{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
import StackSet hiding (filter)
import qualified StackSet as S (filter)
import Operations (tile)
import Debug.Trace
import Data.Word
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types (Rectangle(..),Position,Dimension)
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Maybe
import System.Environment
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Monad
import Test.QuickCheck hiding (promote)
import System.IO
import System.Random hiding (next)
import Text.Printf
import Data.List (nub,sort,sortBy,group,sort,intersperse,genericLength)
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Map (keys,elems)
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- QuickCheck properties for the StackSet
-- Some general hints for creating StackSet properties:
-- * ops that mutate the StackSet are usually local
-- * most ops on StackSet should either be trivially reversible, or
-- idempotent, or both.
-- The all important Arbitrary instance for StackSet.
instance (Integral i, Integral s, Eq a, Arbitrary a, Arbitrary sd)
=> Arbitrary (StackSet i a s sd) where
arbitrary = do
sz <- choose (1,10) -- number of workspaces
n <- choose (0,sz-1) -- pick one to be in focus
sc <- choose (1,sz) -- a number of physical screens
sds <- replicateM sc arbitrary
ls <- vector sz -- a vector of sz workspaces
-- pick a random item in each stack to focus
fs <- sequence [ if null s then return Nothing
else liftM Just (choose ((-1),length s-1))
| s <- ls ]
return $ fromList (fromIntegral n, sds,fs,ls)
coarbitrary = error "no coarbitrary for StackSet"
-- | fromList. Build a new StackSet from a list of list of elements,
-- keeping track of the currently focused workspace, and the total
-- number of workspaces. If there are duplicates in the list, the last
-- occurence wins.
-- 'o' random workspace
-- 'm' number of physical screens
-- 'fs' random focused window on each workspace
-- 'xs' list of list of windows
fromList :: (Integral i, Integral s, Eq a) => (i, [sd], [Maybe Int], [[a]]) -> StackSet i a s sd
fromList (_,_,_,[]) = error "Cannot build a StackSet from an empty list"
fromList (o,m,fs,xs) =
let s = view o $
foldr (\(i,ys) s ->
foldr insertUp (view i s) ys)
(new [0..genericLength xs-1] m) (zip [0..] xs)
in foldr (\f t -> case f of
Nothing -> t
Just i -> foldr (const focusUp) t [0..i] ) s fs
-- Just generate StackSets with Char elements.
type T = StackSet (NonNegative Int) Char Int Int
-- Useful operation, the non-local workspaces
hidden_spaces x = map workspace (visible x) ++ hidden x
-- Basic data invariants of the StackSet
-- With the new zipper-based StackSet, tracking focus is no longer an
-- issue: the data structure enforces focus by construction.
-- But we still need to ensure there are no duplicates, and master/and
-- the xinerama mapping aren't checked by the data structure at all.
-- * no element should ever appear more than once in a StackSet
-- * the xinerama screen map should be:
-- -- keys should always index valid workspaces
-- -- monotonically ascending in the elements
-- * the current workspace should be a member of the xinerama screens
invariant (s :: T) = and
-- no duplicates
[ noDuplicates
-- all this xinerama stuff says we don't have the right structure
-- , validScreens
-- , validWorkspaces
-- , inBounds
ws = concat [ focus t : up t ++ down t
| w <- workspace (current s) : map workspace (visible s) ++ hidden s
, t <- maybeToList (stack w)] :: [Char]
noDuplicates = nub ws == ws
-- validScreens = monotonic . sort . M. . (W.current s : W.visible : W$ s
-- validWorkspaces = and [ w `elem` allworkspaces | w <- (M.keys . screens) s ]
-- where allworkspaces = map tag $ current s : prev s ++ next s
-- inBounds = and [ w >=0 && w < size s | (w,sc) <- M.assocs (screens s) ]
monotonic [] = True
monotonic (x:[]) = True
monotonic (x:y:zs) | x == y-1 = monotonic (y:zs)
| otherwise = False
prop_invariant = invariant
-- and check other ops preserve invariants
prop_empty_I (n :: Positive Int) = forAll (choose (1,fromIntegral n)) $ \m ->
forAll (vector m) $ \ms ->
invariant $ new [0..fromIntegral n-1] ms
prop_view_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
n `tagMember` x ==> invariant $ view (fromIntegral n) x
prop_greedyView_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
n `tagMember` x ==> invariant $ view (fromIntegral n) x
prop_focusUp_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
invariant $ foldr (const focusUp) x [1..n]
prop_focusDown_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
invariant $ foldr (const focusDown) x [1..n]
prop_focus_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
case peek x of
Nothing -> True
Just _ -> let w = focus . fromJust . stack . workspace . current $ foldr (const focusUp) x [1..n]
in invariant $ focusWindow w x
prop_insertUp_I n (x :: T) = invariant $ insertUp n x
prop_delete_I (x :: T) = invariant $
case peek x of
Nothing -> x
Just i -> delete i x
prop_swap_master_I (x :: T) = invariant $ swapMaster x
prop_swap_left_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
invariant $ foldr (const swapUp ) x [1..n]
prop_swap_right_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
invariant $ foldr (const swapDown) x [1..n]
prop_shift_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
n `tagMember` x ==> invariant $ shift (fromIntegral n) x
prop_shift_win_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (w :: Char) (x :: T) =
n `tagMember` x && w `member` x ==> invariant $ shiftWin (fromIntegral n) w x
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- 'new'
-- empty StackSets have no windows in them
prop_empty (EmptyStackSet x) =
all (== Nothing) [ stack w | w <- workspace (current x)
: map workspace (visible x) ++ hidden x ]
-- empty StackSets always have focus on first workspace
prop_empty_current (NonEmptyNubList ns) (NonEmptyNubList sds) =
-- TODO, this is ugly
length sds <= length ns ==>
tag (workspace $ current x) == head ns
where x = new ns sds :: T
-- no windows will be a member of an empty workspace
prop_member_empty i (EmptyStackSet x)
= member i x == False
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- viewing workspaces
-- view sets the current workspace to 'n'
prop_view_current (x :: T) (n :: NonNegative Int) = i `tagMember` x ==>
tag (workspace $ current (view i x)) == i
i = fromIntegral n
-- view *only* sets the current workspace, and touches Xinerama.
-- no workspace contents will be changed.
prop_view_local (x :: T) (n :: NonNegative Int) = i `tagMember` x ==>
workspaces x == workspaces (view i x)
workspaces a = sortBy (\s t -> tag s `compare` tag t) $
workspace (current a)
: map workspace (visible a) ++ hidden a
i = fromIntegral n
-- view should result in a visible xinerama screen
-- prop_view_xinerama (x :: T) (n :: NonNegative Int) = i `tagMember` x ==>
-- M.member i (screens (view i x))
-- where
-- i = fromIntegral n
-- view is idempotent
prop_view_idem (x :: T) (i :: NonNegative Int) = i `tagMember` x ==> view i (view i x) == (view i x)
-- view is reversible, though shuffles the order of hidden/visible
prop_view_reversible (i :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
i `tagMember` x ==> normal (view n (view i x)) == normal x
where n = tag (workspace $ current x)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- greedyViewing workspaces
-- greedyView sets the current workspace to 'n'
prop_greedyView_current (x :: T) (n :: NonNegative Int) = i `tagMember` x ==>
tag (workspace $ current (greedyView i x)) == i
i = fromIntegral n
-- greedyView *only* sets the current workspace, and touches Xinerama.
-- no workspace contents will be changed.
prop_greedyView_local (x :: T) (n :: NonNegative Int) = i `tagMember` x ==>
workspaces x == workspaces (greedyView i x)
workspaces a = sortBy (\s t -> tag s `compare` tag t) $
workspace (current a)
: map workspace (visible a) ++ hidden a
i = fromIntegral n
-- greedyView is idempotent
prop_greedyView_idem (x :: T) (i :: NonNegative Int) = i `tagMember` x ==> greedyView i (greedyView i x) == (greedyView i x)
-- greedyView is reversible, though shuffles the order of hidden/visible
prop_greedyView_reversible (i :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
i `tagMember` x ==> normal (greedyView n (greedyView i x)) == normal x
where n = tag (workspace $ current x)
-- normalise workspace list
normal s = s { hidden = sortBy g (hidden s), visible = sortBy f (visible s) }
f = \a b -> tag (workspace a) `compare` tag (workspace b)
g = \a b -> tag a `compare` tag b
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Xinerama
-- every screen should yield a valid workspace
-- prop_lookupWorkspace (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
-- s < M.size (screens x) ==>
-- fromJust (lookupWorkspace s x) `elem` (map tag $ current x : prev x ++ next x)
-- where
-- s = fromIntegral n
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- peek/index
-- peek either yields nothing on the Empty workspace, or Just a valid window
prop_member_peek (x :: T) =
case peek x of
Nothing -> True {- then we don't know anything -}
Just i -> member i x
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- index
-- the list returned by index should be the same length as the actual
-- windows kept in the zipper
prop_index_length (x :: T) =
case stack . workspace . current $ x of
Nothing -> length (index x) == 0
Just it -> length (index x) == length (focus it : up it ++ down it)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- rotating focus
-- master/focus
-- The tiling order, and master window, of a stack is unaffected by focus changes.
prop_focus_left_master (n :: NonNegative Int) (x::T) =
index (foldr (const focusUp) x [1..n]) == index x
prop_focus_right_master (n :: NonNegative Int) (x::T) =
index (foldr (const focusDown) x [1..n]) == index x
prop_focusWindow_master (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
case peek x of
Nothing -> True
Just _ -> let s = index x
i = fromIntegral n `mod` length s
in index (focusWindow (s !! i) x) == index x
-- shifting focus is trivially reversible
prop_focus_left (x :: T) = (focusUp (focusDown x)) == x
prop_focus_right (x :: T) = (focusDown (focusUp x)) == x
-- focusWindow actually leaves the window focused...
prop_focusWindow_works (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
case peek x of
Nothing -> True
Just _ -> let s = index x
i = fromIntegral n `mod` length s
in (focus . fromJust . stack . workspace . current) (focusWindow (s !! i) x) == (s !! i)
-- rotation through the height of a stack gets us back to the start
prop_focus_all_l (x :: T) = (foldr (const focusUp) x [1..n]) == x
where n = length (index x)
prop_focus_all_r (x :: T) = (foldr (const focusDown) x [1..n]) == x
where n = length (index x)
-- prop_rotate_all (x :: T) = f (f x) == f x
-- f x' = foldr (\_ y -> rotate GT y) x' [1..n]
-- focus is local to the current workspace
prop_focus_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces (focusDown x) == hidden_spaces x
prop_focusWindow_local (n :: NonNegative Int) (x::T ) =
case peek x of
Nothing -> True
Just _ -> let s = index x
i = fromIntegral n `mod` length s
in hidden_spaces (focusWindow (s !! i) x) == hidden_spaces x
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- member/findIndex
-- For all windows in the stackSet, findIndex should identify the
-- correct workspace
prop_findIndex (x :: T) =
and [ tag w == fromJust (findIndex i x)
| w <- workspace (current x) : map workspace (visible x) ++ hidden x
, t <- maybeToList (stack w)
, i <- focus t : up t ++ down t
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- 'insert'
-- inserting a item into an empty stackset means that item is now a member
prop_insert_empty i (EmptyStackSet x)= member i (insertUp i x)
-- insert should be idempotent
prop_insert_idem i (x :: T) = insertUp i x == insertUp i (insertUp i x)
-- insert when an item is a member should leave the stackset unchanged
prop_insert_duplicate i (x :: T) = member i x ==> insertUp i x == x
-- push shouldn't change anything but the current workspace
prop_insert_local (x :: T) i = not (member i x) ==> hidden_spaces x == hidden_spaces (insertUp i x)
-- Inserting a (unique) list of items into an empty stackset should
-- result in the last inserted element having focus.
prop_insert_peek (EmptyStackSet x) (NonEmptyNubList is) =
peek (foldr insertUp x is) == Just (head is)
-- insert >> delete is the identity, when i `notElem` .
-- Except for the 'master', which is reset on insert and delete.
prop_insert_delete n x = not (member n x) ==> delete n (insertUp n y) == (y :: T)
y = swapMaster x -- sets the master window to the current focus.
-- otherwise, we don't have a rule for where master goes.
-- inserting n elements increases current stack size by n
prop_size_insert is (EmptyStackSet x) =
size (foldr insertUp x ws ) == (length ws)
ws = nub is
size = length . index
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- 'delete'
-- deleting the current item removes it.
prop_delete x =
case peek x of
Nothing -> True
Just i -> not (member i (delete i x))
where _ = x :: T
-- delete is reversible with 'insert'.
-- It is the identiy, except for the 'master', which is reset on insert and delete.
prop_delete_insert (x :: T) =
case peek x of
Nothing -> True
Just n -> insertUp n (delete n y) == y
y = swapMaster x
-- delete should be local
prop_delete_local (x :: T) =
case peek x of
Nothing -> True
Just i -> hidden_spaces x == hidden_spaces (delete i x)
-- delete should not affect focus unless the focused element is what is being deleted
prop_delete_focus n (x :: T) = member n x && Just n /= peek x ==> peek (delete n x) == peek x
-- focus movement in the presence of delete:
-- when the last window in the stack set is focused, focus moves `up'.
-- usual case is that it moves 'down'.
prop_delete_focus_end (x :: T) =
length (index x) > 1
peek (delete n y) == peek (focusUp y)
n = last (index x)
y = focusWindow n x -- focus last window in stack
-- focus movement in the presence of delete:
-- when not in the last item in the stack, focus moves down
prop_delete_focus_not_end (x :: T) =
length (index x) > 1 &&
n /= last (index x)
peek (delete n x) == peek (focusDown x)
Just n = peek x
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- filter
-- preserve order
prop_filter_order (x :: T) =
case stack $ workspace $ current x of
Nothing -> True
Just s@(Stack i _ _) -> integrate' (S.filter (/= i) s) == filter (/= i) (integrate' (Just s))
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- swapUp, swapDown, swapMaster: reordiring windows
-- swap is trivially reversible
prop_swap_left (x :: T) = (swapUp (swapDown x)) == x
prop_swap_right (x :: T) = (swapDown (swapUp x)) == x
-- TODO swap is reversible
-- swap is reversible, but involves moving focus back the window with
-- master on it. easy to do with a mouse...
prop_promote_reversible x b = (not . null . fromMaybe [] . flip index x . current $ x) ==>
(raiseFocus y . promote . raiseFocus z . promote) x == x
where _ = x :: T
dir = if b then LT else GT
(Just y) = peek x
(Just (z:_)) = flip index x . current $ x
-- swap doesn't change focus
prop_swap_master_focus (x :: T) = peek x == (peek $ swapMaster x)
-- = case peek x of
-- Nothing -> True
-- Just f -> focus (stack (workspace $ current (swap x))) == f
prop_swap_left_focus (x :: T) = peek x == (peek $ swapUp x)
prop_swap_right_focus (x :: T) = peek x == (peek $ swapDown x)
-- swap is local
prop_swap_master_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces x == hidden_spaces (swapMaster x)
prop_swap_left_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces x == hidden_spaces (swapUp x)
prop_swap_right_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces x == hidden_spaces (swapDown x)
-- rotation through the height of a stack gets us back to the start
prop_swap_all_l (x :: T) = (foldr (const swapUp) x [1..n]) == x
where n = length (index x)
prop_swap_all_r (x :: T) = (foldr (const swapDown) x [1..n]) == x
where n = length (index x)
prop_swap_master_idempotent (x :: T) = swapMaster (swapMaster x) == swapMaster x
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- shift
-- shift is fully reversible on current window, when focus and master
-- are the same. otherwise, master may move.
prop_shift_reversible i (x :: T) =
i `tagMember` x ==> case peek y of
Nothing -> True
Just _ -> normal ((view n . shift n . view i . shift i) y) == normal y
y = swapMaster x
n = tag (workspace $ current y)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- shiftWin
-- shiftWin on current window is the same as shift
prop_shift_win_focus i (x :: T) =
i `tagMember` x ==> case peek x of
Nothing -> True
Just w -> shiftWin i w x == shift i x
-- shiftWin leaves the current screen as it is, if neither i is the tag
-- of the current workspace nor w on the current workspace
prop_shift_win_fix_current i w (x :: T) =
i `tagMember` x && w `member` x && i /= n && findIndex w x /= Just n
==> (current $ x) == (current $ shiftWin i w x)
n = tag (workspace $ current x)
-- some properties for layouts:
-- 1 window should always be tiled fullscreen
prop_tile_fullscreen rect = tile pct rect 1 1 == [rect]
-- multiple windows
prop_tile_non_overlap rect windows nmaster = noOverlaps (tile pct rect nmaster windows)
where _ = rect :: Rectangle
pct = 3 % 100
noOverlaps [] = True
noOverlaps [_] = True
noOverlaps xs = and [ verts a `notOverlap` verts b
| a <- xs
, b <- filter (a /=) xs
verts (Rectangle a b w h) = (a,b,a + fromIntegral w - 1, b + fromIntegral h - 1)
notOverlap (left1,bottom1,right1,top1)
= (top1 < bottom2 || top2 < bottom1)
|| (right1 < left2 || right2 < left1)
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
let n = if null args then 100 else read (head args)
(results, passed) <- liftM unzip $ mapM (\(s,a) -> printf "%-25s: " s >> a n) tests
printf "Passed %d tests!\n" (sum passed)
when (not . and $ results) $ fail "Not all tests passed!"
tests =
[("StackSet invariants" , mytest prop_invariant)
,("empty: invariant" , mytest prop_empty_I)
,("empty is empty" , mytest prop_empty)
,("empty / current" , mytest prop_empty_current)
,("empty / member" , mytest prop_member_empty)
,("view : invariant" , mytest prop_view_I)
,("view sets current" , mytest prop_view_current)
,("view idempotent" , mytest prop_view_idem)
,("view reversible" , mytest prop_view_reversible)
-- ,("view / xinerama" , mytest prop_view_xinerama)
,("view is local" , mytest prop_view_local)
,("greedyView : invariant" , mytest prop_greedyView_I)
,("greedyView sets current" , mytest prop_greedyView_current)
,("greedyView idempotent" , mytest prop_greedyView_idem)
,("greedyView reversible" , mytest prop_greedyView_reversible)
,("greedyView is local" , mytest prop_greedyView_local)
-- ,("valid workspace xinerama", mytest prop_lookupWorkspace)
,("peek/member " , mytest prop_member_peek)
,("index/length" , mytest prop_index_length)
,("focus left : invariant", mytest prop_focusUp_I)
,("focus right: invariant", mytest prop_focusDown_I)
,("focusWindow: invariant", mytest prop_focus_I)
,("focus left/master" , mytest prop_focus_left_master)
,("focus right/master" , mytest prop_focus_right_master)
,("focusWindow master" , mytest prop_focusWindow_master)
,("focus left/right" , mytest prop_focus_left)
,("focus right/left" , mytest prop_focus_right)
,("focus all left " , mytest prop_focus_all_l)
,("focus all right " , mytest prop_focus_all_r)
,("focus is local" , mytest prop_focus_local)
,("focusWindow is local", mytest prop_focusWindow_local)
,("focusWindow works" , mytest prop_focusWindow_works)
,("findIndex" , mytest prop_findIndex)
,("insert: invariant" , mytest prop_insertUp_I)
,("insert/new" , mytest prop_insert_empty)
,("insert is idempotent", mytest prop_insert_idem)
,("insert is reversible", mytest prop_insert_delete)
,("insert is local" , mytest prop_insert_local)
,("insert duplicates" , mytest prop_insert_duplicate)
,("insert/peek " , mytest prop_insert_peek)
,("insert/size" , mytest prop_size_insert)
,("delete: invariant" , mytest prop_delete_I)
,("delete/empty" , mytest prop_empty)
,("delete/member" , mytest prop_delete)
,("delete is reversible", mytest prop_delete_insert)
,("delete is local" , mytest prop_delete_local)
,("delete/focus" , mytest prop_delete_focus)
,("delete last/focus up", mytest prop_delete_focus_end)
,("delete ~last/focus down", mytest prop_delete_focus_not_end)
,("filter preserves order", mytest prop_filter_order)
,("swapMaster: invariant", mytest prop_swap_master_I)
,("swapUp: invariant" , mytest prop_swap_left_I)
,("swapDown: invariant", mytest prop_swap_right_I)
,("swapMaster id on focus", mytest prop_swap_master_focus)
,("swapUp id on focus", mytest prop_swap_left_focus)
,("swapDown id on focus", mytest prop_swap_right_focus)
,("swapMaster is idempotent", mytest prop_swap_master_idempotent)
,("swap all left " , mytest prop_swap_all_l)
,("swap all right " , mytest prop_swap_all_r)
,("swapMaster is local" , mytest prop_swap_master_local)
,("swapUp is local" , mytest prop_swap_left_local)
,("swapDown is local" , mytest prop_swap_right_local)
,("shift: invariant" , mytest prop_shift_I)
,("shift is reversible" , mytest prop_shift_reversible)
,("shiftWin: invariant" , mytest prop_shift_win_I)
,("shiftWin is shift on focus" , mytest prop_shift_win_focus)
,("shiftWin fix current" , mytest prop_shift_win_fix_current)
,("tile 1 window fullsize", mytest prop_tile_fullscreen)
,("tiles never overlap", mytest prop_tile_non_overlap)
-- QC driver
debug = False
mytest :: Testable a => a -> Int -> IO (Bool, Int)
mytest a n = mycheck defaultConfig
{ configMaxTest=n
, configEvery = \n args -> let s = show n in s ++ [ '\b' | _ <- s ] } a
-- , configEvery= \n args -> if debug then show n ++ ":\n" ++ unlines args else [] } a
mycheck :: Testable a => Config -> a -> IO (Bool, Int)
mycheck config a = do
rnd <- newStdGen
mytests config (evaluate a) rnd 0 0 []
mytests :: Config -> Gen Result -> StdGen -> Int -> Int -> [[String]] -> IO (Bool, Int)
mytests config gen rnd0 ntest nfail stamps
| ntest == configMaxTest config = done "OK," ntest stamps >> return (True, ntest)
| nfail == configMaxFail config = done "Arguments exhausted after" ntest stamps >> return (True, ntest)
| otherwise =
do putStr (configEvery config ntest (arguments result)) >> hFlush stdout
case ok result of
Nothing ->
mytests config gen rnd1 ntest (nfail+1) stamps
Just True ->
mytests config gen rnd1 (ntest+1) nfail (stamp result:stamps)
Just False ->
putStr ( "Falsifiable after "
++ show ntest
++ " tests:\n"
++ unlines (arguments result)
) >> hFlush stdout >> return (False, ntest)
result = generate (configSize config ntest) rnd2 gen
(rnd1,rnd2) = split rnd0
done :: String -> Int -> [[String]] -> IO ()
done mesg ntest stamps = putStr ( mesg ++ " " ++ show ntest ++ " tests" ++ table )
table = display
. map entry
. reverse
. sort
. map pairLength
. group
. sort
. filter (not . null)
$ stamps
display [] = ".\n"
display [x] = " (" ++ x ++ ").\n"
display xs = ".\n" ++ unlines (map (++ ".") xs)
pairLength xss@(xs:_) = (length xss, xs)
entry (n, xs) = percentage n ntest
++ " "
++ concat (intersperse ", " xs)
percentage n m = show ((100 * n) `div` m) ++ "%"
instance Arbitrary Char where
arbitrary = choose ('a','z')
coarbitrary n = coarbitrary (ord n)
instance Random Word8 where
randomR = integralRandomR
random = randomR (minBound,maxBound)
instance Arbitrary Word8 where
arbitrary = choose (minBound,maxBound)
coarbitrary n = variant (fromIntegral ((fromIntegral n) `rem` 4))
instance Random Word64 where
randomR = integralRandomR
random = randomR (minBound,maxBound)
instance Arbitrary Word64 where
arbitrary = choose (minBound,maxBound)
coarbitrary n = variant (fromIntegral ((fromIntegral n) `rem` 4))
integralRandomR :: (Integral a, RandomGen g) => (a,a) -> g -> (a,g)
integralRandomR (a,b) g = case randomR (fromIntegral a :: Integer,
fromIntegral b :: Integer) g of
(x,g) -> (fromIntegral x, g)
instance Arbitrary Position where
arbitrary = do n <- arbitrary :: Gen Word8
return (fromIntegral n)
coarbitrary = undefined
instance Arbitrary Dimension where
arbitrary = do n <- arbitrary :: Gen Word8
return (fromIntegral n)
coarbitrary = undefined
instance Arbitrary Rectangle where
arbitrary = do
sx <- arbitrary
sy <- arbitrary
sw <- arbitrary
sh <- arbitrary
return $ Rectangle sx sy sw sh
coarbitrary = undefined
instance Arbitrary Rational where
arbitrary = do
n <- arbitrary
d' <- arbitrary
let d = if d' == 0 then 1 else d'
return (n % d)
coarbitrary = undefined
-- QC 2
-- from QC2
-- | NonEmpty xs: guarantees that xs is non-empty.
newtype NonEmptyList a = NonEmpty [a]
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Read )
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (NonEmptyList a) where
arbitrary = NonEmpty `fmap` (arbitrary `suchThat` (not . null))
coarbitrary = undefined
newtype NonEmptyNubList a = NonEmptyNubList [a]
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Read )
instance (Eq a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (NonEmptyNubList a) where
arbitrary = NonEmptyNubList `fmap` ((liftM nub arbitrary) `suchThat` (not . null))
coarbitrary = undefined
type Positive a = NonZero (NonNegative a)
newtype NonZero a = NonZero a
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Num, Integral, Real, Enum, Show, Read )
instance (Num a, Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (NonZero a) where
arbitrary = fmap NonZero $ arbitrary `suchThat` (/= 0)
coarbitrary = undefined
newtype NonNegative a = NonNegative a
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Num, Integral, Real, Enum, Show, Read )
instance (Num a, Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (NonNegative a) where
arbitrary =
[ (5, (NonNegative . abs) `fmap` arbitrary)
, (1, return 0)
coarbitrary = undefined
newtype EmptyStackSet = EmptyStackSet T deriving Show
instance Arbitrary EmptyStackSet where
arbitrary = do
(NonEmptyNubList ns) <- arbitrary
(NonEmptyNubList sds) <- arbitrary
-- there cannot be more screens than workspaces:
return . EmptyStackSet . new ns $ take (min (length ns) (length sds)) sds
-- | Generates a value that satisfies a predicate.
suchThat :: Gen a -> (a -> Bool) -> Gen a
gen `suchThat` p =
do mx <- gen `suchThatMaybe` p
case mx of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> sized (\n -> resize (n+1) (gen `suchThat` p))
-- | Tries to generate a value that satisfies a predicate.
suchThatMaybe :: Gen a -> (a -> Bool) -> Gen (Maybe a)
gen `suchThatMaybe` p = sized (try 0 . max 1)
try _ 0 = return Nothing
try k n = do x <- resize (2*k+n) gen
if p x then return (Just x) else try (k+1) (n-1)