path: root/tools/ResourceExtractor
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/ResourceExtractor')
3 files changed, 277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ResourceExtractor/Makefile.in b/tools/ResourceExtractor/Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..709365d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/ResourceExtractor/Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+PPC = @PPC@
+NAME = ResourceExtractor
+SRC = $(NAME).pas
+.PHONY: all clean distclean
+all: $(BIN)
+ rm -f $(BIN) *.o *.ppu *.rst *.compiled
+distclean: clean
+ rm -rf Makefile *~ *.bak __history
+$(BIN): $(SRC)
+ $(PPC) $(PFLAGS) -o$@ $(SRC)
diff --git a/tools/ResourceExtractor/ResourceExtractor.lpi b/tools/ResourceExtractor/ResourceExtractor.lpi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..82ecf87e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/ResourceExtractor/ResourceExtractor.lpi
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <ProjectOptions>
+ <PathDelim Value="/"/>
+ <Version Value="6"/>
+ <General>
+ <Flags>
+ <MainUnitHasUsesSectionForAllUnits Value="False"/>
+ <MainUnitHasCreateFormStatements Value="False"/>
+ <MainUnitHasTitleStatement Value="False"/>
+ </Flags>
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+ <IconPath Value="./"/>
+ <TargetFileExt Value=""/>
+ <ActiveEditorIndexAtStart Value="0"/>
+ </General>
+ <VersionInfo>
+ <ProjectVersion Value=""/>
+ <Language Value=""/>
+ <CharSet Value=""/>
+ </VersionInfo>
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+ <Version Value="2"/>
+ <IgnoreBinaries Value="False"/>
+ <IncludeFileFilter Value="*.(pas|pp|inc|lfm|lpr|lrs|lpi|lpk|sh|xml)"/>
+ <ExcludeFileFilter Value="*.(bak|ppu|ppw|o|so);*~;backup"/>
+ </PublishOptions>
+ <RunParams>
+ <local>
+ <FormatVersion Value="1"/>
+ <LaunchingApplication PathPlusParams="/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -T 'Lazarus Run Output' -e $(LazarusDir)/tools/runwait.sh $(TargetCmdLine)"/>
+ </local>
+ </RunParams>
+ <Units Count="3">
+ <Unit0>
+ <Filename Value="ResourceExtractor.pas"/>
+ <IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
+ <UnitName Value="ResourceExtractor"/>
+ <CursorPos X="1" Y="131"/>
+ <TopLine Value="108"/>
+ <EditorIndex Value="0"/>
+ <UsageCount Value="21"/>
+ <Loaded Value="True"/>
+ </Unit0>
+ <Unit1>
+ <Filename Value="../USDXResCompiler.lpr"/>
+ <UnitName Value="USDXResCompiler"/>
+ <CursorPos X="17" Y="96"/>
+ <TopLine Value="89"/>
+ <UsageCount Value="10"/>
+ </Unit1>
+ <Unit2>
+ <Filename Value="../../Game/Code/resource.inc"/>
+ <CursorPos X="1" Y="1"/>
+ <TopLine Value="1"/>
+ <UsageCount Value="10"/>
+ </Unit2>
+ </Units>
+ <JumpHistory Count="8" HistoryIndex="7">
+ <Position1>
+ <Filename Value="ResourceExtractor.pas"/>
+ <Caret Line="144" Column="23" TopLine="104"/>
+ </Position1>
+ <Position2>
+ <Filename Value="ResourceExtractor.pas"/>
+ <Caret Line="120" Column="1" TopLine="99"/>
+ </Position2>
+ <Position3>
+ <Filename Value="ResourceExtractor.pas"/>
+ <Caret Line="140" Column="25" TopLine="105"/>
+ </Position3>
+ <Position4>
+ <Filename Value="ResourceExtractor.pas"/>
+ <Caret Line="146" Column="32" TopLine="103"/>
+ </Position4>
+ <Position5>
+ <Filename Value="ResourceExtractor.pas"/>
+ <Caret Line="139" Column="27" TopLine="105"/>
+ </Position5>
+ <Position6>
+ <Filename Value="ResourceExtractor.pas"/>
+ <Caret Line="140" Column="8" TopLine="105"/>
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+ <Position7>
+ <Filename Value="ResourceExtractor.pas"/>
+ <Caret Line="139" Column="27" TopLine="106"/>
+ </Position7>
+ <Position8>
+ <Filename Value="ResourceExtractor.pas"/>
+ <Caret Line="144" Column="7" TopLine="106"/>
+ </Position8>
+ </JumpHistory>
+ </ProjectOptions>
+ <CompilerOptions>
+ <Version Value="5"/>
+ <SearchPaths>
+ <SrcPath Value="../../Game/Code/"/>
+ </SearchPaths>
+ <CodeGeneration>
+ <Generate Value="Faster"/>
+ </CodeGeneration>
+ <Other>
+ <CompilerPath Value="$(CompPath)"/>
+ </Other>
+ </CompilerOptions>
diff --git a/tools/ResourceExtractor/ResourceExtractor.pas b/tools/ResourceExtractor/ResourceExtractor.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aa9cc3bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/ResourceExtractor/ResourceExtractor.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+program ResourceExtractor;
+{$ifdef FPC}
+ {$mode delphi}{$H+}
+ Classes,
+ SysUtils,
+ StrUtils;
+ ResCount: integer;
+ OutStream: TStringList;
+procedure Init();
+ OutStream := TStringList.Create();
+ OutStream.Add('const');
+ // placeholder for array-header (will be filled on file-saving)
+ OutStream.Add('');
+procedure SaveToFile(const OutFileName: string);
+ // add array-header
+ OutStream[1] := ' resources: array[0..'+IntToStr(ResCount-1)+', 0..2] of string = (';
+ // add trailer
+ OutStream.Add(' );');
+ // save file
+ try
+ OutStream.SaveToFile(OutFileName);
+ except
+ OutStream.Free();
+ raise Exception.Create('Could not save to file: "' + OutFileName + '"');
+ end;
+ OutStream.Free();
+function AddResource(Fields: TStringList; const RCFileDir, ResDir: string): boolean;
+ ResName, ResType, ResFile: string;
+ if (Fields.Count < 3) or
+ (AnsiStartsStr('//', Fields[0])) or
+ (Length(Fields[2]) < 3) then
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // add a trailing comma to the last line
+ if (ResCount > 0) then
+ OutStream[OutStream.Count-1] := OutStream[OutStream.Count-1] + ',';
+ ResName := Fields[0];
+ ResType := Fields[1];
+ ResFile := Fields[2];
+ Writeln('ADD: [' + ResType + ':' + ResName + ' = ' +ResFile + ']');
+ // quote fields
+ ResName := AnsiQuotedStr(ResName, '''')+',';
+ ResType := AnsiQuotedStr(ResType, '''')+',';
+ // strip surrounding quotes of filename
+ ResFile := AnsiMidStr(ResFile, 2, Length(Fields[2])-2);
+ // now translate the resource filename (relative to the RC-file) to be relative to the resource-dir
+ // 1st step: get absolute path of the resource
+ ResFile := ExpandFileName(RCFileDir + ResFile);
+ // 2nd step: get path of the resource relative to the resource-dir
+ // Note: both paths must be absolute and the base-path must have a trailing '/' or '\'
+ ResFile := ExtractRelativepath(ResDir, ResFile);
+ // 3rd step: ... and quote
+ ResFile := AnsiQuotedStr(ResFile, '''');
+ // compose line
+ OutStream.Add(Format(' (%-20S%-8S%S)', [ResName, ResType, ResFile]));
+ Inc(ResCount);
+ Result := true;
+procedure ExtractResources(const InFileName, ResDir: string);
+ Fields: TStringList;
+ LineIndex: integer;
+ Lines: TStringList;
+ RCFileDirAbs, ResDirAbs: string;
+ // get absolute paths
+ RCFileDirAbs := ExtractFilePath(ExpandFileName(InFileName));
+ ResDirAbs := ExpandFileName(ResDir) + '/';
+ Lines := TStringList.Create();
+ try
+ Lines.LoadFromFile(InFileName);
+ except
+ raise Exception.Create('Failed to open file: "' + InFileName + '"');
+ end;
+ Fields := TStringList.Create();
+ for LineIndex := 0 to Lines.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ Fields.Clear();
+ // split line into [Name, Type, File]
+ ExtractStrings([' ', #9], [], PChar(Lines[LineIndex]), Fields);
+ if (not AddResource(Fields, RCFileDirAbs, ResDirAbs)) then
+ Writeln( 'SKIP: "'+Lines[LineIndex]+'"');
+ end;
+ Lines.Free();
+ Fields.Free();
+ ProgName: string;
+ if (ParamCount <> 3) then
+ begin
+ ProgName := ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0));
+ WriteLn('Usage: ' + ProgName + ' RC-File Resource-Dir Output-File');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ WriteLn('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>');
+ WriteLn('Converting "' + ParamStr(1) + '" to "' + ParamStr(3) + '"');
+ WriteLn('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>');
+ try
+ Init();
+ ExtractResources(ParamStr(1), ParamStr(2));
+ SaveToFile(ParamStr(3));
+ except on E:Exception do
+ begin
+ WriteLn('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!');
+ WriteLn('Conversion failed: ' + E.Message + '!');
+ WriteLn('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ WriteLn('<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<');
+ WriteLn('Conversion finished!');
+ WriteLn('<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<');