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authorDavid Roundy <droundy@darcs.net>2007-10-11 17:29:42 +0200
committerDavid Roundy <droundy@darcs.net>2007-10-11 17:29:42 +0200
commit339950edd9ab9a770b4e54c3e88e9214567c0584 (patch)
parent6f919c94cfa94723831f3922965ef4d462f549e5 (diff)
add comments in XMonad.
This change also removes readLayout as a top level function, since it's only used once. darcs-hash:20071011152942-72aca-d3a5184f58ed7373da7ec54e10ce6eb87005d9d4.gz
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad.hs b/XMonad.hs
index e487a81..8b52404 100644
--- a/XMonad.hs
+++ b/XMonad.hs
@@ -121,10 +121,13 @@ atom_WM_STATE = getAtom "WM_STATE"
-- | LayoutClass handling
--- | XXX Comment me.
+-- | And existential class that can hold any object that is in
+-- the LayoutClass.
data Layout a = forall l. LayoutClass l a => Layout (l a)
--- | XXX Comment me.
+-- | This class defines a set of layout types (held in Layout
+-- objects) that are used when trying to read an existential
+-- Layout.
class ReadableLayout a where
defaults :: [Layout a]
@@ -137,11 +140,17 @@ class ReadableLayout a where
class (Show (layout a), Read (layout a)) => LayoutClass layout a where
- -- | XXX Comment me.
+ -- | Given a Rectangle in which to place the windows, and a Stack of
+ -- windows, return a list of windows and their corresponding Rectangles.
+ -- The order of windows in this list should be the desired stacking order.
+ -- Also return a modified layout, if this layout needs to be modified
+ -- (e.g. if we keep track of the windows we have displayed).
doLayout :: layout a -> Rectangle -> Stack a -> X ([(a, Rectangle)], Maybe (layout a))
doLayout l r s = return (pureLayout l r s, Nothing)
- -- | XXX Comment me.
+ -- | This is a pure version of doLayout, for cases where we don't need
+ -- access to the X monad to determine how to layou out the windows, and
+ -- we don't need to modify our layout itself.
pureLayout :: layout a -> Rectangle -> Stack a -> [(a, Rectangle)]
pureLayout _ r s = [(focus s, r)]
@@ -153,16 +162,23 @@ class (Show (layout a), Read (layout a)) => LayoutClass layout a where
handleMessage :: layout a -> SomeMessage -> X (Maybe (layout a))
handleMessage l = return . pureMessage l
- -- | XXX Comment me.
+ -- | Respond to a message by (possibly) changing our layout, but taking
+ -- no other action. If the layout changes, the screen will be refreshed.
pureMessage :: layout a -> SomeMessage -> Maybe (layout a)
pureMessage _ _ = Nothing
- -- | XXX Comment me.
+ -- | This should be a human-readable string that is used when selecting
+ -- layouts by name.
description :: layout a -> String
description = show
instance ReadableLayout a => Read (Layout a) where
- readsPrec _ = readLayout defaults
+ readsPrec _ s = take 1 $ concatMap rl defaults
+ -- We take the first parse only, because multiple matches
+ -- indicate a bad parse.
+ where rl (Layout x) = map (\(l,s') -> (Layout l,s')) $ rl' x
+ rl' :: LayoutClass l a => l a -> [(l a,String)]
+ rl' _ = reads s
instance ReadableLayout a => LayoutClass Layout a where
doLayout (Layout l) r s = fmap (fmap $ fmap Layout) $ doLayout l r s
@@ -172,16 +188,7 @@ instance ReadableLayout a => LayoutClass Layout a where
instance Show (Layout a) where
show (Layout l) = show l
--- | XXX Comment me.
-readLayout :: [Layout a] -> String -> [(Layout a, String)]
-readLayout ls s = take 1 $ concatMap rl ls
- -- We take the first parse only, because multiple matches
- -- indicate a bad parse.
- where rl (Layout x) = map (\(l,s') -> (Layout l,s')) $ rl' x
- rl' :: LayoutClass l a => l a -> [(l a,String)]
- rl' _ = reads s
--- | XXX Comment me.
+-- | This calls doLayout if there are any windows to be laid out.
runLayout :: LayoutClass l a => l a -> Rectangle -> StackOrNot a -> X ([(a, Rectangle)], Maybe (l a))
runLayout l r = maybe (return ([], Nothing)) (doLayout l r)