path: root/src/lua/UHookableEvent.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lua/UHookableEvent.pas')
1 files changed, 379 insertions, 379 deletions
diff --git a/src/lua/UHookableEvent.pas b/src/lua/UHookableEvent.pas
index 8ad7ea9c..7193654a 100644
--- a/src/lua/UHookableEvent.pas
+++ b/src/lua/UHookableEvent.pas
@@ -1,380 +1,380 @@
-{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
- *
- * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
- * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
- * file distributed with this source distribution.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- * $URL$
- * $Id$
- *}
-unit UHookableEvent;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses ULua;
- { Record holding information about a hook of an event }
- PHook = ^THook;
- THook = record
- Handle: Integer; //< Handle to identify the hook, e.g. for unhooking by plugin
- Parent: Integer; //< Lua Core Handle this hook belongs to
- Func: String; //< Name of the global that holds the function
- Next: PHook; //< Next Hook in list (nil for the first)
- end;
- { procedure is called before each call to the hooking lua functions, to push values on stack
- returns the number of pushed arguments}
- PrepareStackProc = Function(L: PLua_State): Integer;
- { class representing a hookable event }
- THookableEvent = class
- private
- iHandle: Integer; //< used to unregister at lua core
- LastHook: PHook; //< last hook in hook list, first to be called
- NextHookHandle: Integer; //< handle to identify next hook
- sName: String; //< the events name
- PrepareStack: PrepareStackProc; //< prepare stack procedure passed to constructor
- CallinProcess: boolean; //< true if a chain call is in process, to prepare unhooking during calls
- HooksToRemove: array of PHook; // hooks to delete after chaincall
- procedure RemoveWaitingHooks;
- public
- constructor Create(Name: String; const Proc: PrepareStackProc = nil);
- property Name: String read sName; //< returns the events name
- property Handle: Integer read iHandle; //< returns the events name
- procedure Hook(L: Plua_State; Parent: Integer; Func: String); //< pushes hook object/table to the lua stack
- procedure UnHook(L: Plua_State; hHook: Integer); //< unhook by plugin. push true or error string to lua stack
- procedure UnHookByParent(Parent: Integer); //< deletes all hooks by a specified parent (unhook by core)
- function CallHookChain(Breakable: Boolean): PLua_State; //< calls the events hookchain. if breakable, plugin can breake the chain by returning a value != 0 or false or nil
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
-{ the default function for THookableEvent.PrepareStack it don't pass any arguments }
-function PrepareStack_Dummy(L: PLua_State): Integer;
-{ function in resulting hook table. it calls the unhook command of the event on plugins demand }
-function LuaHook_UnHook(L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
-uses ULuaCore;
-constructor THookableEvent.Create(Name: String; const Proc: PrepareStackProc);
- inherited Create;
- Self.sName := Name;
- if (@Proc = nil) then
- Self.PrepareStack := @PrepareStack_Dummy
- else
- Self.PrepareStack := Proc;
- //init LastHook pointer w/ nil
- LastHook := nil;
- NextHookHandle := 1;
- iHandle := LuaCore.RegisterEvent(Self);
-destructor THookableEvent.Destroy;
- Prev: PHook;
- Cur: PHook;
- //delete all hooks
- Cur := LastHook;
- While (Cur <> nil) do
- begin
- Prev := Cur;
- Cur := Prev.Next;
- Dispose(Prev);
- end;
- //remove from luacores list
- LuaCore.UnRegisterEvent(iHandle);
- inherited;
-{ adds hook to events list and pushes hook object/table to the lua stack }
-procedure THookableEvent.Hook(L: PLua_State; Parent: Integer; Func: String);
- var
- Item: PHook;
- P: TLuaPlugin;
- P := LuaCore.GetPluginById(Parent);
- if (P <> nil) then
- begin
- // get mem and fill it w/ data
- New(Item);
- Item.Handle := NextHookHandle;
- Inc(NextHookHandle);
- Item.Parent := Parent;
- Item.Func := Func;
- // add at front of the hook chain
- Item.Next := LastHook;
- LastHook := Item;
- //we need 2 free stack slots
- lua_checkstack(L, 2);
- //create the hook table, we need 2 elements (event name and unhook function)
- lua_createtable(L, 0, 2);
- //push events name
- lua_pushstring(L, PAnsiChar(Name));
- //add the name to the table
- lua_setfield(L, -2, 'Event');
- //push hook id to the stack
- lua_pushinteger(L, Item.Handle);
- //create a c closure, append one value from stack(the id)
- //this will pop both, the function and the id
- lua_pushcclosure(L, LuaHook_UnHook, 1);
- //add the function to our table
- lua_setfield(L, -2, 'Unhook');
- //the table is left on the stack, it is our result
- end;
-{ removes hooks in HookstoRemove array from chain }
-procedure THookableEvent.RemoveWaitingHooks;
- function IsInArray(Cur: PHook): boolean;
- var I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := false;
- for I := 0 to high(HooksToRemove) do
- if (HooksToRemove[I] = Cur) then
- begin
- Result := true;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- var
- Cur, Prev: PHook;
- Prev := nil;
- Cur := LastHook;
- while (Cur <> nil) do
- begin
- if (IsInArray(Cur)) then
- begin //we found the hook
- if (prev <> nil) then
- Prev.Next := Cur.Next
- else //last hook found
- LastHook := Cur.Next;
- //free hooks memory
- Dispose(Cur);
- if (prev <> nil) then
- Cur := Prev.Next
- else
- Cur := LastHook;
- end
- else
- begin
- Prev := Cur;
- Cur := Prev.Next;
- end;
- end;
- SetLength(HooksToRemove, 0);
-{ unhook by plugin. push true or error string to lua stack }
-procedure THookableEvent.UnHook(L: Plua_State; hHook: Integer);
- var
- Cur, Prev: PHook;
- Len: integer;
- if (hHook < NextHookHandle) and (hHook > 0) then
- begin
- //Search for the Hook
- Prev := nil;
- Cur := LastHook;
- while (Cur <> nil) do
- begin
- if (Cur.Handle = hHook) then
- begin //we found the hook
- if not CallinProcess then
- begin // => remove it
- if (prev <> nil) then
- Prev.Next := Cur.Next
- else //last hook found
- LastHook := Cur.Next;
- //free hooks memory
- Dispose(Cur);
- end
- else
- begin // add to list of hooks to remove
- Len := Length(HooksToRemove);
- SetLength(HooksToRemove, Len + 1);
- HooksToRemove[Len] := Cur;
- end;
- //indicate success
- lua_pushboolean(L, True);
- exit; //break the chain and exit the function
- end;
- Prev := Cur;
- Cur := Prev.Next;
- end;
- lua_pushstring(L, PAnsiChar('handle already unhooked')); //the error description
- end
- else
- lua_pushstring(L, PAnsiChar('undefined hook handle')); //the error description
-{ deletes all hooks by a specified parent (unhook by core) }
-procedure THookableEvent.UnHookByParent(Parent: Integer);
- var
- Cur, Prev: PHook;
- Prev := nil;
- Cur := LastHook;
- While (Cur <> nil) do
- begin
- if (Cur.Parent = Parent) then
- begin //found a hook from parent => remove it
- if (Prev <> nil) then
- Prev.Next := Cur.Next
- Else
- LastHook := Cur.Next;
- Dispose(Cur);
- if (Prev <> nil) then
- Cur := Prev.Next
- else
- Cur := LastHook;
- end
- else //move through the chain
- begin
- Prev := Cur;
- Cur := Prev.Next;
- end;
- end;
-{ calls the events hookchain. if breakable, plugin can breake the chain
- by returning a value
- breakable is pushed as the first parameter to the hooking functions
- if chain is broken the LuaStack is returned, with all results left
- you may call lua_clearstack }
-function THookableEvent.CallHookChain(Breakable: Boolean): Plua_State;
- var
- Cur: PHook;
- P: TLuaPlugin;
- Result := nil;
- CallinProcess := true;
- Cur := LastHook;
- While (Cur <> nil) do
- begin
- P := LuaCore.GetPluginById(Cur.Parent);
- lua_pushboolean(P.LuaState, Breakable);
- if (P.CallFunctionByName(Cur.Func, 1 + PrepareStack(P.LuaState), LUA_MULTRET))
- and Breakable
- and (lua_gettop(P.LuaState) > 0) then
- begin //Chain Broken
- Result := P.LuaState;
- Break;
- end;
- Cur := Cur.Next;
- end;
- RemoveWaitingHooks;
- CallinProcess := false;
-{ the default function for THookableEvent.PrepareStack it don't pass any arguments }
-function PrepareStack_Dummy(L: PLua_State): Integer;
- Result := 0;
-{ function in resulting hook table. it calls the unhook command of the event on plugins demand }
-function LuaHook_UnHook(L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
- var
- Name: string;
- Event: THookableEvent;
- hHook: integer;
- Result := 0;
- if not lua_isTable(L, 1) then
- LuaL_Error(L, 'Can''t find hook table in LuaHook_Unhook. Please call Unhook with method seperator (colon) instead of a point.');
- // get event name
- Lua_GetField(L, 1, 'Event');
- if not lua_isString(L, -1) then
- LuaL_Error(L, 'Can''t get event name in LuaHook_Unhook');
- Name := Lua_ToString(L, -1);
- // get event by name
- Event := LuaCore.GetEventbyName(Name);
- // free stack slots
- Lua_pop(L, Lua_GetTop(L));
- if (Event = nil) then
- LuaL_Error(L, PAnsiChar('event ' + Name + ' does not exist (anymore?) in LuaHook_Unhook'));
- // get the hookid
- hHook := lua_ToInteger(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
- Event.UnHook(L, hHook);
+{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
+ *
+ * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
+ * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
+ * file distributed with this source distribution.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * $URL$
+ * $Id$
+ *}
+unit UHookableEvent;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+uses ULua;
+ { Record holding information about a hook of an event }
+ PHook = ^THook;
+ THook = record
+ Handle: Integer; //< Handle to identify the hook, e.g. for unhooking by plugin
+ Parent: Integer; //< Lua Core Handle this hook belongs to
+ Func: String; //< Name of the global that holds the function
+ Next: PHook; //< Next Hook in list (nil for the first)
+ end;
+ { procedure is called before each call to the hooking lua functions, to push values on stack
+ returns the number of pushed arguments}
+ PrepareStackProc = Function(L: PLua_State): Integer;
+ { class representing a hookable event }
+ THookableEvent = class
+ private
+ iHandle: Integer; //< used to unregister at lua core
+ LastHook: PHook; //< last hook in hook list, first to be called
+ NextHookHandle: Integer; //< handle to identify next hook
+ sName: String; //< the events name
+ PrepareStack: PrepareStackProc; //< prepare stack procedure passed to constructor
+ CallinProcess: boolean; //< true if a chain call is in process, to prepare unhooking during calls
+ HooksToRemove: array of PHook; // hooks to delete after chaincall
+ procedure RemoveWaitingHooks;
+ public
+ constructor Create(Name: String; const Proc: PrepareStackProc = nil);
+ property Name: String read sName; //< returns the events name
+ property Handle: Integer read iHandle; //< returns the events name
+ procedure Hook(L: Plua_State; Parent: Integer; Func: String); //< pushes hook object/table to the lua stack
+ procedure UnHook(L: Plua_State; hHook: Integer); //< unhook by plugin. push true or error string to lua stack
+ procedure UnHookByParent(Parent: Integer); //< deletes all hooks by a specified parent (unhook by core)
+ function CallHookChain(Breakable: Boolean): PLua_State; //< calls the events hookchain. if breakable, plugin can breake the chain by returning a value != 0 or false or nil
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+{ the default function for THookableEvent.PrepareStack it don't pass any arguments }
+function PrepareStack_Dummy(L: PLua_State): Integer;
+{ function in resulting hook table. it calls the unhook command of the event on plugins demand }
+function LuaHook_UnHook(L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
+uses ULuaCore;
+constructor THookableEvent.Create(Name: String; const Proc: PrepareStackProc);
+ inherited Create;
+ Self.sName := Name;
+ if (@Proc = nil) then
+ Self.PrepareStack := @PrepareStack_Dummy
+ else
+ Self.PrepareStack := Proc;
+ //init LastHook pointer w/ nil
+ LastHook := nil;
+ NextHookHandle := 1;
+ iHandle := LuaCore.RegisterEvent(Self);
+destructor THookableEvent.Destroy;
+ Prev: PHook;
+ Cur: PHook;
+ //delete all hooks
+ Cur := LastHook;
+ While (Cur <> nil) do
+ begin
+ Prev := Cur;
+ Cur := Prev.Next;
+ Dispose(Prev);
+ end;
+ //remove from luacores list
+ LuaCore.UnRegisterEvent(iHandle);
+ inherited;
+{ adds hook to events list and pushes hook object/table to the lua stack }
+procedure THookableEvent.Hook(L: PLua_State; Parent: Integer; Func: String);
+ var
+ Item: PHook;
+ P: TLuaPlugin;
+ P := LuaCore.GetPluginById(Parent);
+ if (P <> nil) then
+ begin
+ // get mem and fill it w/ data
+ New(Item);
+ Item.Handle := NextHookHandle;
+ Inc(NextHookHandle);
+ Item.Parent := Parent;
+ Item.Func := Func;
+ // add at front of the hook chain
+ Item.Next := LastHook;
+ LastHook := Item;
+ //we need 2 free stack slots
+ lua_checkstack(L, 2);
+ //create the hook table, we need 2 elements (event name and unhook function)
+ lua_createtable(L, 0, 2);
+ //push events name
+ lua_pushstring(L, PAnsiChar(Name));
+ //add the name to the table
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, 'Event');
+ //push hook id to the stack
+ lua_pushinteger(L, Item.Handle);
+ //create a c closure, append one value from stack(the id)
+ //this will pop both, the function and the id
+ lua_pushcclosure(L, LuaHook_UnHook, 1);
+ //add the function to our table
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, 'Unhook');
+ //the table is left on the stack, it is our result
+ end;
+{ removes hooks in HookstoRemove array from chain }
+procedure THookableEvent.RemoveWaitingHooks;
+ function IsInArray(Cur: PHook): boolean;
+ var I: Integer;
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ for I := 0 to high(HooksToRemove) do
+ if (HooksToRemove[I] = Cur) then
+ begin
+ Result := true;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ var
+ Cur, Prev: PHook;
+ Prev := nil;
+ Cur := LastHook;
+ while (Cur <> nil) do
+ begin
+ if (IsInArray(Cur)) then
+ begin //we found the hook
+ if (prev <> nil) then
+ Prev.Next := Cur.Next
+ else //last hook found
+ LastHook := Cur.Next;
+ //free hooks memory
+ Dispose(Cur);
+ if (prev <> nil) then
+ Cur := Prev.Next
+ else
+ Cur := LastHook;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Prev := Cur;
+ Cur := Prev.Next;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SetLength(HooksToRemove, 0);
+{ unhook by plugin. push true or error string to lua stack }
+procedure THookableEvent.UnHook(L: Plua_State; hHook: Integer);
+ var
+ Cur, Prev: PHook;
+ Len: integer;
+ if (hHook < NextHookHandle) and (hHook > 0) then
+ begin
+ //Search for the Hook
+ Prev := nil;
+ Cur := LastHook;
+ while (Cur <> nil) do
+ begin
+ if (Cur.Handle = hHook) then
+ begin //we found the hook
+ if not CallinProcess then
+ begin // => remove it
+ if (prev <> nil) then
+ Prev.Next := Cur.Next
+ else //last hook found
+ LastHook := Cur.Next;
+ //free hooks memory
+ Dispose(Cur);
+ end
+ else
+ begin // add to list of hooks to remove
+ Len := Length(HooksToRemove);
+ SetLength(HooksToRemove, Len + 1);
+ HooksToRemove[Len] := Cur;
+ end;
+ //indicate success
+ lua_pushboolean(L, True);
+ exit; //break the chain and exit the function
+ end;
+ Prev := Cur;
+ Cur := Prev.Next;
+ end;
+ lua_pushstring(L, PAnsiChar('handle already unhooked')); //the error description
+ end
+ else
+ lua_pushstring(L, PAnsiChar('undefined hook handle')); //the error description
+{ deletes all hooks by a specified parent (unhook by core) }
+procedure THookableEvent.UnHookByParent(Parent: Integer);
+ var
+ Cur, Prev: PHook;
+ Prev := nil;
+ Cur := LastHook;
+ While (Cur <> nil) do
+ begin
+ if (Cur.Parent = Parent) then
+ begin //found a hook from parent => remove it
+ if (Prev <> nil) then
+ Prev.Next := Cur.Next
+ Else
+ LastHook := Cur.Next;
+ Dispose(Cur);
+ if (Prev <> nil) then
+ Cur := Prev.Next
+ else
+ Cur := LastHook;
+ end
+ else //move through the chain
+ begin
+ Prev := Cur;
+ Cur := Prev.Next;
+ end;
+ end;
+{ calls the events hookchain. if breakable, plugin can breake the chain
+ by returning a value
+ breakable is pushed as the first parameter to the hooking functions
+ if chain is broken the LuaStack is returned, with all results left
+ you may call lua_clearstack }
+function THookableEvent.CallHookChain(Breakable: Boolean): Plua_State;
+ var
+ Cur: PHook;
+ P: TLuaPlugin;
+ Result := nil;
+ CallinProcess := true;
+ Cur := LastHook;
+ While (Cur <> nil) do
+ begin
+ P := LuaCore.GetPluginById(Cur.Parent);
+ lua_pushboolean(P.LuaState, Breakable);
+ if (P.CallFunctionByName(Cur.Func, 1 + PrepareStack(P.LuaState), LUA_MULTRET))
+ and Breakable
+ and (lua_gettop(P.LuaState) > 0) then
+ begin //Chain Broken
+ Result := P.LuaState;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ Cur := Cur.Next;
+ end;
+ RemoveWaitingHooks;
+ CallinProcess := false;
+{ the default function for THookableEvent.PrepareStack it don't pass any arguments }
+function PrepareStack_Dummy(L: PLua_State): Integer;
+ Result := 0;
+{ function in resulting hook table. it calls the unhook command of the event on plugins demand }
+function LuaHook_UnHook(L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
+ var
+ Name: string;
+ Event: THookableEvent;
+ hHook: integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ if not lua_isTable(L, 1) then
+ LuaL_Error(L, 'Can''t find hook table in LuaHook_Unhook. Please call Unhook with method seperator (colon) instead of a point.');
+ // get event name
+ Lua_GetField(L, 1, 'Event');
+ if not lua_isString(L, -1) then
+ LuaL_Error(L, 'Can''t get event name in LuaHook_Unhook');
+ Name := Lua_ToString(L, -1);
+ // get event by name
+ Event := LuaCore.GetEventbyName(Name);
+ // free stack slots
+ Lua_pop(L, Lua_GetTop(L));
+ if (Event = nil) then
+ LuaL_Error(L, PAnsiChar('event ' + Name + ' does not exist (anymore?) in LuaHook_Unhook'));
+ // get the hookid
+ hHook := lua_ToInteger(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
+ Event.UnHook(L, hHook);
end. \ No newline at end of file