blob: a516f2c47eabf7c82a6d39847ec000a87c5bf121 (
plain) (
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Properties.Swap where
import Test.QuickCheck
import Instances
import Utils
import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- swapUp, swapDown, swapMaster: reordiring windows
-- swap is trivially reversible
prop_swap_left (x :: T) = (swapUp (swapDown x)) == x
prop_swap_right (x :: T) = (swapDown (swapUp x)) == x
-- TODO swap is reversible
-- swap is reversible, but involves moving focus back the window with
-- master on it. easy to do with a mouse...
prop_promote_reversible x b = (not . null . fromMaybe [] . flip index x . current $ x) ==>
(raiseFocus y . promote . raiseFocus z . promote) x == x
where _ = x :: T
dir = if b then LT else GT
(Just y) = peek x
(Just (z:_)) = flip index x . current $ x
-- swap doesn't change focus
prop_swap_master_focus (x :: T) = peek x == (peek $ swapMaster x)
-- = case peek x of
-- Nothing -> True
-- Just f -> focus (stack (workspace $ current (swap x))) == f
prop_swap_left_focus (x :: T) = peek x == (peek $ swapUp x)
prop_swap_right_focus (x :: T) = peek x == (peek $ swapDown x)
-- swap is local
prop_swap_master_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces x == hidden_spaces (swapMaster x)
prop_swap_left_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces x == hidden_spaces (swapUp x)
prop_swap_right_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces x == hidden_spaces (swapDown x)
-- rotation through the height of a stack gets us back to the start
prop_swap_all_l (x :: T) = (foldr (const swapUp) x [1..n]) == x
where n = length (index x)
prop_swap_all_r (x :: T) = (foldr (const swapDown) x [1..n]) == x
where n = length (index x)
prop_swap_master_idempotent (x :: T) = swapMaster (swapMaster x) == swapMaster x