{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
-- |
-- Module : StackSet
-- Copyright : (c) Don Stewart 2007
-- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : dons@cse.unsw.edu.au
-- Stability : stable
-- Portability : portable, needs GHC 6.6
-- The 'StackSet' data type encodes a set of stacks. A given stack in the
-- set is always current. Elements may appear only once in the entire
-- stack set.
-- A StackSet provides a nice data structure for window managers with
-- multiple physical screens, and multiple workspaces, where each screen
-- has a stack of windows, and a window may be on only 1 screen at any
-- given time.
module StackSet where
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.List as L (delete,genericLength)
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- | The StackSet data structure. A table of stacks, with a current pointer
data StackSet a =
{ current :: !WorkspaceId -- ^ the currently visible stack
, screen2ws:: !(M.Map ScreenId WorkspaceId) -- ^ screen -> workspace
, ws2screen:: !(M.Map WorkspaceId ScreenId) -- ^ workspace -> screen map
, stacks :: !(M.Map WorkspaceId [a]) -- ^ the separate stacks
, focus :: !(M.Map WorkspaceId a) -- ^ the window focused in each stack
, cache :: !(M.Map a WorkspaceId) -- ^ a cache of windows back to their stacks
} deriving Eq
-- | Physical screen indicies
newtype ScreenId = S Int deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Enum,Num,Integral,Real)
-- | Virtual workspace indicies
newtype WorkspaceId = W Int deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Enum,Num,Integral,Real)
instance Show a => Show (StackSet a) where
showsPrec p s r = showsPrec p (show . toList $ s) r
-- Ord a constraint on 'a' as we use it as a key.
-- The cache is used to check on insertion that we don't already have
-- this window managed on another stack
-- | /O(n)/. Create a new empty stacks of size 'n', indexed from 0, with 'm'
-- screens. (also indexed from 0) The 0-indexed stack will be current.
empty :: Int -> Int -> StackSet a
empty n m = StackSet { current = 0
, screen2ws = wsScrs2Works
, ws2screen = wsWorks2Scrs
, stacks = M.fromList (zip [0..W n-1] (repeat []))
, focus = M.empty
, cache = M.empty }
where (scrs,wrks) = unzip $ map (\x -> (S x, W x)) [0..m-1]
wsScrs2Works = M.fromList (zip scrs wrks)
wsWorks2Scrs = M.fromList (zip wrks scrs)
-- | /O(log w)/. True if x is somewhere in the StackSet
member :: Ord a => a -> StackSet a -> Bool
member a w = M.member a (cache w)
-- | /O(log n)/. Looks up the workspace that x is in, if it is in the StackSet
lookup :: (Monad m, Ord a) => a -> StackSet a -> m WorkspaceId
lookup x w = M.lookup x (cache w)
-- | /O(n)/. Number of stacks
size :: StackSet a -> Int
size = M.size . stacks
-- | fromList. Build a new StackSet from a list of list of elements,
-- keeping track of the currently focused workspace, and the total
-- number of workspaces. If there are duplicates in the list, the last
-- occurence wins.
fromList :: Ord a => (WorkspaceId, Int,[[a]]) -> StackSet a
fromList (_,_,[]) = error "Cannot build a StackSet from an empty list"
fromList (n,m,xs) | n < 0 || n >= L.genericLength xs
= error $ "Cursor index is out of range: " ++ show (n, length xs)
| m < 1 || m > L.genericLength xs
= error $ "Can't have more screens than workspaces: " ++ show (m, length xs)
fromList (o,m,xs) = view o $ foldr (\(i,ys) s ->
foldr (\a t -> insert a i t) s ys)
(empty (length xs) m) (zip [0..] xs)
-- | toList. Flatten a stackset to a list of lists
toList :: StackSet a -> (WorkspaceId,Int,[[a]])
toList x = (current x, M.size $ screen2ws x, map snd $ M.toList (stacks x))
-- | Push. Insert an element onto the top of the current stack.
-- If the element is already in the current stack, it is moved to the top.
-- If the element is managed on another stack, it is removed from that
-- stack first.
push :: Ord a => a -> StackSet a -> StackSet a
push k w = insert k (current w) w
-- | /O(log s)/. Extract the element on the top of the current stack. If no such
-- element exists, Nothing is returned.
peek :: StackSet a -> Maybe a
peek w = peekStack (current w) w
-- | /O(log s)/. Extract the element on the top of the given stack. If no such
-- element exists, Nothing is returned.
peekStack :: WorkspaceId -> StackSet a -> Maybe a
peekStack n w = M.lookup n (focus w)
-- | /O(log s)/. Index. Extract the stack at index 'n'.
-- If the index is invalid, an exception is thrown.
index :: WorkspaceId -> StackSet a -> [a]
index k w = fromJust (M.lookup k (stacks w))
-- | view. Set the stack specified by the argument as being visible and the
-- current StackSet. If the stack wasn't previously visible, it will become
-- visible on the current screen. If the index is out of range an exception is
-- thrown.
view :: WorkspaceId -> StackSet a -> StackSet a
-- view n w | n >= 0 && n < fromIntegral (M.size (stacks w)) -- coerce
view n w | M.member n (stacks w)
= if M.member n (ws2screen w) then w { current = n }
else tweak (fromJust $ screen (current w) w)
| otherwise = error $ "view: index out of bounds: " ++ show n
tweak sc = w { screen2ws = M.insert sc n (screen2ws w)
, ws2screen = M.insert n sc (M.filter (/=sc) (ws2screen w))
, current = n
-- | That screen that workspace 'n' is visible on, if any.
screen :: WorkspaceId -> StackSet a -> Maybe ScreenId
screen n w = M.lookup n (ws2screen w)
-- | The workspace visible on screen 'sc'. Nothing if screen is out of bounds.
workspace :: ScreenId -> StackSet a -> Maybe WorkspaceId
workspace sc w = M.lookup sc (screen2ws w)
-- | A list of the currently visible workspaces.
visibleWorkspaces :: StackSet a -> [WorkspaceId]
visibleWorkspaces = M.keys . ws2screen
-- | /O(log n)/. rotate. cycle the current window list up or down.
-- Has the effect of rotating focus. In fullscreen mode this will cause
-- a new window to be visible.
-- rotate EQ --> [5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4]
-- rotate GT --> [6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5]
-- rotate LT --> [4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3]
-- where xs = [5..8] ++ [1..4]
rotate :: Eq a => Ordering -> StackSet a -> StackSet a
rotate o w = maybe w id $ do
f <- M.lookup (current w) (focus w)
s <- M.lookup (current w) (stacks w)
ea <- case o of
EQ -> Nothing
GT -> elemAfter f s
LT -> elemAfter f (reverse s)
return $ w { focus = M.insert (current w) ea (focus w) }
-- | /O(log n)/. shift. move the client on top of the current stack to
-- the top of stack 'n'. If the stack to move to is not valid, and
-- exception is thrown.
shift :: Ord a => WorkspaceId -> StackSet a -> StackSet a
shift n w = maybe w (\k -> insert k n (delete k w)) (peek w)
-- | /O(log n)/. Insert an element onto the top of stack 'n'.
-- If the element is already in the stack 'n', it is moved to the top.
-- If the element exists on another stack, it is removed from that stack.
-- If the index is wrong an exception is thrown.
insert :: Ord a => a -> WorkspaceId -> StackSet a -> StackSet a
insert k n old = new { cache = M.insert k n (cache new)
, stacks = M.adjust (k:) n (stacks new)
, focus = M.insert n k (focus new) }
where new = delete k old
-- | /O(log n)/. Delete an element entirely from from the StackSet.
-- This can be used to ensure that a given element is not managed elsewhere.
-- If the element doesn't exist, the original StackSet is returned unmodified.
delete :: Ord a => a -> StackSet a -> StackSet a
delete k w = maybe w tweak (M.lookup k (cache w))
tweak i = w { cache = M.delete k (cache w)
, stacks = M.adjust (L.delete k) i (stacks w)
, focus = M.update (\k' -> if k == k' then elemAfter k (stacks w M.! i)
else Just k') i
(focus w)
-- | /O(log n)/. If the given window is contained in a workspace, make it the
-- focused window of that workspace, and make that workspace the current one.
raiseFocus :: Ord a => a -> StackSet a -> StackSet a
raiseFocus k w = case M.lookup k (cache w) of
Nothing -> w
Just i -> (view i w) { focus = M.insert i k (focus w) }
-- | Cycle the current stack ordering. In tiled mode has the effect of
-- moving a new window into the master position, without changing focus.
promote :: StackSet a -> StackSet a
promote w = w { stacks = M.adjust next (current w) (stacks w) }
where next [] = []
next xs = last xs : init xs
-- |
elemAfter :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe a
elemAfter w ws = listToMaybe . filter (/= w) . dropWhile (/= w) $ ws ++ ws