path: root/Lua/src/base/UHooks.pas
diff options
authorwhiteshark0 <whiteshark0@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2009-12-11 17:34:54 +0000
committerwhiteshark0 <whiteshark0@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2009-12-11 17:34:54 +0000
commit1ab628e8ad6c85c8f1b562f10480253ee3e622b7 (patch)
treed21621f68850ecd7762137e1c4387fa15731a811 /Lua/src/base/UHooks.pas
parent6ec275387c320d3d9a8f5b6fe185687643565b8c (diff)
merged trunk into lua branch
plugin loading is disabled atm because of a bug reading the files (lua may be the reason). Reading the files in usdx and passing the contents to lua may solve this git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/branches/experimental@2019 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
Diffstat (limited to 'Lua/src/base/UHooks.pas')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 461 deletions
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UHooks.pas b/Lua/src/base/UHooks.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index ab830090..00000000
--- a/Lua/src/base/UHooks.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,461 +0,0 @@
-{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
- *
- * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
- * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
- * file distributed with this source distribution.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- * $URL$
- * $Id$
- *}
-unit UHooks;
- THookManager
- Class for saving, managing and calling of hooks.
- Saves all hookable events and their subscribers
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- uPluginDefs,
- SysUtils;
- //Record that saves info from Subscriber
- PSubscriberInfo = ^TSubscriberInfo;
- TSubscriberInfo = record
- Self: THandle; //ID of this Subscription (First word: ID of Subscription; 2nd word: ID of Hook)
- Next: PSubscriberInfo; //Pointer to next Item in HookChain
- Owner: integer; //For Error Handling and Plugin Unloading.
- //Here is s/t tricky
- //To avoid writing of Wrapping Functions to Hook an Event with a Class
- //We save a Normal Proc or a Method of a Class
- case isClass: boolean of
- False: (Proc: TUS_Hook); //Proc that will be called on Event
- True: (ProcOfClass: TUS_Hook_of_Object);
- end;
- TEventInfo = record
- Name: string[60]; //Name of Event
- FirstSubscriber: PSubscriberInfo; //First subscriber in chain
- LastSubscriber: PSubscriberInfo; //Last " (for easier subscriber adding
- end;
- THookManager = class
- private
- Events: array of TEventInfo;
- SpaceinEvents: word; //Number of empty Items in Events Array. (e.g. Deleted Items)
- procedure FreeSubscriber(const EventIndex: word; const Last, Cur: PSubscriberInfo);
- public
- constructor Create(const SpacetoAllocate: word);
- function AddEvent (const EventName: Pchar): THandle;
- function DelEvent (hEvent: THandle): integer;
- function AddSubscriber (const EventName: Pchar; const Proc: TUS_Hook = nil; const ProcOfClass: TUS_Hook_of_Object = nil): THandle;
- function DelSubscriber (const hSubscriber: THandle): integer;
- function CallEventChain (const hEvent: THandle; const wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- function EventExists (const EventName: Pchar): integer;
- procedure DelbyOwner(const Owner: integer);
- end;
-function HookTest(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; stdcall;
- HookManager: THookManager;
- ULog,
- UCore;
-// Create - Creates Class and Set Standard Values
-constructor THookManager.Create(const SpacetoAllocate: word);
-var I: integer;
- inherited Create();
- //Get the Space and "Zero" it
- SetLength (Events, SpacetoAllocate);
- for I := 0 to SpacetoAllocate-1 do
- Events[I].Name[1] := chr(0);
- SpaceinEvents := SpacetoAllocate;
- debugWriteLn('HookManager: Succesful Created.');
- {$ENDIF}
-// AddEvent - Adds an Event and return the Events Handle or 0 on Failure
-function THookManager.AddEvent (const EventName: Pchar): THandle;
-var I: integer;
- Result := 0;
- if (EventExists(EventName) = 0) then
- begin
- if (SpaceinEvents > 0) then
- begin
- //There is already Space available
- //Go Search it!
- for I := 0 to High(Events) do
- if (Events[I].Name[1] = chr(0)) then
- begin //Found Space
- Result := I;
- Dec(SpaceinEvents);
- Break;
- end;
- debugWriteLn('HookManager: Found Space for Event at Handle: ''' + InttoStr(Result+1) + '');
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- else
- begin //There is no Space => Go make some!
- Result := Length(Events);
- SetLength(Events, Result + 1);
- end;
- //Set Events Data
- Events[Result].Name := EventName;
- Events[Result].FirstSubscriber := nil;
- Events[Result].LastSubscriber := nil;
- //Handle is Index + 1
- Inc(Result);
- debugWriteLn('HookManager: Add Event succesful: ''' + EventName + '');
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- else
- debugWriteLn('HookManager: Trying to ReAdd Event: ''' + EventName + '');
- {$ENDIF}
-// DelEvent - Deletes an Event by Handle Returns False on Failure
-function THookManager.DelEvent (hEvent: THandle): integer;
- Cur, Last: PSubscriberInfo;
- hEvent := hEvent - 1; //Arrayindex is Handle - 1
- Result := -1;
- if (Length(Events) > hEvent) and (Events[hEvent].Name[1] <> chr(0)) then
- begin //Event exists
- //Free the Space for all Subscribers
- Cur := Events[hEvent].FirstSubscriber;
- while (Cur <> nil) do
- begin
- Last := Cur;
- Cur := Cur.Next;
- FreeMem(Last, SizeOf(TSubscriberInfo));
- end;
- debugWriteLn('HookManager: Removed Event succesful: ''' + Events[hEvent].Name + '');
- {$ENDIF}
- //Free the Event
- Events[hEvent].Name[1] := chr(0);
- Inc(SpaceinEvents); //There is one more space for new events
- end
- else
- debugWriteLn('HookManager: Try to Remove not Existing Event. Handle: ''' + InttoStr(hEvent) + '');
- {$ENDIF}
-// AddSubscriber - Adds an Subscriber to the Event by Name
-// Returns Handle of the Subscribtion or 0 on Failure
-function THookManager.AddSubscriber (const EventName: Pchar; const Proc: TUS_Hook; const ProcOfClass: TUS_Hook_of_Object): THandle;
- EventHandle: THandle;
- EventIndex: Cardinal;
- Cur: PSubscriberInfo;
- Result := 0;
- if (@Proc <> nil) or (@ProcOfClass <> nil) then
- begin
- EventHandle := EventExists(EventName);
- if (EventHandle <> 0) then
- begin
- EventIndex := EventHandle - 1;
- //Get Memory
- GetMem(Cur, SizeOf(TSubscriberInfo));
- //Fill it with Data
- Cur.Next := nil;
- //Add Owner
- Cur.Owner := Core.CurExecuted;
- if (@Proc = nil) then
- begin //Use the ProcofClass Method
- Cur.isClass := True;
- Cur.ProcOfClass := ProcofClass;
- end
- else //Use the normal Proc
- begin
- Cur.isClass := False;
- Cur.Proc := Proc;
- end;
- //Create Handle (1st word: Handle of Event; 2nd word: unique ID
- if (Events[EventIndex].LastSubscriber = nil) then
- begin
- if (Events[EventIndex].FirstSubscriber = nil) then
- begin
- Result := (EventHandle SHL 16);
- Events[EventIndex].FirstSubscriber := Cur;
- end
- else
- begin
- Result := Events[EventIndex].FirstSubscriber.Self + 1;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- Result := Events[EventIndex].LastSubscriber.Self + 1;
- Events[EventIndex].LastSubscriber.Next := Cur;
- end;
- Cur.Self := Result;
- //Add to Chain
- Events[EventIndex].LastSubscriber := Cur;
- debugWriteLn('HookManager: Add Subscriber to Event ''' + Events[EventIndex].Name + ''' succesful. Handle: ''' + InttoStr(Result) + ''' Owner: ' + InttoStr(Cur.Owner));
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
-// FreeSubscriber - Helper for DelSubscriber. Prevents Loss of Chain Items. Frees Memory.
-procedure THookManager.FreeSubscriber(const EventIndex: word; const Last, Cur: PSubscriberInfo);
- //Delete from Chain
- if (Last <> nil) then
- begin
- Last.Next := Cur.Next;
- end
- else //Was first Popup
- begin
- Events[EventIndex].FirstSubscriber := Cur.Next;
- end;
- //Was this Last subscription ?
- if (Cur = Events[EventIndex].LastSubscriber) then
- begin //Change Last Subscriber
- Events[EventIndex].LastSubscriber := Last;
- end;
- //Free Space:
- FreeMem(Cur, SizeOf(TSubscriberInfo));
-// DelSubscriber - Deletes a Subscribtion by Handle, return non Zero on Failure
-function THookManager.DelSubscriber (const hSubscriber: THandle): integer;
- EventIndex: Cardinal;
- Cur, Last: PSubscriberInfo;
- Result := -1;
- EventIndex := ((hSubscriber and (High(THandle) xor High(word))) SHR 16) - 1;
- //Existing Event ?
- if (EventIndex < Length(Events)) and (Events[EventIndex].Name[1] <> chr(0)) then
- begin
- Result := -2; //Return -1 on not existing Event, -2 on not existing Subscription
- //Search for Subscription
- Cur := Events[EventIndex].FirstSubscriber;
- Last := nil;
- //go through the chain ...
- while (Cur <> nil) do
- begin
- if (Cur.Self = hSubscriber) then
- begin //Found Subscription we searched for
- FreeSubscriber(EventIndex, Last, Cur);
- debugWriteLn('HookManager: Del Subscriber from Event ''' + Events[EventIndex].Name + ''' succesful. Handle: ''' + InttoStr(hSubscriber) + '');
- {$ENDIF}
- //Set Result and Break the Loop
- Result := 0;
- Break;
- end;
- Last := Cur;
- Cur := Cur.Next;
- end;
- end;
-// CallEventChain - Calls the Chain of a specified EventHandle
-// Returns: -1: Handle doesn't Exist, 0 Chain is called until the End
-function THookManager.CallEventChain (const hEvent: THandle; const wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- EventIndex: Cardinal;
- Cur: PSubscriberInfo;
- CurExecutedBackup: integer; //backup of Core.CurExecuted Attribute
- Result := -1;
- EventIndex := hEvent - 1;
- if ((EventIndex <= High(Events)) and (Events[EventIndex].Name[1] <> chr(0))) then
- begin //Existing Event
- //Backup CurExecuted
- CurExecutedBackup := Core.CurExecuted;
- //Start calling the Chain !!!11
- Cur := Events[EventIndex].FirstSubscriber;
- Result := 0;
- //Call Hooks until the Chain is at the End or breaked
- while ((Cur <> nil) and (Result = 0)) do
- begin
- //Set CurExecuted
- Core.CurExecuted := Cur.Owner;
- if (Cur.isClass) then
- Result := Cur.ProcOfClass(wParam, lParam)
- else
- Result := Cur.Proc(wParam, lParam);
- Cur := Cur.Next;
- end;
- //Restore CurExecuted
- Core.CurExecuted := CurExecutedBackup;
- end;
- debugWriteLn('HookManager: Called Chain from Event ''' + Events[EventIndex].Name + ''' succesful. Result: ''' + InttoStr(Result) + '');
- {$ENDIF}
-// EventExists - Returns non Zero if an Event with the given Name exists
-function THookManager.EventExists (const EventName: Pchar): integer;
- I: integer;
- Name: string[60];
- Result := 0;
- //if (Length(EventName) <
- Name := string(EventName);
- //Sure not to search for empty space
- if (Name[1] <> chr(0)) then
- begin
- //Search for Event
- for I := 0 to High(Events) do
- if (Events[I].Name = Name) then
- begin //Event found
- Result := I + 1;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
-// DelbyOwner - Dels all Subscriptions by a specific Owner. (For Clean Plugin/Module unloading)
-procedure THookManager.DelbyOwner(const Owner: integer);
- I: integer;
- Cur, Last: PSubscriberInfo;
- //Search for Owner in all Hooks Chains
- for I := 0 to High(Events) do
- begin
- if (Events[I].Name[1] <> chr(0)) then
- begin
- Last := nil;
- Cur := Events[I].FirstSubscriber;
- //Went Through Chain
- while (Cur <> nil) do
- begin
- if (Cur.Owner = Owner) then
- begin //Found Subscription by Owner -> Delete
- FreeSubscriber(I, Last, Cur);
- if (Last <> nil) then
- Cur := Last.Next
- else
- Cur := Events[I].FirstSubscriber;
- end
- else
- begin
- //Next Item:
- Last := Cur;
- Cur := Cur.Next;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function HookTest(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; stdcall;
- Result := 0; //Don't break the chain
- Core.ShowMessage(CORE_SM_INFO, Pchar(string(Pchar(Pointer(lParam))) + ': ' + string(Pchar(Pointer(wParam)))));