path: root/VideoPreview/src/media
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Diffstat (limited to 'VideoPreview/src/media')
1 files changed, 124 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/VideoPreview/src/media/UVideo.pas b/VideoPreview/src/media/UVideo.pas
index 1661cdb2..78d1832f 100644
--- a/VideoPreview/src/media/UVideo.pas
+++ b/VideoPreview/src/media/UVideo.pas
@@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ type
fWidth: double;
fHeight: double;
- fFrameRange: TRectCoords;
+ fFrameRange: TRectCoords;
- fAlpha: double;
+ fAlpha: double;
fReflectionSpacing: double;
@@ -207,6 +207,16 @@ type
procedure GetFrame(Time: Extended);
procedure Draw();
procedure DrawReflection();
+ property Screen: integer read GetScreen;
+ property Width: double read GetWidth write SetWidth;
+ property Height: double read GetHeight write SetHeight;
+ property Alpha: double read GetAlpha write SetAlpha;
+ property ReflectionSpacing: double read GetReflectionSpacing write SetReflectionSpacing;
+ property FrameAspect: real read GetFrameAspect;
+ property AspectCorrection: TAspectCorrection read GetAspectCorrection;
+ property Loop: boolean read GetLoop write SetLoop;
+ property Position: real read GetPosition write SetPosition;
TVideoPlayback_FFmpeg = class( TInterfacedObject, IVideoPlayback )
@@ -927,63 +937,72 @@ procedure TVideo_FFmpeg.GetVideoRect(var ScreenRect, TexRect: TRectCoords);
ScreenAspect: double; // aspect of screen resolution
ScaledVideoWidth, ScaledVideoHeight: double;
// Three aspects to take into account:
// 1. Screen/display resolution (e.g. 1920x1080 -> 16:9)
- // 2. Render aspect (fixed to 800x600 -> 4:3)
+ // 2. Render aspect (fWidth x fHeight -> variable)
// 3. Movie aspect (video frame aspect stored in fAspect)
- ScreenAspect := ScreenW / ScreenH;
+ ScreenAspect := fWidth*((ScreenW/Screens)/RenderW)/(fHeight*(ScreenH/RenderH));;
case fAspectCorrection of
acoStretch: begin
- ScaledVideoWidth := RenderW;
- ScaledVideoHeight := RenderH;
+ ScaledVideoWidth := fWidth;
+ ScaledVideoHeight := fHeight;
acoCrop: begin
if (ScreenAspect >= fAspect) then
- ScaledVideoWidth := RenderW;
- ScaledVideoHeight := RenderH * ScreenAspect/fAspect;
- end
- else
+ ScaledVideoWidth := fWidth;
+ ScaledVideoHeight := fHeight * ScreenAspect/fAspect;
+ end else
- ScaledVideoHeight := RenderH;
- ScaledVideoWidth := RenderW * fAspect/ScreenAspect;
+ ScaledVideoHeight := fHeight;
+ ScaledVideoWidth := fWidth * fAspect/ScreenAspect;
acoLetterBox: begin
- ScaledVideoWidth := RenderW;
- ScaledVideoHeight := RenderH * ScreenAspect/fAspect;
- end
- else
+ if (ScreenAspect <= fAspect) then
+ begin
+ ScaledVideoWidth := fWidth;
+ ScaledVideoHeight := fHeight * ScreenAspect/fAspect;
+ end else
+ begin
+ ScaledVideoHeight := fHeight;
+ ScaledVideoWidth := fWidth * fAspect/ScreenAspect;
+ end;
+ end else
raise Exception.Create('Unhandled aspect correction!');
- // center video
- ScreenRect.Left := (RenderW - ScaledVideoWidth) / 2;
+ //center video
+ ScreenRect.Left := (fWidth - ScaledVideoWidth) / 2 + fPosX;
ScreenRect.Right := ScreenRect.Left + ScaledVideoWidth;
- ScreenRect.Upper := (RenderH - ScaledVideoHeight) / 2;
+ ScreenRect.Upper := (fHeight - ScaledVideoHeight) / 2 + fPosY;
ScreenRect.Lower := ScreenRect.Upper + ScaledVideoHeight;
// texture contains right/lower (power-of-2) padding.
// Determine the texture coords of the video frame.
- TexRect.Left := 0;
- TexRect.Right := fCodecContext^.width / fTexWidth;
- TexRect.Upper := 0;
- TexRect.Lower := fCodecContext^.height / fTexHeight;
+ TexRect.Left := (fCodecContext^.width / fTexWidth) * fFrameRange.Left;
+ TexRect.Right := (fCodecContext^.width / fTexWidth) * fFrameRange.Right;
+ TexRect.Upper := (fCodecContext^.height / fTexHeight) * fFrameRange.Upper;
+ TexRect.Lower := (fCodecContext^.height / fTexHeight) * fFrameRange.Lower;
procedure TVideo_FFmpeg.Draw();
ScreenRect: TRectCoords;
TexRect: TRectCoords;
// have a nice black background to draw on
// (even if there were errors opening the vid)
// TODO: Philipp: IMO TVideoPlayback should not clear the screen at
// all, because clearing is already done by the background class
// at this moment.
- if (fScreen = 1) then
+ {if (fScreen = 1) then
// It is important that we just clear once before we start
// drawing the first screen otherwise the first screen
@@ -991,7 +1010,7 @@ begin
// screen is drawn
glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
- end;
+ end;}
// exit if there's nothing to draw
if (not fOpened) then
@@ -1004,31 +1023,44 @@ begin
// get texture and screen positions
GetVideoRect(ScreenRect, TexRect);
- // we could use blending for brightness control, but do we need this?
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glScissor(round(fPosX*(ScreenW/Screens)/RenderW+(ScreenW/Screens)*(fScreen-1)),
+ round((RenderH-fPosY-fHeight)*ScreenH/RenderH),
+ round(fWidth*(ScreenW/Screens)/RenderW),
+ round(fHeight*ScreenH/RenderH));
+ glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDepthRange(0, 1);
+ glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL);
+ glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fFrameTex);
- glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, fAlpha);
// upper-left coord
glTexCoord2f(TexRect.Left, TexRect.Upper);
- glVertex2f(ScreenRect.Left, ScreenRect.Upper);
+ glVertex3f(ScreenRect.Left, ScreenRect.Upper, fPosZ);
// lower-left coord
glTexCoord2f(TexRect.Left, TexRect.Lower);
- glVertex2f(ScreenRect.Left, ScreenRect.Lower);
+ glVertex3f(ScreenRect.Left, ScreenRect.Lower, fPosZ);
// lower-right coord
glTexCoord2f(TexRect.Right, TexRect.Lower);
- glVertex2f(ScreenRect.Right, ScreenRect.Lower);
+ glVertex3f(ScreenRect.Right, ScreenRect.Lower, fPosZ);
// upper-right coord
glTexCoord2f(TexRect.Right, TexRect.Upper);
- glVertex2f(ScreenRect.Right, ScreenRect.Upper);
+ glVertex3f(ScreenRect.Right, ScreenRect.Upper, fPosZ);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
+ glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
{$IFDEF VideoBenchmark}
- Log.LogBenchmark('DrawGL', 15);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Draw', 15);
{$IF Defined(Info) or Defined(DebugFrames)}
@@ -1037,8 +1069,67 @@ begin
procedure TVideo_FFmpeg.DrawReflection();
+ ScreenRect: TRectCoords;
+ TexRect: TRectCoords;
+ // exit if there's nothing to draw
+ if (not fOpened) then
+ Exit;
+ // get texture and screen positions
+ GetVideoRect(ScreenRect, TexRect);
+ glScissor(round(fPosX*(ScreenW/Screens)/RenderW+(ScreenW/Screens)*(fScreen-1)),
+ round((RenderH-fPosY-fHeight-fReflectionSpacing-fHeight*0.5)*ScreenH/RenderH),
+ round(fWidth*(ScreenW/Screens)/RenderW),
+ round(fHeight*ScreenH/RenderH*0.5));
+ glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDepthRange(0, 1);
+ glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL);
+ glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fFrameTex);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, fAlpha);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ //Top Left
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, fAlpha-0.3);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexRect.Left, TexRect.Lower);
+ glVertex3f(ScreenRect.Left,
+ fPosY + fHeight + fReflectionSpacing,
+ fPosZ);
+ //Bottom Left
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexRect.Left, (TexRect.Lower-TexRect.Upper)*0.5);
+ glVertex3f(ScreenRect.Left,
+ fPosY + fHeight + (ScreenRect.Lower-ScreenRect.Upper)*0.5 + fReflectionSpacing,
+ fPosZ);
+ //Bottom Right
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexRect.Right, (TexRect.Lower-TexRect.Upper)*0.5);
+ glVertex3f(ScreenRect.Right,
+ fPosY + fHeight + (ScreenRect.Lower-ScreenRect.Upper)*0.5 + fReflectionSpacing,
+ fPosZ);
+ //Top Right
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, fAlpha-0.3);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexRect.Right, TexRect.Lower);
+ glVertex3f(ScreenRect.Right, fPosY + fHeight + fReflectionSpacing,
+ fPosZ);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
+ glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
procedure TVideo_FFmpeg.ShowDebugInfo();