{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Instances where
import Test.QuickCheck
import Utils
import XMonad.StackSet
import Control.Monad
import Data.List (nub, genericLength)
import Debug.Trace
import Graphics.X11 (Rectangle(Rectangle))
import Control.Applicative
-- The all important Arbitrary instance for StackSet.
instance (Integral i, Integral s, Eq a, Arbitrary a, Arbitrary l, Arbitrary sd)
=> Arbitrary (StackSet i l a s sd) where
arbitrary = do
-- TODO: Fix this to be a reasonable higher number, Possibly use PositiveSized
numWs <- choose (1, 20) -- number of workspaces, there must be at least 1.
numScreens <- choose (1, numWs) -- number of physical screens, there must be at least 1
lay <- arbitrary -- pick any layout
wsIdxInFocus <- choose (1, numWs) -- pick index of WS to be in focus
-- The same screen id's will be present in the list, with high possibility.
screens <- replicateM numScreens arbitrary
-- Generate a list of "windows" for each workspace.
wsWindows <- vector numWs :: Gen [[a]]
-- Pick a random window "number" in each workspace, to give focus.
focus <- sequence [ if null windows
then return Nothing
else liftM Just $ choose (0, length windows - 1)
| windows <- wsWindows ]
let tags = [1 .. fromIntegral numWs]
focusWsWindows = zip focus wsWindows
wss = zip tags focusWsWindows -- tmp representation of a workspace (tag, windows)
initSs = new lay tags screens
return $
view (fromIntegral wsIdxInFocus) $
foldr (\(tag, (focus, windows)) ss -> -- Fold through all generated (tags,windows).
-- set workspace active by tag and fold through all
-- windows while inserting them. Apply the given number
-- of `focusUp` on the resulting StackSet.
applyN focus focusUp $ foldr insertUp (view tag ss) windows
) initSs wss
-- Just generate StackSets with Char elements.
type Tag = Int
type Window = Char
type T = StackSet Tag Int Window Int Int
newtype EmptyStackSet = EmptyStackSet T
deriving Show
instance Arbitrary EmptyStackSet where
arbitrary = do
(NonEmptyNubList ns) <- arbitrary
(NonEmptyNubList sds) <- arbitrary
l <- arbitrary
-- there cannot be more screens than workspaces:
return . EmptyStackSet . new l ns $ take (min (length ns) (length sds)) sds
newtype NonEmptyWindowsStackSet = NonEmptyWindowsStackSet T
deriving Show
instance Arbitrary NonEmptyWindowsStackSet where
arbitrary =
NonEmptyWindowsStackSet `fmap` (arbitrary `suchThat` (not . null . allWindows))
instance Arbitrary Rectangle where
arbitrary = Rectangle <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
newtype SizedPositive = SizedPositive Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance Arbitrary SizedPositive where
arbitrary = sized $ \s -> do x <- choose (1, max 1 s)
return $ SizedPositive x
newtype NonEmptyNubList a = NonEmptyNubList [a]
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Read )
instance (Eq a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (NonEmptyNubList a) where
arbitrary = NonEmptyNubList `fmap` ((liftM nub arbitrary) `suchThat` (not . null))
-- | Pull out an arbitrary tag from the StackSet. This removes the need for the
-- precondition "n `tagMember x` in many properties and thus reduces the number
-- of discarded tests.
-- n <- arbitraryTag x
-- We can do the reverse with a simple `suchThat`:
-- n <- arbitrary `suchThat` \n' -> not $ n' `tagMember` x
arbitraryTag :: T -> Gen Tag
arbitraryTag x = do
let ts = tags x
-- There must be at least 1 workspace, thus at least 1 tag.
idx <- choose (0, (length ts) - 1)
return $ ts!!idx
-- | Pull out an arbitrary window from a StackSet that is guaranteed to have a
-- non empty set of windows. This eliminates the precondition "i `member` x" in
-- a few properties.
-- foo (nex :: NonEmptyWindowsStackSet) = do
-- let NonEmptyWindowsStackSet x = nex
-- w <- arbitraryWindow nex
-- return $ .......
-- We can do the reverse with a simple `suchThat`:
-- n <- arbitrary `suchThat` \n' -> not $ n `member` x
arbitraryWindow :: NonEmptyWindowsStackSet -> Gen Window
arbitraryWindow (NonEmptyWindowsStackSet x) = do
let ws = allWindows x
-- We know that there are at least 1 window in a NonEmptyWindowsStackSet.
idx <- choose(0, (length ws) - 1)
return $ ws!!idx