blob: 865dc7236c63449a4d31d69a5b857270768504a6 (
plain) (
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Properties.Focus where
import Test.QuickCheck
import Instances
import Utils
import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- rotating focus
-- master/focus
-- The tiling order, and master window, of a stack is unaffected by focus changes.
prop_focus_left_master (SizedPositive n) (x::T) =
index (applyN (Just n) focusUp x) == index x
prop_focus_right_master (SizedPositive n) (x::T) =
index (applyN (Just n) focusDown x) == index x
prop_focus_master_master (SizedPositive n) (x::T) =
index (applyN (Just n) focusMaster x) == index x
prop_focusWindow_master (NonNegative n) (x :: T) =
case peek x of
Nothing -> True
Just _ -> let s = index x
i = n `mod` length s
in index (focusWindow (s !! i) x) == index x
-- shifting focus is trivially reversible
prop_focus_left (x :: T) = (focusUp (focusDown x)) == x
prop_focus_right (x :: T) = (focusDown (focusUp x)) == x
-- focus master is idempotent
prop_focusMaster_idem (x :: T) = focusMaster x == focusMaster (focusMaster x)
-- focusWindow actually leaves the window focused...
prop_focusWindow_works (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
case peek x of
Nothing -> True
Just _ -> let s = index x
i = fromIntegral n `mod` length s
in (focus . fromJust . stack . workspace . current) (focusWindow (s !! i) x) == (s !! i)
-- rotation through the height of a stack gets us back to the start
prop_focus_all_l (x :: T) = (foldr (const focusUp) x [1..n]) == x
where n = length (index x)
prop_focus_all_r (x :: T) = (foldr (const focusDown) x [1..n]) == x
where n = length (index x)
-- prop_rotate_all (x :: T) = f (f x) == f x
-- f x' = foldr (\_ y -> rotate GT y) x' [1..n]
-- focus is local to the current workspace
prop_focus_down_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces (focusDown x) == hidden_spaces x
prop_focus_up_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces (focusUp x) == hidden_spaces x
prop_focus_master_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces (focusMaster x) == hidden_spaces x
prop_focusWindow_local (n :: NonNegative Int) (x::T ) =
case peek x of
Nothing -> True
Just _ -> let s = index x
i = fromIntegral n `mod` length s
in hidden_spaces (focusWindow (s !! i) x) == hidden_spaces x
-- On an invalid window, the stackset is unmodified
prop_focusWindow_identity (x::T ) = do
n <- arbitrary `suchThat` \n' -> not $ n' `member` x
return $ focusWindow n x == x