diff options
authorJason Creighton <jcreigh@gmail.com>2007-04-10 08:27:31 +0200
committerJason Creighton <jcreigh@gmail.com>2007-04-10 08:27:31 +0200
commite4ddfe82216e94a641fd4677be6acc94d82c6a17 (patch)
parent4ddbc6d5d3a3cf65da596a94b1607bd805ead715 (diff)
moved screen <-> workspace mapping from XMonad to StackSet
6 files changed, 79 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/Config.hs b/Config.hs
index 47257cc..be28d1f 100644
--- a/Config.hs
+++ b/Config.hs
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ keys = M.fromList $
-- Keybindings to each screen :
-- mod-wer (underneath 123) switches to physical/Xinerama screens 1 2 and 3
- [((m .|. modMask, key), screenWS sc >>= f)
- | (key, sc) <- zip [xK_w, xK_e, xK_r] [1..]
+ [((m .|. modMask, key), gets workspace >>= f . (+1) . fromMaybe 0 . W.workspace sc)
+ | (key, sc) <- zip [xK_s, xK_d, xK_f] [0..]
, (f, m) <- [(view, 0), (tag, shiftMask)]]
diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
index 05cb69d..e7c24a6 100644
--- a/Main.hs
+++ b/Main.hs
@@ -43,14 +43,13 @@ main = do
let st = XState
{ display = dpy
, xineScreens = xinesc
- , wsOnScreen = M.fromList $ map (\n -> (n,n)) [0.. length xinesc - 1]
, theRoot = rootw
, wmdelete = wmdelt
, wmprotocols = wmprot
-- fromIntegral needed for X11 versions that use Int instead of CInt.
, dimensions = (fromIntegral (displayWidth dpy dflt),
fromIntegral (displayHeight dpy dflt))
- , workspace = W.empty workspaces
+ , workspace = W.empty workspaces (length xinesc)
, defaultLayoutDesc = startingLayoutDesc
, layoutDescs = M.empty
diff --git a/Operations.hs b/Operations.hs
index 132c959..86d6da1 100644
--- a/Operations.hs
+++ b/Operations.hs
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ import qualified StackSet as W
-- screen and raises the window.
refresh :: X ()
refresh = do
- XState {workspace = ws, wsOnScreen = ws2sc, xineScreens = xinesc
+ XState {workspace = ws, xineScreens = xinesc
,display = d ,layoutDescs = fls ,defaultLayoutDesc = dfltfl } <- get
- flip mapM_ (M.assocs ws2sc) $ \(n, scn) -> do
+ flip mapM_ (M.assocs (W.screen2ws ws)) $ \(scn, n) -> do
let sc = xinesc !! scn
fl = M.findWithDefault dfltfl n fls
mapM_ (\(w, rect) -> io $ moveWindowInside d w rect) $
@@ -159,10 +159,10 @@ safeFocus w = do ws <- gets workspace
-- | Explicitly set the keyboard focus to the given window
setFocus :: Window -> X ()
setFocus w = do
- XState { workspace = ws, wsOnScreen = ws2sc} <- get
+ ws <- gets workspace
-- clear mouse button grab and border on other windows
- flip mapM_ (M.keys ws2sc) $ \n -> do
+ flip mapM_ (W.visibleWorkspaces ws) $ \n -> do
flip mapM_ (W.index n ws) $ \otherw -> do
setButtonGrab True otherw
setBorder otherw 0xdddddd
@@ -228,22 +228,13 @@ tag o = do
-- | view. Change the current workspace to workspce at offset 'n-1'.
view :: Int -> X ()
view o = do
- XState { workspace = ws, wsOnScreen = ws2sc } <- get
+ ws <- gets workspace
let m = W.current ws
- -- is the workspace we want to switch to currently visible?
- if M.member n ws2sc
- then windows $ W.view n
- else do
- sc <- case M.lookup m ws2sc of
- Nothing -> do
- trace "Current workspace isn't visible! This should never happen!"
- -- we don't know what screen to use, just use the first one.
- return 0
- Just sc -> return sc
- modify $ \s -> s { wsOnScreen = M.insert n sc (M.filter (/=sc) ws2sc) }
- gets wsOnScreen >>= trace . show
- windows $ W.view n
- mapM_ hide (W.index m ws)
+ windows $ W.view n
+ ws' <- gets workspace
+ -- If the old workspace isn't visible anymore, we have to hide the windows
+ -- in case we're switching to an empty workspace.
+ when (m `notElem` (W.visibleWorkspaces ws')) (mapM_ hide (W.index m ws))
where n = o-1
@@ -251,15 +242,6 @@ view o = do
isClient :: Window -> X Bool
isClient w = liftM (W.member w) (gets workspace)
--- | screenWS. Returns the workspace currently visible on screen n
-screenWS :: Int -> X Int
-screenWS n = do
- ws2sc <- gets wsOnScreen
- -- FIXME: It's ugly to have to query this way. We need a different way to
- -- keep track of screen <-> workspace mappings.
- let ws = fmap fst $ find (\(_, scn) -> scn == (n-1)) (M.assocs ws2sc)
- return $ (fromMaybe 0 ws) + 1
-- | Restart xmonad by exec()'ing self. This doesn't save state and xmonad has
-- to be in PATH for this to work.
restart :: IO ()
@@ -272,8 +254,8 @@ restart = do
-- and -w options.)
dmenu :: X ()
dmenu = do
- XState { xineScreens = xinesc, workspace = ws, wsOnScreen = ws2sc } <- get
- let curscreen = fromMaybe 0 (M.lookup (W.current ws) ws2sc)
+ XState { xineScreens = xinesc, workspace = ws } <- get
+ let curscreen = fromMaybe 0 (M.lookup (W.current ws) (W.ws2screen ws))
sc = xinesc !! curscreen
spawn $ concat [ "exe=`dmenu_path | dmenu -x ", show (rect_x sc)
, " -w " , show (rect_width sc) , "` && exec $exe" ]
diff --git a/StackSet.hs b/StackSet.hs
index bcea8c8..2e1c936 100644
--- a/StackSet.hs
+++ b/StackSet.hs
@@ -35,10 +35,12 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
-- | The StackSet data structure. A table of stacks, with a current pointer
data StackSet a =
- { current:: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- ^ the currently visible stack
- , stacks :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(M.Map Int [a]) -- ^ the separate stacks
- , focus :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(M.Map Int a) -- ^ the window focused in each stack
- , cache :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(M.Map a Int) -- ^ a cache of windows back to their stacks
+ { current :: !Int -- ^ the currently visible stack
+ , ws2screen:: !(M.Map Int Int) -- ^ workspace -> screen map
+ , screen2ws:: !(M.Map Int Int) -- ^ screen -> workspace
+ , stacks :: !(M.Map Int [a]) -- ^ the separate stacks
+ , focus :: !(M.Map Int a) -- ^ the window focused in each stack
+ , cache :: !(M.Map a Int) -- ^ a cache of windows back to their stacks
} deriving Eq
instance Show a => Show (StackSet a) where
@@ -51,14 +53,17 @@ instance Show a => Show (StackSet a) where
--- | /O(n)/. Create a new empty stacks of size 'n', indexed from 0. The
--- 0-indexed stack will be current.
-empty :: Int -> StackSet a
-empty n = StackSet { current = 0
- , stacks = M.fromList (zip [0..n-1] (repeat []))
- , focus = M.empty
- , cache = M.empty }
+-- | /O(n)/. Create a new empty stacks of size 'n', indexed from 0, with 'm'
+-- screens. (also indexed from 0) The 0-indexed stack will be current.
+empty :: Int -> Int -> StackSet a
+empty n m = StackSet { current = 0
+ , ws2screen = wsScreenAssn
+ , screen2ws = wsScreenAssn
+ , stacks = M.fromList (zip [0..n-1] (repeat []))
+ , focus = M.empty
+ , cache = M.empty }
+ where wsScreenAssn = M.fromList $ map (\x -> (x,x)) [0..m-1]
-- | /O(log w)/. True if x is somewhere in the StackSet
member :: Ord a => a -> StackSet a -> Bool
member a w = M.member a (cache w)
@@ -75,6 +80,7 @@ size = M.size . stacks
-- | fromList. Build a new StackSet from a list of list of elements
-- If there are duplicates in the list, the last occurence wins.
+-- FIXME: This always makes a StackSet with 1 screen.
fromList :: Ord a => (Int,[[a]]) -> StackSet a
fromList (_,[]) = error "Cannot build a StackSet from an empty list"
@@ -83,7 +89,7 @@ fromList (n,xs) | n < 0 || n >= length xs
fromList (o,xs) = view o $ foldr (\(i,ys) s ->
foldr (\a t -> insert a i t) s ys)
- (empty (length xs)) (zip [0..] xs)
+ (empty (length xs) 1) (zip [0..] xs)
-- | toList. Flatten a stackset to a list of lists
toList :: StackSet a -> (Int,[[a]])
@@ -111,12 +117,34 @@ peekStack n w = M.lookup n (focus w)
index :: Int -> StackSet a -> [a]
index k w = fromJust (M.lookup k (stacks w))
--- | /O(1)/. view. Set the stack specified by the Int argument as being the
--- current StackSet. If the index is out of range an exception is thrown.
+-- | view. Set the stack specified by the Int argument as being visible and the
+-- current StackSet. If the stack wasn't previously visible, it will become
+-- visible on the current screen. If the index is out of range an exception is
+-- thrown.
view :: Int -> StackSet a -> StackSet a
-view n w | n >= 0 && n < M.size (stacks w) = w { current = n }
+view n w | n >= 0 && n < M.size (stacks w) = if M.member n (ws2screen w)
+ then w { current = n }
+ else tweak (fromJust $ screen (current w) w)
| otherwise = error $ "view: index out of bounds: " ++ show n
+ where
+ tweak sc = w { screen2ws = M.insert sc n (screen2ws w)
+ , ws2screen = M.insert n sc (M.filter (/=sc) (ws2screen w))
+ , current = n
+ }
+-- | That screen that workspace 'n' is visible on, if any.
+screen :: Int -> StackSet a -> Maybe Int
+screen n w = M.lookup n (ws2screen w)
+-- | The workspace visible on screen 'sc'. Nothing if screen is out of bounds.
+workspace :: Int -> StackSet a -> Maybe Int
+workspace sc w = M.lookup sc $ ws2screen w
+-- | A list of the currently visible workspaces.
+visibleWorkspaces :: StackSet a -> [Int]
+visibleWorkspaces = M.keys . ws2screen
-- | /O(log n)/. rotate. cycle the current window list up or down.
-- rotate EQ --> [5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4]
@@ -171,7 +199,7 @@ delete k w = maybe w tweak (M.lookup k (cache w))
raiseFocus :: Ord a => a -> StackSet a -> StackSet a
raiseFocus k w = case M.lookup k (cache w) of
Nothing -> w
- Just i -> w { focus = M.insert i k (focus w), current = i }
+ Just i -> (view i w) { focus = M.insert i k (focus w) }
-- | Move a window to the top of its workspace.
promote :: Ord a => a -> StackSet a -> StackSet a
diff --git a/XMonad.hs b/XMonad.hs
index 972169d..537f212 100644
--- a/XMonad.hs
+++ b/XMonad.hs
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ data XState = XState
, xineScreens :: ![Rectangle] -- ^ dimensions of each screen
- , wsOnScreen :: !(M.Map Int Int) -- ^ mapping of workspaces to xinerama screen numbers
, theRoot :: !Window -- ^ the root window
, wmdelete :: !Atom -- ^ window deletion atom
, wmprotocols :: !Atom -- ^ wm protocols atom
diff --git a/tests/Properties.hs b/tests/Properties.hs
index 9e5a0fd..41f729d 100644
--- a/tests/Properties.hs
+++ b/tests/Properties.hs
@@ -31,22 +31,22 @@ instance (Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (StackSet a) where
prop_id x = fromList (toList x) == x
where _ = x :: T
-prop_member1 i n = member i (push i x)
- where x = empty n :: T
+prop_member1 i n m = member i (push i x)
+ where x = empty n m :: T
prop_member2 i x = not (member i (delete i x))
where _ = x :: T
-prop_member3 i n = member i (empty n :: T) == False
+prop_member3 i n m = member i (empty n m :: T) == False
-prop_sizepush is n = n > 0 ==> size (foldr push x is ) == n
- where x = empty n :: T
+prop_sizepush is n m = n > 0 ==> size (foldr push x is ) == n
+ where x = empty n m :: T
-prop_currentpush is n = n > 0 ==>
+prop_currentpush is n m = n > 0 ==>
height (current x) (foldr push x js) == length js
js = nub is
- x = empty n :: T
+ x = empty n m :: T
prop_pushpeek x is = not (null is) ==> fromJust (peek (foldr push x is)) == head is
where _ = x :: T
@@ -86,6 +86,16 @@ prop_fullcache x = cached == allvals where
allvals = sort . concat . elems $ stacks x
_ = x :: T
+prop_currentwsvisible x = (current x) `elem` (visibleWorkspaces x)
+ where _ = x :: T
+prop_ws2screen_screen2ws x = (ws == ws') && (sc == sc')
+ where ws = sort . keys $ ws2screen x
+ ws' = sort . elems $ screen2ws x
+ sc = sort . keys $ screen2ws x
+ sc' = sort . elems $ ws2screen x
+ _ = x :: T
main :: IO ()
@@ -110,6 +120,8 @@ main = do
,("rotate/rotate ", mytest prop_rotaterotate)
,("view/view ", mytest prop_viewview)
,("fullcache ", mytest prop_fullcache)
+ ,("currentwsvisible ", mytest prop_currentwsvisible)
+ ,("ws screen mapping", mytest prop_ws2screen_screen2ws)
debug = False