path: root/src/screens/UScreenScore.pas
diff options
authortobigun <tobigun@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2010-10-10 22:59:33 +0000
committertobigun <tobigun@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2010-10-10 22:59:33 +0000
commit35187604cef84864a908972d07361a5bd57e29ca (patch)
treedc95a8b1abeabd3a466729056ab8d37aaa6e72ea /src/screens/UScreenScore.pas
parent58c1daf3692d4c5c534750a4fda97e087b0f0cbb (diff)
parent02bd10f0798829ab69d2028b988cb2a54eae292a (diff)
rename trunk to 1.1svn/1.1github/svn/1.1
git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/branches/1.1@2662 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
Diffstat (limited to 'src/screens/UScreenScore.pas')
1 files changed, 1187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/screens/UScreenScore.pas b/src/screens/UScreenScore.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de7675bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/screens/UScreenScore.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1187 @@
+{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
+ *
+ * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
+ * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
+ * file distributed with this source distribution.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * $URL$
+ * $Id$
+ *}
+unit UScreenScore;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ UMenu,
+ SDL,
+ SysUtils,
+ UDisplay,
+ UMusic,
+ USongs,
+ UThemes,
+ gl,
+ math,
+ UTexture;
+ ZBars: real = 0.8; // Z value for the bars
+ ZRatingPic: real = 0.8; // Z value for the rating pictures
+ EaseOut_MaxSteps: real = 10; // that's the speed of the bars (10 is fast | 100 is slower)
+ BarRaiseSpeed: cardinal = 14; // Time for raising the bar one step higher (in ms)
+ TScoreBarType = (sbtScore, sbtLine, sbtGolden);
+ TPlayerScoreScreenTexture = record // holds all colorized textures for up to 6 players
+ //Bar textures
+ Score_NoteBarLevel_Dark: TTexture; // Note
+ Score_NoteBarRound_Dark: TTexture; // that's the round thing on top
+ Score_NoteBarLevel_Light: TTexture; // LineBonus | Phrasebonus
+ Score_NoteBarRound_Light: TTexture;
+ Score_NoteBarLevel_Lightest: TTexture; // GoldenNotes
+ Score_NoteBarRound_Lightest: TTexture;
+ Player_Id_Box: TTexture; // boxes with player numbers
+ end;
+ TPlayerScoreScreenData = record // holds the positions and other data
+ Bar_Y: real;
+ Bar_Actual_Height: real; // this one holds the actual height of the bar, while we animate it
+ BarScore_ActualHeight: real;
+ BarLine_ActualHeight: real;
+ BarGolden_ActualHeight: real;
+ end;
+ TPlayerScoreRatingPics = record // a fine array of the rating pictures
+ RateEaseStep: integer;
+ RateEaseValue: real;
+ end;
+ { hold maps of players to the different positions }
+ TPlayerPositionMap = record
+ Position: byte; // 1..6: Position of Player; 0: no position (e.g. too little screens)
+ Screen: byte; // 0 - Screen 1; 1 - Screen 2
+ BothScreens: boolean; // true if player is drawn on both screens
+ end;
+ APlayerPositionMap = array of TPlayerPositionMap;
+ { textures for playerstatics of seconds screen players }
+ TPlayerStaticTexture = record
+ Tex: TTexture;
+ end;
+ TScreenScore = class(TMenu)
+ private
+ { holds position and screen of players(index)
+ set by calling MapPlayerstoPosition() }
+ PlayerPositionMap: APlayerPositionMap;
+ BarTime: cardinal;
+ aPlayerScoreScreenTextures: array[1..6] of TPlayerScoreScreenTexture;
+ aPlayerScoreScreenDatas: array[1..6] of TPlayerScoreScreenData;
+ aPlayerScoreScreenRatings: array[1..6] of TPlayerScoreRatingPics;
+ BarScore_EaseOut_Step: real;
+ BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step: real;
+ BarGolden_EaseOut_Step: real;
+ TextArtist: integer;
+ TextTitle: integer;
+ TextArtistTitle: integer;
+ TextName: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextScore: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextNotes: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextNotesScore: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextLineBonus: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextLineBonusScore: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextGoldenNotes: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextGoldenNotesScore: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextTotal: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextTotalScore: array[1..6] of integer;
+ PlayerStatic: array[1..6] of array of integer;
+ { texture pairs for swapping when screens = 2
+ first array level: index of player ( actually this is a position
+ 1 - Player 1 if PlayersPlay = 1 <- we don't need swapping here
+ 2..3 - Player 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 if PlayersPlay = 2 or 4
+ 4..6 - Player 1 - 3 or 4 - 6 if PlayersPlay = 3 or 6 )
+ second array level: different playerstatics for positions
+ third array level: texture for screen 1 or 2 }
+ PlayerStaticTextures: array[1..6] of array of array [1..2] of TPlayerStaticTexture;
+ PlayerTexts: array[1..6] of array of integer;
+ StaticBoxLightest: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticBoxLight: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticBoxDark: array[1..6] of integer;
+ { texture pairs for swapping when screens = 2
+ for boxes
+ first array level: index of player ( actually this is a position
+ 1 - Player 1 if PlayersPlay = 1 <- we don't need swapping here
+ 2..3 - Player 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 if PlayersPlay = 2 or 4
+ 4..6 - Player 1 - 3 or 4 - 6 if PlayersPlay = 3 or 6 )
+ second array level: different boxes for positions (0: lightest; 1: light; 2: dark)
+ third array level: texture for screen 1 or 2 }
+ PlayerBoxTextures: array[1..6] of array[0..2] of array [1..2] of TPlayerStaticTexture;
+ StaticBackLevel: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticBackLevelRound: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticLevel: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticLevelRound: array[1..6] of integer;
+ { statics with players ids }
+ StaticPlayerIdBox: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TexturePlayerIdBox: array[1..6] of TTexture;
+ Animation: real;
+ TextScore_ActualValue: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextPhrase_ActualValue: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextGolden_ActualValue: array[1..6] of integer;
+ procedure MapPlayersToPosition;
+ procedure FillPlayer(Item, P: integer);
+ procedure FillPlayerItems(PlayerNumber: integer);
+ procedure UpdateAnimation;
+ {****
+ * helpers for bar easing
+ *}
+ procedure EaseBarIn(PlayerNumber: integer; BarType: TScoreBarType);
+ procedure EaseScoreIn(PlayerNumber: integer; ScoreType: TScoreBarType);
+ procedure DrawPlayerBars;
+ procedure DrawBar(BarType: TScoreBarType; PlayerNumber: integer; BarStartPosY: single; NewHeight: real);
+ {****
+ * helpers for rating picture
+ *}
+ procedure ShowRating(PlayerNumber: integer);
+ function CalculateBouncing(PlayerNumber: integer): real;
+ procedure DrawRating(PlayerNumber: integer; Rating: integer);
+ { for player static texture swapping }
+ procedure LoadSwapTextures;
+ procedure SwapToScreen(Screen: integer);
+ public
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: cardinal; CharCode: UCS4Char; PressedDown: boolean): boolean; override;
+ function ParseMouse(MouseButton: Integer; BtnDown: Boolean; X, Y: integer): boolean; override;
+ procedure OnShow; override;
+ procedure OnShowFinish; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ end;
+ UGraphic,
+ UScreenSong,
+ UMenuStatic,
+ UTime,
+ UIni,
+ USkins,
+ ULog,
+ ULanguage,
+ UNote,
+ UUnicodeUtils;
+function TScreenScore.ParseInput(PressedKey: cardinal; CharCode: UCS4Char; PressedDown: boolean): boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ if (PressedDown) then
+ begin
+ // check normal keys
+ case UCS4UpperCase(CharCode) of
+ Ord('Q'):
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // check special keys
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ FadeTo(@ScreenTop5);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Display.SaveScreenShot;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TScreenScore.ParseMouse(MouseButton: Integer; BtnDown: Boolean; X, Y: integer): boolean;
+ Result := True;
+ if (MouseButton = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) and BtnDown then begin
+ //left-click anywhere sends return
+ ParseInput(SDLK_RETURN, 0, true);
+ end;
+procedure TScreenScore.LoadSwapTextures;
+ var
+ P, I: integer;
+ PlayerNum, PlayerNum2: integer;
+ Color: string;
+ R, G, B: real;
+ StaticNum: integer;
+ ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic;
+ { we only need to load swapping textures if in dualscreen mode }
+ if Screens = 2 then
+ begin
+ { load swapping textures for custom statics }
+ for P := low(PlayerStatic) to High(PlayerStatic) do
+ begin
+ SetLength(PlayerStaticTextures[P], Length(PlayerStatic[P]));
+ { get the players that actually are on this position }
+ case P of
+ 1: begin
+ PlayerNum := 1;
+ PlayerNum2 := 1;
+ end;
+ 2, 3: begin
+ PlayerNum := P - 1;
+ PlayerNum2 := PlayerNum + 2;
+ end;
+ 4..6: begin
+ PlayerNum := P - 3;
+ PlayerNum2 := PlayerNum + 3;
+ end;
+ end;
+ for I := 0 to High(PlayerStatic[P]) do
+ begin
+ // copy current statics texture to texture for screen 1
+ PlayerStaticTextures[P, I, 1].Tex := Statics[PlayerStatic[P, I]].Texture;
+ // fallback to first screen texture for 2nd screen
+ PlayerStaticTextures[P, I, 2].Tex := PlayerStaticTextures[P, I, 1].Tex;
+ { texture for second screen }
+ { we only change color for statics with playercolor
+ and with Texture type colorized
+ also we don't need to swap for one player position }
+ if (P <> 1) and
+ (Theme.Score.PlayerStatic[P, I].Typ = Texture_Type_Colorized) and
+ (Length(Theme.Score.PlayerStatic[P, I].Color) >= 2) and
+ (copy(Theme.Score.PlayerStatic[P, I].Color, 1, 2) = 'P' + IntToStr(PlayerNum)) then
+ begin
+ // get the color
+ Color := Theme.Score.PlayerStatic[P, I].Color;
+ Color[2] := IntToStr(PlayerNum2)[1];
+ LoadColor(R, G, B, Color);
+ with Theme.Score.PlayerStatic[P, I] do
+ PlayerStaticTextures[P, I, 2].Tex := Texture.GetTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName(Tex), Typ, RGBFloatToInt(R, G, B));
+ PlayerStaticTextures[P, I, 2].Tex.X := Statics[PlayerStatic[P, I]].Texture.X;
+ PlayerStaticTextures[P, I, 2].Tex.Y := Statics[PlayerStatic[P, I]].Texture.Y;
+ PlayerStaticTextures[P, I, 2].Tex.W := Statics[PlayerStatic[P, I]].Texture.W;
+ PlayerStaticTextures[P, I, 2].Tex.H := Statics[PlayerStatic[P, I]].Texture.H;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ { load swap textures for boxes }
+ for P := low(PlayerBoxTextures) to High(PlayerBoxTextures) do
+ begin
+ { get the players that actually are on this position }
+ case P of
+ 1: begin
+ PlayerNum := 1;
+ PlayerNum2 := 1;
+ end;
+ 2, 3: begin
+ PlayerNum := P - 1;
+ PlayerNum2 := PlayerNum + 2;
+ end;
+ 4..6: begin
+ PlayerNum := P - 3;
+ PlayerNum2 := PlayerNum + 3;
+ end;
+ end;
+ for I := 0 to High(PlayerBoxTextures[P]) do
+ begin
+ case I of
+ 0: begin
+ StaticNum := StaticBoxLightest[P];
+ ThemeStatic := Theme.Score.StaticBoxLightest[P];
+ end;
+ 1: begin
+ StaticNum := StaticBoxLight[P];
+ ThemeStatic := Theme.Score.StaticBoxLight[P];
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ StaticNum := StaticBoxDark[P];
+ ThemeStatic := Theme.Score.StaticBoxDark[P];
+ end;
+ end;
+ // copy current statics texture to texture for screen 1
+ PlayerBoxTextures[P, I, 1].Tex := Statics[StaticNum].Texture;
+ // fallback to first screen texture for 2nd screen
+ PlayerBoxTextures[P, I, 2].Tex := PlayerBoxTextures[P, I, 1].Tex;
+ { texture for second screen }
+ { we only change color for statics with playercolor
+ and with Texture type colorized
+ also we don't need to swap for one player position }
+ if (P <> 1) and
+ (ThemeStatic.Typ = Texture_Type_Colorized) and
+ (Length(ThemeStatic.Color) >= 2) and
+ (copy(ThemeStatic.Color, 1, 2) = 'P' + IntToStr(PlayerNum)) then
+ begin
+ // get the color
+ Color := ThemeStatic.Color;
+ Color[2] := IntToStr(PlayerNum2)[1];
+ LoadColor(R, G, B, Color);
+ with ThemeStatic do
+ PlayerBoxTextures[P, I, 2].Tex := Texture.GetTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName(Tex), Typ, RGBFloatToInt(R, G, B));
+ PlayerBoxTextures[P, I, 2].Tex.X := Statics[StaticNum].Texture.X;
+ PlayerBoxTextures[P, I, 2].Tex.Y := Statics[StaticNum].Texture.Y;
+ PlayerBoxTextures[P, I, 2].Tex.W := Statics[StaticNum].Texture.W;
+ PlayerBoxTextures[P, I, 2].Tex.H := Statics[StaticNum].Texture.H;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenScore.SwapToScreen(Screen: integer);
+ var
+ P, I: integer;
+ { if screens = 2 and playerplay <= 3 the 2nd screen shows the
+ textures of screen 1 }
+ if (PlayersPlay <= 3) and (Screen = 2) then
+ Screen := 1;
+ { set correct box textures }
+ for I := 0 to High(PlayerPositionMap) do
+ begin
+ if (PlayerPositionMap[I].Position > 0) and ((ScreenAct = PlayerPositionMap[I].Screen) or (PlayerPositionMap[I].BothScreens)) then
+ begin
+ // we just set the texture specific stuff
+ // so we don't overwrite e.g. width and height
+ with Statics[StaticPlayerIdBox[PlayerPositionMap[I].Position]].Texture do
+ begin
+ TexNum := aPlayerScoreScreenTextures[I+1].Player_Id_Box.TexNum;
+ TexW := aPlayerScoreScreenTextures[I+1].Player_Id_Box.TexW;
+ TexH := aPlayerScoreScreenTextures[I+1].Player_Id_Box.TexH;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (Screens = 2) then
+ begin
+ { to keep it simple we just swap all statics, not just the shown ones }
+ for P := Low(PlayerStatic) to High(PlayerStatic) do
+ for I := 0 to High(PlayerStatic[P]) do
+ begin
+ Statics[PlayerStatic[P, I]].Texture := PlayerStaticTextures[P, I, Screen].Tex;
+ end;
+ { box statics }
+ for P := Low(PlayerStatic) to High(PlayerStatic) do
+ begin
+ Statics[StaticBoxLightest[P]].Texture := PlayerBoxTextures[P, 0, Screen].Tex;
+ Statics[StaticBoxLight[P]].Texture := PlayerBoxTextures[P, 1, Screen].Tex;
+ Statics[StaticBoxDark[P]].Texture := PlayerBoxTextures[P, 2, Screen].Tex;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenScore.Create;
+ Player: integer;
+ Counter: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.Score);
+ // These two texts arn't used in the deluxe skin
+ TextArtist := AddText(Theme.Score.TextArtist);
+ TextTitle := AddText(Theme.Score.TextTitle);
+ TextArtistTitle := AddText(Theme.Score.TextArtistTitle);
+ for Player := 1 to 6 do
+ begin
+ SetLength(PlayerStatic[Player], Length(Theme.Score.PlayerStatic[Player]));
+ SetLength(PlayerTexts[Player], Length(Theme.Score.PlayerTexts[Player]));
+ for Counter := 0 to High(Theme.Score.PlayerStatic[Player]) do
+ PlayerStatic[Player, Counter] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.PlayerStatic[Player, Counter]);
+ for Counter := 0 to High(Theme.Score.PlayerTexts[Player]) do
+ PlayerTexts[Player, Counter] := AddText(Theme.Score.PlayerTexts[Player, Counter]);
+ TextName[Player] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextName[Player]);
+ TextScore[Player] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextScore[Player]);
+ TextNotes[Player] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextNotes[Player]);
+ TextNotesScore[Player] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextNotesScore[Player]);
+ TextLineBonus[Player] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextLineBonus[Player]);
+ TextLineBonusScore[Player] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextLineBonusScore[Player]);
+ TextGoldenNotes[Player] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextGoldenNotes[Player]);
+ TextGoldenNotesScore[Player] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextGoldenNotesScore[Player]);
+ TextTotal[Player] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextTotal[Player]);
+ TextTotalScore[Player] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextTotalScore[Player]);
+ StaticBoxLightest[Player] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBoxLightest[Player]);
+ StaticBoxLight[Player] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBoxLight[Player]);
+ StaticBoxDark[Player] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBoxDark[Player]);
+ StaticBackLevel[Player] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBackLevel[Player]);
+ StaticBackLevelRound[Player] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBackLevelRound[Player]);
+ StaticLevel[Player] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticLevel[Player]);
+ StaticLevelRound[Player] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticLevelRound[Player]);
+ StaticPlayerIdBox[Player] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticPlayerIdBox[Player]);
+ //textures
+ aPlayerScoreScreenTextures[Player].Score_NoteBarLevel_Dark := Tex_Score_NoteBarLevel_Dark[Player];
+ aPlayerScoreScreenTextures[Player].Score_NoteBarRound_Dark := Tex_Score_NoteBarRound_Dark[Player];
+ aPlayerScoreScreenTextures[Player].Score_NoteBarLevel_Light := Tex_Score_NoteBarLevel_Light[Player];
+ aPlayerScoreScreenTextures[Player].Score_NoteBarRound_Light := Tex_Score_NoteBarRound_Light[Player];
+ aPlayerScoreScreenTextures[Player].Score_NoteBarLevel_Lightest := Tex_Score_NoteBarLevel_Lightest[Player];
+ aPlayerScoreScreenTextures[Player].Score_NoteBarRound_Lightest := Tex_Score_NoteBarRound_Lightest[Player];
+ aPlayerScoreScreenTextures[Player].Player_Id_Box := Texture.GetTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('PlayerIDBox0' + IntToStr(Player)), Texture_Type_Transparent);
+ end;
+ LoadSwapTextures;
+procedure TScreenScore.MapPlayersToPosition;
+ var
+ ArrayStartModifier: integer;
+ PlayersPerScreen: integer;
+ I: integer;
+ // all statics / texts are loaded at start - so that we have them all even if we change the amount of players
+ // To show the corrects statics / text from the them, we simply modify the start of the according arrays
+ // 1 Player -> Player[0].Score (The score for one player starts at 0)
+ // -> Statics[1] (The statics for the one player screen start at 1)
+ // 2 Player -> Player[0..1].Score
+ // -> Statics[2..3]
+ // 3 Player -> Player[0..5].Score
+ // -> Statics[4..6]
+ case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: ArrayStartModifier := 1;
+ 2, 4: ArrayStartModifier := 2;
+ 3, 6: ArrayStartModifier := 4;
+ else
+ ArrayStartModifier := 0; //this should never happen
+ end;
+ if (PlayersPlay <= 3) then
+ PlayersPerScreen := PlayersPlay
+ else
+ PlayersPerScreen := PlayersPlay div 2;
+ SetLength(PlayerPositionMap, PlayersPlay);
+ // actually map players to positions
+ for I := 0 to PlayersPlay - 1 do
+ begin
+ PlayerPositionMap[I].Screen := (I div PlayersPerScreen) + 1;
+ if (PlayerPositionMap[I].Screen > Screens) then
+ PlayerPositionMap[I].Position := 0
+ else
+ PlayerPositionMap[I].Position := ArrayStartModifier + (I mod PlayersPerScreen);
+ PlayerPositionMap[I].BothScreens := (PlayersPlay <= 3) and (Screens > 1);
+ end;
+procedure TScreenScore.UpdateAnimation;
+ CurrentTime: integer;
+ I: integer;
+ CurrentTime := SDL_GetTicks();
+ if (ScreenAct = 1) and ShowFinish then
+ while (CurrentTime >= BarTime) do
+ begin
+ Inc(BarTime, BarRaiseSpeed);
+ // We actually arise them in the right order, but we have to draw them in reverse order (golden -> phrase -> mainscore)
+ if (BarScore_EaseOut_Step < EaseOut_MaxSteps * 10) then
+ BarScore_EaseOut_Step:= BarScore_EaseOut_Step + 1
+ // PhrasenBonus
+ else if (BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step < EaseOut_MaxSteps * 10) then
+ BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step := BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step + 1
+ // GoldenNotebonus
+ else if (BarGolden_EaseOut_Step < EaseOut_MaxSteps * 10) then
+ BarGolden_EaseOut_Step := BarGolden_EaseOut_Step + 1
+ // rating icon
+ else
+ for I := 1 to PlayersPlay do
+ CalculateBouncing(I);
+ end;
+procedure TScreenScore.DrawPlayerBars;
+ var
+ I: integer;
+ for I := 0 to PlayersPlay-1 do
+ begin
+ if (PlayerPositionMap[I].Position > 0) and ((ScreenAct = PlayerPositionMap[I].Screen) or (PlayerPositionMap[I].BothScreens)) then
+ begin
+ if (BarScore_EaseOut_Step >= (EaseOut_MaxSteps * 10)) then
+ begin
+ if (BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step >= (EaseOut_MaxSteps * 10)) then
+ begin
+ // Draw golden score bar #
+ EaseBarIn(I + 1, sbtGolden);
+ EaseScoreIn(I + 1, sbtGolden);
+ end;
+ // Draw phrase score bar #
+ EaseBarIn(I + 1, sbtLine);
+ EaseScoreIn(I + 1, sbtLine);
+ end;
+ // Draw plain score bar #
+ EaseBarIn(I + 1, sbtScore);
+ EaseScoreIn(I + 1, sbtScore);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenScore.OnShow;
+ P: integer; // player
+ I: integer;
+ V: array[1..6] of boolean; // visibility array
+ {**
+ * Turn backgroundmusic on
+ *}
+ SoundLib.StartBgMusic;
+ inherited;
+ MapPlayersToPosition;
+ for P := 1 to PlayersPlay do
+ begin
+ // data
+ aPlayerScoreScreenDatas[P].Bar_Y := Theme.Score.StaticBackLevel[PlayerPositionMap[P-1].Position].Y;
+ // ratings
+ aPlayerScoreScreenRatings[P].RateEaseStep := 1;
+ aPlayerScoreScreenRatings[P].RateEaseValue := 20;
+ // actual values
+ TextScore_ActualValue[P] := 0;
+ TextPhrase_ActualValue[P] := 0;
+ TextGolden_ActualValue[P] := 0;
+ end;
+ Text[TextArtist].Text := CurrentSong.Artist;
+ Text[TextTitle].Text := CurrentSong.Title;
+ Text[TextArtistTitle].Text := CurrentSong.Artist + ' - ' + CurrentSong.Title;
+ // set visibility
+ case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: begin
+ V[1] := true;
+ V[2] := false;
+ V[3] := false;
+ V[4] := false;
+ V[5] := false;
+ V[6] := false;
+ end;
+ 2, 4: begin
+ V[1] := false;
+ V[2] := true;
+ V[3] := true;
+ V[4] := false;
+ V[5] := false;
+ V[6] := false;
+ end;
+ 3, 6: begin
+ V[1] := false;
+ V[2] := false;
+ V[3] := false;
+ V[4] := true;
+ V[5] := true;
+ V[6] := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ for P := 1 to 6 do
+ begin
+ Text[TextName[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ // We set alpha to 0 , so we can nicely blend them in when we need them
+ Text[TextScore[P]].Alpha := 0;
+ Text[TextNotesScore[P]].Alpha := 0;
+ Text[TextNotes[P]].Alpha := 0;
+ Text[TextLineBonus[P]].Alpha := 0;
+ Text[TextLineBonusScore[P]].Alpha := 0;
+ Text[TextGoldenNotes[P]].Alpha := 0;
+ Text[TextGoldenNotesScore[P]].Alpha := 0;
+ Text[TextTotal[P]].Alpha := 0;
+ Text[TextTotalScore[P]].Alpha := 0;
+ Statics[StaticBoxLightest[P]].Texture.Alpha := 0;
+ Statics[StaticBoxLight[P]].Texture.Alpha := 0;
+ Statics[StaticBoxDark[P]].Texture.Alpha := 0;
+ Text[TextNotes[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextNotesScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextLineBonus[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextLineBonusScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextGoldenNotes[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextGoldenNotesScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextTotal[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextTotalScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ for I := 0 to high(PlayerStatic[P]) do
+ Statics[PlayerStatic[P, I]].Visible := V[P];
+ for I := 0 to high(PlayerTexts[P]) do
+ Text[PlayerTexts[P, I]].Visible := V[P];
+ Statics[StaticBoxLightest[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Statics[StaticBoxLight[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Statics[StaticBoxDark[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Statics[StaticPlayerIdBox[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ // we draw that on our own
+ Statics[StaticBackLevel[P]].Visible := false;
+ Statics[StaticBackLevelRound[P]].Visible := false;
+ Statics[StaticLevel[P]].Visible := false;
+ Statics[StaticLevelRound[P]].Visible := false;
+ end;
+ BarScore_EaseOut_Step := 1;
+ BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step := 1;
+ BarGolden_EaseOut_Step := 1;
+procedure TScreenScore.onShowFinish;
+ index: integer;
+ for index := 1 to (PlayersPlay) do
+ begin
+ TextScore_ActualValue[index] := 0;
+ TextPhrase_ActualValue[index] := 0;
+ TextGolden_ActualValue[index] := 0;
+ end;
+ BarTime := SDL_GetTicks();
+function TScreenScore.Draw: boolean;
+ PlayerCounter: integer;
+ player[0].ScoreInt := 7000;
+ player[0].ScoreLineInt := 2000;
+ player[0].ScoreGoldenInt := 1000;
+ player[0].ScoreTotalInt := 10000;
+ player[1].ScoreInt := 2500;
+ player[1].ScoreLineInt := 1100;
+ player[1].ScoreGoldenInt := 900;
+ player[1].ScoreTotalInt := 4500;
+ // swap static textures to current screen ones
+ SwapToScreen(ScreenAct);
+ //Draw the Background
+ DrawBG;
+ // Let's start to arise the bars
+ UpdateAnimation;
+ // we have to swap the themeobjects values on every draw
+ // to support dual screen
+ for PlayerCounter := 1 to PlayersPlay do
+ begin
+ FillPlayerItems(PlayerCounter);
+ end;
+ if (ShowFinish) then
+ DrawPlayerBars;
+ //Draw Theme Objects
+ DrawFG;
+ //todo: i need a clever method to draw statics with their z value
+ for I := 0 to Length(Statics) - 1 do
+ Statics[I].Draw;
+ for I := 0 to Length(Text) - 1 do
+ Text[I].Draw;
+ Result := true;
+procedure TscreenScore.FillPlayerItems(PlayerNumber: integer);
+ ThemeIndex: integer;
+ ThemeIndex := PlayerPositionMap[PlayerNumber-1].Position;
+ if (ThemeIndex > 0) and ((ScreenAct = PlayerPositionMap[PlayerNumber-1].Screen) or (PlayerPositionMap[PlayerNumber-1].BothScreens)) then
+ begin
+ // todo: take the name from player[PlayerNumber].Name instead of the ini when this is done (mog)
+ Text[TextName[ThemeIndex]].Text := Ini.Name[PlayerNumber-1];
+ // end todo
+ //golden
+ Text[TextGoldenNotesScore[ThemeIndex]].Text := IntToStr(TextGolden_ActualValue[PlayerNumber]);
+ Text[TextGoldenNotesScore[ThemeIndex]].Alpha := (BarGolden_EaseOut_Step / 100);
+ Statics[StaticBoxLightest[ThemeIndex]].Texture.Alpha := (BarGolden_EaseOut_Step / 100);
+ Text[TextGoldenNotes[ThemeIndex]].Alpha := (BarGolden_EaseOut_Step / 100);
+ // line bonus
+ Text[TextLineBonusScore[ThemeIndex]].Text := IntToStr(TextPhrase_ActualValue[PlayerNumber]);
+ Text[TextLineBonusScore[ThemeIndex]].Alpha := (BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step / 100);
+ Statics[StaticBoxLight[ThemeIndex]].Texture.Alpha := (BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step / 100);
+ Text[TextLineBonus[ThemeIndex]].Alpha := (BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step / 100);
+ // plain score
+ Text[TextNotesScore[ThemeIndex]].Text := IntToStr(TextScore_ActualValue[PlayerNumber]);
+ Text[TextNotes[ThemeIndex]].Alpha := (BarScore_EaseOut_Step / 100);
+ Statics[StaticBoxDark[ThemeIndex]].Texture.Alpha := (BarScore_EaseOut_Step / 100);
+ Text[TextNotesScore[ThemeIndex]].Alpha := (BarScore_EaseOut_Step / 100);
+ // total score
+ Text[TextTotalScore[ThemeIndex]].Text := IntToStr(TextScore_ActualValue[PlayerNumber] + TextPhrase_ActualValue[PlayerNumber] + TextGolden_ActualValue[PlayerNumber]);
+ Text[TextTotalScore[ThemeIndex]].Alpha := (BarScore_EaseOut_Step / 100);
+ Text[TextTotal[ThemeIndex]].Alpha := (BarScore_EaseOut_Step / 100);
+ if(BarGolden_EaseOut_Step = 100) then
+ begin
+ ShowRating(PlayerNumber);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenScore.ShowRating(PlayerNumber: integer);
+ Rating: integer;
+ ThemeIndex: integer;
+ ThemeIndex := PlayerPositionMap[PlayerNumber-1].Position;
+ if (ThemeIndex > 0) and ((ScreenAct = PlayerPositionMap[PlayerNumber-1].Screen) or (PlayerPositionMap[PlayerNumber-1].BothScreens)) then
+ begin
+ case (Player[PlayerNumber-1].ScoreTotalInt) of
+ 0..2009:
+ begin
+ Text[TextScore[ThemeIndex]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_TONE_DEAF');
+ Rating := 0;
+ end;
+ 2010..4009:
+ begin
+ Text[TextScore[ThemeIndex]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_AMATEUR');
+ Rating := 1;
+ end;
+ 4010..5009:
+ begin
+ Text[TextScore[ThemeIndex]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_WANNABE');
+ Rating := 2;
+ end;
+ 5010..6009:
+ begin
+ Text[TextScore[ThemeIndex]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_HOPEFUL');
+ Rating := 3;
+ end;
+ 6010..7509:
+ begin
+ Text[TextScore[ThemeIndex]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_RISING_STAR');
+ Rating := 4;
+ end;
+ 7510..8509:
+ begin
+ Text[TextScore[ThemeIndex]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_LEAD_SINGER');
+ Rating := 5;
+ end;
+ 8510..9009:
+ begin
+ Text[TextScore[ThemeIndex]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_SUPERSTAR');
+ Rating := 6;
+ end;
+ 9010..10000:
+ begin
+ Text[TextScore[ThemeIndex]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_ULTRASTAR');
+ Rating := 7;
+ end;
+ else
+ Rating := 0; // Cheata :P
+ end;
+ //todo: this could break if the width is not given, for instance when there's a skin with no picture for ratings
+ if ( Theme.Score.StaticRatings[ThemeIndex].W > 0 ) and ( aPlayerScoreScreenRatings[PlayerNumber].RateEaseValue > 0 ) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextScore[ThemeIndex]].Alpha := aPlayerScoreScreenRatings[PlayerNumber].RateEaseValue / Theme.Score.StaticRatings[ThemeIndex].W;
+ end;
+ // end todo
+ DrawRating(PlayerNumber, Rating);
+ end;
+procedure TscreenScore.DrawRating(PlayerNumber: integer; Rating: integer);
+ Posx: real;
+ Posy: real;
+ Width: real;
+ ThemeIndex: integer;
+ ThemeIndex := PlayerPositionMap[PlayerNumber-1].Position;
+ PosX := Theme.Score.StaticRatings[ThemeIndex].X + (Theme.Score.StaticRatings[ThemeIndex].W * 0.5);
+ PosY := Theme.Score.StaticRatings[ThemeIndex].Y + (Theme.Score.StaticRatings[ThemeIndex].H * 0.5); ;
+ Width := aPlayerScoreScreenRatings[PlayerNumber].RateEaseValue/2;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Score_Ratings[Rating].TexNum);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(PosX - Width, PosY - Width);
+ glTexCoord2f(Tex_Score_Ratings[Rating].TexW, 0); glVertex2f(PosX + Width, PosY - Width);
+ glTexCoord2f(Tex_Score_Ratings[Rating].TexW, Tex_Score_Ratings[Rating].TexH); glVertex2f(PosX + Width, PosY + Width);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, Tex_Score_Ratings[Rating].TexH); glVertex2f(PosX - Width, PosY + Width);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2d);
+function TscreenScore.CalculateBouncing(PlayerNumber: integer): real;
+ p, s: real;
+ RaiseStep, MaxVal: real;
+ EaseOut_Step: integer;
+ ThemeIndex: integer;
+ ThemeIndex := PlayerPositionMap[PlayerNumber-1].Position;
+ EaseOut_Step := aPlayerScoreScreenRatings[PlayerNumber].RateEaseStep;
+ MaxVal := Theme.Score.StaticRatings[ThemeIndex].W;
+ RaiseStep := EaseOut_Step;
+ if (MaxVal > 0) and (RaiseStep > 0) then
+ RaiseStep := RaiseStep / MaxVal;
+ if (RaiseStep = 1) then
+ begin
+ Result := MaxVal;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ p := MaxVal * 0.4;
+ s := p/(2*PI) * arcsin (1);
+ Result := MaxVal * power(2,-5 * RaiseStep) * sin( (RaiseStep * MaxVal - s) * (2 * PI) / p) + MaxVal;
+ inc(aPlayerScoreScreenRatings[PlayerNumber].RateEaseStep);
+ aPlayerScoreScreenRatings[PlayerNumber].RateEaseValue := Result;
+ end;
+procedure TscreenScore.EaseBarIn(PlayerNumber: integer; BarType: TScoreBarType);
+ RaiseSmoothness: integer = 100;
+ MaxHeight: real;
+ NewHeight: real;
+ Height2Reach: real;
+ RaiseStep: real;
+ BarStartPosY: single;
+ lTmp: real;
+ Score: integer;
+ ThemeIndex: integer;
+ ThemeIndex := PlayerPositionMap[PlayerNumber-1].Position;
+ MaxHeight := Theme.Score.StaticBackLevel[ThemeIndex].H;
+ // let's get the points according to the bar we draw
+ // score array starts at 0, which means the score for player 1 is in score[0]
+ // EaseOut_Step is the actual step in the raising process, like the 20iest step of EaseOut_MaxSteps
+ if (BarType = sbtScore) then
+ begin
+ Score := Player[PlayerNumber - 1].ScoreInt;
+ RaiseStep := BarScore_EaseOut_Step;
+ BarStartPosY := Theme.Score.StaticBackLevel[ThemeIndex].Y + MaxHeight;
+ end
+ else if (BarType = sbtLine) then
+ begin
+ Score := Player[PlayerNumber - 1].ScoreLineInt;
+ RaiseStep := BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step;
+ BarStartPosY := Theme.Score.StaticBackLevel[ThemeIndex].Y - aPlayerScoreScreenDatas[PlayerNumber].BarScore_ActualHeight + MaxHeight;
+ end
+ else if (BarType = sbtGolden) then
+ begin
+ Score := Player[PlayerNumber - 1].ScoreGoldenInt;
+ RaiseStep := BarGolden_EaseOut_Step;
+ BarStartPosY := Theme.Score.StaticBackLevel[ThemeIndex].Y - aPlayerScoreScreenDatas[PlayerNumber].BarScore_ActualHeight - aPlayerScoreScreenDatas[PlayerNumber].BarLine_ActualHeight + MaxHeight;
+ end;
+ // the height dependend of the score
+ Height2Reach := (Score / MAX_SONG_SCORE) * MaxHeight;
+ if (aPlayerScoreScreenDatas[PlayerNumber].Bar_Actual_Height < Height2Reach) then
+ begin
+ // Check http://proto.layer51.com/d.aspx?f=400 for more info on easing functions
+ // Calculate the actual step according to the maxsteps
+ RaiseStep := RaiseStep / EaseOut_MaxSteps;
+ // quadratic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
+ // -end_position * current_time * ( current_time - 2 ) + start_postion
+ lTmp := (-Height2Reach * RaiseStep * (RaiseStep - 20) + BarStartPosY);
+ if ( RaiseSmoothness > 0 ) and ( lTmp > 0 ) then
+ NewHeight := lTmp / RaiseSmoothness;
+ end
+ else
+ NewHeight := Height2Reach;
+ DrawBar(BarType, PlayerNumber, BarStartPosY, NewHeight);
+ if (BarType = sbtScore) then
+ aPlayerScoreScreenDatas[PlayerNumber].BarScore_ActualHeight := NewHeight
+ else if (BarType = sbtLine) then
+ aPlayerScoreScreenDatas[PlayerNumber].BarLine_ActualHeight := NewHeight
+ else if (BarType = sbtGolden) then
+ aPlayerScoreScreenDatas[PlayerNumber].BarGolden_ActualHeight := NewHeight;
+procedure TscreenScore.DrawBar(BarType: TScoreBarType; PlayerNumber: integer; BarStartPosY: single; NewHeight: real);
+ Width: real;
+ BarStartPosX: real;
+ ThemeIndex: integer;
+ ThemeIndex := PlayerPositionMap[PlayerNumber-1].Position;
+ // this is solely for better readability of the drawing
+ Width := Theme.Score.StaticBackLevel[ThemeIndex].W;
+ BarStartPosX := Theme.Score.StaticBackLevel[ThemeIndex].X;
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ // set the texture for the bar
+ if (BarType = sbtScore) then
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, aPlayerScoreScreenTextures[PlayerNumber].Score_NoteBarLevel_Dark.TexNum);
+ if (BarType = sbtLine) then
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, aPlayerScoreScreenTextures[PlayerNumber].Score_NoteBarLevel_Light.TexNum);
+ if (BarType = sbtGolden) then
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, aPlayerScoreScreenTextures[PlayerNumber].Score_NoteBarLevel_Lightest.TexNum);
+ //draw it
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex3f(BarStartPosX, BarStartPosY - NewHeight, ZBars);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex3f(BarStartPosX + Width, BarStartPosY - NewHeight, ZBars);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex3f(BarStartPosX + Width, BarStartPosY, ZBars);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex3f(BarStartPosX, BarStartPosY, ZBars);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2d);
+ //the round thing on top
+ if (BarType = sbtScore) then
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, aPlayerScoreScreenTextures[PlayerNumber].Score_NoteBarRound_Dark.TexNum);
+ if (BarType = sbtLine) then
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, aPlayerScoreScreenTextures[PlayerNumber].Score_NoteBarRound_Light.TexNum);
+ if (BarType = sbtGolden) then
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, aPlayerScoreScreenTextures[PlayerNumber].Score_NoteBarRound_Lightest.TexNum);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex3f(BarStartPosX, (BarStartPosY - Statics[StaticLevelRound[ThemeIndex]].Texture.h) - NewHeight, ZBars);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex3f(BarStartPosX + Width, (BarStartPosY - Statics[StaticLevelRound[ThemeIndex]].Texture.h) - NewHeight, ZBars);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex3f(BarStartPosX + Width, BarStartPosY - NewHeight, ZBars);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex3f(BarStartPosX, BarStartPosY - NewHeight, ZBars);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2d);
+procedure TScreenScore.EaseScoreIn(PlayerNumber: integer; ScoreType: TScoreBarType);
+ RaiseSmoothness: integer = 100;
+ RaiseStep: real;
+ lTmpA: real;
+ ScoreReached: integer;
+ EaseOut_Step: real;
+ ActualScoreValue: integer;
+ if (ScoreType = sbtScore) then
+ begin
+ EaseOut_Step := BarScore_EaseOut_Step;
+ ActualScoreValue := TextScore_ActualValue[PlayerNumber];
+ ScoreReached := Player[PlayerNumber-1].ScoreInt;
+ end;
+ if (ScoreType = sbtLine) then
+ begin
+ EaseOut_Step := BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step;
+ ActualScoreValue := TextPhrase_ActualValue[PlayerNumber];
+ ScoreReached := Player[PlayerNumber-1].ScoreLineInt;
+ end;
+ if (ScoreType = sbtGolden) then
+ begin
+ EaseOut_Step := BarGolden_EaseOut_Step;
+ ActualScoreValue := TextGolden_ActualValue[PlayerNumber];
+ ScoreReached := Player[PlayerNumber-1].ScoreGoldenInt;
+ end;
+ // EaseOut_Step is the actual step in the raising process, like the 20iest step of EaseOut_MaxSteps
+ RaiseStep := EaseOut_Step;
+ if (ActualScoreValue < ScoreReached) then
+ begin
+ // Calculate the actual step according to the maxsteps
+ RaiseStep := RaiseStep / EaseOut_MaxSteps;
+ // quadratic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
+ // -end_position * current_time * ( current_time - 2 ) + start_postion
+ lTmpA := (-ScoreReached * RaiseStep * (RaiseStep - 20));
+ if ( lTmpA > 0 ) and
+ ( RaiseSmoothness > 0 ) then
+ begin
+ if (ScoreType = sbtScore) then
+ TextScore_ActualValue[PlayerNumber] := floor( lTmpA / RaiseSmoothness);
+ if (ScoreType = sbtLine) then
+ TextPhrase_ActualValue[PlayerNumber] := floor( lTmpA / RaiseSmoothness);
+ if (ScoreType = sbtGolden) then
+ TextGolden_ActualValue[PlayerNumber] := floor( lTmpA / RaiseSmoothness);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (ScoreType = sbtScore) then
+ TextScore_ActualValue[PlayerNumber] := ScoreReached;
+ if (ScoreType = sbtLine) then
+ TextPhrase_ActualValue[PlayerNumber] := ScoreReached;
+ if (ScoreType = sbtGolden) then
+ TextGolden_ActualValue[PlayerNumber] := ScoreReached;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenScore.FillPlayer(Item, P: integer);
+ S: string;
+ Text[TextName[Item]].Text := Ini.Name[P];
+ S := IntToStr((Round(Player[P].Score) div 10) * 10);
+ while (Length(S)<4) do
+ S := '0' + S;
+ Text[TextNotesScore[Item]].Text := S;
+ // while (Length(S)<5) do S := '0' + S;
+ // Text[TextTotalScore[Item]].Text := S;
+ //fixed: line bonus and golden notes don't show up,
+ // another bug: total score was shown without added golden-, linebonus
+ S := IntToStr(Player[P].ScoreTotalInt);
+ while (Length(S)<5) do
+ S := '0' + S;
+ Text[TextTotalScore[Item]].Text := S;
+ S := IntToStr(Player[P].ScoreLineInt);
+ while (Length(S)<4) do
+ S := '0' + S;
+ Text[TextLineBonusScore[Item]].Text := S;
+ S := IntToStr(Player[P].ScoreGoldenInt);
+ while (Length(S)<4) do
+ S := '0' + S;
+ Text[TextGoldenNotesScore[Item]].Text := S;
+ //end of fix