path: root/Game/Code/Classes/UAudioDecoder_FFMpeg.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code/Classes/UAudioDecoder_FFMpeg.pas')
1 files changed, 771 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UAudioDecoder_FFMpeg.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UAudioDecoder_FFMpeg.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..646e9eef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UAudioDecoder_FFMpeg.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
+unit UAudioDecoder_FFMpeg;
+This unit is primarily based upon -
+ http://www.dranger.com/ffmpeg/ffmpegtutorial_all.html
+ and tutorial03.c
+ http://www.inb.uni-luebeck.de/~boehme/using_libavcodec.html
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I ../switches.inc}
+ Classes,
+ {$IFDEF win32}
+ windows,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ SysUtils,
+ UMusic;
+ {$ifndef win32}
+ libc,
+ {$endif}
+ UIni,
+ UMain,
+ avcodec, // FFMpeg Audio file decoding
+ avformat,
+ avutil,
+ avio, // used for url_ferror
+ mathematics, // used for av_rescale_q
+ SDL,
+ ULog,
+ UConfig;
+ PPacketQueue = ^TPacketQueue;
+ TPacketQueue = class
+ private
+ firstPkt,
+ lastPkt : PAVPacketList;
+ nbPackets : integer;
+ size : integer;
+ mutex : PSDL_Mutex;
+ cond : PSDL_Cond;
+ quit : boolean;
+ public
+ constructor Create();
+ destructor Destroy(); override;
+ function Put(pkt : PAVPacket): integer;
+ function Get(var pkt: TAVPacket; block: boolean): integer;
+ procedure Flush();
+ end;
+ MAX_AUDIOQ_SIZE = (5 * 16 * 1024);
+ EOFPacket: TAVPacket;
+ FlushPacket: TAVPacket;
+ PAudioBuffer = ^TAudioBuffer;
+ TAudioBuffer = array[0 .. (AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE * 3 div 2)-1] of byte;
+ TFFMpegDecodeStream = class(TAudioDecodeStream)
+ private
+ _EOF: boolean; // end-of-stream flag
+ _EOF_lock : PSDL_Mutex;
+ lock : PSDL_Mutex;
+ resumeCond : PSDL_Cond;
+ quitRequest : boolean;
+ seekRequest: boolean;
+ seekFlags : integer;
+ seekPos : int64;
+ parseThread: PSDL_Thread;
+ packetQueue: TPacketQueue;
+ // FFMpeg internal data
+ pFormatCtx : PAVFormatContext;
+ pCodecCtx : PAVCodecContext;
+ pCodec : PAVCodec;
+ ffmpegStreamIndex : Integer;
+ ffmpegStream : PAVStream;
+ // state-vars for DecodeFrame
+ pkt : TAVPacket;
+ audio_pkt_data : PChar;
+ audio_pkt_size : integer;
+ // state-vars for AudioCallback
+ audio_buf_index : cardinal;
+ audio_buf_size : cardinal;
+ audio_buf : TAudioBuffer;
+ function DecodeFrame(var buffer: TAudioBuffer; bufSize: integer): integer;
+ procedure SetEOF(state: boolean);
+ public
+ constructor Create(pFormatCtx: PAVFormatContext;
+ pCodecCtx: PAVCodecContext; pCodec: PAVCodec;
+ ffmpegStreamID : Integer; ffmpegStream: PAVStream);
+ destructor Destroy(); override;
+ procedure Close(); override;
+ function GetLength(): real; override;
+ function GetAudioFormatInfo(): TAudioFormatInfo; override;
+ function GetPosition: real; override;
+ procedure SetPosition(Time: real); override;
+ function IsEOF(): boolean; override;
+ function ReadData(Buffer: PChar; BufSize: integer): integer; override;
+ end;
+ TAudioDecoder_FFMpeg = class( TInterfacedObject, IAudioDecoder )
+ private
+ class function FindAudioStreamIndex(pFormatCtx : PAVFormatContext): integer;
+ public
+ function GetName: String;
+ function InitializeDecoder(): boolean;
+ function Open(const Filename: string): TAudioDecodeStream;
+ end;
+function ParseAudio(streamPtr: Pointer): integer; cdecl; forward;
+ singleton_AudioDecoderFFMpeg : IAudioDecoder;
+{ TFFMpegDecodeStream }
+constructor TFFMpegDecodeStream.Create(pFormatCtx: PAVFormatContext;
+ pCodecCtx: PAVCodecContext; pCodec: PAVCodec;
+ ffmpegStreamID : Integer; ffmpegStream: PAVStream);
+ inherited Create();
+ packetQueue := TPacketQueue.Create();
+ audio_pkt_data := nil;
+ audio_pkt_size := 0;
+ audio_buf_index := 0;
+ audio_buf_size := 0;
+ FillChar(pkt, sizeof(TAVPacket), 0);
+ Self.pFormatCtx := pFormatCtx;
+ Self.pCodecCtx := pCodecCtx;
+ Self.pCodec := pCodec;
+ Self.ffmpegStreamIndex := ffmpegStreamIndex;
+ Self.ffmpegStream := ffmpegStream;
+ _EOF := false;
+ _EOF_lock := SDL_CreateMutex();
+ lock := SDL_CreateMutex();
+ resumeCond := SDL_CreateCond();
+ parseThread := SDL_CreateThread(@ParseAudio, Self);
+destructor TFFMpegDecodeStream.Destroy();
+ //Close();
+ //packetQueue.Free();
+ inherited;
+procedure TFFMpegDecodeStream.Close();
+ // TODO: abort thread
+ //quitRequest := true;
+ //SDL_WaitThread(parseThread, nil);
+ (*
+ // Close the codec
+ if (pCodecCtx <> nil) then
+ begin
+ avcodec_close(pCodecCtx);
+ pCodecCtx := nil;
+ end;
+ // Close the video file
+ if (pFormatCtx <> nil) then
+ begin
+ av_close_input_file(pFormatCtx);
+ pFormatCtx := nil;
+ end;
+ *)
+function TFFMpegDecodeStream.GetLength(): real;
+ result := pFormatCtx^.duration / AV_TIME_BASE;
+function TFFMpegDecodeStream.GetAudioFormatInfo(): TAudioFormatInfo;
+ result.Channels := pCodecCtx^.channels;
+ result.SampleRate := pCodecCtx^.sample_rate;
+ //result.Format := pCodecCtx^.sample_fmt; // sample_fmt not yet used by FFMpeg
+ result.Format := asfS16; // use FFMpeg's standard format
+function TFFMpegDecodeStream.IsEOF(): boolean;
+ SDL_mutexP(_EOF_lock);
+ result := _EOF;
+ SDL_mutexV(_EOF_lock);
+procedure TFFMpegDecodeStream.SetEOF(state: boolean);
+ SDL_mutexP(_EOF_lock);
+ _EOF := state;
+ SDL_mutexV(_EOF_lock);
+function TFFMpegDecodeStream.GetPosition(): real;
+ bytes: integer;
+ // see: tutorial on synching (audio-clock)
+ Result := 0;
+procedure TFFMpegDecodeStream.SetPosition(Time: real);
+ bytes: integer;
+ SDL_mutexP(lock);
+ seekPos := Trunc(Time * AV_TIME_BASE);
+ // FIXME: seek_flags = rel < 0 ? AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD : 0
+ seekFlags := 0;//AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD;
+ seekRequest := true;
+ SDL_CondSignal(resumeCond);
+ SDL_mutexV(lock);
+function ParseAudio(streamPtr: Pointer): integer; cdecl;
+ packet: TAVPacket;
+ stream: TFFMpegDecodeStream;
+ seekTarget: int64;
+ eofState: boolean;
+ pbIOCtx: PByteIOContext;
+ stream := TFFMpegDecodeStream(streamPtr);
+ eofState := false;
+ while (true) do
+ begin
+ //SafeWriteLn('Hallo');
+ SDL_mutexP(stream.lock);
+ // wait if end-of-file reached
+ if (eofState) then
+ begin
+ if (not (stream.seekRequest or stream.quitRequest)) then
+ begin
+ // signal end-of-file
+ stream.packetQueue.put(@EOFPacket);
+ // wait for reuse or destruction of stream
+ repeat
+ SDL_CondWait(stream.resumeCond, stream.lock);
+ until (stream.seekRequest or stream.quitRequest);
+ end;
+ eofState := false;
+ stream.SetEOF(false);
+ end;
+ if (stream.quitRequest) then
+ begin
+ break;
+ end;
+ // handle seek-request
+ if(stream.seekRequest) then
+ begin
+ // TODO: Do we need this?
+ // The position is converted to AV_TIME_BASE and then to the stream-specific base.
+ // Why not convert to the stream-specific one from the beginning.
+ seekTarget := av_rescale_q(stream.seekPos, AV_TIME_BASE_Q, stream.ffmpegStream^.time_base);
+ if(av_seek_frame(stream.pFormatCtx, stream.ffmpegStreamIndex,
+ seekTarget, stream.seekFlags) < 0) then
+ begin
+ // this will crash in FPC due to a bug
+ //Log.LogStatus({stream.pFormatCtx^.filename +} ': error while seeking', 'UAudioDecoder_FFMpeg');
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ stream.packetQueue.Flush();
+ stream.packetQueue.Put(@FlushPacket);
+ end;
+ stream.seekRequest := false;
+ end;
+ SDL_mutexV(stream.lock);
+ if(stream.packetQueue.size > MAX_AUDIOQ_SIZE) then
+ begin
+ SDL_Delay(10);
+ continue;
+ end;
+ if(av_read_frame(stream.pFormatCtx, packet) < 0) then
+ begin
+ // check for end-of-file (eof is not an error)
+ pbIOCtx := stream.pFormatCtx^.pb;
+ {$ELSE}
+ pbIOCtx := @stream.pFormatCtx^.pb;
+ {$IFEND}
+ if(url_feof(pbIOCtx) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ SafeWriteLn('feof');
+ eofState := true;
+ continue;
+ end;
+ // check for errors
+ if(url_ferror(pbIOCtx) = 0) then
+ begin
+ SafeWriteLn('Errorf');
+ // no error -> wait for user input
+ SDL_Delay(100);
+ continue;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // an error occured -> abort
+ // TODO: eof or quit?
+ eofState := true;
+ continue;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //SafeWriteLn( 'ffmpeg - av_read_frame' );
+ if(packet.stream_index = stream.ffmpegStreamIndex) then
+ begin
+ //SafeWriteLn( 'packet_queue_put' );
+ stream.packetQueue.put(@packet);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ av_free_packet(@packet);
+ end;
+ end;
+ SafeWriteLn('Done: ' + inttostr(stream.packetQueue.nbPackets));
+ result := 0;
+function TFFMpegDecodeStream.DecodeFrame(var buffer: TAudioBuffer; bufSize: integer): integer;
+ len1,
+ data_size: integer;
+ result := -1;
+ if EOF then
+ exit;
+ while(true) do
+ begin
+ while (audio_pkt_size > 0) do
+ begin
+ //SafeWriteLn( 'got audio packet' );
+ data_size := bufSize;
+ {$IF LIBAVCODEC_VERSION >= 51030000} // 51.30.0
+ len1 := avcodec_decode_audio2(pCodecCtx, @buffer,
+ data_size, audio_pkt_data, audio_pkt_size);
+ {$ELSE}
+ // FIXME: with avcodec_decode_audio a package could contain several frames
+ // this is not handled yet
+ len1 := avcodec_decode_audio(pCodecCtx, @buffer,
+ data_size, audio_pkt_data, audio_pkt_size);
+ {$IFEND}
+ //SafeWriteLn('avcodec_decode_audio : ' + inttostr( len1 ));
+ if(len1 < 0) then
+ begin
+ // if error, skip frame
+ SafeWriteLn( 'Skip audio frame' );
+ audio_pkt_size := 0;
+ break;
+ end;
+ Inc(audio_pkt_data, len1);
+ Dec(audio_pkt_size, len1);
+ if (data_size <= 0) then
+ begin
+ // No data yet, get more frames
+ continue;
+ end;
+ // We have data, return it and come back for more later
+ result := data_size;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (pkt.data <> nil) then
+ begin
+ av_free_packet(@pkt);
+ end;
+ if (packetQueue.quit) then
+ exit;
+ if (packetQueue.Get(pkt, true) < 0) then
+ exit;
+ audio_pkt_data := PChar(pkt.data);
+ audio_pkt_size := pkt.size;
+ if (audio_pkt_data = PChar(FlushPacket.data)) then
+ begin
+ avcodec_flush_buffers(pCodecCtx);
+ SafeWriteLn('Flush');
+ continue;
+ end;
+ // check for end-of-file
+ if (audio_pkt_data = PChar(EOFPacket.data)) then
+ begin
+ // end-of-file reached -> set EOF-flag
+ SetEOF(true);
+ SafeWriteLn('EOF');
+ // note: buffer is not (even partially) filled -> no data to return
+ exit;
+ end;
+ //SafeWriteLn( 'Audio Packet Size - ' + inttostr(audio_pkt_size) );
+ end;
+function TFFMpegDecodeStream.ReadData(Buffer : PChar; BufSize: integer): integer;
+ outStream : TFFMpegDecodeStream;
+ len1,
+ audio_size : integer;
+ pSrc : Pointer;
+ len : integer;
+ len := BufSize;
+ result := -1;
+ // end-of-file reached
+ if EOF then
+ exit;
+ while (len > 0) do begin
+ if (audio_buf_index >= audio_buf_size) then
+ begin
+ // We have already sent all our data; get more
+ audio_size := DecodeFrame(audio_buf, sizeof(TAudioBuffer));
+ //SafeWriteLn('audio_decode_frame : '+ inttostr(audio_size));
+ if(audio_size < 0) then
+ begin
+ // If error, output silence
+ audio_buf_size := 1024;
+ FillChar(audio_buf, audio_buf_size, #0);
+ //SafeWriteLn( 'Silence' );
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ audio_buf_size := audio_size;
+ end;
+ audio_buf_index := 0;
+ end;
+ len1 := audio_buf_size - audio_buf_index;
+ if (len1 > len) then
+ len1 := len;
+ pSrc := PChar(@audio_buf) + audio_buf_index;
+ {$ifdef WIN32}
+ CopyMemory(Buffer, pSrc , len1);
+ {$else}
+ memcpy(Buffer, pSrc , len1);
+ {$endif}
+ Dec(len, len1);
+ Inc(PChar(Buffer), len1);
+ Inc(audio_buf_index, len1);
+ end;
+ result := BufSize;
+{ TAudioDecoder_FFMpeg }
+function TAudioDecoder_FFMpeg.GetName: String;
+ result := 'FFMpeg_Decoder';
+function TAudioDecoder_FFMpeg.InitializeDecoder: boolean;
+ //Log.LogStatus('InitializeDecoder', 'UAudioDecoder_FFMpeg');
+ av_register_all();
+ // init end-of-file package
+ av_init_packet(EOFPacket);
+ EOFPacket.data := Pointer(PChar('EOF'));
+ // init flush package
+ av_init_packet(FlushPacket);
+ FlushPacket.data := Pointer(PChar('FLUSH'));
+ result := true;
+class function TAudioDecoder_FFMpeg.FindAudioStreamIndex(pFormatCtx : PAVFormatContext): integer;
+ i : integer;
+ streamIndex: integer;
+ stream : PAVStream;
+ // Find the first audio stream
+ streamIndex := -1;
+ for i := 0 to pFormatCtx^.nb_streams-1 do
+ begin
+ //Log.LogStatus('aFormatCtx.streams[i] : ' + inttostr(i), 'UAudio_FFMpeg');
+ stream := pFormatCtx^.streams[i];
+ if ( stream.codec^.codec_type = CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO ) then
+ begin
+ //Log.LogStatus('Found Audio Stream', 'UAudio_FFMpeg');
+ streamIndex := i;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ result := streamIndex;
+function TAudioDecoder_FFMpeg.Open(const Filename: string): TAudioDecodeStream;
+ pFormatCtx : PAVFormatContext;
+ pCodecCtx : PAVCodecContext;
+ pCodec : PAVCodec;
+ ffmpegStreamID : Integer;
+ ffmpegStream : PAVStream;
+ wanted_spec,
+ csIndex : integer;
+ stream : TFFMpegDecodeStream;
+ result := nil;
+ if (not FileExists(Filename)) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogStatus('LoadSoundFromFile: Sound not found "' + Filename + '"', 'UAudio_FFMpeg');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // Open audio file
+ if (av_open_input_file(pFormatCtx, PChar(Filename), nil, 0, nil) > 0) then
+ exit;
+ // Retrieve stream information
+ if (av_find_stream_info(pFormatCtx) < 0) then
+ exit;
+ dump_format(pFormatCtx, 0, pchar(Filename), 0);
+ ffmpegStreamID := FindAudioStreamIndex(pFormatCtx);
+ if (ffmpegStreamID < 0) then
+ exit;
+ //Log.LogStatus('AudioStreamIndex is: '+ inttostr(ffmpegStreamID), 'UAudio_FFMpeg');
+ ffmpegStream := pFormatCtx.streams[ffmpegStreamID];
+ pCodecCtx := ffmpegStream^.codec;
+ pCodec := avcodec_find_decoder(pCodecCtx^.codec_id);
+ if (pCodec = nil) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogStatus('Unsupported codec!', 'UAudio_FFMpeg');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ avcodec_open(pCodecCtx, pCodec);
+ //WriteLn( 'Opened the codec' );
+ stream := TFFMpegDecodeStream.Create(pFormatCtx, pCodecCtx, pCodec,
+ ffmpegStreamID, ffmpegStream);
+ result := stream;
+{ TPacketQueue }
+constructor TPacketQueue.Create();
+ inherited;
+ firstPkt := nil;
+ lastPkt := nil;
+ nbPackets := 0;
+ size := 0;
+ mutex := SDL_CreateMutex();
+ cond := SDL_CreateCond();
+destructor TPacketQueue.Destroy();
+ SDL_DestroyMutex(mutex);
+ SDL_DestroyCond(cond);
+ inherited;
+function TPacketQueue.Put(pkt : PAVPacket): integer;
+ pkt1 : PAVPacketList;
+ result := -1;
+ if ((pkt <> @EOFPacket) and (pkt <> @FlushPacket)) then
+ if (av_dup_packet(pkt) < 0) then
+ exit;
+ pkt1 := av_malloc(sizeof(TAVPacketList));
+ if (pkt1 = nil) then
+ exit;
+ pkt1^.pkt := pkt^;
+ pkt1^.next := nil;
+ SDL_LockMutex(Self.mutex);
+ try
+ if (Self.lastPkt = nil) then
+ Self.firstPkt := pkt1
+ else
+ Self.lastPkt^.next := pkt1;
+ Self.lastPkt := pkt1;
+ inc(Self.nbPackets);
+ //SafeWriteLn('Put: ' + inttostr(nbPackets));
+ Self.size := Self.size + pkt1^.pkt.size;
+ SDL_CondSignal(Self.cond);
+ finally
+ SDL_UnlockMutex(Self.mutex);
+ end;
+ result := 0;
+function TPacketQueue.Get(var pkt: TAVPacket; block: boolean): integer;
+ pkt1 : PAVPacketList;
+ result := -1;
+ SDL_LockMutex(Self.mutex);
+ try
+ while true do
+ begin
+ if (quit) then
+ exit;
+ pkt1 := Self.firstPkt;
+ if (pkt1 <> nil) then
+ begin
+ Self.firstPkt := pkt1.next;
+ if (Self.firstPkt = nil) then
+ Self.lastPkt := nil;
+ dec(Self.nbPackets);
+ //SafeWriteLn('Get: ' + inttostr(nbPackets));
+ Self.size := Self.size - pkt1^.pkt.size;
+ pkt := pkt1^.pkt;
+ av_free(pkt1);
+ result := 1;
+ break;
+ end
+ else
+ if (not block) then
+ begin
+ result := 0;
+ break;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ SDL_CondWait(Self.cond, Self.mutex);
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ SDL_UnlockMutex(Self.mutex);
+ end;
+procedure TPacketQueue.Flush();
+ pkt, pkt1: PAVPacketList;
+ SDL_LockMutex(Self.mutex);
+ pkt := Self.firstPkt;
+ while(pkt <> nil) do
+ begin
+ pkt1 := pkt^.next;
+ av_free_packet(@pkt^.pkt);
+ // Note: param must be a pointer to a pointer!
+ av_freep(@pkt);
+ pkt := pkt1;
+ end;
+ Self.lastPkt := nil;
+ Self.firstPkt := nil;
+ Self.nbPackets := 0;
+ Self.size := 0;
+ SDL_UnlockMutex(Self.mutex);
+ singleton_AudioDecoderFFMpeg := TAudioDecoder_FFMpeg.create();
+ //writeln( 'UAudioDecoder_FFMpeg - Register Decoder' );
+ AudioManager.add( singleton_AudioDecoderFFMpeg );
+ AudioManager.Remove( singleton_AudioDecoderFFMpeg );