path: root/src/base/ULyrics.pas
diff options
authorAlexander Sulfrian <alexander@sulfrian.net>2011-11-07 15:26:44 +0100
committerAlexander Sulfrian <alexander@sulfrian.net>2013-01-05 17:17:49 +0100
commit3260749d369d3466c345d40a8b2189c32c8c1b60 (patch)
treebdf235d333e6b4d0b0edb11bde421617a180ff92 /src/base/ULyrics.pas
parentde5a3593ae7bc6fb5aab9d76d01d3faa47b91bba (diff)
removed pascal code
Diffstat (limited to 'src/base/ULyrics.pas')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 726 deletions
diff --git a/src/base/ULyrics.pas b/src/base/ULyrics.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f62db9c..00000000
--- a/src/base/ULyrics.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,726 +0,0 @@
-{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
- *
- * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
- * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
- * file distributed with this source distribution.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- * $URL$
- * $Id$
- *}
-unit ULyrics;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- gl,
- glext,
- UTexture,
- UThemes,
- UMusic;
- // stores two textures for enabled/disabled states
- TPlayerIconTex = array [0..1] of TTexture;
- TLyricsEffect = (lfxSimple, lfxZoom, lfxSlide, lfxBall, lfxShift);
- PLyricWord = ^TLyricWord;
- TLyricWord = record
- X: real; // left corner
- Width: real; // width
- Start: cardinal; // start of the word in quarters (beats)
- Length: cardinal; // length of the word in quarters
- Text: UTF8String; // text
- Freestyle: boolean; // is freestyle?
- end;
- TLyricWordArray = array of TLyricWord;
- TLyricLine = class
- public
- Text: UTF8String; // text
- Width: real; // width
- Height: real; // height
- Words: TLyricWordArray; // words in this line
- CurWord: integer; // current active word idx (only valid if line is active)
- Start: integer; // start of this line in quarters (Note: negative start values are possible due to gap)
- StartNote: integer; // start of the first note of this line in quarters
- Length: integer; // length in quarters (from start of first to the end of the last note)
- Players: byte; // players that should sing that line (bitset, Player1: 1, Player2: 2, Player3: 4)
- LastLine: boolean; // is this the last line of the song?
- constructor Create();
- destructor Destroy(); override;
- procedure Reset();
- end;
- TLyricEngine = class
- private
- LastDrawBeat: real;
- UpperLine: TLyricLine; // first line displayed (top)
- LowerLine: TLyricLine; // second lind displayed (bottom)
- QueueLine: TLyricLine; // third line (will be displayed when lower line is finished)
- IndicatorTex: TTexture; // texture for lyric indikator
- BallTex: TTexture; // texture of the ball for the lyric effect
- QueueFull: boolean; // set to true if the queue is full and a line will be replaced with the next AddLine
- LCounter: integer; // line counter
- // duet mode - textures for player icons
- // FIXME: do not use a fixed player count, use MAX_PLAYERS instead
- PlayerIconTex: array[0..5] of TPlayerIconTex;
- // Some helper procedures for lyric drawing
- procedure DrawLyrics (Beat: real);
- procedure UpdateLineMetrics(LyricLine: TLyricLine);
- procedure DrawLyricsWords(LyricLine: TLyricLine; X, Y: real; StartWord, EndWord: integer);
- procedure DrawLyricsLine(X, W, Y, H: real; Line: TLyricLine; Beat: real);
- procedure DrawPlayerIcon(Player: byte; Enabled: boolean; X, Y: real; Size, Alpha: real);
- procedure DrawBall(XBall, YBall, Alpha: real);
- public
- // positions, line specific settings
- UpperLineX: real; // X start-pos of UpperLine
- UpperLineW: real; // Width of UpperLine with icon(s) and text
- UpperLineY: real; // Y start-pos of UpperLine
- UpperLineH: real; // Max. font-size of lyrics text in UpperLine
- LowerLineX: real; // X start-pos of LowerLine
- LowerLineW: real; // Width of LowerLine with icon(s) and text
- LowerLineY: real; // Y start-pos of LowerLine
- LowerLineH: real; // Max. font-size of lyrics text in LowerLine
- // display propertys
- LineColor_en: TRGBA; // Color of words in an enabled line
- LineColor_dis: TRGBA; // Color of words in a disabled line
- LineColor_act: TRGBA; // Color of the active word
- FontStyle: byte; // Font for the lyric text
- { // currently not used
- FadeInEffect: byte; // Effect for line fading in: 0: No Effect; 1: Fade Effect; 2: Move Upwards from Bottom to Pos
- FadeOutEffect: byte; // Effect for line fading out: 0: No Effect; 1: Fade Effect; 2: Move Upwards
- }
- // song specific settings
- BPM: real;
- Resolution: integer;
- // properties to easily read options of this class
- property IsQueueFull: boolean read QueueFull; // line in queue?
- property LineCounter: integer read LCounter; // lines that were progressed so far (after last clear)
- procedure AddLine(Line: PLine); // adds a line to the queue, if there is space
- procedure Draw (Beat: real); // draw the current (active at beat) lyrics
- // clears all cached song specific information
- procedure Clear(cBPM: real = 0; cResolution: integer = 0);
- function GetUpperLine(): TLyricLine;
- function GetLowerLine(): TLyricLine;
- function GetUpperLineIndex(): integer;
- constructor Create(ULX, ULY, ULW, ULH, LLX, LLY, LLW, LLH: real);
- procedure LoadTextures;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- SysUtils,
- USkins,
- TextGL,
- UGraphic,
- UDisplay,
- ULog,
- math,
- UIni;
-{ TLyricLine }
-constructor TLyricLine.Create();
- inherited;
- Reset();
-destructor TLyricLine.Destroy();
- SetLength(Words, 0);
- inherited;
-procedure TLyricLine.Reset();
- Start := 0;
- StartNote := 0;
- Length := 0;
- LastLine := False;
- Text := '';
- Width := 0;
- // duet mode: players of that line (default: all)
- Players := $FF;
- SetLength(Words, 0);
- CurWord := -1;
-{ TLyricEngine }
- * Initializes the engine.
- *}
-constructor TLyricEngine.Create(ULX, ULY, ULW, ULH, LLX, LLY, LLW, LLH: real);
- inherited Create();
- BPM := 0;
- Resolution := 0;
- LCounter := 0;
- QueueFull := False;
- UpperLine := TLyricLine.Create;
- LowerLine := TLyricLine.Create;
- QueueLine := TLyricLine.Create;
- LastDrawBeat := 0;
- UpperLineX := ULX;
- UpperLineW := ULW;
- UpperLineY := ULY;
- UpperLineH := ULH;
- LowerLineX := LLX;
- LowerLineW := LLW;
- LowerLineY := LLY;
- LowerLineH := LLH;
- LoadTextures;
- * Frees memory.
- *}
-destructor TLyricEngine.Destroy;
- UpperLine.Free;
- LowerLine.Free;
- QueueLine.Free;
- inherited;
- * Clears all cached Song specific Information.
- *}
-procedure TLyricEngine.Clear(cBPM: real; cResolution: integer);
- BPM := cBPM;
- Resolution := cResolution;
- LCounter := 0;
- QueueFull := False;
- LastDrawBeat:=0;
- * Loads textures needed for the drawing the lyrics,
- * player icons, a ball for the ball effect and the lyric indicator.
- *}
-procedure TLyricEngine.LoadTextures;
- I: Integer;
- // lyric indicator (bar that indicates when the line start)
- IndicatorTex := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LyricHelpBar'), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, $FF00FF);
- // ball for current word hover in ball effect
- BallTex := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('Ball'), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
- // duet mode: load player icon
- for I := 0 to 5 do
- begin
- PlayerIconTex[I][0] := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LyricIcon_P' + InttoStr(I+1)), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
- PlayerIconTex[I][1] := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LyricIconD_P' + InttoStr(I+1)), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
- end;
- * Adds LyricLine to queue.
- * The LyricEngine stores three lines in its queue:
- * UpperLine: the upper line displayed in the lyrics
- * LowerLine: the lower line displayed in the lyrics
- * QueueLine: an offscreen line that precedes LowerLine
- * If the queue is full the next call to AddLine will replace UpperLine with
- * LowerLine, LowerLine with QueueLine and QueueLine with the Line parameter.
- *}
-procedure TLyricEngine.AddLine(Line: PLine);
- LyricLine: TLyricLine;
- I: integer;
- // only add lines, if there is space
- if not IsQueueFull then
- begin
- // set LyricLine to line to write to
- if (LineCounter = 0) then
- LyricLine := UpperLine
- else if (LineCounter = 1) then
- LyricLine := LowerLine
- else
- begin
- // now the queue is full
- LyricLine := QueueLine;
- QueueFull := True;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin // rotate lines (round-robin-like)
- LyricLine := UpperLine;
- UpperLine := LowerLine;
- LowerLine := QueueLine;
- QueueLine := LyricLine;
- end;
- // reset line state
- LyricLine.Reset();
- // check if sentence has notes
- if (Line <> nil) and (Length(Line.Note) > 0) then
- begin
- // copy values from SongLine to LyricLine
- LyricLine.Start := Line.Start;
- LyricLine.StartNote := Line.Note[0].Start;
- LyricLine.Length := Line.Note[High(Line.Note)].Start +
- Line.Note[High(Line.Note)].Length -
- Line.Note[0].Start;
- LyricLine.LastLine := Line.LastLine;
- // copy words
- SetLength(LyricLine.Words, Length(Line.Note));
- for I := 0 to High(Line.Note) do
- begin
- LyricLine.Words[I].Start := Line.Note[I].Start;
- LyricLine.Words[I].Length := Line.Note[I].Length;
- LyricLine.Words[I].Text := Line.Note[I].Text;
- LyricLine.Words[I].Freestyle := Line.Note[I].NoteType = ntFreestyle;
- LyricLine.Text := LyricLine.Text + LyricLine.Words[I].Text;
- end;
- UpdateLineMetrics(LyricLine);
- end;
- // increase the counter
- Inc(LCounter);
- * Draws Lyrics.
- * Draw just manages the Lyrics, drawing is done by a call of DrawLyrics.
- * @param Beat: current Beat in Quarters
- *}
-procedure TLyricEngine.Draw(Beat: real);
- DrawLyrics(Beat);
- LastDrawBeat := Beat;
- * Main Drawing procedure.
- *}
-procedure TLyricEngine.DrawLyrics(Beat: real);
- DrawLyricsLine(UpperLineX, UpperLineW, UpperLineY, UpperLineH, UpperLine, Beat);
- DrawLyricsLine(LowerLineX, LowerLineW, LowerLineY, LowerLineH, LowerLine, Beat);
- * Draws a Player's icon.
- *}
-procedure TLyricEngine.DrawPlayerIcon(Player: byte; Enabled: boolean; X, Y: real; Size, Alpha: real);
- IEnabled: byte;
- if Enabled then
- IEnabled := 0
- else
- IEnabled := 1;
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, PlayerIconTex[Player][IEnabled].TexNum);
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, Alpha);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(X, Y);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(X, Y + Size);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(X + Size, Y + Size);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(X + Size, Y);
- glEnd;
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- * Draws the Ball over the LyricLine if needed.
- *}
-procedure TLyricEngine.DrawBall(XBall, YBall, Alpha: real);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, BallTex.TexNum);
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, Alpha);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(XBall - 10, YBall);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(XBall - 10, YBall + 20);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(XBall + 10, YBall + 20);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(XBall + 10, YBall);
- glEnd;
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
-procedure TLyricEngine.DrawLyricsWords(LyricLine: TLyricLine;
- X, Y: real; StartWord, EndWord: integer);
- I: integer;
- PosX: real;
- CurWord: PLyricWord;
- PosX := X;
- // set word positions and line size and draw the line
- for I := StartWord to EndWord do
- begin
- CurWord := @LyricLine.Words[I];
- SetFontItalic(CurWord.Freestyle);
- SetFontPos(PosX, Y);
- glPrint(CurWord.Text);
- PosX := PosX + CurWord.Width;
- end;
-procedure TLyricEngine.UpdateLineMetrics(LyricLine: TLyricLine);
- I: integer;
- PosX: real;
- CurWord: PLyricWord;
- RequestWidth, RequestHeight: real;
- PosX := 0;
- // setup font
- SetFontStyle(FontStyle);
- ResetFont();
- // check if line is lower or upper line and set sizes accordingly
- // Note: at the moment upper and lower lines have same width/height
- // and this function is just called by AddLine() but this may change
- // so that it is called by DrawLyricsLine().
- //if (LyricLine = LowerLine) then
- //begin
- // RequestWidth := LowerLineW;
- // RequestHeight := LowerLineH;
- //end
- //else
- //begin
- RequestWidth := UpperLineW;
- RequestHeight := UpperLineH;
- //end;
- // set font size to a reasonable value
- LyricLine.Height := RequestHeight * 0.9;
- SetFontSize(LyricLine.Height);
- LyricLine.Width := glTextWidth(LyricLine.Text);
- // change font-size to fit into the lyric bar
- if (LyricLine.Width > RequestWidth) then
- begin
- LyricLine.Height := Trunc(LyricLine.Height * (RequestWidth / LyricLine.Width));
- // the line is very loooong, set font to at least 1px
- if (LyricLine.Height < 1) then
- LyricLine.Height := 1;
- SetFontSize(LyricLine.Height);
- LyricLine.Width := glTextWidth(LyricLine.Text);
- end;
- // calc word positions and widths
- for I := 0 to High(LyricLine.Words) do
- begin
- CurWord := @LyricLine.Words[I];
- // - if current word is italic but not the next word get the width of the
- // italic font to avoid overlapping.
- // - if two italic words follow each other use the normal style's
- // width otherwise the spacing between the words will be too big.
- // - if it is the line's last word use normal width
- if CurWord.Freestyle and
- (I+1 < Length(LyricLine.Words)) and
- (not LyricLine.Words[I+1].Freestyle) then
- begin
- SetFontItalic(true);
- end;
- CurWord.X := PosX;
- CurWord.Width := glTextWidth(CurWord.Text);
- PosX := PosX + CurWord.Width;
- SetFontItalic(false);
- end;
- * Draws one LyricLine
- *}
-procedure TLyricEngine.DrawLyricsLine(X, W, Y, H: real; Line: TLyricLine; Beat: real);
- CurWord: PLyricWord; // current word
- LastWord: PLyricWord; // last word in line
- NextWord: PLyricWord; // word following current word
- Progress: real; // progress of singing the current word
- LyricX, LyricY: real; // left/top lyric position
- WordY: real; // word y-position
- LyricsEffect: TLyricsEffect;
- Alpha: real; // alphalevel to fade out at end
- ClipPlaneEq: array[0..3] of GLdouble; // clipping plane for slide effect
- {// duet mode
- IconSize: real; // size of player icons
- IconAlpha: real; // alpha level of player icons
- }
- // do not draw empty lines
- if (Length(Line.Words) = 0) then
- Exit;
- {
- // duet mode
- IconSize := (2 * Height);
- IconAlpha := Frac(Beat/(Resolution*4));
- DrawPlayerIcon (0, True, X, Y + (42 - IconSize) / 2 , IconSize, IconAlpha);
- DrawPlayerIcon (1, True, X + IconSize + 1, Y + (42 - IconSize) / 2, IconSize, IconAlpha);
- DrawPlayerIcon (2, True, X + (IconSize + 1)*2, Y + (42 - IconSize) / 2, IconSize, IconAlpha);
- }
- // set font size and style
- SetFontStyle(FontStyle);
- ResetFont();
- SetFontSize(Line.Height);
- // center lyrics
- LyricX := X + (W - Line.Width) / 2;
- LyricY := Y + (H - Line.Height) / 2;
- // get lyrics effect
- LyricsEffect := TLyricsEffect(Ini.LyricsEffect);
- // TODO: what about alpha in freetype outline fonts?
- Alpha := 1;
- // check if this line is active (at least its first note must be active)
- if (Beat >= Line.StartNote) then
- begin
- // if this line just got active, CurWord is -1,
- // this means we should try to make the first word active
- if (Line.CurWord = -1) then
- Line.CurWord := 0;
- // check if the current active word is still active.
- // Otherwise proceed to the next word if there is one in this line.
- // Note: the max. value of Line.CurWord is High(Line.Words)
- if (Line.CurWord < High(Line.Words)) and
- (Beat >= Line.Words[Line.CurWord + 1].Start) then
- begin
- Inc(Line.CurWord);
- end;
- // determine current and last word in this line.
- // If the end of the line is reached use the last word as current word.
- LastWord := @Line.Words[High(Line.Words)];
- CurWord := @Line.Words[Line.CurWord];
- if (Line.CurWord+1 < Length(Line.Words)) then
- NextWord := @Line.Words[Line.CurWord+1]
- else
- NextWord := nil;
- // calc the progress of the lyrics effect
- Progress := (Beat - CurWord.Start) / CurWord.Length;
- if (Progress >= 1) then
- Progress := 1;
- if (Progress <= 0) then
- Progress := 0;
- // last word of this line finished, but this line did not hide -> fade out
- if Line.LastLine and
- (Beat > LastWord.Start + LastWord.Length) then
- begin
- Alpha := 1 - (Beat - (LastWord.Start + LastWord.Length)) / 15;
- if (Alpha < 0) then
- Alpha := 0;
- end;
- // draw sentence before current word
- if (LyricsEffect in [lfxSimple, lfxBall, lfxShift]) then
- // only highlight current word and not that ones before in this line
- glColorRGB(LineColor_en, Alpha)
- else
- glColorRGB(LineColor_act, Alpha);
- DrawLyricsWords(Line, LyricX, LyricY, 0, Line.CurWord-1);
- // draw rest of sentence (without current word)
- glColorRGB(LineColor_en, Alpha);
- if (NextWord <> nil) then
- begin
- DrawLyricsWords(Line, LyricX + NextWord.X, LyricY,
- Line.CurWord+1, High(Line.Words));
- end;
- // draw current word
- if (LyricsEffect in [lfxSimple, lfxBall, lfxShift]) then
- begin
- if (LyricsEffect = lfxShift) then
- WordY := LyricY - 8 * (1-Progress)
- else
- WordY := LyricY;
- // change the color of the current word
- glColor4f(LineColor_act.r, LineColor_act.g, LineColor_act.b, Alpha);
- DrawLyricsWords(Line, LyricX + CurWord.X, WordY, Line.CurWord, Line.CurWord);
- end
- // change color and zoom current word
- else if (LyricsEffect = lfxZoom) then
- begin
- glPushMatrix;
- // zoom at word center
- glTranslatef(LyricX + CurWord.X + CurWord.Width/2,
- LyricY + Line.Height/2, 0);
- glScalef(1.0 + (1-Progress) * 0.5, 1.0 + (1-Progress) * 0.5, 1.0);
- glColor4f(LineColor_act.r, LineColor_act.g, LineColor_act.b, Alpha);
- DrawLyricsWords(Line, -CurWord.Width/2, -Line.Height/2, Line.CurWord, Line.CurWord);
- glPopMatrix;
- end
- // split current word into active and non-active part
- else if (LyricsEffect = lfxSlide) then
- begin
- // enable clipping and set clip equation coefficients to zeros
- glEnable(GL_CLIP_PLANE0);
- FillChar(ClipPlaneEq[0], SizeOf(ClipPlaneEq), 0);
- glPushMatrix;
- glTranslatef(LyricX + CurWord.X, LyricY, 0);
- // clip non-active right part of the current word
- ClipPlaneEq[0] := -1;
- ClipPlaneEq[3] := CurWord.Width * Progress;
- glClipPlane(GL_CLIP_PLANE0, @ClipPlaneEq);
- // and draw active left part
- glColor4f(LineColor_act.r, LineColor_act.g, LineColor_act.b, Alpha);
- DrawLyricsWords(Line, 0, 0, Line.CurWord, Line.CurWord);
- // clip active left part of the current word
- ClipPlaneEq[0] := -ClipPlaneEq[0];
- ClipPlaneEq[3] := -ClipPlaneEq[3];
- glClipPlane(GL_CLIP_PLANE0, @ClipPlaneEq);
- // and draw non-active right part
- glColor4f(LineColor_en.r, LineColor_en.g, LineColor_en.b, Alpha);
- DrawLyricsWords(Line, 0, 0, Line.CurWord, Line.CurWord);
- glPopMatrix;
- glDisable(GL_CLIP_PLANE0);
- end;
- // draw the ball onto the current word
- if (LyricsEffect = lfxBall) then
- begin
- DrawBall(LyricX + CurWord.X + CurWord.Width * Progress,
- LyricY - 15 - 15*sin(Progress * Pi), Alpha);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- // this section is called if the whole line can be drawn at once and no
- // word is highlighted.
- // enable the upper, disable the lower line
- if (Line = UpperLine) then
- glColorRGB(LineColor_en)
- else
- glColorRGB(LineColor_dis);
- DrawLyricsWords(Line, LyricX, LyricY, 0, High(Line.Words));
- end;
- * @returns a reference to the upper line
- *}
-function TLyricEngine.GetUpperLine(): TLyricLine;
- Result := UpperLine;
- * @returns a reference to the lower line
- *}
-function TLyricEngine.GetLowerLine(): TLyricLine;
- Result := LowerLine;
- * @returns the index of the upper line
- *}
-function TLyricEngine.GetUpperLineIndex(): integer;
- // no line in queue
- if (LineCounter <= 0) then
- Result := -1
- // no line has been removed from queue yet
- else if (LineCounter <= QUEUE_SIZE) then
- Result := 0
- // lines have been removed from queue already
- else
- Result := LineCounter - QUEUE_SIZE;