blob: 7fc51922e354c971f6ed6c9e3a1fd874d077afba (
plain) (
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Properties.StackSet where
import Test.QuickCheck
import Instances
import Utils
import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (nub)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- QuickCheck properties for the StackSet
-- Some general hints for creating StackSet properties:
-- * ops that mutate the StackSet are usually local
-- * most ops on StackSet should either be trivially reversible, or
-- idempotent, or both.
-- Basic data invariants of the StackSet
-- With the new zipper-based StackSet, tracking focus is no longer an
-- issue: the data structure enforces focus by construction.
-- But we still need to ensure there are no duplicates, and master/and
-- the xinerama mapping aren't checked by the data structure at all.
-- * no element should ever appear more than once in a StackSet
-- * the xinerama screen map should be:
-- -- keys should always index valid workspaces
-- -- monotonically ascending in the elements
-- * the current workspace should be a member of the xinerama screens
invariant (s :: T) = and
-- no duplicates
[ noDuplicates
-- TODO: Fix this.
-- all this xinerama stuff says we don't have the right structure
-- , validScreens
-- , validWorkspaces
-- , inBounds
ws = concat [ focus t : up t ++ down t
| w <- workspace (current s) : map workspace (visible s) ++ hidden s
, t <- maybeToList (stack w)] :: [Char]
noDuplicates = nub ws == ws
-- validScreens = monotonic . sort . M. . (W.current s : W.visible : W$ s
-- validWorkspaces = and [ w `elem` allworkspaces | w <- (M.keys . screens) s ]
-- where allworkspaces = map tag $ current s : prev s ++ next s
-- inBounds = and [ w >=0 && w < size s | (w,sc) <- M.assocs (screens s) ]
monotonic [] = True
monotonic (x:[]) = True
monotonic (x:y:zs) | x == y-1 = monotonic (y:zs)
| otherwise = False
prop_invariant = invariant
-- and check other ops preserve invariants
prop_empty_I (SizedPositive n) l = forAll (choose (1, fromIntegral n)) $ \m ->
forAll (vector m) $ \ms ->
invariant $ new l [0..fromIntegral n-1] ms
prop_view_I n (x :: T) =
invariant $ view n x
prop_greedyView_I n (x :: T) =
invariant $ greedyView n x
prop_focusUp_I (SizedPositive n) (x :: T) =
invariant $ applyN (Just n) focusUp x
prop_focusMaster_I (SizedPositive n) (x :: T) =
invariant $ applyN (Just n) focusMaster x
prop_focusDown_I (SizedPositive n) (x :: T) =
invariant $ applyN (Just n) focusDown x
prop_focus_I (SizedPositive n) (x :: T) =
case peek x of
Nothing -> True
Just _ -> let w = focus . fromJust . stack . workspace . current $
applyN (Just n) focusUp x
in invariant $ focusWindow w x
prop_insertUp_I n (x :: T) = invariant $ insertUp n x
prop_delete_I (x :: T) = invariant $
case peek x of
Nothing -> x
Just i -> delete i x
prop_swap_master_I (x :: T) = invariant $ swapMaster x
prop_swap_left_I (SizedPositive n) (x :: T) =
invariant $ applyN (Just n) swapUp x
prop_swap_right_I (SizedPositive n) (x :: T) =
invariant $ applyN (Just n) swapDown x
prop_shift_I (x :: T) = do
n <- arbitraryTag x
return $ invariant $ shift (fromIntegral n) x
prop_shift_win_I (nex :: NonEmptyWindowsStackSet) = do
let NonEmptyWindowsStackSet x = nex
w <- arbitraryWindow nex
n <- arbitraryTag x
return $ invariant $ shiftWin n w x
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- empty StackSets have no windows in them
prop_empty (EmptyStackSet x) =
all (== Nothing) [ stack w | w <- workspace (current x)
: map workspace (visible x) ++ hidden x ]
-- empty StackSets always have focus on first workspace
prop_empty_current (EmptyStackSet x) = currentTag x == head (tags x)
-- no windows will be a member of an empty workspace
prop_member_empty i (EmptyStackSet x) = member i x == False
-- peek either yields nothing on the Empty workspace, or Just a valid window
prop_member_peek (x :: T) =
case peek x of
Nothing -> True {- then we don't know anything -}
Just i -> member i x