> Just $ Stack l ls [] -- else up
+ Stack _ [] [] -> Nothing
+ else Just $ c { up = w `L.delete` up c, down = w `L.delete` down c }
@@ -425,9 +431,9 @@ sink w s = s { floating = M.delete w (floating s) }
-- The old master window is swapped in the tiling order with the focused window.
-- Focus stays with the item moved.
swapMaster :: StackSet i a s -> StackSet i a s
-swapMaster = modify Empty $ \c -> case c of
- Node _ [] _ -> c -- already master.
- Node t ls rs -> Node t [] (ys ++ x : rs) where (x:ys) = reverse ls
+swapMaster = modify' $ \c -> case c of
+ Stack _ [] _ -> c -- already master.
+ Stack t ls rs -> Stack t [] (ys ++ x : rs) where (x:ys) = reverse ls
-- natural! keep focus, move current to the top, move top to current.
diff --git a/XMonad.hs b/XMonad.hs
index df1dade..b296a38 100644
--- a/XMonad.hs
+++ b/XMonad.hs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
module XMonad (
X, WindowSet, WorkspaceId(..), ScreenId(..), XState(..), XConf(..), Layout(..),
- Typeable, Message, SomeMessage(..), fromMessage,
+ Typeable, Message, SomeMessage(..), fromMessage, runLayout,
runX, io, catchIO, withDisplay, withWindowSet, isRoot, spawn, restart, trace, whenJust, whenX,
) where
@@ -111,6 +111,9 @@ atom_WM_STATE = getAtom "WM_STATE"
data Layout = Layout { doLayout :: Rectangle -> Stack Window -> X [(Window, Rectangle)]
, modifyLayout :: SomeMessage -> X (Maybe Layout) }
+runLayout :: Layout -> Rectangle -> StackOrNot Window -> X [(Window, Rectangle)]
+runLayout l r = maybe (return []) (doLayout l r)
-- Based on ideas in /An Extensible Dynamically-Typed Hierarchy of Exceptions/,
-- Simon Marlow, 2006. Use extensible messages to the modifyLayout handler.
diff --git a/tests/Properties.hs b/tests/Properties.hs
index 06e32a5..d9381d8 100644
--- a/tests/Properties.hs
+++ b/tests/Properties.hs
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ invariant (s :: T) = and
ws = concat [ focus t : up t ++ down t
| w <- workspace (current s) : map workspace (visible s) ++ hidden s
- , let t = stack w, t /= Empty ] :: [Char]
+ , t <- maybeToList (stack w)] :: [Char]
noDuplicates = nub ws == ws
calculatedSize = length (visible s) + length (hidden s) + 1 -- +1 is for current
accurateSize = calculatedSize == size s
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ prop_focusDown_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
prop_focus_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
case peek x of
Nothing -> True
- Just _ -> let w = focus . stack . workspace . current $ foldr (const focusUp) x [1..n]
+ Just _ -> let w = focus . fromJust . stack . workspace . current $ foldr (const focusUp) x [1..n]
in invariant $ focusWindow w x
prop_insertUp_I n (x :: T) = invariant $ insertUp n x
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ prop_shift_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
-- empty StackSets have no windows in them
prop_empty (n :: Positive Int)
(m :: Positive Int) =
- all (== Empty) [ stack w | w <- workspace (current x)
+ all (== Nothing) [ stack w | w <- workspace (current x)
: map workspace (visible x) ++ hidden x ]
where x = new (fromIntegral n) (fromIntegral m) :: T
@@ -257,12 +257,9 @@ prop_member_peek (x :: T) =
-- the list returned by index should be the same length as the actual
-- windows kept in the zipper
prop_index_length (x :: T) =
- case it of
- Empty -> length (index x) == 0
- Node {} -> length (index x) == length list
- where
- it = stack . workspace . current $ x
- list = focus it : up it ++ down it
+ case stack . workspace . current $ x of
+ Nothing -> length (index x) == 0
+ Just it -> length (index x) == length (focus it : up it ++ down it)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- rotating focus
@@ -293,7 +290,7 @@ prop_focusWindow_works (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
Nothing -> True
Just _ -> let s = index x
i = fromIntegral n `mod` length s
- in (focus . stack . workspace . current) (focusWindow (s !! i) x) == (s !! i)
+ in (focus . fromJust . stack . workspace . current) (focusWindow (s !! i) x) == (s !! i)
-- rotation through the height of a stack gets us back to the start
prop_focus_all_l (x :: T) = (foldr (const focusUp) x [1..n]) == x
@@ -324,9 +321,8 @@ prop_focusWindow_local (n :: NonNegative Int) (x::T ) =
prop_findIndex (x :: T) =
and [ tag w == fromJust (findIndex i x)
| w <- workspace (current x) : map workspace (visible x) ++ hidden x
- , let t = stack w
- , t /= Empty
- , i <- focus (stack w) : up (stack w) ++ down (stack w)
+ , t <- maybeToList (stack w)
+ , i <- focus t : up t ++ down t
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------