diff options
authorjaybinks <jaybinks@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2007-10-02 04:39:22 +0000
committerjaybinks <jaybinks@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2007-10-02 04:39:22 +0000
commitb29759fbfdd8a013e3d0a85b578934ebec028c41 (patch)
parentbcf55203a81aef383d0a7123996e872fa3a297dc (diff)
Fixed linux compilation.
Linux is now running in the main loop fine. * no audio playback or input yet... * Timing hack inplace.. that must be replace * bunch of textures not working.. however the play screen is looking similar to windows builds. I hope this dosnt break windows builds to much. git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@460 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
19 files changed, 10093 insertions, 9918 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/TextGL.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/TextGL.pas
index 9b125812..fbe9a050 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/TextGL.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/TextGL.pas
@@ -1,554 +1,554 @@
-unit TextGL;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-uses OpenGL12,
- SDL,
- UTexture,
- Classes,
- dialogs,
- SDL_ttf,
- ULog;
-procedure BuildFont; // Build Our Bitmap Font
-procedure KillFont; // Delete The Font
-function glTextWidth(text: pchar): real; // Returns Text Width
-procedure glPrintDone(text: pchar; Done: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real);
-procedure glPrintLetter(letter: char);
-procedure glPrintLetterCut(letter: char; Start, Finish: real);
-procedure glPrint(text: pchar); // Custom GL "Print" Routine
-procedure glPrintCut(text: pchar);
-procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real); // Sets X And Y
-procedure SetFontSize(Size: real);
-procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer); // sets active font style (normal, bold, etc)
-procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean); // sets italic type letter (works for all fonts)
-procedure SetFontAspectW(Aspect: real);
-// Start of SDL_ttf
-function NextPowerOfTwo(Value: Integer): Integer;
-//Checks if the ttf exists, if yes then a SDL_ttf is returned
-function LoadFont(FileName: PAnsiChar; PointSize: integer):PTTF_Font;
-// Does the renderstuff, color is in $ffeecc style
-function RenderText(font: PTTF_Font; Text:PAnsiChar; Color: Cardinal):PSDL_Surface;
-procedure printrandomtext();
-// End of SDL_ttf
- TTextGL = record
- X: real;
- Y: real;
- Text: string;
- Size: real;
- ColR: real;
- ColG: real;
- ColB: real;
- end;
- TFont = record
- Tex: TTexture;
- Width: array[0..255] of byte;
- AspectW: real;
- Centered: boolean;
- Done: real;
- Outline: real;
- Italic: boolean;
- end;
- base: GLuint; // Base Display List For The Font Set
- Fonts: array of TFont;
- ActFont: integer;
- PColR: real; // temps for glPrintDone
- PColG: real;
- PColB: real;
-uses UMain,
- UCommon,
- {$IFDEF win32}
- windows,
- {$ELSE}
- lclintf,
- lcltype,
- {$ENDIF}
- SysUtils,
- LResources,
- {$ENDIF}
- UGraphic;
-procedure BuildFont; // Build Our Bitmap Font
- procedure loadfont( aID : integer; aType, aResourceName : String);
- var
- lLazRes : TLResource;
- lResData : TStringStream;
- begin
- try
- lLazRes := LazFindResource( aResourceName, aType );
- if lLazRes <> nil then
- begin
- lResData := TStringStream.create( lLazRes.value );
- try
- lResData.position := 0;
- lResData.Read(Fonts[ aID ].Width, 256);
- finally
- freeandnil( lResData );
- end;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- var
- Rejestr: TResourceStream;
- begin
- try
- Rejestr := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, aResourceName , pchar( aType ) );
- try
- Rejestr.Read(Fonts[ aID ].Width, 256);
- finally
- Rejestr.Free;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- except
- Log.LogStatus( 'Could not load font : loadfont( '+ inttostr( aID ) +' , '+aType+' )' , 'ERROR');
- end;
- end;
- font: HFONT; // Windows Font ID
- h_dc: hdc;
- Pet: integer;
- ActFont := 0;
- Log.LogStatus( '' , '---------------------------');
- Log.LogStatus( 'Font' , '---------------------------');
- SetLength(Fonts, 5);
- Fonts[0].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'Font', 'PNG', 'Font', 0);
- Fonts[0].Tex.H := 30;
- Fonts[0].AspectW := 0.9;
- Fonts[0].Done := -1;
- Fonts[0].Outline := 0;
- Log.LogStatus( 'FontB' , '---------------------------');
- Fonts[1].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontB', 'PNG', 'Font', 0);
- Fonts[1].Tex.H := 30;
- Fonts[1].AspectW := 1;
- Fonts[1].Done := -1;
- Fonts[1].Outline := 0;
- Log.LogStatus( 'FontO' , '---------------------------');
- Fonts[2].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontO', 'PNG', 'Font Outline', 0);
- Fonts[2].Tex.H := 30;
- Fonts[2].AspectW := 0.95;
- Fonts[2].Done := -1;
- Fonts[2].Outline := 5;
- Log.LogStatus( 'FontO2' , '---------------------------');
- Fonts[3].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontO2', 'PNG', 'Font Outline 2', 0);
- Fonts[3].Tex.H := 30;
- Fonts[3].AspectW := 0.95;
- Fonts[3].Done := -1;
- Fonts[3].Outline := 4;
-{ Fonts[4].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture('FontO', 'BMP', 'Arrow', 0); // for score screen
- Fonts[4].Tex.H := 30;
- Fonts[4].AspectW := 0.95;
- Fonts[4].Done := -1;
- Fonts[4].Outline := 5;}
- loadfont( 0, 'FNT', 'Font' );
- loadfont( 1, 'FNT', 'FontB' );
- loadfont( 2, 'FNT', 'FontO' );
- loadfont( 3, 'FNT', 'FontO2' );
-{ Rejestr := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, 'FontO', 'FNT');
- Rejestr.Read(Fonts[4].Width, 256);
- Rejestr.Free;}
- for Pet := 0 to 255 do
- Fonts[1].Width[Pet] := Fonts[1].Width[Pet] div 2;
- for Pet := 0 to 255 do
- Fonts[2].Width[Pet] := Fonts[2].Width[Pet] div 2 + 2;
- for Pet := 0 to 255 do
- Fonts[3].Width[Pet] := Fonts[3].Width[Pet] + 1;
-{ for Pet := 0 to 255 do
- Fonts[4].Width[Pet] := Fonts[4].Width[Pet] div 2 + 2;}
-procedure KillFont; // Delete The Font
-// glDeleteLists(base, 256); // Delete All 96 Characters
-function glTextWidth(text: pchar): real;
- Letter: char;
-// Log.LogStatus(Text, 'glTextWidth');
- Result := 0;
- while (length(text) > 0) do begin
- Letter := Text[0];
- text := pchar(Copy(text, 2, Length(text)-1));
- Result := Result + Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)] * Fonts[ActFont].Tex.H / 30 * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
- end; // while
-procedure glPrintDone(text: pchar; Done: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real);
- Fonts[ActFont].Done := Done;
- PColR := ColR;
- PColG := ColG;
- PColB := ColB;
- glPrintCut(text);
- Fonts[ActFont].Done := -1;
-procedure glPrintLetter(Letter: char);
- TexX, TexY: real;
- TexR, TexB: real;
- FWidth: real;
- PL, PT: real;
- PR, PB: real;
- XItal: real; // X shift for italic type letter
- with Fonts[ActFont].Tex do
- begin
- FWidth := Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)];
- W := FWidth * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
- // H := 30;
- // set texture positions
- TexX := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 - FWidth/1024 - Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
- TexY := (ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 + 2/1024; // 2/1024
- TexR := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 + FWidth/1024 + Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
- TexB := (1 + ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 - 2/1024;
- // set vector positions
- PL := X - Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW /2;
- PT := Y;
- PR := PL + W + Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
- PB := PT + H;
- if Fonts[ActFont].Italic = false then
- XItal := 0
- else
- XItal := 12;
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- try
- glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY); glVertex2f(PL+XItal, PT);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB); glVertex2f(PL, PB);
- glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB); glVertex2f(PR, PB);
- glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY); glVertex2f(PR+XItal, PT);
- finally
- glEnd;
- end;
- X := X + W;
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- end; // with
-procedure glPrintLetterCut(letter: char; Start, Finish: real);
- TexX, TexY: real;
- TexR, TexB: real;
- TexTemp: real;
- FWidth: real;
- PL, PT: real;
- PR, PB: real;
- OutTemp: real;
- XItal: real;
- with Fonts[ActFont].Tex do begin
- FWidth := Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)];
- W := FWidth * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
-// H := 30;
- OutTemp := Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
- // set texture positions
- TexX := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 - FWidth/1024 - Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
- TexY := (ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 + 2/1024; // 2/1024
- TexR := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 + FWidth/1024 + Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
- TexB := (1 + ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 - 2/1024;
- TexTemp := TexX + Start * (TexR - TexX);
- TexR := TexX + Finish * (TexR - TexX);
- TexX := TexTemp;
- // set vector positions
- PL := X - OutTemp / 2 + OutTemp * Start;
- PT := Y;
- PR := PL + (W + OutTemp) * (Finish - Start);
- PB := PT + H;
- if Fonts[ActFont].Italic = false then
- XItal := 0
- else
- XItal := 12;
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY); glVertex2f(PL+XItal, PT);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB); glVertex2f(PL, PB);
- glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB); glVertex2f(PR, PB);
- glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY); glVertex2f(PR+XItal, PT); // not tested with XItal
- glEnd;
- X := X + W * (Finish - Start);
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- end; // with
-procedure glPrint(text: pchar); // Custom GL "Print" Routine
-// Letter : char;
- iPos : Integer;
- if (Text = '') then // If There's No Text
- Exit; // Do Nothing
- while (length(text) > 0) do
- begin
- // cut
- Letter := Text[0];
- Text := pchar(Copy(Text, 2, Length(Text)-1));
- // print
- glPrintLetter(Letter);
- end; // while
- // This code is better, because doing a Copy of for every
- // letter in a string is a waste of CPU & Memory resources.
- // Copy operations are quite memory intensive, and this simple
- // code achieves the same result.
- for iPos := 0 to length( text ) - 1 do
- begin
- glPrintLetter( Text[iPos] );
- end;
-function NextPowerOfTwo(Value: Integer): Integer;
-// tyty to Asphyre
- Result:= 1;
- asm
- xor ecx, ecx
- bsr ecx, Value
- inc ecx
- shl Result, cl
- end;
-function LoadFont(FileName: PAnsiChar; PointSize: integer):PTTF_Font;
- if (FileExists(FileName)) then
- begin
- Result := TTF_OpenFont( FileName, PointSize );
- end
- else
- begin
- Log.LogStatus('ERROR Could not find font in ' + FileName , '');
- ShowMessage( 'ERROR Could not find font in ' + FileName );
- end;
-function RenderText(font: PTTF_Font; Text:PAnsiChar; Color: Cardinal): PSDL_Surface;
- clr : TSDL_color;
- clr.r := ((Color and $ff0000) shr 16 ) div 255;
- clr.g := ((Color and $ff00 ) shr 8 ) div 255;
- clr.b := ( Color and $ff ) div 255 ;
- result := TTF_RenderText_Blended( font, text, cLr);
-procedure printrandomtext();
- stext,intermediary : PSDL_surface;
- clrFg, clrBG : TSDL_color;
- texture : Gluint;
- font : PTTF_Font;
- w,h : integer;
-font := LoadFont('fonts\comicbd.ttf', 42);
-clrFg.r := 255;
-clrFg.g := 255;
-clrFg.b := 255;
-clrFg.unused := 255;
-clrBg.r := 255;
-clrbg.g := 0;
-clrbg.b := 255;
-clrbg.unused := 0;
- sText := RenderText(font, 'katzeeeeeee', $fe198e);
-//sText := TTF_RenderText_Blended( font, 'huuuuuuuuuund', clrFG);
- // Convert the rendered text to a known format
- w := nextpoweroftwo(sText.w);
- h := nextpoweroftwo(sText.h);
-intermediary := SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, w, h, 32,
- $000000ff, $0000ff00, $00ff0000, $ff000000);
- SDL_SetAlpha(intermediary, 0, 255);
- SDL_SetAlpha(sText, 0, 255);
- SDL_BlitSurface(sText, 0, intermediary, 0);
- glGenTextures(1, texture);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, w, h, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, intermediary.pixels);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
- glColor4f(1, 0, 1, 1);
- glbegin(gl_quads);
- glTexCoord2f(0,0); glVertex2f(200, 300);
- glTexCoord2f(0,sText.h/h); glVertex2f(200 , 300 + sText.h);
- glTexCoord2f(sText.w/w,sText.h/h); glVertex2f(200 + sText.w, 300 + sText.h);
- glTexCoord2f(sText.w/w,0); glVertex2f(200 + sText.w, 300);
- glEnd;
- glfinish();
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- gldisable(gl_texture_2d);
-SDL_FreeSurface( sText );
-SDL_FreeSurface( intermediary );
-glDeleteTextures(1, @texture);
-TTF_CloseFont( font );
-procedure glPrintCut(text: pchar);
- Letter: char;
- PToDo: real;
- PTotWidth: real;
- PDoingNow: real;
- S: string;
- if (Text = '') then // If There's No Text
- Exit; // Do Nothing
- PTotWidth := glTextWidth(Text);
- PToDo := Fonts[ActFont].Done;
- while (length(text) > 0) do begin
- // cut
- Letter := Text[0];
- Text := pchar(Copy(Text, 2, Length(Text)-1));
- // analyze
- S := Letter;
- PDoingNow := glTextWidth(pchar(S)) / PTotWidth;
- // drawing
- if (PToDo > 0) and (PDoingNow <= PToDo) then
- glPrintLetter(Letter);
- if (PToDo > 0) and (PDoingNow > PToDo) then begin
- glPrintLetterCut(Letter, 0, PToDo / PDoingNow);
- glColor3f(PColR, PColG, PColB);
- glPrintLetterCut(Letter, PToDo / PDoingNow, 1);
- end;
- if (PToDo <= 0) then
- glPrintLetter(Letter);
- PToDo := PToDo - PDoingNow;
- end; // while
-procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real);
- Fonts[ActFont].Tex.X := X;
- Fonts[ActFont].Tex.Y := Y;
-procedure SetFontSize(Size: real);
- Fonts[ActFont].Tex.H := 30 * (Size/10);
-procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer);
- ActFont := Style;
-procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean);
- Fonts[ActFont].Italic := Enable;
-procedure SetFontAspectW(Aspect: real);
- Fonts[ActFont].AspectW := Aspect;
-{$IFDEF win32}
- {$I UltraStar.lrs}
+unit TextGL;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+uses OpenGL12,
+ SDL,
+ UTexture,
+ Classes,
+ dialogs,
+ SDL_ttf,
+ ULog;
+procedure BuildFont; // Build Our Bitmap Font
+procedure KillFont; // Delete The Font
+function glTextWidth(text: pchar): real; // Returns Text Width
+procedure glPrintDone(text: pchar; Done: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real);
+procedure glPrintLetter(letter: char);
+procedure glPrintLetterCut(letter: char; Start, Finish: real);
+procedure glPrint(text: pchar); // Custom GL "Print" Routine
+procedure glPrintCut(text: pchar);
+procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real); // Sets X And Y
+procedure SetFontSize(Size: real);
+procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer); // sets active font style (normal, bold, etc)
+procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean); // sets italic type letter (works for all fonts)
+procedure SetFontAspectW(Aspect: real);
+// Start of SDL_ttf
+function NextPowerOfTwo(Value: Integer): Integer;
+//Checks if the ttf exists, if yes then a SDL_ttf is returned
+function LoadFont(FileName: PAnsiChar; PointSize: integer):PTTF_Font;
+// Does the renderstuff, color is in $ffeecc style
+function RenderText(font: PTTF_Font; Text:PAnsiChar; Color: Cardinal):PSDL_Surface;
+procedure printrandomtext();
+// End of SDL_ttf
+ TTextGL = record
+ X: real;
+ Y: real;
+ Text: string;
+ Size: real;
+ ColR: real;
+ ColG: real;
+ ColB: real;
+ end;
+ TFont = record
+ Tex: TTexture;
+ Width: array[0..255] of byte;
+ AspectW: real;
+ Centered: boolean;
+ Done: real;
+ Outline: real;
+ Italic: boolean;
+ end;
+ base: GLuint; // Base Display List For The Font Set
+ Fonts: array of TFont;
+ ActFont: integer;
+ PColR: real; // temps for glPrintDone
+ PColG: real;
+ PColB: real;
+uses UMain,
+ UCommon,
+ {$IFDEF win32}
+ windows,
+ {$ELSE}
+ lclintf,
+ lcltype,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ SysUtils,
+ LResources,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ UGraphic;
+procedure BuildFont; // Build Our Bitmap Font
+ procedure loadfont( aID : integer; aType, aResourceName : String);
+ var
+ lLazRes : TLResource;
+ lResData : TStringStream;
+ begin
+ try
+ lLazRes := LazFindResource( aResourceName, aType );
+ if lLazRes <> nil then
+ begin
+ lResData := TStringStream.create( lLazRes.value );
+ try
+ lResData.position := 0;
+ lResData.Read(Fonts[ aID ].Width, 256);
+ finally
+ freeandnil( lResData );
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ var
+ Rejestr: TResourceStream;
+ begin
+ try
+ Rejestr := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, aResourceName , pchar( aType ) );
+ try
+ Rejestr.Read(Fonts[ aID ].Width, 256);
+ finally
+ Rejestr.Free;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ except
+ Log.LogStatus( 'Could not load font : loadfont( '+ inttostr( aID ) +' , '+aType+' )' , 'ERROR');
+ end;
+ end;
+ font: HFONT; // Windows Font ID
+ h_dc: hdc;
+ Pet: integer;
+ ActFont := 0;
+ Log.LogStatus( '' , '---------------------------');
+ Log.LogStatus( 'Font' , '---------------------------');
+ SetLength(Fonts, 5);
+ Fonts[0].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'Font', 'PNG', 'Font', 0);
+ Fonts[0].Tex.H := 30;
+ Fonts[0].AspectW := 0.9;
+ Fonts[0].Done := -1;
+ Fonts[0].Outline := 0;
+ Log.LogStatus( 'FontB' , '---------------------------');
+ Fonts[1].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontB', 'PNG', 'Font', 0);
+ Fonts[1].Tex.H := 30;
+ Fonts[1].AspectW := 1;
+ Fonts[1].Done := -1;
+ Fonts[1].Outline := 0;
+ Log.LogStatus( 'FontO' , '---------------------------');
+ Fonts[2].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontO', 'PNG', 'Font Outline', 0);
+ Fonts[2].Tex.H := 30;
+ Fonts[2].AspectW := 0.95;
+ Fonts[2].Done := -1;
+ Fonts[2].Outline := 5;
+ Log.LogStatus( 'FontO2' , '---------------------------');
+ Fonts[3].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontO2', 'PNG', 'Font Outline 2', 0);
+ Fonts[3].Tex.H := 30;
+ Fonts[3].AspectW := 0.95;
+ Fonts[3].Done := -1;
+ Fonts[3].Outline := 4;
+{ Fonts[4].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture('FontO', 'BMP', 'Arrow', 0); // for score screen
+ Fonts[4].Tex.H := 30;
+ Fonts[4].AspectW := 0.95;
+ Fonts[4].Done := -1;
+ Fonts[4].Outline := 5;}
+ loadfont( 0, 'FNT', 'Font' );
+ loadfont( 1, 'FNT', 'FontB' );
+ loadfont( 2, 'FNT', 'FontO' );
+ loadfont( 3, 'FNT', 'FontO2' );
+{ Rejestr := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, 'FontO', 'FNT');
+ Rejestr.Read(Fonts[4].Width, 256);
+ Rejestr.Free;}
+ for Pet := 0 to 255 do
+ Fonts[1].Width[Pet] := Fonts[1].Width[Pet] div 2;
+ for Pet := 0 to 255 do
+ Fonts[2].Width[Pet] := Fonts[2].Width[Pet] div 2 + 2;
+ for Pet := 0 to 255 do
+ Fonts[3].Width[Pet] := Fonts[3].Width[Pet] + 1;
+{ for Pet := 0 to 255 do
+ Fonts[4].Width[Pet] := Fonts[4].Width[Pet] div 2 + 2;}
+procedure KillFont; // Delete The Font
+// glDeleteLists(base, 256); // Delete All 96 Characters
+function glTextWidth(text: pchar): real;
+ Letter: char;
+// Log.LogStatus(Text, 'glTextWidth');
+ Result := 0;
+ while (length(text) > 0) do begin
+ Letter := Text[0];
+ text := pchar(Copy(text, 2, Length(text)-1));
+ Result := Result + Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)] * Fonts[ActFont].Tex.H / 30 * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+ end; // while
+procedure glPrintDone(text: pchar; Done: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real);
+ Fonts[ActFont].Done := Done;
+ PColR := ColR;
+ PColG := ColG;
+ PColB := ColB;
+ glPrintCut(text);
+ Fonts[ActFont].Done := -1;
+procedure glPrintLetter(Letter: char);
+ TexX, TexY: real;
+ TexR, TexB: real;
+ FWidth: real;
+ PL, PT: real;
+ PR, PB: real;
+ XItal: real; // X shift for italic type letter
+ with Fonts[ActFont].Tex do
+ begin
+ FWidth := Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)];
+ W := FWidth * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+ // H := 30;
+ // set texture positions
+ TexX := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 - FWidth/1024 - Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
+ TexY := (ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 + 2/1024; // 2/1024
+ TexR := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 + FWidth/1024 + Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
+ TexB := (1 + ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 - 2/1024;
+ // set vector positions
+ PL := X - Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW /2;
+ PT := Y;
+ PR := PL + W + Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+ PB := PT + H;
+ if Fonts[ActFont].Italic = false then
+ XItal := 0
+ else
+ XItal := 12;
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ try
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY); glVertex2f(PL+XItal, PT);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB); glVertex2f(PL, PB);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB); glVertex2f(PR, PB);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY); glVertex2f(PR+XItal, PT);
+ finally
+ glEnd;
+ end;
+ X := X + W;
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ end; // with
+procedure glPrintLetterCut(letter: char; Start, Finish: real);
+ TexX, TexY: real;
+ TexR, TexB: real;
+ TexTemp: real;
+ FWidth: real;
+ PL, PT: real;
+ PR, PB: real;
+ OutTemp: real;
+ XItal: real;
+ with Fonts[ActFont].Tex do begin
+ FWidth := Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)];
+ W := FWidth * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+// H := 30;
+ OutTemp := Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+ // set texture positions
+ TexX := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 - FWidth/1024 - Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
+ TexY := (ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 + 2/1024; // 2/1024
+ TexR := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 + FWidth/1024 + Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
+ TexB := (1 + ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 - 2/1024;
+ TexTemp := TexX + Start * (TexR - TexX);
+ TexR := TexX + Finish * (TexR - TexX);
+ TexX := TexTemp;
+ // set vector positions
+ PL := X - OutTemp / 2 + OutTemp * Start;
+ PT := Y;
+ PR := PL + (W + OutTemp) * (Finish - Start);
+ PB := PT + H;
+ if Fonts[ActFont].Italic = false then
+ XItal := 0
+ else
+ XItal := 12;
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY); glVertex2f(PL+XItal, PT);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB); glVertex2f(PL, PB);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB); glVertex2f(PR, PB);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY); glVertex2f(PR+XItal, PT); // not tested with XItal
+ glEnd;
+ X := X + W * (Finish - Start);
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ end; // with
+procedure glPrint(text: pchar); // Custom GL "Print" Routine
+// Letter : char;
+ iPos : Integer;
+ if (Text = '') then // If There's No Text
+ Exit; // Do Nothing
+ while (length(text) > 0) do
+ begin
+ // cut
+ Letter := Text[0];
+ Text := pchar(Copy(Text, 2, Length(Text)-1));
+ // print
+ glPrintLetter(Letter);
+ end; // while
+ // This code is better, because doing a Copy of for every
+ // letter in a string is a waste of CPU & Memory resources.
+ // Copy operations are quite memory intensive, and this simple
+ // code achieves the same result.
+ for iPos := 0 to length( text ) - 1 do
+ begin
+ glPrintLetter( Text[iPos] );
+ end;
+function NextPowerOfTwo(Value: Integer): Integer;
+// tyty to Asphyre
+ Result:= 1;
+ asm
+ xor ecx, ecx
+ bsr ecx, Value
+ inc ecx
+ shl Result, cl
+ end;
+function LoadFont(FileName: PAnsiChar; PointSize: integer):PTTF_Font;
+ if (FileExists(FileName)) then
+ begin
+ Result := TTF_OpenFont( FileName, PointSize );
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Log.LogStatus('ERROR Could not find font in ' + FileName , '');
+ ShowMessage( 'ERROR Could not find font in ' + FileName );
+ end;
+function RenderText(font: PTTF_Font; Text:PAnsiChar; Color: Cardinal): PSDL_Surface;
+ clr : TSDL_color;
+ clr.r := ((Color and $ff0000) shr 16 ) div 255;
+ clr.g := ((Color and $ff00 ) shr 8 ) div 255;
+ clr.b := ( Color and $ff ) div 255 ;
+ result := TTF_RenderText_Blended( font, text, cLr);
+procedure printrandomtext();
+ stext,intermediary : PSDL_surface;
+ clrFg, clrBG : TSDL_color;
+ texture : Gluint;
+ font : PTTF_Font;
+ w,h : integer;
+font := LoadFont('fonts\comicbd.ttf', 42);
+clrFg.r := 255;
+clrFg.g := 255;
+clrFg.b := 255;
+clrFg.unused := 255;
+clrBg.r := 255;
+clrbg.g := 0;
+clrbg.b := 255;
+clrbg.unused := 0;
+ sText := RenderText(font, 'katzeeeeeee', $fe198e);
+//sText := TTF_RenderText_Blended( font, 'huuuuuuuuuund', clrFG);
+ // Convert the rendered text to a known format
+ w := nextpoweroftwo(sText.w);
+ h := nextpoweroftwo(sText.h);
+intermediary := SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, w, h, 32,
+ $000000ff, $0000ff00, $00ff0000, $ff000000);
+ SDL_SetAlpha(intermediary, 0, 255);
+ SDL_SetAlpha(sText, 0, 255);
+ SDL_BlitSurface(sText, 0, intermediary, 0);
+ glGenTextures(1, @texture);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, w, h, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, intermediary.pixels);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
+ glColor4f(1, 0, 1, 1);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0); glVertex2f(200, 300);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,sText.h/h); glVertex2f(200 , 300 + sText.h);
+ glTexCoord2f(sText.w/w,sText.h/h); glVertex2f(200 + sText.w, 300 + sText.h);
+ glTexCoord2f(sText.w/w,0); glVertex2f(200 + sText.w, 300);
+ glEnd;
+ glfinish();
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ gldisable(gl_texture_2d);
+SDL_FreeSurface( sText );
+SDL_FreeSurface( intermediary );
+glDeleteTextures(1, @texture);
+TTF_CloseFont( font );
+procedure glPrintCut(text: pchar);
+ Letter: char;
+ PToDo: real;
+ PTotWidth: real;
+ PDoingNow: real;
+ S: string;
+ if (Text = '') then // If There's No Text
+ Exit; // Do Nothing
+ PTotWidth := glTextWidth(Text);
+ PToDo := Fonts[ActFont].Done;
+ while (length(text) > 0) do begin
+ // cut
+ Letter := Text[0];
+ Text := pchar(Copy(Text, 2, Length(Text)-1));
+ // analyze
+ S := Letter;
+ PDoingNow := glTextWidth(pchar(S)) / PTotWidth;
+ // drawing
+ if (PToDo > 0) and (PDoingNow <= PToDo) then
+ glPrintLetter(Letter);
+ if (PToDo > 0) and (PDoingNow > PToDo) then begin
+ glPrintLetterCut(Letter, 0, PToDo / PDoingNow);
+ glColor3f(PColR, PColG, PColB);
+ glPrintLetterCut(Letter, PToDo / PDoingNow, 1);
+ end;
+ if (PToDo <= 0) then
+ glPrintLetter(Letter);
+ PToDo := PToDo - PDoingNow;
+ end; // while
+procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real);
+ Fonts[ActFont].Tex.X := X;
+ Fonts[ActFont].Tex.Y := Y;
+procedure SetFontSize(Size: real);
+ Fonts[ActFont].Tex.H := 30 * (Size/10);
+procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer);
+ ActFont := Style;
+procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean);
+ Fonts[ActFont].Italic := Enable;
+procedure SetFontAspectW(Aspect: real);
+ Fonts[ActFont].AspectW := Aspect;
+{$IFDEF win32}
+ {$I UltraStar.lrs}
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UCommon.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UCommon.pas
index 8089f28c..7337751a 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UCommon.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UCommon.pas
@@ -1,158 +1,183 @@
-unit UCommon;
- {$MODE Delphi}
- lResources,
- ULog,
-{$IFDEF win32}
- windows;
- lcltype,
- messages;
-{$IFNDEF win32}
- hStream = THandle;
- HGLRC = THandle;
- TLargeInteger = Int64;
- TWin32FindData = LongInt;
- TWndMethod = procedure(var Message: TMessage) of object;
-function LazFindResource( const aName, aType : String ): TLResource;
-function RandomRange(aMin: Integer; aMax: Integer) : Integer;
-function MaxValue(const Data: array of Double): Double;
-function MinValue(const Data: array of Double): Double;
-{$IFDEF Win32}
-function AllocateHWnd(Method: TWndMethod): HWND;
-procedure DeallocateHWnd(Wnd: HWND);
-{$IFNDEF win32}
- function QueryPerformanceCounter(lpPerformanceCount:TLARGEINTEGER):Bool;
- function QueryPerformanceFrequency(lpFrequency:TLARGEINTEGER):Bool;
- procedure ZeroMemory( Destination: Pointer; Length: DWORD );
-{$IFNDEF win32}
-procedure ZeroMemory( Destination: Pointer; Length: DWORD );
- FillChar( Destination^, Length, 0 );
-end; //ZeroMemory
-function QueryPerformanceCounter(lpPerformanceCount:TLARGEINTEGER):Bool;
- // From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RDTSC
- function RDTSC: Int64; register;
- asm
- rdtsc
- end;
- // Use clock_gettime here maybe ... from libc
- lpPerformanceCount := RDTSC();
- result := true;
-function QueryPerformanceFrequency(lpFrequency:TLARGEINTEGER):Bool;
- lpFrequency := 0;
- result := true;
-function LazFindResource( const aName, aType : String ): TLResource;
- iCount : Integer;
- result := nil;
- for iCount := 0 to LazarusResources.count -1 do
- begin
- if ( LazarusResources.items[ iCount ].Name = aName ) AND
- ( LazarusResources.items[ iCount ].ValueType = aType ) THEN
- begin
- result := LazarusResources.items[ iCount ];
- exit;
- end;
- end;
-function MaxValue(const Data: array of Double): Double;
- I: Integer;
- Result := Data[Low(Data)];
- for I := Low(Data) + 1 to High(Data) do
- if Result < Data[I] then
- Result := Data[I];
-function MinValue(const Data: array of Double): Double;
- I: Integer;
- Result := Data[Low(Data)];
- for I := Low(Data) + 1 to High(Data) do
- if Result > Data[I] then
- Result := Data[I];
-function RandomRange(aMin: Integer; aMax: Integer) : Integer;
-RandomRange := Random(aMax-aMin) + aMin ;
-// NOTE !!!!!!!!!!
-// AllocateHWnd is in lclintfh.inc
-{$IFDEF Win32}
-// TODO : JB this is dodgey and bad... find a REAL solution !
-function AllocateHWnd(Method: TWndMethod): HWND;
- TempClass: TWndClass;
- ClassRegistered: Boolean;
- Result := CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, '', '', WS_POPUP , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, HInstance, nil);
-procedure DeallocateHWnd(Wnd: HWND);
- Instance: Pointer;
- Instance := Pointer(GetWindowLong(Wnd, GWL_WNDPROC));
- DestroyWindow(Wnd);
+unit UCommon;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+ SysUtils,
+ lResources,
+ ULog,
+{$IFDEF win32}
+ windows;
+ lcltype,
+ messages;
+{$IFNDEF win32}
+ hStream = THandle;
+ HGLRC = THandle;
+ TLargeInteger = Int64;
+ TWin32FindData = LongInt;
+ TWndMethod = procedure(var Message: TMessage) of object;
+function StringReplaceW(text, search, rep: WideString):WideString;
+function AdaptFilePaths( const aPath : widestring ): widestring;
+function LazFindResource( const aName, aType : String ): TLResource;
+function RandomRange(aMin: Integer; aMax: Integer) : Integer;
+function MaxValue(const Data: array of Double): Double;
+function MinValue(const Data: array of Double): Double;
+{$IFDEF Win32}
+function AllocateHWnd(Method: TWndMethod): HWND;
+procedure DeallocateHWnd(Wnd: HWND);
+{$IFNDEF win32}
+ function QueryPerformanceCounter(lpPerformanceCount:TLARGEINTEGER):Bool;
+ function QueryPerformanceFrequency(lpFrequency:TLARGEINTEGER):Bool;
+ procedure ZeroMemory( Destination: Pointer; Length: DWORD );
+function StringReplaceW(text, search, rep: WideString):WideString;
+ iPos : integer;
+ sTemp : WideString;
+ result := text;
+ iPos := Pos(search, result);
+ while (iPos > 0) do
+ begin
+ sTEmp := copy(result, iPos + length(search), length(result));
+ result := copy(result, 1, iPos - 1) + rep + sTEmp;
+ iPos := Pos(search, result);
+ end;
+function AdaptFilePaths( const aPath : widestring ): widestring;
+ result := StringReplaceW( aPath, '\', PathDelim );//, [rfReplaceAll] );
+{$IFNDEF win32}
+procedure ZeroMemory( Destination: Pointer; Length: DWORD );
+ FillChar( Destination^, Length, 0 );
+end; //ZeroMemory
+function QueryPerformanceCounter(lpPerformanceCount:TLARGEINTEGER):Bool;
+ // From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RDTSC
+ function RDTSC: Int64; register;
+ asm
+ rdtsc
+ end;
+ // Use clock_gettime here maybe ... from libc
+ lpPerformanceCount := RDTSC();
+ result := true;
+function QueryPerformanceFrequency(lpFrequency:TLARGEINTEGER):Bool;
+ lpFrequency := 0;
+ result := true;
+function LazFindResource( const aName, aType : String ): TLResource;
+ iCount : Integer;
+ result := nil;
+ for iCount := 0 to LazarusResources.count -1 do
+ begin
+ if ( LazarusResources.items[ iCount ].Name = aName ) AND
+ ( LazarusResources.items[ iCount ].ValueType = aType ) THEN
+ begin
+ result := LazarusResources.items[ iCount ];
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+function MaxValue(const Data: array of Double): Double;
+ I: Integer;
+ Result := Data[Low(Data)];
+ for I := Low(Data) + 1 to High(Data) do
+ if Result < Data[I] then
+ Result := Data[I];
+function MinValue(const Data: array of Double): Double;
+ I: Integer;
+ Result := Data[Low(Data)];
+ for I := Low(Data) + 1 to High(Data) do
+ if Result > Data[I] then
+ Result := Data[I];
+function RandomRange(aMin: Integer; aMax: Integer) : Integer;
+RandomRange := Random(aMax-aMin) + aMin ;
+// NOTE !!!!!!!!!!
+// AllocateHWnd is in lclintfh.inc
+{$IFDEF Win32}
+// TODO : JB this is dodgey and bad... find a REAL solution !
+function AllocateHWnd(Method: TWndMethod): HWND;
+ TempClass: TWndClass;
+ ClassRegistered: Boolean;
+ Result := CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, '', '', WS_POPUP , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, HInstance, nil);
+procedure DeallocateHWnd(Wnd: HWND);
+ Instance: Pointer;
+ Instance := Pointer(GetWindowLong(Wnd, GWL_WNDPROC));
+ DestroyWindow(Wnd);
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UGraphic.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UGraphic.pas
index 44c068a0..5847e41c 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UGraphic.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UGraphic.pas
@@ -1,688 +1,703 @@
-unit UGraphic;
-{$I switches.inc}
- SDL,
- OpenGL12,
- UTexture,
- TextGL,
- ULog,
- SysUtils,
- ULyrics,
- UScreenLoading,
- UScreenWelcome,
- UScreenMain,
- UScreenName,
- UScreenLevel,
- UScreenOptions,
- UScreenOptionsGame,
- UScreenOptionsGraphics,
- UScreenOptionsSound,
- UScreenOptionsLyrics,
- UScreenOptionsThemes,
- UScreenOptionsRecord,
- UScreenOptionsAdvanced,
- UScreenSong,
- UScreenSing,
- UScreenScore,
- UScreenTop5,
- UScreenEditSub,
- UScreenEdit,
- UScreenEditConvert,
- UScreenEditHeader,
- UScreenOpen,
- UThemes,
- USkins,
- UScreenSongMenu,
- UScreenSongJumpto,
- {Party Screens}
- UScreenSingModi,
- UScreenPartyNewRound,
- UScreenPartyScore,
- UScreenPartyOptions,
- UScreenPartyWin,
- UScreenPartyPlayer,
- {Stats Screens}
- UScreenStatMain,
- UScreenStatDetail,
- {CreditsScreen}
- UScreenCredits,
- {Popup for errors, etc.}
- UScreenPopup;
- TRecR = record
- Top: real;
- Left: real;
- Right: real;
- Bottom: real;
- end;
- Screen: PSDL_Surface;
- LoadingThread: PSDL_Thread;
- Mutex: PSDL_Mutex;
- RenderW: integer;
- RenderH: integer;
- ScreenW: integer;
- ScreenH: integer;
- Screens: integer;
- ScreenAct: integer;
- ScreenX: integer;
- ScreenLoading: TScreenLoading;
- ScreenWelcome: TScreenWelcome;
- ScreenMain: TScreenMain;
- ScreenName: TScreenName;
- ScreenLevel: TScreenLevel;
- ScreenSong: TScreenSong;
- ScreenSing: TScreenSing;
- ScreenScore: TScreenScore;
- ScreenTop5: TScreenTop5;
- ScreenOptions: TScreenOptions;
- ScreenOptionsGame: TScreenOptionsGame;
- ScreenOptionsGraphics: TScreenOptionsGraphics;
- ScreenOptionsSound: TScreenOptionsSound;
- ScreenOptionsLyrics: TScreenOptionsLyrics;
- ScreenOptionsThemes: TScreenOptionsThemes;
- ScreenOptionsRecord: TScreenOptionsRecord;
- ScreenOptionsAdvanced: TScreenOptionsAdvanced;
- ScreenEditSub: TScreenEditSub;
- ScreenEdit: TScreenEdit;
- ScreenEditConvert: TScreenEditConvert;
- ScreenEditHeader: TScreenEditHeader;
- ScreenOpen: TScreenOpen;
- ScreenSongMenu: TScreenSongMenu;
- ScreenSongJumpto: TScreenSongJumpto;
- //Party Screens
- ScreenSingModi: TScreenSingModi;
- ScreenPartyNewRound: TScreenPartyNewRound;
- ScreenPartyScore: TScreenPartyScore;
- ScreenPartyWin: TScreenPartyWin;
- ScreenPartyOptions: TScreenPartyOptions;
- ScreenPartyPlayer: TScreenPartyPlayer;
- //StatsScreens
- ScreenStatMain: TScreenStatMain;
- ScreenStatDetail: TScreenStatDetail;
- //CreditsScreen
- ScreenCredits: TScreenCredits;
- //popup mod
- ScreenPopupCheck: TScreenPopupCheck;
- ScreenPopupError: TScreenPopupError;
- //Notes
- Tex_Left: array[0..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_note_left
- Tex_Mid: array[0..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_note_mid
- Tex_Right: array[0..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_note_right
- Tex_plain_Left: array[1..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_notebg_left
- Tex_plain_Mid: array[1..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_notebg_mid
- Tex_plain_Right: array[1..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_notebg_right
- Tex_BG_Left: array[1..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_noteglow_left
- Tex_BG_Mid: array[1..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_noteglow_mid
- Tex_BG_Right: array[1..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_noteglow_right
- Tex_Note_Star: TTexture;
- Tex_Note_Perfect_Star: TTexture;
- Tex_Ball: TTexture;
- Tex_Lyric_Help_Bar: TTexture;
- FullScreen: boolean;
- Tex_TimeProgress: TTexture;
- //Sing Bar Mod
- Tex_SingBar_Back: TTexture;
- Tex_SingBar_Bar: TTexture;
- Tex_SingBar_Front: TTexture;
- //end Singbar Mod
- //PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Mod
- Tex_SingLineBonusBack: array[0..8] of TTexture;
- //End PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Mod
- //ScoreBG Texs
- Tex_ScoreBG: array [0..5] of TTexture;
- Skin_BGColorR = 1;
- Skin_BGColorG = 1;
- Skin_BGColorB = 1;
- Skin_SpectrumR = 0;
- Skin_SpectrumG = 0;
- Skin_SpectrumB = 0;
- Skin_Spectograph1R = 0.6;
- Skin_Spectograph1G = 0.8;
- Skin_Spectograph1B = 1;
- Skin_Spectograph2R = 0;
- Skin_Spectograph2G = 0;
- Skin_Spectograph2B = 0.2;
- Skin_SzczytR = 0.8;
- Skin_SzczytG = 0;
- Skin_SzczytB = 0;
- Skin_SzczytLimitR = 0;
- Skin_SzczytLimitG = 0.8;
- Skin_SzczytLimitB = 0;
- Skin_FontR = 0;
- Skin_FontG = 0;
- Skin_FontB = 0;
- Skin_FontHighlightR = 0.3; // 0.3
- Skin_FontHighlightG = 0.3; // 0.3
- Skin_FontHighlightB = 1; // 1
- Skin_TimeR = 0.25; //0,0,0
- Skin_TimeG = 0.25;
- Skin_TimeB = 0.25;
- Skin_OscR = 0;
- Skin_OscG = 0;
- Skin_OscB = 0;
- Skin_LyricsT = 494; // 500 / 510 / 400
- Skin_SpectrumT = 470;
- Skin_SpectrumBot = 570;
- Skin_SpectrumH = 100;
- Skin_P1_LinesR = 0.5; // 0.6 0.6 1
- Skin_P1_LinesG = 0.5;
- Skin_P1_LinesB = 0.5;
- Skin_P2_LinesR = 0.5; // 1 0.6 0.6
- Skin_P2_LinesG = 0.5;
- Skin_P2_LinesB = 0.5;
- Skin_P1_NotesB = 250;
- Skin_P2_NotesB = 430; // 430 / 300
- Skin_P1_ScoreT = 50;
- Skin_P1_ScoreL = 20;
- Skin_P2_ScoreT = 50;
- Skin_P2_ScoreL = 640;
-procedure Initialize3D (Title: string);
-procedure Reinitialize3D;
-procedure SwapBuffers;
-procedure LoadTextures;
-procedure InitializeScreen;
-procedure LoadLoadingScreen;
-procedure LoadScreens;
-function LoadingThreadFunction: integer;
-uses UMain,
- UIni,
- UDisplay,
- UCommandLine,
- Graphics,
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF win32}
- windows,
- {$ENDIF}
- Classes;
-procedure LoadFontTextures;
- Log.LogStatus('Building Fonts', 'LoadTextures');
- BuildFont;
-procedure LoadTextures;
- P: integer;
- R, G, B: real;
- Col: integer;
- // zaladowanie tekstur
- Log.LogStatus('Loading Textures', 'LoadTextures');
- Tex_Left[0] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayLeft')), 'BMP', 'Transparent', 0); //brauch man die noch?
- Tex_Mid[0] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayMid')), 'BMP', 'Plain', 0); //brauch man die noch?
- Tex_Right[0] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayRight')), 'BMP', 'Transparent', 0); //brauch man die noch?
- Log.LogStatus('Loading Textures - A', 'LoadTextures');
- // P1-6
- // TODO... do it once for each player... this is a bit crappy !!
- // can we make it any better !?
- for P := 1 to 6 do
- begin
- LoadColor(R, G, B, 'P' + IntToStr(P) + 'Light');
- Col := $10000 * Round(R*255) + $100 * Round(G*255) + Round(B*255);
- Tex_Left[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayLeft')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
- Tex_Mid[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayMid')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
- Tex_Right[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayRight')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
- Tex_plain_Left[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NotePlainLeft')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
- Tex_plain_Mid[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NotePlainMid')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
- Tex_plain_Right[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NotePlainRight')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
- Tex_BG_Left[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NoteBGLeft')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
- Tex_BG_Mid[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NoteBGMid')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
- Tex_BG_Right[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NoteBGRight')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
- end;
- Log.LogStatus('Loading Textures - B', 'LoadTextures');
- Tex_Note_Perfect_Star := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NotePerfectStar')), 'JPG', 'Font Black', 0);
- Tex_Note_Star := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NoteStar')) , 'JPG', 'Alpha Black Colored', $FFFFFF);
- Tex_Ball := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('Ball')), 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
- Tex_Lyric_Help_Bar := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LyricHelpBar')), 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
- //TimeBar mod
- Tex_TimeProgress := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('TimeBar')));
- //eoa TimeBar mod
- //SingBar Mod
- Tex_SingBar_Back := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('SingBarBack')), 'JPG', 'Plain', 0);
- Tex_SingBar_Bar := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('SingBarBar')), 'JPG', 'Plain', 0);
- Tex_SingBar_Front := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('SingBarFront')), 'JPG', 'Font', 0);
- //end Singbar Mod
- Log.LogStatus('Loading Textures - C', 'LoadTextures');
- //Line Bonus PopUp
- for P := 0 to 8 do
- begin
- Case P of
- 0: begin
- R := 1;
- G := 0;
- B := 0;
- end;
- 1..3: begin
- R := 1;
- G := (P * 0.25);
- B := 0;
- end;
- 4: begin
- R := 1;
- G := 1;
- B := 0;
- end;
- 5..7: begin
- R := 1-((P-4)*0.25);
- G := 1;
- B := 0;
- end;
- 8: begin
- R := 0;
- G := 1;
- B := 0;
- end;
- End;
- Col := $10000 * Round(R*255) + $100 * Round(G*255) + Round(B*255);
- Tex_SingLineBonusBack[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LineBonusBack')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
- end;
- //Score BG Textures
- for P := 0 to 5 do begin
- LoadColor(R, G, B, 'P' + IntToStr(P+1) + 'Light');
- Col := $10000 * Round(R*255) + $100 * Round(G*255) + Round(B*255);
- Tex_ScoreBG[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('ScoreBG')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
- end;
- Log.LogStatus('Loading Textures - D', 'LoadTextures');
-procedure Initialize3D (Title: string);
-// Icon: TIcon;
-// Res: TResourceStream;
- ISurface: PSDL_Surface;
- Pixel: PByteArray;
- I: Integer;
- Log.LogStatus('LoadOpenGL', 'UGraphic.Initialize3D');
-// Log.BenchmarkStart(2);
- LoadOpenGL;
- Log.LogStatus('SDL_Init', 'UGraphic.Initialize3D');
- if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO or SDL_INIT_AUDIO)= -1 ) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('SDL_Init Failed', 'UGraphic.Initialize3D');
- exit;
- end;
- { //Load Icon
- Res := TResourceStream.CreateFromID(HInstance, 3, RT_ICON);
- Icon := TIcon.Create;
- Icon.LoadFromStream(Res);
- Res.Free;
- Icon.
- //Create icon Surface
- SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom (
- Icon.Width,
- Icon.Height,
- 32,
- 128 or 64,
- 32 or 16,
- 8 or 4,
- 2 or 1);
- //SDL_BlitSurface(
- SDL_WM_SetCaption(PChar(Title), nil);
- InitializeScreen;
-// Log.BenchmarkEnd(2);
-// Log.LogBenchmark('--> Setting Screen', 2);
- // ladowanie tekstur
-// Log.BenchmarkStart(2);
- Texture := TTextureUnit.Create;
- Texture.Limit := 1024*1024;
-// LoadTextures;
-// Log.BenchmarkEnd(2);
-// Log.LogBenchmark('--> Loading Textures', 2);
-{ Log.BenchmarkStart(2);
- Lyric:= TLyric.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(2);
- Log.LogBenchmark('--> Loading Fonts', 2);
-// Log.BenchmarkStart(2);
- Display := TDisplay.Create;
- SDL_EnableUnicode(1);
-// Log.BenchmarkEnd(2); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Creating Display', 2);
-// Log.LogStatus('Loading Screens', 'Initialize3D');
-// Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- Log.LogStatus('Loading Font Textures', 'UGraphic.Initialize3D');
- LoadFontTextures();
- // Show the Loading Screen -------------
- Log.LogStatus('Loading Loading Screen', 'UGraphic.Initialize3D');
- LoadLoadingScreen;
- Log.LogStatus(' Loading Textures', 'UGraphic.Initialize3D');
- LoadTextures; // jb
- // now that we have something to display while loading,
- // start thread that loads the rest of ultrastar
-// Mutex := SDL_CreateMutex;
-// SDL_UnLockMutex(Mutex);
- // funktioniert so noch nicht, da der ladethread unver�ndert auf opengl zugreifen will
- // siehe dazu kommentar unten
- //LoadingThread := SDL_CreateThread(@LoadingThread, nil);
- // das hier w�rde dann im ladethread ausgef�hrt
- Log.LogStatus(' Loading Screens', 'UGraphic.Initialize3D');
- LoadScreens;
- // TODO!!!!!!1
- // hier k�me jetzt eine schleife, die
- // * den ladescreen malt (ab und zu)
- // * den "fortschritt" des ladescreens steuert
- // * zwischendrin schaut, ob der ladethread texturen geladen hat (mutex pr�fen) und
- // * die texturen in die opengl l�dt, sowie
- // * dem ladethread signalisiert, dass der speicher f�r die textur
- // zum laden der n�chsten textur weiterverwendet werden kann (�ber weiteren mutex)
- // * �ber einen 3. mutex so lange l�uft, bis der ladethread signalisiert,
- // dass er alles geladen hat fertig ist
- //
- // daf�r muss loadtexture so umgeschrieben werden, dass es, statt selbst irgendwelche
- // opengl funktionen aufzurufen, entsprechend mutexe ver�ndert
- // der hauptthread muss auch irgendwoher erfahren, was an opengl funktionen auszuf�hren ist,
- // mit welchen parametern (texturtyp, entspr. texturobjekt, textur-zwischenspeicher-adresse, ...
- //wait for loading thread to finish
- // funktioniert so auch noch nicht
- //SDL_WaitThread(LoadingThread, I);
-// SDL_DestroyMutex(Mutex);
- Display.ActualScreen^.FadeTo( @ScreenMain );
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(2);
- Log.LogBenchmark('--> Loading Screens', 2);
- Log.LogStatus('Finish', 'Initialize3D');
-procedure SwapBuffers;
- SDL_GL_SwapBuffers;
- glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
- glLoadIdentity;
- glOrtho(0, RenderW, RenderH, 0, -1, 100);
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
-procedure Reinitialize3D;
-// InitializeScreen;
-// LoadTextures;
-// LoadScreens;
-procedure InitializeScreen;
- S: string;
- I: integer;
- W, H: integer;
- Depth: Integer;
- if (Params.Screens <> -1) then
- Screens := Params.Screens + 1
- else
- Screens := Ini.Screens + 1;
- SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 5);
- SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 5);
- SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 5);
- SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16);
- // If there is a resolution in Parameters, use it, else use the Ini value
- I := Params.Resolution;
- if (I <> -1) then
- S := IResolution[I]
- else
- S := IResolution[Ini.Resolution];
- I := Pos('x', S);
- W := StrToInt(Copy(S, 1, I-1)) * Screens;
- H := StrToInt(Copy(S, I+1, 1000));
- {if ParamStr(1) = '-fsblack' then begin
- W := 800;
- H := 600;
- end;
- if ParamStr(1) = '-320x240' then begin
- W := 320;
- H := 240;
- end; }
- If (Params.Depth <> -1) then
- Depth := Params.Depth
- else
- Depth := Ini.Depth;
- Log.LogStatus('SDL_SetVideoMode', 'Initialize3D');
-// Okay it's possible to set the title bar / taskbar icon here
-// it's working this way, but just if the bmp is in your exe folder
- SDL_WM_SetIcon(SDL_LoadBMP('ustar-icon.bmp'), 0);
-// SDL_SetRefreshrate(85);
-// SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1 );
- if (Ini.FullScreen = 0) and (Not Params.FullScreen) then
- begin
- screen := SDL_SetVideoMode(W, H, (Depth+1) * 16, SDL_OPENGL)
- end
- else
- begin
- screen := SDL_SetVideoMode(W, H, (Depth+1) * 16, SDL_OPENGL or SDL_FULLSCREEN);
- SDL_ShowCursor(0);
- end;
- if (screen = nil) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('SDL_SetVideoMode Failed', 'Initialize3D');
- exit;
- end;
- // clear screen once window is being shown
- glClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1);
- SwapBuffers;
- // zmienne
- RenderW := 800;
- RenderH := 600;
- ScreenW := W;
- ScreenH := H;
-procedure LoadLoadingScreen;
- ScreenLoading := TScreenLoading.Create;
- ScreenLoading.onShow;
- Display.ActualScreen := @ScreenLoading;
- swapbuffers;
- ScreenLoading.Draw;
- Display.Draw;
- SwapBuffers;
-procedure LoadScreens;
-{ ScreenLoading := TScreenLoading.Create;
- ScreenLoading.onShow;
- Display.ActualScreen := @ScreenLoading;
- ScreenLoading.Draw;
- Display.Draw;
- SwapBuffers;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Loading', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
-{ ScreenWelcome := TScreenWelcome.Create; //'BG', 4, 3);
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Welcome', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);}
- ScreenMain := TScreenMain.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Main', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenName := TScreenName.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Name', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenLevel := TScreenLevel.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Level', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenSong := TScreenSong.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Song', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenSongMenu := TScreenSongMenu.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Song Menu', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenSing := TScreenSing.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Sing', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenScore := TScreenScore.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Score', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenTop5 := TScreenTop5.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Top5', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenOptions := TScreenOptions.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Options', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenOptionsGame := TScreenOptionsGame.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Options Game', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenOptionsGraphics := TScreenOptionsGraphics.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Options Graphics', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenOptionsSound := TScreenOptionsSound.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Options Sound', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenOptionsLyrics := TScreenOptionsLyrics.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Options Lyrics', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenOptionsThemes := TScreenOptionsThemes.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Options Themes', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenOptionsRecord := TScreenOptionsRecord.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Options Record', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenOptionsAdvanced := TScreenOptionsAdvanced.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Options Advanced', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenEditSub := TScreenEditSub.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Edit Sub', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenEdit := TScreenEdit.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Edit', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenEditConvert := TScreenEditConvert.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen EditConvert', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
-// ScreenEditHeader := TScreenEditHeader.Create(Skin.ScoreBG);
-// Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Edit Header', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenOpen := TScreenOpen.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Open', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenSingModi := TScreenSingModi.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Sing with Modi support', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenSongMenu := TScreenSongMenu.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen SongMenu', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenSongJumpto := TScreenSongJumpto.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen SongJumpto', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenPopupCheck := TScreenPopupCheck.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Popup (Check)', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenPopupError := TScreenPopupError.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Popup (Error)', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenPartyNewRound := TScreenPartyNewRound.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen PartyNewRound', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenPartyScore := TScreenPartyScore.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen PartyScore', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenPartyWin := TScreenPartyWin.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen PartyWin', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenPartyOptions := TScreenPartyOptions.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen PartyOptions', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenPartyPlayer := TScreenPartyPlayer.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen PartyPlayer', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenStatMain := TScreenStatMain.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Stat Main', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenStatDetail := TScreenStatDetail.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Stat Detail', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- ScreenCredits := TScreenCredits.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Credits', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
- end;
-function LoadingThreadFunction: integer;
- LoadScreens;
- Result:= 1;
+unit UGraphic;
+{$I switches.inc}
+ SDL,
+ OpenGL12,
+ UTexture,
+ TextGL,
+ ULog,
+ SysUtils,
+ ULyrics,
+ UScreenLoading,
+ UScreenWelcome,
+ UScreenMain,
+ UScreenName,
+ UScreenLevel,
+ UScreenOptions,
+ UScreenOptionsGame,
+ UScreenOptionsGraphics,
+ UScreenOptionsSound,
+ UScreenOptionsLyrics,
+ UScreenOptionsThemes,
+ UScreenOptionsRecord,
+ UScreenOptionsAdvanced,
+ UScreenSong,
+ UScreenSing,
+ UScreenScore,
+ UScreenTop5,
+ UScreenEditSub,
+ UScreenEdit,
+ UScreenEditConvert,
+ UScreenEditHeader,
+ UScreenOpen,
+ UThemes,
+ USkins,
+ UScreenSongMenu,
+ UScreenSongJumpto,
+ {Party Screens}
+ UScreenSingModi,
+ UScreenPartyNewRound,
+ UScreenPartyScore,
+ UScreenPartyOptions,
+ UScreenPartyWin,
+ UScreenPartyPlayer,
+ {Stats Screens}
+ UScreenStatMain,
+ UScreenStatDetail,
+ {CreditsScreen}
+ UScreenCredits,
+ {Popup for errors, etc.}
+ UScreenPopup;
+ TRecR = record
+ Top: real;
+ Left: real;
+ Right: real;
+ Bottom: real;
+ end;
+ Screen: PSDL_Surface;
+ LoadingThread: PSDL_Thread;
+ Mutex: PSDL_Mutex;
+ RenderW: integer;
+ RenderH: integer;
+ ScreenW: integer;
+ ScreenH: integer;
+ Screens: integer;
+ ScreenAct: integer;
+ ScreenX: integer;
+ ScreenLoading: TScreenLoading;
+ ScreenWelcome: TScreenWelcome;
+ ScreenMain: TScreenMain;
+ ScreenName: TScreenName;
+ ScreenLevel: TScreenLevel;
+ ScreenSong: TScreenSong;
+ ScreenSing: TScreenSing;
+ ScreenScore: TScreenScore;
+ ScreenTop5: TScreenTop5;
+ ScreenOptions: TScreenOptions;
+ ScreenOptionsGame: TScreenOptionsGame;
+ ScreenOptionsGraphics: TScreenOptionsGraphics;
+ ScreenOptionsSound: TScreenOptionsSound;
+ ScreenOptionsLyrics: TScreenOptionsLyrics;
+ ScreenOptionsThemes: TScreenOptionsThemes;
+ ScreenOptionsRecord: TScreenOptionsRecord;
+ ScreenOptionsAdvanced: TScreenOptionsAdvanced;
+ ScreenEditSub: TScreenEditSub;
+ ScreenEdit: TScreenEdit;
+ ScreenEditConvert: TScreenEditConvert;
+ ScreenEditHeader: TScreenEditHeader;
+ ScreenOpen: TScreenOpen;
+ ScreenSongMenu: TScreenSongMenu;
+ ScreenSongJumpto: TScreenSongJumpto;
+ //Party Screens
+ ScreenSingModi: TScreenSingModi;
+ ScreenPartyNewRound: TScreenPartyNewRound;
+ ScreenPartyScore: TScreenPartyScore;
+ ScreenPartyWin: TScreenPartyWin;
+ ScreenPartyOptions: TScreenPartyOptions;
+ ScreenPartyPlayer: TScreenPartyPlayer;
+ //StatsScreens
+ ScreenStatMain: TScreenStatMain;
+ ScreenStatDetail: TScreenStatDetail;
+ //CreditsScreen
+ ScreenCredits: TScreenCredits;
+ //popup mod
+ ScreenPopupCheck: TScreenPopupCheck;
+ ScreenPopupError: TScreenPopupError;
+ //Notes
+ Tex_Left: array[0..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_note_left
+ Tex_Mid: array[0..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_note_mid
+ Tex_Right: array[0..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_note_right
+ Tex_plain_Left: array[1..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_notebg_left
+ Tex_plain_Mid: array[1..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_notebg_mid
+ Tex_plain_Right: array[1..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_notebg_right
+ Tex_BG_Left: array[1..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_noteglow_left
+ Tex_BG_Mid: array[1..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_noteglow_mid
+ Tex_BG_Right: array[1..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_noteglow_right
+ Tex_Note_Star: TTexture;
+ Tex_Note_Perfect_Star: TTexture;
+ Tex_Ball: TTexture;
+ Tex_Lyric_Help_Bar: TTexture;
+ FullScreen: boolean;
+ Tex_TimeProgress: TTexture;
+ //Sing Bar Mod
+ Tex_SingBar_Back: TTexture;
+ Tex_SingBar_Bar: TTexture;
+ Tex_SingBar_Front: TTexture;
+ //end Singbar Mod
+ //PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Mod
+ Tex_SingLineBonusBack: array[0..8] of TTexture;
+ //End PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Mod
+ //ScoreBG Texs
+ Tex_ScoreBG: array [0..5] of TTexture;
+ Skin_BGColorR = 1;
+ Skin_BGColorG = 1;
+ Skin_BGColorB = 1;
+ Skin_SpectrumR = 0;
+ Skin_SpectrumG = 0;
+ Skin_SpectrumB = 0;
+ Skin_Spectograph1R = 0.6;
+ Skin_Spectograph1G = 0.8;
+ Skin_Spectograph1B = 1;
+ Skin_Spectograph2R = 0;
+ Skin_Spectograph2G = 0;
+ Skin_Spectograph2B = 0.2;
+ Skin_SzczytR = 0.8;
+ Skin_SzczytG = 0;
+ Skin_SzczytB = 0;
+ Skin_SzczytLimitR = 0;
+ Skin_SzczytLimitG = 0.8;
+ Skin_SzczytLimitB = 0;
+ Skin_FontR = 0;
+ Skin_FontG = 0;
+ Skin_FontB = 0;
+ Skin_FontHighlightR = 0.3; // 0.3
+ Skin_FontHighlightG = 0.3; // 0.3
+ Skin_FontHighlightB = 1; // 1
+ Skin_TimeR = 0.25; //0,0,0
+ Skin_TimeG = 0.25;
+ Skin_TimeB = 0.25;
+ Skin_OscR = 0;
+ Skin_OscG = 0;
+ Skin_OscB = 0;
+ Skin_LyricsT = 494; // 500 / 510 / 400
+ Skin_SpectrumT = 470;
+ Skin_SpectrumBot = 570;
+ Skin_SpectrumH = 100;
+ Skin_P1_LinesR = 0.5; // 0.6 0.6 1
+ Skin_P1_LinesG = 0.5;
+ Skin_P1_LinesB = 0.5;
+ Skin_P2_LinesR = 0.5; // 1 0.6 0.6
+ Skin_P2_LinesG = 0.5;
+ Skin_P2_LinesB = 0.5;
+ Skin_P1_NotesB = 250;
+ Skin_P2_NotesB = 430; // 430 / 300
+ Skin_P1_ScoreT = 50;
+ Skin_P1_ScoreL = 20;
+ Skin_P2_ScoreT = 50;
+ Skin_P2_ScoreL = 640;
+procedure Initialize3D (Title: string);
+procedure Reinitialize3D;
+procedure SwapBuffers;
+procedure LoadTextures;
+procedure InitializeScreen;
+procedure LoadLoadingScreen;
+procedure LoadScreens;
+function LoadingThreadFunction: integer;
+uses UMain,
+ UIni,
+ UDisplay,
+ UCommandLine,
+ Graphics,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF win32}
+ windows,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Classes;
+procedure LoadFontTextures;
+ Log.LogStatus('Building Fonts', 'LoadTextures');
+ BuildFont;
+procedure LoadTextures;
+ P: integer;
+ R, G, B: real;
+ Col: integer;
+ // zaladowanie tekstur
+ Log.LogStatus('Loading Textures', 'LoadTextures');
+ Tex_Left[0] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayLeft')), 'BMP', 'Transparent', 0); //brauch man die noch?
+ Tex_Mid[0] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayMid')), 'BMP', 'Plain', 0); //brauch man die noch?
+ Tex_Right[0] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayRight')), 'BMP', 'Transparent', 0); //brauch man die noch?
+ Log.LogStatus('Loading Textures - A', 'LoadTextures');
+ // P1-6
+ // TODO... do it once for each player... this is a bit crappy !!
+ // can we make it any better !?
+ for P := 1 to 6 do
+ begin
+ LoadColor(R, G, B, 'P' + IntToStr(P) + 'Light');
+ Col := $10000 * Round(R*255) + $100 * Round(G*255) + Round(B*255);
+ Tex_Left[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayLeft')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
+ Tex_Mid[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayMid')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
+ Tex_Right[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayRight')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
+ Tex_plain_Left[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NotePlainLeft')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
+ Tex_plain_Mid[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NotePlainMid')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
+ Tex_plain_Right[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NotePlainRight')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
+ Tex_BG_Left[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NoteBGLeft')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
+ Tex_BG_Mid[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NoteBGMid')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
+ Tex_BG_Right[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NoteBGRight')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
+ end;
+ Log.LogStatus('Loading Textures - B', 'LoadTextures');
+ Tex_Note_Perfect_Star := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NotePerfectStar')), 'JPG', 'Font Black', 0);
+ Tex_Note_Star := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NoteStar')) , 'JPG', 'Alpha Black Colored', $FFFFFF);
+ Tex_Ball := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('Ball')), 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ Tex_Lyric_Help_Bar := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LyricHelpBar')), 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ //TimeBar mod
+ Tex_TimeProgress := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('TimeBar')));
+ //eoa TimeBar mod
+ //SingBar Mod
+ Tex_SingBar_Back := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('SingBarBack')), 'JPG', 'Plain', 0);
+ Tex_SingBar_Bar := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('SingBarBar')), 'JPG', 'Plain', 0);
+ Tex_SingBar_Front := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('SingBarFront')), 'JPG', 'Font', 0);
+ //end Singbar Mod
+ Log.LogStatus('Loading Textures - C', 'LoadTextures');
+ //Line Bonus PopUp
+ for P := 0 to 8 do
+ begin
+ Case P of
+ 0: begin
+ R := 1;
+ G := 0;
+ B := 0;
+ end;
+ 1..3: begin
+ R := 1;
+ G := (P * 0.25);
+ B := 0;
+ end;
+ 4: begin
+ R := 1;
+ G := 1;
+ B := 0;
+ end;
+ 5..7: begin
+ R := 1-((P-4)*0.25);
+ G := 1;
+ B := 0;
+ end;
+ 8: begin
+ R := 0;
+ G := 1;
+ B := 0;
+ end;
+ End;
+ Col := $10000 * Round(R*255) + $100 * Round(G*255) + Round(B*255);
+ Tex_SingLineBonusBack[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LineBonusBack')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
+ end;
+ //Score BG Textures
+ for P := 0 to 5 do begin
+ LoadColor(R, G, B, 'P' + IntToStr(P+1) + 'Light');
+ Col := $10000 * Round(R*255) + $100 * Round(G*255) + Round(B*255);
+ Tex_ScoreBG[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('ScoreBG')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
+ end;
+ Log.LogStatus('Loading Textures - D', 'LoadTextures');
+procedure Initialize3D (Title: string);
+// Icon: TIcon;
+// Res: TResourceStream;
+ ISurface: PSDL_Surface;
+ Pixel: PByteArray;
+ I: Integer;
+ Log.LogStatus('LoadOpenGL', 'UGraphic.Initialize3D');
+// Log.BenchmarkStart(2);
+ LoadOpenGL;
+ Log.LogStatus('SDL_Init', 'UGraphic.Initialize3D');
+ if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO or SDL_INIT_AUDIO)= -1 ) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('SDL_Init Failed', 'UGraphic.Initialize3D');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { //Load Icon
+ Res := TResourceStream.CreateFromID(HInstance, 3, RT_ICON);
+ Icon := TIcon.Create;
+ Icon.LoadFromStream(Res);
+ Res.Free;
+ Icon.
+ //Create icon Surface
+ SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom (
+ Icon.Width,
+ Icon.Height,
+ 32,
+ 128 or 64,
+ 32 or 16,
+ 8 or 4,
+ 2 or 1);
+ //SDL_BlitSurface(
+ SDL_WM_SetCaption(PChar(Title), nil);
+ InitializeScreen;
+// Log.BenchmarkEnd(2);
+// Log.LogBenchmark('--> Setting Screen', 2);
+ // ladowanie tekstur
+// Log.BenchmarkStart(2);
+ Texture := TTextureUnit.Create;
+ Texture.Limit := 1024*1024;
+// LoadTextures;
+// Log.BenchmarkEnd(2);
+// Log.LogBenchmark('--> Loading Textures', 2);
+{ Log.BenchmarkStart(2);
+ Lyric:= TLyric.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(2);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('--> Loading Fonts', 2);
+// Log.BenchmarkStart(2);
+ Log.LogStatus('TDisplay.Create', 'UGraphic.Initialize3D');
+ Display := TDisplay.Create;
+ Log.LogStatus('SDL_EnableUnicode', 'UGraphic.Initialize3D');
+ SDL_EnableUnicode(1);
+// Log.BenchmarkEnd(2); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Creating Display', 2);
+// Log.LogStatus('Loading Screens', 'Initialize3D');
+// Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ Log.LogStatus('Loading Font Textures', 'UGraphic.Initialize3D');
+ LoadFontTextures();
+ // Show the Loading Screen -------------
+ Log.LogStatus('Loading Loading Screen', 'UGraphic.Initialize3D');
+ LoadLoadingScreen;
+ Log.LogStatus(' Loading Textures', 'UGraphic.Initialize3D');
+ LoadTextures; // jb
+ // now that we have something to display while loading,
+ // start thread that loads the rest of ultrastar
+// Mutex := SDL_CreateMutex;
+// SDL_UnLockMutex(Mutex);
+ // funktioniert so noch nicht, da der ladethread unver�ndert auf opengl zugreifen will
+ // siehe dazu kommentar unten
+ //LoadingThread := SDL_CreateThread(@LoadingThread, nil);
+ // das hier w�rde dann im ladethread ausgef�hrt
+ Log.LogStatus(' Loading Screens', 'UGraphic.Initialize3D');
+ LoadScreens;
+ // TODO!!!!!!1
+ // hier k�me jetzt eine schleife, die
+ // * den ladescreen malt (ab und zu)
+ // * den "fortschritt" des ladescreens steuert
+ // * zwischendrin schaut, ob der ladethread texturen geladen hat (mutex pr�fen) und
+ // * die texturen in die opengl l�dt, sowie
+ // * dem ladethread signalisiert, dass der speicher f�r die textur
+ // zum laden der n�chsten textur weiterverwendet werden kann (�ber weiteren mutex)
+ // * �ber einen 3. mutex so lange l�uft, bis der ladethread signalisiert,
+ // dass er alles geladen hat fertig ist
+ //
+ // daf�r muss loadtexture so umgeschrieben werden, dass es, statt selbst irgendwelche
+ // opengl funktionen aufzurufen, entsprechend mutexe ver�ndert
+ // der hauptthread muss auch irgendwoher erfahren, was an opengl funktionen auszuf�hren ist,
+ // mit welchen parametern (texturtyp, entspr. texturobjekt, textur-zwischenspeicher-adresse, ...
+ //wait for loading thread to finish
+ // funktioniert so auch noch nicht
+ //SDL_WaitThread(LoadingThread, I);
+// SDL_DestroyMutex(Mutex);
+ Display.ActualScreen^.FadeTo( @ScreenMain );
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(2);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('--> Loading Screens', 2);
+ Log.LogStatus('Finish', 'Initialize3D');
+procedure SwapBuffers;
+ SDL_GL_SwapBuffers;
+ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ glLoadIdentity;
+ glOrtho(0, RenderW, RenderH, 0, -1, 100);
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+procedure Reinitialize3D;
+// InitializeScreen;
+// LoadTextures;
+// LoadScreens;
+procedure InitializeScreen;
+ S: string;
+ I: integer;
+ W, H: integer;
+ Depth: Integer;
+ if (Params.Screens <> -1) then
+ Screens := Params.Screens + 1
+ else
+ Screens := Ini.Screens + 1;
+ SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 5);
+ SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 5);
+ SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 5);
+ SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16);
+ // If there is a resolution in Parameters, use it, else use the Ini value
+ I := Params.Resolution;
+ if (I <> -1) then
+ S := IResolution[I]
+ else
+ S := IResolution[Ini.Resolution];
+ I := Pos('x', S);
+ W := StrToInt(Copy(S, 1, I-1)) * Screens;
+ H := StrToInt(Copy(S, I+1, 1000));
+ {if ParamStr(1) = '-fsblack' then begin
+ W := 800;
+ H := 600;
+ end;
+ if ParamStr(1) = '-320x240' then begin
+ W := 320;
+ H := 240;
+ end; }
+ If (Params.Depth <> -1) then
+ Depth := Params.Depth
+ else
+ Depth := Ini.Depth;
+ Log.LogStatus('SDL_SetVideoMode', 'Set Window Icon');
+// Okay it's possible to set the title bar / taskbar icon here
+// it's working this way, but just if the bmp is in your exe folder
+ SDL_WM_SetIcon(SDL_LoadBMP('ustar-icon.bmp'), 0);
+ Log.LogStatus('SDL_SetVideoMode', 'Initialize3D');
+// SDL_SetRefreshrate(85);
+// SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1 );
+ {$ifndef win32}
+ // Todo : jb_linux remove this for linux... but helps for debugging
+ Ini.FullScreen := 0;
+ W := 800;
+ H := 600;
+ {$endif}
+ if (Ini.FullScreen = 0) and (Not Params.FullScreen) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogStatus('SDL_SetVideoMode', 'Set Video Mode... Windowed');
+ screen := SDL_SetVideoMode(W, H, (Depth+1) * 16, SDL_OPENGL)
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Log.LogStatus('SDL_SetVideoMode', 'Set Video Mode... Full Screen');
+ screen := SDL_SetVideoMode(W, H, (Depth+1) * 16, SDL_OPENGL or SDL_FULLSCREEN);
+ SDL_ShowCursor(0);
+ end;
+ if (screen = nil) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('SDL_SetVideoMode Failed', 'Initialize3D');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // clear screen once window is being shown
+ glClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ SwapBuffers;
+ // zmienne
+ RenderW := 800;
+ RenderH := 600;
+ ScreenW := W;
+ ScreenH := H;
+procedure LoadLoadingScreen;
+ ScreenLoading := TScreenLoading.Create;
+ ScreenLoading.onShow;
+ Display.ActualScreen := @ScreenLoading;
+ swapbuffers;
+ ScreenLoading.Draw;
+ Display.Draw;
+ SwapBuffers;
+procedure LoadScreens;
+{ ScreenLoading := TScreenLoading.Create;
+ ScreenLoading.onShow;
+ Display.ActualScreen := @ScreenLoading;
+ ScreenLoading.Draw;
+ Display.Draw;
+ SwapBuffers;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Loading', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+{ ScreenWelcome := TScreenWelcome.Create; //'BG', 4, 3);
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Welcome', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);}
+ ScreenMain := TScreenMain.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Main', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenName := TScreenName.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Name', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenLevel := TScreenLevel.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Level', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenSong := TScreenSong.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Song', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenSongMenu := TScreenSongMenu.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Song Menu', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenSing := TScreenSing.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Sing', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenScore := TScreenScore.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Score', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenTop5 := TScreenTop5.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Top5', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenOptions := TScreenOptions.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Options', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenOptionsGame := TScreenOptionsGame.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Options Game', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenOptionsGraphics := TScreenOptionsGraphics.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Options Graphics', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenOptionsSound := TScreenOptionsSound.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Options Sound', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenOptionsLyrics := TScreenOptionsLyrics.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Options Lyrics', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenOptionsThemes := TScreenOptionsThemes.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Options Themes', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenOptionsRecord := TScreenOptionsRecord.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Options Record', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenOptionsAdvanced := TScreenOptionsAdvanced.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Options Advanced', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenEditSub := TScreenEditSub.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Edit Sub', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenEdit := TScreenEdit.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Edit', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenEditConvert := TScreenEditConvert.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen EditConvert', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+// ScreenEditHeader := TScreenEditHeader.Create(Skin.ScoreBG);
+// Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Edit Header', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenOpen := TScreenOpen.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Open', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenSingModi := TScreenSingModi.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Sing with Modi support', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenSongMenu := TScreenSongMenu.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen SongMenu', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenSongJumpto := TScreenSongJumpto.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen SongJumpto', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenPopupCheck := TScreenPopupCheck.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Popup (Check)', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenPopupError := TScreenPopupError.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Popup (Error)', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenPartyNewRound := TScreenPartyNewRound.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen PartyNewRound', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenPartyScore := TScreenPartyScore.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen PartyScore', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenPartyWin := TScreenPartyWin.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen PartyWin', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenPartyOptions := TScreenPartyOptions.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen PartyOptions', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenPartyPlayer := TScreenPartyPlayer.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen PartyPlayer', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenStatMain := TScreenStatMain.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Stat Main', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenStatDetail := TScreenStatDetail.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Stat Detail', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenCredits := TScreenCredits.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Credits', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ end;
+function LoadingThreadFunction: integer;
+ LoadScreens;
+ Result:= 1;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UIni.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UIni.pas
index 5d599eab..6b7f3cea 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UIni.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UIni.pas
@@ -260,12 +260,22 @@ begin
for Pet := 0 to High(IScreens) do
if Tekst = IScreens[Pet] then Ini.Screens := Pet;
+ // FullScreen
+ Tekst := IniFile.ReadString('Graphics', 'FullScreen', 'On');
+ for Pet := 0 to High(IFullScreen) do
+ if Tekst = IFullScreen[Pet] then Ini.FullScreen := Pet;
// Resolution
SetLength(IResolution, 0);
Modes := SDL_ListModes(nil, SDL_OPENGL or SDL_FULLSCREEN); // Check if there are any modes available
SetLength(IResolution, Length(IResolution) + 1);
IResolution[High(IResolution)] := IntToStr(Modes^.w) + 'x' + IntToStr(Modes^.h);
+ Tekst := IniFile.ReadString('Graphics', 'Screens', IScreens[0]);
+ Log.LogStatus('SDL_ListModes Res : ' + IResolution[High(IResolution)], 'Graphics - Resolutions');
until Modes^ = nil;
@@ -274,8 +284,12 @@ begin
// THANKS : linnex at users.sourceforge.net
if Length(IResolution) < 1 then
- SetLength(IResolution, Length(IResolution) + 1);
- IResolution[High(IResolution)] := IntToStr(800) + 'x' + IntToStr(600);
+ SetLength(IResolution, Length(IResolution) + 1);
+ IResolution[High(IResolution)] := IntToStr(800) + 'x' + IntToStr(600);
+ Log.LogStatus('SDL_ListModes Defaulted Res To : ' + IResolution[High(IResolution)] , 'Graphics - Resolutions');
+ // Default to fullscreen OFF, in this case !
+ Ini.FullScreen := 0;
// reverse order
@@ -289,10 +303,6 @@ begin
for Pet := 0 to High(IResolution) do
if Tekst = IResolution[Pet] then Ini.Resolution := Pet;
- // FullScreen
- Tekst := IniFile.ReadString('Graphics', 'FullScreen', 'On');
- for Pet := 0 to High(IFullScreen) do
- if Tekst = IFullScreen[Pet] then Ini.FullScreen := Pet;
// Resolution
Tekst := IniFile.ReadString('Graphics', 'Depth', '32 bit');
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/ULyrics.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/ULyrics.pas
index 1c2795ce..4fd360b7 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/ULyrics.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/ULyrics.pas
@@ -1,544 +1,550 @@
-unit ULyrics;
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses OpenGL12, UTexture, UThemes, UMusic;
- TLyricWord = record
- X: Real; //X Pos of the Word
- Width: Real; //Width of the Text
- TexPos: Real; //Pos of the Word (0 to 1) in the Sentence Texture
- TexWidth: Real; //width of the Word in Sentence Texture (0 to 1)
- Start: Cardinal; //Start of the Words in Quarters (Beats)
- Length: Cardinal; //Length of the Word in Quarters
- Text: String; //Text of this Word
- Freestyle: Boolean; //Is this Word Freestyle
- end;
- ALyricWord = array of TLyricWord;
- PLyricLine = ^TLyricLine;
- TLyricLine = record
- Text: String; //Text of the Line
- Tex: glUInt; //Texture of the Text from this Line
- Width: Real; //Width of the Lyricline in Tex
- Size: Byte; //Size of the Font in the Texture
- Words: ALyricWord; //Words from this Line
- Start: Cardinal; //Start in Quarters of teh Line
- Length: Cardinal; //Length in Quarters (From Start of First Note to the End of Last Note)
- Freestyle: Boolean; //Complete Line is Freestyle ?
- Players: Byte; //Which Players Sing this Line (1: Player1; 2: Player2; 4: Player3; [..])
- Done: Boolean; //Is Sentence Sung
- end;
- TLyricEngine = class
- private
- EoLastSentence: Real; //When did the Last Sentence End (in Beats)
- UpperLine: TLyricLine; //Line in the Upper Part of the Lyric Display
- LowerLine: TLyricLine; //Line in the Lower Part of teh Lyric Display
- QueueLine: TLyricLine; //Line that is in Queue and will be added when next Line is Finished
- PUpperLine, PLowerLine, PQueueLine: PLyricLine;
- IndicatorTex: TTexture; //Texture for Lyric Indikator(Bar that indicates when the Line start)
- BallTex: TTexture; //Texture of the Ball for cur. Word hover in Ballmode
- PlayerIconTex: array[0..5] of //Textures for PlayerIcon Index: Playernum; Index2: Enabled/Disabled
- array [0..1] of
- TTexture;
- inQueue: Boolean;
- LCounter: Word;
- //Some helper Procedures for Lyric Drawing
- procedure DrawLyrics (Beat: Real);
- procedure DrawLyricsLine(const X, W, Y: Real; Size: Byte; const Line: TLyricLine; Beat: Real);
- procedure DrawPlayerIcon(const Player: Byte; const Enabled: Boolean; const X, Y, Size, Alpha: Real);
- public
- //Positions, Line specific Settings
- UpperLineX: Real; //X Start Pos of UpperLine
- UpperLineW: Real; //Width of UpperLine with Icon(s) and Text
- UpperLineY: Real; //Y Start Pos of UpperLine
- UpperLineSize: Byte; //Max Size of Lyrics Text in UpperLine
- LowerLineX: Real; //X Start Pos of LowerLine
- LowerLineW: Real; //Width of LowerLine with Icon(s) and Text
- LowerLineY: Real; //Y Start Pos of LowerLine
- LowerLineSize: Byte; //Max Size of Lyrics Text in LowerLine
- //Display Propertys
- LineColor_en: TRGBA; //Color of Words in an Enabled Line
- LineColor_dis: TRGBA; //Color of Words in a Disabled Line
- LineColor_akt: TRGBA; //Color of teh active Word
- FontStyle: Byte; //Font for the Lyric Text
- FontReSize: Boolean; //ReSize Lyrics if they don't fit Screen
- HoverEffekt: Byte; //Effekt of Hovering active Word: 0 - one selection, 1 - long selection, 2 - one selection with fade to normal text, 3 - long selection with fade with color from left
- FadeInEffekt: Byte; //Effekt for Line Fading in: 0: No Effekt; 1: Fade Effekt; 2: Move Upwards from Bottom to Pos
- FadeOutEffekt: Byte; //Effekt for Line Fading out: 0: No Effekt; 1: Fade Effekt; 2: Move Upwards
- UseLinearFilter:Boolean; //Should Linear Tex Filter be used
- //Song specific Settings
- BPM: Real;
- Resolution: Integer;
- //properties to easily update this Class within other Parts of Code
- property LineinQueue: Boolean read inQueue; //True when there is a Line in Queue
- property LineCounter: Word read LCounter; //Lines that was Progressed so far (after last Clear)
- Constructor Create; overload; //Constructor, just get Memory
- Constructor Create(ULX,ULY,ULW,ULS,LLX,LLY,LLW,LLS:Real); overload;
- Procedure LoadTextures; //Load Player Textures and Create
- Procedure AddLine(Line: PLine); //Adds a Line to the Queue if there is Space
- Procedure Draw (Beat: Real); //Procedure Draws Lyrics; Beat is curent Beat in Quarters
- Procedure Clear (const cBPM: Real = 0; const cResolution: Integer = 0); //Clears all cached Song specific Information
- Destructor Free; //Frees Memory
- end;
-const LyricTexStart = 2/512;
-uses SysUtils, USkins, TextGL, UGraphic, UDisplay, dialogs;
-//Helper procs to use TRGB in Opengl ...maybe this should be somewhere else
-procedure glColorRGB(Color: TRGB); overload;
- glColor3f(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B);
-procedure glColorRGB(Color: TRGBA); overload;
- glColor4f(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B, Color.A);
-// Create - Constructor, just get Memory
-Constructor TLyricEngine.Create;
- BPM := 0;
- Resolution := 0;
- LCounter := 0;
- inQueue := False;
- UpperLine.Done := True;
- LowerLine.Done := True;
- QueueLine.Done := True;
- PUpperline:=@UpperLine;
- PLowerLine:=@LowerLine;
- PQueueLine:=@QueueLine;
- UseLinearFilter := True;
-Constructor TLyricEngine.Create(ULX,ULY,ULW,ULS,LLX,LLY,LLW,LLS:Real);
- Create;
- UpperLineX := ULX;
- UpperLineW := ULW;
- UpperLineY := ULY;
- UpperLineSize := Trunc(ULS);
- LowerLineX := LLX;
- LowerLineW := LLW;
- LowerLineY := LLY;
- LowerLineSize := Trunc(LLS);
- LoadTextures;
-// Free - Frees Memory
-Destructor TLyricEngine.Free;
-// Clear - Clears all cached Song specific Information
-Procedure TLyricEngine.Clear (const cBPM: Real; const cResolution: Integer);
- BPM := cBPM;
- Resolution := cResolution;
- LCounter := 0;
- inQueue := False;
- UpperLine.Done := True;
- LowerLine.Done := True;
- QueueLine.Done := True;
- PUpperline:=@UpperLine;
- PLowerLine:=@LowerLine;
- PQueueLine:=@QueueLine;
-// LoadTextures - Load Player Textures and Create Lyric Textures
-Procedure TLyricEngine.LoadTextures;
- I: Integer;
- PTexData: Pointer;
- function CreateLineTex: glUint;
- begin
- GetMem(pTexData, 1024*128*4); //get Memory to save Tex in
- //generate and bind Texture
- glGenTextures(1, Result);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Result);
- //Get Memory
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, 1024, 64, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pTexData);
- if UseLinearFilter then
- begin
- end;
- //Free now unused Memory
- FreeMem(pTexData);
- end;
- //Load Texture for Lyric Indikator(Bar that indicates when the Line start)
- IndicatorTex := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LyricHelpBar')), 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
- //Load Texture of the Ball for cur. Word hover in Ballmode
- BallTex := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('Ball')), 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
- //Load PlayerTexs
- For I := 0 to 1 do
- begin
- PlayerIconTex[I][0] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LyricIcon_P' + InttoStr(I+1))), 'PNG', 'Transparent', 0);
- PlayerIconTex[I][1] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LyricIconD_P' + InttoStr(I+1))), 'PNG', 'Transparent', 0);
- end;
- //atm just unset other texs
- For I := 2 to 5 do
- begin
- PlayerIconTex[I][0].TexNum := high(Cardinal); //Set to C's -1
- PlayerIconTex[I][1].TexNum := high(Cardinal);
- end;
- //Create LineTexs
- UpperLine.Tex := CreateLineTex;
- LowerLine.Tex := CreateLineTex;
- QueueLine.Tex := CreateLineTex;
-// AddLine - Adds LyricLine to queue
-Procedure TLyricEngine.AddLine(Line: PLine);
- LyricLine: PLyricLine;
- I: Integer;
- countNotes: Cardinal;
- PosX: Real;
- Viewport: Array[0..3] of Integer;
- //Only Add Lines if there is enough space
- If not LineinQueue then
- begin
- //Set Pointer to Line to Write
- If (LineCounter = 0) then
- LyricLine := PUpperLine //Set Upper Line
- else if (LineCounter = 1) then
- LyricLine := PLowerLine //Set Lower Line
- else
- begin
- LyricLine := PQueueLine; //Set Queue Line
- inQueue := True; //now there is a Queued Line
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- LyricLine:=PUpperLine;
- PUpperLine:=PLowerLine;
- PLowerLine:=PQueueLine;
- PQueueLine:=LyricLine;
- end;
- //Check if Sentence has Notes
- If (Length(Line.Nuta) > 0) then
- begin
- //Copy Values from SongLine to LyricLine
- CountNotes := high(Line.Nuta);
- LyricLine.Start := Line.Nuta[0].Start;
- LyricLine.Length := Line.Nuta[CountNotes].Start + Line.Nuta[CountNotes].Dlugosc - LyricLine.Start;
- LyricLine.Freestyle := True; //is set by And Notes Freestyle while copying Notes
- LyricLine.Text := ''; //Also Set while copying Notes
- LyricLine.Players := 127; //All Players for now, no Duett Mode available
- //Copy Words
- SetLength(LyricLine.Words, CountNotes + 1);
- For I := 0 to CountNotes do
- begin
- LyricLine.Freestyle := LyricLine.Freestyle AND Line.Nuta[I].FreeStyle;
- LyricLine.Words[I].Start := Line.Nuta[I].Start;
- LyricLine.Words[I].Length := Line.Nuta[I].Dlugosc;
- LyricLine.Words[I].Text := Line.Nuta[I].Tekst;
- LyricLine.Words[I].Freestyle := Line.Nuta[I].FreeStyle;
- LyricLine.Text := LyricLine.Text + LyricLine.Words[I].Text
- end;
- //Set Font Params
- SetFontStyle(FontStyle);
- SetFontPos(0, 0);
- LyricLine.Size := UpperLineSize;
- SetFontSize(LyricLine.Size);
- SetFontItalic(False);
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
- //Change Fontsize to Fit the Screen
- While (LyricLine.Width > 508) do
- begin
- Dec(LyricLine.Size);
- if (LyricLine.Size <=1) then
- Break;
- SetFontSize(LyricLine.Size);
- LyricLine.Width := glTextWidth(PChar(LyricLine.Text));
- end;
- //Set Word Positions and Line Size
- PosX := 2 {LowerLineX + LowerLineW/2 + 80 - LyricLine.Width/2};
- For I := 0 to High(LyricLine.Words) do
- begin
- LyricLine.Words[I].X := PosX;
- LyricLine.Words[I].Width := glTextWidth(PChar(LyricLine.Words[I].Text));
- LyricLine.Words[I].TexPos := PosX / 512;
- LyricLine.Words[I].TexWidth := LyricLine.Words[I].TexWidth / 512;
- PosX := PosX + LyricLine.Words[I].Width;
- end;
- //Create LyricTexture
- //Prepare Ogl
- glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, @ViewPort);
- glClearColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,0);
- {glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
- glLoadIdentity;
- glOrtho(0, 1024, 64, 0, -1, 100);
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);}
- glViewport(0, 0, 512, 512);
- //Draw Lyrics
- SetFontPos(0, 0);
- glPrint(PChar(LyricLine.Text));
- Display.ScreenShot;
- //Copy to Texture
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, LyricLine.Tex);
- glCopyTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 0, 448, 512, 64, 0);
- //Clear Buffer
- glClearColor(0,0,0,0);
- glViewPort(ViewPort[0], ViewPort[1], ViewPort[2], ViewPort[3]);
- {glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
- glLoadIdentity;
- glOrtho(0, RenderW, RenderH, 0, -1, 100);
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); }
- end;
- //Increase the Counter
- Inc(LCounter);
-// Draw - Procedure Draws Lyrics; Beat is curent Beat in Quarters
-// Draw just manage the Lyrics, drawing is done by a call of DrawLyrics
-Procedure TLyricEngine.Draw (Beat: Real);
- DrawLyrics(Beat);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, PUpperLine^.Tex);
- glColor4f(1,1,0,1);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(100, 100);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(100, 200);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(612, 200);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(612, 100);
- glEnd;
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, PLowerLine^.Tex);
- glColor4f(1,0,1,1);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(100, 200);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(100, 300);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(612, 300);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(612, 200);
- glEnd;
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
-// DrawLyrics(private) - Helper for Draw; main Drawing procedure
-procedure TLyricEngine.DrawLyrics (Beat: Real);
- DrawLyricsLine(UpperLineX, UpperLineW, UpperlineY, 15, Upperline, Beat);
- DrawLyricsLine(LowerLineX, LowerLineW, LowerlineY, 15, Lowerline, Beat);
-// DrawPlayerIcon(private) - Helper for Draw; Draws a Playericon
-procedure TLyricEngine.DrawPlayerIcon(const Player: Byte; const Enabled: Boolean; const X, Y, Size, Alpha: Real);
-var IEnabled: Byte;
- Case Enabled of
- True: IEnabled := 0;
- False: IEnabled:= 1;
- end;
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, PlayerIconTex[Player][IEnabled].TexNum);
- glColor4f(1,1,1,Alpha);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(X, Y);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(X, Y + Size);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(X + Size, Y + Size);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(X + Size, Y);
- glEnd;
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
-// DrawLyricsLine(private) - Helper for Draw; Draws one LyricLine
-procedure TLyricEngine.DrawLyricsLine(const X, W, Y: Real; Size: Byte; const Line: TLyricLine; Beat: Real);
- I: Integer;
- CurWord: Integer;
- Progress: Real;
- LyricX: Real; //Left Corner on X Axis
- LyricX2: Real;//Right Corner " "
- LyricScale: Real; //Up or Downscale the Lyrics need
- IconSize: Real;
- IconAlpha: Real;
-{ For I := 0 to High(Line.Words) do
- begin
- //Set Font Params
- SetFontStyle(FontStyle);
- SetFontSize(Size);
- SetFontItalic(Line.Words[I].Freestyle);
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
- SetFontPos(Line.Words[I].X, Y);
- glPrint(PChar(Line.Words[I].Text));
- end; }
- LyricScale := Size / Line.Size;
- //Draw Icons
- IconSize := (2 * Size);
- //IconAlpha := 1;
- IconAlpha := Frac(Beat/(Resolution*4));
- {DrawPlayerIcon (0, True, X, Y, IconSize, IconAlpha);
- DrawPlayerIcon (1, True, X + IconSize + 1, Y, IconSize, IconAlpha);
- DrawPlayerIcon (2, True, X + (IconSize + 1)*2, Y, IconSize, IconAlpha);}
- //Check if a Word in the Sentence is active
- if ((Line.Start > Beat) AND (Line.Start + Line.Length < Beat)) then
- begin
- //Get Start Position:
- { Start of Line - Width of all Icons + LineWidth/2 (Center}
- LyricX := X + (W - ((IconSize + 1) * 6))/2 + ((IconSize + 1) * 3);
- LyricX2 := LyricX + Line.Width;
- //Draw complete Sentence
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Line.Tex);
- glColorRGB(LineColor_en);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX, Y);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(LyricX, Y + 64 * W / 512);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(LyricX + LyricX2, Y + 64 * W / 512);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX + LyricX2, Y);
- glEnd;
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- end
- else
- begin
- end;
- {//Search for active Word
- For I := 0 to High(Line.Words) do
- if (Line.Words[I].Start < Beat) then
- begin
- CurWord := I - 1;
- end;
- if (CurWord < 0) then Exit;
- //Draw Part until cur Word
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Line.Tex);
- glColorRGB(LineColor_en);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(X, Y);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(X, Y + 64 * W / 512);
- glTexCoord2f(Line.Words[CurWord].TexPos, 0); glVertex2f(X + W, Y + 64 * W / 512);
- glTexCoord2f(Line.Words[CurWord].TexPos, 1); glVertex2f(X + W, Y);
- glEnd;
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);}
+unit ULyrics;
+{$I switches.inc}
+uses OpenGL12, UTexture, UThemes, UMusic;
+ TLyricWord = record
+ X: Real; //X Pos of the Word
+ Width: Real; //Width of the Text
+ TexPos: Real; //Pos of the Word (0 to 1) in the Sentence Texture
+ TexWidth: Real; //width of the Word in Sentence Texture (0 to 1)
+ Start: Cardinal; //Start of the Words in Quarters (Beats)
+ Length: Cardinal; //Length of the Word in Quarters
+ Text: String; //Text of this Word
+ Freestyle: Boolean; //Is this Word Freestyle
+ end;
+ ALyricWord = array of TLyricWord;
+ PLyricLine = ^TLyricLine;
+ TLyricLine = record
+ Text: String; //Text of the Line
+ Tex: glUInt; //Texture of the Text from this Line
+ Width: Real; //Width of the Lyricline in Tex
+ Size: Byte; //Size of the Font in the Texture
+ Words: ALyricWord; //Words from this Line
+ Start: Cardinal; //Start in Quarters of teh Line
+ Length: Cardinal; //Length in Quarters (From Start of First Note to the End of Last Note)
+ Freestyle: Boolean; //Complete Line is Freestyle ?
+ Players: Byte; //Which Players Sing this Line (1: Player1; 2: Player2; 4: Player3; [..])
+ Done: Boolean; //Is Sentence Sung
+ end;
+ TLyricEngine = class
+ private
+ EoLastSentence: Real; //When did the Last Sentence End (in Beats)
+ UpperLine: TLyricLine; //Line in the Upper Part of the Lyric Display
+ LowerLine: TLyricLine; //Line in the Lower Part of teh Lyric Display
+ QueueLine: TLyricLine; //Line that is in Queue and will be added when next Line is Finished
+ PUpperLine, PLowerLine, PQueueLine: PLyricLine;
+ IndicatorTex: TTexture; //Texture for Lyric Indikator(Bar that indicates when the Line start)
+ BallTex: TTexture; //Texture of the Ball for cur. Word hover in Ballmode
+ PlayerIconTex: array[0..5] of //Textures for PlayerIcon Index: Playernum; Index2: Enabled/Disabled
+ array [0..1] of
+ TTexture;
+ inQueue: Boolean;
+ LCounter: Word;
+ //Some helper Procedures for Lyric Drawing
+ procedure DrawLyrics (Beat: Real);
+ procedure DrawLyricsLine(const X, W, Y: Real; Size: Byte; const Line: TLyricLine; Beat: Real);
+ procedure DrawPlayerIcon(const Player: Byte; const Enabled: Boolean; const X, Y, Size, Alpha: Real);
+ public
+ //Positions, Line specific Settings
+ UpperLineX: Real; //X Start Pos of UpperLine
+ UpperLineW: Real; //Width of UpperLine with Icon(s) and Text
+ UpperLineY: Real; //Y Start Pos of UpperLine
+ UpperLineSize: Byte; //Max Size of Lyrics Text in UpperLine
+ LowerLineX: Real; //X Start Pos of LowerLine
+ LowerLineW: Real; //Width of LowerLine with Icon(s) and Text
+ LowerLineY: Real; //Y Start Pos of LowerLine
+ LowerLineSize: Byte; //Max Size of Lyrics Text in LowerLine
+ //Display Propertys
+ LineColor_en: TRGBA; //Color of Words in an Enabled Line
+ LineColor_dis: TRGBA; //Color of Words in a Disabled Line
+ LineColor_akt: TRGBA; //Color of teh active Word
+ FontStyle: Byte; //Font for the Lyric Text
+ FontReSize: Boolean; //ReSize Lyrics if they don't fit Screen
+ HoverEffekt: Byte; //Effekt of Hovering active Word: 0 - one selection, 1 - long selection, 2 - one selection with fade to normal text, 3 - long selection with fade with color from left
+ FadeInEffekt: Byte; //Effekt for Line Fading in: 0: No Effekt; 1: Fade Effekt; 2: Move Upwards from Bottom to Pos
+ FadeOutEffekt: Byte; //Effekt for Line Fading out: 0: No Effekt; 1: Fade Effekt; 2: Move Upwards
+ UseLinearFilter:Boolean; //Should Linear Tex Filter be used
+ //Song specific Settings
+ BPM: Real;
+ Resolution: Integer;
+ //properties to easily update this Class within other Parts of Code
+ property LineinQueue: Boolean read inQueue; //True when there is a Line in Queue
+ property LineCounter: Word read LCounter; //Lines that was Progressed so far (after last Clear)
+ Constructor Create; overload; //Constructor, just get Memory
+ Constructor Create(ULX,ULY,ULW,ULS,LLX,LLY,LLW,LLS:Real); overload;
+ Procedure LoadTextures; //Load Player Textures and Create
+ Procedure AddLine(Line: PLine); //Adds a Line to the Queue if there is Space
+ Procedure Draw (Beat: Real); //Procedure Draws Lyrics; Beat is curent Beat in Quarters
+ Procedure Clear (const cBPM: Real = 0; const cResolution: Integer = 0); //Clears all cached Song specific Information
+ Destructor Free; //Frees Memory
+ end;
+const LyricTexStart = 2/512;
+uses SysUtils,
+ USkins,
+ TextGL,
+ UGraphic,
+ UDisplay,
+ dialogs;
+//Helper procs to use TRGB in Opengl ...maybe this should be somewhere else
+procedure glColorRGB(Color: TRGB); overload;
+ glColor3f(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B);
+procedure glColorRGB(Color: TRGBA); overload;
+ glColor4f(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B, Color.A);
+// Create - Constructor, just get Memory
+Constructor TLyricEngine.Create;
+ BPM := 0;
+ Resolution := 0;
+ LCounter := 0;
+ inQueue := False;
+ UpperLine.Done := True;
+ LowerLine.Done := True;
+ QueueLine.Done := True;
+ PUpperline:=@UpperLine;
+ PLowerLine:=@LowerLine;
+ PQueueLine:=@QueueLine;
+ UseLinearFilter := True;
+Constructor TLyricEngine.Create(ULX,ULY,ULW,ULS,LLX,LLY,LLW,LLS:Real);
+ Create;
+ UpperLineX := ULX;
+ UpperLineW := ULW;
+ UpperLineY := ULY;
+ UpperLineSize := Trunc(ULS);
+ LowerLineX := LLX;
+ LowerLineW := LLW;
+ LowerLineY := LLY;
+ LowerLineSize := Trunc(LLS);
+ LoadTextures;
+// Free - Frees Memory
+Destructor TLyricEngine.Free;
+// Clear - Clears all cached Song specific Information
+Procedure TLyricEngine.Clear (const cBPM: Real; const cResolution: Integer);
+ BPM := cBPM;
+ Resolution := cResolution;
+ LCounter := 0;
+ inQueue := False;
+ UpperLine.Done := True;
+ LowerLine.Done := True;
+ QueueLine.Done := True;
+ PUpperline:=@UpperLine;
+ PLowerLine:=@LowerLine;
+ PQueueLine:=@QueueLine;
+// LoadTextures - Load Player Textures and Create Lyric Textures
+Procedure TLyricEngine.LoadTextures;
+ I: Integer;
+ PTexData: Pointer;
+ function CreateLineTex: glUint;
+ begin
+ GetMem(pTexData, 1024*128*4); //get Memory to save Tex in
+ //generate and bind Texture
+ glGenTextures(1, @Result);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Result);
+ //Get Memory
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, 1024, 64, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pTexData);
+ if UseLinearFilter then
+ begin
+ end;
+ //Free now unused Memory
+ FreeMem(pTexData);
+ end;
+ //Load Texture for Lyric Indikator(Bar that indicates when the Line start)
+ IndicatorTex := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LyricHelpBar')), 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ //Load Texture of the Ball for cur. Word hover in Ballmode
+ BallTex := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('Ball')), 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ //Load PlayerTexs
+ For I := 0 to 1 do
+ begin
+ PlayerIconTex[I][0] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LyricIcon_P' + InttoStr(I+1))), 'PNG', 'Transparent', 0);
+ PlayerIconTex[I][1] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LyricIconD_P' + InttoStr(I+1))), 'PNG', 'Transparent', 0);
+ end;
+ //atm just unset other texs
+ For I := 2 to 5 do
+ begin
+ PlayerIconTex[I][0].TexNum := high(Cardinal); //Set to C's -1
+ PlayerIconTex[I][1].TexNum := high(Cardinal);
+ end;
+ //Create LineTexs
+ UpperLine.Tex := CreateLineTex;
+ LowerLine.Tex := CreateLineTex;
+ QueueLine.Tex := CreateLineTex;
+// AddLine - Adds LyricLine to queue
+Procedure TLyricEngine.AddLine(Line: PLine);
+ LyricLine: PLyricLine;
+ I: Integer;
+ countNotes: Cardinal;
+ PosX: Real;
+ Viewport: Array[0..3] of Integer;
+ //Only Add Lines if there is enough space
+ If not LineinQueue then
+ begin
+ //Set Pointer to Line to Write
+ If (LineCounter = 0) then
+ LyricLine := PUpperLine //Set Upper Line
+ else if (LineCounter = 1) then
+ LyricLine := PLowerLine //Set Lower Line
+ else
+ begin
+ LyricLine := PQueueLine; //Set Queue Line
+ inQueue := True; //now there is a Queued Line
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ LyricLine:=PUpperLine;
+ PUpperLine:=PLowerLine;
+ PLowerLine:=PQueueLine;
+ PQueueLine:=LyricLine;
+ end;
+ //Check if Sentence has Notes
+ If (Length(Line.Nuta) > 0) then
+ begin
+ //Copy Values from SongLine to LyricLine
+ CountNotes := high(Line.Nuta);
+ LyricLine.Start := Line.Nuta[0].Start;
+ LyricLine.Length := Line.Nuta[CountNotes].Start + Line.Nuta[CountNotes].Dlugosc - LyricLine.Start;
+ LyricLine.Freestyle := True; //is set by And Notes Freestyle while copying Notes
+ LyricLine.Text := ''; //Also Set while copying Notes
+ LyricLine.Players := 127; //All Players for now, no Duett Mode available
+ //Copy Words
+ SetLength(LyricLine.Words, CountNotes + 1);
+ For I := 0 to CountNotes do
+ begin
+ LyricLine.Freestyle := LyricLine.Freestyle AND Line.Nuta[I].FreeStyle;
+ LyricLine.Words[I].Start := Line.Nuta[I].Start;
+ LyricLine.Words[I].Length := Line.Nuta[I].Dlugosc;
+ LyricLine.Words[I].Text := Line.Nuta[I].Tekst;
+ LyricLine.Words[I].Freestyle := Line.Nuta[I].FreeStyle;
+ LyricLine.Text := LyricLine.Text + LyricLine.Words[I].Text
+ end;
+ //Set Font Params
+ SetFontStyle(FontStyle);
+ SetFontPos(0, 0);
+ LyricLine.Size := UpperLineSize;
+ SetFontSize(LyricLine.Size);
+ SetFontItalic(False);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ //Change Fontsize to Fit the Screen
+ While (LyricLine.Width > 508) do
+ begin
+ Dec(LyricLine.Size);
+ if (LyricLine.Size <=1) then
+ Break;
+ SetFontSize(LyricLine.Size);
+ LyricLine.Width := glTextWidth(PChar(LyricLine.Text));
+ end;
+ //Set Word Positions and Line Size
+ PosX := 2 {LowerLineX + LowerLineW/2 + 80 - LyricLine.Width/2};
+ For I := 0 to High(LyricLine.Words) do
+ begin
+ LyricLine.Words[I].X := PosX;
+ LyricLine.Words[I].Width := glTextWidth(PChar(LyricLine.Words[I].Text));
+ LyricLine.Words[I].TexPos := PosX / 512;
+ LyricLine.Words[I].TexWidth := LyricLine.Words[I].TexWidth / 512;
+ PosX := PosX + LyricLine.Words[I].Width;
+ end;
+ //Create LyricTexture
+ //Prepare Ogl
+ glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, @ViewPort);
+ glClearColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,0);
+ {glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ glLoadIdentity;
+ glOrtho(0, 1024, 64, 0, -1, 100);
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);}
+ glViewport(0, 0, 512, 512);
+ //Draw Lyrics
+ SetFontPos(0, 0);
+ glPrint(PChar(LyricLine.Text));
+ Display.ScreenShot;
+ //Copy to Texture
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, LyricLine.Tex);
+ glCopyTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 0, 448, 512, 64, 0);
+ //Clear Buffer
+ glClearColor(0,0,0,0);
+ glViewPort(ViewPort[0], ViewPort[1], ViewPort[2], ViewPort[3]);
+ {glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ glLoadIdentity;
+ glOrtho(0, RenderW, RenderH, 0, -1, 100);
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); }
+ end;
+ //Increase the Counter
+ Inc(LCounter);
+// Draw - Procedure Draws Lyrics; Beat is curent Beat in Quarters
+// Draw just manage the Lyrics, drawing is done by a call of DrawLyrics
+Procedure TLyricEngine.Draw (Beat: Real);
+ DrawLyrics(Beat);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, PUpperLine^.Tex);
+ glColor4f(1,1,0,1);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(100, 100);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(100, 200);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(612, 200);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(612, 100);
+ glEnd;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, PLowerLine^.Tex);
+ glColor4f(1,0,1,1);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(100, 200);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(100, 300);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(612, 300);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(612, 200);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+// DrawLyrics(private) - Helper for Draw; main Drawing procedure
+procedure TLyricEngine.DrawLyrics (Beat: Real);
+ DrawLyricsLine(UpperLineX, UpperLineW, UpperlineY, 15, Upperline, Beat);
+ DrawLyricsLine(LowerLineX, LowerLineW, LowerlineY, 15, Lowerline, Beat);
+// DrawPlayerIcon(private) - Helper for Draw; Draws a Playericon
+procedure TLyricEngine.DrawPlayerIcon(const Player: Byte; const Enabled: Boolean; const X, Y, Size, Alpha: Real);
+var IEnabled: Byte;
+ Case Enabled of
+ True: IEnabled := 0;
+ False: IEnabled:= 1;
+ end;
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, PlayerIconTex[Player][IEnabled].TexNum);
+ glColor4f(1,1,1,Alpha);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(X, Y);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(X, Y + Size);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(X + Size, Y + Size);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(X + Size, Y);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+// DrawLyricsLine(private) - Helper for Draw; Draws one LyricLine
+procedure TLyricEngine.DrawLyricsLine(const X, W, Y: Real; Size: Byte; const Line: TLyricLine; Beat: Real);
+ I: Integer;
+ CurWord: Integer;
+ Progress: Real;
+ LyricX: Real; //Left Corner on X Axis
+ LyricX2: Real;//Right Corner " "
+ LyricScale: Real; //Up or Downscale the Lyrics need
+ IconSize: Real;
+ IconAlpha: Real;
+{ For I := 0 to High(Line.Words) do
+ begin
+ //Set Font Params
+ SetFontStyle(FontStyle);
+ SetFontSize(Size);
+ SetFontItalic(Line.Words[I].Freestyle);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ SetFontPos(Line.Words[I].X, Y);
+ glPrint(PChar(Line.Words[I].Text));
+ end; }
+ LyricScale := Size / Line.Size;
+ //Draw Icons
+ IconSize := (2 * Size);
+ //IconAlpha := 1;
+ IconAlpha := Frac(Beat/(Resolution*4));
+ {DrawPlayerIcon (0, True, X, Y, IconSize, IconAlpha);
+ DrawPlayerIcon (1, True, X + IconSize + 1, Y, IconSize, IconAlpha);
+ DrawPlayerIcon (2, True, X + (IconSize + 1)*2, Y, IconSize, IconAlpha);}
+ //Check if a Word in the Sentence is active
+ if ((Line.Start > Beat) AND (Line.Start + Line.Length < Beat)) then
+ begin
+ //Get Start Position:
+ { Start of Line - Width of all Icons + LineWidth/2 (Center}
+ LyricX := X + (W - ((IconSize + 1) * 6))/2 + ((IconSize + 1) * 3);
+ LyricX2 := LyricX + Line.Width;
+ //Draw complete Sentence
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Line.Tex);
+ glColorRGB(LineColor_en);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX, Y);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(LyricX, Y + 64 * W / 512);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(LyricX + LyricX2, Y + 64 * W / 512);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX + LyricX2, Y);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ end;
+ {//Search for active Word
+ For I := 0 to High(Line.Words) do
+ if (Line.Words[I].Start < Beat) then
+ begin
+ CurWord := I - 1;
+ end;
+ if (CurWord < 0) then Exit;
+ //Draw Part until cur Word
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Line.Tex);
+ glColorRGB(LineColor_en);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(X, Y);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(X, Y + 64 * W / 512);
+ glTexCoord2f(Line.Words[CurWord].TexPos, 0); glVertex2f(X + W, Y + 64 * W / 512);
+ glTexCoord2f(Line.Words[CurWord].TexPos, 1); glVertex2f(X + W, Y);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);}
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UMain.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UMain.pas
index 66e1d07e..aa4bc639 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UMain.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UMain.pas
@@ -1,791 +1,793 @@
-unit UMain;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- SDL,
- UGraphic,
- UMusic,
- URecord,
- UTime,
- SysUtils,
- UDisplay,
- UIni,
- ULog,
- ULyrics,
- UScreenSing,
- OpenGL12,
- {$IFDEF UseSerialPort}
- zlportio {you can disable it and all PortWriteB calls},
- {$ENDIF}
- ULight,
- UThemes;
- TPlayer = record
- Name: string;
- Score: real;
- ScoreLine: real;
- ScoreGolden: real;
- ScoreI: integer;
- ScoreLineI: integer;
- ScoreGoldenI: integer;
- ScoreTotalI: integer;
- //LineBonus Mod
- ScoreLast: Real;//Last Line Score
- {ScorePercent: integer;//Aktual Fillstate of the SingBar
- ScorePercentTarget: integer;//Target Fillstate of the SingBar
- //end Singbar Mod
- //PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Mod
- LineBonus_PosX: Single;
- LineBonus_PosY: Single;
- LineBonus_Alpha: Single;
- LineBonus_Visible: boolean;
- LineBonus_Text: string;
- LineBonus_Color: TRGB;
- LineBonus_Age: Integer;
- LineBonus_Rating: Integer;
- //Variable vor Positioning -> Set on ScreenShow, different when Playercount Changes
- LineBonus_TargetX: integer;
- LineBonus_TargetY: integer;
- LineBonus_StartX: integer;
- LineBonus_StartY: integer;
- //PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Mod End }
- //PerfectLineTwinkle Mod (effect)
- LastSentencePerfect: Boolean;
- //PerfectLineTwinkle Mod end
-// Meter: real;
- HighNut: integer;
- IlNut: integer;
- Nuta: array of record
- Start: integer;
- Dlugosc: integer;
- Detekt: real; // dokladne miejsce, w ktorym wykryto ta nute
- Ton: real;
- Perfect: boolean; // true if the note matches the original one, lit the star
- // Half size Notes Patch
- Hit: boolean; // true if the note Hits the Line
- //end Half size Notes Patch
- end;
- end;
- //Absolute Paths
- GamePath: string;
- SoundPath: string;
- SongPath: string;
- LogPath: string;
- ThemePath: string;
- ScreenshotsPath: string;
- CoversPath: string;
- LanguagesPath: string;
- PluginPath: string;
- PlayListPath: string;
- OGL: Boolean;
- Done: Boolean;
- Event: TSDL_event;
- FileName: string;
- Restart: boolean;
- // gracz i jego nuty
- Player: array of TPlayer;
- PlayersPlay: integer;
-procedure InitializePaths;
-procedure MainLoop;
-procedure CheckEvents;
-procedure Sing(Sender: TScreenSing);
-procedure NewSentence(Sender: TScreenSing);
-procedure NewBeat(Sender: TScreenSing); // executed when on then new beat
-procedure NewBeatC(Sender: TScreenSing); // executed when on then new beat for click
-procedure NewBeatD(Sender: TScreenSing); // executed when on then new beat for detection
-//procedure NewHalf; // executed when in the half between beats
-procedure NewNote(Sender: TScreenSing); // detect note
-function GetMidBeat(Time: real): real;
-function GetTimeFromBeat(Beat: integer): real;
-procedure ClearScores(PlayerNum: integer);
-uses USongs, UJoystick, math, UCommandLine;
-procedure MainLoop;
- Delay: integer;
- SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(125, 125);
- While not Done do
- Begin
- // joypad
- if (Ini.Joypad = 1) OR (Params.Joypad) then
- Joy.Update;
- // keyboard events
- CheckEvents;
- // display
- done := not Display.Draw;
- SwapBuffers;
- // light
- Light.Refresh;
- // delay
- CountMidTime;
-// if 1000*TimeMid > 100 then beep;
- Delay := Floor(1000 / 100 - 1000 * TimeMid);
- if Delay >= 1 then
- SDL_Delay(Delay); // dynamic, maximum is 100 fps
- CountSkipTime;
- // reinitialization of graphics
- if Restart then begin
- Reinitialize3D;
- Restart := false;
- end;
- End;
- UnloadOpenGL;
-Procedure CheckEvents;
-// p: pointer;
- if not Assigned(Display.NextScreen) then
- While SDL_PollEvent( @event ) = 1 Do
- Begin
-// beep;
- Case Event.type_ Of
- SDL_QUITEV: begin
- Display.Fade := 0;
- Display.NextScreenWithCheck := nil;
- Display.CheckOK := True;
- end;
- With Event.button Do
- Begin
- If State = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT Then
- Begin
- //
- End;
- End; // With}
- begin
- //ScreenShot hack. If Print is pressed-> Make screenshot and Save to Screenshots Path
- if (Event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_SYSREQ) then
- Display.ScreenShot
- // popup hack... if there is a visible popup then let it handle input instead of underlying screen
- // shoud be done in a way to be sure the topmost popup has preference (maybe error, then check)
- else if (ScreenPopupError <> NIL) and (ScreenPopupError.Visible) then
- done := not ScreenPopupError.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.sym, Event.key.keysym.unicode, True)
- else if (ScreenPopupCheck <> NIL) AND (ScreenPopupCheck.Visible) then
- done := not ScreenPopupCheck.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.sym, Event.key.keysym.unicode, True)
- // end of popup hack
- else
- begin
- // check for Screen want to Exit
- done := Not Display.ActualScreen^.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.sym, Event.key.keysym.unicode, True);
- //If Screen wants to Exit
- if done then
- begin
- //If Question Option is enabled then Show Exit Popup
- if (Ini.AskbeforeDel = 1) then
- begin
- Display.ActualScreen^.CheckFadeTo(NIL,'MSG_QUIT_USDX');
- end
- else //When asking for exit is disabled then simply exit
- begin
- Display.Fade := 0;
- Display.NextScreenWithCheck := nil;
- Display.CheckOK := True;
- end;
- end;
- end; // if (Not Display.ActualScreen^.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.scancode, True)) then
- end;
-// begin
-// beep
-// end;
- begin
- beep
- end;
- End; // Case Event.type_
- End; // While
-End; // CheckEvents
-function GetTimeForBeats(BPM, Beats: real): real;
- Result := 60 / BPM * Beats;
-function GetBeats(BPM, msTime: real): real;
- Result := BPM * msTime / 60;
-procedure GetMidBeatSub(BPMNum: integer; var Time: real; var CurBeat: real);
- NewTime: real;
- if High(AktSong.BPM) = BPMNum then begin
- // last BPM
- CurBeat := AktSong.BPM[BPMNum].StartBeat + GetBeats(AktSong.BPM[BPMNum].BPM, Time);
- Time := 0;
- end else begin
- // not last BPM
- // count how much time is it for start of the new BPM and store it in NewTime
- NewTime := GetTimeForBeats(AktSong.BPM[BPMNum].BPM, AktSong.BPM[BPMNum+1].StartBeat - AktSong.BPM[BPMNum].StartBeat);
- // compare it to remaining time
- if (Time - NewTime) > 0 then begin
- // there is still remaining time
- CurBeat := AktSong.BPM[BPMNum].StartBeat;
- Time := Time - NewTime;
- end else begin
- // there is no remaining time
- CurBeat := AktSong.BPM[BPMNum].StartBeat + GetBeats(AktSong.BPM[BPMNum].BPM, Time);
- Time := 0;
- end; // if
- end; // if
-function GetMidBeat(Time: real): real;
- CurBeat: real;
- CurBPM: integer;
-// TopBeat: real;
-// TempBeat: real;
-// TempTime: real;
- Result := 0;
- if Length(AktSong.BPM) = 1 then Result := Time * AktSong.BPM[0].BPM / 60;
- (* 2 BPMs *)
-{ if Length(AktSong.BPM) > 1 then begin
- (* new system *)
- CurBeat := 0;
- TopBeat := GetBeats(AktSong.BPM[0].BPM, Time);
- if TopBeat > AktSong.BPM[1].StartBeat then begin
- // analyze second BPM
- Time := Time - GetTimeForBeats(AktSong.BPM[0].BPM, AktSong.BPM[1].StartBeat - CurBeat);
- CurBeat := AktSong.BPM[1].StartBeat;
- TopBeat := GetBeats(AktSong.BPM[1].BPM, Time);
- Result := CurBeat + TopBeat;
- end else begin
- (* pierwszy przedzial *)
- Result := TopBeat;
- end;
- end; // if}
- (* more BPMs *)
- if Length(AktSong.BPM) > 1 then begin
- CurBeat := 0;
- CurBPM := 0;
- while (Time > 0) do begin
- GetMidBeatSub(CurBPM, Time, CurBeat);
- Inc(CurBPM);
- end;
- Result := CurBeat;
- end; // if
-function GetTimeFromBeat(Beat: integer): real;
- CurBPM: integer;
- Result := 0;
- if Length(AktSong.BPM) = 1 then Result := AktSong.GAP / 1000 + Beat * 60 / AktSong.BPM[0].BPM;
- (* more BPMs *)
- if Length(AktSong.BPM) > 1 then begin
- Result := AktSong.GAP / 1000;
- CurBPM := 0;
- while (CurBPM <= High(AktSong.BPM)) and (Beat > AktSong.BPM[CurBPM].StartBeat) do begin
- if (CurBPM < High(AktSong.BPM)) and (Beat >= AktSong.BPM[CurBPM+1].StartBeat) then begin
- // full range
- Result := Result + (60 / AktSong.BPM[CurBPM].BPM) * (AktSong.BPM[CurBPM+1].StartBeat - AktSong.BPM[CurBPM].StartBeat);
- end;
- if (CurBPM = High(AktSong.BPM)) or (Beat < AktSong.BPM[CurBPM+1].StartBeat) then begin
- // in the middle
- Result := Result + (60 / AktSong.BPM[CurBPM].BPM) * (Beat - AktSong.BPM[CurBPM].StartBeat);
- end;
- Inc(CurBPM);
- end;
-{ while (Time > 0) do begin
- GetMidBeatSub(CurBPM, Time, CurBeat);
- Inc(CurBPM);
- end;}
- end; // if}
-procedure Sing(Sender: TScreenSing);
- Pet: integer;
- PetGr: integer;
- CP: integer;
- Done: real;
- N: integer;
- Czas.Teraz := Czas.Teraz + TimeSkip;
- Czas.OldBeat := Czas.AktBeat;
- Czas.MidBeat := GetMidBeat(Czas.Teraz - (AktSong.Gap{ + 90 I've forgotten for what it is}) / 1000); // new system with variable BPM in function
- Czas.AktBeat := Floor(Czas.MidBeat);
-// Czas.OldHalf := Czas.AktHalf;
-// Czas.MidHalf := Czas.MidBeat + 0.5;
-// Czas.AktHalf := Floor(Czas.MidHalf);
- Czas.OldBeatC := Czas.AktBeatC;
- Czas.MidBeatC := GetMidBeat(Czas.Teraz - (AktSong.Gap) / 1000);
- Czas.AktBeatC := Floor(Czas.MidBeatC);
- Czas.OldBeatD := Czas.AktBeatD;
- Czas.MidBeatD := -0.5+GetMidBeat(Czas.Teraz - (AktSong.Gap + 120 + 20) / 1000); // MidBeat with addition GAP
- Czas.AktBeatD := Floor(Czas.MidBeatD);
- Czas.FracBeatD := Frac(Czas.MidBeatD);
- // sentences routines
- for PetGr := 0 to 0 do begin;//High(Gracz) do begin
- CP := PetGr;
- // ustawianie starej czesci
- Czas.OldCzesc := Czesci[CP].Akt;
- // wybieranie aktualnej czesci
- for Pet := 0 to Czesci[CP].High do
- if Czas.AktBeat >= Czesci[CP].Czesc[Pet].Start then Czesci[CP].Akt := Pet;
- // czysczenie nut gracza, gdy to jest nowa plansza
- // (optymizacja raz na halfbeat jest zla)
- if Czesci[CP].Akt <> Czas.OldCzesc then NewSentence(Sender);
- end; // for PetGr
- // wykonuje operacje raz na beat
- if (Czas.AktBeat >= 0) and (Czas.OldBeat <> Czas.AktBeat) then
- NewBeat(Sender);
- // make some operations on clicks
- if {(Czas.AktBeatC >= 0) and }(Czas.OldBeatC <> Czas.AktBeatC) then
- NewBeatC(Sender);
- // make some operations when detecting new voice pitch
- if (Czas.AktBeatD >= 0) and (Czas.OldBeatD <> Czas.AktBeatD) then
- NewBeatD(Sender);
- // wykonuje operacje w polowie beatu
-// if (Czas.AktHalf >= 1) and (Czas.OldHalf <> Czas.AktHalf) then
-// NewHalf;
- // plynnie przesuwa text
- Done := 1;
- for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut do
- if (Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[N].Start <= Czas.MidBeat)
- and (Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[N].Start + Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[N].Dlugosc >= Czas.MidBeat) then
- Done := (Czas.MidBeat - Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[N].Start) / (Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[N].Dlugosc);
- N := Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut;
- // wylacza ostatnia nute po przejsciu
- {// todo: Lyrics
- if (Ini.LyricsEffect = 1) and (Done = 1) and
- (Czas.MidBeat > Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[N].Start + Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[N].Dlugosc)
- then Sender.LyricMain.Selected := -1;
- if Done > 1 then Done := 1;
- Sender.LyricMain.Done := Done; }
- // use Done with LCD
-{ with ScreenSing do begin
- if LyricMain.Selected >= 0 then begin
- LCD.MoveCursor(1, LyricMain.SelectedLetter + Round((LyricMain.SelectedLength-1) * Done));
- LCD.ShowCursor;
- end;
- end;}
-procedure NewSentence(Sender: TScreenSing);
-G: Integer;
- // czyszczenie nut graczy
- for G := 0 to High(Player) do begin
- Player[G].IlNut := 0;
- Player[G].HighNut := -1;
- SetLength(Player[G].Nuta, 0);
- end;
- // Add Words to Lyrics
- with Sender do begin
- {LyricMain.AddCzesc(Czesci[0].Akt);
- if Czesci[0].Akt < Czesci[0].High then
- LyricSub.AddCzesc(Czesci[0].Akt+1)
- else
- LyricSub.Clear;}
- while (not Lyrics.LineinQueue) AND (Lyrics.LineCounter <= High(Czesci[0].Czesc)) do
- Lyrics.AddLine(@Czesci[0].Czesc[Lyrics.LineCounter]);
- end;
- Sender.UpdateLCD;
- //On Sentence Change...
- Sender.onSentenceChange(Czesci[0].Akt);
-procedure NewBeat(Sender: TScreenSing);
- Pet: integer;
-// TempBeat: integer;
- // ustawia zaznaczenie tekstu
-// SingScreen.LyricMain.Selected := -1;
- for Pet := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut do
- if (Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[Pet].Start = Czas.AktBeat) then begin
- // operates on currently beated note
- //Todo: Lyrics
- //Sender.LyricMain.Selected := Pet;
-// LCD.MoveCursor(1, ScreenSing.LyricMain.SelectedLetter);
-// LCD.ShowCursor;
- //LCD.MoveCursorBR(Sender.LyricMain.SelectedLetter);
- LCD.ShowCursor;
- end;
-procedure NewBeatC;
- Pet: integer;
-// LPT_1: integer;
-// LPT_2: integer;
-// LPT_1 := 1;
-// LPT_2 := 1;
- // beat click
- if (Ini.BeatClick = 1) and ((Czas.AktBeatC + Czesci[0].Resolution + Czesci[0].NotesGAP) mod Czesci[0].Resolution = 0) then
- Music.PlayClick;
- // debug system on LPT
- if ((Czas.AktBeatC + Czesci[0].Resolution + Czesci[0].NotesGAP) mod Czesci[0].Resolution = 0) then begin
- //LPT_1 := 0;
-// Light.LightOne(0, 150);
- Light.LightOne(1, 200); // beat light
- if ParamStr(1) = '-doublelights' then
- Light.LightOne(0, 200); // beat light
-{ if ((Czas.AktBeatC + Czesci[0].Resolution + Czesci[0].NotesGAP) mod (Czesci[0].Resolution * 2) = 0) then
- Light.LightOne(0, 150)
- else
- Light.LightOne(1, 150)}
- end;
- for Pet := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut do
- if (Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[Pet].Start = Czas.AktBeatC) then begin
- // click assist
- if Ini.ClickAssist = 1 then
- Music.PlayClick;
- //LPT_2 := 0;
- if ParamStr(1) <> '-doublelights' then
- Light.LightOne(0, 150); //125
- // drum machine
-(* TempBeat := Czas.AktBeat;// + 2;
- if (TempBeat mod 8 = 0) then Music.PlayDrum;
- if (TempBeat mod 8 = 4) then Music.PlayClap;
-// if (TempBeat mod 4 = 2) then Music.PlayHihat;
- if (TempBeat mod 4 <> 0) then Music.PlayHihat;*)
- end;
- {$IFDEF UseSerialPort}
- // PortWriteB($378, LPT_1 + LPT_2 * 2); // 0 zapala
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure NewBeatD(Sender: TScreenSing);
- NewNote(Sender);
-//procedure NewHalf;
-// NewNote;
-procedure NewNote(Sender: TScreenSing);
- CP: integer; // current player
- S: integer; // sentence
- SMin: integer;
- SMax: integer;
- SDet: integer; // temporary: sentence of detected note
- Pet: integer;
- Mozna: boolean;
- Nowa: boolean;
- Range: integer;
- NoteHit:boolean;
-// Log.LogStatus('Beat ' + IntToStr(Czas.AktBeat) + ' HalfBeat ' + IntToStr(Czas.AktHalf), 'NewBeat');
-// beep;
- // analizuje dla obu graczy ten sam sygnal (Sound.OneSrcForBoth)
- // albo juz lepiej nie
- for CP := 0 to PlayersPlay-1 do begin
- // analyze buffer
- Sound[CP].AnalizujBufor;
- // adds some noise
-// Czas.Ton := Czas.Ton + Round(Random(3)) - 1;
- // 0.5.0: count min and max sentence range for checking (detection is delayed to the notes we see on the screen)
- SMin := Czesci[0].Akt-1;
- if SMin < 0 then SMin := 0;
- SMax := Czesci[0].Akt;
- // check if we can add new note
- Mozna := false;
- SDet:=SMin;
- for S := SMin to SMax do
- for Pet := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[S].HighNut do
- if ((Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Start <= Czas.AktBeatD)
- and (Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Start + Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Dlugosc - 1 >= Czas.AktBeatD))
- and (not Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].FreeStyle) // but don't allow when it's FreeStyle note
- and (Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Dlugosc > 0) // and make sure the note lenghts is at least 1
- then begin
- SDet := S;
- Mozna := true;
- Break;
- end;
- S := SDet;
-// Czas.SzczytJest := true;
-// Czas.Ton := 27;
- // gdy moze, to dodaje nute
- if (Sound[CP].SzczytJest) and (Mozna) then begin
- // operowanie na ostatniej nucie
- for Pet := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[S].HighNut do
- if (Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Start <= Czas.OldBeatD+1)
- and (Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Start +
- Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Dlugosc > Czas.OldBeatD+1) then begin
- // to robi, tylko dla pary nut (oryginalnej i gracza)
- // przesuwanie tonu w odpowiednia game
- while (Sound[CP].Ton - Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Ton > 6) do
- Sound[CP].Ton := Sound[CP].Ton - 12;
- while (Sound[CP].Ton - Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Ton < -6) do
- Sound[CP].Ton := Sound[CP].Ton + 12;
- // Half size Notes Patch
- NoteHit := false;
- //if Ini.Difficulty = 0 then Range := 2;
- //if Ini.Difficulty = 1 then Range := 1;
- //if Ini.Difficulty = 2 then Range := 0;
- Range := 2 - Ini.Difficulty;
- if abs(Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Ton - Sound[CP].Ton) <= Range then begin
- Sound[CP].Ton := Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Ton;
- // Half size Notes Patch
- NoteHit := true;
- if (Ini.LineBonus = 0) then
- begin
- // add points without LineBonus
- case Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Wartosc of
- 1: Player[CP].Score := Player[CP].Score + 10000 / Czesci[0].Wartosc *
- Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Wartosc;
- 2: Player[CP].ScoreGolden := Player[CP].ScoreGolden + 10000 / Czesci[0].Wartosc *
- Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Wartosc;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- // add points with Line Bonus
- case Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Wartosc of
- 1: Player[CP].Score := Player[CP].Score + 9000 / Czesci[0].Wartosc *
- Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Wartosc;
- 2: Player[CP].ScoreGolden := Player[CP].ScoreGolden + 9000 / Czesci[0].Wartosc *
- Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Wartosc;
- end;
- end;
- Player[CP].ScoreI := Floor(Player[CP].Score / 10) * 10;
- Player[CP].ScoreGoldenI := Floor(Player[CP].ScoreGolden / 10) * 10;
- Player[CP].ScoreTotalI := Player[CP].ScoreI + Player[CP].ScoreGoldenI + Player[CP].ScoreLineI;
- end;
- end; // operowanie
- // sprawdzanie czy to nowa nuta, czy przedluzenie
- if S = SMax then begin
- Nowa := true;
- // jezeli ostatnia ma ten sam ton
- if (Player[CP].IlNut > 0 ) and (Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Ton = Sound[CP].Ton)
- and (Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Start + Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Dlugosc = Czas.AktBeatD)
- then Nowa := false;
- // jezeli jest jakas nowa nuta na sprawdzanym beacie
- for Pet := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[S].HighNut do
- if (Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Start = Czas.AktBeatD) then
- Nowa := true;
- // dodawanie nowej nuty
- if Nowa then begin
- // nowa nuta
- Player[CP].IlNut := Player[CP].IlNut + 1;
- Player[CP].HighNut := Player[CP].HighNut + 1;
- SetLength(Player[CP].Nuta, Player[CP].IlNut);
- Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Start := Czas.AktBeatD;
- Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Dlugosc := 1;
- Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Ton := Sound[CP].Ton; // Ton || TonDokl
- Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Detekt := Czas.MidBeat;
- // Half Note Patch
- Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Hit := NoteHit;
- // Log.LogStatus('Nowa Nuta ' + IntToStr(Gracz.Nuta[Gracz.HighNut].Start), 'NewBeat');
- end else begin
- // przedluzenie nuty
- Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Dlugosc := Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Dlugosc + 1;
- end;
- // check for perfect note and then lit the star (on Draw)
- for Pet := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[S].HighNut do
- if (Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Start = Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Start)
- and (Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Dlugosc = Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Dlugosc)
- and (Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Ton = Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Ton) then begin
- Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Perfect := true;
- end;
- end;// else beep; // if S = SMax
- end; // if moze
- end; // for CP
-// Log.LogStatus('EndBeat', 'NewBeat');
-//On Sentence End -> For LineBonus + SingBar
-if (sDet >= low(Czesci[0].Czesc)) AND (sDet <= high(Czesci[0].Czesc)) then
-if ((Czesci[0].Czesc[SDet].Nuta[Czesci[0].Czesc[SDet].HighNut].Start + Czesci[0].Czesc[SDet].Nuta[Czesci[0].Czesc[SDet].HighNut].Dlugosc - 1) = Czas.AktBeatD) then
- Sender.onSentenceEnd(sDet);
-procedure ClearScores(PlayerNum: integer);
- Player[PlayerNum].Score := 0;
- Player[PlayerNum].ScoreI := 0;
- Player[PlayerNum].ScoreLine := 0;
- Player[PlayerNum].ScoreLineI := 0;
- Player[PlayerNum].ScoreGolden := 0;
- Player[PlayerNum].ScoreGoldenI := 0;
- Player[PlayerNum].ScoreTotalI := 0;
-// Function sets all Absolute Paths e.g. Song Path and makes sure the Directorys exist
-procedure InitializePaths;
- // Initialize a Path Variable
- // After Setting Paths, make sure that Paths exist
- function initialize_path( out aPathVar : String; const aLocation : String ): boolean;
- var
- lWriteable: Boolean;
- lAttrib : integer;
- begin
- lWriteable := false;
- aPathVar := aLocation;
- // Make sure the directory is needex
- ForceDirectories(aPathVar);
- If DirectoryExists(aPathVar) then
- begin
- lAttrib := fileGetAttr('C:Temp');
- lWriteable := ( lAttrib and faDirectory <> 0 ) AND
- NOT ( lAttrib and faReadOnly <> 0 )
- end;
- if not lWriteable then
- Log.LogError('Error: Dir ('+ aLocation +') is Readonly');
- result := lWriteable;
- end;
- GamePath := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
- initialize_path( LogPath , GamePath );
- initialize_path( SoundPath , GamePath + 'Sounds' + PathDelim );
- initialize_path( SongPath , GamePath + 'Songs' + PathDelim );
- initialize_path( ThemePath , GamePath + 'Themes' + PathDelim );
- initialize_path( ScreenshotsPath , GamePath + 'Screenshots' + PathDelim );
- initialize_path( CoversPath , GamePath + 'Covers' + PathDelim );
- initialize_path( LanguagesPath , GamePath + 'Languages' + PathDelim );
- initialize_path( PluginPath , GamePath + 'Plugins' + PathDelim );
- initialize_path( PlaylistPath , GamePath + 'Playlists' + PathDelim );
- DecimalSeparator := ',';
+unit UMain;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ SDL,
+ UGraphic,
+ UMusic,
+ URecord,
+ UTime,
+ SysUtils,
+ UDisplay,
+ UIni,
+ ULog,
+ ULyrics,
+ UScreenSing,
+ OpenGL12,
+ {$IFDEF UseSerialPort}
+ zlportio {you can disable it and all PortWriteB calls},
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ULight,
+ UThemes;
+ TPlayer = record
+ Name: string;
+ Score: real;
+ ScoreLine: real;
+ ScoreGolden: real;
+ ScoreI: integer;
+ ScoreLineI: integer;
+ ScoreGoldenI: integer;
+ ScoreTotalI: integer;
+ //LineBonus Mod
+ ScoreLast: Real;//Last Line Score
+ {ScorePercent: integer;//Aktual Fillstate of the SingBar
+ ScorePercentTarget: integer;//Target Fillstate of the SingBar
+ //end Singbar Mod
+ //PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Mod
+ LineBonus_PosX: Single;
+ LineBonus_PosY: Single;
+ LineBonus_Alpha: Single;
+ LineBonus_Visible: boolean;
+ LineBonus_Text: string;
+ LineBonus_Color: TRGB;
+ LineBonus_Age: Integer;
+ LineBonus_Rating: Integer;
+ //Variable vor Positioning -> Set on ScreenShow, different when Playercount Changes
+ LineBonus_TargetX: integer;
+ LineBonus_TargetY: integer;
+ LineBonus_StartX: integer;
+ LineBonus_StartY: integer;
+ //PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Mod End }
+ //PerfectLineTwinkle Mod (effect)
+ LastSentencePerfect: Boolean;
+ //PerfectLineTwinkle Mod end
+// Meter: real;
+ HighNut: integer;
+ IlNut: integer;
+ Nuta: array of record
+ Start: integer;
+ Dlugosc: integer;
+ Detekt: real; // dokladne miejsce, w ktorym wykryto ta nute
+ Ton: real;
+ Perfect: boolean; // true if the note matches the original one, lit the star
+ // Half size Notes Patch
+ Hit: boolean; // true if the note Hits the Line
+ //end Half size Notes Patch
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Absolute Paths
+ GamePath: string;
+ SoundPath: string;
+ SongPath: string;
+ LogPath: string;
+ ThemePath: string;
+ ScreenshotsPath: string;
+ CoversPath: string;
+ LanguagesPath: string;
+ PluginPath: string;
+ PlayListPath: string;
+ OGL: Boolean;
+ Done: Boolean;
+ Event: TSDL_event;
+ FileName: string;
+ Restart: boolean;
+ // gracz i jego nuty
+ Player: array of TPlayer;
+ PlayersPlay: integer;
+procedure InitializePaths;
+procedure MainLoop;
+procedure CheckEvents;
+procedure Sing(Sender: TScreenSing);
+procedure NewSentence(Sender: TScreenSing);
+procedure NewBeat(Sender: TScreenSing); // executed when on then new beat
+procedure NewBeatC(Sender: TScreenSing); // executed when on then new beat for click
+procedure NewBeatD(Sender: TScreenSing); // executed when on then new beat for detection
+//procedure NewHalf; // executed when in the half between beats
+procedure NewNote(Sender: TScreenSing); // detect note
+function GetMidBeat(Time: real): real;
+function GetTimeFromBeat(Beat: integer): real;
+procedure ClearScores(PlayerNum: integer);
+uses USongs, UJoystick, math, UCommandLine;
+procedure MainLoop;
+ Delay: integer;
+ SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(125, 125);
+ While not Done do
+ Begin
+ // joypad
+ if (Ini.Joypad = 1) OR (Params.Joypad) then
+ Joy.Update;
+ // keyboard events
+ CheckEvents;
+ // display
+ done := not Display.Draw;
+ SwapBuffers;
+ // light
+ Light.Refresh;
+ // delay
+ CountMidTime;
+// if 1000*TimeMid > 100 then beep;
+ Delay := Floor(1000 / 100 - 1000 * TimeMid);
+ if Delay >= 1 then
+ SDL_Delay(Delay); // dynamic, maximum is 100 fps
+ CountSkipTime;
+ // reinitialization of graphics
+ if Restart then begin
+ Reinitialize3D;
+ Restart := false;
+ end;
+ End;
+ UnloadOpenGL;
+Procedure CheckEvents;
+// p: pointer;
+ if not Assigned(Display.NextScreen) then
+ While SDL_PollEvent( @event ) = 1 Do
+ Begin
+// beep;
+ Case Event.type_ Of
+ SDL_QUITEV: begin
+ Display.Fade := 0;
+ Display.NextScreenWithCheck := nil;
+ Display.CheckOK := True;
+ end;
+ With Event.button Do
+ Begin
+ If State = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT Then
+ Begin
+ //
+ End;
+ End; // With}
+ begin
+ //ScreenShot hack. If Print is pressed-> Make screenshot and Save to Screenshots Path
+ if (Event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_SYSREQ) then
+ Display.ScreenShot
+ // popup hack... if there is a visible popup then let it handle input instead of underlying screen
+ // shoud be done in a way to be sure the topmost popup has preference (maybe error, then check)
+ else if (ScreenPopupError <> NIL) and (ScreenPopupError.Visible) then
+ done := not ScreenPopupError.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.sym, Event.key.keysym.unicode, True)
+ else if (ScreenPopupCheck <> NIL) AND (ScreenPopupCheck.Visible) then
+ done := not ScreenPopupCheck.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.sym, Event.key.keysym.unicode, True)
+ // end of popup hack
+ else
+ begin
+ // check for Screen want to Exit
+ done := Not Display.ActualScreen^.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.sym, Event.key.keysym.unicode, True);
+ //If Screen wants to Exit
+ if done then
+ begin
+ //If Question Option is enabled then Show Exit Popup
+ if (Ini.AskbeforeDel = 1) then
+ begin
+ Display.ActualScreen^.CheckFadeTo(NIL,'MSG_QUIT_USDX');
+ end
+ else //When asking for exit is disabled then simply exit
+ begin
+ Display.Fade := 0;
+ Display.NextScreenWithCheck := nil;
+ Display.CheckOK := True;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; // if (Not Display.ActualScreen^.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.scancode, True)) then
+ end;
+// begin
+// beep
+// end;
+ begin
+ beep
+ end;
+ End; // Case Event.type_
+ End; // While
+End; // CheckEvents
+function GetTimeForBeats(BPM, Beats: real): real;
+ Result := 60 / BPM * Beats;
+function GetBeats(BPM, msTime: real): real;
+ Result := BPM * msTime / 60;
+procedure GetMidBeatSub(BPMNum: integer; var Time: real; var CurBeat: real);
+ NewTime: real;
+ if High(AktSong.BPM) = BPMNum then begin
+ // last BPM
+ CurBeat := AktSong.BPM[BPMNum].StartBeat + GetBeats(AktSong.BPM[BPMNum].BPM, Time);
+ Time := 0;
+ end else begin
+ // not last BPM
+ // count how much time is it for start of the new BPM and store it in NewTime
+ NewTime := GetTimeForBeats(AktSong.BPM[BPMNum].BPM, AktSong.BPM[BPMNum+1].StartBeat - AktSong.BPM[BPMNum].StartBeat);
+ // compare it to remaining time
+ if (Time - NewTime) > 0 then begin
+ // there is still remaining time
+ CurBeat := AktSong.BPM[BPMNum].StartBeat;
+ Time := Time - NewTime;
+ end else begin
+ // there is no remaining time
+ CurBeat := AktSong.BPM[BPMNum].StartBeat + GetBeats(AktSong.BPM[BPMNum].BPM, Time);
+ Time := 0;
+ end; // if
+ end; // if
+function GetMidBeat(Time: real): real;
+ CurBeat: real;
+ CurBPM: integer;
+// TopBeat: real;
+// TempBeat: real;
+// TempTime: real;
+ Result := 0;
+ if Length(AktSong.BPM) = 1 then Result := Time * AktSong.BPM[0].BPM / 60;
+ (* 2 BPMs *)
+{ if Length(AktSong.BPM) > 1 then begin
+ (* new system *)
+ CurBeat := 0;
+ TopBeat := GetBeats(AktSong.BPM[0].BPM, Time);
+ if TopBeat > AktSong.BPM[1].StartBeat then begin
+ // analyze second BPM
+ Time := Time - GetTimeForBeats(AktSong.BPM[0].BPM, AktSong.BPM[1].StartBeat - CurBeat);
+ CurBeat := AktSong.BPM[1].StartBeat;
+ TopBeat := GetBeats(AktSong.BPM[1].BPM, Time);
+ Result := CurBeat + TopBeat;
+ end else begin
+ (* pierwszy przedzial *)
+ Result := TopBeat;
+ end;
+ end; // if}
+ (* more BPMs *)
+ if Length(AktSong.BPM) > 1 then begin
+ CurBeat := 0;
+ CurBPM := 0;
+ while (Time > 0) do begin
+ GetMidBeatSub(CurBPM, Time, CurBeat);
+ Inc(CurBPM);
+ end;
+ Result := CurBeat;
+ end; // if
+function GetTimeFromBeat(Beat: integer): real;
+ CurBPM: integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ if Length(AktSong.BPM) = 1 then Result := AktSong.GAP / 1000 + Beat * 60 / AktSong.BPM[0].BPM;
+ (* more BPMs *)
+ if Length(AktSong.BPM) > 1 then begin
+ Result := AktSong.GAP / 1000;
+ CurBPM := 0;
+ while (CurBPM <= High(AktSong.BPM)) and (Beat > AktSong.BPM[CurBPM].StartBeat) do begin
+ if (CurBPM < High(AktSong.BPM)) and (Beat >= AktSong.BPM[CurBPM+1].StartBeat) then begin
+ // full range
+ Result := Result + (60 / AktSong.BPM[CurBPM].BPM) * (AktSong.BPM[CurBPM+1].StartBeat - AktSong.BPM[CurBPM].StartBeat);
+ end;
+ if (CurBPM = High(AktSong.BPM)) or (Beat < AktSong.BPM[CurBPM+1].StartBeat) then begin
+ // in the middle
+ Result := Result + (60 / AktSong.BPM[CurBPM].BPM) * (Beat - AktSong.BPM[CurBPM].StartBeat);
+ end;
+ Inc(CurBPM);
+ end;
+{ while (Time > 0) do begin
+ GetMidBeatSub(CurBPM, Time, CurBeat);
+ Inc(CurBPM);
+ end;}
+ end; // if}
+procedure Sing(Sender: TScreenSing);
+ Pet: integer;
+ PetGr: integer;
+ CP: integer;
+ Done: real;
+ N: integer;
+ Czas.Teraz := Czas.Teraz + TimeSkip;
+ Czas.OldBeat := Czas.AktBeat;
+ Czas.MidBeat := GetMidBeat(Czas.Teraz - (AktSong.Gap{ + 90 I've forgotten for what it is}) / 1000); // new system with variable BPM in function
+ Czas.AktBeat := Floor(Czas.MidBeat);
+// Czas.OldHalf := Czas.AktHalf;
+// Czas.MidHalf := Czas.MidBeat + 0.5;
+// Czas.AktHalf := Floor(Czas.MidHalf);
+ Czas.OldBeatC := Czas.AktBeatC;
+ Czas.MidBeatC := GetMidBeat(Czas.Teraz - (AktSong.Gap) / 1000);
+ Czas.AktBeatC := Floor(Czas.MidBeatC);
+ Czas.OldBeatD := Czas.AktBeatD;
+ Czas.MidBeatD := -0.5+GetMidBeat(Czas.Teraz - (AktSong.Gap + 120 + 20) / 1000); // MidBeat with addition GAP
+ Czas.AktBeatD := Floor(Czas.MidBeatD);
+ Czas.FracBeatD := Frac(Czas.MidBeatD);
+ // sentences routines
+ for PetGr := 0 to 0 do begin;//High(Gracz) do begin
+ CP := PetGr;
+ // ustawianie starej czesci
+ Czas.OldCzesc := Czesci[CP].Akt;
+ // wybieranie aktualnej czesci
+ for Pet := 0 to Czesci[CP].High do
+ if Czas.AktBeat >= Czesci[CP].Czesc[Pet].Start then Czesci[CP].Akt := Pet;
+ // czysczenie nut gracza, gdy to jest nowa plansza
+ // (optymizacja raz na halfbeat jest zla)
+ if Czesci[CP].Akt <> Czas.OldCzesc then NewSentence(Sender);
+ end; // for PetGr
+ // wykonuje operacje raz na beat
+ if (Czas.AktBeat >= 0) and (Czas.OldBeat <> Czas.AktBeat) then
+ NewBeat(Sender);
+ // make some operations on clicks
+ if {(Czas.AktBeatC >= 0) and }(Czas.OldBeatC <> Czas.AktBeatC) then
+ NewBeatC(Sender);
+ // make some operations when detecting new voice pitch
+ if (Czas.AktBeatD >= 0) and (Czas.OldBeatD <> Czas.AktBeatD) then
+ NewBeatD(Sender);
+ // wykonuje operacje w polowie beatu
+// if (Czas.AktHalf >= 1) and (Czas.OldHalf <> Czas.AktHalf) then
+// NewHalf;
+ // plynnie przesuwa text
+ Done := 1;
+ for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut do
+ if (Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[N].Start <= Czas.MidBeat)
+ and (Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[N].Start + Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[N].Dlugosc >= Czas.MidBeat) then
+ Done := (Czas.MidBeat - Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[N].Start) / (Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[N].Dlugosc);
+ N := Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut;
+ // wylacza ostatnia nute po przejsciu
+ {// todo: Lyrics
+ if (Ini.LyricsEffect = 1) and (Done = 1) and
+ (Czas.MidBeat > Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[N].Start + Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[N].Dlugosc)
+ then Sender.LyricMain.Selected := -1;
+ if Done > 1 then Done := 1;
+ Sender.LyricMain.Done := Done; }
+ // use Done with LCD
+{ with ScreenSing do begin
+ if LyricMain.Selected >= 0 then begin
+ LCD.MoveCursor(1, LyricMain.SelectedLetter + Round((LyricMain.SelectedLength-1) * Done));
+ LCD.ShowCursor;
+ end;
+ end;}
+procedure NewSentence(Sender: TScreenSing);
+G: Integer;
+ // czyszczenie nut graczy
+ for G := 0 to High(Player) do begin
+ Player[G].IlNut := 0;
+ Player[G].HighNut := -1;
+ SetLength(Player[G].Nuta, 0);
+ end;
+ // Add Words to Lyrics
+ with Sender do begin
+ {LyricMain.AddCzesc(Czesci[0].Akt);
+ if Czesci[0].Akt < Czesci[0].High then
+ LyricSub.AddCzesc(Czesci[0].Akt+1)
+ else
+ LyricSub.Clear;}
+ while (not Lyrics.LineinQueue) AND (Lyrics.LineCounter <= High(Czesci[0].Czesc)) do
+ Lyrics.AddLine(@Czesci[0].Czesc[Lyrics.LineCounter]);
+ end;
+ Sender.UpdateLCD;
+ //On Sentence Change...
+ Sender.onSentenceChange(Czesci[0].Akt);
+procedure NewBeat(Sender: TScreenSing);
+ Pet: integer;
+// TempBeat: integer;
+ // ustawia zaznaczenie tekstu
+// SingScreen.LyricMain.Selected := -1;
+ for Pet := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut do
+ if (Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[Pet].Start = Czas.AktBeat) then begin
+ // operates on currently beated note
+ //Todo: Lyrics
+ //Sender.LyricMain.Selected := Pet;
+// LCD.MoveCursor(1, ScreenSing.LyricMain.SelectedLetter);
+// LCD.ShowCursor;
+ //LCD.MoveCursorBR(Sender.LyricMain.SelectedLetter);
+ LCD.ShowCursor;
+ end;
+procedure NewBeatC;
+ Pet: integer;
+// LPT_1: integer;
+// LPT_2: integer;
+// LPT_1 := 1;
+// LPT_2 := 1;
+ // beat click
+ if (Ini.BeatClick = 1) and ((Czas.AktBeatC + Czesci[0].Resolution + Czesci[0].NotesGAP) mod Czesci[0].Resolution = 0) then
+ Music.PlayClick;
+ // debug system on LPT
+ if ((Czas.AktBeatC + Czesci[0].Resolution + Czesci[0].NotesGAP) mod Czesci[0].Resolution = 0) then begin
+ //LPT_1 := 0;
+// Light.LightOne(0, 150);
+ Light.LightOne(1, 200); // beat light
+ if ParamStr(1) = '-doublelights' then
+ Light.LightOne(0, 200); // beat light
+{ if ((Czas.AktBeatC + Czesci[0].Resolution + Czesci[0].NotesGAP) mod (Czesci[0].Resolution * 2) = 0) then
+ Light.LightOne(0, 150)
+ else
+ Light.LightOne(1, 150)}
+ end;
+ for Pet := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut do
+ if (Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[Pet].Start = Czas.AktBeatC) then begin
+ // click assist
+ if Ini.ClickAssist = 1 then
+ Music.PlayClick;
+ //LPT_2 := 0;
+ if ParamStr(1) <> '-doublelights' then
+ Light.LightOne(0, 150); //125
+ // drum machine
+(* TempBeat := Czas.AktBeat;// + 2;
+ if (TempBeat mod 8 = 0) then Music.PlayDrum;
+ if (TempBeat mod 8 = 4) then Music.PlayClap;
+// if (TempBeat mod 4 = 2) then Music.PlayHihat;
+ if (TempBeat mod 4 <> 0) then Music.PlayHihat;*)
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF UseSerialPort}
+ // PortWriteB($378, LPT_1 + LPT_2 * 2); // 0 zapala
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure NewBeatD(Sender: TScreenSing);
+ NewNote(Sender);
+//procedure NewHalf;
+// NewNote;
+procedure NewNote(Sender: TScreenSing);
+ CP: integer; // current player
+ S: integer; // sentence
+ SMin: integer;
+ SMax: integer;
+ SDet: integer; // temporary: sentence of detected note
+ Pet: integer;
+ Mozna: boolean;
+ Nowa: boolean;
+ Range: integer;
+ NoteHit:boolean;
+// Log.LogStatus('Beat ' + IntToStr(Czas.AktBeat) + ' HalfBeat ' + IntToStr(Czas.AktHalf), 'NewBeat');
+// beep;
+ // analizuje dla obu graczy ten sam sygnal (Sound.OneSrcForBoth)
+ // albo juz lepiej nie
+ for CP := 0 to PlayersPlay-1 do begin
+ // analyze buffer
+ Sound[CP].AnalizujBufor;
+ // adds some noise
+// Czas.Ton := Czas.Ton + Round(Random(3)) - 1;
+ // 0.5.0: count min and max sentence range for checking (detection is delayed to the notes we see on the screen)
+ SMin := Czesci[0].Akt-1;
+ if SMin < 0 then SMin := 0;
+ SMax := Czesci[0].Akt;
+ // check if we can add new note
+ Mozna := false;
+ SDet:=SMin;
+ for S := SMin to SMax do
+ for Pet := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[S].HighNut do
+ if ((Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Start <= Czas.AktBeatD)
+ and (Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Start + Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Dlugosc - 1 >= Czas.AktBeatD))
+ and (not Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].FreeStyle) // but don't allow when it's FreeStyle note
+ and (Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Dlugosc > 0) // and make sure the note lenghts is at least 1
+ then begin
+ SDet := S;
+ Mozna := true;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ S := SDet;
+// Czas.SzczytJest := true;
+// Czas.Ton := 27;
+ // gdy moze, to dodaje nute
+ if (Sound[CP].SzczytJest) and (Mozna) then begin
+ // operowanie na ostatniej nucie
+ for Pet := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[S].HighNut do
+ if (Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Start <= Czas.OldBeatD+1)
+ and (Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Start +
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Dlugosc > Czas.OldBeatD+1) then begin
+ // to robi, tylko dla pary nut (oryginalnej i gracza)
+ // przesuwanie tonu w odpowiednia game
+ while (Sound[CP].Ton - Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Ton > 6) do
+ Sound[CP].Ton := Sound[CP].Ton - 12;
+ while (Sound[CP].Ton - Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Ton < -6) do
+ Sound[CP].Ton := Sound[CP].Ton + 12;
+ // Half size Notes Patch
+ NoteHit := false;
+ //if Ini.Difficulty = 0 then Range := 2;
+ //if Ini.Difficulty = 1 then Range := 1;
+ //if Ini.Difficulty = 2 then Range := 0;
+ Range := 2 - Ini.Difficulty;
+ if abs(Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Ton - Sound[CP].Ton) <= Range then begin
+ Sound[CP].Ton := Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Ton;
+ // Half size Notes Patch
+ NoteHit := true;
+ if (Ini.LineBonus = 0) then
+ begin
+ // add points without LineBonus
+ case Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Wartosc of
+ 1: Player[CP].Score := Player[CP].Score + 10000 / Czesci[0].Wartosc *
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Wartosc;
+ 2: Player[CP].ScoreGolden := Player[CP].ScoreGolden + 10000 / Czesci[0].Wartosc *
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Wartosc;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // add points with Line Bonus
+ case Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Wartosc of
+ 1: Player[CP].Score := Player[CP].Score + 9000 / Czesci[0].Wartosc *
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Wartosc;
+ 2: Player[CP].ScoreGolden := Player[CP].ScoreGolden + 9000 / Czesci[0].Wartosc *
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Wartosc;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Player[CP].ScoreI := Floor(Player[CP].Score / 10) * 10;
+ Player[CP].ScoreGoldenI := Floor(Player[CP].ScoreGolden / 10) * 10;
+ Player[CP].ScoreTotalI := Player[CP].ScoreI + Player[CP].ScoreGoldenI + Player[CP].ScoreLineI;
+ end;
+ end; // operowanie
+ // sprawdzanie czy to nowa nuta, czy przedluzenie
+ if S = SMax then begin
+ Nowa := true;
+ // jezeli ostatnia ma ten sam ton
+ if (Player[CP].IlNut > 0 ) and (Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Ton = Sound[CP].Ton)
+ and (Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Start + Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Dlugosc = Czas.AktBeatD)
+ then Nowa := false;
+ // jezeli jest jakas nowa nuta na sprawdzanym beacie
+ for Pet := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[S].HighNut do
+ if (Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Start = Czas.AktBeatD) then
+ Nowa := true;
+ // dodawanie nowej nuty
+ if Nowa then begin
+ // nowa nuta
+ Player[CP].IlNut := Player[CP].IlNut + 1;
+ Player[CP].HighNut := Player[CP].HighNut + 1;
+ SetLength(Player[CP].Nuta, Player[CP].IlNut);
+ Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Start := Czas.AktBeatD;
+ Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Dlugosc := 1;
+ Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Ton := Sound[CP].Ton; // Ton || TonDokl
+ Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Detekt := Czas.MidBeat;
+ // Half Note Patch
+ Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Hit := NoteHit;
+ // Log.LogStatus('Nowa Nuta ' + IntToStr(Gracz.Nuta[Gracz.HighNut].Start), 'NewBeat');
+ end else begin
+ // przedluzenie nuty
+ Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Dlugosc := Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Dlugosc + 1;
+ end;
+ // check for perfect note and then lit the star (on Draw)
+ for Pet := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[S].HighNut do
+ if (Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Start = Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Start)
+ and (Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Dlugosc = Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Dlugosc)
+ and (Czesci[0].Czesc[S].Nuta[Pet].Ton = Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Ton) then begin
+ Player[CP].Nuta[Player[CP].HighNut].Perfect := true;
+ end;
+ end;// else beep; // if S = SMax
+ end; // if moze
+ end; // for CP
+// Log.LogStatus('EndBeat', 'NewBeat');
+//On Sentence End -> For LineBonus + SingBar
+if (sDet >= low(Czesci[0].Czesc)) AND (sDet <= high(Czesci[0].Czesc)) then
+if ((Czesci[0].Czesc[SDet].Nuta[Czesci[0].Czesc[SDet].HighNut].Start + Czesci[0].Czesc[SDet].Nuta[Czesci[0].Czesc[SDet].HighNut].Dlugosc - 1) = Czas.AktBeatD) then
+ Sender.onSentenceEnd(sDet);
+procedure ClearScores(PlayerNum: integer);
+ Player[PlayerNum].Score := 0;
+ Player[PlayerNum].ScoreI := 0;
+ Player[PlayerNum].ScoreLine := 0;
+ Player[PlayerNum].ScoreLineI := 0;
+ Player[PlayerNum].ScoreGolden := 0;
+ Player[PlayerNum].ScoreGoldenI := 0;
+ Player[PlayerNum].ScoreTotalI := 0;
+// Function sets all Absolute Paths e.g. Song Path and makes sure the Directorys exist
+procedure InitializePaths;
+ // Initialize a Path Variable
+ // After Setting Paths, make sure that Paths exist
+ function initialize_path( out aPathVar : String; const aLocation : String ): boolean;
+ var
+ lWriteable: Boolean;
+ lAttrib : integer;
+ begin
+ lWriteable := false;
+ aPathVar := aLocation;
+ // Make sure the directory is needex
+ ForceDirectories(aPathVar);
+ If DirectoryExists(aPathVar) then
+ begin
+ lAttrib := fileGetAttr('C:Temp');
+ lWriteable := ( lAttrib and faDirectory <> 0 ) AND
+ NOT ( lAttrib and faReadOnly <> 0 )
+ end;
+ if not lWriteable then
+ Log.LogError('Error: Dir ('+ aLocation +') is Readonly');
+ result := lWriteable;
+ end;
+ GamePath := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
+ initialize_path( LogPath , GamePath );
+ initialize_path( SoundPath , GamePath + 'Sounds' + PathDelim );
+ initialize_path( SongPath , GamePath + 'Songs' + PathDelim );
+ initialize_path( ThemePath , GamePath + 'Themes' + PathDelim );
+ initialize_path( ScreenshotsPath , GamePath + 'Screenshots' + PathDelim );
+ initialize_path( CoversPath , GamePath + 'Covers' + PathDelim );
+ initialize_path( LanguagesPath , GamePath + 'Languages' + PathDelim );
+ initialize_path( PluginPath , GamePath + 'Plugins' + PathDelim );
+ initialize_path( PlaylistPath , GamePath + 'Playlists' + PathDelim );
+ DecimalSeparator := ',';
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UMusic.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UMusic.pas
index b9f93b29..b3729e69 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UMusic.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UMusic.pas
@@ -1,735 +1,738 @@
-unit UMusic;
-{$I switches.inc}
- {$MODE Delphi}
-uses Classes,
- {$IFDEF win32}
- windows,
- {$ENDIF}
- UCommon,
- Messages,
- SysUtils,
- Forms,
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- bass,
- {$ENDIF}
- ULog,
- USongs;
-procedure InitializeSound;
- TSoundCard = record
- Name: string;
- Source: array of string;
- end;
- TFFTData = array [0..256] of Single;
- TCustomSoundEntry = record
- Filename : String;
- Handle : hStream;
- end;
- TMusic = class
- private
- BassStart: hStream; // Wait, I've replaced this with BASS
- BassBack: hStream; // It has almost all features we need
- BassSwoosh: hStream;
- BassChange: hStream; // Almost? It aleady has them all :)
- BassOption: hStream;
- BassClick: hStream;
- BassDrum: hStream;
- BassHihat: hStream;
- BassClap: hStream;
- BassShuffle: hStream;
- //Custom Sounds
- CustomSounds: array of TCustomSoundEntry;
- Loaded: boolean;
- Loop: boolean;
- public
- Bass: hStream;
- procedure InitializePlayback;
- procedure InitializeRecord;
- procedure SetVolume(Volume: integer);
- procedure SetMusicVolume(Volume: integer);
- procedure SetLoop(Enabled: boolean);
- function Open(Name: string): boolean; // true if succeed
- procedure Rewind;
- procedure MoveTo(Time: real);
- procedure Play;
- procedure Pause; //Pause Mod
- procedure Stop;
- procedure Close;
- function Finished: boolean;
- function Length: real;
- function Position: real;
- procedure PlayStart;
- procedure PlayBack;
- procedure PlaySwoosh;
- procedure PlayChange;
- procedure PlayOption;
- procedure PlayClick;
- procedure PlayDrum;
- procedure PlayHihat;
- procedure PlayClap;
- procedure PlayShuffle;
- procedure StopShuffle;
- procedure CaptureStart;
- procedure CaptureStop;
- procedure CaptureCard(RecordI, PlayerLeft, PlayerRight: byte);
- procedure StopCard(Card: byte);
- function LoadSoundFromFile(var hStream: hStream; Name: string): boolean;
- //Equalizer
- function GetFFTData: TFFTData;
- //Custom Sounds
- function LoadCustomSound(const Filename: String): Cardinal;
- procedure PlayCustomSound(const Index: Cardinal);
- RecordSystem = 1;
- TMuzyka = record
- Path: string;
- Start: integer; // start of song in ms
- IlNut: integer;
- DlugoscNut: integer;
- end;
- PLine = ^TLine;
- TLine = record
- Start: integer;
- StartNote: integer;
- Lyric: string;
- LyricWidth: real;
- Koniec: integer;
- BaseNote: integer;
- HighNut: integer;
- IlNut: integer;
- TotalNotes: integer;
- Nuta: array of record
- Color: integer;
- Start: integer;
- Dlugosc: integer;
- Ton: integer;
- TonGamy: integer;
- Tekst: string;
- FreeStyle: boolean;
- Wartosc: integer; // zwykla nuta x1, zlota nuta x2
- end;
- end;
- ALine = array of TLine;
- TCzesci = record
- Akt: integer; // aktualna czesc utworu do rysowania
- High: integer;
- Ilosc: integer;
- Resolution: integer;
- NotesGAP: integer;
- Wartosc: integer;
- Czesc: ALine;
- end;
- TCzas = record // wszystko, co dotyczy aktualnej klatki
- OldBeat: integer; // poprzednio wykryty beat w utworze
- AktBeat: integer; // aktualny beat w utworze
- MidBeat: real; // dokladny AktBeat
- // now we use this for super synchronization!
- // only used when analyzing voice
- OldBeatD: integer; // poprzednio wykryty beat w utworze
- AktBeatD: integer; // aktualny beat w utworze
- MidBeatD: real; // dokladny AktBeatD
- FracBeatD: real; // fractional part of MidBeatD
- // we use this for audiable clicks
- OldBeatC: integer; // poprzednio wykryty beat w utworze
- AktBeatC: integer; // aktualny beat w utworze
- MidBeatC: real; // dokladny AktBeatC
- FracBeatC: real; // fractional part of MidBeatC
- OldCzesc: integer; // poprzednio wyswietlana czesc
- // akt jest w czesci.akt
- Teraz: real; // aktualny czas w utworze
- Razem: real; // caly czas utworu
- end;
- Music: TMusic;
- // muzyka
- Muzyka: TMuzyka;
- // czesci z nutami;
- Czesci: array of TCzesci;
- // czas
- Czas: TCzas;
- fHWND: Thandle;
- TMPModes = (mpNotReady, mpStopped, mpPlaying, mpRecording, mpSeeking,
- mpPaused, mpOpen);
- ModeStr: array[TMPModes] of string = ('Not ready', 'Stopped', 'Playing', 'Recording', 'Seeking', 'Paused', 'Open');
- lclintf,
- {$ENDIF}
- UGraphic,
- URecord,
- UFiles,
- UIni,
- UMain,
- UThemes;
-procedure InitializeSound;
- Log.LogStatus('Initializing Playback', 'InitializeSound'); Music.InitializePlayback;
- Log.LogStatus('Initializing Record', 'InitializeSound'); Music.InitializeRecord;
-procedure TMusic.InitializePlayback;
- Pet: integer;
- S: integer;
- Log.BenchmarkStart(4);
- Log.LogStatus('Initializing Playback Subsystem', 'Music Initialize');
- Loaded := false;
- Loop := false;
- fHWND := AllocateHWND( nil); // TODO : JB_lazarus - can we do something different here ?? lazarus didnt like this function
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- if not BASS_Init(1, 44100, 0, fHWND, nil) then
- begin
- // TODO : JB_linux find a way to do this nice..
- Application.MessageBox ('Could not initialize BASS', 'Error');
- {$ENDIF}
- Exit;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(4); Log.LogBenchmark('--> Bass Init', 4);
- // config playing buffer
-// BASS_SetConfig(BASS_CONFIG_BUFFER, 100);
- Log.LogStatus('Loading Sounds', 'Music Initialize');
- Log.BenchmarkStart(4);
- LoadSoundFromFile(BassStart, SoundPath + 'Common Start.mp3');
- LoadSoundFromFile(BassBack, SoundPath + 'Common Back.mp3');
- LoadSoundFromFile(BassSwoosh, SoundPath + 'menu swoosh.mp3');
- LoadSoundFromFile(BassChange, SoundPath + 'select music change music 50.mp3');
- LoadSoundFromFile(BassOption, SoundPath + 'option change col.mp3');
- LoadSoundFromFile(BassClick, SoundPath + 'rimshot022b.mp3');
-// LoadSoundFromFile(BassDrum, SoundPath + 'bassdrumhard076b.mp3');
-// LoadSoundFromFile(BassHihat, SoundPath + 'hihatclosed068b.mp3');
-// LoadSoundFromFile(BassClap, SoundPath + 'claps050b.mp3');
-// LoadSoundFromFile(BassShuffle, SoundPath + 'Shuffle.mp3');
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(4); Log.LogBenchmark('--> Loading Sounds', 4);
-procedure TMusic.InitializeRecord;
- S: integer;
- device: integer;
- descr: string;
- input: integer;
- input2: integer;
- flags: integer;
- mic: array[0..15] of integer;
- SC: integer; // soundcard
- SCI: integer; // soundcard input
- if RecordSystem = 1 then begin
- SetLength(Sound, 6 {max players});//Ini.Players+1);
- for S := 0 to High(Sound) do begin //Ini.Players do begin
- Sound[S] := TSound.Create;
- Sound[S].Num := S;
- Sound[S].BufferNew := TMemoryStream.Create;
- SetLength(Sound[S].BufferLong, 1);
- Sound[S].BufferLong[0] := TMemoryStream.Create;
- Sound[S].n := 4*1024;
- end;
- // check for recording devices;
- {device := 0;
- descr := BASS_RecordGetDeviceDescription(device);
- SetLength(SoundCard, 0);
- while (descr <> '') do begin
- SC := High(SoundCard) + 1;
- SetLength(SoundCard, SC+1);
- Log.LogAnalyze('Device #'+IntToStr(device)+': '+ descr);
- SoundCard[SC].Description := Descr;
- // check for recording inputs
- mic[device] := -1; // default to no change
- input := 0;
- BASS_RecordInit(device);
- Log.LogAnalyze('Input #' + IntToStr(Input) + ': ' + BASS_RecordGetInputName(input));
- flags := BASS_RecordGetInput(input);
- SetLength(SoundCard[SC].Input, 0);
- while (flags <> -1) do begin
- SCI := High(SoundCard[SC].Input) + 1;
- SetLength(SoundCard[SC].Input, SCI+1);
- Log.LogAnalyze('Input #' + IntToStr(Input) + ': ' + BASS_RecordGetInputName(input));
- SoundCard[SC].Input[SCI].Name := BASS_RecordGetInputName(Input);
- if (flags and BASS_INPUT_TYPE_MASK) = BASS_INPUT_TYPE_MIC then begin
- mic[device] := input; // auto set microphone
- end;
- Inc(Input);
- flags := BASS_RecordGetInput(input);
- end;
- if mic[device] <> -1 then begin
- Log.LogAnalyze('Found the mic at input ' + IntToStr(Mic[device]))
- end else begin
- Log.LogAnalyze('Mic not found');
- mic[device] := 0; // setting to the first one (for kxproject)
- end;
- SoundCard[SC].InputSeleceted := Mic[Device];
- BASS_RecordFree;
- inc(Device);
- descr := BASS_RecordGetDeviceDescription(Device);
- end; // while}
- end; // if
-procedure TMusic.SetVolume(Volume: integer);
- //Old Sets Wave Volume
- //BASS_SetVolume(Volume);
- //New: Sets Volume only for this Application
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.SetMusicVolume(Volume: Integer);
- //Max Volume Prevention
- if Volume > 100 then
- Volume := 100;
- //Set Volume
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelSetAttributes (Bass, -1, Volume, -101);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.SetLoop(Enabled: boolean);
- Loop := Enabled;
-function TMusic.Open(Name: string): boolean;
- Loaded := false;
- if FileExists(Name) then
- begin
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- Bass := Bass_StreamCreateFile(false, pchar(Name), 0, 0, 0);
- {$ENDIF}
- Loaded := true;
- //Set Max Volume
- SetMusicVolume (100);
- end;
- Result := Loaded;
-procedure TMusic.Rewind;
- if Loaded then begin
- end;
-procedure TMusic.MoveTo(Time: real);
- bytes: integer;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- bytes := BASS_ChannelSeconds2Bytes(Bass, Time);
- BASS_ChannelSetPosition(Bass, bytes);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.Play;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- if Loaded then
- begin
- if Loop then
- BASS_ChannelPlay(Bass, True); // start from beginning... actually bass itself does not loop, nor does this TMusic Class
- BASS_ChannelPlay(Bass, False); // for setting position before playing
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.Pause; //Pause Mod
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- if Loaded then begin
- BASS_ChannelPause(Bass); // Pauses Song
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.Stop;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- Bass_ChannelStop(Bass);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.Close;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- Bass_StreamFree(Bass);
- {$ENDIF}
-function TMusic.Length: real;
- bytes: integer;
- Result := 60;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- bytes := BASS_ChannelGetLength(Bass);
- Result := BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(Bass, bytes);
- {$ENDIF}
-function TMusic.Position: real;
- bytes: integer;
- Result := 0;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- bytes := BASS_ChannelGetPosition(BASS);
- Result := BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(BASS, bytes);
- {$ENDIF}
-function TMusic.Finished: boolean;
- Result := false;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- if BASS_ChannelIsActive(BASS) = BASS_ACTIVE_STOPPED then
- begin
- Result := true;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.PlayStart;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelPlay(BassStart, True);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.PlayBack;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelPlay(BassBack, True);// then
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.PlaySwoosh;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelPlay(BassSwoosh, True);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.PlayChange;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelPlay(BassChange, True);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.PlayOption;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelPlay(BassOption, True);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.PlayClick;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelPlay(BassClick, True);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.PlayDrum;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelPlay(BassDrum, True);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.PlayHihat;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelPlay(BassHihat, True);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.PlayClap;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelPlay(BassClap, True);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.PlayShuffle;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelPlay(BassShuffle, True);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.StopShuffle;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelStop(BassShuffle);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.CaptureStart;
- S: integer;
- SC: integer;
- P1: integer;
- P2: integer;
- for S := 0 to High(Sound) do
- Sound[S].BufferLong[0].Clear;
- for SC := 0 to High(Ini.CardList) do begin
- P1 := Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelL;
- P2 := Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelR;
- if P1 > PlayersPlay then P1 := 0;
- if P2 > PlayersPlay then P2 := 0;
- if (P1 > 0) or (P2 > 0) then
- CaptureCard(SC, P1, P2);
- end;
-procedure TMusic.CaptureStop;
- SC: integer;
- P1: integer;
- P2: integer;
- for SC := 0 to High(Ini.CardList) do begin
- P1 := Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelL;
- P2 := Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelR;
- if P1 > PlayersPlay then P1 := 0;
- if P2 > PlayersPlay then P2 := 0;
- if (P1 > 0) or (P2 > 0) then StopCard(SC);
- end;
-//procedure TMusic.CaptureCard(RecordI, SoundNum, PlayerLeft, PlayerRight: byte);
-procedure TMusic.CaptureCard(RecordI, PlayerLeft, PlayerRight: byte);
- Error: integer;
- ErrorMsg: string;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- if not BASS_RecordInit(RecordI) then begin
- Error := BASS_ErrorGetCode;
- ErrorMsg := IntToStr(Error);
- if Error = BASS_ERROR_DX then ErrorMsg := 'No DX5';
- if Error = BASS_ERROR_ALREADY then ErrorMsg := 'The device has already been initialized';
- if Error = BASS_ERROR_DEVICE then ErrorMsg := 'The device number specified is invalid';
- if Error = BASS_ERROR_DRIVER then ErrorMsg := 'There is no available device driver';
- {Log.LogAnalyze('Error initializing record [' + IntToStr(RecordI) + ', '
- + IntToStr(PlayerLeft) + ', '+ IntToStr(PlayerRight) + ']: '
- + ErrorMsg);}
- Log.LogError('Error initializing record [' + IntToStr(RecordI) + ', '
- + IntToStr(PlayerLeft) + ', '+ IntToStr(PlayerRight) + ']: '
- + ErrorMsg);
- Log.LogError('Music -> CaptureCard: Error initializing record: ' + ErrorMsg);
- end
- else
- begin
- Recording.SoundCard[RecordI].BassRecordStream := BASS_RecordStart(44100, 2, MakeLong(0, 20) , @GetMicrophone, PlayerLeft + PlayerRight*256);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.StopCard(Card: byte);
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_RecordSetDevice(Card);
- BASS_RecordFree;
- {$ENDIF}
-function TMusic.LoadSoundFromFile(var hStream: hStream; Name: string): boolean;
- L: Integer;
- if FileExists(Name) then begin
- Log.LogStatus('Loading Sound: "' + Name + '"', 'LoadSoundFromFile');
- try
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- hStream := BASS_StreamCreateFile(False, pchar(Name), 0, 0, 0);
- {$ENDIF}
- //Add CustomSound
- L := High(CustomSounds) + 1;
- SetLength (CustomSounds, L + 1);
- CustomSounds[L].Filename := Name;
- CustomSounds[L].Handle := hStream;
- except
- Log.LogError('Failed to open using BASS', 'LoadSoundFromFile');
- end;
- end else begin
- Log.LogError('Sound not found: "' + Name + '"', 'LoadSoundFromFile');
- exit;
- end;
-function TMusic.GetFFTData: TFFTData;
-Data: TFFTData;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- //Get Channel Data Mono and 256 Values
- BASS_ChannelGetData(Bass, @Result, BASS_DATA_FFT512);
- //Result := Data;
- {$ENDIF}
-function TMusic.LoadCustomSound(const Filename: String): Cardinal;
- S: hStream;
- I: Integer;
- F: String;
- //Search for Sound in already loaded Sounds
- F := UpperCase(SoundPath + FileName);
- For I := 0 to High(CustomSounds) do
- begin
- if (UpperCase(CustomSounds[I].Filename) = F) then
- begin
- Result := I;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- if LoadSoundFromFile(S, SoundPath + Filename) then
- Result := High(CustomSounds)
- else
- Result := 0;
-procedure TMusic.PlayCustomSound(const Index: Cardinal);
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- if Index <= High(CustomSounds) then
- BASS_ChannelPlay(CustomSounds[Index].Handle, True);
- {$ENDIF}
+unit UMusic;
+{$I switches.inc}
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+uses Classes,
+ {$IFDEF win32}
+ windows,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ UCommon,
+ Messages,
+ SysUtils,
+ Forms,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ bass,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ULog,
+ USongs;
+procedure InitializeSound;
+ TSoundCard = record
+ Name: string;
+ Source: array of string;
+ end;
+ TFFTData = array [0..256] of Single;
+ TCustomSoundEntry = record
+ Filename : String;
+ Handle : hStream;
+ end;
+ TMusic = class
+ private
+ BassStart: hStream; // Wait, I've replaced this with BASS
+ BassBack: hStream; // It has almost all features we need
+ BassSwoosh: hStream;
+ BassChange: hStream; // Almost? It aleady has them all :)
+ BassOption: hStream;
+ BassClick: hStream;
+ BassDrum: hStream;
+ BassHihat: hStream;
+ BassClap: hStream;
+ BassShuffle: hStream;
+ //Custom Sounds
+ CustomSounds: array of TCustomSoundEntry;
+ Loaded: boolean;
+ Loop: boolean;
+ public
+ Bass: hStream;
+ procedure InitializePlayback;
+ procedure InitializeRecord;
+ procedure SetVolume(Volume: integer);
+ procedure SetMusicVolume(Volume: integer);
+ procedure SetLoop(Enabled: boolean);
+ function Open(Name: string): boolean; // true if succeed
+ procedure Rewind;
+ procedure MoveTo(Time: real);
+ procedure Play;
+ procedure Pause; //Pause Mod
+ procedure Stop;
+ procedure Close;
+ function Finished: boolean;
+ function Length: real;
+ function Position: real;
+ procedure PlayStart;
+ procedure PlayBack;
+ procedure PlaySwoosh;
+ procedure PlayChange;
+ procedure PlayOption;
+ procedure PlayClick;
+ procedure PlayDrum;
+ procedure PlayHihat;
+ procedure PlayClap;
+ procedure PlayShuffle;
+ procedure StopShuffle;
+ procedure CaptureStart;
+ procedure CaptureStop;
+ procedure CaptureCard(RecordI, PlayerLeft, PlayerRight: byte);
+ procedure StopCard(Card: byte);
+ function LoadSoundFromFile(var hStream: hStream; Name: string): boolean;
+ //Equalizer
+ function GetFFTData: TFFTData;
+ //Custom Sounds
+ function LoadCustomSound(const Filename: String): Cardinal;
+ procedure PlayCustomSound(const Index: Cardinal);
+ RecordSystem = 1;
+ TMuzyka = record
+ Path: string;
+ Start: integer; // start of song in ms
+ IlNut: integer;
+ DlugoscNut: integer;
+ end;
+ PLine = ^TLine;
+ TLine = record
+ Start: integer;
+ StartNote: integer;
+ Lyric: string;
+ LyricWidth: real;
+ Koniec: integer;
+ BaseNote: integer;
+ HighNut: integer;
+ IlNut: integer;
+ TotalNotes: integer;
+ Nuta: array of record
+ Color: integer;
+ Start: integer;
+ Dlugosc: integer;
+ Ton: integer;
+ TonGamy: integer;
+ Tekst: string;
+ FreeStyle: boolean;
+ Wartosc: integer; // zwykla nuta x1, zlota nuta x2
+ end;
+ end;
+ ALine = array of TLine;
+ TCzesci = record
+ Akt: integer; // aktualna czesc utworu do rysowania
+ High: integer;
+ Ilosc: integer;
+ Resolution: integer;
+ NotesGAP: integer;
+ Wartosc: integer;
+ Czesc: ALine;
+ end;
+ TCzas = record // wszystko, co dotyczy aktualnej klatki
+ OldBeat: integer; // poprzednio wykryty beat w utworze
+ AktBeat: integer; // aktualny beat w utworze
+ MidBeat: real; // dokladny AktBeat
+ // now we use this for super synchronization!
+ // only used when analyzing voice
+ OldBeatD: integer; // poprzednio wykryty beat w utworze
+ AktBeatD: integer; // aktualny beat w utworze
+ MidBeatD: real; // dokladny AktBeatD
+ FracBeatD: real; // fractional part of MidBeatD
+ // we use this for audiable clicks
+ OldBeatC: integer; // poprzednio wykryty beat w utworze
+ AktBeatC: integer; // aktualny beat w utworze
+ MidBeatC: real; // dokladny AktBeatC
+ FracBeatC: real; // fractional part of MidBeatC
+ OldCzesc: integer; // poprzednio wyswietlana czesc
+ // akt jest w czesci.akt
+ Teraz: real; // aktualny czas w utworze
+ Razem: real; // caly czas utworu
+ end;
+ Music: TMusic;
+ // muzyka
+ Muzyka: TMuzyka;
+ // czesci z nutami;
+ Czesci: array of TCzesci;
+ // czas
+ Czas: TCzas;
+ fHWND: Thandle;
+ TMPModes = (mpNotReady, mpStopped, mpPlaying, mpRecording, mpSeeking,
+ mpPaused, mpOpen);
+ ModeStr: array[TMPModes] of string = ('Not ready', 'Stopped', 'Playing', 'Recording', 'Seeking', 'Paused', 'Open');
+ lclintf,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ UGraphic,
+ URecord,
+ UFiles,
+ UIni,
+ UMain,
+ UThemes;
+procedure InitializeSound;
+ Log.LogStatus('Initializing Playback', 'InitializeSound'); Music.InitializePlayback;
+ Log.LogStatus('Initializing Record', 'InitializeSound'); Music.InitializeRecord;
+procedure TMusic.InitializePlayback;
+ Pet: integer;
+ S: integer;
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(4);
+ Log.LogStatus('Initializing Playback Subsystem', 'Music Initialize');
+ Loaded := false;
+ Loop := false;
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ // TODO : JB_Linux ... is this needed ? :)
+ fHWND := AllocateHWND( nil); // TODO : JB_lazarus - can we do something different here ?? lazarus didnt like this function
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ if not BASS_Init(1, 44100, 0, fHWND, nil) then
+ begin
+ // TODO : JB_linux find a way to do this nice..
+ Application.MessageBox ('Could not initialize BASS', 'Error');
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(4); Log.LogBenchmark('--> Bass Init', 4);
+ // config playing buffer
+// BASS_SetConfig(BASS_CONFIG_BUFFER, 100);
+ Log.LogStatus('Loading Sounds', 'Music Initialize');
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(4);
+ LoadSoundFromFile(BassStart, SoundPath + 'Common Start.mp3');
+ LoadSoundFromFile(BassBack, SoundPath + 'Common Back.mp3');
+ LoadSoundFromFile(BassSwoosh, SoundPath + 'menu swoosh.mp3');
+ LoadSoundFromFile(BassChange, SoundPath + 'select music change music 50.mp3');
+ LoadSoundFromFile(BassOption, SoundPath + 'option change col.mp3');
+ LoadSoundFromFile(BassClick, SoundPath + 'rimshot022b.mp3');
+// LoadSoundFromFile(BassDrum, SoundPath + 'bassdrumhard076b.mp3');
+// LoadSoundFromFile(BassHihat, SoundPath + 'hihatclosed068b.mp3');
+// LoadSoundFromFile(BassClap, SoundPath + 'claps050b.mp3');
+// LoadSoundFromFile(BassShuffle, SoundPath + 'Shuffle.mp3');
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(4); Log.LogBenchmark('--> Loading Sounds', 4);
+procedure TMusic.InitializeRecord;
+ S: integer;
+ device: integer;
+ descr: string;
+ input: integer;
+ input2: integer;
+ flags: integer;
+ mic: array[0..15] of integer;
+ SC: integer; // soundcard
+ SCI: integer; // soundcard input
+ if RecordSystem = 1 then begin
+ SetLength(Sound, 6 {max players});//Ini.Players+1);
+ for S := 0 to High(Sound) do begin //Ini.Players do begin
+ Sound[S] := TSound.Create;
+ Sound[S].Num := S;
+ Sound[S].BufferNew := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ SetLength(Sound[S].BufferLong, 1);
+ Sound[S].BufferLong[0] := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ Sound[S].n := 4*1024;
+ end;
+ // check for recording devices;
+ {device := 0;
+ descr := BASS_RecordGetDeviceDescription(device);
+ SetLength(SoundCard, 0);
+ while (descr <> '') do begin
+ SC := High(SoundCard) + 1;
+ SetLength(SoundCard, SC+1);
+ Log.LogAnalyze('Device #'+IntToStr(device)+': '+ descr);
+ SoundCard[SC].Description := Descr;
+ // check for recording inputs
+ mic[device] := -1; // default to no change
+ input := 0;
+ BASS_RecordInit(device);
+ Log.LogAnalyze('Input #' + IntToStr(Input) + ': ' + BASS_RecordGetInputName(input));
+ flags := BASS_RecordGetInput(input);
+ SetLength(SoundCard[SC].Input, 0);
+ while (flags <> -1) do begin
+ SCI := High(SoundCard[SC].Input) + 1;
+ SetLength(SoundCard[SC].Input, SCI+1);
+ Log.LogAnalyze('Input #' + IntToStr(Input) + ': ' + BASS_RecordGetInputName(input));
+ SoundCard[SC].Input[SCI].Name := BASS_RecordGetInputName(Input);
+ if (flags and BASS_INPUT_TYPE_MASK) = BASS_INPUT_TYPE_MIC then begin
+ mic[device] := input; // auto set microphone
+ end;
+ Inc(Input);
+ flags := BASS_RecordGetInput(input);
+ end;
+ if mic[device] <> -1 then begin
+ Log.LogAnalyze('Found the mic at input ' + IntToStr(Mic[device]))
+ end else begin
+ Log.LogAnalyze('Mic not found');
+ mic[device] := 0; // setting to the first one (for kxproject)
+ end;
+ SoundCard[SC].InputSeleceted := Mic[Device];
+ BASS_RecordFree;
+ inc(Device);
+ descr := BASS_RecordGetDeviceDescription(Device);
+ end; // while}
+ end; // if
+procedure TMusic.SetVolume(Volume: integer);
+ //Old Sets Wave Volume
+ //BASS_SetVolume(Volume);
+ //New: Sets Volume only for this Application
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic.SetMusicVolume(Volume: Integer);
+ //Max Volume Prevention
+ if Volume > 100 then
+ Volume := 100;
+ //Set Volume
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelSetAttributes (Bass, -1, Volume, -101);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic.SetLoop(Enabled: boolean);
+ Loop := Enabled;
+function TMusic.Open(Name: string): boolean;
+ Loaded := false;
+ if FileExists(Name) then
+ begin
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ Bass := Bass_StreamCreateFile(false, pchar(Name), 0, 0, 0);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Loaded := true;
+ //Set Max Volume
+ SetMusicVolume (100);
+ end;
+ Result := Loaded;
+procedure TMusic.Rewind;
+ if Loaded then begin
+ end;
+procedure TMusic.MoveTo(Time: real);
+ bytes: integer;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ bytes := BASS_ChannelSeconds2Bytes(Bass, Time);
+ BASS_ChannelSetPosition(Bass, bytes);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic.Play;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ if Loaded then
+ begin
+ if Loop then
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(Bass, True); // start from beginning... actually bass itself does not loop, nor does this TMusic Class
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(Bass, False); // for setting position before playing
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic.Pause; //Pause Mod
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ if Loaded then begin
+ BASS_ChannelPause(Bass); // Pauses Song
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic.Stop;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ Bass_ChannelStop(Bass);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic.Close;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ Bass_StreamFree(Bass);
+ {$ENDIF}
+function TMusic.Length: real;
+ bytes: integer;
+ Result := 60;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ bytes := BASS_ChannelGetLength(Bass);
+ Result := BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(Bass, bytes);
+ {$ENDIF}
+function TMusic.Position: real;
+ bytes: integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ bytes := BASS_ChannelGetPosition(BASS);
+ Result := BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(BASS, bytes);
+ {$ENDIF}
+function TMusic.Finished: boolean;
+ Result := false;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ if BASS_ChannelIsActive(BASS) = BASS_ACTIVE_STOPPED then
+ begin
+ Result := true;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic.PlayStart;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(BassStart, True);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic.PlayBack;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(BassBack, True);// then
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic.PlaySwoosh;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(BassSwoosh, True);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic.PlayChange;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(BassChange, True);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic.PlayOption;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(BassOption, True);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic.PlayClick;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(BassClick, True);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic.PlayDrum;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(BassDrum, True);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic.PlayHihat;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(BassHihat, True);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic.PlayClap;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(BassClap, True);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic.PlayShuffle;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(BassShuffle, True);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic.StopShuffle;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelStop(BassShuffle);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic.CaptureStart;
+ S: integer;
+ SC: integer;
+ P1: integer;
+ P2: integer;
+ for S := 0 to High(Sound) do
+ Sound[S].BufferLong[0].Clear;
+ for SC := 0 to High(Ini.CardList) do begin
+ P1 := Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelL;
+ P2 := Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelR;
+ if P1 > PlayersPlay then P1 := 0;
+ if P2 > PlayersPlay then P2 := 0;
+ if (P1 > 0) or (P2 > 0) then
+ CaptureCard(SC, P1, P2);
+ end;
+procedure TMusic.CaptureStop;
+ SC: integer;
+ P1: integer;
+ P2: integer;
+ for SC := 0 to High(Ini.CardList) do begin
+ P1 := Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelL;
+ P2 := Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelR;
+ if P1 > PlayersPlay then P1 := 0;
+ if P2 > PlayersPlay then P2 := 0;
+ if (P1 > 0) or (P2 > 0) then StopCard(SC);
+ end;
+//procedure TMusic.CaptureCard(RecordI, SoundNum, PlayerLeft, PlayerRight: byte);
+procedure TMusic.CaptureCard(RecordI, PlayerLeft, PlayerRight: byte);
+ Error: integer;
+ ErrorMsg: string;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ if not BASS_RecordInit(RecordI) then begin
+ Error := BASS_ErrorGetCode;
+ ErrorMsg := IntToStr(Error);
+ if Error = BASS_ERROR_DX then ErrorMsg := 'No DX5';
+ if Error = BASS_ERROR_ALREADY then ErrorMsg := 'The device has already been initialized';
+ if Error = BASS_ERROR_DEVICE then ErrorMsg := 'The device number specified is invalid';
+ if Error = BASS_ERROR_DRIVER then ErrorMsg := 'There is no available device driver';
+ {Log.LogAnalyze('Error initializing record [' + IntToStr(RecordI) + ', '
+ + IntToStr(PlayerLeft) + ', '+ IntToStr(PlayerRight) + ']: '
+ + ErrorMsg);}
+ Log.LogError('Error initializing record [' + IntToStr(RecordI) + ', '
+ + IntToStr(PlayerLeft) + ', '+ IntToStr(PlayerRight) + ']: '
+ + ErrorMsg);
+ Log.LogError('Music -> CaptureCard: Error initializing record: ' + ErrorMsg);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Recording.SoundCard[RecordI].BassRecordStream := BASS_RecordStart(44100, 2, MakeLong(0, 20) , @GetMicrophone, PlayerLeft + PlayerRight*256);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic.StopCard(Card: byte);
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_RecordSetDevice(Card);
+ BASS_RecordFree;
+ {$ENDIF}
+function TMusic.LoadSoundFromFile(var hStream: hStream; Name: string): boolean;
+ L: Integer;
+ if FileExists(Name) then begin
+ Log.LogStatus('Loading Sound: "' + Name + '"', 'LoadSoundFromFile');
+ try
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ hStream := BASS_StreamCreateFile(False, pchar(Name), 0, 0, 0);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ //Add CustomSound
+ L := High(CustomSounds) + 1;
+ SetLength (CustomSounds, L + 1);
+ CustomSounds[L].Filename := Name;
+ CustomSounds[L].Handle := hStream;
+ except
+ Log.LogError('Failed to open using BASS', 'LoadSoundFromFile');
+ end;
+ end else begin
+ Log.LogError('Sound not found: "' + Name + '"', 'LoadSoundFromFile');
+ exit;
+ end;
+function TMusic.GetFFTData: TFFTData;
+Data: TFFTData;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ //Get Channel Data Mono and 256 Values
+ BASS_ChannelGetData(Bass, @Result, BASS_DATA_FFT512);
+ //Result := Data;
+ {$ENDIF}
+function TMusic.LoadCustomSound(const Filename: String): Cardinal;
+ S: hStream;
+ I: Integer;
+ F: String;
+ //Search for Sound in already loaded Sounds
+ F := UpperCase(SoundPath + FileName);
+ For I := 0 to High(CustomSounds) do
+ begin
+ if (UpperCase(CustomSounds[I].Filename) = F) then
+ begin
+ Result := I;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if LoadSoundFromFile(S, SoundPath + Filename) then
+ Result := High(CustomSounds)
+ else
+ Result := 0;
+procedure TMusic.PlayCustomSound(const Index: Cardinal);
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ if Index <= High(CustomSounds) then
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(CustomSounds[Index].Handle, True);
+ {$ENDIF}
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/USkins.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/USkins.pas
index 7fdbacde..c9d7f2fd 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/USkins.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/USkins.pas
@@ -1,171 +1,174 @@
-unit USkins;
- TSkinTexture = record
- Name: string;
- FileName: string;
- end;
- TSkinEntry = record
- Theme: string;
- Name: string;
- Path: string;
- FileName: string;
- Creator: string; // not used yet
- end;
- TSkin = class
- Skin: array of TSkinEntry;
- SkinTexture: array of TSkinTexture;
- SkinPath: string;
- Color: integer;
- constructor Create;
- procedure LoadList;
- procedure ParseDir(Dir: string);
- procedure LoadHeader(FileName: string);
- procedure LoadSkin(Name: string);
- function GetTextureFileName(TextureName: string): string;
- function GetSkinNumber(Name: string): integer;
- procedure onThemeChange;
- end;
- Skin: TSkin;
-uses IniFiles, Classes, SysUtils, ULog, UIni;
-constructor TSkin.Create;
- LoadList;
-// LoadSkin('Lisek');
-// SkinColor := Color;
-procedure TSkin.LoadList;
- SR: TSearchRec;
-// SR2: TSearchRec;
-// SLen: integer;
- if FindFirst('Skins'+PathDelim+'*', faDirectory, SR) = 0 then begin
- repeat
- if (SR.Name <> '.') and (SR.Name <> '..') then
- ParseDir('Skins'+PathDelim + SR.Name + PathDelim);
- until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
- end; // if
- FindClose(SR);
-procedure TSkin.ParseDir(Dir: string);
- SR: TSearchRec;
-// SLen: integer;
- if FindFirst(Dir + '*.ini', faAnyFile, SR) = 0 then begin
- repeat
- if (SR.Name <> '.') and (SR.Name <> '..') then
- LoadHeader(Dir + SR.Name);
- //Log.LogError(SR.Name);
- until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
- end;
-procedure TSkin.LoadHeader(FileName: string);
- SkinIni: TMemIniFile;
- S: integer;
- SkinIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FileName);
- S := Length(Skin);
- SetLength(Skin, S+1);
- Skin[S].Path := IncludeTrailingBackslash(ExtractFileDir(FileName));
- Skin[S].FileName := ExtractFileName(FileName);
- Skin[S].Theme := SkinIni.ReadString('Skin', 'Theme', '');
- Skin[S].Name := SkinIni.ReadString('Skin', 'Name', '');
- Skin[S].Creator := SkinIni.ReadString('Skin', 'Creator', '');
- SkinIni.Free;
-procedure TSkin.LoadSkin(Name: string);
- SkinIni: TMemIniFile;
- SL: TStringList;
- T: integer;
- S: integer;
- S := GetSkinNumber(Name);
- SkinPath := Skin[S].Path;
- SkinIni := TMemIniFile.Create(SkinPath + Skin[S].FileName);
- SL := TStringList.Create;
- SkinIni.ReadSection('Textures', SL);
- SetLength(SkinTexture, SL.Count);
- for T := 0 to SL.Count-1 do begin
- SkinTexture[T].Name := SL.Strings[T];
- SkinTexture[T].FileName := SkinIni.ReadString('Textures', SL.Strings[T], '');
- end;
- SL.Free;
- SkinIni.Free;
-function TSkin.GetTextureFileName(TextureName: string): string;
- T: integer;
- Result := '';
- for T := 0 to High(SkinTexture) do
- begin
- if ( SkinTexture[T].Name = TextureName ) AND
- ( SkinTexture[T].FileName <> '' ) then
- begin
- Result := SkinPath + SkinTexture[T].FileName;
- end;
- end;
-{ Result := SkinPath + 'Bar.jpg';
- if TextureName = 'Ball' then Result := SkinPath + 'Ball.bmp';
- if Copy(TextureName, 1, 4) = 'Gray' then Result := SkinPath + 'Ball.bmp';
- if Copy(TextureName, 1, 6) = 'NoteBG' then Result := SkinPath + 'Ball.bmp';}
-function TSkin.GetSkinNumber(Name: string): integer;
- S: integer;
- Result := 0; // set default to the first available skin
- for S := 0 to High(Skin) do
- if Skin[S].Name = Name then Result := S;
-procedure TSkin.onThemeChange;
- S: integer;
- Name: String;
- Ini.SkinNo:=0;
- SetLength(ISkin, 0);
- Name := Uppercase(ITheme[Ini.Theme]);
- for S := 0 to High(Skin) do
- if Name = Uppercase(Skin[S].Theme) then begin
- SetLength(ISkin, Length(ISkin)+1);
- ISkin[High(ISkin)] := Skin[S].Name;
- end;
+unit USkins;
+ TSkinTexture = record
+ Name: string;
+ FileName: string;
+ end;
+ TSkinEntry = record
+ Theme: string;
+ Name: string;
+ Path: string;
+ FileName: string;
+ Creator: string; // not used yet
+ end;
+ TSkin = class
+ Skin: array of TSkinEntry;
+ SkinTexture: array of TSkinTexture;
+ SkinPath: string;
+ Color: integer;
+ constructor Create;
+ procedure LoadList;
+ procedure ParseDir(Dir: string);
+ procedure LoadHeader(FileName: string);
+ procedure LoadSkin(Name: string);
+ function GetTextureFileName(TextureName: string): string;
+ function GetSkinNumber(Name: string): integer;
+ procedure onThemeChange;
+ end;
+ Skin: TSkin;
+uses IniFiles, Classes, SysUtils, ULog, UIni;
+constructor TSkin.Create;
+ LoadList;
+// LoadSkin('Lisek');
+// SkinColor := Color;
+procedure TSkin.LoadList;
+ SR: TSearchRec;
+// SR2: TSearchRec;
+// SLen: integer;
+ if FindFirst('Skins'+PathDelim+'*', faDirectory, SR) = 0 then begin
+ repeat
+ if (SR.Name <> '.') and (SR.Name <> '..') then
+ ParseDir('Skins'+PathDelim + SR.Name + PathDelim);
+ until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
+ end; // if
+ FindClose(SR);
+procedure TSkin.ParseDir(Dir: string);
+ SR: TSearchRec;
+// SLen: integer;
+ if FindFirst(Dir + '*.ini', faAnyFile, SR) = 0 then begin
+ repeat
+ if (SR.Name <> '.') and (SR.Name <> '..') then
+ LoadHeader(Dir + SR.Name);
+ //Log.LogError(SR.Name);
+ until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
+ end;
+procedure TSkin.LoadHeader(FileName: string);
+ SkinIni: TMemIniFile;
+ S: integer;
+ SkinIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FileName);
+ S := Length(Skin);
+ SetLength(Skin, S+1);
+ Skin[S].Path := IncludeTrailingBackslash(ExtractFileDir(FileName));
+ Skin[S].FileName := ExtractFileName(FileName);
+ Skin[S].Theme := SkinIni.ReadString('Skin', 'Theme', '');
+ Skin[S].Name := SkinIni.ReadString('Skin', 'Name', '');
+ Skin[S].Creator := SkinIni.ReadString('Skin', 'Creator', '');
+ SkinIni.Free;
+procedure TSkin.LoadSkin(Name: string);
+ SkinIni: TMemIniFile;
+ SL: TStringList;
+ T: integer;
+ S: integer;
+ S := GetSkinNumber(Name);
+ SkinPath := Skin[S].Path;
+ SkinIni := TMemIniFile.Create(SkinPath + Skin[S].FileName);
+ SL := TStringList.Create;
+ SkinIni.ReadSection('Textures', SL);
+ SetLength(SkinTexture, SL.Count);
+ for T := 0 to SL.Count-1 do begin
+ SkinTexture[T].Name := SL.Strings[T];
+ SkinTexture[T].FileName := SkinIni.ReadString('Textures', SL.Strings[T], '');
+ end;
+ SL.Free;
+ SkinIni.Free;
+function TSkin.GetTextureFileName(TextureName: string): string;
+ T: integer;
+ Result := '';
+ for T := 0 to High(SkinTexture) do
+ begin
+ if ( SkinTexture[T].Name = TextureName ) AND
+ ( SkinTexture[T].FileName <> '' ) then
+ begin
+ Result := SkinPath + SkinTexture[T].FileName;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Log.LogStatus('', '-----------------------------------------');
+ Log.LogStatus(TextureName+' - '+ Result, 'TSkin.GetTextureFileName');
+{ Result := SkinPath + 'Bar.jpg';
+ if TextureName = 'Ball' then Result := SkinPath + 'Ball.bmp';
+ if Copy(TextureName, 1, 4) = 'Gray' then Result := SkinPath + 'Ball.bmp';
+ if Copy(TextureName, 1, 6) = 'NoteBG' then Result := SkinPath + 'Ball.bmp';}
+function TSkin.GetSkinNumber(Name: string): integer;
+ S: integer;
+ Result := 0; // set default to the first available skin
+ for S := 0 to High(Skin) do
+ if Skin[S].Name = Name then Result := S;
+procedure TSkin.onThemeChange;
+ S: integer;
+ Name: String;
+ Ini.SkinNo:=0;
+ SetLength(ISkin, 0);
+ Name := Uppercase(ITheme[Ini.Theme]);
+ for S := 0 to High(Skin) do
+ if Name = Uppercase(Skin[S].Theme) then begin
+ SetLength(ISkin, Length(ISkin)+1);
+ ISkin[High(ISkin)] := Skin[S].Name;
+ end;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UTexture.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UTexture.pas
index f5169e8c..173fbd4c 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UTexture.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UTexture.pas
@@ -1,1098 +1,1151 @@
-unit UTexture;
-// added for easier debug disabling
-{$define blindydebug}
-// Plain (alpha = 1)
-// Transparent
-// Colorized
-// obsolete?
-// Transparent Range
-// Font (white is drawn, black is transparent)
-// Font Outline (Font with darker outline)
-// Font Outline 2 (Font with darker outline)
-// Font Black (black is drawn, white is transparent)
-// Font Gray (gray is drawn, white is transparent)
-// Arrow (for arrows, white is white, gray has color, black is transparent);
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses OpenGL12,
- {$IFDEF win32}
- windows,
- {$ENDIF}
- Math,
- Classes,
- SysUtils,
- Graphics,
- UCommon,
- UThemes,
- SDL,
- sdlutils,
- SDL_Image;
- {$IFDEF Win32}
- procedure glGenTextures(n: GLsizei; var textures: GLuint); stdcall; external opengl32;
- {$ELSE}
- {$ifdef darwin}
- const opengl32 = '/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Libraries/libGL.dylib';
- {$ELSE}
- const opengl32 = 'libGL.so' ; // YES Capital GL
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure glGenTextures(n: GLsizei; var textures: GLuint); stdcall; external opengl32;
- {$ENDIF}
- TTexture = record
- TexNum: integer;
- X: real;
- Y: real;
- Z: real; // new
- W: real;
- H: real;
- ScaleW: real; // for dynamic scalling while leaving width constant
- ScaleH: real; // for dynamic scalling while leaving height constant
- Rot: real; // 0 - 2*pi
- Int: real; // intensity
- ColR: real;
- ColG: real;
- ColB: real;
- TexW: real; // used?
- TexH: real; // used?
- TexX1: real;
- TexY1: real;
- TexX2: real;
- TexY2: real;
- Alpha: real;
- Name: string; // 0.5.0: experimental for handling cache images. maybe it's useful for dynamic skins
- end;
- TTextureEntry = record
- Name: string;
- Typ: string;
- // we use normal TTexture, it's easier to implement and if needed - we copy ready data
- Texture: TTexture;
- TextureCache: TTexture; // 0.5.0
- end;
- TTextureDatabase = record
- Texture: array of TTextureEntry;
- end;
- TTextureUnit = class
- private
- function LoadImage(Identifier: PChar): PSDL_Surface;
- function pixfmt_eq(fmt1,fmt2: PSDL_Pixelformat): boolean;
- procedure AdjustPixelFormat(var TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; Typ: PChar);
- function GetScaledTexture(TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; W,H: Cardinal): PSDL_Surface;
- procedure ScaleTexture(var TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; W,H: Cardinal);
- procedure FitTexture(var TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; W,H: Cardinal);
- procedure ColorizeTexture(TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; Col: Cardinal);
- public
- Limit: integer;
- CreateCacheMipmap: boolean;
-// function GetNumberFor
- function GetTexture(Name, Typ: string): TTexture; overload;
- function GetTexture(Name, Typ: string; FromCache: boolean): TTexture; overload;
- function FindTexture(Name: string): integer;
- function LoadTexture(FromRegistry: boolean; Identifier, Format, Typ: PChar; Col: LongWord): TTexture; overload;
- function LoadTexture(Identifier, Format, Typ: PChar; Col: LongWord): TTexture; overload;
- function LoadTexture(Identifier: string): TTexture; overload;
- function CreateTexture(var Data: array of byte; Name: string; W, H: word; Bits: byte): TTexture;
- procedure UnloadTexture(Name: string; FromCache: boolean);
- Constructor Create;
- Destructor Destroy;
- end;
- Texture: TTextureUnit;
- TextureDatabase: TTextureDatabase;
- // this should be in UDisplay?!
- PrintScreenData: array[0..1024*768-1] of longword;
- ActTex: GLuint;//integer;
-// TextureD8: array[1..1024*1024] of byte; // 1MB
- TextureD16: array[1..1024*1024, 1..2] of byte; // luminance/alpha tex (2MB)
-// TextureD24: array[1..1024*1024, 1..3] of byte; // normal 24-bit tex (3MB)
-// TextureD242: array[1..512*512, 1..3] of byte; // normal 24-bit tex (0,75MB)
-// TextureD32: array[1..1024*1024, 1..4] of byte; // transparent 32-bit tex (4MB)
- // total 40MB at 2048*2048
- // total 10MB at 1024*1024
- Mipmapping: Boolean;
- CacheMipmap: array[0..256*256*3-1] of byte; // 3KB
- CacheMipmapSurface: PSDL_Surface;
-uses ULog,
- DateUtils,
- UCovers,
- LResources,
- {$ENDIF}
- StrUtils, dialogs;
- fmt_rgba: TSDL_Pixelformat=(palette: nil;
- BitsPerPixel: 32;
- BytesPerPixel: 4;
- Rloss: 0;
- Gloss: 0;
- Bloss: 0;
- Aloss: 0;
- Rshift: 0;
- Gshift: 8;
- Bshift: 16;
- Ashift: 24;
- Rmask: $000000ff;
- Gmask: $0000ff00;
- Bmask: $00ff0000;
- Amask: $ff000000;
- ColorKey: 0;
- Alpha: 255);
- fmt_rgb: TSDL_Pixelformat=( palette: nil;
- BitsPerPixel: 24;
- BytesPerPixel: 3;
- Rloss: 0;
- Gloss: 0;
- Bloss: 0;
- Aloss: 0;
- Rshift: 0;
- Gshift: 8;
- Bshift: 16;
- Ashift: 0;
- Rmask: $000000ff;
- Gmask: $0000ff00;
- Bmask: $00ff0000;
- Amask: $00000000;
- ColorKey: 0;
- Alpha: 255);
-Constructor TTextureUnit.Create;
- inherited Create;
-Destructor TTextureUnit.Destroy;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TTextureUnit.pixfmt_eq(fmt1,fmt2: PSDL_Pixelformat): boolean;
- if (fmt1^.BitsPerPixel = fmt2^.BitsPerPixel) and
- (fmt1^.BytesPerPixel = fmt2^.BytesPerPixel) and
- (fmt1^.Rloss = fmt2^.Rloss) and (fmt1^.Gloss = fmt2^.Gloss) and
- (fmt1^.Bloss = fmt2^.Bloss) and (fmt1^.Rmask = fmt2^.Rmask) and
- (fmt1^.Gmask = fmt2^.Gmask) and (fmt1^.Bmask = fmt2^.Bmask) and
- (fmt1^.Rshift = fmt2^.Rshift) and (fmt1^.Gshift = fmt2^.Gshift) and
- (fmt1^.Bshift = fmt2^.Bshift)
- then
- Result:=True
- else
- Result:=False;
-// +++++++++++++++++++++ helpers for loadimage +++++++++++++++
- function SdlStreamSeek( context : PSDL_RWops; offset : Integer; whence : Integer ) : integer; cdecl;
- var
- stream : TStream;
- origin : Word;
- begin
- stream := TStream( context.unknown );
- if ( stream = nil ) then
- raise EInvalidContainer.Create( 'SDLStreamSeek on nil' );
- case whence of
- 0 : origin := soFromBeginning; // Offset is from the beginning of the resource. Seek moves to the position Offset. Offset must be >= 0.
- 1 : origin := soFromCurrent; // Offset is from the current position in the resource. Seek moves to Position + Offset.
- 2 : origin := soFromEnd;
- else
- origin := soFromBeginning; // just in case
- end;
- Result := stream.Seek( offset, origin );
- end;
- function SdlStreamRead( context : PSDL_RWops; Ptr : Pointer; size : Integer; maxnum: Integer ) : Integer; cdecl;
- var
- stream : TStream;
- begin
- stream := TStream( context.unknown );
- if ( stream = nil ) then
- raise EInvalidContainer.Create( 'SDLStreamRead on nil' );
- try
- Result := stream.read( Ptr^, Size * maxnum ) div size;
- except
- Result := -1;
- end;
- end;
- function SDLStreamClose( context : PSDL_RWops ) : Integer; cdecl;
- var
- stream : TStream;
- begin
- stream := TStream( context.unknown );
- if ( stream = nil ) then
- raise EInvalidContainer.Create( 'SDLStreamClose on nil' );
- stream.Free;
- Result := 1;
- end;
-// -----------------------------------------------
-function TTextureUnit.LoadImage(Identifier: PChar): PSDL_Surface;
- TexRWops: PSDL_RWops;
- dHandle: THandle;
- lLazRes : TLResource;
- lResData : TStringStream;
- {$ELSE}
- TexStream: TStream;
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := nil;
- TexRWops := nil;
-// Log.LogStatus( Identifier, 'LoadImage' );
- if ( FileExists(Identifier) ) then
- begin
- // load from file
- Log.LogStatus( 'Is File', ' LoadImage' );
- try
- Result:=IMG_Load(Identifier);
- except
- Log.LogStatus( 'ERROR Could not load from file' , Identifier);
- beep;
- Exit;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- Log.LogStatus( 'IS Resource', ' LoadImage' );
- // load from resource stream
- dHandle := FindResource(hInstance, Identifier, 'TEX');
- if dHandle=0 then
- begin
- Log.LogStatus( 'ERROR Could not find resource' , ' '+ Identifier);
- beep;
- Exit;
- end;
- TexStream := nil;
- try
- TexStream := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, Identifier, 'TEX');
- except
- Log.LogStatus( 'ERROR Could not load from resource' , Identifier);
- beep;
- Exit;
- end;
- try
- TexStream.position := 0;
- try
- TexRWops := SDL_AllocRW;
- TexRWops.unknown := TUnknown(TexStream);
- TexRWops.seek := SDLStreamSeek;
- TexRWops.read := SDLStreamRead;
- TexRWops.write := nil;
- TexRWops.close := SDLStreamClose;
- TexRWops.type_ := 2;
- except
- Log.LogStatus( 'ERROR Could not assign resource' , Identifier);
- beep;
- Exit;
- end;
- Log.LogStatus( 'resource Assigned....' , Identifier);
- Result:=IMG_Load_RW(TexRWops,0);
- SDL_FreeRW(TexRWops);
- finally
- if assigned( TexStream ) then
- freeandnil( TexStream );
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- lLazRes := LazFindResource( Identifier, 'TEX' );
- if lLazRes <> nil then
- begin
- lResData := TStringStream.create( lLazRes.value );
- try
- lResData.position := 0;
- try
- TexRWops := SDL_AllocRW;
- TexRWops.unknown := TUnknown( lResData );
- TexRWops.seek := SDLStreamSeek;
- TexRWops.read := SDLStreamRead;
- TexRWops.write := nil;
- TexRWops.close := SDLStreamClose;
- TexRWops.type_ := 2;
- except
- Log.LogStatus( 'ERROR Could not assign resource' , Identifier);
- beep;
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := IMG_Load_RW(TexRWops,0);
- SDL_FreeRW(TexRWops);
- finally
- freeandnil( lResData );
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- Log.LogStatus( 'NOT found in Resource', ' LoadImage' );
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
-procedure TTextureUnit.AdjustPixelFormat(var TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; Typ: PChar);
- TempSurface: PSDL_Surface;
- NeededPixFmt: PSDL_Pixelformat;
- NeededPixFmt:=@fmt_rgba;
- if Typ= 'Plain' then NeededPixFmt:=@fmt_rgb
- else
- if (Typ='Transparent') or
- (Typ='Colorized')
- then NeededPixFmt:=@fmt_rgba
- else
- NeededPixFmt:=@fmt_rgb;
- if not pixfmt_eq(TexSurface^.format, NeededPixFmt) then
- begin
- TempSurface:=TexSurface;
- TexSurface:=SDL_ConvertSurface(TempSurface,NeededPixFmt,SDL_SWSURFACE);
- SDL_FreeSurface(TempSurface);
- end;
-function TTextureUnit.GetScaledTexture(TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; W,H: Cardinal): PSDL_Surface;
- TempSurface: PSDL_Surface;
- TempSurface:=TexSurface;
- Result:=SDL_ScaleSurfaceRect(TempSurface,
- 0,0,TempSurface^.W,TempSurface^.H,
- W,H);
-procedure TTextureUnit.ScaleTexture(var TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; W,H: Cardinal);
- TempSurface: PSDL_Surface;
- TempSurface:=TexSurface;
- TexSurface:=SDL_ScaleSurfaceRect(TempSurface,
- 0,0,TempSurface^.W,TempSurface^.H,
- W,H);
- SDL_FreeSurface(TempSurface);
-procedure TTextureUnit.FitTexture(var TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; W,H: Cardinal);
- TempSurface: PSDL_Surface;
- TempSurface:=TexSurface;
- with TempSurface^.format^ do
- TexSurface:=SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,W,H,BitsPerPixel,RMask, GMask, BMask, AMask);
- SDL_SetAlpha(TexSurface, 0, 255);
- SDL_SetAlpha(TempSurface, 0, 255);
- SDL_BlitSurface(TempSurface,nil,TexSurface,nil);
- SDL_FreeSurface(TempSurface);
-procedure TTextureUnit.ColorizeTexture(TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; Col: Cardinal);
- //returns hue within range [0.0-6.0)
- function col2h(Color:Cardinal):double;
- var
- clr,hls: array[0..2] of double;
- delta: double;
- begin
- clr[0]:=((Color and $ff0000) shr 16)/255;
- clr[1]:=((Color and $ff00) shr 8)/255;
- clr[2]:=(Color and $ff)/255;
- hls[1]:=maxvalue(clr);
- delta:=hls[1]-minvalue(clr);
- if clr[0]=hls[1] then hls[0]:=(clr[1]-clr[2])/delta
- else if clr[1]=hls[1] then hls[0]:=2.0+(clr[2]-clr[0])/delta
- else if clr[2]=hls[1] then hls[0]:=4.0+(clr[0]-clr[1])/delta;
- if hls[0]<0.0 then hls[0]:=hls[0]+6.0;
- if hls[0]=6.0 then hls[0]:=0.0;
- col2h:=hls[0];
- end;
- procedure ColorizePixel(Pix: PByteArray; hue: Double);
- var
- i,j,k: Cardinal;
- clr, hls: array[0..2] of Double;
- delta, f, p, q, t: Double;
- begin
- hls[0]:=hue;
- clr[0] := Pix[0]/255;
- clr[1] := Pix[1]/255;
- clr[2] := Pix[2]/255;
- //calculate luminance and saturation from rgb
- hls[1] := maxvalue(clr); //l:=...
- delta := hls[1] - minvalue(clr);
- if hls[1] = 0.0 then
- hls[2] := 0.0
- else
- hls[2] := delta/hls[1]; //v:=...
- // calc new rgb from our hls (h from color, l ans s from pixel)
- // if (hls[1]<>0.0) and (hls[2]<>0.0) then // only if colorizing makes sense
- begin
- k:=trunc(hls[0]);
- f:=hls[0]-k;
- p:=hls[1]*(1.0-hls[2]);
- q:=hls[1]*(1.0-(hls[2]*f));
- t:=hls[1]*(1.0-(hls[2]*(1.0-f)));
- case k of
- 0: begin clr[0]:=hls[1]; clr[1]:=t; clr[2]:=p; end;
- 1: begin clr[0]:=q; clr[1]:=hls[1]; clr[2]:=p; end;
- 2: begin clr[0]:=p; clr[1]:=hls[1]; clr[2]:=t; end;
- 3: begin clr[0]:=p; clr[1]:=q; clr[2]:=hls[1]; end;
- 4: begin clr[0]:=t; clr[1]:=p; clr[2]:=hls[1]; end;
- 5: begin clr[0]:=hls[1]; clr[1]:=p; clr[2]:=q; end;
- end;
- // and store new rgb back into the image
- Pix[0]:=floor(255*clr[0]);
- Pix[1]:=floor(255*clr[1]);
- Pix[2]:=floor(255*clr[2]);
- end;
- end;
- DestinationHue: Double;
- PixelIndex: Cardinal;
- DestinationHue:=col2h(Col);
- for PixelIndex:=0 to (TexSurface^.W*TexSurface^.H -1) do
- ColorizePixel(@(PByteArray(TexSurface^.Pixels)[PixelIndex*TexSurface^.format.BytesPerPixel]),DestinationHue);
-function TTextureUnit.LoadTexture(FromRegistry: boolean; Identifier, Format, Typ: PChar; Col: LongWord): TTexture;
- TexSurface: PSDL_Surface;
- MipmapSurface: PSDL_Surface;
- newWidth, newHeight: Cardinal;
- oldWidth, oldHeight: Cardinal;
- kopierindex: Cardinal;
- Log.BenchmarkStart(4);
- Mipmapping := true;
- Log.LogStatus( '', '' );
- if Identifier = nil then
- Log.LogStatus(' ERROR unknown Identifier', 'Id:'''+Identifier+''' Fmt:'''+Format+''' Typ:'''+Typ+'''')
- else
- Log.LogStatus(' should be ok - trying to load', 'Id:'''+Identifier+''' Fmt:'''+Format+''' Typ:'''+Typ+'''');
- // load texture data into memory
- {$ifdef blindydebug}
- Log.LogStatus('',' LoadImage('''+Identifier+''') (called by '+Format+')');
- {$endif}
- TexSurface := LoadImage(Identifier);
- {$ifdef blindydebug}
- Log.LogStatus('',' ok');
- {$endif}
- if not assigned(TexSurface) then
- begin
- Log.LogStatus( 'ERROR Could not load texture' , Identifier +' '+ Format +' '+ Typ );
- beep;
- Exit;
- end;
- // convert pixel format as needed
- {$ifdef blindydebug}
- Log.LogStatus('',' AdjustPixelFormat');
- {$endif}
- AdjustPixelFormat(TexSurface, Typ);
- {$ifdef blindydebug}
- Log.LogStatus('',' ok');
- {$endif}
- // adjust texture size (scale down, if necessary)
- newWidth:=TexSurface.W;
- newHeight:=TexSurface.H;
- if (newWidth > Limit) then
- newWidth:=Limit;
- if (newHeight > Limit) then
- newHeight:=Limit;
- if (TexSurface.W > newWidth) or (TexSurface.H > newHeight) then
- begin
- {$ifdef blindydebug}
- Log.LogStatus('',' ScaleTexture');
- {$endif}
- ScaleTexture(TexSurface,newWidth,newHeight);
- {$ifdef blindydebug}
- Log.LogStatus('',' ok');
- {$endif}
- end;
- // don't actually understand, if this is needed...
- // this should definately be changed... together with all this
- // cover cache stuff
- if (CreateCacheMipmap) and (Typ='Plain') then
- begin
- if (Covers.W <= 256) and (Covers.H <= 256) then
- begin
- {$ifdef blindydebug}
- Log.LogStatus('',' GetScaledTexture('''+inttostr(Covers.W)+''','''+inttostr(Covers.H)+''') (for CacheMipmap)');
- {$endif}
- MipmapSurface:=GetScaledTexture(TexSurface,Covers.W, Covers.H);
- if assigned(MipmapSurface) then
- begin
- {$ifdef blindydebug}
- Log.LogStatus('',' ok');
- Log.LogStatus('',' BlitSurface Stuff');
- {$endif}
- // creating and freeing the surface could be done once, if Cover.W and Cover.H don't change
- CacheMipmapSurface:=SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(@CacheMipmap[0], Covers.W, Covers.H, 24, Covers.W*3, $000000ff, $0000ff00, $00ff0000, 0);
- SDL_BlitSurface(MipMapSurface,nil,CacheMipmapSurface,nil);
- SDL_FreeSurface(CacheMipmapSurface);
- {$ifdef blindydebug}
- Log.LogStatus('',' ok');
- Log.LogStatus('',' SDL_FreeSurface (CacheMipmap)');
- {$endif}
- SDL_FreeSurface(MipmapSurface);
- {$ifdef blindydebug}
- Log.LogStatus('',' ok');
- {$endif}
- end
- else
- begin
- Log.LogStatus(' Error creating CacheMipmap',' LoadTexture('''+Identifier+''')');
- end;
- end;
- // should i create a cache texture, if Covers.W/H are larger?
- end;
- // now we might colorize the whole thing
- if Typ='Colorized' then ColorizeTexture(TexSurface,Col);
- // save actual dimensions of our texture
- oldWidth:=newWidth;
- oldHeight:=newHeight;
- // make texture dimensions be powers of 2
- newWidth:=Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(newWidth))));
- newHeight:=Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(newHeight))));
- if (newHeight <> oldHeight) or (newWidth <> oldWidth) then
- FitTexture(TexSurface,newWidth,newHeight);
- // at this point we have the image in memory...
- // scaled to be at most 1024x1024 pixels large
- // scaled so that dimensions are powers of 2
- // and converted to either RGB or RGBA
- // if we got a Texture of Type Plain, Transparent or Colorized,
- // then we're done manipulating it
- // and could now create our openGL texture from it
- // prepare OpenGL texture
- glGenTextures(1, ActTex);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ActTex);
- // load data into gl texture
- if (Typ = 'Transparent') or (Typ='Colorized') then begin
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, newWidth, newHeight, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, TexSurface.pixels);
- end
- {if Typ = 'Plain' then} else
- begin
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, newWidth, newHeight, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, TexSurface.pixels);
- end;
- if Typ = 'Transparent Range' then
- // set alpha to 256-green-component (not sure)
- Pix := TextureB.Canvas.Pixels[Position2, Position];
- TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 1] := Pix;
- TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 2] := Pix div 256;
- TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 3] := Pix div (256*256);
- TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 4] := 256 - Pix div 256;
- if Typ = 'Font' then
- // either create luminance-alpha texture
- // or use transparency from differently saved file
- // or do something totally different (text engine with ttf)
- Pix := PPix[Position2 * 3];
- TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := 255;
- TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := Pix;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 2, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD16);
- if Typ = 'Font Outline' then
- // no idea...
- begin
- TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
- for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
- PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
- for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
- Pix := PPix[Position2 * 3];
- Col := Pix;
- if Col < 127 then Col := 127;
- TempA := Pix;
- if TempA >= 95 then TempA := 255;
- if TempA >= 31 then TempA := 255;
- if Pix < 95 then TempA := (Pix * 256) div 96;
- TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := Col;
- TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := TempA;
- end;
- end;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 2, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD16);
- end;
- if Typ = 'Font Outline 2' then
- // same as above
- begin
- TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
- for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
- PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
- for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
- Pix := PPix[Position2 * 3];
- Col := Pix;
- if Col < 31 then Col := 31;
- TempA := Pix;
- if TempA >= 31 then TempA := 255;
- if Pix < 31 then TempA := Pix * (256 div 32);
- TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := Col;
- TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := TempA;
- end;
- end;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 2, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD16);
- if Mipmapping then begin
- Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 2, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD16);
- if Error > 0 then beep;
- end;
- end;
- if Typ = 'Font Black' then
- // and so on
- begin
- // normalnie 0,125s bez niczego 0,015s - 0,030s z pix 0,125s <-- ???
- // dimensions
- TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
- TexOrigW := TextureB.Width;
- TexOrigH := TextureB.Height;
- TexNewW := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigW))));
- TexNewH := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigH))));
- TextureB.Width := TexNewW;
- TextureB.Height := TexNewH;
- // copy and process pixeldata
- for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
- PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
- for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
- Pix := PPix[Position2*3];
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := 255;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := 255;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := 255;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 4] := 255 - (Pix mod 256);
- end;
- end;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
- end;
- if Typ = 'Alpha Black Colored' then
- // ... hope, noone needs this
- begin
- TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
- TexOrigW := TextureB.Width;
- TexOrigH := TextureB.Height;
- TexNewW := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigW))));
- TexNewH := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigH))));
- TextureB.Width := TexNewW;
- TextureB.Height := TexNewH;
- // copy and process pixeldata
- for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
- PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
- for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
- Pix := PPix[Position2*3];
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := (Col div $10000) and $FF;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := (Col div $100) and $FF;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := Col and $FF;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 4] := 255 - (Pix mod 256);
- end;
- end;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
- end;
- if Typ = 'Font Gray' then
- begin
- // dimensions
- TexOrigW := TextureB.Width;
- TexOrigH := TextureB.Height;
- TexNewW := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigW))));
- TexNewH := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigH))));
- TextureB.Width := TexNewW;
- TextureB.Height := TexNewH;
- // copy and process pixeldata
- for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
- for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
- Pix := TextureB.Canvas.Pixels[Position2, Position];
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := 127;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := 127;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := 127;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 4] := 255 - (Pix mod 256);
- end;
- end;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
- end;
- if Typ = 'Arrow' then
- begin
- TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
- for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
- PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
- for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
- Pix := PPix[Position2 * 3];
- // transparency
- if Pix >= 127 then TempA := 255;
- if Pix < 127 then TempA := Pix * 2;
- // ColInt = color intensity
- if Pix < 127 then ColInt := 1;
- if Pix >= 127 then ColInt := 2 - Pix / 128;
- //0.75, 0.6, 0.25
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := Round(ColInt * 0.75 * 255 + (1 - ColInt) * 255);
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := Round(ColInt * 0.6 * 255 + (1 - ColInt) * 255);
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := Round(ColInt * 0.25 * 255 + (1 - ColInt) * 255);
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 4] := TempA;
- end;
- end;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
- if Mipmapping then begin
- Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
- if Error > 0 then beep;
- end;
- end;
- if Typ = 'Note Plain' then
- begin
- for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do
- begin
- PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
- for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do
- begin
- // Skin Patch
- // 0-191= Fade Black to Col, 192= Col, 193-254 Fade Col to White, 255= White
- case PPix[Position2*3] of
- 0..191: Pix := $10000 * ((((Col div $10000) and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf) + $100 * ((((Col div $100) and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf) + (((Col and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf);
- 192: Pix := Col;
- 193..254: Pix := Col + ($10000 * ((($FF - ((Col div $10000) and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4) ) div $FF) + $100 * ((($FF - ((Col div $100) and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4)) div $FF) + ((($FF - (Col and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4)) div $FF));
- 255: Pix := $FFFFFF;
- end;
-// 0.5.0. Original
-// case PPix[Position2*3] of
-// 128: Pix := $10000 * ((Col div $10000) div 2) + $100 * (((Col div $100) and $FF) div 2) + (Col and $FF) div 2;
-// 192: Pix := Col;
-// 255: Pix := $FFFFFF;
-// end;
- TextureD24[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := Pix div $10000;
- TextureD24[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := (Pix div $100) and $FF;
- TextureD24[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := Pix and $FF;
- end;
- end;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD24);
- end;
- if Typ = 'Note Transparent' then
- begin
- for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
- PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
- for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
- TempA := 255;
- //Skin Patch
- // 0= Transparent, 1-191= Fade Black to Col, 192= Col, 193-254 Fade Col to White, 255= White
- case PPix[Position2*3] of
- 0: TempA := 0;
- 1..191: Pix := $10000 * ((((Col div $10000) and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf) + $100 * ((((Col div $100) and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf) + (((Col and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf);
- 192: Pix := Col;
- 193..254: Pix := Col + ($10000 * ((($FF - ((Col div $10000) and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4) ) div $FF) + $100 * ((($FF - ((Col div $100) and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4)) div $FF) + ((($FF - (Col and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4)) div $FF));
- 255: Pix := $FFFFFF;
- end;
-// 0.5.0 Original
-// case PPix[Position2*3] of
-// 0: TempA := 0;
-// 128: Pix := $10000 * ((Col div $10000) div 2) + $100 * (((Col div $100) and $FF) div 2) + (Col and $FF) div 2;
-// 192: Pix := Col;
-// 255: Pix := $FFFFFF;
-// end;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := Pix div $10000;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := (Pix div $100) and $FF;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := Pix and $FF;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 4] := TempA;
- end;
- end;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
- end;
- Result.X := 0;
- Result.Y := 0;
- Result.W := 0;
- Result.H := 0;
- Result.ScaleW := 1;
- Result.ScaleH := 1;
- Result.Rot := 0;
- Result.TexNum := ActTex;
- Result.TexW := oldWidth / newWidth;
- Result.TexH := oldHeight / newHeight;
- Result.Int := 1;
- Result.ColR := 1;
- Result.ColG := 1;
- Result.ColB := 1;
- Result.Alpha := 1;
- // 0.4.2 new test - default use whole texure, taking TexW and TexH as const and changing these
- Result.TexX1 := 0;
- Result.TexY1 := 0;
- Result.TexX2 := 1;
- Result.TexY2 := 1;
- // 0.5.0
- Result.Name := Identifier;
- SDL_FreeSurface(TexSurface);
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(4);
- if Log.BenchmarkTimeLength[4] >= 1 then
- Log.LogBenchmark('**********> Texture Load Time Warning - ' + Format + '/' + Identifier + '/' + Typ, 4);
-function TTextureUnit.GetTexture(Name, Typ: string): TTexture;
- Result := GetTexture(Name, Typ, true);
-function TTextureUnit.GetTexture(Name, Typ: string; FromCache: boolean): TTexture;
- T: integer; // texture
- C: integer; // cover
- Data: array of byte;
- if Name = '' then
- exit;
- // find texture entry
- T := FindTexture(Name);
- if T = -1 then
- begin
- // create texture entry
- T := Length(TextureDatabase.Texture);
- SetLength(TextureDatabase.Texture, T+1);
- TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Name := Name;
- TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Typ := Typ;
- // inform database that no textures have been loaded into memory
- TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture.TexNum := -1;
- TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache.TexNum := -1;
- end;
- // use preloaded texture
- if (not FromCache) or (FromCache and not Covers.CoverExists(Name)) then
- begin
- // use full texture
- if TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture.TexNum = -1 then
- begin
- // load texture
- {$ifdef blindydebug}
- Log.LogStatus('...', 'GetTexture('''+Name+''','''+Typ+''')');
- {$endif}
- TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture := LoadTexture(false, pchar(Name), 'JPG', pchar(Typ), $0);
- {$ifdef blindydebug}
- Log.LogStatus('done',' ');
- {$endif}
- end;
- // use texture
- Result := TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture;
- end;
- if FromCache and Covers.CoverExists(Name) then
- begin
- // use cache texture
- C := Covers.CoverNumber(Name);
- if TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache.TexNum = -1 then
- begin
- // load texture
- Covers.PrepareData(Name);
- TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache := CreateTexture(Covers.Data, Name, Covers.Cover[C].W, Covers.Cover[C].H, 24);
- end;
- // use texture
- Result := TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache;
- end;
-function TTextureUnit.FindTexture(Name: string): integer;
- T: integer; // texture
- Result := -1;
- for T := 0 to high(TextureDatabase.Texture) do
- if TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Name = Name then
- Result := T;
-function TTextureUnit.LoadTexture(Identifier, Format, Typ: PChar; Col: LongWord): TTexture;
- Result := LoadTexture(false, Identifier, Format, Typ, Col);
-function TTextureUnit.LoadTexture(Identifier: string): TTexture;
- Result := LoadTexture(false, pchar(Identifier), 'JPG', 'Plain', 0);
-function TTextureUnit.CreateTexture(var Data: array of byte; Name: string; W, H: word; Bits: byte): TTexture;
- Position: integer;
- Position2: integer;
- Pix: integer;
- ColInt: real;
- PPix: PByteArray;
- TempA: integer;
- Error: integer;
- Mipmapping := false;
- glGenTextures(1, ActTex); // ActText = new texture number
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ActTex);
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, W, H, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @Data[0]);
- if Mipmapping then begin
- Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 3, W, H, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @Data[0]);
- if Error > 0 then beep;
- end;
- Result.X := 0;
- Result.Y := 0;
- Result.W := 0;
- Result.H := 0;
- Result.ScaleW := 1;
- Result.ScaleH := 1;
- Result.Rot := 0;
- Result.TexNum := ActTex;
- Result.TexW := 1;
- Result.TexH := 1;
- Result.Int := 1;
- Result.ColR := 1;
- Result.ColG := 1;
- Result.ColB := 1;
- Result.Alpha := 1;
- // 0.4.2 new test - default use whole texure, taking TexW and TexH as const and changing these
- Result.TexX1 := 0;
- Result.TexY1 := 0;
- Result.TexX2 := 1;
- Result.TexY2 := 1;
- // 0.5.0
- Result.Name := Name;
-procedure TTextureUnit.UnloadTexture(Name: string; FromCache: boolean);
- T: integer;
- TexNum: GLuint;
- T := FindTexture(Name);
- if not FromCache then begin
- TexNum := TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture.TexNum;
- if TexNum >= 0 then begin
- glDeleteTextures(1, @TexNum);
- TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture.TexNum := -1;
-// Log.LogError('Unload texture no '+IntToStr(TexNum));
- end;
- end else begin
- TexNum := TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache.TexNum;
- if TexNum >= 0 then begin
- glDeleteTextures(1, @TexNum);
- TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache.TexNum := -1;
-// Log.LogError('Unload texture cache no '+IntToStr(TexNum));
- end;
- end;
-{$IFDEF win32}
- {$I UltraStar.lrs}
+unit UTexture;
+// added for easier debug disabling
+{$define blindydebug}
+// Plain (alpha = 1)
+// Transparent
+// Colorized
+// obsolete?
+// Transparent Range
+// Font (white is drawn, black is transparent)
+// Font Outline (Font with darker outline)
+// Font Outline 2 (Font with darker outline)
+// Font Black (black is drawn, white is transparent)
+// Font Gray (gray is drawn, white is transparent)
+// Arrow (for arrows, white is white, gray has color, black is transparent);
+{$I switches.inc}
+uses OpenGL12,
+ {$IFDEF win32}
+ windows,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Math,
+ Classes,
+ SysUtils,
+ Graphics,
+ UCommon,
+ UThemes,
+ SDL,
+ sdlutils,
+ SDL_Image;
+ {$IFDEF Win32}
+ procedure glGenTextures(n: GLsizei; var textures: GLuint); stdcall; external opengl32;
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$ifdef darwin}
+ const opengl32 = '/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Libraries/libGL.dylib';
+ {$ELSE}
+ const opengl32 = 'libGL.so' ; // YES Capital GL
+ {$ENDIF}
+ procedure glGenTextures(n: GLsizei; var textures: PGLuint); stdcall; external opengl32;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ TTexture = record
+ TexNum: integer;
+ X: real;
+ Y: real;
+ Z: real; // new
+ W: real;
+ H: real;
+ ScaleW: real; // for dynamic scalling while leaving width constant
+ ScaleH: real; // for dynamic scalling while leaving height constant
+ Rot: real; // 0 - 2*pi
+ Int: real; // intensity
+ ColR: real;
+ ColG: real;
+ ColB: real;
+ TexW: real; // used?
+ TexH: real; // used?
+ TexX1: real;
+ TexY1: real;
+ TexX2: real;
+ TexY2: real;
+ Alpha: real;
+ Name: string; // 0.5.0: experimental for handling cache images. maybe it's useful for dynamic skins
+ end;
+ TTextureEntry = record
+ Name: string;
+ Typ: string;
+ // we use normal TTexture, it's easier to implement and if needed - we copy ready data
+ Texture: TTexture;
+ TextureCache: TTexture; // 0.5.0
+ end;
+ TTextureDatabase = record
+ Texture: array of TTextureEntry;
+ end;
+ TTextureUnit = class
+ private
+ function LoadImage(Identifier: PChar): PSDL_Surface;
+ function pixfmt_eq(fmt1,fmt2: PSDL_Pixelformat): boolean;
+ procedure AdjustPixelFormat(var TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; Typ: PChar);
+ function GetScaledTexture(TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; W,H: Cardinal): PSDL_Surface;
+ procedure ScaleTexture(var TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; W,H: Cardinal);
+ procedure FitTexture(var TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; W,H: Cardinal);
+ procedure ColorizeTexture(TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; Col: Cardinal);
+ public
+ Limit: integer;
+ CreateCacheMipmap: boolean;
+// function GetNumberFor
+ function GetTexture(Name, Typ: string): TTexture; overload;
+ function GetTexture(Name, Typ: string; FromCache: boolean): TTexture; overload;
+ function FindTexture(Name: string): integer;
+ function LoadTexture(FromRegistry: boolean; Identifier, Format, Typ: PChar; Col: LongWord): TTexture; overload;
+ function LoadTexture(Identifier, Format, Typ: PChar; Col: LongWord): TTexture; overload;
+ function LoadTexture(Identifier: string): TTexture; overload;
+ function CreateTexture(var Data: array of byte; Name: string; W, H: word; Bits: byte): TTexture;
+ procedure UnloadTexture(Name: string; FromCache: boolean);
+ Constructor Create;
+ Destructor Destroy;
+ end;
+ Texture: TTextureUnit;
+ TextureDatabase: TTextureDatabase;
+ // this should be in UDisplay?!
+ PrintScreenData: array[0..1024*768-1] of longword;
+ ActTex: GLuint;//integer;
+// TextureD8: array[1..1024*1024] of byte; // 1MB
+ TextureD16: array[1..1024*1024, 1..2] of byte; // luminance/alpha tex (2MB)
+// TextureD24: array[1..1024*1024, 1..3] of byte; // normal 24-bit tex (3MB)
+// TextureD242: array[1..512*512, 1..3] of byte; // normal 24-bit tex (0,75MB)
+// TextureD32: array[1..1024*1024, 1..4] of byte; // transparent 32-bit tex (4MB)
+ // total 40MB at 2048*2048
+ // total 10MB at 1024*1024
+ Mipmapping: Boolean;
+ CacheMipmap: array[0..256*256*3-1] of byte; // 3KB
+ CacheMipmapSurface: PSDL_Surface;
+uses ULog,
+ DateUtils,
+ UCovers,
+ LResources,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ StrUtils, dialogs;
+ fmt_rgba: TSDL_Pixelformat=(palette: nil;
+ BitsPerPixel: 32;
+ BytesPerPixel: 4;
+ Rloss: 0;
+ Gloss: 0;
+ Bloss: 0;
+ Aloss: 0;
+ Rshift: 0;
+ Gshift: 8;
+ Bshift: 16;
+ Ashift: 24;
+ Rmask: $000000ff;
+ Gmask: $0000ff00;
+ Bmask: $00ff0000;
+ Amask: $ff000000;
+ ColorKey: 0;
+ Alpha: 255);
+ fmt_rgb: TSDL_Pixelformat=( palette: nil;
+ BitsPerPixel: 24;
+ BytesPerPixel: 3;
+ Rloss: 0;
+ Gloss: 0;
+ Bloss: 0;
+ Aloss: 0;
+ Rshift: 0;
+ Gshift: 8;
+ Bshift: 16;
+ Ashift: 0;
+ Rmask: $000000ff;
+ Gmask: $0000ff00;
+ Bmask: $00ff0000;
+ Amask: $00000000;
+ ColorKey: 0;
+ Alpha: 255);
+Constructor TTextureUnit.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+Destructor TTextureUnit.Destroy;
+ inherited Destroy;
+function TTextureUnit.pixfmt_eq(fmt1,fmt2: PSDL_Pixelformat): boolean;
+ if (fmt1^.BitsPerPixel = fmt2^.BitsPerPixel) and
+ (fmt1^.BytesPerPixel = fmt2^.BytesPerPixel) and
+ (fmt1^.Rloss = fmt2^.Rloss) and (fmt1^.Gloss = fmt2^.Gloss) and
+ (fmt1^.Bloss = fmt2^.Bloss) and (fmt1^.Rmask = fmt2^.Rmask) and
+ (fmt1^.Gmask = fmt2^.Gmask) and (fmt1^.Bmask = fmt2^.Bmask) and
+ (fmt1^.Rshift = fmt2^.Rshift) and (fmt1^.Gshift = fmt2^.Gshift) and
+ (fmt1^.Bshift = fmt2^.Bshift)
+ then
+ Result:=True
+ else
+ Result:=False;
+// +++++++++++++++++++++ helpers for loadimage +++++++++++++++
+ function SdlStreamSeek( context : PSDL_RWops; offset : Integer; whence : Integer ) : integer; cdecl;
+ var
+ stream : TStream;
+ origin : Word;
+ begin
+ stream := TStream( context.unknown );
+ if ( stream = nil ) then
+ raise EInvalidContainer.Create( 'SDLStreamSeek on nil' );
+ case whence of
+ 0 : origin := soFromBeginning; // Offset is from the beginning of the resource. Seek moves to the position Offset. Offset must be >= 0.
+ 1 : origin := soFromCurrent; // Offset is from the current position in the resource. Seek moves to Position + Offset.
+ 2 : origin := soFromEnd;
+ else
+ origin := soFromBeginning; // just in case
+ end;
+ Result := stream.Seek( offset, origin );
+ end;
+ function SdlStreamRead( context : PSDL_RWops; Ptr : Pointer; size : Integer; maxnum: Integer ) : Integer; cdecl;
+ var
+ stream : TStream;
+ begin
+ stream := TStream( context.unknown );
+ if ( stream = nil ) then
+ raise EInvalidContainer.Create( 'SDLStreamRead on nil' );
+ try
+ Result := stream.read( Ptr^, Size * maxnum ) div size;
+ except
+ Result := -1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function SDLStreamClose( context : PSDL_RWops ) : Integer; cdecl;
+ var
+ stream : TStream;
+ begin
+ stream := TStream( context.unknown );
+ if ( stream = nil ) then
+ raise EInvalidContainer.Create( 'SDLStreamClose on nil' );
+ stream.Free;
+ Result := 1;
+ end;
+// -----------------------------------------------
+function TTextureUnit.LoadImage(Identifier: PChar): PSDL_Surface;
+ TexRWops: PSDL_RWops;
+ dHandle: THandle;
+ lLazRes : TLResource;
+ lResData : TStringStream;
+ {$ELSE}
+ TexStream: TStream;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Result := nil;
+ TexRWops := nil;
+// Log.LogStatus( Identifier, 'LoadImage' );
+ if ( FileExists(Identifier) ) then
+ begin
+ // load from file
+ Log.LogStatus( 'Is File', ' LoadImage' );
+ try
+ Result:=IMG_Load(Identifier);
+ except
+ Log.LogStatus( 'ERROR Could not load from file' , Identifier);
+ beep;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Log.LogStatus( 'IS Resource, because file does not exist.('+Identifier+')', ' LoadImage' );
+ // load from resource stream
+ dHandle := FindResource(hInstance, Identifier, 'TEX');
+ if dHandle=0 then
+ begin
+ Log.LogStatus( 'ERROR Could not find resource' , ' '+ Identifier);
+ beep;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ TexStream := nil;
+ try
+ TexStream := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, Identifier, 'TEX');
+ except
+ Log.LogStatus( 'ERROR Could not load from resource' , Identifier);
+ beep;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ try
+ TexStream.position := 0;
+ try
+ TexRWops := SDL_AllocRW;
+ TexRWops.unknown := TUnknown(TexStream);
+ TexRWops.seek := SDLStreamSeek;
+ TexRWops.read := SDLStreamRead;
+ TexRWops.write := nil;
+ TexRWops.close := SDLStreamClose;
+ TexRWops.type_ := 2;
+ except
+ Log.LogStatus( 'ERROR Could not assign resource' , Identifier);
+ beep;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Log.LogStatus( 'resource Assigned....' , Identifier);
+ Result:=IMG_Load_RW(TexRWops,0);
+ SDL_FreeRW(TexRWops);
+ finally
+ if assigned( TexStream ) then
+ freeandnil( TexStream );
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ lLazRes := LazFindResource( Identifier, 'TEX' );
+ if lLazRes <> nil then
+ begin
+ lResData := TStringStream.create( lLazRes.value );
+ try
+ lResData.position := 0;
+ try
+ TexRWops := SDL_AllocRW;
+ TexRWops.unknown := TUnknown( lResData );
+ TexRWops.seek := SDLStreamSeek;
+ TexRWops.read := SDLStreamRead;
+ TexRWops.write := nil;
+ TexRWops.close := SDLStreamClose;
+ TexRWops.type_ := 2;
+ except
+ Log.LogStatus( 'ERROR Could not assign resource ('+Identifier+')' , Identifier);
+ beep;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Result := IMG_Load_RW(TexRWops,0);
+ SDL_FreeRW(TexRWops);
+ finally
+ freeandnil( lResData );
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Log.LogStatus( 'NOT found in Resource ('+Identifier+')', ' LoadImage' );
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+procedure TTextureUnit.AdjustPixelFormat(var TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; Typ: PChar);
+ TempSurface: PSDL_Surface;
+ NeededPixFmt: PSDL_Pixelformat;
+ NeededPixFmt:=@fmt_rgba;
+ if Typ= 'Plain' then NeededPixFmt:=@fmt_rgb
+ else
+ if (Typ='Transparent') or
+ (Typ='Colorized')
+ then NeededPixFmt:=@fmt_rgba
+ else
+ NeededPixFmt:=@fmt_rgb;
+ if not pixfmt_eq(TexSurface^.format, NeededPixFmt) then
+ begin
+ TempSurface:=TexSurface;
+ TexSurface:=SDL_ConvertSurface(TempSurface,NeededPixFmt,SDL_SWSURFACE);
+ SDL_FreeSurface(TempSurface);
+ end;
+function TTextureUnit.GetScaledTexture(TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; W,H: Cardinal): PSDL_Surface;
+ TempSurface: PSDL_Surface;
+ TempSurface:=TexSurface;
+ Result:=SDL_ScaleSurfaceRect(TempSurface,
+ 0,0,TempSurface^.W,TempSurface^.H,
+ W,H);
+procedure TTextureUnit.ScaleTexture(var TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; W,H: Cardinal);
+ TempSurface: PSDL_Surface;
+ TempSurface:=TexSurface;
+ TexSurface:=SDL_ScaleSurfaceRect(TempSurface,
+ 0,0,TempSurface^.W,TempSurface^.H,
+ W,H);
+ SDL_FreeSurface(TempSurface);
+procedure TTextureUnit.FitTexture(var TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; W,H: Cardinal);
+ TempSurface: PSDL_Surface;
+ TempSurface:=TexSurface;
+ with TempSurface^.format^ do
+ TexSurface:=SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,W,H,BitsPerPixel,RMask, GMask, BMask, AMask);
+ SDL_SetAlpha(TexSurface, 0, 255);
+ SDL_SetAlpha(TempSurface, 0, 255);
+ SDL_BlitSurface(TempSurface,nil,TexSurface,nil);
+ SDL_FreeSurface(TempSurface);
+procedure TTextureUnit.ColorizeTexture(TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; Col: Cardinal);
+ //returns hue within range [0.0-6.0)
+ function col2h(Color:Cardinal):double;
+ var
+ clr,hls: array[0..2] of double;
+ delta: double;
+ begin
+ clr[0]:=((Color and $ff0000) shr 16)/255;
+ clr[1]:=((Color and $ff00) shr 8)/255;
+ clr[2]:=(Color and $ff)/255;
+ hls[1]:=maxvalue(clr);
+ delta:=hls[1]-minvalue(clr);
+ if clr[0]=hls[1] then hls[0]:=(clr[1]-clr[2])/delta
+ else if clr[1]=hls[1] then hls[0]:=2.0+(clr[2]-clr[0])/delta
+ else if clr[2]=hls[1] then hls[0]:=4.0+(clr[0]-clr[1])/delta;
+ if hls[0]<0.0 then hls[0]:=hls[0]+6.0;
+ if hls[0]=6.0 then hls[0]:=0.0;
+ col2h:=hls[0];
+ end;
+ procedure ColorizePixel(Pix: PByteArray; hue: Double);
+ var
+ i,j,k: Cardinal;
+ clr, hls: array[0..2] of Double;
+ delta, f, p, q, t: Double;
+ begin
+ hls[0]:=hue;
+ clr[0] := Pix[0]/255;
+ clr[1] := Pix[1]/255;
+ clr[2] := Pix[2]/255;
+ //calculate luminance and saturation from rgb
+ hls[1] := maxvalue(clr); //l:=...
+ delta := hls[1] - minvalue(clr);
+ if hls[1] = 0.0 then
+ hls[2] := 0.0
+ else
+ hls[2] := delta/hls[1]; //v:=...
+ // calc new rgb from our hls (h from color, l ans s from pixel)
+ // if (hls[1]<>0.0) and (hls[2]<>0.0) then // only if colorizing makes sense
+ begin
+ k:=trunc(hls[0]);
+ f:=hls[0]-k;
+ p:=hls[1]*(1.0-hls[2]);
+ q:=hls[1]*(1.0-(hls[2]*f));
+ t:=hls[1]*(1.0-(hls[2]*(1.0-f)));
+ case k of
+ 0: begin clr[0]:=hls[1]; clr[1]:=t; clr[2]:=p; end;
+ 1: begin clr[0]:=q; clr[1]:=hls[1]; clr[2]:=p; end;
+ 2: begin clr[0]:=p; clr[1]:=hls[1]; clr[2]:=t; end;
+ 3: begin clr[0]:=p; clr[1]:=q; clr[2]:=hls[1]; end;
+ 4: begin clr[0]:=t; clr[1]:=p; clr[2]:=hls[1]; end;
+ 5: begin clr[0]:=hls[1]; clr[1]:=p; clr[2]:=q; end;
+ end;
+ // and store new rgb back into the image
+ Pix[0]:=floor(255*clr[0]);
+ Pix[1]:=floor(255*clr[1]);
+ Pix[2]:=floor(255*clr[2]);
+ end;
+ end;
+ DestinationHue: Double;
+ PixelIndex: Cardinal;
+ DestinationHue:=col2h(Col);
+ for PixelIndex:=0 to (TexSurface^.W*TexSurface^.H -1) do
+ ColorizePixel(@(PByteArray(TexSurface^.Pixels)[PixelIndex*TexSurface^.format.BytesPerPixel]),DestinationHue);
+function TTextureUnit.LoadTexture(FromRegistry: boolean; Identifier, Format, Typ: PChar; Col: LongWord): TTexture;
+ TexSurface: PSDL_Surface;
+ MipmapSurface: PSDL_Surface;
+ newWidth, newHeight: Cardinal;
+ oldWidth, oldHeight: Cardinal;
+ kopierindex: Cardinal;
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(4);
+ Mipmapping := true;
+ Log.LogStatus( '', '' );
+ if Identifier = nil then
+ Log.LogStatus(' ERROR unknown Identifier', 'Id:'''+Identifier+''' Fmt:'''+Format+''' Typ:'''+Typ+'''')
+ else
+ Log.LogStatus(' should be ok - trying to load', 'Id:'''+Identifier+''' Fmt:'''+Format+''' Typ:'''+Typ+'''');
+ // load texture data into memory
+ {$ifdef blindydebug}
+ Log.LogStatus('',' LoadImage('''+Identifier+''') (called by '+Format+')');
+ {$endif}
+ TexSurface := LoadImage(Identifier);
+ {$ifdef blindydebug}
+ Log.LogStatus('',' ok');
+ {$endif}
+ if not assigned(TexSurface) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogStatus( 'ERROR Could not load texture' , Identifier +' '+ Format +' '+ Typ );
+ beep;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // convert pixel format as needed
+ {$ifdef blindydebug}
+ Log.LogStatus('',' AdjustPixelFormat');
+ {$endif}
+ AdjustPixelFormat(TexSurface, Typ);
+ {$ifdef blindydebug}
+ Log.LogStatus('',' ok');
+ {$endif}
+ // adjust texture size (scale down, if necessary)
+ newWidth := TexSurface.W;
+ newHeight := TexSurface.H;
+ if (newWidth > Limit) then
+ newWidth := Limit;
+ if (newHeight > Limit) then
+ newHeight := Limit;
+ if (TexSurface.W > newWidth) or (TexSurface.H > newHeight) then
+ begin
+ {$ifdef blindydebug}
+ Log.LogStatus('',' ScaleTexture');
+ {$endif}
+ ScaleTexture(TexSurface,newWidth,newHeight);
+ {$ifdef blindydebug}
+ Log.LogStatus('',' ok');
+ {$endif}
+ end;
+ {$ifdef blindydebug}
+ Log.LogStatus('',' JB-1');
+ {$endif}
+ // don't actually understand, if this is needed...
+ // this should definately be changed... together with all this
+ // cover cache stuff
+ if (CreateCacheMipmap) and (Typ='Plain') then
+ begin
+ if (Covers.W <= 256) and (Covers.H <= 256) then
+ begin
+ {$ifdef blindydebug}
+ Log.LogStatus('',' GetScaledTexture('''+inttostr(Covers.W)+''','''+inttostr(Covers.H)+''') (for CacheMipmap)');
+ {$endif}
+ MipmapSurface:=GetScaledTexture(TexSurface,Covers.W, Covers.H);
+ if assigned(MipmapSurface) then
+ begin
+ {$ifdef blindydebug}
+ Log.LogStatus('',' ok');
+ Log.LogStatus('',' BlitSurface Stuff');
+ {$endif}
+ // creating and freeing the surface could be done once, if Cover.W and Cover.H don't change
+ CacheMipmapSurface:=SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(@CacheMipmap[0], Covers.W, Covers.H, 24, Covers.W*3, $000000ff, $0000ff00, $00ff0000, 0);
+ SDL_BlitSurface(MipMapSurface,nil,CacheMipmapSurface,nil);
+ SDL_FreeSurface(CacheMipmapSurface);
+ {$ifdef blindydebug}
+ Log.LogStatus('',' ok');
+ Log.LogStatus('',' SDL_FreeSurface (CacheMipmap)');
+ {$endif}
+ SDL_FreeSurface(MipmapSurface);
+ {$ifdef blindydebug}
+ Log.LogStatus('',' ok');
+ {$endif}
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Log.LogStatus(' Error creating CacheMipmap',' LoadTexture('''+Identifier+''')');
+ end;
+ end;
+ // should i create a cache texture, if Covers.W/H are larger?
+ end;
+ {$ifdef blindydebug}
+ Log.LogStatus('',' JB-2');
+ {$endif}
+ // now we might colorize the whole thing
+ if Typ='Colorized' then
+ ColorizeTexture(TexSurface,Col);
+ // save actual dimensions of our texture
+ oldWidth:=newWidth;
+ oldHeight:=newHeight;
+ // make texture dimensions be powers of 2
+ newWidth:=Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(newWidth))));
+ newHeight:=Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(newHeight))));
+ if (newHeight <> oldHeight) or (newWidth <> oldWidth) then
+ FitTexture(TexSurface,newWidth,newHeight);
+ // at this point we have the image in memory...
+ // scaled to be at most 1024x1024 pixels large
+ // scaled so that dimensions are powers of 2
+ // and converted to either RGB or RGBA
+ {$ifdef blindydebug}
+ Log.LogStatus('',' JB-3');
+ {$endif}
+ // if we got a Texture of Type Plain, Transparent or Colorized,
+ // then we're done manipulating it
+ // and could now create our openGL texture from it
+ // prepare OpenGL texture
+ // JB_linux : this is causing AV's on linux... ActText seems to be nil !
+ {$IFnDEF win32}
+ if pointer(ActTex) = nil then
+ exit;
+ {$endif}
+ glGenTextures(1, @ActTex);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ActTex);
+ // load data into gl texture
+ if (Typ = 'Transparent') or (Typ='Colorized') then begin
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, newWidth, newHeight, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, TexSurface.pixels);
+ end
+ {if Typ = 'Plain' then} else
+ begin
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, newWidth, newHeight, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, TexSurface.pixels);
+ end;
+ {$ifdef blindydebug}
+ Log.LogStatus('',' JB-4');
+ {$endif}
+ if Typ = 'Transparent Range' then
+ // set alpha to 256-green-component (not sure)
+ Pix := TextureB.Canvas.Pixels[Position2, Position];
+ TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 1] := Pix;
+ TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 2] := Pix div 256;
+ TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 3] := Pix div (256*256);
+ TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 4] := 256 - Pix div 256;
+ if Typ = 'Font' then
+ // either create luminance-alpha texture
+ // or use transparency from differently saved file
+ // or do something totally different (text engine with ttf)
+ Pix := PPix[Position2 * 3];
+ TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := 255;
+ TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := Pix;
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 2, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD16);
+ if Typ = 'Font Outline' then
+ // no idea...
+ begin
+ TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
+ for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
+ PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
+ for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
+ Pix := PPix[Position2 * 3];
+ Col := Pix;
+ if Col < 127 then Col := 127;
+ TempA := Pix;
+ if TempA >= 95 then TempA := 255;
+ if TempA >= 31 then TempA := 255;
+ if Pix < 95 then TempA := (Pix * 256) div 96;
+ TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := Col;
+ TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := TempA;
+ end;
+ end;
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 2, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD16);
+ end;
+ if Typ = 'Font Outline 2' then
+ // same as above
+ begin
+ TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
+ for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
+ PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
+ for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
+ Pix := PPix[Position2 * 3];
+ Col := Pix;
+ if Col < 31 then Col := 31;
+ TempA := Pix;
+ if TempA >= 31 then TempA := 255;
+ if Pix < 31 then TempA := Pix * (256 div 32);
+ TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := Col;
+ TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := TempA;
+ end;
+ end;
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 2, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD16);
+ if Mipmapping then begin
+ Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 2, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD16);
+ if Error > 0 then beep;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Typ = 'Font Black' then
+ // and so on
+ begin
+ // normalnie 0,125s bez niczego 0,015s - 0,030s z pix 0,125s <-- ???
+ // dimensions
+ TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
+ TexOrigW := TextureB.Width;
+ TexOrigH := TextureB.Height;
+ TexNewW := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigW))));
+ TexNewH := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigH))));
+ TextureB.Width := TexNewW;
+ TextureB.Height := TexNewH;
+ // copy and process pixeldata
+ for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
+ PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
+ for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
+ Pix := PPix[Position2*3];
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := 255;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := 255;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := 255;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 4] := 255 - (Pix mod 256);
+ end;
+ end;
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
+ end;
+ if Typ = 'Alpha Black Colored' then
+ // ... hope, noone needs this
+ begin
+ TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
+ TexOrigW := TextureB.Width;
+ TexOrigH := TextureB.Height;
+ TexNewW := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigW))));
+ TexNewH := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigH))));
+ TextureB.Width := TexNewW;
+ TextureB.Height := TexNewH;
+ // copy and process pixeldata
+ for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
+ PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
+ for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
+ Pix := PPix[Position2*3];
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := (Col div $10000) and $FF;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := (Col div $100) and $FF;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := Col and $FF;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 4] := 255 - (Pix mod 256);
+ end;
+ end;
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
+ end;
+ if Typ = 'Font Gray' then
+ begin
+ // dimensions
+ TexOrigW := TextureB.Width;
+ TexOrigH := TextureB.Height;
+ TexNewW := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigW))));
+ TexNewH := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigH))));
+ TextureB.Width := TexNewW;
+ TextureB.Height := TexNewH;
+ // copy and process pixeldata
+ for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
+ for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
+ Pix := TextureB.Canvas.Pixels[Position2, Position];
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := 127;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := 127;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := 127;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 4] := 255 - (Pix mod 256);
+ end;
+ end;
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
+ end;
+ if Typ = 'Arrow' then
+ begin
+ TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
+ for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
+ PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
+ for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
+ Pix := PPix[Position2 * 3];
+ // transparency
+ if Pix >= 127 then TempA := 255;
+ if Pix < 127 then TempA := Pix * 2;
+ // ColInt = color intensity
+ if Pix < 127 then ColInt := 1;
+ if Pix >= 127 then ColInt := 2 - Pix / 128;
+ //0.75, 0.6, 0.25
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := Round(ColInt * 0.75 * 255 + (1 - ColInt) * 255);
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := Round(ColInt * 0.6 * 255 + (1 - ColInt) * 255);
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := Round(ColInt * 0.25 * 255 + (1 - ColInt) * 255);
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 4] := TempA;
+ end;
+ end;
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
+ if Mipmapping then begin
+ Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
+ if Error > 0 then beep;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Typ = 'Note Plain' then
+ begin
+ for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do
+ begin
+ PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
+ for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do
+ begin
+ // Skin Patch
+ // 0-191= Fade Black to Col, 192= Col, 193-254 Fade Col to White, 255= White
+ case PPix[Position2*3] of
+ 0..191: Pix := $10000 * ((((Col div $10000) and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf) + $100 * ((((Col div $100) and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf) + (((Col and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf);
+ 192: Pix := Col;
+ 193..254: Pix := Col + ($10000 * ((($FF - ((Col div $10000) and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4) ) div $FF) + $100 * ((($FF - ((Col div $100) and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4)) div $FF) + ((($FF - (Col and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4)) div $FF));
+ 255: Pix := $FFFFFF;
+ end;
+// 0.5.0. Original
+// case PPix[Position2*3] of
+// 128: Pix := $10000 * ((Col div $10000) div 2) + $100 * (((Col div $100) and $FF) div 2) + (Col and $FF) div 2;
+// 192: Pix := Col;
+// 255: Pix := $FFFFFF;
+// end;
+ TextureD24[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := Pix div $10000;
+ TextureD24[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := (Pix div $100) and $FF;
+ TextureD24[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := Pix and $FF;
+ end;
+ end;
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD24);
+ end;
+ if Typ = 'Note Transparent' then
+ begin
+ for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
+ PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
+ for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
+ TempA := 255;
+ //Skin Patch
+ // 0= Transparent, 1-191= Fade Black to Col, 192= Col, 193-254 Fade Col to White, 255= White
+ case PPix[Position2*3] of
+ 0: TempA := 0;
+ 1..191: Pix := $10000 * ((((Col div $10000) and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf) + $100 * ((((Col div $100) and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf) + (((Col and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf);
+ 192: Pix := Col;
+ 193..254: Pix := Col + ($10000 * ((($FF - ((Col div $10000) and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4) ) div $FF) + $100 * ((($FF - ((Col div $100) and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4)) div $FF) + ((($FF - (Col and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4)) div $FF));
+ 255: Pix := $FFFFFF;
+ end;
+// 0.5.0 Original
+// case PPix[Position2*3] of
+// 0: TempA := 0;
+// 128: Pix := $10000 * ((Col div $10000) div 2) + $100 * (((Col div $100) and $FF) div 2) + (Col and $FF) div 2;
+// 192: Pix := Col;
+// 255: Pix := $FFFFFF;
+// end;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := Pix div $10000;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := (Pix div $100) and $FF;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := Pix and $FF;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 4] := TempA;
+ end;
+ end;
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
+ end;
+ {$ifdef blindydebug}
+ Log.LogStatus('',' JB-5');
+ {$endif}
+ Result.X := 0;
+ Result.Y := 0;
+ Result.W := 0;
+ Result.H := 0;
+ Result.ScaleW := 1;
+ Result.ScaleH := 1;
+ Result.Rot := 0;
+ Result.TexNum := ActTex;
+ Result.TexW := oldWidth / newWidth;
+ Result.TexH := oldHeight / newHeight;
+ Result.Int := 1;
+ Result.ColR := 1;
+ Result.ColG := 1;
+ Result.ColB := 1;
+ Result.Alpha := 1;
+ // 0.4.2 new test - default use whole texure, taking TexW and TexH as const and changing these
+ Result.TexX1 := 0;
+ Result.TexY1 := 0;
+ Result.TexX2 := 1;
+ Result.TexY2 := 1;
+ {$ifdef blindydebug}
+ Log.LogStatus('',' JB-6');
+ {$endif}
+ // 0.5.0
+ Result.Name := Identifier;
+ SDL_FreeSurface(TexSurface);
+ {$ifdef blindydebug}
+ Log.LogStatus('',' JB-7');
+ {$endif}
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(4);
+ if Log.BenchmarkTimeLength[4] >= 1 then
+ Log.LogBenchmark('**********> Texture Load Time Warning - ' + Format + '/' + Identifier + '/' + Typ, 4);
+ {$ifdef blindydebug}
+ Log.LogStatus('',' JB-8');
+ {$endif}
+function TTextureUnit.GetTexture(Name, Typ: string): TTexture;
+ Result := GetTexture(Name, Typ, true);
+function TTextureUnit.GetTexture(Name, Typ: string; FromCache: boolean): TTexture;
+ T: integer; // texture
+ C: integer; // cover
+ Data: array of byte;
+ if Name = '' then
+ exit;
+ // find texture entry
+ T := FindTexture(Name);
+ if T = -1 then
+ begin
+ // create texture entry
+ T := Length(TextureDatabase.Texture);
+ SetLength(TextureDatabase.Texture, T+1);
+ TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Name := Name;
+ TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Typ := Typ;
+ // inform database that no textures have been loaded into memory
+ TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture.TexNum := -1;
+ TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache.TexNum := -1;
+ end;
+ // use preloaded texture
+ if (not FromCache) or (FromCache and not Covers.CoverExists(Name)) then
+ begin
+ // use full texture
+ if TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture.TexNum = -1 then
+ begin
+ // load texture
+ {$ifdef blindydebug}
+ Log.LogStatus('...', 'GetTexture('''+Name+''','''+Typ+''')');
+ {$endif}
+ TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture := LoadTexture(false, pchar(Name), 'JPG', pchar(Typ), $0);
+ {$ifdef blindydebug}
+ Log.LogStatus('done',' ');
+ {$endif}
+ end;
+ // use texture
+ Result := TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture;
+ end;
+ if FromCache and Covers.CoverExists(Name) then
+ begin
+ // use cache texture
+ C := Covers.CoverNumber(Name);
+ if TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache.TexNum = -1 then
+ begin
+ // load texture
+ Covers.PrepareData(Name);
+ TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache := CreateTexture(Covers.Data, Name, Covers.Cover[C].W, Covers.Cover[C].H, 24);
+ end;
+ // use texture
+ Result := TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache;
+ end;
+function TTextureUnit.FindTexture(Name: string): integer;
+ T: integer; // texture
+ Result := -1;
+ for T := 0 to high(TextureDatabase.Texture) do
+ if TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Name = Name then
+ Result := T;
+function TTextureUnit.LoadTexture(Identifier, Format, Typ: PChar; Col: LongWord): TTexture;
+ Result := LoadTexture(false, Identifier, Format, Typ, Col);
+function TTextureUnit.LoadTexture(Identifier: string): TTexture;
+ Result := LoadTexture(false, pchar(Identifier), 'JPG', 'Plain', 0);
+function TTextureUnit.CreateTexture(var Data: array of byte; Name: string; W, H: word; Bits: byte): TTexture;
+ Position: integer;
+ Position2: integer;
+ Pix: integer;
+ ColInt: real;
+ PPix: PByteArray;
+ TempA: integer;
+ Error: integer;
+ Mipmapping := false;
+ glGenTextures(1, @ActTex); // ActText = new texture number
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ActTex);
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, W, H, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @Data[0]);
+ if Mipmapping then begin
+ Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 3, W, H, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @Data[0]);
+ if Error > 0 then beep;
+ end;
+ Result.X := 0;
+ Result.Y := 0;
+ Result.W := 0;
+ Result.H := 0;
+ Result.ScaleW := 1;
+ Result.ScaleH := 1;
+ Result.Rot := 0;
+ Result.TexNum := ActTex;
+ Result.TexW := 1;
+ Result.TexH := 1;
+ Result.Int := 1;
+ Result.ColR := 1;
+ Result.ColG := 1;
+ Result.ColB := 1;
+ Result.Alpha := 1;
+ // 0.4.2 new test - default use whole texure, taking TexW and TexH as const and changing these
+ Result.TexX1 := 0;
+ Result.TexY1 := 0;
+ Result.TexX2 := 1;
+ Result.TexY2 := 1;
+ // 0.5.0
+ Result.Name := Name;
+procedure TTextureUnit.UnloadTexture(Name: string; FromCache: boolean);
+ T: integer;
+ TexNum: GLuint;
+ T := FindTexture(Name);
+ if not FromCache then begin
+ TexNum := TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture.TexNum;
+ if TexNum >= 0 then begin
+ glDeleteTextures(1, @TexNum);
+ TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture.TexNum := -1;
+// Log.LogError('Unload texture no '+IntToStr(TexNum));
+ end;
+ end else begin
+ TexNum := TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache.TexNum;
+ if TexNum >= 0 then begin
+ glDeleteTextures(1, @TexNum);
+ TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache.TexNum := -1;
+// Log.LogError('Unload texture cache no '+IntToStr(TexNum));
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$I UltraStar.lrs}
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UThemes.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UThemes.pas
index 9da176df..00b763f0 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UThemes.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UThemes.pas
@@ -1,2200 +1,2212 @@
-unit UThemes;
- ULog,
- IniFiles,
- SysUtils,
- Classes;
- TRGB = record
- R: single;
- G: single;
- B: single;
- end;
- TRGBA = record
- R, G, B, A: Double;
- end;
- TThemeBackground = record
- Tex: string;
- end;
- TThemeStatic = record
- X: integer;
- Y: integer;
- Z: real;
- W: integer;
- H: integer;
- Color: string;
- ColR: real;
- ColG: real;
- ColB: real;
- Tex: string;
- Typ: string;
- TexX1: real;
- TexY1: real;
- TexX2: real;
- TexY2: real;
- //Reflection Mod
- Reflection: boolean;
- Reflectionspacing: Real;
- end;
- AThemeStatic = array of TThemeStatic;
- TThemeText = record
- X: integer;
- Y: integer;
- W: integer;
- Color: string;
- ColR: real;
- ColG: real;
- ColB: real;
- Font: integer;
- Size: integer;
- Align: integer;
- Text: string;
- end;
- AThemeText = array of TThemeText;
- TThemeButton = record
- Text: AThemeText;
- X: integer;
- Y: integer;
- Z: Real;
- W: integer;
- H: integer;
- Color: string;
- ColR: real;
- ColG: real;
- ColB: real;
- Int: real;
- DColor: string;
- DColR: real;
- DColG: real;
- DColB: real;
- DInt: real;
- Tex: string;
- Typ: string;
- Visible: Boolean;
- //Reflection Mod
- Reflection: boolean;
- Reflectionspacing: Real;
- //Fade Mod
- SelectH: integer;
- SelectW: integer;
- Fade: boolean;
- FadeText: boolean;
- DeSelectReflectionspacing : Real;
- FadeTex: string;
- FadeTexPos: integer;
- //Button Collection Mod
- Parent: Byte; //Number of the Button Collection this Button is assigned to. IF 0: No Assignement
- end;
- //Button Collection Mod
- TThemeButtonCollection = record
- Style: TThemeButton;
- ChildCount: Byte; //No of assigned Childs
- FirstChild: Byte; //No of Child on whose Interaction Position the Button should be
- end;
- AThemeButtonCollection = array of TThemeButtonCollection;
- PAThemeButtonCollection = ^AThemeButtonCollection;
- TThemeSelect = record
- Tex: string;
- TexSBG: string;
- X: integer;
- Y: integer;
- W: integer;
- H: integer;
- Text: string;
- ColR, ColG, ColB, Int: real;
- DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt: real;
- TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt: real;
- TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt: real;
- SBGColR, SBGColG, SBGColB, SBGInt: real;
- SBGDColR, SBGDColG, SBGDColB, SBGDInt: real;
- STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt: real;
- STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
- SkipX: integer;
- end;
- TThemeSelectSlide = record
- Tex: string;
- TexSBG: string;
- X: integer;
- Y: integer;
- W: integer;
- H: integer;
- Z: real;
- TextSize: integer;
- //SBGW Mod
- SBGW: integer;
- Text: string;
- ColR, ColG, ColB, Int: real;
- DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt: real;
- TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt: real;
- TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt: real;
- SBGColR, SBGColG, SBGColB, SBGInt: real;
- SBGDColR, SBGDColG, SBGDColB, SBGDInt: real;
- STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt: real;
- STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
- SkipX: integer;
- end;
- PThemeBasic = ^TThemeBasic;
- TThemeBasic = class
- Background: TThemeBackground;
- Text: AThemeText;
- Static: AThemeStatic;
- //Button Collection Mod
- ButtonCollection: AThemeButtonCollection;
- end;
- TThemeLoading = class(TThemeBasic)
- StaticAnimation: TThemeStatic;
- TextLoading: TThemeText;
- end;
- TThemeMain = class(TThemeBasic)
- ButtonSolo: TThemeButton;
- ButtonMulti: TThemeButton;
- ButtonStat: TThemeButton;
- ButtonEditor: TThemeButton;
- ButtonOptions: TThemeButton;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- TextDescription: TThemeText;
- TextDescriptionLong: TThemeText;
- Description: array[0..5] of string;
- DescriptionLong: array[0..5] of string;
- end;
- TThemeName = class(TThemeBasic)
- ButtonPlayer: array[1..6] of TThemeButton;
- end;
- TThemeLevel = class(TThemeBasic)
- ButtonEasy: TThemeButton;
- ButtonMedium: TThemeButton;
- ButtonHard: TThemeButton;
- end;
- TThemeSong = class(TThemeBasic)
- TextArtist: TThemeText;
- TextTitle: TThemeText;
- TextNumber: TThemeText;
- //Video Icon Mod
- VideoIcon: TThemeStatic;
- //Show Cat in TopLeft Mod
- TextCat: TThemeText;
- StaticCat: TThemeStatic;
- //Cover Mod
- Cover: record
- Reflections: Boolean;
- X: Integer;
- Y: Integer;
- Z: Integer;
- W: Integer;
- H: Integer;
- Style: Integer;
- end;
- //Equalizer Mod
- Equalizer: record
- Visible: Boolean;
- Direction: Boolean;
- Alpha: real;
- X: Integer;
- Y: Integer;
- Z: Real;
- W: Integer;
- H: Integer;
- Space: Integer;
- Bands: Integer;
- Length: Integer;
- ColR, ColG, ColB: Real;
- end;
- //Party and Non Party specific Statics and Texts
- StaticParty: AThemeStatic;
- TextParty: AThemeText;
- StaticNonParty: AThemeStatic;
- TextNonParty: AThemeText;
- //Party Mode
- StaticTeam1Joker1: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam1Joker2: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam1Joker3: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam1Joker4: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam1Joker5: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2Joker1: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2Joker2: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2Joker3: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2Joker4: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2Joker5: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3Joker1: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3Joker2: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3Joker3: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3Joker4: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3Joker5: TThemeStatic;
- end;
- TThemeSing = class(TThemeBasic)
- //TimeBar mod
- StaticTimeProgress: TThemeStatic;
- TextTimeText : TThemeText;
- //eoa TimeBar mod
- StaticP1: TThemeStatic;
- TextP1: TThemeText;
- StaticP1ScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
- TextP1Score: TThemeText;
- //moveable singbar mod
- StaticP1SingBar: TThemeStatic;
- StaticP1ThreePSingBar: TThemeStatic;
- StaticP1TwoPSingBar: TThemeStatic;
- StaticP2RSingBar: TThemeStatic;
- StaticP2MSingBar: TThemeStatic;
- StaticP3SingBar: TThemeStatic;
- //eoa moveable singbar
- //added for ps3 skin
- //game in 2/4 player modi
- StaticP1TwoP: TThemeStatic;
- StaticP1TwoPScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
- TextP1TwoP: TThemeText;
- TextP1TwoPScore: TThemeText;
- //game in 3/6 player modi
- StaticP1ThreeP: TThemeStatic;
- StaticP1ThreePScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
- TextP1ThreeP: TThemeText;
- TextP1ThreePScore: TThemeText;
- //eoa
- StaticP2R: TThemeStatic;
- StaticP2RScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
- TextP2R: TThemeText;
- TextP2RScore: TThemeText;
- StaticP2M: TThemeStatic;
- StaticP2MScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
- TextP2M: TThemeText;
- TextP2MScore: TThemeText;
- StaticP3R: TThemeStatic;
- StaticP3RScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
- TextP3R: TThemeText;
- TextP3RScore: TThemeText;
- //Linebonus Translations
- LineBonusText: Array [0..8] of String;
- end;
- TThemeScore = class(TThemeBasic)
- TextArtist: TThemeText;
- TextTitle: TThemeText;
- TextArtistTitle: TThemeText;
- PlayerStatic: array[1..6] of AThemeStatic;
- PlayerTexts: array[1..6] of AThemeText;
- TextName: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
- TextScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
- TextNotes: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
- TextNotesScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
- TextLineBonus: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
- TextLineBonusScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
- TextGoldenNotes: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
- TextGoldenNotesScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
- TextTotal: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
- TextTotalScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
- StaticBoxLightest: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
- StaticBoxLight: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
- StaticBoxDark: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
- StaticBackLevel: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
- StaticBackLevelRound: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
- StaticLevel: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
- StaticLevelRound: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
-// Description: array[0..5] of string;}
- end;
- TThemeTop5 = class(TThemeBasic)
- TextLevel: TThemeText;
- TextArtistTitle: TThemeText;
- StaticNumber: AThemeStatic;
- TextNumber: AThemeText;
- TextName: AThemeText;
- TextScore: AThemeText;
- end;
- TThemeOptions = class(TThemeBasic)
- ButtonGame: TThemeButton;
- ButtonGraphics: TThemeButton;
- ButtonSound: TThemeButton;
- ButtonLyrics: TThemeButton;
- ButtonThemes: TThemeButton;
- ButtonRecord: TThemeButton;
- ButtonAdvanced: TThemeButton;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- TextDescription: TThemeText;
- Description: array[0..7] of string;
- end;
- TThemeOptionsGame = class(TThemeBasic)
- SelectPlayers: TThemeSelect;
- SelectDifficulty: TThemeSelect;
- SelectLanguage: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectTabs: TThemeSelect;
- SelectSorting: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectDebug: TThemeSelect;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- end;
- TThemeOptionsGraphics = class(TThemeBasic)
- SelectFullscreen: TThemeSelect;
- SelectSlideResolution: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectDepth: TThemeSelect;
- SelectOscilloscope: TThemeSelect;
- SelectLineBonus: TThemeSelect;
- SelectMovieSize: TThemeSelect;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- end;
- TThemeOptionsSound = class(TThemeBasic)
- SelectMicBoost: TThemeSelect;
- SelectClickAssist: TThemeSelect;
- SelectBeatClick: TThemeSelect;
- SelectThreshold: TThemeSelect;
- //Song Preview
- SelectSlidePreviewVolume: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectSlidePreviewFading: TThemeSelectSlide;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- end;
- TThemeOptionsLyrics = class(TThemeBasic)
- SelectLyricsFont: TThemeSelect;
- SelectLyricsEffect: TThemeSelect;
- SelectSolmization: TThemeSelect;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- end;
- TThemeOptionsThemes = class(TThemeBasic)
- SelectTheme: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectSkin: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectColor: TThemeSelectSlide;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- end;
- TThemeOptionsRecord = class(TThemeBasic)
- SelectSlideCard: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectSlideInput: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectSlideChannelL: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectSlideChannelR: TThemeSelectSlide;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- end;
- TThemeOptionsAdvanced = class(TThemeBasic)
- SelectLoadAnimation: TThemeSelect;
- SelectEffectSing: TThemeSelect;
- SelectScreenFade: TThemeSelect;
- SelectLineBonus: TThemeSelect;
- SelectAskbeforeDel: TThemeSelect;
- SelectOnSongClick: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectPartyPopup: TThemeSelect;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- end;
- //Error- and Check-Popup
- TThemeError = class(TThemeBasic)
- Button1: TThemeButton;
- TextError: TThemeText;
- end;
- TThemeCheck = class(TThemeBasic)
- Button1: TThemeButton;
- Button2: TThemeButton;
- TextCheck: TThemeText;
- end;
- //ScreenSong Menue
- TThemeSongMenu = class(TThemeBasic)
- Button1: TThemeButton;
- Button2: TThemeButton;
- Button3: TThemeButton;
- Button4: TThemeButton;
- SelectSlide3: TThemeSelectSlide;
- TextMenu: TThemeText;
- end;
- TThemeSongJumpTo = class(TThemeBasic)
- ButtonSearchText: TThemeButton;
- SelectSlideType: TThemeSelectSlide;
- TextFound: TThemeText;
- //Translated Texts
- Songsfound: String;
- NoSongsfound: String;
- CatText: String;
- IType: array [0..2] of String;
- end;
- //Party Screens
- TThemePartyNewRound = class(TThemeBasic)
- TextRound1: TThemeText;
- TextRound2: TThemeText;
- TextRound3: TThemeText;
- TextRound4: TThemeText;
- TextRound5: TThemeText;
- TextRound6: TThemeText;
- TextRound7: TThemeText;
- TextWinner1: TThemeText;
- TextWinner2: TThemeText;
- TextWinner3: TThemeText;
- TextWinner4: TThemeText;
- TextWinner5: TThemeText;
- TextWinner6: TThemeText;
- TextWinner7: TThemeText;
- TextNextRound: TThemeText;
- TextNextRoundNo: TThemeText;
- TextNextPlayer1: TThemeText;
- TextNextPlayer2: TThemeText;
- TextNextPlayer3: TThemeText;
- StaticRound1: TThemeStatic;
- StaticRound2: TThemeStatic;
- StaticRound3: TThemeStatic;
- StaticRound4: TThemeStatic;
- StaticRound5: TThemeStatic;
- StaticRound6: TThemeStatic;
- StaticRound7: TThemeStatic;
- TextScoreTeam1: TThemeText;
- TextScoreTeam2: TThemeText;
- TextScoreTeam3: TThemeText;
- TextNameTeam1: TThemeText;
- TextNameTeam2: TThemeText;
- TextNameTeam3: TThemeText;
- TextTeam1Players: TThemeText;
- TextTeam2Players: TThemeText;
- TextTeam3Players: TThemeText;
- StaticTeam1: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3: TThemeStatic;
- StaticNextPlayer1: TThemeStatic;
- StaticNextPlayer2: TThemeStatic;
- StaticNextPlayer3: TThemeStatic;
- end;
- TThemePartyScore = class(TThemeBasic)
- TextScoreTeam1: TThemeText;
- TextScoreTeam2: TThemeText;
- TextScoreTeam3: TThemeText;
- TextNameTeam1: TThemeText;
- TextNameTeam2: TThemeText;
- TextNameTeam3: TThemeText;
- StaticTeam1: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam1BG: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam1Deco: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2BG: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2Deco: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3BG: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3Deco: TThemeStatic;
- DecoTextures: record
- ChangeTextures: Boolean;
- FirstTexture: String;
- FirstTyp: String;
- FirstColor: String;
- SecondTexture: String;
- SecondTyp: String;
- SecondColor: String;
- ThirdTexture: String;
- ThirdTyp: String;
- ThirdColor: String;
- end;
- TextWinner: TThemeText;
- end;
- TThemePartyWin = class(TThemeBasic)
- TextScoreTeam1: TThemeText;
- TextScoreTeam2: TThemeText;
- TextScoreTeam3: TThemeText;
- TextNameTeam1: TThemeText;
- TextNameTeam2: TThemeText;
- TextNameTeam3: TThemeText;
- StaticTeam1: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam1BG: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam1Deco: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2BG: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2Deco: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3BG: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3Deco: TThemeStatic;
- TextWinner: TThemeText;
- end;
- TThemePartyOptions = class(TThemeBasic)
- SelectLevel: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectPlayList: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectPlayList2: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectRounds: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectTeams: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectPlayers1: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectPlayers2: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectPlayers3: TThemeSelectSlide;
- {ButtonNext: TThemeButton;
- ButtonPrev: TThemeButton;}
- end;
- TThemePartyPlayer = class(TThemeBasic)
- Team1Name: TThemeButton;
- Player1Name: TThemeButton;
- Player2Name: TThemeButton;
- Player3Name: TThemeButton;
- Player4Name: TThemeButton;
- Team2Name: TThemeButton;
- Player5Name: TThemeButton;
- Player6Name: TThemeButton;
- Player7Name: TThemeButton;
- Player8Name: TThemeButton;
- Team3Name: TThemeButton;
- Player9Name: TThemeButton;
- Player10Name: TThemeButton;
- Player11Name: TThemeButton;
- Player12Name: TThemeButton;
- {ButtonNext: TThemeButton;
- ButtonPrev: TThemeButton;}
- end;
- //Stats Screens
- TThemeStatMain = class(TThemeBasic)
- ButtonScores: TThemeButton;
- ButtonSingers: TThemeButton;
- ButtonSongs: TThemeButton;
- ButtonBands: TThemeButton;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- TextOverview: TThemeText;
- end;
- TThemeStatDetail = class(TThemeBasic)
- ButtonNext: TThemeButton;
- ButtonPrev: TThemeButton;
- ButtonReverse: TThemeButton;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- TextDescription: TThemeText;
- TextPage: TThemeText;
- TextList: AThemeText;
- Description: array[0..3] of string;
- DescriptionR: array[0..3] of string;
- FormatStr: array[0..3] of string;
- PageStr: String;
- end;
- //Playlist Translations
- TThemePlaylist = record
- CatText: string;
- end;
- TTheme = class
- private
- ThemeIni: TIniFile;
- {$ELSE}
- ThemeIni: TMemIniFile;
- {$ENDIF}
- LastThemeBasic: TThemeBasic;
- public
- Loading: TThemeLoading;
- Main: TThemeMain;
- Name: TThemeName;
- Level: TThemeLevel;
- Song: TThemeSong;
- Sing: TThemeSing;
- Score: TThemeScore;
- Top5: TThemeTop5;
- Options: TThemeOptions;
- OptionsGame: TThemeOptionsGame;
- OptionsGraphics: TThemeOptionsGraphics;
- OptionsSound: TThemeOptionsSound;
- OptionsLyrics: TThemeOptionsLyrics;
- OptionsThemes: TThemeOptionsThemes;
- OptionsRecord: TThemeOptionsRecord;
- OptionsAdvanced: TThemeOptionsAdvanced;
- //error and check popup
- ErrorPopup: TThemeError;
- CheckPopup: TThemeCheck;
- //ScreenSong extensions
- SongMenu: TThemeSongMenu;
- SongJumpto: TThemeSongJumpTo;
- //Party Screens:
- PartyNewRound: TThemePartyNewRound;
- PartyScore: TThemePartyScore;
- PartyWin: TThemePartyWin;
- PartyOptions: TThemePartyOptions;
- PartyPlayer: TThemePartyPlayer;
- //Stats Screens:
- StatMain: TThemeStatMain;
- StatDetail: TThemeStatDetail;
- Playlist: TThemePlaylist;
- ILevel: array[0..2] of String;
- constructor Create(FileName: string); overload; // Initialize theme system
- constructor Create(FileName: string; Color: integer); overload; // Initialize theme system with color
- function LoadTheme(FileName: string; sColor: integer): boolean; // Load some theme settings from file
- procedure LoadColors;
- procedure ThemeLoadBasic(Theme: TThemeBasic; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeLoadBackground(var ThemeBackground: TThemeBackground; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeLoadText(var ThemeText: TThemeText; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeLoadTexts(var ThemeText: AThemeText; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeLoadStatic(var ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeLoadStatics(var ThemeStatic: AThemeStatic; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeLoadButton(var ThemeButton: TThemeButton; Name: string; const Collections: PAThemeButtonCollection = nil);
- procedure ThemeLoadButtonCollection(var Collection: TThemeButtonCollection; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeLoadButtonCollections(var Collections: AThemeButtonCollection; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeLoadSelect(var ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeLoadSelectSlide(var ThemeSelectS: TThemeSelectSlide; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeSave(FileName: string);
- procedure ThemeSaveBasic(Theme: TThemeBasic; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeSaveBackground(ThemeBackground: TThemeBackground; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeSaveStatic(ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeSaveStatics(ThemeStatic: AThemeStatic; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeSaveText(ThemeText: TThemeText; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeSaveTexts(ThemeText: AThemeText; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeSaveButton(ThemeButton: TThemeButton; Name: string);
- end;
- TColor = record
- Name: string;
- end;
-function ColorExists(Name: string): integer;
-procedure LoadColor(var R, G, B: real; ColorName: string);
-function GetSystemColor(Color: integer): TRGB;
-function ColorSqrt(RGB: TRGB): TRGB;
- //Skin: TSkin;
- Theme: TTheme;
- Color: array of TColor;
- ULanguage,
- USkins,
- UIni;
-constructor TTheme.Create(FileName: string);
- Create(FileName, 0);
-constructor TTheme.Create(FileName: string; Color: integer);
- Loading := TThemeLoading.Create;
- Main := TThemeMain.Create;
- Name := TThemeName.Create;
- Level := TThemeLevel.Create;
- Song := TThemeSong.Create;
- Sing := TThemeSing.Create;
- Score := TThemeScore.Create;
- Top5 := TThemeTop5.Create;
- Options := TThemeOptions.Create;
- OptionsGame := TThemeOptionsGame.Create;
- OptionsGraphics := TThemeOptionsGraphics.Create;
- OptionsSound := TThemeOptionsSound.Create;
- OptionsLyrics := TThemeOptionsLyrics.Create;
- OptionsThemes := TThemeOptionsThemes.Create;
- OptionsRecord := TThemeOptionsRecord.Create;
- OptionsAdvanced := TThemeOptionsAdvanced.Create;
- ErrorPopup := TThemeError.Create;
- CheckPopup := TThemeCheck.Create;
- SongMenu := TThemeSongMenu.Create;
- SongJumpto := TThemeSongJumpto.Create;
- //Party Screens
- PartyNewRound := TThemePartyNewRound.Create;
- PartyWin := TThemePartyWin.Create;
- PartyScore := TThemePartyScore.Create;
- PartyOptions := TThemePartyOptions.Create;
- PartyPlayer := TThemePartyPlayer.Create;
- //Stats Screens:
- StatMain := TThemeStatMain.Create;
- StatDetail := TThemeStatDetail.Create;
- LoadTheme(FileName, Color);
-function TTheme.LoadTheme(FileName: string; sColor: integer): boolean;
- I: integer;
- Path: string;
- Result := false;
- if FileExists(FileName) then begin
- Result := true;
- ThemeIni := TIniFile.Create(FileName);
- {$ELSE}
- ThemeIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FileName);
- {$ENDIF}
- if ThemeIni.ReadString('Theme', 'Name', '') <> '' then begin
- {Skin.SkinName := ThemeIni.ReadString('Theme', 'Name', 'Singstar');
- Skin.SkinPath := 'Skins\' + Skin.SkinName + '\';
- Skin.SkinReg := false; }
- Skin.Color := sColor;
- Skin.LoadSkin(ISkin[Ini.SkinNo]);
- LoadColors;
-// ThemeIni.Free;
-// ThemeIni := TIniFile.Create('Themes\Singstar\Main.ini');
- // Loading
- ThemeLoadBasic(Loading, 'Loading');
- ThemeLoadText(Loading.TextLoading, 'LoadingTextLoading');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Loading.StaticAnimation, 'LoadingStaticAnimation');
- // Main
- ThemeLoadBasic(Main, 'Main');
- ThemeLoadText(Main.TextDescription, 'MainTextDescription');
- ThemeLoadText(Main.TextDescriptionLong, 'MainTextDescriptionLong');
- ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonSolo, 'MainButtonSolo');
- ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonMulti, 'MainButtonMulti');
- ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonStat, 'MainButtonStats');
- ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonEditor, 'MainButtonEditor');
- ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonOptions, 'MainButtonOptions');
- ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonExit, 'MainButtonExit');
- //Main Desc Text Translation Start
- Main.Description[0] := Language.Translate('SING_SING');
- Main.DescriptionLong[0] := Language.Translate('SING_SING_DESC');
- Main.Description[1] := Language.Translate('SING_MULTI');
- Main.DescriptionLong[1] := Language.Translate('SING_MULTI_DESC');
- Main.Description[2] := Language.Translate('SING_STATS');
- Main.DescriptionLong[2] := Language.Translate('SING_STATS_DESC');
- Main.Description[3] := Language.Translate('SING_EDITOR');
- Main.DescriptionLong[3] := Language.Translate('SING_EDITOR_DESC');
- Main.Description[4] := Language.Translate('SING_GAME_OPTIONS');
- Main.DescriptionLong[4] := Language.Translate('SING_GAME_OPTIONS_DESC');
- Main.Description[5] := Language.Translate('SING_EXIT');
- Main.DescriptionLong[5] := Language.Translate('SING_EXIT_DESC');
- {{$ENDIF}
- //Main Desc Text Translation End
- Main.TextDescription.Text := Main.Description[0];
- Main.TextDescriptionLong.Text := Main.DescriptionLong[0];
- // Name
- ThemeLoadBasic(Name, 'Name');
- for I := 1 to 6 do
- ThemeLoadButton(Name.ButtonPlayer[I], 'NameButtonPlayer'+IntToStr(I));
- // Level
- ThemeLoadBasic(Level, 'Level');
- ThemeLoadButton(Level.ButtonEasy, 'LevelButtonEasy');
- ThemeLoadButton(Level.ButtonMedium, 'LevelButtonMedium');
- ThemeLoadButton(Level.ButtonHard, 'LevelButtonHard');
- // Song
- ThemeLoadBasic(Song, 'Song');
- ThemeLoadText(Song.TextArtist, 'SongTextArtist');
- ThemeLoadText(Song.TextTitle, 'SongTextTitle');
- ThemeLoadText(Song.TextNumber, 'SongTextNumber');
- //Video Icon Mod
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.VideoIcon, 'SongVideoIcon');
- //Show Cat in TopLeft Mod
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticCat, 'SongStaticCat');
- ThemeLoadText(Song.TextCat, 'SongTextCat');
- //Load Cover Pos and Size from Theme Mod
- Song.Cover.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'X', 300);
- Song.Cover.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'Y', 190);
- Song.Cover.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'W', 300);
- Song.Cover.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'H', 200);
- Song.Cover.Style := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'Style', 4);
- Song.Cover.Reflections := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'Reflections', 0) = 1);
- //Load Cover Pos and Size from Theme Mod End
- //Load Equalizer Pos and Size from Theme Mod
- Song.Equalizer.Visible := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Visible', 0) = 1);
- Song.Equalizer.Direction := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Direction', 0) = 1);
- Song.Equalizer.Alpha := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Alpha', 1);
- Song.Equalizer.Space := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Space', 1);
- Song.Equalizer.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'X', 0);
- Song.Equalizer.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Y', 0);
- Song.Equalizer.Z := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Z', 1);
- Song.Equalizer.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'PieceW', 8);
- Song.Equalizer.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'PieceH', 8);
- Song.Equalizer.Bands := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Bands', 5);
- Song.Equalizer.Length := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Length', 12);
- //Color
- I := ColorExists(ThemeIni.ReadString('SongEqualizer', 'Color', 'Black'));
- if I >= 0 then begin
- Song.Equalizer.ColR := Color[I].RGB.R;
- Song.Equalizer.ColG := Color[I].RGB.G;
- Song.Equalizer.ColB := Color[I].RGB.B;
- end
- else begin
- Song.Equalizer.ColR := 0;
- Song.Equalizer.ColG := 0;
- Song.Equalizer.ColB := 0;
- end;
- //Load Equalizer Pos and Size from Theme Mod End
- //Party and Non Party specific Statics and Texts
- ThemeLoadStatics (Song.StaticParty, 'SongStaticParty');
- ThemeLoadTexts (Song.TextParty, 'SongTextParty');
- ThemeLoadStatics (Song.StaticNonParty, 'SongStaticNonParty');
- ThemeLoadTexts (Song.TextNonParty, 'SongTextNonParty');
- //Party Mode
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker1, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker1');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker2, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker2');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker3, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker3');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker4, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker4');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker5, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker5');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker1, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker1');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker2, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker2');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker3, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker3');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker4, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker4');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker5, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker5');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker1, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker1');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker2, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker2');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker3, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker3');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker4, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker4');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker5, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker5');
- // Sing
- ThemeLoadBasic(Sing, 'Sing');
- //TimeBar mod
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticTimeProgress, 'SingTimeProgress');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextTimeText, 'SingTimeText');
- //eoa TimeBar mod
- //moveable singbar mod
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1SingBar, 'SingP1SingBar');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoPSingBar, 'SingP1TwoPSingBar');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreePSingBar, 'SingP1ThreePSingBar');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2RSingBar, 'SingP2RSingBar');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2MSingBar, 'SingP2MSingBar');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP3SingBar, 'SingP3SingBar');
- //eoa moveable singbar
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1, 'SingP1Static');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1, 'SingP1Text');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG, 'SingP1Static2');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1Score, 'SingP1TextScore');
- //Added for ps3 skin
- //This one is shown in 2/4P mode
- //if it exists, otherwise the one Player equivaltents are used
- if (ThemeIni.SectionExists('SingP1TwoPTextScore')) then
- begin
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoP, 'SingP1TwoPStatic');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1TwoP, 'SingP1TwoPText');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG, 'SingP1TwoPStatic2');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1TwoPScore, 'SingP1TwoPTextScore');
- end
- else
- begin
- Sing.StaticP1TwoP := Sing.StaticP1;
- Sing.TextP1TwoP := Sing.TextP1;
- Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG := Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG;
- Sing.TextP1TwoPScore := Sing.TextP1Score;
- end;
- //This one is shown in 3/6P mode
- //if it exists, otherwise the one Player equivaltents are used
- if (ThemeIni.SectionExists('SingP1TwoPTextScore')) then
- begin
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreeP, 'SingP1ThreePStatic');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1ThreeP, 'SingP1ThreePText');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG, 'SingP1ThreePStatic2');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1ThreePScore, 'SingP1ThreePTextScore');
- end
- else
- begin
- Sing.StaticP1ThreeP := Sing.StaticP1;
- Sing.TextP1ThreeP := Sing.TextP1;
- Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG := Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG;
- Sing.TextP1ThreePScore := Sing.TextP1Score;
- end;
- //eoa
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2R, 'SingP2RStatic');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP2R, 'SingP2RText');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG, 'SingP2RStatic2');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP2RScore, 'SingP2RTextScore');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2M, 'SingP2MStatic');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP2M, 'SingP2MText');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG, 'SingP2MStatic2');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP2MScore, 'SingP2MTextScore');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP3R, 'SingP3RStatic');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP3R, 'SingP3RText');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG, 'SingP3RStatic2');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP3RScore, 'SingP3RTextScore');
- //Line Bonus Texts
- Sing.LineBonusText[0] := Language.Translate('POPUP_AWFUL');
- Sing.LineBonusText[1] := Sing.LineBonusText[0];
- Sing.LineBonusText[2] := Language.Translate('POPUP_POOR');
- Sing.LineBonusText[3] := Language.Translate('POPUP_BAD');
- Sing.LineBonusText[4] := Language.Translate('POPUP_NOTBAD');
- Sing.LineBonusText[5] := Language.Translate('POPUP_GOOD');
- Sing.LineBonusText[6] := Language.Translate('POPUP_GREAT');
- Sing.LineBonusText[7] := Language.Translate('POPUP_AWESOME');
- Sing.LineBonusText[8] := Language.Translate('POPUP_PERFECT');
- // Score
- ThemeLoadBasic(Score, 'Score');
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextArtist, 'ScoreTextArtist');
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextTitle, 'ScoreTextTitle');
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextArtistTitle, 'ScoreTextArtistTitle');
- for I := 1 to 6 do begin
- ThemeLoadStatics(Score.PlayerStatic[I], 'ScorePlayer' + IntToStr(I) + 'Static');
- ThemeLoadTexts(Score.PlayerTexts[I], 'ScorePlayer' + IntToStr(I) + 'Text');
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextName[I], 'ScoreTextName' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextScore[I], 'ScoreTextScore' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextNotes[I], 'ScoreTextNotes' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextNotesScore[I], 'ScoreTextNotesScore' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextLineBonus[I], 'ScoreTextLineBonus' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextLineBonusScore[I], 'ScoreTextLineBonusScore' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextGoldenNotes[I], 'ScoreTextGoldenNotes' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextGoldenNotesScore[I], 'ScoreTextGoldenNotesScore' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextTotal[I], 'ScoreTextTotal' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextTotalScore[I], 'ScoreTextTotalScore' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBoxLightest[I], 'ScoreStaticBoxLightest' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBoxLight[I], 'ScoreStaticBoxLight' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBoxDark[I], 'ScoreStaticBoxDark' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBackLevel[I], 'ScoreStaticBackLevel' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBackLevelRound[I], 'ScoreStaticBackLevelRound' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticLevel[I], 'ScoreStaticLevel' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticLevelRound[I], 'ScoreStaticLevelRound' + IntToStr(I));
- end;
- // Top5
- ThemeLoadBasic(Top5, 'Top5');
- ThemeLoadText(Top5.TextLevel, 'Top5TextLevel');
- ThemeLoadText(Top5.TextArtistTitle, 'Top5TextArtistTitle');
- ThemeLoadStatics(Top5.StaticNumber, 'Top5StaticNumber');
- ThemeLoadTexts(Top5.TextNumber, 'Top5TextNumber');
- ThemeLoadTexts(Top5.TextName, 'Top5TextName');
- ThemeLoadTexts(Top5.TextScore, 'Top5TextScore');
- // Options
- ThemeLoadBasic(Options, 'Options');
- ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonGame, 'OptionsButtonGame');
- ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonGraphics, 'OptionsButtonGraphics');
- ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonSound, 'OptionsButtonSound');
- ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonLyrics, 'OptionsButtonLyrics');
- ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonThemes, 'OptionsButtonThemes');
- ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonRecord, 'OptionsButtonRecord');
- ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonAdvanced, 'OptionsButtonAdvanced');
- ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonExit, 'OptionsButtonExit');
- Options.Description[0] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_GAME');
- Options.Description[1] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS');
- Options.Description[2] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_SOUND');
- Options.Description[3] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_LYRICS');
- Options.Description[4] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_THEMES');
- Options.Description[5] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_RECORD');
- Options.Description[6] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_ADVANCED');
- Options.Description[7] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_EXIT');
- {{$ENDIF}
- ThemeLoadText(Options.TextDescription, 'OptionsTextDescription');
- Options.TextDescription.Text := Options.Description[0];
- // Options Game
- ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsGame, 'OptionsGame');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGame.SelectPlayers, 'OptionsGameSelectPlayers');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGame.SelectDifficulty, 'OptionsGameSelectDifficulty');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsGame.SelectLanguage, 'OptionsGameSelectSlideLanguage');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGame.SelectTabs, 'OptionsGameSelectTabs');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsGame.SelectSorting, 'OptionsGameSelectSlideSorting');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGame.SelectDebug, 'OptionsGameSelectDebug');
- ThemeLoadButton(OptionsGame.ButtonExit, 'OptionsGameButtonExit');
- // Options Graphics
- ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsGraphics, 'OptionsGraphics');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectFullscreen, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectFullscreen');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsGraphics.SelectSlideResolution, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectSlideResolution');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectDepth, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectDepth');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectOscilloscope, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectOscilloscope');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectLineBonus, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectLineBonus');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectMovieSize, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectMovieSize');
- ThemeLoadButton(OptionsGraphics.ButtonExit, 'OptionsGraphicsButtonExit');
- // Options Sound
- ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsSound, 'OptionsSound');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsSound.SelectMicBoost, 'OptionsSoundSelectMicBoost');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsSound.SelectClickAssist, 'OptionsSoundSelectClickAssist');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsSound.SelectBeatClick, 'OptionsSoundSelectBeatClick');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsSound.SelectThreshold, 'OptionsSoundSelectThreshold');
- //Song Preview
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsSound.SelectSlidePreviewVolume, 'OptionsSoundSelectSlidePreviewVolume');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsSound.SelectSlidePreviewFading, 'OptionsSoundSelectSlidePreviewFading');
- ThemeLoadButton(OptionsSound.ButtonExit, 'OptionsSoundButtonExit');
- // Options Lyrics
- ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsLyrics, 'OptionsLyrics');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsLyrics.SelectLyricsFont, 'OptionsLyricsSelectLyricsFont');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsLyrics.SelectLyricsEffect, 'OptionsLyricsSelectLyricsEffect');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsLyrics.SelectSolmization, 'OptionsLyricsSelectSolmization');
- ThemeLoadButton(OptionsLyrics.ButtonExit, 'OptionsLyricsButtonExit');
- // Options Themes
- ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsThemes, 'OptionsThemes');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsThemes.SelectTheme, 'OptionsThemesSelectTheme');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsThemes.SelectSkin, 'OptionsThemesSelectSkin');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsThemes.SelectColor, 'OptionsThemesSelectColor');
- ThemeLoadButton(OptionsThemes.ButtonExit, 'OptionsThemesButtonExit');
- // Options Record
- ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsRecord, 'OptionsRecord');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsRecord.SelectSlideCard, 'OptionsRecordSelectSlideCard');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsRecord.SelectSlideInput, 'OptionsRecordSelectSlideInput');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelL, 'OptionsRecordSelectSlideChannelL');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelR, 'OptionsRecordSelectSlideChannelR');
- ThemeLoadButton(OptionsRecord.ButtonExit, 'OptionsRecordButtonExit');
- //Options Advanced
- ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsAdvanced, 'OptionsAdvanced');
- ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectLoadAnimation, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectLoadAnimation');
- ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectScreenFade, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectScreenFade');
- ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectEffectSing, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectEffectSing');
- ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectLineBonus, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectLineBonus');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide (OptionsAdvanced.SelectOnSongClick, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectSlideOnSongClick');
- ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectAskbeforeDel, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectAskbeforeDel');
- ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectPartyPopup, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectPartyPopup');
- ThemeLoadButton (OptionsAdvanced.ButtonExit, 'OptionsAdvancedButtonExit');
- //error and check popup
- ThemeLoadBasic (ErrorPopup, 'ErrorPopup');
- ThemeLoadButton(ErrorPopup.Button1, 'ErrorPopupButton1');
- ThemeLoadText (ErrorPopup.TextError,'ErrorPopupText');
- ThemeLoadBasic (CheckPopup, 'CheckPopup');
- ThemeLoadButton(CheckPopup.Button1, 'CheckPopupButton1');
- ThemeLoadButton(CheckPopup.Button2, 'CheckPopupButton2');
- ThemeLoadText(CheckPopup.TextCheck , 'CheckPopupText');
- //Song Menu
- ThemeLoadBasic (SongMenu, 'SongMenu');
- ThemeLoadButton(SongMenu.Button1, 'SongMenuButton1');
- ThemeLoadButton(SongMenu.Button2, 'SongMenuButton2');
- ThemeLoadButton(SongMenu.Button3, 'SongMenuButton3');
- ThemeLoadButton(SongMenu.Button4, 'SongMenuButton4');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(SongMenu.SelectSlide3, 'SongMenuSelectSlide3');
- ThemeLoadText(SongMenu.TextMenu, 'SongMenuTextMenu');
- //Song Jumpto
- ThemeLoadBasic (SongJumpto, 'SongJumpto');
- ThemeLoadButton(SongJumpto.ButtonSearchText, 'SongJumptoButtonSearchText');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(SongJumpto.SelectSlideType, 'SongJumptoSelectSlideType');
- ThemeLoadText(SongJumpto.TextFound, 'SongJumptoTextFound');
- //Translations
- SongJumpto.IType[0] := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE1');
- SongJumpto.IType[1] := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE2');
- SongJumpto.IType[2] := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE3');
- SongJumpto.SongsFound := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_SONGSFOUND');
- SongJumpto.NoSongsFound := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_NOSONGSFOUND');
- SongJumpto.CatText := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_CATTEXT');
- //Party Screens:
- //Party NewRound
- ThemeLoadBasic(PartyNewRound, 'PartyNewRound');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound1, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound1');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound2, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound2');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound3, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound3');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound4, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound4');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound5, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound5');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound6, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound6');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound7, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound7');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner1, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner1');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner2, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner2');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner3, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner3');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner4, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner4');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner5, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner5');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner6, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner6');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner7, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner7');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextRound, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextRound');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextRoundNo, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextRoundNo');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextPlayer1, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextPlayer1');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextPlayer2, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextPlayer2');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextPlayer3, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextPlayer3');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound1, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound1');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound2, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound2');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound3, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound3');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound4, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound4');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound5, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound5');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound6, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound6');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound7, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound7');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextScoreTeam1, 'PartyNewRoundTextScoreTeam1');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextScoreTeam2, 'PartyNewRoundTextScoreTeam2');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextScoreTeam3, 'PartyNewRoundTextScoreTeam3');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNameTeam1, 'PartyNewRoundTextNameTeam1');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNameTeam2, 'PartyNewRoundTextNameTeam2');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNameTeam3, 'PartyNewRoundTextNameTeam3');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextTeam1Players, 'PartyNewRoundTextTeam1Players');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextTeam2Players, 'PartyNewRoundTextTeam2Players');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextTeam3Players, 'PartyNewRoundTextTeam3Players');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticTeam1, 'PartyNewRoundStaticTeam1');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticTeam2, 'PartyNewRoundStaticTeam2');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticTeam3, 'PartyNewRoundStaticTeam3');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticNextPlayer1, 'PartyNewRoundStaticNextPlayer1');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticNextPlayer2, 'PartyNewRoundStaticNextPlayer2');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticNextPlayer3, 'PartyNewRoundStaticNextPlayer3');
- //Party Score
- ThemeLoadBasic(PartyScore, 'PartyScore');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextScoreTeam1, 'PartyScoreTextScoreTeam1');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextScoreTeam2, 'PartyScoreTextScoreTeam2');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextScoreTeam3, 'PartyScoreTextScoreTeam3');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextNameTeam1, 'PartyScoreTextNameTeam1');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextNameTeam2, 'PartyScoreTextNameTeam2');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextNameTeam3, 'PartyScoreTextNameTeam3');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam1, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam1');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam1BG, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam1BG');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam1Deco, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam1Deco');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam2, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam2');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam2BG, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam2BG');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam2Deco, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam2Deco');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam3, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam3');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam3BG, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam3BG');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam3Deco, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam3Deco');
- //Load Party Score DecoTextures Object
- PartyScore.DecoTextures.ChangeTextures := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'ChangeTextures', 0) = 1);
- PartyScore.DecoTextures.FirstTexture := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'FirstTexture', '');
- PartyScore.DecoTextures.FirstTyp := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'FirstTyp', 'Note Black');
- PartyScore.DecoTextures.FirstColor := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'FirstColor', 'Black');
- PartyScore.DecoTextures.SecondTexture := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'SecondTexture', '');
- PartyScore.DecoTextures.SecondTyp := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'SecondTyp', 'Note Black');
- PartyScore.DecoTextures.SecondColor := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'SecondColor', 'Black');
- PartyScore.DecoTextures.ThirdTexture := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'ThirdTexture', '');
- PartyScore.DecoTextures.ThirdTyp := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'ThirdTyp', 'Note Black');
- PartyScore.DecoTextures.ThirdColor := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'ThirdColor', 'Black');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextWinner, 'PartyScoreTextWinner');
- //Party Win
- ThemeLoadBasic(PartyWin, 'PartyWin');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextScoreTeam1, 'PartyWinTextScoreTeam1');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextScoreTeam2, 'PartyWinTextScoreTeam2');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextScoreTeam3, 'PartyWinTextScoreTeam3');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextNameTeam1, 'PartyWinTextNameTeam1');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextNameTeam2, 'PartyWinTextNameTeam2');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextNameTeam3, 'PartyWinTextNameTeam3');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam1, 'PartyWinStaticTeam1');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam1BG, 'PartyWinStaticTeam1BG');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam1Deco, 'PartyWinStaticTeam1Deco');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam2, 'PartyWinStaticTeam2');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam2BG, 'PartyWinStaticTeam2BG');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam2Deco, 'PartyWinStaticTeam2Deco');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam3, 'PartyWinStaticTeam3');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam3BG, 'PartyWinStaticTeam3BG');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam3Deco, 'PartyWinStaticTeam3Deco');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextWinner, 'PartyWinTextWinner');
- //Party Options
- ThemeLoadBasic(PartyOptions, 'PartyOptions');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectLevel, 'PartyOptionsSelectLevel');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayList, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayList');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayList2, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayList2');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectRounds, 'PartyOptionsSelectRounds');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectTeams, 'PartyOptionsSelectTeams');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayers1, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayers1');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayers2, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayers2');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayers3, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayers3');
- {ThemeLoadButton (ButtonNext, 'ButtonNext');
- ThemeLoadButton (ButtonPrev, 'ButtonPrev');}
- //Party Player
- ThemeLoadBasic(PartyPlayer, 'PartyPlayer');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Team1Name, 'PartyPlayerTeam1Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player1Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer1Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player2Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer2Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player3Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer3Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player4Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer4Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Team2Name, 'PartyPlayerTeam2Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player5Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer5Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player6Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer6Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player7Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer7Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player8Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer8Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Team3Name, 'PartyPlayerTeam3Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player9Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer9Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player10Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer10Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player11Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer11Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player12Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer12Name');
- {ThemeLoadButton(ButtonNext, 'PartyPlayerButtonNext');
- ThemeLoadButton(ButtonPrev, 'PartyPlayerButtonPrev');}
- ThemeLoadBasic(StatMain, 'StatMain');
- ThemeLoadButton(StatMain.ButtonScores, 'StatMainButtonScores');
- ThemeLoadButton(StatMain.ButtonSingers, 'StatMainButtonSingers');
- ThemeLoadButton(StatMain.ButtonSongs, 'StatMainButtonSongs');
- ThemeLoadButton(StatMain.ButtonBands, 'StatMainButtonBands');
- ThemeLoadButton(StatMain.ButtonExit, 'StatMainButtonExit');
- ThemeLoadText (StatMain.TextOverview, 'StatMainTextOverview');
- ThemeLoadBasic(StatDetail, 'StatDetail');
- ThemeLoadButton(StatDetail.ButtonNext, 'StatDetailButtonNext');
- ThemeLoadButton(StatDetail.ButtonPrev, 'StatDetailButtonPrev');
- ThemeLoadButton(StatDetail.ButtonReverse, 'StatDetailButtonReverse');
- ThemeLoadButton(StatDetail.ButtonExit, 'StatDetailButtonExit');
- ThemeLoadText (StatDetail.TextDescription, 'StatDetailTextDescription');
- ThemeLoadText (StatDetail.TextPage, 'StatDetailTextPage');
- ThemeLoadTexts(StatDetail.TextList, 'StatDetailTextList');
- //Translate Texts
- StatDetail.Description[0] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SCORES');
- StatDetail.Description[1] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SINGERS');
- StatDetail.Description[2] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SONGS');
- StatDetail.Description[3] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_BANDS');
- StatDetail.DescriptionR[0] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SCORES_REVERSED');
- StatDetail.DescriptionR[1] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SINGERS_REVERSED');
- StatDetail.DescriptionR[2] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SONGS_REVERSED');
- StatDetail.DescriptionR[3] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_BANDS_REVERSED');
- StatDetail.FormatStr[0] := Language.Translate('STAT_FORMAT_SCORES');
- StatDetail.FormatStr[1] := Language.Translate('STAT_FORMAT_SINGERS');
- StatDetail.FormatStr[2] := Language.Translate('STAT_FORMAT_SONGS');
- StatDetail.FormatStr[3] := Language.Translate('STAT_FORMAT_BANDS');
- StatDetail.PageStr := Language.Translate('STAT_PAGE');
- //Playlist Translations
- Playlist.CatText := Language.Translate('PLAYLIST_CATTEXT');
- //Level Translations
- //Fill ILevel
- ILevel[0] := Language.Translate('SING_EASY');
- ILevel[1] := Language.Translate('SING_MEDIUM');
- ILevel[2] := Language.Translate('SING_HARD');
- end;
- ThemeIni.Free;
- end;
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadBasic(Theme: TThemeBasic; Name: string);
- ThemeLoadBackground(Theme.Background, Name);
- ThemeLoadTexts(Theme.Text, Name + 'Text');
- ThemeLoadStatics(Theme.Static, Name + 'Static');
- ThemeLoadButtonCollections(Theme.ButtonCollection, Name + 'ButtonCollection');
- LastThemeBasic := Theme;
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadBackground(var ThemeBackground: TThemeBackground; Name: string);
- ThemeBackground.Tex := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name + 'Background', 'Tex', '');
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadText(var ThemeText: TThemeText; Name: string);
- C: integer;
- DecimalSeparator := '.';
- ThemeText.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'X', 0);
- ThemeText.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Y', 0);
- ThemeText.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'W', 0);
- ThemeText.ColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColR', 0);
- ThemeText.ColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColG', 0);
- ThemeText.ColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColB', 0);
- ThemeText.Font := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Font', 0);
- ThemeText.Size := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Size', 0);
- ThemeText.Align := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Align', 0);
- ThemeText.Text := Language.Translate(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', ''));
- ThemeText.Color := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', '');
- C := ColorExists(ThemeText.Color);
- if C >= 0 then begin
- ThemeText.ColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
- ThemeText.ColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
- ThemeText.ColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
- end;
- DecimalSeparator := ',';
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadTexts(var ThemeText: AThemeText; Name: string);
- T: integer;
- T := 1;
- while ThemeIni.SectionExists(Name + IntToStr(T)) do begin
- SetLength(ThemeText, T);
- ThemeLoadText(ThemeText[T-1], Name + IntToStr(T));
- Inc(T);
- end;
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadStatic(var ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic; Name: string);
- C: integer;
- DecimalSeparator := '.';
- ThemeStatic.Tex := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Tex', '');
- ThemeStatic.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'X', 0);
- ThemeStatic.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Y', 0);
- ThemeStatic.Z := ThemeIni.ReadFloat (Name, 'Z', 0);
- ThemeStatic.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'W', 0);
- ThemeStatic.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'H', 0);
- ThemeStatic.Typ := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Type', '');
- ThemeStatic.Color := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', '');
- C := ColorExists(ThemeStatic.Color);
- if C >= 0 then begin
- ThemeStatic.ColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
- ThemeStatic.ColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
- ThemeStatic.ColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
- end;
- ThemeStatic.TexX1 := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TexX1', 0);
- ThemeStatic.TexY1 := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TexY1', 0);
- ThemeStatic.TexX2 := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TexX2', 1);
- ThemeStatic.TexY2 := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TexY2', 1);
- //Reflection Mod
- ThemeStatic.Reflection := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Reflection', 0) = 1);
- ThemeStatic.ReflectionSpacing := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ReflectionSpacing', 15);
- DecimalSeparator := ',';
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadStatics(var ThemeStatic: AThemeStatic; Name: string);
- S: integer;
- S := 1;
- while ThemeIni.SectionExists(Name + IntToStr(S)) do begin
- SetLength(ThemeStatic, S);
- ThemeLoadStatic(ThemeStatic[S-1], Name + IntToStr(S));
- Inc(S);
- end;
-//Button Collection Mod
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadButtonCollection(var Collection: TThemeButtonCollection; Name: string);
-var T: Integer;
- //Load Collection Style
- ThemeLoadButton(Collection.Style, Name);
- //Load Other Attributes
- T := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'FirstChild', 0);
- if (T > 0) And (T < 256) then
- Collection.FirstChild := T
- else
- Collection.FirstChild := 0;
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadButtonCollections(var Collections: AThemeButtonCollection; Name: string);
- I: integer;
- I := 1;
- while ThemeIni.SectionExists(Name + IntToStr(I)) do begin
- SetLength(Collections, I);
- ThemeLoadButtonCollection(Collections[I-1], Name + IntToStr(I));
- Inc(I);
- end;
-//End Button Collection Mod
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadButton(var ThemeButton: TThemeButton; Name: string; const Collections: PAThemeButtonCollection);
- C: integer;
- TLen: integer;
- T: integer;
- Collections2: PAThemeButtonCollection;
- if not ThemeIni.SectionExists(Name) then
- begin
- ThemeButton.Visible := False;
- exit;
- end;
- DecimalSeparator := '.';
- ThemeButton.Tex := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Tex', '');
- ThemeButton.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'X', 0);
- ThemeButton.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'Y', 0);
- ThemeButton.Z := ThemeIni.ReadFloat (Name, 'Z', 0);
- ThemeButton.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'W', 0);
- ThemeButton.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'H', 0);
- ThemeButton.Typ := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Type', '');
- //Reflection Mod
- ThemeButton.Reflection := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Reflection', 0) = 1);
- ThemeButton.ReflectionSpacing := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ReflectionSpacing', 15);
- ThemeButton.ColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColR', 1);
- ThemeButton.ColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColG', 1);
- ThemeButton.ColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColB', 1);
- ThemeButton.Int := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Int', 1);
- ThemeButton.DColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColR', 1);
- ThemeButton.DColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColG', 1);
- ThemeButton.DColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColB', 1);
- ThemeButton.DInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DInt', 1);
- ThemeButton.Color := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', '');
- C := ColorExists(ThemeButton.Color);
- if C >= 0 then begin
- ThemeButton.ColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
- ThemeButton.ColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
- ThemeButton.ColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
- end;
- ThemeButton.DColor := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'DColor', '');
- C := ColorExists(ThemeButton.DColor);
- if C >= 0 then begin
- ThemeButton.DColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
- ThemeButton.DColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
- ThemeButton.DColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
- end;
- ThemeButton.Visible := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Visible', 1) = 1);
- //Fade Mod
- ThemeButton.SelectH := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'SelectH', ThemeButton.H);
- ThemeButton.SelectW := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'SelectW', ThemeButton.W);
- ThemeButton.DeSelectReflectionspacing := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DeSelectReflectionSpacing', ThemeButton.Reflectionspacing);
- ThemeButton.Fade := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Fade', 0) = 1);
- ThemeButton.FadeText := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'FadeText', 0) = 1);
- ThemeButton.FadeTex := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'FadeTex', '');
- ThemeButton.FadeTexPos:= ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'FadeTexPos', 0);
- if (ThemeButton.FadeTexPos > 4) Or (ThemeButton.FadeTexPos < 0) then
- ThemeButton.FadeTexPos := 0;
- //Button Collection Mod
- T := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Parent', 0);
- //Set Collections to Last Basic Collections if no valid Value
- if (Collections = nil) then
- Collections2 := @LastThemeBasic.ButtonCollection
- else
- Collections2 := Collections;
- //Test for valid Value
- if (Collections2 <> nil) AND (T > 0) AND (T <= Length(Collections2^)) then
- begin
- Inc(Collections2^[T-1].ChildCount);
- ThemeButton.Parent := T;
- end
- else
- ThemeButton.Parent := 0;
- //Read ButtonTexts
- TLen := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Texts', 0);
- SetLength(ThemeButton.Text, TLen);
- for T := 1 to TLen do
- ThemeLoadText(ThemeButton.Text[T-1], Name + 'Text' + IntToStr(T));
- DecimalSeparator := ',';
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadSelect(var ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; Name: string);
- C: integer;
- DecimalSeparator := '.';
- ThemeSelect.Text := Language.Translate(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', ''));
- {{$ELSE}{
- ThemeSelect.Text := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', '');
- {$ENDIF}
- ThemeSelect.Tex := {Skin.SkinPath + }ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Tex', '');
- ThemeSelect.TexSBG := {Skin.SkinPath + }ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TexSBG', '');
- ThemeSelect.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'X', 0);
- ThemeSelect.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Y', 0);
- ThemeSelect.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'W', 0);
- ThemeSelect.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'H', 0);
- ThemeSelect.SkipX := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'SkipX', 0);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelect.ColR, ThemeSelect.ColG, ThemeSelect.ColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', ''));
- ThemeSelect.Int := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Int', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelect.DColR, ThemeSelect.DColG, ThemeSelect.DColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'DColor', ''));
- ThemeSelect.DInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelect.TColR, ThemeSelect.TColG, ThemeSelect.TColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TColor', ''));
- ThemeSelect.TInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelect.TDColR, ThemeSelect.TDColG, ThemeSelect.TDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TDColor', ''));
- ThemeSelect.TDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TDInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelect.SBGColR, ThemeSelect.SBGColG, ThemeSelect.SBGColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'SBGColor', ''));
- ThemeSelect.SBGInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'SBGInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelect.SBGDColR, ThemeSelect.SBGDColG, ThemeSelect.SBGDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'SBGDColor', ''));
- ThemeSelect.SBGDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'SBGDInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelect.STColR, ThemeSelect.STColG, ThemeSelect.STColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'STColor', ''));
- ThemeSelect.STInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'STInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelect.STDColR, ThemeSelect.STDColG, ThemeSelect.STDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'STDColor', ''));
- ThemeSelect.STDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'STDInt', 1);
- DecimalSeparator := ',';
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadSelectSlide(var ThemeSelectS: TThemeSelectSlide; Name: string);
- C: integer;
- DecimalSeparator := '.';
- ThemeSelectS.Text := Language.Translate(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', ''));
- {{$ELSE}{
- ThemeSelectS.Text := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', '');
- {$ENDIF}
- ThemeSelectS.Tex := {Skin.SkinPath + }ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Tex', '');
- ThemeSelectS.TexSBG := {Skin.SkinPath + }ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TexSBG', '');
- ThemeSelectS.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'X', 0);
- ThemeSelectS.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Y', 0);
- ThemeSelectS.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'W', 0);
- ThemeSelectS.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'H', 0);
- ThemeSelectS.Z := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Z', 0);
- ThemeSelectS.TextSize := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'TextSize', 10);
- ThemeSelectS.SkipX := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'SkipX', 0);
- ThemeSelectS.SBGW := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'SBGW', 450);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.ColR, ThemeSelectS.ColG, ThemeSelectS.ColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', ''));
- ThemeSelectS.Int := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Int', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.DColR, ThemeSelectS.DColG, ThemeSelectS.DColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'DColor', ''));
- ThemeSelectS.DInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.TColR, ThemeSelectS.TColG, ThemeSelectS.TColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TColor', ''));
- ThemeSelectS.TInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.TDColR, ThemeSelectS.TDColG, ThemeSelectS.TDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TDColor', ''));
- ThemeSelectS.TDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TDInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.SBGColR, ThemeSelectS.SBGColG, ThemeSelectS.SBGColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'SBGColor', ''));
- ThemeSelectS.SBGInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'SBGInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.SBGDColR, ThemeSelectS.SBGDColG, ThemeSelectS.SBGDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'SBGDColor', ''));
- ThemeSelectS.SBGDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'SBGDInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.STColR, ThemeSelectS.STColG, ThemeSelectS.STColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'STColor', ''));
- ThemeSelectS.STInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'STInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.STDColR, ThemeSelectS.STDColG, ThemeSelectS.STDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'STDColor', ''));
- ThemeSelectS.STDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'STDInt', 1);
- DecimalSeparator := ',';
-procedure TTheme.LoadColors;
- SL: TStringList;
- C: integer;
- S: string;
- Col: integer;
- SL := TStringList.Create;
- ThemeIni.ReadSection('Colors', SL);
- // normal colors
- SetLength(Color, SL.Count);
- for C := 0 to SL.Count-1 do begin
- Color[C].Name := SL.Strings[C];
- S := ThemeIni.ReadString('Colors', SL.Strings[C], '');
- Color[C].RGB.R := StrToInt(Copy(S, 1, Pos(' ' , S)-1))/255;
- Delete(S, 1, Pos(' ', S));
- Color[C].RGB.G := StrToInt(Copy(S, 1, Pos(' ' , S)-1))/255;
- Delete(S, 1, Pos(' ', S));
- Color[C].RGB.B := StrToInt(S)/255;
- end;
- // skin color
- SetLength(Color, SL.Count + 3);
- C := SL.Count;
- Color[C].Name := 'ColorDark';
- Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(Skin.Color); //Ini.Color);
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'ColorLight';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'ColorLightest';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- // players colors
- SetLength(Color, Length(Color)+18);
- // P1
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P1Dark';
- Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(0); // 0 - blue
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P1Light';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P1Lightest';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- // P2
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P2Dark';
- Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(3); // 3 - red
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P2Light';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P2Lightest';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- // P3
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P3Dark';
- Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(1); // 1 - green
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P3Light';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P3Lightest';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- // P4
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P4Dark';
- Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(4); // 4 - brown
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P4Light';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P4Lightest';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- // P5
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P5Dark';
- Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(5); // 5 - yellow
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P5Light';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P5Lightest';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- // P6
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P6Dark';
- Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(6); // 6 - violet
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P6Light';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P6Lightest';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- SL.Free;
-function ColorExists(Name: string): integer;
- C: integer;
- Result := -1;
- for C := 0 to High(Color) do
- if Color[C].Name = Name then Result := C;
-procedure LoadColor(var R, G, B: real; ColorName: string);
- C: integer;
- C := ColorExists(ColorName);
- if C >= 0 then begin
- R := Color[C].RGB.R;
- G := Color[C].RGB.G;
- B := Color[C].RGB.B;
- end;
-function GetSystemColor(Color: integer): TRGB;
- case Color of
- 0: begin
- // blue
- Result.R := 71/255;
- Result.G := 175/255;
- Result.B := 247/255;
- end;
- 1: begin
- // green
- Result.R := 63/255;
- Result.G := 191/255;
- Result.B := 63/255;
- end;
- 2: begin
- // pink
- Result.R := 255/255;
-{ Result.G := 63/255;
- Result.B := 192/255;}
- Result.G := 175/255;
- Result.B := 247/255;
- end;
- 3: begin
- // red
- Result.R := 247/255;
- Result.G := 71/255;
- Result.B := 71/255;
- end;
- //'Violet', 'Orange', 'Yellow', 'Brown', 'Black'
- //New Theme-Color Patch
- 4: begin
- // violet
- Result.R := 230/255;
- Result.G := 63/255;
- Result.B := 230/255;
- end;
- 5: begin
- // orange
- Result.R := 255/255;
- Result.G := 144/255;
- Result.B := 0;
- end;
- 6: begin
- // yellow
- Result.R := 230/255;
- Result.G := 230/255;
- Result.B := 95/255;
- end;
- 7: begin
- // brown
- Result.R := 192/255;
- Result.G := 127/255;
- Result.B := 31/255;
- end;
- 8: begin
- // black
- Result.R := 0;
- Result.G := 0;
- Result.B := 0;
- end;
- //New Theme-Color Patch End
- end;
-function ColorSqrt(RGB: TRGB): TRGB;
- Result.R := sqrt(RGB.R);
- Result.G := sqrt(RGB.G);
- Result.B := sqrt(RGB.B);
-procedure TTheme.ThemeSave(FileName: string);
- I: integer;
- ThemeIni := TIniFile.Create(FileName);
- {$ELSE}
- ThemeIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FileName);
- {$ENDIF}
- ThemeSaveBasic(Loading, 'Loading');
- ThemeSaveBasic(Main, 'Main');
- ThemeSaveText(Main.TextDescription, 'MainTextDescription');
- ThemeSaveText(Main.TextDescriptionLong, 'MainTextDescriptionLong');
- ThemeSaveButton(Main.ButtonSolo, 'MainButtonSolo');
- ThemeSaveButton(Main.ButtonEditor, 'MainButtonEditor');
- ThemeSaveButton(Main.ButtonOptions, 'MainButtonOptions');
- ThemeSaveButton(Main.ButtonExit, 'MainButtonExit');
- ThemeSaveBasic(Name, 'Name');
- for I := 1 to 6 do
- ThemeSaveButton(Name.ButtonPlayer[I], 'NameButtonPlayer' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveBasic(Level, 'Level');
- ThemeSaveButton(Level.ButtonEasy, 'LevelButtonEasy');
- ThemeSaveButton(Level.ButtonMedium, 'LevelButtonMedium');
- ThemeSaveButton(Level.ButtonHard, 'LevelButtonHard');
- ThemeSaveBasic(Song, 'Song');
- ThemeSaveText(Song.TextArtist, 'SongTextArtist');
- ThemeSaveText(Song.TextTitle, 'SongTextTitle');
- ThemeSaveText(Song.TextNumber, 'SongTextNumber');
- //Show CAt in Top Left Mod
- ThemeSaveText(Song.TextCat, 'SongTextCat');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Song.StaticCat, 'SongStaticCat');
- ThemeSaveBasic(Sing, 'Sing');
- //TimeBar mod
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticTimeProgress, 'SingTimeProgress');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextTimeText, 'SingTimeText');
- //eoa TimeBar mod
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1, 'SingP1Static');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1, 'SingP1Text');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG, 'SingP1Static2');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1Score, 'SingP1TextScore');
- //moveable singbar mod
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1SingBar, 'SingP1SingBar');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoPSingBar, 'SingP1TwoPSingBar');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreePSingBar, 'SingP1ThreePSingBar');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2RSingBar, 'SingP2RSingBar');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2MSingBar, 'SingP2MSingBar');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP3SingBar, 'SingP3SingBar');
- //eoa moveable singbar
- //Added for ps3 skin
- //This one is shown in 2/4P mode
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoP, 'SingP1TwoPStatic');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1TwoP, 'SingP1TwoPText');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG, 'SingP1TwoPStatic2');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1TwoPScore, 'SingP1TwoPTextScore');
- //This one is shown in 3/6P mode
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreeP, 'SingP1ThreePStatic');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1ThreeP, 'SingP1ThreePText');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG, 'SingP1ThreePStatic2');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1ThreePScore, 'SingP1ThreePTextScore');
- //eoa
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2R, 'SingP2RStatic');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP2R, 'SingP2RText');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG, 'SingP2RStatic2');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP2RScore, 'SingP2RTextScore');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2M, 'SingP2MStatic');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP2M, 'SingP2MText');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG, 'SingP2MStatic2');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP2MScore, 'SingP2MTextScore');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP3R, 'SingP3RStatic');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP3R, 'SingP3RText');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG, 'SingP3RStatic2');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP3RScore, 'SingP3RTextScore');
- ThemeSaveBasic(Score, 'Score');
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextArtist, 'ScoreTextArtist');
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextTitle, 'ScoreTextTitle');
- for I := 1 to 6 do begin
- ThemeSaveStatics(Score.PlayerStatic[I], 'ScorePlayer' + IntToStr(I) + 'Static');
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextName[I], 'ScoreTextName' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextScore[I], 'ScoreTextScore' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextNotes[I], 'ScoreTextNotes' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextNotesScore[I], 'ScoreTextNotesScore' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextLineBonus[I], 'ScoreTextLineBonus' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextLineBonusScore[I], 'ScoreTextLineBonusScore' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextGoldenNotes[I], 'ScoreTextGoldenNotes' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextGoldenNotesScore[I], 'ScoreTextGoldenNotesScore' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextTotal[I], 'ScoreTextTotal' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextTotalScore[I], 'ScoreTextTotalScore' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveStatic(Score.StaticBackLevel[I], 'ScoreStaticBackLevel' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveStatic(Score.StaticBackLevelRound[I], 'ScoreStaticBackLevelRound' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveStatic(Score.StaticLevel[I], 'ScoreStaticLevel' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveStatic(Score.StaticLevelRound[I], 'ScoreStaticLevelRound' + IntToStr(I));
- end;
- ThemeSaveBasic(Top5, 'Top5');
- ThemeSaveText(Top5.TextLevel, 'Top5TextLevel');
- ThemeSaveText(Top5.TextArtistTitle, 'Top5TextArtistTitle');
- ThemeSaveStatics(Top5.StaticNumber, 'Top5StaticNumber');
- ThemeSaveTexts(Top5.TextNumber, 'Top5TextNumber');
- ThemeSaveTexts(Top5.TextName, 'Top5TextName');
- ThemeSaveTexts(Top5.TextScore, 'Top5TextScore');
- ThemeIni.Free;
-procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveBasic(Theme: TThemeBasic; Name: string);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Texts', Length(Theme.Text));
- ThemeSaveBackground(Theme.Background, Name + 'Background');
- ThemeSaveStatics(Theme.Static, Name + 'Static');
- ThemeSaveTexts(Theme.Text, Name + 'Text');
-procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveBackground(ThemeBackground: TThemeBackground; Name: string);
- if ThemeBackground.Tex <> '' then
- ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Tex', ThemeBackground.Tex)
- else begin
- ThemeIni.EraseSection(Name);
- end;
-procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveStatic(ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic; Name: string);
- DecimalSeparator := '.';
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'X', ThemeStatic.X);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Y', ThemeStatic.Y);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'W', ThemeStatic.W);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'H', ThemeStatic.H);
- ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Tex', ThemeStatic.Tex);
- ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Type', ThemeStatic.Typ);
- ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Color', ThemeStatic.Color);
- ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'TexX1', ThemeStatic.TexX1);
- ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'TexY1', ThemeStatic.TexY1);
- ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'TexX2', ThemeStatic.TexX2);
- ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'TexY2', ThemeStatic.TexY2);
- DecimalSeparator := ',';
-procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveStatics(ThemeStatic: AThemeStatic; Name: string);
- S: integer;
- for S := 0 to Length(ThemeStatic)-1 do
- ThemeSaveStatic(ThemeStatic[S], Name + {'Static' +} IntToStr(S+1));
- ThemeIni.EraseSection(Name + {'Static' + }IntToStr(S+1));
-procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveText(ThemeText: TThemeText; Name: string);
- DecimalSeparator := '.';
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'X', ThemeText.X);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Y', ThemeText.Y);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Font', ThemeText.Font);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Size', ThemeText.Size);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Align', ThemeText.Align);
- ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Text', ThemeText.Text);
- ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Color', ThemeText.Color);
- DecimalSeparator := ',';
-procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveTexts(ThemeText: AThemeText; Name: string);
- T: integer;
- for T := 0 to Length(ThemeText)-1 do
- ThemeSaveText(ThemeText[T], Name + {'Text' + }IntToStr(T+1));
- ThemeIni.EraseSection(Name + {'Text' + }IntToStr(T+1));
-procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveButton(ThemeButton: TThemeButton; Name: string);
- T: integer;
- DecimalSeparator := '.';
- ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Tex', ThemeButton.Tex);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'X', ThemeButton.X);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Y', ThemeButton.Y);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'W', ThemeButton.W);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'H', ThemeButton.H);
- ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Type', ThemeButton.Typ);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Texts', Length(ThemeButton.Text));
- ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Color', ThemeButton.Color);
-{ ThemeButton.ColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColR', 1);
- ThemeButton.ColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColG', 1);
- ThemeButton.ColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColB', 1);
- ThemeButton.Int := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Int', 1);
- ThemeButton.DColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColR', 1);
- ThemeButton.DColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColG', 1);
- ThemeButton.DColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColB', 1);
- ThemeButton.DInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DInt', 1);}
-{ C := ColorExists(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', ''));
- if C >= 0 then begin
- ThemeButton.ColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
- ThemeButton.ColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
- ThemeButton.ColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
- end;
- C := ColorExists(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'DColor', ''));
- if C >= 0 then begin
- ThemeButton.DColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
- ThemeButton.DColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
- ThemeButton.DColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
- end;}
- for T := 0 to High(ThemeButton.Text) do
- ThemeSaveText(ThemeButton.Text[T], Name + 'Text' + IntToStr(T+1));
- DecimalSeparator := ',';
+unit UThemes;
+ ULog,
+ IniFiles,
+ SysUtils,
+ Classes;
+ TRGB = record
+ R: single;
+ G: single;
+ B: single;
+ end;
+ TRGBA = record
+ R, G, B, A: Double;
+ end;
+ TThemeBackground = record
+ Tex: string;
+ end;
+ TThemeStatic = record
+ X: integer;
+ Y: integer;
+ Z: real;
+ W: integer;
+ H: integer;
+ Color: string;
+ ColR: real;
+ ColG: real;
+ ColB: real;
+ Tex: string;
+ Typ: string;
+ TexX1: real;
+ TexY1: real;
+ TexX2: real;
+ TexY2: real;
+ //Reflection Mod
+ Reflection: boolean;
+ Reflectionspacing: Real;
+ end;
+ AThemeStatic = array of TThemeStatic;
+ TThemeText = record
+ X: integer;
+ Y: integer;
+ W: integer;
+ Color: string;
+ ColR: real;
+ ColG: real;
+ ColB: real;
+ Font: integer;
+ Size: integer;
+ Align: integer;
+ Text: string;
+ end;
+ AThemeText = array of TThemeText;
+ TThemeButton = record
+ Text: AThemeText;
+ X: integer;
+ Y: integer;
+ Z: Real;
+ W: integer;
+ H: integer;
+ Color: string;
+ ColR: real;
+ ColG: real;
+ ColB: real;
+ Int: real;
+ DColor: string;
+ DColR: real;
+ DColG: real;
+ DColB: real;
+ DInt: real;
+ Tex: string;
+ Typ: string;
+ Visible: Boolean;
+ //Reflection Mod
+ Reflection: boolean;
+ Reflectionspacing: Real;
+ //Fade Mod
+ SelectH: integer;
+ SelectW: integer;
+ Fade: boolean;
+ FadeText: boolean;
+ DeSelectReflectionspacing : Real;
+ FadeTex: string;
+ FadeTexPos: integer;
+ //Button Collection Mod
+ Parent: Byte; //Number of the Button Collection this Button is assigned to. IF 0: No Assignement
+ end;
+ //Button Collection Mod
+ TThemeButtonCollection = record
+ Style: TThemeButton;
+ ChildCount: Byte; //No of assigned Childs
+ FirstChild: Byte; //No of Child on whose Interaction Position the Button should be
+ end;
+ AThemeButtonCollection = array of TThemeButtonCollection;
+ PAThemeButtonCollection = ^AThemeButtonCollection;
+ TThemeSelect = record
+ Tex: string;
+ TexSBG: string;
+ X: integer;
+ Y: integer;
+ W: integer;
+ H: integer;
+ Text: string;
+ ColR, ColG, ColB, Int: real;
+ DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt: real;
+ TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt: real;
+ TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt: real;
+ SBGColR, SBGColG, SBGColB, SBGInt: real;
+ SBGDColR, SBGDColG, SBGDColB, SBGDInt: real;
+ STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt: real;
+ STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
+ SkipX: integer;
+ end;
+ TThemeSelectSlide = record
+ Tex: string;
+ TexSBG: string;
+ X: integer;
+ Y: integer;
+ W: integer;
+ H: integer;
+ Z: real;
+ TextSize: integer;
+ //SBGW Mod
+ SBGW: integer;
+ Text: string;
+ ColR, ColG, ColB, Int: real;
+ DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt: real;
+ TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt: real;
+ TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt: real;
+ SBGColR, SBGColG, SBGColB, SBGInt: real;
+ SBGDColR, SBGDColG, SBGDColB, SBGDInt: real;
+ STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt: real;
+ STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
+ SkipX: integer;
+ end;
+ PThemeBasic = ^TThemeBasic;
+ TThemeBasic = class
+ Background: TThemeBackground;
+ Text: AThemeText;
+ Static: AThemeStatic;
+ //Button Collection Mod
+ ButtonCollection: AThemeButtonCollection;
+ end;
+ TThemeLoading = class(TThemeBasic)
+ StaticAnimation: TThemeStatic;
+ TextLoading: TThemeText;
+ end;
+ TThemeMain = class(TThemeBasic)
+ ButtonSolo: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonMulti: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonStat: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonEditor: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonOptions: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ TextDescription: TThemeText;
+ TextDescriptionLong: TThemeText;
+ Description: array[0..5] of string;
+ DescriptionLong: array[0..5] of string;
+ end;
+ TThemeName = class(TThemeBasic)
+ ButtonPlayer: array[1..6] of TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeLevel = class(TThemeBasic)
+ ButtonEasy: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonMedium: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonHard: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeSong = class(TThemeBasic)
+ TextArtist: TThemeText;
+ TextTitle: TThemeText;
+ TextNumber: TThemeText;
+ //Video Icon Mod
+ VideoIcon: TThemeStatic;
+ //Show Cat in TopLeft Mod
+ TextCat: TThemeText;
+ StaticCat: TThemeStatic;
+ //Cover Mod
+ Cover: record
+ Reflections: Boolean;
+ X: Integer;
+ Y: Integer;
+ Z: Integer;
+ W: Integer;
+ H: Integer;
+ Style: Integer;
+ end;
+ //Equalizer Mod
+ Equalizer: record
+ Visible: Boolean;
+ Direction: Boolean;
+ Alpha: real;
+ X: Integer;
+ Y: Integer;
+ Z: Real;
+ W: Integer;
+ H: Integer;
+ Space: Integer;
+ Bands: Integer;
+ Length: Integer;
+ ColR, ColG, ColB: Real;
+ end;
+ //Party and Non Party specific Statics and Texts
+ StaticParty: AThemeStatic;
+ TextParty: AThemeText;
+ StaticNonParty: AThemeStatic;
+ TextNonParty: AThemeText;
+ //Party Mode
+ StaticTeam1Joker1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam1Joker2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam1Joker3: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam1Joker4: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam1Joker5: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2Joker1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2Joker2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2Joker3: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2Joker4: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2Joker5: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3Joker1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3Joker2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3Joker3: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3Joker4: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3Joker5: TThemeStatic;
+ end;
+ TThemeSing = class(TThemeBasic)
+ //TimeBar mod
+ StaticTimeProgress: TThemeStatic;
+ TextTimeText : TThemeText;
+ //eoa TimeBar mod
+ StaticP1: TThemeStatic;
+ TextP1: TThemeText;
+ StaticP1ScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
+ TextP1Score: TThemeText;
+ //moveable singbar mod
+ StaticP1SingBar: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP1ThreePSingBar: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP1TwoPSingBar: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP2RSingBar: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP2MSingBar: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP3SingBar: TThemeStatic;
+ //eoa moveable singbar
+ //added for ps3 skin
+ //game in 2/4 player modi
+ StaticP1TwoP: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP1TwoPScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
+ TextP1TwoP: TThemeText;
+ TextP1TwoPScore: TThemeText;
+ //game in 3/6 player modi
+ StaticP1ThreeP: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP1ThreePScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
+ TextP1ThreeP: TThemeText;
+ TextP1ThreePScore: TThemeText;
+ //eoa
+ StaticP2R: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP2RScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
+ TextP2R: TThemeText;
+ TextP2RScore: TThemeText;
+ StaticP2M: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP2MScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
+ TextP2M: TThemeText;
+ TextP2MScore: TThemeText;
+ StaticP3R: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP3RScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
+ TextP3R: TThemeText;
+ TextP3RScore: TThemeText;
+ //Linebonus Translations
+ LineBonusText: Array [0..8] of String;
+ end;
+ TThemeScore = class(TThemeBasic)
+ TextArtist: TThemeText;
+ TextTitle: TThemeText;
+ TextArtistTitle: TThemeText;
+ PlayerStatic: array[1..6] of AThemeStatic;
+ PlayerTexts: array[1..6] of AThemeText;
+ TextName: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextNotes: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextNotesScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextLineBonus: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextLineBonusScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextGoldenNotes: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextGoldenNotesScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextTotal: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextTotalScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ StaticBoxLightest: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+ StaticBoxLight: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+ StaticBoxDark: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+ StaticBackLevel: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+ StaticBackLevelRound: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+ StaticLevel: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+ StaticLevelRound: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+// Description: array[0..5] of string;}
+ end;
+ TThemeTop5 = class(TThemeBasic)
+ TextLevel: TThemeText;
+ TextArtistTitle: TThemeText;
+ StaticNumber: AThemeStatic;
+ TextNumber: AThemeText;
+ TextName: AThemeText;
+ TextScore: AThemeText;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptions = class(TThemeBasic)
+ ButtonGame: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonGraphics: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonSound: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonLyrics: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonThemes: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonRecord: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonAdvanced: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ TextDescription: TThemeText;
+ Description: array[0..7] of string;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptionsGame = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectPlayers: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectDifficulty: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectLanguage: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectTabs: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectSorting: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectDebug: TThemeSelect;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptionsGraphics = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectFullscreen: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectSlideResolution: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectDepth: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectOscilloscope: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectLineBonus: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectMovieSize: TThemeSelect;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptionsSound = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectMicBoost: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectClickAssist: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectBeatClick: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectThreshold: TThemeSelect;
+ //Song Preview
+ SelectSlidePreviewVolume: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectSlidePreviewFading: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptionsLyrics = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectLyricsFont: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectLyricsEffect: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectSolmization: TThemeSelect;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptionsThemes = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectTheme: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectSkin: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectColor: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptionsRecord = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectSlideCard: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectSlideInput: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectSlideChannelL: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectSlideChannelR: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptionsAdvanced = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectLoadAnimation: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectEffectSing: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectScreenFade: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectLineBonus: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectAskbeforeDel: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectOnSongClick: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectPartyPopup: TThemeSelect;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ //Error- and Check-Popup
+ TThemeError = class(TThemeBasic)
+ Button1: TThemeButton;
+ TextError: TThemeText;
+ end;
+ TThemeCheck = class(TThemeBasic)
+ Button1: TThemeButton;
+ Button2: TThemeButton;
+ TextCheck: TThemeText;
+ end;
+ //ScreenSong Menue
+ TThemeSongMenu = class(TThemeBasic)
+ Button1: TThemeButton;
+ Button2: TThemeButton;
+ Button3: TThemeButton;
+ Button4: TThemeButton;
+ SelectSlide3: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ TextMenu: TThemeText;
+ end;
+ TThemeSongJumpTo = class(TThemeBasic)
+ ButtonSearchText: TThemeButton;
+ SelectSlideType: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ TextFound: TThemeText;
+ //Translated Texts
+ Songsfound: String;
+ NoSongsfound: String;
+ CatText: String;
+ IType: array [0..2] of String;
+ end;
+ //Party Screens
+ TThemePartyNewRound = class(TThemeBasic)
+ TextRound1: TThemeText;
+ TextRound2: TThemeText;
+ TextRound3: TThemeText;
+ TextRound4: TThemeText;
+ TextRound5: TThemeText;
+ TextRound6: TThemeText;
+ TextRound7: TThemeText;
+ TextWinner1: TThemeText;
+ TextWinner2: TThemeText;
+ TextWinner3: TThemeText;
+ TextWinner4: TThemeText;
+ TextWinner5: TThemeText;
+ TextWinner6: TThemeText;
+ TextWinner7: TThemeText;
+ TextNextRound: TThemeText;
+ TextNextRoundNo: TThemeText;
+ TextNextPlayer1: TThemeText;
+ TextNextPlayer2: TThemeText;
+ TextNextPlayer3: TThemeText;
+ StaticRound1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticRound2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticRound3: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticRound4: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticRound5: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticRound6: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticRound7: TThemeStatic;
+ TextScoreTeam1: TThemeText;
+ TextScoreTeam2: TThemeText;
+ TextScoreTeam3: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam1: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam2: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam3: TThemeText;
+ TextTeam1Players: TThemeText;
+ TextTeam2Players: TThemeText;
+ TextTeam3Players: TThemeText;
+ StaticTeam1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticNextPlayer1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticNextPlayer2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticNextPlayer3: TThemeStatic;
+ end;
+ TThemePartyScore = class(TThemeBasic)
+ TextScoreTeam1: TThemeText;
+ TextScoreTeam2: TThemeText;
+ TextScoreTeam3: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam1: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam2: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam3: TThemeText;
+ StaticTeam1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam1BG: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam1Deco: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2BG: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2Deco: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3BG: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3Deco: TThemeStatic;
+ DecoTextures: record
+ ChangeTextures: Boolean;
+ FirstTexture: String;
+ FirstTyp: String;
+ FirstColor: String;
+ SecondTexture: String;
+ SecondTyp: String;
+ SecondColor: String;
+ ThirdTexture: String;
+ ThirdTyp: String;
+ ThirdColor: String;
+ end;
+ TextWinner: TThemeText;
+ end;
+ TThemePartyWin = class(TThemeBasic)
+ TextScoreTeam1: TThemeText;
+ TextScoreTeam2: TThemeText;
+ TextScoreTeam3: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam1: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam2: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam3: TThemeText;
+ StaticTeam1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam1BG: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam1Deco: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2BG: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2Deco: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3BG: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3Deco: TThemeStatic;
+ TextWinner: TThemeText;
+ end;
+ TThemePartyOptions = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectLevel: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectPlayList: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectPlayList2: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectRounds: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectTeams: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectPlayers1: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectPlayers2: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectPlayers3: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ {ButtonNext: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonPrev: TThemeButton;}
+ end;
+ TThemePartyPlayer = class(TThemeBasic)
+ Team1Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player1Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player2Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player3Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player4Name: TThemeButton;
+ Team2Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player5Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player6Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player7Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player8Name: TThemeButton;
+ Team3Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player9Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player10Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player11Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player12Name: TThemeButton;
+ {ButtonNext: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonPrev: TThemeButton;}
+ end;
+ //Stats Screens
+ TThemeStatMain = class(TThemeBasic)
+ ButtonScores: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonSingers: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonSongs: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonBands: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ TextOverview: TThemeText;
+ end;
+ TThemeStatDetail = class(TThemeBasic)
+ ButtonNext: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonPrev: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonReverse: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ TextDescription: TThemeText;
+ TextPage: TThemeText;
+ TextList: AThemeText;
+ Description: array[0..3] of string;
+ DescriptionR: array[0..3] of string;
+ FormatStr: array[0..3] of string;
+ PageStr: String;
+ end;
+ //Playlist Translations
+ TThemePlaylist = record
+ CatText: string;
+ end;
+ TTheme = class
+ private
+ ThemeIni: TIniFile;
+ {$ELSE}
+ ThemeIni: TMemIniFile;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ LastThemeBasic: TThemeBasic;
+ public
+ Loading: TThemeLoading;
+ Main: TThemeMain;
+ Name: TThemeName;
+ Level: TThemeLevel;
+ Song: TThemeSong;
+ Sing: TThemeSing;
+ Score: TThemeScore;
+ Top5: TThemeTop5;
+ Options: TThemeOptions;
+ OptionsGame: TThemeOptionsGame;
+ OptionsGraphics: TThemeOptionsGraphics;
+ OptionsSound: TThemeOptionsSound;
+ OptionsLyrics: TThemeOptionsLyrics;
+ OptionsThemes: TThemeOptionsThemes;
+ OptionsRecord: TThemeOptionsRecord;
+ OptionsAdvanced: TThemeOptionsAdvanced;
+ //error and check popup
+ ErrorPopup: TThemeError;
+ CheckPopup: TThemeCheck;
+ //ScreenSong extensions
+ SongMenu: TThemeSongMenu;
+ SongJumpto: TThemeSongJumpTo;
+ //Party Screens:
+ PartyNewRound: TThemePartyNewRound;
+ PartyScore: TThemePartyScore;
+ PartyWin: TThemePartyWin;
+ PartyOptions: TThemePartyOptions;
+ PartyPlayer: TThemePartyPlayer;
+ //Stats Screens:
+ StatMain: TThemeStatMain;
+ StatDetail: TThemeStatDetail;
+ Playlist: TThemePlaylist;
+ ILevel: array[0..2] of String;
+ constructor Create(FileName: string); overload; // Initialize theme system
+ constructor Create(FileName: string; Color: integer); overload; // Initialize theme system with color
+ function LoadTheme(FileName: string; sColor: integer): boolean; // Load some theme settings from file
+ procedure LoadColors;
+ procedure ThemeLoadBasic(Theme: TThemeBasic; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadBackground(var ThemeBackground: TThemeBackground; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadText(var ThemeText: TThemeText; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadTexts(var ThemeText: AThemeText; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadStatic(var ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadStatics(var ThemeStatic: AThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadButton(var ThemeButton: TThemeButton; Name: string; const Collections: PAThemeButtonCollection = nil);
+ procedure ThemeLoadButtonCollection(var Collection: TThemeButtonCollection; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadButtonCollections(var Collections: AThemeButtonCollection; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadSelect(var ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadSelectSlide(var ThemeSelectS: TThemeSelectSlide; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeSave(FileName: string);
+ procedure ThemeSaveBasic(Theme: TThemeBasic; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeSaveBackground(ThemeBackground: TThemeBackground; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeSaveStatic(ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeSaveStatics(ThemeStatic: AThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeSaveText(ThemeText: TThemeText; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeSaveTexts(ThemeText: AThemeText; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeSaveButton(ThemeButton: TThemeButton; Name: string);
+ end;
+ TColor = record
+ Name: string;
+ end;
+function ColorExists(Name: string): integer;
+procedure LoadColor(var R, G, B: real; ColorName: string);
+function GetSystemColor(Color: integer): TRGB;
+function ColorSqrt(RGB: TRGB): TRGB;
+ //Skin: TSkin;
+ Theme: TTheme;
+ Color: array of TColor;
+ UCommon,
+ ULanguage,
+ USkins,
+ UIni;
+constructor TTheme.Create(FileName: string);
+ Create(FileName, 0);
+constructor TTheme.Create(FileName: string; Color: integer);
+ Loading := TThemeLoading.Create;
+ Main := TThemeMain.Create;
+ Name := TThemeName.Create;
+ Level := TThemeLevel.Create;
+ Song := TThemeSong.Create;
+ Sing := TThemeSing.Create;
+ Score := TThemeScore.Create;
+ Top5 := TThemeTop5.Create;
+ Options := TThemeOptions.Create;
+ OptionsGame := TThemeOptionsGame.Create;
+ OptionsGraphics := TThemeOptionsGraphics.Create;
+ OptionsSound := TThemeOptionsSound.Create;
+ OptionsLyrics := TThemeOptionsLyrics.Create;
+ OptionsThemes := TThemeOptionsThemes.Create;
+ OptionsRecord := TThemeOptionsRecord.Create;
+ OptionsAdvanced := TThemeOptionsAdvanced.Create;
+ ErrorPopup := TThemeError.Create;
+ CheckPopup := TThemeCheck.Create;
+ SongMenu := TThemeSongMenu.Create;
+ SongJumpto := TThemeSongJumpto.Create;
+ //Party Screens
+ PartyNewRound := TThemePartyNewRound.Create;
+ PartyWin := TThemePartyWin.Create;
+ PartyScore := TThemePartyScore.Create;
+ PartyOptions := TThemePartyOptions.Create;
+ PartyPlayer := TThemePartyPlayer.Create;
+ //Stats Screens:
+ StatMain := TThemeStatMain.Create;
+ StatDetail := TThemeStatDetail.Create;
+ LoadTheme(FileName, Color);
+function TTheme.LoadTheme(FileName: string; sColor: integer): boolean;
+ I: integer;
+ Path: string;
+ Result := false;
+ FileName := AdaptFilePaths( FileName );
+ if not FileExists(FileName) then
+ begin
+ {$ifndef win32}
+ writeln( 'ERROR !!! Theme does not exist ('+ FileName +')' );
+ {$endif}
+ Log.LogStatus( 'ERROR !!! Theme does not exist ('+ FileName +')' , 'TTheme.LoadTheme');
+ end;
+ if FileExists(FileName) then
+ begin
+ Result := true;
+ ThemeIni := TIniFile.Create(FileName);
+ {$ELSE}
+ ThemeIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FileName);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if ThemeIni.ReadString('Theme', 'Name', '') <> '' then begin
+ {Skin.SkinName := ThemeIni.ReadString('Theme', 'Name', 'Singstar');
+ Skin.SkinPath := 'Skins\' + Skin.SkinName + '\';
+ Skin.SkinReg := false; }
+ Skin.Color := sColor;
+ Skin.LoadSkin(ISkin[Ini.SkinNo]);
+ LoadColors;
+// ThemeIni.Free;
+// ThemeIni := TIniFile.Create('Themes\Singstar\Main.ini');
+ // Loading
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Loading, 'Loading');
+ ThemeLoadText(Loading.TextLoading, 'LoadingTextLoading');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Loading.StaticAnimation, 'LoadingStaticAnimation');
+ // Main
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Main, 'Main');
+ ThemeLoadText(Main.TextDescription, 'MainTextDescription');
+ ThemeLoadText(Main.TextDescriptionLong, 'MainTextDescriptionLong');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonSolo, 'MainButtonSolo');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonMulti, 'MainButtonMulti');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonStat, 'MainButtonStats');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonEditor, 'MainButtonEditor');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonOptions, 'MainButtonOptions');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonExit, 'MainButtonExit');
+ //Main Desc Text Translation Start
+ Main.Description[0] := Language.Translate('SING_SING');
+ Main.DescriptionLong[0] := Language.Translate('SING_SING_DESC');
+ Main.Description[1] := Language.Translate('SING_MULTI');
+ Main.DescriptionLong[1] := Language.Translate('SING_MULTI_DESC');
+ Main.Description[2] := Language.Translate('SING_STATS');
+ Main.DescriptionLong[2] := Language.Translate('SING_STATS_DESC');
+ Main.Description[3] := Language.Translate('SING_EDITOR');
+ Main.DescriptionLong[3] := Language.Translate('SING_EDITOR_DESC');
+ Main.Description[4] := Language.Translate('SING_GAME_OPTIONS');
+ Main.DescriptionLong[4] := Language.Translate('SING_GAME_OPTIONS_DESC');
+ Main.Description[5] := Language.Translate('SING_EXIT');
+ Main.DescriptionLong[5] := Language.Translate('SING_EXIT_DESC');
+ //{$ENDIF}
+ //Main Desc Text Translation End
+ Main.TextDescription.Text := Main.Description[0];
+ Main.TextDescriptionLong.Text := Main.DescriptionLong[0];
+ // Name
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Name, 'Name');
+ for I := 1 to 6 do
+ ThemeLoadButton(Name.ButtonPlayer[I], 'NameButtonPlayer'+IntToStr(I));
+ // Level
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Level, 'Level');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Level.ButtonEasy, 'LevelButtonEasy');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Level.ButtonMedium, 'LevelButtonMedium');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Level.ButtonHard, 'LevelButtonHard');
+ // Song
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Song, 'Song');
+ ThemeLoadText(Song.TextArtist, 'SongTextArtist');
+ ThemeLoadText(Song.TextTitle, 'SongTextTitle');
+ ThemeLoadText(Song.TextNumber, 'SongTextNumber');
+ //Video Icon Mod
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.VideoIcon, 'SongVideoIcon');
+ //Show Cat in TopLeft Mod
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticCat, 'SongStaticCat');
+ ThemeLoadText(Song.TextCat, 'SongTextCat');
+ //Load Cover Pos and Size from Theme Mod
+ Song.Cover.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'X', 300);
+ Song.Cover.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'Y', 190);
+ Song.Cover.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'W', 300);
+ Song.Cover.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'H', 200);
+ Song.Cover.Style := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'Style', 4);
+ Song.Cover.Reflections := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'Reflections', 0) = 1);
+ //Load Cover Pos and Size from Theme Mod End
+ //Load Equalizer Pos and Size from Theme Mod
+ Song.Equalizer.Visible := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Visible', 0) = 1);
+ Song.Equalizer.Direction := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Direction', 0) = 1);
+ Song.Equalizer.Alpha := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Alpha', 1);
+ Song.Equalizer.Space := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Space', 1);
+ Song.Equalizer.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'X', 0);
+ Song.Equalizer.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Y', 0);
+ Song.Equalizer.Z := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Z', 1);
+ Song.Equalizer.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'PieceW', 8);
+ Song.Equalizer.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'PieceH', 8);
+ Song.Equalizer.Bands := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Bands', 5);
+ Song.Equalizer.Length := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Length', 12);
+ //Color
+ I := ColorExists(ThemeIni.ReadString('SongEqualizer', 'Color', 'Black'));
+ if I >= 0 then begin
+ Song.Equalizer.ColR := Color[I].RGB.R;
+ Song.Equalizer.ColG := Color[I].RGB.G;
+ Song.Equalizer.ColB := Color[I].RGB.B;
+ end
+ else begin
+ Song.Equalizer.ColR := 0;
+ Song.Equalizer.ColG := 0;
+ Song.Equalizer.ColB := 0;
+ end;
+ //Load Equalizer Pos and Size from Theme Mod End
+ //Party and Non Party specific Statics and Texts
+ ThemeLoadStatics (Song.StaticParty, 'SongStaticParty');
+ ThemeLoadTexts (Song.TextParty, 'SongTextParty');
+ ThemeLoadStatics (Song.StaticNonParty, 'SongStaticNonParty');
+ ThemeLoadTexts (Song.TextNonParty, 'SongTextNonParty');
+ //Party Mode
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker1, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker2, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker3, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker4, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker4');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker5, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker5');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker1, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker2, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker3, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker4, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker4');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker5, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker5');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker1, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker2, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker3, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker4, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker4');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker5, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker5');
+ // Sing
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Sing, 'Sing');
+ //TimeBar mod
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticTimeProgress, 'SingTimeProgress');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextTimeText, 'SingTimeText');
+ //eoa TimeBar mod
+ //moveable singbar mod
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1SingBar, 'SingP1SingBar');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoPSingBar, 'SingP1TwoPSingBar');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreePSingBar, 'SingP1ThreePSingBar');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2RSingBar, 'SingP2RSingBar');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2MSingBar, 'SingP2MSingBar');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP3SingBar, 'SingP3SingBar');
+ //eoa moveable singbar
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1, 'SingP1Static');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1, 'SingP1Text');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG, 'SingP1Static2');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1Score, 'SingP1TextScore');
+ //Added for ps3 skin
+ //This one is shown in 2/4P mode
+ //if it exists, otherwise the one Player equivaltents are used
+ if (ThemeIni.SectionExists('SingP1TwoPTextScore')) then
+ begin
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoP, 'SingP1TwoPStatic');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1TwoP, 'SingP1TwoPText');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG, 'SingP1TwoPStatic2');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1TwoPScore, 'SingP1TwoPTextScore');
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Sing.StaticP1TwoP := Sing.StaticP1;
+ Sing.TextP1TwoP := Sing.TextP1;
+ Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG := Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG;
+ Sing.TextP1TwoPScore := Sing.TextP1Score;
+ end;
+ //This one is shown in 3/6P mode
+ //if it exists, otherwise the one Player equivaltents are used
+ if (ThemeIni.SectionExists('SingP1TwoPTextScore')) then
+ begin
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreeP, 'SingP1ThreePStatic');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1ThreeP, 'SingP1ThreePText');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG, 'SingP1ThreePStatic2');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1ThreePScore, 'SingP1ThreePTextScore');
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Sing.StaticP1ThreeP := Sing.StaticP1;
+ Sing.TextP1ThreeP := Sing.TextP1;
+ Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG := Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG;
+ Sing.TextP1ThreePScore := Sing.TextP1Score;
+ end;
+ //eoa
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2R, 'SingP2RStatic');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP2R, 'SingP2RText');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG, 'SingP2RStatic2');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP2RScore, 'SingP2RTextScore');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2M, 'SingP2MStatic');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP2M, 'SingP2MText');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG, 'SingP2MStatic2');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP2MScore, 'SingP2MTextScore');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP3R, 'SingP3RStatic');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP3R, 'SingP3RText');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG, 'SingP3RStatic2');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP3RScore, 'SingP3RTextScore');
+ //Line Bonus Texts
+ Sing.LineBonusText[0] := Language.Translate('POPUP_AWFUL');
+ Sing.LineBonusText[1] := Sing.LineBonusText[0];
+ Sing.LineBonusText[2] := Language.Translate('POPUP_POOR');
+ Sing.LineBonusText[3] := Language.Translate('POPUP_BAD');
+ Sing.LineBonusText[4] := Language.Translate('POPUP_NOTBAD');
+ Sing.LineBonusText[5] := Language.Translate('POPUP_GOOD');
+ Sing.LineBonusText[6] := Language.Translate('POPUP_GREAT');
+ Sing.LineBonusText[7] := Language.Translate('POPUP_AWESOME');
+ Sing.LineBonusText[8] := Language.Translate('POPUP_PERFECT');
+ // Score
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Score, 'Score');
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextArtist, 'ScoreTextArtist');
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextTitle, 'ScoreTextTitle');
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextArtistTitle, 'ScoreTextArtistTitle');
+ for I := 1 to 6 do begin
+ ThemeLoadStatics(Score.PlayerStatic[I], 'ScorePlayer' + IntToStr(I) + 'Static');
+ ThemeLoadTexts(Score.PlayerTexts[I], 'ScorePlayer' + IntToStr(I) + 'Text');
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextName[I], 'ScoreTextName' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextScore[I], 'ScoreTextScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextNotes[I], 'ScoreTextNotes' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextNotesScore[I], 'ScoreTextNotesScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextLineBonus[I], 'ScoreTextLineBonus' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextLineBonusScore[I], 'ScoreTextLineBonusScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextGoldenNotes[I], 'ScoreTextGoldenNotes' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextGoldenNotesScore[I], 'ScoreTextGoldenNotesScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextTotal[I], 'ScoreTextTotal' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextTotalScore[I], 'ScoreTextTotalScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBoxLightest[I], 'ScoreStaticBoxLightest' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBoxLight[I], 'ScoreStaticBoxLight' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBoxDark[I], 'ScoreStaticBoxDark' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBackLevel[I], 'ScoreStaticBackLevel' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBackLevelRound[I], 'ScoreStaticBackLevelRound' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticLevel[I], 'ScoreStaticLevel' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticLevelRound[I], 'ScoreStaticLevelRound' + IntToStr(I));
+ end;
+ // Top5
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Top5, 'Top5');
+ ThemeLoadText(Top5.TextLevel, 'Top5TextLevel');
+ ThemeLoadText(Top5.TextArtistTitle, 'Top5TextArtistTitle');
+ ThemeLoadStatics(Top5.StaticNumber, 'Top5StaticNumber');
+ ThemeLoadTexts(Top5.TextNumber, 'Top5TextNumber');
+ ThemeLoadTexts(Top5.TextName, 'Top5TextName');
+ ThemeLoadTexts(Top5.TextScore, 'Top5TextScore');
+ // Options
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Options, 'Options');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonGame, 'OptionsButtonGame');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonGraphics, 'OptionsButtonGraphics');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonSound, 'OptionsButtonSound');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonLyrics, 'OptionsButtonLyrics');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonThemes, 'OptionsButtonThemes');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonRecord, 'OptionsButtonRecord');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonAdvanced, 'OptionsButtonAdvanced');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonExit, 'OptionsButtonExit');
+ Options.Description[0] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_GAME');
+ Options.Description[1] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS');
+ Options.Description[2] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_SOUND');
+ Options.Description[3] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_LYRICS');
+ Options.Description[4] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_THEMES');
+ Options.Description[5] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_RECORD');
+ Options.Description[6] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_ADVANCED');
+ Options.Description[7] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_EXIT');
+ //{$ENDIF}
+ ThemeLoadText(Options.TextDescription, 'OptionsTextDescription');
+ Options.TextDescription.Text := Options.Description[0];
+ // Options Game
+ ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsGame, 'OptionsGame');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGame.SelectPlayers, 'OptionsGameSelectPlayers');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGame.SelectDifficulty, 'OptionsGameSelectDifficulty');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsGame.SelectLanguage, 'OptionsGameSelectSlideLanguage');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGame.SelectTabs, 'OptionsGameSelectTabs');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsGame.SelectSorting, 'OptionsGameSelectSlideSorting');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGame.SelectDebug, 'OptionsGameSelectDebug');
+ ThemeLoadButton(OptionsGame.ButtonExit, 'OptionsGameButtonExit');
+ // Options Graphics
+ ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsGraphics, 'OptionsGraphics');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectFullscreen, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectFullscreen');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsGraphics.SelectSlideResolution, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectSlideResolution');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectDepth, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectDepth');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectOscilloscope, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectOscilloscope');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectLineBonus, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectLineBonus');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectMovieSize, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectMovieSize');
+ ThemeLoadButton(OptionsGraphics.ButtonExit, 'OptionsGraphicsButtonExit');
+ // Options Sound
+ ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsSound, 'OptionsSound');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsSound.SelectMicBoost, 'OptionsSoundSelectMicBoost');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsSound.SelectClickAssist, 'OptionsSoundSelectClickAssist');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsSound.SelectBeatClick, 'OptionsSoundSelectBeatClick');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsSound.SelectThreshold, 'OptionsSoundSelectThreshold');
+ //Song Preview
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsSound.SelectSlidePreviewVolume, 'OptionsSoundSelectSlidePreviewVolume');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsSound.SelectSlidePreviewFading, 'OptionsSoundSelectSlidePreviewFading');
+ ThemeLoadButton(OptionsSound.ButtonExit, 'OptionsSoundButtonExit');
+ // Options Lyrics
+ ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsLyrics, 'OptionsLyrics');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsLyrics.SelectLyricsFont, 'OptionsLyricsSelectLyricsFont');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsLyrics.SelectLyricsEffect, 'OptionsLyricsSelectLyricsEffect');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsLyrics.SelectSolmization, 'OptionsLyricsSelectSolmization');
+ ThemeLoadButton(OptionsLyrics.ButtonExit, 'OptionsLyricsButtonExit');
+ // Options Themes
+ ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsThemes, 'OptionsThemes');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsThemes.SelectTheme, 'OptionsThemesSelectTheme');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsThemes.SelectSkin, 'OptionsThemesSelectSkin');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsThemes.SelectColor, 'OptionsThemesSelectColor');
+ ThemeLoadButton(OptionsThemes.ButtonExit, 'OptionsThemesButtonExit');
+ // Options Record
+ ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsRecord, 'OptionsRecord');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsRecord.SelectSlideCard, 'OptionsRecordSelectSlideCard');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsRecord.SelectSlideInput, 'OptionsRecordSelectSlideInput');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelL, 'OptionsRecordSelectSlideChannelL');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelR, 'OptionsRecordSelectSlideChannelR');
+ ThemeLoadButton(OptionsRecord.ButtonExit, 'OptionsRecordButtonExit');
+ //Options Advanced
+ ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsAdvanced, 'OptionsAdvanced');
+ ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectLoadAnimation, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectLoadAnimation');
+ ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectScreenFade, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectScreenFade');
+ ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectEffectSing, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectEffectSing');
+ ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectLineBonus, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectLineBonus');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide (OptionsAdvanced.SelectOnSongClick, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectSlideOnSongClick');
+ ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectAskbeforeDel, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectAskbeforeDel');
+ ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectPartyPopup, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectPartyPopup');
+ ThemeLoadButton (OptionsAdvanced.ButtonExit, 'OptionsAdvancedButtonExit');
+ //error and check popup
+ ThemeLoadBasic (ErrorPopup, 'ErrorPopup');
+ ThemeLoadButton(ErrorPopup.Button1, 'ErrorPopupButton1');
+ ThemeLoadText (ErrorPopup.TextError,'ErrorPopupText');
+ ThemeLoadBasic (CheckPopup, 'CheckPopup');
+ ThemeLoadButton(CheckPopup.Button1, 'CheckPopupButton1');
+ ThemeLoadButton(CheckPopup.Button2, 'CheckPopupButton2');
+ ThemeLoadText(CheckPopup.TextCheck , 'CheckPopupText');
+ //Song Menu
+ ThemeLoadBasic (SongMenu, 'SongMenu');
+ ThemeLoadButton(SongMenu.Button1, 'SongMenuButton1');
+ ThemeLoadButton(SongMenu.Button2, 'SongMenuButton2');
+ ThemeLoadButton(SongMenu.Button3, 'SongMenuButton3');
+ ThemeLoadButton(SongMenu.Button4, 'SongMenuButton4');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(SongMenu.SelectSlide3, 'SongMenuSelectSlide3');
+ ThemeLoadText(SongMenu.TextMenu, 'SongMenuTextMenu');
+ //Song Jumpto
+ ThemeLoadBasic (SongJumpto, 'SongJumpto');
+ ThemeLoadButton(SongJumpto.ButtonSearchText, 'SongJumptoButtonSearchText');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(SongJumpto.SelectSlideType, 'SongJumptoSelectSlideType');
+ ThemeLoadText(SongJumpto.TextFound, 'SongJumptoTextFound');
+ //Translations
+ SongJumpto.IType[0] := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE1');
+ SongJumpto.IType[1] := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE2');
+ SongJumpto.IType[2] := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE3');
+ SongJumpto.SongsFound := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_SONGSFOUND');
+ SongJumpto.NoSongsFound := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_NOSONGSFOUND');
+ SongJumpto.CatText := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_CATTEXT');
+ //Party Screens:
+ //Party NewRound
+ ThemeLoadBasic(PartyNewRound, 'PartyNewRound');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound1, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound2, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound3, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound3');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound4, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound4');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound5, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound5');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound6, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound6');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound7, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound7');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner1, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner2, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner3, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner3');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner4, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner4');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner5, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner5');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner6, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner6');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner7, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner7');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextRound, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextRound');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextRoundNo, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextRoundNo');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextPlayer1, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextPlayer1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextPlayer2, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextPlayer2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextPlayer3, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextPlayer3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound1, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound2, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound3, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound4, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound4');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound5, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound5');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound6, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound6');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound7, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound7');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextScoreTeam1, 'PartyNewRoundTextScoreTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextScoreTeam2, 'PartyNewRoundTextScoreTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextScoreTeam3, 'PartyNewRoundTextScoreTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNameTeam1, 'PartyNewRoundTextNameTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNameTeam2, 'PartyNewRoundTextNameTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNameTeam3, 'PartyNewRoundTextNameTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextTeam1Players, 'PartyNewRoundTextTeam1Players');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextTeam2Players, 'PartyNewRoundTextTeam2Players');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextTeam3Players, 'PartyNewRoundTextTeam3Players');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticTeam1, 'PartyNewRoundStaticTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticTeam2, 'PartyNewRoundStaticTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticTeam3, 'PartyNewRoundStaticTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticNextPlayer1, 'PartyNewRoundStaticNextPlayer1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticNextPlayer2, 'PartyNewRoundStaticNextPlayer2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticNextPlayer3, 'PartyNewRoundStaticNextPlayer3');
+ //Party Score
+ ThemeLoadBasic(PartyScore, 'PartyScore');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextScoreTeam1, 'PartyScoreTextScoreTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextScoreTeam2, 'PartyScoreTextScoreTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextScoreTeam3, 'PartyScoreTextScoreTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextNameTeam1, 'PartyScoreTextNameTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextNameTeam2, 'PartyScoreTextNameTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextNameTeam3, 'PartyScoreTextNameTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam1, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam1BG, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam1BG');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam1Deco, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam1Deco');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam2, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam2BG, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam2BG');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam2Deco, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam2Deco');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam3, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam3BG, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam3BG');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam3Deco, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam3Deco');
+ //Load Party Score DecoTextures Object
+ PartyScore.DecoTextures.ChangeTextures := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'ChangeTextures', 0) = 1);
+ PartyScore.DecoTextures.FirstTexture := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'FirstTexture', '');
+ PartyScore.DecoTextures.FirstTyp := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'FirstTyp', 'Note Black');
+ PartyScore.DecoTextures.FirstColor := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'FirstColor', 'Black');
+ PartyScore.DecoTextures.SecondTexture := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'SecondTexture', '');
+ PartyScore.DecoTextures.SecondTyp := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'SecondTyp', 'Note Black');
+ PartyScore.DecoTextures.SecondColor := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'SecondColor', 'Black');
+ PartyScore.DecoTextures.ThirdTexture := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'ThirdTexture', '');
+ PartyScore.DecoTextures.ThirdTyp := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'ThirdTyp', 'Note Black');
+ PartyScore.DecoTextures.ThirdColor := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'ThirdColor', 'Black');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextWinner, 'PartyScoreTextWinner');
+ //Party Win
+ ThemeLoadBasic(PartyWin, 'PartyWin');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextScoreTeam1, 'PartyWinTextScoreTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextScoreTeam2, 'PartyWinTextScoreTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextScoreTeam3, 'PartyWinTextScoreTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextNameTeam1, 'PartyWinTextNameTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextNameTeam2, 'PartyWinTextNameTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextNameTeam3, 'PartyWinTextNameTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam1, 'PartyWinStaticTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam1BG, 'PartyWinStaticTeam1BG');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam1Deco, 'PartyWinStaticTeam1Deco');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam2, 'PartyWinStaticTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam2BG, 'PartyWinStaticTeam2BG');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam2Deco, 'PartyWinStaticTeam2Deco');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam3, 'PartyWinStaticTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam3BG, 'PartyWinStaticTeam3BG');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam3Deco, 'PartyWinStaticTeam3Deco');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextWinner, 'PartyWinTextWinner');
+ //Party Options
+ ThemeLoadBasic(PartyOptions, 'PartyOptions');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectLevel, 'PartyOptionsSelectLevel');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayList, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayList');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayList2, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayList2');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectRounds, 'PartyOptionsSelectRounds');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectTeams, 'PartyOptionsSelectTeams');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayers1, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayers1');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayers2, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayers2');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayers3, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayers3');
+ {ThemeLoadButton (ButtonNext, 'ButtonNext');
+ ThemeLoadButton (ButtonPrev, 'ButtonPrev');}
+ //Party Player
+ ThemeLoadBasic(PartyPlayer, 'PartyPlayer');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Team1Name, 'PartyPlayerTeam1Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player1Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer1Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player2Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer2Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player3Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer3Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player4Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer4Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Team2Name, 'PartyPlayerTeam2Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player5Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer5Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player6Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer6Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player7Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer7Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player8Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer8Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Team3Name, 'PartyPlayerTeam3Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player9Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer9Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player10Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer10Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player11Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer11Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player12Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer12Name');
+ {ThemeLoadButton(ButtonNext, 'PartyPlayerButtonNext');
+ ThemeLoadButton(ButtonPrev, 'PartyPlayerButtonPrev');}
+ ThemeLoadBasic(StatMain, 'StatMain');
+ ThemeLoadButton(StatMain.ButtonScores, 'StatMainButtonScores');
+ ThemeLoadButton(StatMain.ButtonSingers, 'StatMainButtonSingers');
+ ThemeLoadButton(StatMain.ButtonSongs, 'StatMainButtonSongs');
+ ThemeLoadButton(StatMain.ButtonBands, 'StatMainButtonBands');
+ ThemeLoadButton(StatMain.ButtonExit, 'StatMainButtonExit');
+ ThemeLoadText (StatMain.TextOverview, 'StatMainTextOverview');
+ ThemeLoadBasic(StatDetail, 'StatDetail');
+ ThemeLoadButton(StatDetail.ButtonNext, 'StatDetailButtonNext');
+ ThemeLoadButton(StatDetail.ButtonPrev, 'StatDetailButtonPrev');
+ ThemeLoadButton(StatDetail.ButtonReverse, 'StatDetailButtonReverse');
+ ThemeLoadButton(StatDetail.ButtonExit, 'StatDetailButtonExit');
+ ThemeLoadText (StatDetail.TextDescription, 'StatDetailTextDescription');
+ ThemeLoadText (StatDetail.TextPage, 'StatDetailTextPage');
+ ThemeLoadTexts(StatDetail.TextList, 'StatDetailTextList');
+ //Translate Texts
+ StatDetail.Description[0] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SCORES');
+ StatDetail.Description[1] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SINGERS');
+ StatDetail.Description[2] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SONGS');
+ StatDetail.Description[3] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_BANDS');
+ StatDetail.DescriptionR[0] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SCORES_REVERSED');
+ StatDetail.DescriptionR[1] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SINGERS_REVERSED');
+ StatDetail.DescriptionR[2] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SONGS_REVERSED');
+ StatDetail.DescriptionR[3] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_BANDS_REVERSED');
+ StatDetail.FormatStr[0] := Language.Translate('STAT_FORMAT_SCORES');
+ StatDetail.FormatStr[1] := Language.Translate('STAT_FORMAT_SINGERS');
+ StatDetail.FormatStr[2] := Language.Translate('STAT_FORMAT_SONGS');
+ StatDetail.FormatStr[3] := Language.Translate('STAT_FORMAT_BANDS');
+ StatDetail.PageStr := Language.Translate('STAT_PAGE');
+ //Playlist Translations
+ Playlist.CatText := Language.Translate('PLAYLIST_CATTEXT');
+ //Level Translations
+ //Fill ILevel
+ ILevel[0] := Language.Translate('SING_EASY');
+ ILevel[1] := Language.Translate('SING_MEDIUM');
+ ILevel[2] := Language.Translate('SING_HARD');
+ end;
+ ThemeIni.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadBasic(Theme: TThemeBasic; Name: string);
+ ThemeLoadBackground(Theme.Background, Name);
+ ThemeLoadTexts(Theme.Text, Name + 'Text');
+ ThemeLoadStatics(Theme.Static, Name + 'Static');
+ ThemeLoadButtonCollections(Theme.ButtonCollection, Name + 'ButtonCollection');
+ LastThemeBasic := Theme;
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadBackground(var ThemeBackground: TThemeBackground; Name: string);
+ ThemeBackground.Tex := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name + 'Background', 'Tex', '');
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadText(var ThemeText: TThemeText; Name: string);
+ C: integer;
+ DecimalSeparator := '.';
+ ThemeText.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'X', 0);
+ ThemeText.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Y', 0);
+ ThemeText.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'W', 0);
+ ThemeText.ColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColR', 0);
+ ThemeText.ColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColG', 0);
+ ThemeText.ColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColB', 0);
+ ThemeText.Font := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Font', 0);
+ ThemeText.Size := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Size', 0);
+ ThemeText.Align := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Align', 0);
+ ThemeText.Text := Language.Translate(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', ''));
+ ThemeText.Color := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', '');
+ C := ColorExists(ThemeText.Color);
+ if C >= 0 then begin
+ ThemeText.ColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
+ ThemeText.ColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
+ ThemeText.ColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
+ end;
+ DecimalSeparator := ',';
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadTexts(var ThemeText: AThemeText; Name: string);
+ T: integer;
+ T := 1;
+ while ThemeIni.SectionExists(Name + IntToStr(T)) do begin
+ SetLength(ThemeText, T);
+ ThemeLoadText(ThemeText[T-1], Name + IntToStr(T));
+ Inc(T);
+ end;
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadStatic(var ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ C: integer;
+ DecimalSeparator := '.';
+ ThemeStatic.Tex := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Tex', '');
+ ThemeStatic.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'X', 0);
+ ThemeStatic.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Y', 0);
+ ThemeStatic.Z := ThemeIni.ReadFloat (Name, 'Z', 0);
+ ThemeStatic.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'W', 0);
+ ThemeStatic.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'H', 0);
+ ThemeStatic.Typ := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Type', '');
+ ThemeStatic.Color := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', '');
+ C := ColorExists(ThemeStatic.Color);
+ if C >= 0 then begin
+ ThemeStatic.ColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
+ ThemeStatic.ColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
+ ThemeStatic.ColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
+ end;
+ ThemeStatic.TexX1 := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TexX1', 0);
+ ThemeStatic.TexY1 := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TexY1', 0);
+ ThemeStatic.TexX2 := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TexX2', 1);
+ ThemeStatic.TexY2 := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TexY2', 1);
+ //Reflection Mod
+ ThemeStatic.Reflection := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Reflection', 0) = 1);
+ ThemeStatic.ReflectionSpacing := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ReflectionSpacing', 15);
+ DecimalSeparator := ',';
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadStatics(var ThemeStatic: AThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ S: integer;
+ S := 1;
+ while ThemeIni.SectionExists(Name + IntToStr(S)) do begin
+ SetLength(ThemeStatic, S);
+ ThemeLoadStatic(ThemeStatic[S-1], Name + IntToStr(S));
+ Inc(S);
+ end;
+//Button Collection Mod
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadButtonCollection(var Collection: TThemeButtonCollection; Name: string);
+var T: Integer;
+ //Load Collection Style
+ ThemeLoadButton(Collection.Style, Name);
+ //Load Other Attributes
+ T := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'FirstChild', 0);
+ if (T > 0) And (T < 256) then
+ Collection.FirstChild := T
+ else
+ Collection.FirstChild := 0;
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadButtonCollections(var Collections: AThemeButtonCollection; Name: string);
+ I: integer;
+ I := 1;
+ while ThemeIni.SectionExists(Name + IntToStr(I)) do begin
+ SetLength(Collections, I);
+ ThemeLoadButtonCollection(Collections[I-1], Name + IntToStr(I));
+ Inc(I);
+ end;
+//End Button Collection Mod
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadButton(var ThemeButton: TThemeButton; Name: string; const Collections: PAThemeButtonCollection);
+ C: integer;
+ TLen: integer;
+ T: integer;
+ Collections2: PAThemeButtonCollection;
+ if not ThemeIni.SectionExists(Name) then
+ begin
+ ThemeButton.Visible := False;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ DecimalSeparator := '.';
+ ThemeButton.Tex := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Tex', '');
+ ThemeButton.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'X', 0);
+ ThemeButton.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'Y', 0);
+ ThemeButton.Z := ThemeIni.ReadFloat (Name, 'Z', 0);
+ ThemeButton.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'W', 0);
+ ThemeButton.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'H', 0);
+ ThemeButton.Typ := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Type', '');
+ //Reflection Mod
+ ThemeButton.Reflection := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Reflection', 0) = 1);
+ ThemeButton.ReflectionSpacing := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ReflectionSpacing', 15);
+ ThemeButton.ColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColR', 1);
+ ThemeButton.ColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColG', 1);
+ ThemeButton.ColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColB', 1);
+ ThemeButton.Int := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Int', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColR', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColG', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColB', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DInt', 1);
+ ThemeButton.Color := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', '');
+ C := ColorExists(ThemeButton.Color);
+ if C >= 0 then begin
+ ThemeButton.ColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
+ ThemeButton.ColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
+ ThemeButton.ColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
+ end;
+ ThemeButton.DColor := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'DColor', '');
+ C := ColorExists(ThemeButton.DColor);
+ if C >= 0 then begin
+ ThemeButton.DColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
+ ThemeButton.DColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
+ ThemeButton.DColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
+ end;
+ ThemeButton.Visible := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Visible', 1) = 1);
+ //Fade Mod
+ ThemeButton.SelectH := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'SelectH', ThemeButton.H);
+ ThemeButton.SelectW := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'SelectW', ThemeButton.W);
+ ThemeButton.DeSelectReflectionspacing := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DeSelectReflectionSpacing', ThemeButton.Reflectionspacing);
+ ThemeButton.Fade := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Fade', 0) = 1);
+ ThemeButton.FadeText := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'FadeText', 0) = 1);
+ ThemeButton.FadeTex := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'FadeTex', '');
+ ThemeButton.FadeTexPos:= ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'FadeTexPos', 0);
+ if (ThemeButton.FadeTexPos > 4) Or (ThemeButton.FadeTexPos < 0) then
+ ThemeButton.FadeTexPos := 0;
+ //Button Collection Mod
+ T := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Parent', 0);
+ //Set Collections to Last Basic Collections if no valid Value
+ if (Collections = nil) then
+ Collections2 := @LastThemeBasic.ButtonCollection
+ else
+ Collections2 := Collections;
+ //Test for valid Value
+ if (Collections2 <> nil) AND (T > 0) AND (T <= Length(Collections2^)) then
+ begin
+ Inc(Collections2^[T-1].ChildCount);
+ ThemeButton.Parent := T;
+ end
+ else
+ ThemeButton.Parent := 0;
+ //Read ButtonTexts
+ TLen := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Texts', 0);
+ SetLength(ThemeButton.Text, TLen);
+ for T := 1 to TLen do
+ ThemeLoadText(ThemeButton.Text[T-1], Name + 'Text' + IntToStr(T));
+ DecimalSeparator := ',';
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadSelect(var ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; Name: string);
+ C: integer;
+ DecimalSeparator := '.';
+ ThemeSelect.Text := Language.Translate(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', ''));
+ //{$ELSE}{
+ //ThemeSelect.Text := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', '');
+ //{$ENDIF}
+ ThemeSelect.Tex := {Skin.SkinPath + }ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Tex', '');
+ ThemeSelect.TexSBG := {Skin.SkinPath + }ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TexSBG', '');
+ ThemeSelect.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'X', 0);
+ ThemeSelect.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Y', 0);
+ ThemeSelect.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'W', 0);
+ ThemeSelect.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'H', 0);
+ ThemeSelect.SkipX := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'SkipX', 0);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.ColR, ThemeSelect.ColG, ThemeSelect.ColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.Int := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Int', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.DColR, ThemeSelect.DColG, ThemeSelect.DColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'DColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.DInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.TColR, ThemeSelect.TColG, ThemeSelect.TColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.TInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.TDColR, ThemeSelect.TDColG, ThemeSelect.TDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TDColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.TDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TDInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.SBGColR, ThemeSelect.SBGColG, ThemeSelect.SBGColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'SBGColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.SBGInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'SBGInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.SBGDColR, ThemeSelect.SBGDColG, ThemeSelect.SBGDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'SBGDColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.SBGDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'SBGDInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.STColR, ThemeSelect.STColG, ThemeSelect.STColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'STColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.STInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'STInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.STDColR, ThemeSelect.STDColG, ThemeSelect.STDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'STDColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.STDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'STDInt', 1);
+ DecimalSeparator := ',';
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadSelectSlide(var ThemeSelectS: TThemeSelectSlide; Name: string);
+ C: integer;
+ DecimalSeparator := '.';
+ ThemeSelectS.Text := Language.Translate(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', ''));
+ //{{$ELSE}{
+ //ThemeSelectS.Text := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', '');
+ //{$ENDIF}
+ ThemeSelectS.Tex := {Skin.SkinPath + }ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Tex', '');
+ ThemeSelectS.TexSBG := {Skin.SkinPath + }ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TexSBG', '');
+ ThemeSelectS.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'X', 0);
+ ThemeSelectS.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Y', 0);
+ ThemeSelectS.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'W', 0);
+ ThemeSelectS.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'H', 0);
+ ThemeSelectS.Z := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Z', 0);
+ ThemeSelectS.TextSize := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'TextSize', 10);
+ ThemeSelectS.SkipX := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'SkipX', 0);
+ ThemeSelectS.SBGW := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'SBGW', 450);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.ColR, ThemeSelectS.ColG, ThemeSelectS.ColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.Int := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Int', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.DColR, ThemeSelectS.DColG, ThemeSelectS.DColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'DColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.DInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.TColR, ThemeSelectS.TColG, ThemeSelectS.TColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.TInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.TDColR, ThemeSelectS.TDColG, ThemeSelectS.TDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TDColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.TDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TDInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.SBGColR, ThemeSelectS.SBGColG, ThemeSelectS.SBGColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'SBGColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.SBGInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'SBGInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.SBGDColR, ThemeSelectS.SBGDColG, ThemeSelectS.SBGDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'SBGDColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.SBGDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'SBGDInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.STColR, ThemeSelectS.STColG, ThemeSelectS.STColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'STColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.STInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'STInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.STDColR, ThemeSelectS.STDColG, ThemeSelectS.STDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'STDColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.STDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'STDInt', 1);
+ DecimalSeparator := ',';
+procedure TTheme.LoadColors;
+ SL: TStringList;
+ C: integer;
+ S: string;
+ Col: integer;
+ SL := TStringList.Create;
+ ThemeIni.ReadSection('Colors', SL);
+ // normal colors
+ SetLength(Color, SL.Count);
+ for C := 0 to SL.Count-1 do begin
+ Color[C].Name := SL.Strings[C];
+ S := ThemeIni.ReadString('Colors', SL.Strings[C], '');
+ Color[C].RGB.R := StrToInt(Copy(S, 1, Pos(' ' , S)-1))/255;
+ Delete(S, 1, Pos(' ', S));
+ Color[C].RGB.G := StrToInt(Copy(S, 1, Pos(' ' , S)-1))/255;
+ Delete(S, 1, Pos(' ', S));
+ Color[C].RGB.B := StrToInt(S)/255;
+ end;
+ // skin color
+ SetLength(Color, SL.Count + 3);
+ C := SL.Count;
+ Color[C].Name := 'ColorDark';
+ Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(Skin.Color); //Ini.Color);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'ColorLight';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'ColorLightest';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ // players colors
+ SetLength(Color, Length(Color)+18);
+ // P1
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P1Dark';
+ Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(0); // 0 - blue
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P1Light';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P1Lightest';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ // P2
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P2Dark';
+ Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(3); // 3 - red
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P2Light';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P2Lightest';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ // P3
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P3Dark';
+ Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(1); // 1 - green
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P3Light';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P3Lightest';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ // P4
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P4Dark';
+ Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(4); // 4 - brown
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P4Light';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P4Lightest';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ // P5
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P5Dark';
+ Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(5); // 5 - yellow
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P5Light';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P5Lightest';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ // P6
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P6Dark';
+ Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(6); // 6 - violet
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P6Light';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P6Lightest';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ SL.Free;
+function ColorExists(Name: string): integer;
+ C: integer;
+ Result := -1;
+ for C := 0 to High(Color) do
+ if Color[C].Name = Name then Result := C;
+procedure LoadColor(var R, G, B: real; ColorName: string);
+ C: integer;
+ C := ColorExists(ColorName);
+ if C >= 0 then begin
+ R := Color[C].RGB.R;
+ G := Color[C].RGB.G;
+ B := Color[C].RGB.B;
+ end;
+function GetSystemColor(Color: integer): TRGB;
+ case Color of
+ 0: begin
+ // blue
+ Result.R := 71/255;
+ Result.G := 175/255;
+ Result.B := 247/255;
+ end;
+ 1: begin
+ // green
+ Result.R := 63/255;
+ Result.G := 191/255;
+ Result.B := 63/255;
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ // pink
+ Result.R := 255/255;
+{ Result.G := 63/255;
+ Result.B := 192/255;}
+ Result.G := 175/255;
+ Result.B := 247/255;
+ end;
+ 3: begin
+ // red
+ Result.R := 247/255;
+ Result.G := 71/255;
+ Result.B := 71/255;
+ end;
+ //'Violet', 'Orange', 'Yellow', 'Brown', 'Black'
+ //New Theme-Color Patch
+ 4: begin
+ // violet
+ Result.R := 230/255;
+ Result.G := 63/255;
+ Result.B := 230/255;
+ end;
+ 5: begin
+ // orange
+ Result.R := 255/255;
+ Result.G := 144/255;
+ Result.B := 0;
+ end;
+ 6: begin
+ // yellow
+ Result.R := 230/255;
+ Result.G := 230/255;
+ Result.B := 95/255;
+ end;
+ 7: begin
+ // brown
+ Result.R := 192/255;
+ Result.G := 127/255;
+ Result.B := 31/255;
+ end;
+ 8: begin
+ // black
+ Result.R := 0;
+ Result.G := 0;
+ Result.B := 0;
+ end;
+ //New Theme-Color Patch End
+ end;
+function ColorSqrt(RGB: TRGB): TRGB;
+ Result.R := sqrt(RGB.R);
+ Result.G := sqrt(RGB.G);
+ Result.B := sqrt(RGB.B);
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSave(FileName: string);
+ I: integer;
+ ThemeIni := TIniFile.Create(FileName);
+ {$ELSE}
+ ThemeIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FileName);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Loading, 'Loading');
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Main, 'Main');
+ ThemeSaveText(Main.TextDescription, 'MainTextDescription');
+ ThemeSaveText(Main.TextDescriptionLong, 'MainTextDescriptionLong');
+ ThemeSaveButton(Main.ButtonSolo, 'MainButtonSolo');
+ ThemeSaveButton(Main.ButtonEditor, 'MainButtonEditor');
+ ThemeSaveButton(Main.ButtonOptions, 'MainButtonOptions');
+ ThemeSaveButton(Main.ButtonExit, 'MainButtonExit');
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Name, 'Name');
+ for I := 1 to 6 do
+ ThemeSaveButton(Name.ButtonPlayer[I], 'NameButtonPlayer' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Level, 'Level');
+ ThemeSaveButton(Level.ButtonEasy, 'LevelButtonEasy');
+ ThemeSaveButton(Level.ButtonMedium, 'LevelButtonMedium');
+ ThemeSaveButton(Level.ButtonHard, 'LevelButtonHard');
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Song, 'Song');
+ ThemeSaveText(Song.TextArtist, 'SongTextArtist');
+ ThemeSaveText(Song.TextTitle, 'SongTextTitle');
+ ThemeSaveText(Song.TextNumber, 'SongTextNumber');
+ //Show CAt in Top Left Mod
+ ThemeSaveText(Song.TextCat, 'SongTextCat');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Song.StaticCat, 'SongStaticCat');
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Sing, 'Sing');
+ //TimeBar mod
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticTimeProgress, 'SingTimeProgress');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextTimeText, 'SingTimeText');
+ //eoa TimeBar mod
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1, 'SingP1Static');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1, 'SingP1Text');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG, 'SingP1Static2');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1Score, 'SingP1TextScore');
+ //moveable singbar mod
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1SingBar, 'SingP1SingBar');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoPSingBar, 'SingP1TwoPSingBar');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreePSingBar, 'SingP1ThreePSingBar');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2RSingBar, 'SingP2RSingBar');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2MSingBar, 'SingP2MSingBar');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP3SingBar, 'SingP3SingBar');
+ //eoa moveable singbar
+ //Added for ps3 skin
+ //This one is shown in 2/4P mode
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoP, 'SingP1TwoPStatic');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1TwoP, 'SingP1TwoPText');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG, 'SingP1TwoPStatic2');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1TwoPScore, 'SingP1TwoPTextScore');
+ //This one is shown in 3/6P mode
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreeP, 'SingP1ThreePStatic');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1ThreeP, 'SingP1ThreePText');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG, 'SingP1ThreePStatic2');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1ThreePScore, 'SingP1ThreePTextScore');
+ //eoa
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2R, 'SingP2RStatic');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP2R, 'SingP2RText');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG, 'SingP2RStatic2');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP2RScore, 'SingP2RTextScore');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2M, 'SingP2MStatic');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP2M, 'SingP2MText');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG, 'SingP2MStatic2');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP2MScore, 'SingP2MTextScore');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP3R, 'SingP3RStatic');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP3R, 'SingP3RText');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG, 'SingP3RStatic2');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP3RScore, 'SingP3RTextScore');
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Score, 'Score');
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextArtist, 'ScoreTextArtist');
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextTitle, 'ScoreTextTitle');
+ for I := 1 to 6 do begin
+ ThemeSaveStatics(Score.PlayerStatic[I], 'ScorePlayer' + IntToStr(I) + 'Static');
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextName[I], 'ScoreTextName' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextScore[I], 'ScoreTextScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextNotes[I], 'ScoreTextNotes' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextNotesScore[I], 'ScoreTextNotesScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextLineBonus[I], 'ScoreTextLineBonus' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextLineBonusScore[I], 'ScoreTextLineBonusScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextGoldenNotes[I], 'ScoreTextGoldenNotes' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextGoldenNotesScore[I], 'ScoreTextGoldenNotesScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextTotal[I], 'ScoreTextTotal' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextTotalScore[I], 'ScoreTextTotalScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Score.StaticBackLevel[I], 'ScoreStaticBackLevel' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Score.StaticBackLevelRound[I], 'ScoreStaticBackLevelRound' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Score.StaticLevel[I], 'ScoreStaticLevel' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Score.StaticLevelRound[I], 'ScoreStaticLevelRound' + IntToStr(I));
+ end;
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Top5, 'Top5');
+ ThemeSaveText(Top5.TextLevel, 'Top5TextLevel');
+ ThemeSaveText(Top5.TextArtistTitle, 'Top5TextArtistTitle');
+ ThemeSaveStatics(Top5.StaticNumber, 'Top5StaticNumber');
+ ThemeSaveTexts(Top5.TextNumber, 'Top5TextNumber');
+ ThemeSaveTexts(Top5.TextName, 'Top5TextName');
+ ThemeSaveTexts(Top5.TextScore, 'Top5TextScore');
+ ThemeIni.Free;
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveBasic(Theme: TThemeBasic; Name: string);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Texts', Length(Theme.Text));
+ ThemeSaveBackground(Theme.Background, Name + 'Background');
+ ThemeSaveStatics(Theme.Static, Name + 'Static');
+ ThemeSaveTexts(Theme.Text, Name + 'Text');
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveBackground(ThemeBackground: TThemeBackground; Name: string);
+ if ThemeBackground.Tex <> '' then
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Tex', ThemeBackground.Tex)
+ else begin
+ ThemeIni.EraseSection(Name);
+ end;
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveStatic(ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ DecimalSeparator := '.';
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'X', ThemeStatic.X);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Y', ThemeStatic.Y);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'W', ThemeStatic.W);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'H', ThemeStatic.H);
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Tex', ThemeStatic.Tex);
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Type', ThemeStatic.Typ);
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Color', ThemeStatic.Color);
+ ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'TexX1', ThemeStatic.TexX1);
+ ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'TexY1', ThemeStatic.TexY1);
+ ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'TexX2', ThemeStatic.TexX2);
+ ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'TexY2', ThemeStatic.TexY2);
+ DecimalSeparator := ',';
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveStatics(ThemeStatic: AThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ S: integer;
+ for S := 0 to Length(ThemeStatic)-1 do
+ ThemeSaveStatic(ThemeStatic[S], Name + {'Static' +} IntToStr(S+1));
+ ThemeIni.EraseSection(Name + {'Static' + }IntToStr(S+1));
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveText(ThemeText: TThemeText; Name: string);
+ DecimalSeparator := '.';
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'X', ThemeText.X);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Y', ThemeText.Y);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Font', ThemeText.Font);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Size', ThemeText.Size);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Align', ThemeText.Align);
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Text', ThemeText.Text);
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Color', ThemeText.Color);
+ DecimalSeparator := ',';
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveTexts(ThemeText: AThemeText; Name: string);
+ T: integer;
+ for T := 0 to Length(ThemeText)-1 do
+ ThemeSaveText(ThemeText[T], Name + {'Text' + }IntToStr(T+1));
+ ThemeIni.EraseSection(Name + {'Text' + }IntToStr(T+1));
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveButton(ThemeButton: TThemeButton; Name: string);
+ T: integer;
+ DecimalSeparator := '.';
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Tex', ThemeButton.Tex);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'X', ThemeButton.X);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Y', ThemeButton.Y);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'W', ThemeButton.W);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'H', ThemeButton.H);
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Type', ThemeButton.Typ);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Texts', Length(ThemeButton.Text));
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Color', ThemeButton.Color);
+{ ThemeButton.ColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColR', 1);
+ ThemeButton.ColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColG', 1);
+ ThemeButton.ColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColB', 1);
+ ThemeButton.Int := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Int', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColR', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColG', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColB', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DInt', 1);}
+{ C := ColorExists(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', ''));
+ if C >= 0 then begin
+ ThemeButton.ColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
+ ThemeButton.ColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
+ ThemeButton.ColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
+ end;
+ C := ColorExists(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'DColor', ''));
+ if C >= 0 then begin
+ ThemeButton.DColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
+ ThemeButton.DColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
+ ThemeButton.DColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
+ end;}
+ for T := 0 to High(ThemeButton.Text) do
+ ThemeSaveText(ThemeButton.Text[T], Name + 'Text' + IntToStr(T+1));
+ DecimalSeparator := ',';
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UTime.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UTime.pas
index 87d4f922..d06628cc 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UTime.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UTime.pas
@@ -69,7 +69,11 @@ begin
TimeNew := CurrentSec100OfDay(); // TODO - JB_Linux will prob need looking at
- TimeSkip := (TimeNew-TimeOld)/TimeFreq;
+ if ( TimeNew-TimeOld > 0 ) AND
+ ( TimeFreq > 0 ) THEN
+ begin
+ TimeSkip := (TimeNew-TimeOld)/TimeFreq;
+ end;
procedure CountMidTime;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Menu/UDisplay.pas b/Game/Code/Menu/UDisplay.pas
index 077342d3..c83d3c37 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Menu/UDisplay.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Menu/UDisplay.pas
@@ -19,45 +19,41 @@ uses {$IFDEF win32}
TDisplay = class
- ActualScreen: PMenu;
- NextScreen: PMenu;
+ ActualScreen : PMenu;
+ NextScreen : PMenu;
BlackScreen: Boolean;
//popup hack
NextScreenWithCheck: Pmenu;
- CheckOK: Boolean;
+ CheckOK : Boolean;
- h_DC: HDC;
- h_RC: HGLRC;
+ h_DC : HDC;
+ h_RC : HGLRC;
- Fade: Real;
- // fade-mod
- doFade: Boolean;
- canFade: Boolean;
- myFade: integer;
- lastTime: Cardinal;
+ Fade : Real;
+ doFade : Boolean;
+ canFade : Boolean;
+ myFade : integer;
+ lastTime : Cardinal;
pTexData : Pointer;
- pTex : array[1..2] of glUInt;
- // end
+ pTex : array[1..2] of glUInt;
- //FPS Counter
- FPSCounter: Cardinal;
- LastFPS: Cardinal;
- NextFPSSwap:Cardinal;
+ FPSCounter : Cardinal;
+ LastFPS : Cardinal;
+ NextFPSSwap : Cardinal;
- //For Debug OSD
- OSD_LastError: String;
+ OSD_LastError : String;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
- function Draw: Boolean;
procedure PrintScreen;
- constructor Create;
- // fade mod
- destructor Destroy; override;
- // end
procedure ScreenShot;
procedure DrawDebugInformation;
+ function Draw: Boolean;
@@ -76,7 +72,7 @@ uses
- // UFiles,
+// ULog,
@@ -85,15 +81,17 @@ uses
constructor TDisplay.Create;
-var i: integer;
+ i: integer;
inherited Create;
//popup hack
- CheckOK:=False;
- NextScreen:=NIL;
- NextScreenWithCheck:=NIL;
- BlackScreen:=False;
+ CheckOK := False;
+ NextScreen := NIL;
+ NextScreenWithCheck := NIL;
+ BlackScreen := False;
// fade mod
@@ -106,24 +104,37 @@ begin
// generate texture for fading between screens
GetMem(pTexData, 512*512*4);
if pTexData <> NIL then
for i:= 1 to 2 do
- glGenTextures(1, pTex[i]);
- if glGetError <> GL_NO_ERROR then canFade := False;
+ glGenTextures(1, @pTex[i] );
+ if glGetError <> GL_NO_ERROR then
+ canFade := False;
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pTex[i]);
- if glGetError <> GL_NO_ERROR then canFade := False;
+ if glGetError <> GL_NO_ERROR then
+ canFade := False;
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, 512, 512, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pTexData);
- if glGetError <> GL_NO_ERROR then canFade := False;
+ if glGetError <> GL_NO_ERROR then
+ canFade := False;
- if glGetError <> GL_NO_ERROR then canFade := False;
+ if glGetError <> GL_NO_ERROR then
+ canFade := False;
- if glGetError <> GL_NO_ERROR then canFade := False;
+ if glGetError <> GL_NO_ERROR then
+ canFade := False;
// end
@@ -131,25 +142,22 @@ begin
OSD_LastError := 'No Errors';
-// fade mod
destructor TDisplay.Destroy;
if canFade then
inherited Destroy;
-// end
function TDisplay.Draw: Boolean;
S: integer;
Col: Real;
- // fade mod
myFade2: Real;
currentTime: Cardinal;
glError: glEnum;
glErrorStr: String;
- // end
Result := True;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Menu/UMenu.pas b/Game/Code/Menu/UMenu.pas
index 291dc201..2efae5e4 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Menu/UMenu.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Menu/UMenu.pas
@@ -1,1529 +1,1544 @@
-unit UMenu;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-uses OpenGL12, SysUtils, UTexture, UMenuStatic, UMenuText, UMenuButton, UMenuSelect, UMenuSelectSlide,
- UMenuInteract, UThemes, UMenuButtonCollection, Math;
-{ Int16 = SmallInt;}
- PMenu = ^TMenu;
- TMenu = class
- protected
- ButtonPos: Integer;
- Interactions: array of TInteract;
- SelInteraction: integer;
- Button: array of TButton;
- Selects: array of TSelect;
- SelectsS: array of TSelectSlide;
- ButtonCollection: Array of TButtonCollection;
- BackImg: TTexture;
- BackW: integer;
- BackH: integer;
- public
- Text: array of TText;
- Static: array of TStatic;
- mX: integer; // mouse X
- mY: integer; // mouse Y
- Fade: integer; // fade type
- ShowFinish: boolean; // true if there is no fade
- destructor Destroy; override;
- constructor Create; overload; virtual;
- //constructor Create(Back: string); overload; virtual; // Back is a JPG resource name for background
- //constructor Create(Back: string; W, H: integer); overload; virtual; // W and H are the number of overlaps
- // interaction
- procedure AddInteraction(Typ, Num: integer);
- procedure SetInteraction(Num: integer);
- property Interaction: integer read SelInteraction write SetInteraction;
- //Procedure Load BG, Texts, Statics and Button Collections from ThemeBasic
- procedure LoadFromTheme(const ThemeBasic: TThemeBasic);
- procedure PrepareButtonCollections(const Collections: AThemeButtonCollection);
- procedure AddButtonCollection(const ThemeCollection: TThemeButtonCollection; Const Num: Byte);
- // background
- procedure AddBackground(Name: string);
- // static
- function AddStatic(ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic): integer; overload;
- function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; Name: string): integer; overload;
- function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; Name, Format, Typ: string): integer; overload;
- function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string): integer; overload;
- function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string): integer; overload;
- function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string; Color: integer): integer; overload;
- function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string; Color: integer): integer; overload;
- function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; TexX1, TexY1, TexX2, TexY2: real; Name, Format, Typ: string; Color: integer; Reflection: Boolean; ReflectionSpacing: Real): integer; overload;
- // text
- function AddText(ThemeText: TThemeText): integer; overload;
- function AddText(X, Y: real; Tekst: string): integer; overload;
- function AddText(X, Y: real; Style: integer; Size, ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Tekst: string): integer; overload;
- function AddText(X, Y, W: real; Style: integer; Size, ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Align: integer; Tekst: string): integer; overload;
- // button
- Procedure SetButtonLength(Length: Cardinal); //Function that Set Length of Button Array in one Step instead of register new Memory for every Button
- function AddButton(ThemeButton: TThemeButton): integer; overload;
- function AddButton(X, Y, W, H: real; Name: String): integer; overload;
- function AddButton(X, Y, W, H: real; Name, Format, Typ: String; Reflection: Boolean): integer; overload;
- function AddButton(X, Y, W, H, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt: real; Name, Format, Typ: String; Reflection: Boolean; ReflectionSpacing, DeSelectReflectionSpacing: Real): integer; overload;
- procedure ClearButtons;
- procedure AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; AddText: string); overload;
- procedure AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; AddText: string); overload;
- procedure AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Font: integer; Size: integer; Align: integer; AddText: string); overload;
- procedure AddButtonText(CustomButton: TButton; AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Font: integer; Size: integer; Align: integer; AddText: string); overload;
- // select
- function AddSelect(ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; var Data: integer; Values: array of string): integer; overload;
- function AddSelect(X, Y, W, H, SkipX, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt,
- TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt, TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt,
- STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt, STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
- Name, Typ: String; SBGName, SBGTyp: String;
- Caption: string; var Data: integer): integer; overload;
- procedure AddSelectOption(AddX, AddY: real; AddText: string); overload;
- procedure AddSelectOption(SelectNo: Cardinal; AddX, AddY: real; AddText: string); overload;
- procedure UpdateSelectOptions(ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; SelectNum: integer; Values: array of string; var Data: integer);
- // select slide
- function AddSelectSlide(ThemeSelectS: TThemeSelectSlide; var Data: integer; Values: array of string): integer; overload;
- function AddSelectSlide(X, Y, W, H, SkipX, SBGW, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt,
- TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt, TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt,
- STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt, STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
- Name, Typ: String; SBGName, SBGTyp: String;
- Caption: string; var Data: integer): integer; overload;
- procedure AddSelectSlideOption(AddText: string); overload;
- procedure AddSelectSlideOption(SelectNo: Cardinal; AddText: string); overload;
- procedure UpdateSelectSlideOptions(ThemeSelectSlide: TThemeSelectSlide; SelectNum: integer; Values: array of string; var Data: integer);
-// function AddWidget(X, Y : UInt16; WidgetSrc : PSDL_Surface): Int16;
-// procedure ClearWidgets(MinNumber : Int16);
- procedure FadeTo(Screen: PMenu);
- //popup hack
- procedure CheckFadeTo(Screen: PMenu; msg: String);
- function DrawBG: boolean; virtual;
- function DrawFG: boolean; virtual;
- function Draw: boolean; virtual;
- function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown : Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
- function ParseMouse(Typ: integer; X: integer; Y: integer): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function InRegion(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X, Y: real): Boolean;
- function InStaticRegion(StaticNr: integer; X, Y: integer): Boolean;
- procedure onShow; virtual;
- procedure onShowFinish; virtual;
- procedure onHide; virtual;
- procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); virtual;
- function IsSelectable(Int: Cardinal): Boolean;
- procedure InteractNext; virtual;
- procedure InteractCustom(CustomSwitch: integer); virtual;
- procedure InteractPrev; virtual;
- procedure InteractInc; virtual;
- procedure InteractDec; virtual;
- procedure AddBox(X, Y, W, H: real);
- end;
- pmMove = 1;
- pmClick = 2;
- pmUnClick = 3;
- iButton = 0; // interaction type
- iSelect = 1;
- iText = 2;
- iSelectS = 3;
- iBCollectionChild = 5;
-// fBlack = 0; // fade type
-// fWhite = 1;
-uses UMain,
- UDrawTexture,
- UGraphic,
- UDisplay,
- UCovers,
- USkins;
-destructor TMenu.Destroy;
- inherited;
-constructor TMenu.Create;
- Fade := 0;//fWhite;
- SetLength(Static, 0);
- SetLength(Button, 0);
- BackImg.TexNum := -1;
- //Set ButtonPos to Autoset Length
- ButtonPos := -1;
-constructor TMenu.Create(Back: String);
- inherited Create;
- if Back <> '' then begin
-// BackImg := Texture.LoadTexture(true, PChar(Back), 'JPG', 'Plain', 0);
- BackImg := Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Back), 'JPG', 'Plain', 0); // new theme system
- BackImg.W := 800;//640;
- BackImg.H := 600;//480;
- BackW := 1;
- BackH := 1;
- end else
- BackImg.TexNum := -1;
- //Set ButtonPos to Autoset Length
- ButtonPos := -1;
-constructor TMenu.Create(Back: string; W, H: integer);
- Create(Back);
- BackImg.W := BackImg.W / W;
- BackImg.H := BackImg.H / H;
- BackW := W;
- BackH := H;
-end; }
-procedure TMenu.AddInteraction(Typ, Num: integer);
- IntNum: integer;
- IntNum := Length(Interactions);
- SetLength(Interactions, IntNum+1);
- Interactions[IntNum].Typ := Typ;
- Interactions[IntNum].Num := Num;
- Interaction := 0;
-procedure TMenu.SetInteraction(Num: integer);
- OldNum, OldTyp: integer;
- NewNum, NewTyp: integer;
- // set inactive
- OldNum := Interactions[Interaction].Num;
- OldTyp := Interactions[Interaction].Typ;
- NewNum := Interactions[Num].Num;
- NewTyp := Interactions[Num].Typ;
- case OldTyp of
- iButton: Button[OldNum].Selected := False;
- iSelect: Selects[OldNum].Selected := False;
- iText: Text[OldNum].Selected := False;
- iSelectS: SelectsS[OldNum].Selected := False;
- //Button Collection Mod
- iBCollectionChild:
- begin
- Button[OldNum].Selected := False;
- //Deselect Collection if Next Button is Not from Collection
- if (NewTyp <> iButton) Or (Button[NewNum].Parent <> Button[OldNum].Parent) then
- ButtonCollection[Button[OldNum].Parent-1].Selected := False;
- end;
- end;
- // set active
- SelInteraction := Num;
- case NewTyp of
- iButton: Button[NewNum].Selected := True;
- iSelect: Selects[NewNum].Selected := True;
- iText: Text[NewNum].Selected := True;
- iSelectS: SelectsS[NewNum].Selected := True;
- //Button Collection Mod
- iBCollectionChild:
- begin
- Button[NewNum].Selected := True;
- ButtonCollection[Button[NewNum].Parent-1].Selected := True;
- end;
- end;
-//LoadFromTheme - Load BG, Texts, Statics and
-//Button Collections from ThemeBasic
-procedure TMenu.LoadFromTheme(const ThemeBasic: TThemeBasic);
- I: Integer;
- //Add Button Collections (Set Button CollectionsLength)
- //Button Collections are Created when the first ChildButton is Created
- PrepareButtonCollections(ThemeBasic.ButtonCollection);
- //Add Background
- AddBackground(ThemeBasic.Background.Tex);
- //Add Statics and Texts
- for I := 0 to High(ThemeBasic.Static) do
- AddStatic(ThemeBasic.Static[I]);
- for I := 0 to High(ThemeBasic.Text) do
- AddText(ThemeBasic.Text[I]);
-procedure TMenu.AddBackground(Name: string);
- lFileName : string;
- if Name <> '' then
- begin
-// BackImg := Texture.LoadTexture(false, PChar(Skin.SkinPath + FileName), 'JPG', 'Plain', 0); // new theme system
- lFileName := Skin.GetTextureFileName(Name);
- if lFileName <> '' then
- begin
- BackImg := Texture.GetTexture( lFileName , 'Plain');
- BackImg.W := 800;
- BackImg.H := 600;
- BackW := 1;
- BackH := 1;
- end;
- end;
-//Add Button Collections (Set Button CollectionsLength)
-procedure TMenu.PrepareButtonCollections(const Collections: AThemeButtonCollection);
- I: Integer;
- SetLength(ButtonCollection, Length(Collections));
- For I := 0 to High(ButtonCollection) do
- AddButtonCollection(Collections[I], I);
-//Create a Button Collection;
-procedure TMenu.AddButtonCollection(const ThemeCollection: TThemeButtonCollection; Const Num: Byte);
- BT, BTLen: Integer;
- TempR, TempG, TempB, TempR2, TempG2, TempB2: Cardinal;
- if (Num > High(ButtonCollection)) then
- exit;
-// colorize hack
-if ThemeCollection.Style.Typ='Colorized' then
- TempR:=floor(255*ThemeCollection.Style.ColR);
- TempG:=floor(255*ThemeCollection.Style.ColG);
- TempB:=floor(255*ThemeCollection.Style.ColB);
- TempR2:=floor(255*ThemeCollection.Style.DColR);
- TempG2:=floor(255*ThemeCollection.Style.DColG);
- TempB2:=floor(255*ThemeCollection.Style.DColB);
- // give encoded color to loadtexture
- ButtonCollection[Num] := TButtonCollection.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeCollection.Style.Tex)), 'JPG', 'Colorized', ((((TempR shl 8) or TempG) shl 8)or TempB)),
- Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeCollection.Style.Tex)), 'JPG', 'Colorized', ((((TempR2 shl 8) or TempG2) shl 8)or TempB2)));
-// Button[Result] := TButton.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), ((((TempR2 shl 8) or TempG2) shl 8)or TempB2))); // use cache texture
- ButtonCollection[Num] := TButtonCollection.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeCollection.Style.Tex), ThemeCollection.Style.Typ, true)); // use cache texture
- //Set Parent menu
- ButtonCollection[Num].ScreenButton := @Self.Button;
- //Set Attributes
- ButtonCollection[Num].FirstChild := ThemeCollection.FirstChild;
- ButtonCollection[Num].CountChilds := ThemeCollection.ChildCount;
- ButtonCollection[Num].Parent := Num + 1;
- //Set Style
- ButtonCollection[Num].X := ThemeCollection.Style.X;
- ButtonCollection[Num].Y := ThemeCollection.Style.Y;
- ButtonCollection[Num].W := ThemeCollection.Style.W;
- ButtonCollection[Num].H := ThemeCollection.Style.H;
- if ThemeCollection.Style.Typ <> 'Colorized' then begin
- ButtonCollection[Num].SelectColR := ThemeCollection.Style.ColR;
- ButtonCollection[Num].SelectColG := ThemeCollection.Style.ColG;
- ButtonCollection[Num].SelectColB := ThemeCollection.Style.ColB;
- ButtonCollection[Num].DeselectColR := ThemeCollection.Style.DColR;
- ButtonCollection[Num].DeselectColG := ThemeCollection.Style.DColG;
- ButtonCollection[Num].DeselectColB := ThemeCollection.Style.DColB;
- end;
- ButtonCollection[Num].SelectInt := ThemeCollection.Style.Int;
- ButtonCollection[Num].DeselectInt := ThemeCollection.Style.DInt;
- ButtonCollection[Num].Texture.TexX1 := 0;
- ButtonCollection[Num].Texture.TexY1 := 0;
- ButtonCollection[Num].Texture.TexX2 := 1;
- ButtonCollection[Num].Texture.TexY2 := 1;
- ButtonCollection[Num].SetSelect(false);
- ButtonCollection[Num].Reflection := ThemeCollection.Style.Reflection;
- ButtonCollection[Num].Reflectionspacing := ThemeCollection.Style.ReflectionSpacing;
- ButtonCollection[Num].DeSelectReflectionspacing := ThemeCollection.Style.DeSelectReflectionSpacing;
- ButtonCollection[Num].Z := ThemeCollection.Style.Z;
- //Some Things from ButtonFading
- ButtonCollection[Num].SelectH := ThemeCollection.Style.SelectH;
- ButtonCollection[Num].SelectW := ThemeCollection.Style.SelectW;
- ButtonCollection[Num].Fade := ThemeCollection.Style.Fade;
- ButtonCollection[Num].FadeText := ThemeCollection.Style.FadeText;
- if ThemeCollection.Style.Typ='Colorized' then
- ButtonCollection[Num].FadeTex := Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeCollection.Style.FadeTex)), 'JPG', 'Colorized', ((((TempR shl 8) or TempG) shl 8)or TempB))
- else
- ButtonCollection[Num].FadeTex := Texture.GetTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeCollection.Style.FadeTex), ThemeCollection.Style.Typ, true);
- ButtonCollection[Num].FadeTexPos := ThemeCollection.Style.FadeTexPos;
- BTLen := Length(ThemeCollection.Style.Text);
- for BT := 0 to BTLen-1 do begin
- AddButtonText(ButtonCollection[Num], ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].X, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].Y,
- ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].ColR, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].ColG, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].ColB,
- ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].Font, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].Size, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].Align,
- ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].Text);
- end;
-function TMenu.AddStatic(ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic): integer;
- Result := AddStatic(ThemeStatic.X, ThemeStatic.Y, ThemeStatic.W, ThemeStatic.H, ThemeStatic.Z,
- ThemeStatic.ColR, ThemeStatic.ColG, ThemeStatic.ColB,
- ThemeStatic.TexX1, ThemeStatic.TexY1, ThemeStatic.TexX2, ThemeStatic.TexY2,
- {<0.5.1: Skin.SkinPath + ThemeStatic.Tex, 0.5.1:} Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeStatic.Tex),
- 'JPG', ThemeStatic.Typ, $FFFFFF, ThemeStatic.Reflection, ThemeStatic.Reflectionspacing);
- //'Font Black');
-function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; Name: string): integer;
- Result := AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Name, 'JPG', 'Plain');
-function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string): integer;
- StatNum: integer;
- Result := AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, ColR, ColG, ColB, Name, Format, Typ, $FFFFFF);
-function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string): integer;
- StatNum: integer;
- Result := AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z, ColR, ColG, ColB, Name, Format, Typ, $FFFFFF);
-function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; Name, Format, Typ: string): integer;
- StatNum: integer;
- // adds static
- StatNum := Length(Static);
- SetLength(Static, StatNum + 1);
-// Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), $FF00FF)); // $FFFFFF
-// Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.SkinReg, PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), $FF00FF)); // new skin system
- Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), $FF00FF)); // new skin
- // configures static
- Static[StatNum].Texture.X := X;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.Y := Y;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.W := W;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.H := H;
- Static[StatNum].Visible := true;
- Result := StatNum;
-function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string; Color: integer): integer;
- StatNum: integer;
- Result := AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, 0, ColR, ColG, ColB, Name, Format, Typ, Color);
-function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string; Color: integer): integer;
- Result := AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z, ColR, ColG, ColB, 0, 0, 1, 1, Name, Format, Typ, Color, False, 0);
-function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; TexX1, TexY1, TexX2, TexY2: real; Name, Format, Typ: string; Color: integer; Reflection: Boolean; ReflectionSpacing: Real): integer;
- StatNum: integer;
- TempR, TempG, TempB: Cardinal;
- TempCol: Cardinal;
- // adds static
- StatNum := Length(Static);
- SetLength(Static, StatNum + 1);
-// Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), Color));
-// Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.SkinReg, PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), Color)); // new skin system
-// colorize hack
-if Typ='Colorized' then
- TempR:=floor(255*ColR);
- TempG:=floor(255*ColG);
- TempB:=floor(255*ColB);
- // give encoded color to loadtexture
- Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), ((((TempR shl 8) or TempG) shl 8)or TempB)));
- Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), Color)); // new skin
-// Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ));
- // configures static
- Static[StatNum].Texture.X := X;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.Y := Y;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.W := W;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.H := H;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.Z := Z;
- if Typ <> 'Colorized' then begin
- Static[StatNum].Texture.ColR := ColR;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.ColG := ColG;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.ColB := ColB;
- end;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.TexX1 := TexX1;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.TexY1 := TexY1;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.TexX2 := TexX2;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.TexY2 := TexY2;
- Static[StatNum].Texture.Alpha := 1;
- Static[StatNum].Visible := true;
- //ReflectionMod
- Static[StatNum].Reflection := Reflection;
- Static[StatNum].ReflectionSpacing := ReflectionSpacing;
- Result := StatNum;
-function TMenu.AddText(ThemeText: TThemeText): integer;
- Result := AddText(ThemeText.X, ThemeText.Y, ThemeText.W, ThemeText.Font, ThemeText.Size,
- ThemeText.ColR, ThemeText.ColG, ThemeText.ColB, ThemeText.Align, ThemeText.Text);
-function TMenu.AddText(X, Y: real; Tekst: string): integer;
- TextNum: integer;
- // adds text
- TextNum := Length(Text);
- SetLength(Text, TextNum + 1);
- Text[TextNum] := TText.Create(X, Y, Tekst);
- Result := TextNum;
-function TMenu.AddText(X, Y: real; Style: integer; Size, ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Tekst: string): integer;
- Result := AddText(X, Y, 0, Style, Size, ColR, ColG, ColB, 0, Tekst);
-function TMenu.AddText(X, Y, W: real; Style: integer; Size, ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Align: integer; Tekst: string): integer;
- TextNum: integer;
- // adds text
- TextNum := Length(Text);
- SetLength(Text, TextNum + 1);
- Text[TextNum] := TText.Create(X, Y, W, Style, Size, ColR, ColG, ColB, Align, Tekst);
- Result := TextNum;
-//Function that Set Length of Button Array in one Step instead of register new Memory for every Button
-Procedure TMenu.SetButtonLength(Length: Cardinal);
- if (ButtonPos = -1) AND (Length > 0) then
- begin
- //Set Length of Button
- SetLength(Button, Length);
- //Set ButtonPos to start with 0
- ButtonPos := 0;
- end;
-// Method to add a button in our TMenu. It returns the assigned ButtonNumber
-function TMenu.AddButton(ThemeButton: TThemeButton): integer;
- BT: integer;
- BTLen: integer;
- temp: integer;
- TempR, TempG, TempB, TempR2, TempG2, TempB2: Cardinal;
-{ Result := AddButton(ThemeButton.X, ThemeButton.Y, ThemeButton.W, ThemeButton.H,
- ThemeButton.ColR, ThemeButton.ColG, ThemeButton.ColB, ThemeButton.Int,
- ThemeButton.DColR, ThemeButton.DColG, ThemeButton.DColB, ThemeButton.DInt,
- ThemeButton.Tex, 'JPG', 'Font Black');}
- Result := AddButton(ThemeButton.X, ThemeButton.Y, ThemeButton.W, ThemeButton.H,
- ThemeButton.ColR, ThemeButton.ColG, ThemeButton.ColB, ThemeButton.Int,
- ThemeButton.DColR, ThemeButton.DColG, ThemeButton.DColB, ThemeButton.DInt,
- Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeButton.Tex), 'JPG', ThemeButton.Typ, ThemeButton.Reflection, ThemeButton.Reflectionspacing, ThemeButton.DeSelectReflectionspacing);
- Button[Result].Z := ThemeButton.Z;
- //Button Visibility
- Button[Result].Visible := ThemeButton.Visible;
- //Some Things from ButtonFading
- Button[Result].SelectH := ThemeButton.SelectH;
- Button[Result].SelectW := ThemeButton.SelectW;
- Button[Result].Fade := ThemeButton.Fade;
- Button[Result].FadeText := ThemeButton.FadeText;
- if ThemeButton.Typ='Colorized' then begin
- TempR:=floor(255*ThemeButton.ColR);
- TempG:=floor(255*ThemeButton.ColG);
- TempB:=floor(255*ThemeButton.ColB);
- Button[Result].FadeTex := Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeButton.FadeTex)), 'JPG', 'Colorized', ((((TempR shl 8) or TempG) shl 8)or TempB));
- end
- else
- Button[Result].FadeTex := Texture.GetTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeButton.FadeTex), ThemeButton.Typ, true);
- Button[Result].FadeTexPos := ThemeButton.FadeTexPos;
- BTLen := Length(ThemeButton.Text);
- for BT := 0 to BTLen-1 do begin
- AddButtonText(ThemeButton.Text[BT].X, ThemeButton.Text[BT].Y,
- ThemeButton.Text[BT].ColR, ThemeButton.Text[BT].ColG, ThemeButton.Text[BT].ColB,
- ThemeButton.Text[BT].Font, ThemeButton.Text[BT].Size, ThemeButton.Text[BT].Align,
- ThemeButton.Text[BT].Text);
- end;
- //BAutton Collection Mod
- if (ThemeButton.Parent <> 0) then
- begin
- //If Collection Exists then Change Interaction to Child Button
- if (@ButtonCollection[ThemeButton.Parent-1] <> nil) then
- begin
- Interactions[High(Interactions)].Typ := iBCollectionChild;
- Button[Result].Visible := False;
- for BT := 0 to BTLen-1 do
- Button[Result].Text[BT].Alpha := 0;
- Button[Result].Parent := ThemeButton.Parent;
- if (ButtonCollection[ThemeButton.Parent-1].Fade) then
- Button[Result].Texture.Alpha := 0;
- end;
- end;
-function TMenu.AddButton(X, Y, W, H: real; Name: String): integer;
- Result := AddButton(X, Y, W, H, Name, 'JPG', 'Plain', False);
-function TMenu.AddButton(X, Y, W, H: real; Name, Format, Typ: String; Reflection: Boolean): integer;
- Result := AddButton(X, Y, W, H, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, Name, 'JPG', 'Plain', Reflection, 15, 15);
-function TMenu.AddButton(X, Y, W, H, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt: real; Name, Format, Typ: String; Reflection: Boolean; ReflectionSpacing, DeSelectReflectionSpacing: Real): integer;
-var TempR, TempG, TempB, TempR2, TempG2, TempB2: Cardinal;
- // adds button
- //SetLength is used once to reduce Memory usement
- if (ButtonPos <> -1) then
- begin
- Result := ButtonPos;
- Inc(ButtonPos)
- end
- else //Old Method -> Reserve new Memory for every Button
- begin
- Result := Length(Button);
- SetLength(Button, Result + 1);
- end;
-// Button[Result] := TButton.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ));
- // check here for cache
-// Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ, false); // preloads textures and creates cahce mipmap when needed
-// if Covers.CoverExists(Name) then
-// colorize hack
-if Typ='Colorized' then
- TempR:=floor(255*ColR);
- TempG:=floor(255*ColG);
- TempB:=floor(255*ColB);
- TempR2:=floor(255*DColR);
- TempG2:=floor(255*DColG);
- TempB2:=floor(255*DColB);
- // give encoded color to loadtexture
- Button[Result] := TButton.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), ((((TempR shl 8) or TempG) shl 8)or TempB)),
- Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), ((((TempR2 shl 8) or TempG2) shl 8)or TempB2)));
-// Button[Result] := TButton.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), ((((TempR2 shl 8) or TempG2) shl 8)or TempB2))); // use cache texture
- Button[Result] := TButton.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ, true)); // use cache texture
-// else
-// Button[Result] := TButton.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ, false)); // don't use cache texture}
- // configures button
- Button[Result].X := X;
- Button[Result].Y := Y;
- Button[Result].W := W;
- Button[Result].H := H;
- if Typ <> 'Colorized' then begin
- Button[Result].SelectColR := ColR;
- Button[Result].SelectColG := ColG;
- Button[Result].SelectColB := ColB;
- Button[Result].DeselectColR := DColR;
- Button[Result].DeselectColG := DColG;
- Button[Result].DeselectColB := DColB;
- end;
- Button[Result].SelectInt := Int;
- Button[Result].DeselectInt := DInt;
- Button[Result].Texture.TexX1 := 0;
- Button[Result].Texture.TexY1 := 0;
- Button[Result].Texture.TexX2 := 1;
- Button[Result].Texture.TexY2 := 1;
- Button[Result].SetSelect(false);
- Button[Result].Reflection := Reflection;
- Button[Result].Reflectionspacing := ReflectionSpacing;
- Button[Result].DeSelectReflectionspacing := DeSelectReflectionSpacing;
- //Button Collection Mod
- Button[Result].Parent := 0;
- // adds interaction
- AddInteraction(iButton, Result);
- Interaction := 0;
-procedure TMenu.ClearButtons;
- Setlength(Button, 0);
-// Method to draw our TMenu and all his child buttons
-function TMenu.DrawBG: boolean;
- PetX: integer;
- PetY: integer;
- BackImg.ColR := 1;
- BackImg.ColG := 1;
- BackImg.ColB := 1;
- BackImg.TexX1 := 0;
- BackImg.TexY1 := 0;
- BackImg.TexX2 := 1;
- BackImg.TexY2 := 1;
- if (BackImg.TexNum <> -1) then begin
- // does anyone know what these loops were for?
-{ // draw texture with overlapping
- for PetY := 1 to BackH do
- for PetX := 1 to BackW do begin
- BackImg.X := (PetX-1)/BackW * 800; //640
- BackImg.Y := (PetY-1)/BackH * 600; //480
- DrawTexture(BackImg);
- end; // for PetX}
- BackImg.X:=BackW;
- BackImg.Y:=BackW;
- DrawTexture(BackImg);
- end; // if
-function TMenu.DrawFG: boolean;
- J: Integer;
- // We don't forget about newly implemented static for nice skin ...
- for J := 0 to Length(Static) - 1 do
- Static[J].Draw;
- // ... and slightly implemented menutext unit
- for J := 0 to Length(Text) - 1 do
- Text[J].Draw;
- // Draw all ButtonCollections
- For J := 0 to High(ButtonCollection) do
- ButtonCollection[J].Draw;
- // Second, we draw all of our buttons
- for J := 0 to Length(Button) - 1 do
- Button[J].Draw;
- // Third, we draw all of our selects
- for J := 0 to Length(Selects) - 1 do
- Selects[J].Draw(1);
- for J := 0 to Length(SelectsS) - 1 do
- SelectsS[J].Draw;
- // Third, we draw all our widgets
-// for J := 0 to Length(WidgetsSrc) - 1 do
-// SDL_BlitSurface(WidgetsSrc[J], nil, ParentBackBuf, WidgetsRect[J]);
- Result := True;
-function TMenu.Draw: boolean;
- DrawBG;
- DrawFG;
- Result := True;
-{function TMenu.GetNextScreen(): PMenu;
- Result := NextScreen;
-{function TMenu.AddWidget(X, Y : UInt16; WidgetSrc : PSDL_Surface): Int16;
- WidgetNum : Int16;
- If (Assigned(WidgetSrc)) Then
- begin
- WidgetNum := Length(WidgetsSrc);
- SetLength(WidgetsSrc, WidgetNum + 1);
- SetLength(WidgetsRect, WidgetNum + 1);
- WidgetsSrc[WidgetNum] := WidgetSrc;
- WidgetsRect[WidgetNum] := new(PSDL_Rect);
- WidgetsRect[WidgetNum]^.x := X;
- WidgetsRect[WidgetNum]^.y := Y;
- WidgetsRect[WidgetNum]^.w := WidgetSrc^.w;
- WidgetsRect[WidgetNum]^.h := WidgetSrc^.h;
- Result := WidgetNum;
- end
- else
- Result := -1;
-{procedure TMenu.ClearWidgets(MinNumber : Int16);
- J : Int16;
- For J := MinNumber to (Length(WidgetsSrc) - 1) do
- begin
- SDL_FreeSurface(WidgetsSrc[J]);
- dispose(WidgetsRect[J]);
- end;
- SetLength(WidgetsSrc, MinNumber);
- SetLength(WidgetsRect, MinNumber);
-function TMenu.IsSelectable(Int: Cardinal): Boolean;
- Result := True;
- Case Interactions[Int].Typ of
- //Button
- iButton: Result := Button[Interactions[Int].Num].Visible and Button[Interactions[Int].Num].Selectable;
- //Select
- iSelect: Result := True;
- //Select Slide
- iSelectS: Result := SelectsS[Interactions[Int].Num].Visible;
- //ButtonCollection Child
- iBCollectionChild:
- Result := (ButtonCollection[Button[Interactions[Int].Num].Parent - 1].FirstChild - 1 = Int) AND ((Interactions[Interaction].Typ <> iBCollectionChild) OR (Button[Interactions[Interaction].Num].Parent <> Button[Interactions[Int].Num].Parent));
- end;
-procedure TMenu.InteractNext;
- Int: Integer;
- Int := Interaction;
- // change interaction as long as it's needed
- repeat
- Int := (Int + 1) Mod Length(Interactions);
- //If no Interaction is Selectable Simply Select Next
- if (Int = Interaction) then
- begin
- Int := (Int + 1) Mod Length(Interactions);
- Break;
- end;
- Until IsSelectable(Int);
- //Set Interaction
- Interaction := Int;
-procedure TMenu.InteractPrev;
- Int: Integer;
- Int := Interaction;
- // change interaction as long as it's needed
- repeat
- Int := Int - 1;
- if Int = -1 then Int := High(Interactions);
- //If no Interaction is Selectable Simply Select Next
- if (Int = Interaction) then
- begin
- Int := SelInteraction - 1;
- if Int = -1 then Int := High(Interactions);
- Break;
- end;
- Until IsSelectable(Int);
- //Set Interaction
- Interaction := Int
-procedure TMenu.InteractCustom(CustomSwitch: integer);
- Num: integer;
- Typ: integer;
- Again: boolean;
- //Code Commented atm, because it needs to be Rewritten
- //it doesn't work with Button Collections
- {then begin
- CustomSwitch:= CustomSwitch*(-1);
- Again := true;
- // change interaction as long as it's needed
- while (Again = true) do begin
- Num := SelInteraction - CustomSwitch;
- if Num = -1 then Num := High(Interactions);
- Interaction := Num;
- Again := false; // reset, default to accept changing interaction
- // checking newly interacted element
- Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num;
- Typ := Interactions[Interaction].Typ;
- case Typ of
- iButton:
- begin
- if Button[Num].Selectable = false then Again := True;
- end;
- end; // case
- end; // while
- end
- else if num>0 then begin
- Again := true;
- // change interaction as long as it's needed
- while (Again = true) do begin
- Num := (Interaction + CustomSwitch) Mod Length(Interactions);
- Interaction := Num;
- Again := false; // reset, default to accept changing interaction
- // checking newly interacted element
- Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num;
- Typ := Interactions[Interaction].Typ;
- case Typ of
- iButton:
- begin
- if Button[Num].Selectable = false then Again := True;
- end;
- end; // case
- end; // while
- end }
-procedure TMenu.FadeTo(Screen: PMenu);
- Display.Fade := 0;
- Display.NextScreen := Screen;
-//popup hack
-procedure TMenu.CheckFadeTo(Screen: PMenu; msg: String);
- Display.Fade := 0;
- Display.NextScreenWithCheck := Screen;
- Display.CheckOK:=False;
- ScreenPopupCheck.ShowPopup(msg);
-procedure TMenu.AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; AddText: string);
- AddButtonText(AddX, AddY, 1, 1, 1, AddText);
-procedure TMenu.AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; AddText: string);
- Il: integer;
- with Button[High(Button)] do begin
- Il := Length(Text);
- SetLength(Text, Il+1);
- Text[Il] := TText.Create(X + AddX, Y + AddY, AddText);
- Text[Il].ColR := ColR;
- Text[Il].ColG := ColG;
- Text[Il].ColB := ColB;
- Text[Il].Int := 1;//0.5;
- end;
-procedure TMenu.AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Font: integer; Size: integer; Align: integer; AddText: string);
- Il: integer;
- with Button[High(Button)] do begin
- Il := Length(Text);
- SetLength(Text, Il+1);
- Text[Il] := TText.Create(X + AddX, Y + AddY, AddText);
- Text[Il].ColR := ColR;
- Text[Il].ColG := ColG;
- Text[Il].ColB := ColB;
- Text[Il].Int := 1;//0.5;
- Text[Il].Style := Font;
- Text[Il].Size := Size;
- Text[Il].Align := Align;
- end;
-procedure TMenu.AddButtonText(CustomButton: TButton; AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Font: integer; Size: integer; Align: integer; AddText: string);
- Il: integer;
- with CustomButton do begin
- Il := Length(Text);
- SetLength(Text, Il+1);
- Text[Il] := TText.Create(X + AddX, Y + AddY, AddText);
- Text[Il].ColR := ColR;
- Text[Il].ColG := ColG;
- Text[Il].ColB := ColB;
- Text[Il].Int := 1;//0.5;
- Text[Il].Style := Font;
- Text[Il].Size := Size;
- Text[Il].Align := Align;
- end;
-function TMenu.AddSelect(ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; var Data: integer; Values: array of string): integer;
- SO: integer;
- Result := AddSelect(ThemeSelect.X, ThemeSelect.Y, ThemeSelect.W, ThemeSelect.H, ThemeSelect.SkipX,
- ThemeSelect.ColR, ThemeSelect.ColG, ThemeSelect.ColB, ThemeSelect.Int,
- ThemeSelect.DColR, ThemeSelect.DColG, ThemeSelect.DColB, ThemeSelect.DInt,
- ThemeSelect.TColR, ThemeSelect.TColG, ThemeSelect.TColB, ThemeSelect.TInt,
- ThemeSelect.TDColR, ThemeSelect.TDColG, ThemeSelect.TDColB, ThemeSelect.TDInt,
- ThemeSelect.SBGColR, ThemeSelect.SBGColG, ThemeSelect.SBGColB, ThemeSelect.SBGInt,
- ThemeSelect.SBGDColR, ThemeSelect.SBGDColG, ThemeSelect.SBGDColB, ThemeSelect.SBGDInt,
- ThemeSelect.STColR, ThemeSelect.STColG, ThemeSelect.STColB, ThemeSelect.STInt,
- ThemeSelect.STDColR, ThemeSelect.STDColG, ThemeSelect.STDColB, ThemeSelect.STDInt,
- Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeSelect.Tex), 'Font Black',
- Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeSelect.TexSBG), 'Font Black',
- ThemeSelect.Text, Data);
- for SO := 0 to High(Values) do
- AddSelectOption(ThemeSelect.X + ThemeSelect.W + ThemeSelect.SkipX + SO * 100 + 20, ThemeSelect.Y + 20, Values[SO]);
-function TMenu.AddSelect(X, Y, W, H, SkipX, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt,
- TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt, TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt,
- STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt, STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
- Name, Typ: String; SBGName, SBGTyp: String;
- Caption: string; var Data: integer): integer;
- S: integer;
- S := Length(Selects);
- SetLength(Selects, S + 1);
- Selects[S] := TSelect.Create;
- Selects[S].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ);
- Selects[S].X := X;
- Selects[S].Y := Y;
- Selects[S].W := W;
- Selects[S].H := H;
- Selects[S].ColR := ColR;
- Selects[S].ColG := ColG;
- Selects[S].ColB := ColB;
- Selects[S].Int := Int;
- Selects[S].DColR := DColR;
- Selects[S].DColG := DColG;
- Selects[S].DColB := DColB;
- Selects[S].DInt := DInt;
- Selects[S].TextureSBG := Texture.GetTexture(SBGName, SBGTyp);
- Selects[S].TextureSBG.X := X + W + SkipX;
- Selects[S].TextureSBG.Y := Y;
- Selects[S].TextureSBG.W := 450;
- Selects[S].TextureSBG.H := H;
- Selects[S].SBGColR := SBGColR;
- Selects[S].SBGColG := SBGColG;
- Selects[S].SBGColB := SBGColB;
- Selects[S].SBGInt := SBGInt;
- Selects[S].SBGDColR := SBGDColR;
- Selects[S].SBGDColG := SBGDColG;
- Selects[S].SBGDColB := SBGDColB;
- Selects[S].SBGDInt := SBGDInt;
- Selects[S].Text.X := X + 20;
- Selects[S].Text.Y := Y + 20;
- Selects[S].Text.Text := Caption;
- Selects[S].Text.Size := 10;
- Selects[S].Text.Visible := true;
- Selects[S].TColR := TColR;
- Selects[S].TColG := TColG;
- Selects[S].TColB := TColB;
- Selects[S].TInt := TInt;
- Selects[S].TDColR := TDColR;
- Selects[S].TDColG := TDColG;
- Selects[S].TDColB := TDColB;
- Selects[S].TDInt := TDInt;
- Selects[S].STColR := STColR;
- Selects[S].STColG := STColG;
- Selects[S].STColB := STColB;
- Selects[S].STInt := STInt;
- Selects[S].STDColR := STDColR;
- Selects[S].STDColG := STDColG;
- Selects[S].STDColB := STDColB;
- Selects[S].STDInt := STDInt;
- // new
- Selects[S].Texture.TexX1 := 0;
- Selects[S].Texture.TexY1 := 0;
- Selects[S].Texture.TexX2 := 1;
- Selects[S].Texture.TexY2 := 1;
- Selects[S].TextureSBG.TexX1 := 0;
- Selects[S].TextureSBG.TexY1 := 0;
- Selects[S].TextureSBG.TexX2 := 1;
- Selects[S].TextureSBG.TexY2 := 1;
- // Sets Data to copy the value of selectops to global value;
- Selects[S].PData := @Data;
- // Sets default value of selectopt from Data;
- Selects[S].SelectedOption := Data;
- // Disables default selection
- Selects[S].SetSelect(false);
- // adds interaction
- AddInteraction(iSelect, S);
-procedure TMenu.AddSelectOption(AddX, AddY: real; AddText: string);
- AddSelectOption (High(Selects), AddX, AddY, AddText);
-procedure TMenu.AddSelectOption(SelectNo: Cardinal; AddX, AddY: real; AddText: string);
- SO: integer;
- SO := Length(Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt);
- SetLength(Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt, SO + 1);
- Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO] := TText.Create;
- Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].X := AddX;
- Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].Y := AddY;
- Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].Text := AddText;
- Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].Size := 10;
- Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].ColR := Selects[SelectNo].STDColR;
- Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].ColG := Selects[SelectNo].STDColG;
- Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].ColB := Selects[SelectNo].STDColB;
- Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].Int := Selects[SelectNo].STDInt;
- Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].Visible := true;
- if SO = Selects[SelectNo].PData^ then Selects[SelectNo].SelectedOption := SO;
-procedure TMenu.UpdateSelectOptions(ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; SelectNum: integer; Values: array of string; var Data: integer);
- SO: integer;
- SetLength(Selects[SelectNum].TextOpt, 0);
- for SO := 0 to High(Values) do
- AddSelectOption(SelectNum, ThemeSelect.X + ThemeSelect.W + ThemeSelect.SkipX + SO * 100 + 20, ThemeSelect.Y + 20, Values[SO]);
-function TMenu.AddSelectSlide(ThemeSelectS: TThemeSelectSlide; var Data: integer; Values: array of string): integer;
- SO: integer;
- Result := AddSelectSlide(ThemeSelectS.X, ThemeSelectS.Y, ThemeSelectS.W, ThemeSelectS.H, ThemeSelectS.SkipX, ThemeSelectS.SBGW,
- ThemeSelectS.ColR, ThemeSelectS.ColG, ThemeSelectS.ColB, ThemeSelectS.Int,
- ThemeSelectS.DColR, ThemeSelectS.DColG, ThemeSelectS.DColB, ThemeSelectS.DInt,
- ThemeSelectS.TColR, ThemeSelectS.TColG, ThemeSelectS.TColB, ThemeSelectS.TInt,
- ThemeSelectS.TDColR, ThemeSelectS.TDColG, ThemeSelectS.TDColB, ThemeSelectS.TDInt,
- ThemeSelectS.SBGColR, ThemeSelectS.SBGColG, ThemeSelectS.SBGColB, ThemeSelectS.SBGInt,
- ThemeSelectS.SBGDColR, ThemeSelectS.SBGDColG, ThemeSelectS.SBGDColB, ThemeSelectS.SBGDInt,
- ThemeSelectS.STColR, ThemeSelectS.STColG, ThemeSelectS.STColB, ThemeSelectS.STInt,
- ThemeSelectS.STDColR, ThemeSelectS.STDColG, ThemeSelectS.STDColB, ThemeSelectS.STDInt,
- Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeSelectS.Tex), 'Font Black',
- Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeSelectS.TexSBG), 'Font Black',
- ThemeSelectS.Text, Data);
- for SO := 0 to High(Values) do
- AddSelectSlideOption(Values[SO]);
- SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].Text.Size := ThemeSelectS.TextSize;
- SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].Texture.Z := ThemeSelectS.Z;
- SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].TextureSBG.Z := ThemeSelectS.Z;
- //Generate Lines
- SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].GenLines;
- SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].SelectedOption := SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].SelectOptInt; // refresh
-function TMenu.AddSelectSlide(X, Y, W, H, SkipX, SBGW, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt,
- TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt, TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt,
- STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt, STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
- Name, Typ: String; SBGName, SBGTyp: String;
- Caption: string; var Data: integer): integer;
- S: integer;
- I: integer;
- S := Length(SelectsS);
- SetLength(SelectsS, S + 1);
- SelectsS[S] := TSelectSlide.Create;
- SelectsS[S].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ);
- SelectsS[S].X := X;
- SelectsS[S].Y := Y;
- SelectsS[S].W := W;
- SelectsS[S].H := H;
- SelectsS[S].ColR := ColR;
- SelectsS[S].ColG := ColG;
- SelectsS[S].ColB := ColB;
- SelectsS[S].Int := Int;
- SelectsS[S].DColR := DColR;
- SelectsS[S].DColG := DColG;
- SelectsS[S].DColB := DColB;
- SelectsS[S].DInt := DInt;
- SelectsS[S].TextureSBG := Texture.GetTexture(SBGName, SBGTyp);
- SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.X := X + W + SkipX;
- SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.Y := Y;
- //SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.W := 450;
- SelectsS[S].SBGW := SBGW;
- SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.H := H;
- SelectsS[S].SBGColR := SBGColR;
- SelectsS[S].SBGColG := SBGColG;
- SelectsS[S].SBGColB := SBGColB;
- SelectsS[S].SBGInt := SBGInt;
- SelectsS[S].SBGDColR := SBGDColR;
- SelectsS[S].SBGDColG := SBGDColG;
- SelectsS[S].SBGDColB := SBGDColB;
- SelectsS[S].SBGDInt := SBGDInt;
- SelectsS[S].Text.X := X + 20;
- SelectsS[S].Text.Y := Y + (SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.H / 2) - 15;
- SelectsS[S].Text.Text := Caption;
- SelectsS[S].Text.Size := 10;
- SelectsS[S].Text.Visible := true;
- SelectsS[S].TColR := TColR;
- SelectsS[S].TColG := TColG;
- SelectsS[S].TColB := TColB;
- SelectsS[S].TInt := TInt;
- SelectsS[S].TDColR := TDColR;
- SelectsS[S].TDColG := TDColG;
- SelectsS[S].TDColB := TDColB;
- SelectsS[S].TDInt := TDInt;
- SelectsS[S].STColR := STColR;
- SelectsS[S].STColG := STColG;
- SelectsS[S].STColB := STColB;
- SelectsS[S].STInt := STInt;
- SelectsS[S].STDColR := STDColR;
- SelectsS[S].STDColG := STDColG;
- SelectsS[S].STDColB := STDColB;
- SelectsS[S].STDInt := STDInt;
- // new
- SelectsS[S].Texture.TexX1 := 0;
- SelectsS[S].Texture.TexY1 := 0;
- SelectsS[S].Texture.TexX2 := 1;
- SelectsS[S].Texture.TexY2 := 1;
- SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.TexX1 := 0;
- SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.TexY1 := 0;
- SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.TexX2 := 1;
- SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.TexY2 := 1;
- // Sets Data to copy the value of selectops to global value;
- SelectsS[S].PData := @Data;
- // Configures Select options
- {//SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].Text := IntToStr(I+1);
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].Size := 10;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].Align := 1;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].ColR := SelectsS[S].STDColR;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].ColG := SelectsS[S].STDColG;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].ColB := SelectsS[S].STDColB;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].Int := SelectsS[S].STDInt;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].Visible := true; }
- // Sets default value of selectopt from Data;
- SelectsS[S].SelectedOption := Data;
- // Disables default selection
- SelectsS[S].SetSelect(false);
- {// Configures 3 select options
- for I := 0 to 2 do begin
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].X := SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.X + 20 + (50 + 20) + (150 - 20) * I;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Y := SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.Y + 20;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Text := IntToStr(I+1);
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Size := 10;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Align := 1;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].ColR := SelectsS[S].STDColR;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].ColG := SelectsS[S].STDColG;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].ColB := SelectsS[S].STDColB;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Int := SelectsS[S].STDInt;
- SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Visible := true;
- end;}
- // adds interaction
- AddInteraction(iSelectS, S);
- Result := S;
-procedure TMenu.AddSelectSlideOption(AddText: string);
- AddSelectSlideOption(High(SelectsS), AddText);
-procedure TMenu.AddSelectSlideOption(SelectNo: Cardinal; AddText: string);
- SO: integer;
- SO := Length(SelectsS[SelectNo].TextOptT);
- SetLength(SelectsS[SelectNo].TextOptT, SO + 1);
- SelectsS[SelectNo].TextOptT[SO] := AddText;
- //SelectsS[S].SelectedOption := SelectsS[S].SelectOptInt; // refresh
- //if SO = Selects[S].PData^ then Selects[S].SelectedOption := SO;
-procedure TMenu.UpdateSelectSlideOptions(ThemeSelectSlide: TThemeSelectSlide; SelectNum: integer; Values: array of string; var Data: integer);
- SO: integer;
- SetLength(SelectsS[SelectNum].TextOptT, 0);
- for SO := 0 to High(Values) do
- AddSelectSlideOption(SelectNum, Values[SO]);
- SelectsS[SelectNum].GenLines;
-// SelectsS[SelectNum].SelectedOption := SelectsS[SelectNum].SelectOptInt; // refresh
-// SelectS[SelectNum].SetSelectOpt(Data);
-// SelectS[SelectNum].SelectedOption := 0;//Data;
-// Log.LogError(IntToStr(High(SelectsS[SelectNum].TextOptT)));
-// if 0 <= High(SelectsS[SelectNum].TextOptT) then
- SelectsS[SelectNum].PData := @Data;
- SelectsS[SelectNum].SelectedOption := Data;
-function TMenu.InRegion(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X, Y: real): Boolean;
- Result := false;
- X1 := X1 * RenderW/640;
- X2 := X2 * RenderW/640;
- Y1 := Y1 * RenderH/480;
- Y2 := Y2 * RenderH/480;
- if (X >= X1) and (X <= X2) and (Y >= Y1) and (Y <= Y2) then
- Result := true;
-function TMenu.InStaticRegion(StaticNr: integer; X, Y: integer): Boolean;
- Result := InRegion(Static[StaticNr].Texture.X,
- Static[StaticNr].Texture.Y,
- Static[StaticNr].Texture.X + Static[StaticNr].Texture.W - 1,
- Static[StaticNr].Texture.Y + Static[StaticNr].Texture.H - 1,
- X, Y);
-procedure TMenu.InteractInc;
- Num: integer;
- Value: integer;
- case Interactions[Interaction].Typ of
- iSelect: begin
- Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num;
- Value := Selects[Num].SelectedOption;
- Value := (Value + 1) Mod (Length(Selects[Num].TextOpt));
- Selects[Num].SelectedOption := Value;
- end;
- iSelectS: begin
- Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num;
- Value := SelectsS[Num].SelectedOption;
-// Value := (Value + 1) Mod (Length(SelectsS[Num].TextOptT));
- // limit
- Value := Value + 1;
- if Value <= High(SelectsS[Num].TextOptT) then
- SelectsS[Num].SelectedOption := Value;
- end;
- //Button Collection Mod
- iBCollectionChild:
- begin
- //Select Next Button in Collection
- For Num := 1 to High(Button) do
- begin
- Value := (Interaction + Num) Mod Length(Button);
- if Value = 0 then
- begin
- InteractNext;
- Break;
- end;
- if (Button[Value].Parent = Button[Interaction].Parent) then
- begin
- Interaction := Value;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- //interact Next if there is Nothing to Change
- else InteractNext;
- end;
-procedure TMenu.InteractDec;
- Num: integer;
- Value: integer;
- case Interactions[Interaction].Typ of
- iSelect: begin
- Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num;
- Value := Selects[Num].SelectedOption;
- Value := Value - 1;
- if Value = -1 then
- Value := High(Selects[Num].TextOpt);
- Selects[Num].SelectedOption := Value;
- end;
- iSelectS: begin
- Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num;
- Value := SelectsS[Num].SelectedOption;
- Value := Value - 1;
-// if Value = -1 then
-// Value := High(SelectsS[Num].TextOptT);
- if Value >= 0 then
- SelectsS[Num].SelectedOption := Value;
- end;
- //Button Collection Mod
- iBCollectionChild:
- begin
- //Select Prev Button in Collection
- For Num := High(Button) downto 1 do
- begin
- Value := (Interaction + Num) Mod Length(Button);
- if Value = High(Button) then
- begin
- InteractPrev;
- Break;
- end;
- if (Button[Value].Parent = Button[Interaction].Parent) then
- begin
- Interaction := Value;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- //interact Prev if there is Nothing to Change
- else
- begin
- InteractPrev;
- //If ButtonCollection with more than 1 Entry then Select Last Entry
- if (Button[Interactions[Interaction].Num].Parent <> 0) AND (ButtonCollection[Button[Interactions[Interaction].Num].Parent-1].CountChilds > 1) then
- begin
- //Select Last Child
- For Num := High(Button) downto 1 do
- begin
- Value := (Interaction + Num) Mod Length(Button);
- if (Button[Value].Parent = Button[Interaction].Parent) then
- begin
- Interaction := Value;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TMenu.AddBox(X, Y, W, H: real);
- AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, 0, 0, 0, Skin.GetTextureFileName('Bar'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
- AddStatic(X+2, Y+2, W-4, H-4, 1, 1, 1, Skin.GetTextureFileName('Bar'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
-procedure TMenu.onShow;
-// nothing
-// beep;
-procedure TMenu.onShowFinish;
-// nothing
-// beep;
-procedure TMenu.onHide;
-// nothing
-// beep;
-function TMenu.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
-// nothing
-// Beep;
- Result := true;
-procedure TMenu.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
-// nothing
+unit UMenu;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+uses OpenGL12, SysUtils, UTexture, UMenuStatic, UMenuText, UMenuButton, UMenuSelect, UMenuSelectSlide,
+ UMenuInteract, UThemes, UMenuButtonCollection, Math;
+{ Int16 = SmallInt;}
+ PMenu = ^TMenu;
+ TMenu = class
+ protected
+ ButtonPos: Integer;
+ Interactions: array of TInteract;
+ SelInteraction: integer;
+ Button: array of TButton;
+ Selects: array of TSelect;
+ SelectsS: array of TSelectSlide;
+ ButtonCollection: Array of TButtonCollection;
+ BackImg: TTexture;
+ BackW: integer;
+ BackH: integer;
+ public
+ Text: array of TText;
+ Static: array of TStatic;
+ mX: integer; // mouse X
+ mY: integer; // mouse Y
+ Fade: integer; // fade type
+ ShowFinish: boolean; // true if there is no fade
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ constructor Create; overload; virtual;
+ //constructor Create(Back: string); overload; virtual; // Back is a JPG resource name for background
+ //constructor Create(Back: string; W, H: integer); overload; virtual; // W and H are the number of overlaps
+ // interaction
+ procedure AddInteraction(Typ, Num: integer);
+ procedure SetInteraction(Num: integer);
+ property Interaction: integer read SelInteraction write SetInteraction;
+ //Procedure Load BG, Texts, Statics and Button Collections from ThemeBasic
+ procedure LoadFromTheme(const ThemeBasic: TThemeBasic);
+ procedure PrepareButtonCollections(const Collections: AThemeButtonCollection);
+ procedure AddButtonCollection(const ThemeCollection: TThemeButtonCollection; Const Num: Byte);
+ // background
+ procedure AddBackground(Name: string);
+ // static
+ function AddStatic(ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic): integer; overload;
+ function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; Name: string): integer; overload;
+ function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; Name, Format, Typ: string): integer; overload;
+ function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string): integer; overload;
+ function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string): integer; overload;
+ function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string; Color: integer): integer; overload;
+ function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string; Color: integer): integer; overload;
+ function AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; TexX1, TexY1, TexX2, TexY2: real; Name, Format, Typ: string; Color: integer; Reflection: Boolean; ReflectionSpacing: Real): integer; overload;
+ // text
+ function AddText(ThemeText: TThemeText): integer; overload;
+ function AddText(X, Y: real; Tekst: string): integer; overload;
+ function AddText(X, Y: real; Style: integer; Size, ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Tekst: string): integer; overload;
+ function AddText(X, Y, W: real; Style: integer; Size, ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Align: integer; Tekst: string): integer; overload;
+ // button
+ Procedure SetButtonLength(Length: Cardinal); //Function that Set Length of Button Array in one Step instead of register new Memory for every Button
+ function AddButton(ThemeButton: TThemeButton): integer; overload;
+ function AddButton(X, Y, W, H: real; Name: String): integer; overload;
+ function AddButton(X, Y, W, H: real; Name, Format, Typ: String; Reflection: Boolean): integer; overload;
+ function AddButton(X, Y, W, H, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt: real; Name, Format, Typ: String; Reflection: Boolean; ReflectionSpacing, DeSelectReflectionSpacing: Real): integer; overload;
+ procedure ClearButtons;
+ procedure AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; AddText: string); overload;
+ procedure AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; AddText: string); overload;
+ procedure AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Font: integer; Size: integer; Align: integer; AddText: string); overload;
+ procedure AddButtonText(CustomButton: TButton; AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Font: integer; Size: integer; Align: integer; AddText: string); overload;
+ // select
+ function AddSelect(ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; var Data: integer; Values: array of string): integer; overload;
+ function AddSelect(X, Y, W, H, SkipX, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt,
+ TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt, TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt,
+ STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt, STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
+ Name, Typ: String; SBGName, SBGTyp: String;
+ Caption: string; var Data: integer): integer; overload;
+ procedure AddSelectOption(AddX, AddY: real; AddText: string); overload;
+ procedure AddSelectOption(SelectNo: Cardinal; AddX, AddY: real; AddText: string); overload;
+ procedure UpdateSelectOptions(ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; SelectNum: integer; Values: array of string; var Data: integer);
+ // select slide
+ function AddSelectSlide(ThemeSelectS: TThemeSelectSlide; var Data: integer; Values: array of string): integer; overload;
+ function AddSelectSlide(X, Y, W, H, SkipX, SBGW, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt,
+ TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt, TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt,
+ STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt, STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
+ Name, Typ: String; SBGName, SBGTyp: String;
+ Caption: string; var Data: integer): integer; overload;
+ procedure AddSelectSlideOption(AddText: string); overload;
+ procedure AddSelectSlideOption(SelectNo: Cardinal; AddText: string); overload;
+ procedure UpdateSelectSlideOptions(ThemeSelectSlide: TThemeSelectSlide; SelectNum: integer; Values: array of string; var Data: integer);
+// function AddWidget(X, Y : UInt16; WidgetSrc : PSDL_Surface): Int16;
+// procedure ClearWidgets(MinNumber : Int16);
+ procedure FadeTo(Screen: PMenu);
+ //popup hack
+ procedure CheckFadeTo(Screen: PMenu; msg: String);
+ function DrawBG: boolean; virtual;
+ function DrawFG: boolean; virtual;
+ function Draw: boolean; virtual;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown : Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
+ function ParseMouse(Typ: integer; X: integer; Y: integer): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
+ function InRegion(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X, Y: real): Boolean;
+ function InStaticRegion(StaticNr: integer; X, Y: integer): Boolean;
+ procedure onShow; virtual;
+ procedure onShowFinish; virtual;
+ procedure onHide; virtual;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); virtual;
+ function IsSelectable(Int: Cardinal): Boolean;
+ procedure InteractNext; virtual;
+ procedure InteractCustom(CustomSwitch: integer); virtual;
+ procedure InteractPrev; virtual;
+ procedure InteractInc; virtual;
+ procedure InteractDec; virtual;
+ procedure AddBox(X, Y, W, H: real);
+ end;
+ pmMove = 1;
+ pmClick = 2;
+ pmUnClick = 3;
+ iButton = 0; // interaction type
+ iSelect = 1;
+ iText = 2;
+ iSelectS = 3;
+ iBCollectionChild = 5;
+// fBlack = 0; // fade type
+// fWhite = 1;
+uses UCommon,
+ UMain,
+ UDrawTexture,
+ UGraphic,
+ UDisplay,
+ UCovers,
+ USkins;
+destructor TMenu.Destroy;
+ inherited;
+constructor TMenu.Create;
+ Fade := 0;//fWhite;
+ SetLength(Static, 0);
+ SetLength(Button, 0);
+ BackImg.TexNum := -1;
+ //Set ButtonPos to Autoset Length
+ ButtonPos := -1;
+constructor TMenu.Create(Back: String);
+ inherited Create;
+ if Back <> '' then begin
+// BackImg := Texture.LoadTexture(true, PChar(Back), 'JPG', 'Plain', 0);
+ BackImg := Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Back), 'JPG', 'Plain', 0); // new theme system
+ BackImg.W := 800;//640;
+ BackImg.H := 600;//480;
+ BackW := 1;
+ BackH := 1;
+ end else
+ BackImg.TexNum := -1;
+ //Set ButtonPos to Autoset Length
+ ButtonPos := -1;
+constructor TMenu.Create(Back: string; W, H: integer);
+ Create(Back);
+ BackImg.W := BackImg.W / W;
+ BackImg.H := BackImg.H / H;
+ BackW := W;
+ BackH := H;
+end; }
+procedure TMenu.AddInteraction(Typ, Num: integer);
+ IntNum: integer;
+ IntNum := Length(Interactions);
+ SetLength(Interactions, IntNum+1);
+ Interactions[IntNum].Typ := Typ;
+ Interactions[IntNum].Num := Num;
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TMenu.SetInteraction(Num: integer);
+ OldNum, OldTyp: integer;
+ NewNum, NewTyp: integer;
+ // set inactive
+ OldNum := Interactions[Interaction].Num;
+ OldTyp := Interactions[Interaction].Typ;
+ NewNum := Interactions[Num].Num;
+ NewTyp := Interactions[Num].Typ;
+ case OldTyp of
+ iButton: Button[OldNum].Selected := False;
+ iSelect: Selects[OldNum].Selected := False;
+ iText: Text[OldNum].Selected := False;
+ iSelectS: SelectsS[OldNum].Selected := False;
+ //Button Collection Mod
+ iBCollectionChild:
+ begin
+ Button[OldNum].Selected := False;
+ //Deselect Collection if Next Button is Not from Collection
+ if (NewTyp <> iButton) Or (Button[NewNum].Parent <> Button[OldNum].Parent) then
+ ButtonCollection[Button[OldNum].Parent-1].Selected := False;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // set active
+ SelInteraction := Num;
+ case NewTyp of
+ iButton: Button[NewNum].Selected := True;
+ iSelect: Selects[NewNum].Selected := True;
+ iText: Text[NewNum].Selected := True;
+ iSelectS: SelectsS[NewNum].Selected := True;
+ //Button Collection Mod
+ iBCollectionChild:
+ begin
+ Button[NewNum].Selected := True;
+ ButtonCollection[Button[NewNum].Parent-1].Selected := True;
+ end;
+ end;
+//LoadFromTheme - Load BG, Texts, Statics and
+//Button Collections from ThemeBasic
+procedure TMenu.LoadFromTheme(const ThemeBasic: TThemeBasic);
+ I: Integer;
+ //Add Button Collections (Set Button CollectionsLength)
+ //Button Collections are Created when the first ChildButton is Created
+ PrepareButtonCollections(ThemeBasic.ButtonCollection);
+ {$ifdef fpc}
+ writeln(' TMenu.LoadFromThem : '+ThemeBasic.Background.Tex );
+ {$endif}
+ //Add Background
+ AddBackground(ThemeBasic.Background.Tex);
+ //Add Statics and Texts
+ for I := 0 to High(ThemeBasic.Static) do
+ AddStatic(ThemeBasic.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(ThemeBasic.Text) do
+ AddText(ThemeBasic.Text[I]);
+procedure TMenu.AddBackground(Name: string);
+ lFileName : string;
+ if Name <> '' then
+ begin
+// BackImg := Texture.LoadTexture(false, PChar(Skin.SkinPath + FileName), 'JPG', 'Plain', 0); // new theme system
+ lFileName := Skin.GetTextureFileName(Name);
+ lFileName := AdaptFilePaths( lFileName );
+ {$ifdef fpc}
+ writeln(' TMenu.AddBackground : '+Name+ ' - '+ lFileName );
+ {$endif}
+// if lFileName <> '' then
+ if fileexists( lFileName ) then
+ begin
+ BackImg := Texture.GetTexture( lFileName , 'Plain');
+ {$ifdef fpc}
+ writeln(' TMenu.AddBackground : '+ lFileName +' - LOADED');
+ {$endif}
+ BackImg.W := 800;
+ BackImg.H := 600;
+ BackW := 1;
+ BackH := 1;
+ end;
+ end;
+//Add Button Collections (Set Button CollectionsLength)
+procedure TMenu.PrepareButtonCollections(const Collections: AThemeButtonCollection);
+ I: Integer;
+ SetLength(ButtonCollection, Length(Collections));
+ For I := 0 to High(ButtonCollection) do
+ AddButtonCollection(Collections[I], I);
+//Create a Button Collection;
+procedure TMenu.AddButtonCollection(const ThemeCollection: TThemeButtonCollection; Const Num: Byte);
+ BT, BTLen: Integer;
+ TempR, TempG, TempB, TempR2, TempG2, TempB2: Cardinal;
+ if (Num > High(ButtonCollection)) then
+ exit;
+// colorize hack
+if ThemeCollection.Style.Typ='Colorized' then
+ TempR:=floor(255*ThemeCollection.Style.ColR);
+ TempG:=floor(255*ThemeCollection.Style.ColG);
+ TempB:=floor(255*ThemeCollection.Style.ColB);
+ TempR2:=floor(255*ThemeCollection.Style.DColR);
+ TempG2:=floor(255*ThemeCollection.Style.DColG);
+ TempB2:=floor(255*ThemeCollection.Style.DColB);
+ // give encoded color to loadtexture
+ ButtonCollection[Num] := TButtonCollection.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeCollection.Style.Tex)), 'JPG', 'Colorized', ((((TempR shl 8) or TempG) shl 8)or TempB)),
+ Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeCollection.Style.Tex)), 'JPG', 'Colorized', ((((TempR2 shl 8) or TempG2) shl 8)or TempB2)));
+// Button[Result] := TButton.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), ((((TempR2 shl 8) or TempG2) shl 8)or TempB2))); // use cache texture
+ ButtonCollection[Num] := TButtonCollection.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeCollection.Style.Tex), ThemeCollection.Style.Typ, true)); // use cache texture
+ //Set Parent menu
+ ButtonCollection[Num].ScreenButton := @Self.Button;
+ //Set Attributes
+ ButtonCollection[Num].FirstChild := ThemeCollection.FirstChild;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].CountChilds := ThemeCollection.ChildCount;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].Parent := Num + 1;
+ //Set Style
+ ButtonCollection[Num].X := ThemeCollection.Style.X;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].Y := ThemeCollection.Style.Y;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].W := ThemeCollection.Style.W;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].H := ThemeCollection.Style.H;
+ if ThemeCollection.Style.Typ <> 'Colorized' then begin
+ ButtonCollection[Num].SelectColR := ThemeCollection.Style.ColR;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].SelectColG := ThemeCollection.Style.ColG;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].SelectColB := ThemeCollection.Style.ColB;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].DeselectColR := ThemeCollection.Style.DColR;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].DeselectColG := ThemeCollection.Style.DColG;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].DeselectColB := ThemeCollection.Style.DColB;
+ end;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].SelectInt := ThemeCollection.Style.Int;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].DeselectInt := ThemeCollection.Style.DInt;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].Texture.TexX1 := 0;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].Texture.TexY1 := 0;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].Texture.TexX2 := 1;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].Texture.TexY2 := 1;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].SetSelect(false);
+ ButtonCollection[Num].Reflection := ThemeCollection.Style.Reflection;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].Reflectionspacing := ThemeCollection.Style.ReflectionSpacing;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].DeSelectReflectionspacing := ThemeCollection.Style.DeSelectReflectionSpacing;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].Z := ThemeCollection.Style.Z;
+ //Some Things from ButtonFading
+ ButtonCollection[Num].SelectH := ThemeCollection.Style.SelectH;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].SelectW := ThemeCollection.Style.SelectW;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].Fade := ThemeCollection.Style.Fade;
+ ButtonCollection[Num].FadeText := ThemeCollection.Style.FadeText;
+ if ThemeCollection.Style.Typ='Colorized' then
+ ButtonCollection[Num].FadeTex := Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeCollection.Style.FadeTex)), 'JPG', 'Colorized', ((((TempR shl 8) or TempG) shl 8)or TempB))
+ else
+ ButtonCollection[Num].FadeTex := Texture.GetTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeCollection.Style.FadeTex), ThemeCollection.Style.Typ, true);
+ ButtonCollection[Num].FadeTexPos := ThemeCollection.Style.FadeTexPos;
+ BTLen := Length(ThemeCollection.Style.Text);
+ for BT := 0 to BTLen-1 do begin
+ AddButtonText(ButtonCollection[Num], ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].X, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].Y,
+ ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].ColR, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].ColG, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].ColB,
+ ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].Font, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].Size, ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].Align,
+ ThemeCollection.Style.Text[BT].Text);
+ end;
+function TMenu.AddStatic(ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic): integer;
+ Result := AddStatic(ThemeStatic.X, ThemeStatic.Y, ThemeStatic.W, ThemeStatic.H, ThemeStatic.Z,
+ ThemeStatic.ColR, ThemeStatic.ColG, ThemeStatic.ColB,
+ ThemeStatic.TexX1, ThemeStatic.TexY1, ThemeStatic.TexX2, ThemeStatic.TexY2,
+ {<0.5.1: Skin.SkinPath + ThemeStatic.Tex, 0.5.1:} Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeStatic.Tex),
+ 'JPG', ThemeStatic.Typ, $FFFFFF, ThemeStatic.Reflection, ThemeStatic.Reflectionspacing);
+ //'Font Black');
+function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; Name: string): integer;
+ Result := AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Name, 'JPG', 'Plain');
+function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string): integer;
+ StatNum: integer;
+ Result := AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, ColR, ColG, ColB, Name, Format, Typ, $FFFFFF);
+function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string): integer;
+ StatNum: integer;
+ Result := AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z, ColR, ColG, ColB, Name, Format, Typ, $FFFFFF);
+function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; Name, Format, Typ: string): integer;
+ StatNum: integer;
+ // adds static
+ StatNum := Length(Static);
+ SetLength(Static, StatNum + 1);
+// Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), $FF00FF)); // $FFFFFF
+// Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.SkinReg, PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), $FF00FF)); // new skin system
+ Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), $FF00FF)); // new skin
+ // configures static
+ Static[StatNum].Texture.X := X;
+ Static[StatNum].Texture.Y := Y;
+ Static[StatNum].Texture.W := W;
+ Static[StatNum].Texture.H := H;
+ Static[StatNum].Visible := true;
+ Result := StatNum;
+function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string; Color: integer): integer;
+ StatNum: integer;
+ Result := AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, 0, ColR, ColG, ColB, Name, Format, Typ, Color);
+function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Name, Format, Typ: string; Color: integer): integer;
+ Result := AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z, ColR, ColG, ColB, 0, 0, 1, 1, Name, Format, Typ, Color, False, 0);
+function TMenu.AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, Z: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; TexX1, TexY1, TexX2, TexY2: real; Name, Format, Typ: string; Color: integer; Reflection: Boolean; ReflectionSpacing: Real): integer;
+ StatNum: integer;
+ TempR, TempG, TempB: Cardinal;
+ TempCol: Cardinal;
+ // adds static
+ StatNum := Length(Static);
+ SetLength(Static, StatNum + 1);
+// Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), Color));
+// Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.SkinReg, PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), Color)); // new skin system
+// colorize hack
+if Typ='Colorized' then
+ TempR:=floor(255*ColR);
+ TempG:=floor(255*ColG);
+ TempB:=floor(255*ColB);
+ // give encoded color to loadtexture
+ Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), ((((TempR shl 8) or TempG) shl 8)or TempB)));
+ Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), Color)); // new skin
+// Static[StatNum] := TStatic.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ));
+ // configures static
+ Static[StatNum].Texture.X := X;
+ Static[StatNum].Texture.Y := Y;
+ Static[StatNum].Texture.W := W;
+ Static[StatNum].Texture.H := H;
+ Static[StatNum].Texture.Z := Z;
+ if Typ <> 'Colorized' then begin
+ Static[StatNum].Texture.ColR := ColR;
+ Static[StatNum].Texture.ColG := ColG;
+ Static[StatNum].Texture.ColB := ColB;
+ end;
+ Static[StatNum].Texture.TexX1 := TexX1;
+ Static[StatNum].Texture.TexY1 := TexY1;
+ Static[StatNum].Texture.TexX2 := TexX2;
+ Static[StatNum].Texture.TexY2 := TexY2;
+ Static[StatNum].Texture.Alpha := 1;
+ Static[StatNum].Visible := true;
+ //ReflectionMod
+ Static[StatNum].Reflection := Reflection;
+ Static[StatNum].ReflectionSpacing := ReflectionSpacing;
+ Result := StatNum;
+function TMenu.AddText(ThemeText: TThemeText): integer;
+ Result := AddText(ThemeText.X, ThemeText.Y, ThemeText.W, ThemeText.Font, ThemeText.Size,
+ ThemeText.ColR, ThemeText.ColG, ThemeText.ColB, ThemeText.Align, ThemeText.Text);
+function TMenu.AddText(X, Y: real; Tekst: string): integer;
+ TextNum: integer;
+ // adds text
+ TextNum := Length(Text);
+ SetLength(Text, TextNum + 1);
+ Text[TextNum] := TText.Create(X, Y, Tekst);
+ Result := TextNum;
+function TMenu.AddText(X, Y: real; Style: integer; Size, ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Tekst: string): integer;
+ Result := AddText(X, Y, 0, Style, Size, ColR, ColG, ColB, 0, Tekst);
+function TMenu.AddText(X, Y, W: real; Style: integer; Size, ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Align: integer; Tekst: string): integer;
+ TextNum: integer;
+ // adds text
+ TextNum := Length(Text);
+ SetLength(Text, TextNum + 1);
+ Text[TextNum] := TText.Create(X, Y, W, Style, Size, ColR, ColG, ColB, Align, Tekst);
+ Result := TextNum;
+//Function that Set Length of Button Array in one Step instead of register new Memory for every Button
+Procedure TMenu.SetButtonLength(Length: Cardinal);
+ if (ButtonPos = -1) AND (Length > 0) then
+ begin
+ //Set Length of Button
+ SetLength(Button, Length);
+ //Set ButtonPos to start with 0
+ ButtonPos := 0;
+ end;
+// Method to add a button in our TMenu. It returns the assigned ButtonNumber
+function TMenu.AddButton(ThemeButton: TThemeButton): integer;
+ BT: integer;
+ BTLen: integer;
+ temp: integer;
+ TempR, TempG, TempB, TempR2, TempG2, TempB2: Cardinal;
+{ Result := AddButton(ThemeButton.X, ThemeButton.Y, ThemeButton.W, ThemeButton.H,
+ ThemeButton.ColR, ThemeButton.ColG, ThemeButton.ColB, ThemeButton.Int,
+ ThemeButton.DColR, ThemeButton.DColG, ThemeButton.DColB, ThemeButton.DInt,
+ ThemeButton.Tex, 'JPG', 'Font Black');}
+ Result := AddButton(ThemeButton.X, ThemeButton.Y, ThemeButton.W, ThemeButton.H,
+ ThemeButton.ColR, ThemeButton.ColG, ThemeButton.ColB, ThemeButton.Int,
+ ThemeButton.DColR, ThemeButton.DColG, ThemeButton.DColB, ThemeButton.DInt,
+ Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeButton.Tex), 'JPG', ThemeButton.Typ, ThemeButton.Reflection, ThemeButton.Reflectionspacing, ThemeButton.DeSelectReflectionspacing);
+ Button[Result].Z := ThemeButton.Z;
+ //Button Visibility
+ Button[Result].Visible := ThemeButton.Visible;
+ //Some Things from ButtonFading
+ Button[Result].SelectH := ThemeButton.SelectH;
+ Button[Result].SelectW := ThemeButton.SelectW;
+ Button[Result].Fade := ThemeButton.Fade;
+ Button[Result].FadeText := ThemeButton.FadeText;
+ if ThemeButton.Typ='Colorized' then begin
+ TempR:=floor(255*ThemeButton.ColR);
+ TempG:=floor(255*ThemeButton.ColG);
+ TempB:=floor(255*ThemeButton.ColB);
+ Button[Result].FadeTex := Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeButton.FadeTex)), 'JPG', 'Colorized', ((((TempR shl 8) or TempG) shl 8)or TempB));
+ end
+ else
+ Button[Result].FadeTex := Texture.GetTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeButton.FadeTex), ThemeButton.Typ, true);
+ Button[Result].FadeTexPos := ThemeButton.FadeTexPos;
+ BTLen := Length(ThemeButton.Text);
+ for BT := 0 to BTLen-1 do begin
+ AddButtonText(ThemeButton.Text[BT].X, ThemeButton.Text[BT].Y,
+ ThemeButton.Text[BT].ColR, ThemeButton.Text[BT].ColG, ThemeButton.Text[BT].ColB,
+ ThemeButton.Text[BT].Font, ThemeButton.Text[BT].Size, ThemeButton.Text[BT].Align,
+ ThemeButton.Text[BT].Text);
+ end;
+ //BAutton Collection Mod
+ if (ThemeButton.Parent <> 0) then
+ begin
+ //If Collection Exists then Change Interaction to Child Button
+ if (@ButtonCollection[ThemeButton.Parent-1] <> nil) then
+ begin
+ Interactions[High(Interactions)].Typ := iBCollectionChild;
+ Button[Result].Visible := False;
+ for BT := 0 to BTLen-1 do
+ Button[Result].Text[BT].Alpha := 0;
+ Button[Result].Parent := ThemeButton.Parent;
+ if (ButtonCollection[ThemeButton.Parent-1].Fade) then
+ Button[Result].Texture.Alpha := 0;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TMenu.AddButton(X, Y, W, H: real; Name: String): integer;
+ Result := AddButton(X, Y, W, H, Name, 'JPG', 'Plain', False);
+function TMenu.AddButton(X, Y, W, H: real; Name, Format, Typ: String; Reflection: Boolean): integer;
+ Result := AddButton(X, Y, W, H, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, Name, 'JPG', 'Plain', Reflection, 15, 15);
+function TMenu.AddButton(X, Y, W, H, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt: real; Name, Format, Typ: String; Reflection: Boolean; ReflectionSpacing, DeSelectReflectionSpacing: Real): integer;
+var TempR, TempG, TempB, TempR2, TempG2, TempB2: Cardinal;
+ // adds button
+ //SetLength is used once to reduce Memory usement
+ if (ButtonPos <> -1) then
+ begin
+ Result := ButtonPos;
+ Inc(ButtonPos)
+ end
+ else //Old Method -> Reserve new Memory for every Button
+ begin
+ Result := Length(Button);
+ SetLength(Button, Result + 1);
+ end;
+// Button[Result] := TButton.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ));
+ // check here for cache
+// Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ, false); // preloads textures and creates cahce mipmap when needed
+// if Covers.CoverExists(Name) then
+// colorize hack
+if Typ='Colorized' then
+ TempR:=floor(255*ColR);
+ TempG:=floor(255*ColG);
+ TempB:=floor(255*ColB);
+ TempR2:=floor(255*DColR);
+ TempG2:=floor(255*DColG);
+ TempB2:=floor(255*DColB);
+ // give encoded color to loadtexture
+ Button[Result] := TButton.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), ((((TempR shl 8) or TempG) shl 8)or TempB)),
+ Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), ((((TempR2 shl 8) or TempG2) shl 8)or TempB2)));
+// Button[Result] := TButton.Create(Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(Name), PChar(Format), PChar(Typ), ((((TempR2 shl 8) or TempG2) shl 8)or TempB2))); // use cache texture
+ Button[Result] := TButton.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ, true)); // use cache texture
+// else
+// Button[Result] := TButton.Create(Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ, false)); // don't use cache texture}
+ // configures button
+ Button[Result].X := X;
+ Button[Result].Y := Y;
+ Button[Result].W := W;
+ Button[Result].H := H;
+ if Typ <> 'Colorized' then begin
+ Button[Result].SelectColR := ColR;
+ Button[Result].SelectColG := ColG;
+ Button[Result].SelectColB := ColB;
+ Button[Result].DeselectColR := DColR;
+ Button[Result].DeselectColG := DColG;
+ Button[Result].DeselectColB := DColB;
+ end;
+ Button[Result].SelectInt := Int;
+ Button[Result].DeselectInt := DInt;
+ Button[Result].Texture.TexX1 := 0;
+ Button[Result].Texture.TexY1 := 0;
+ Button[Result].Texture.TexX2 := 1;
+ Button[Result].Texture.TexY2 := 1;
+ Button[Result].SetSelect(false);
+ Button[Result].Reflection := Reflection;
+ Button[Result].Reflectionspacing := ReflectionSpacing;
+ Button[Result].DeSelectReflectionspacing := DeSelectReflectionSpacing;
+ //Button Collection Mod
+ Button[Result].Parent := 0;
+ // adds interaction
+ AddInteraction(iButton, Result);
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TMenu.ClearButtons;
+ Setlength(Button, 0);
+// Method to draw our TMenu and all his child buttons
+function TMenu.DrawBG: boolean;
+ PetX: integer;
+ PetY: integer;
+ BackImg.ColR := 1;
+ BackImg.ColG := 1;
+ BackImg.ColB := 1;
+ BackImg.TexX1 := 0;
+ BackImg.TexY1 := 0;
+ BackImg.TexX2 := 1;
+ BackImg.TexY2 := 1;
+ if (BackImg.TexNum <> -1) then begin
+ // does anyone know what these loops were for?
+{ // draw texture with overlapping
+ for PetY := 1 to BackH do
+ for PetX := 1 to BackW do begin
+ BackImg.X := (PetX-1)/BackW * 800; //640
+ BackImg.Y := (PetY-1)/BackH * 600; //480
+ DrawTexture(BackImg);
+ end; // for PetX}
+ BackImg.X:=BackW;
+ BackImg.Y:=BackW;
+ DrawTexture(BackImg);
+ end; // if
+function TMenu.DrawFG: boolean;
+ J: Integer;
+ // We don't forget about newly implemented static for nice skin ...
+ for J := 0 to Length(Static) - 1 do
+ Static[J].Draw;
+ // ... and slightly implemented menutext unit
+ for J := 0 to Length(Text) - 1 do
+ Text[J].Draw;
+ // Draw all ButtonCollections
+ For J := 0 to High(ButtonCollection) do
+ ButtonCollection[J].Draw;
+ // Second, we draw all of our buttons
+ for J := 0 to Length(Button) - 1 do
+ Button[J].Draw;
+ // Third, we draw all of our selects
+ for J := 0 to Length(Selects) - 1 do
+ Selects[J].Draw(1);
+ for J := 0 to Length(SelectsS) - 1 do
+ SelectsS[J].Draw;
+ // Third, we draw all our widgets
+// for J := 0 to Length(WidgetsSrc) - 1 do
+// SDL_BlitSurface(WidgetsSrc[J], nil, ParentBackBuf, WidgetsRect[J]);
+ Result := True;
+function TMenu.Draw: boolean;
+ DrawBG;
+ DrawFG;
+ Result := True;
+{function TMenu.GetNextScreen(): PMenu;
+ Result := NextScreen;
+{function TMenu.AddWidget(X, Y : UInt16; WidgetSrc : PSDL_Surface): Int16;
+ WidgetNum : Int16;
+ If (Assigned(WidgetSrc)) Then
+ begin
+ WidgetNum := Length(WidgetsSrc);
+ SetLength(WidgetsSrc, WidgetNum + 1);
+ SetLength(WidgetsRect, WidgetNum + 1);
+ WidgetsSrc[WidgetNum] := WidgetSrc;
+ WidgetsRect[WidgetNum] := new(PSDL_Rect);
+ WidgetsRect[WidgetNum]^.x := X;
+ WidgetsRect[WidgetNum]^.y := Y;
+ WidgetsRect[WidgetNum]^.w := WidgetSrc^.w;
+ WidgetsRect[WidgetNum]^.h := WidgetSrc^.h;
+ Result := WidgetNum;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := -1;
+{procedure TMenu.ClearWidgets(MinNumber : Int16);
+ J : Int16;
+ For J := MinNumber to (Length(WidgetsSrc) - 1) do
+ begin
+ SDL_FreeSurface(WidgetsSrc[J]);
+ dispose(WidgetsRect[J]);
+ end;
+ SetLength(WidgetsSrc, MinNumber);
+ SetLength(WidgetsRect, MinNumber);
+function TMenu.IsSelectable(Int: Cardinal): Boolean;
+ Result := True;
+ Case Interactions[Int].Typ of
+ //Button
+ iButton: Result := Button[Interactions[Int].Num].Visible and Button[Interactions[Int].Num].Selectable;
+ //Select
+ iSelect: Result := True;
+ //Select Slide
+ iSelectS: Result := SelectsS[Interactions[Int].Num].Visible;
+ //ButtonCollection Child
+ iBCollectionChild:
+ Result := (ButtonCollection[Button[Interactions[Int].Num].Parent - 1].FirstChild - 1 = Int) AND ((Interactions[Interaction].Typ <> iBCollectionChild) OR (Button[Interactions[Interaction].Num].Parent <> Button[Interactions[Int].Num].Parent));
+ end;
+procedure TMenu.InteractNext;
+ Int: Integer;
+ Int := Interaction;
+ // change interaction as long as it's needed
+ repeat
+ Int := (Int + 1) Mod Length(Interactions);
+ //If no Interaction is Selectable Simply Select Next
+ if (Int = Interaction) then
+ begin
+ Int := (Int + 1) Mod Length(Interactions);
+ Break;
+ end;
+ Until IsSelectable(Int);
+ //Set Interaction
+ Interaction := Int;
+procedure TMenu.InteractPrev;
+ Int: Integer;
+ Int := Interaction;
+ // change interaction as long as it's needed
+ repeat
+ Int := Int - 1;
+ if Int = -1 then Int := High(Interactions);
+ //If no Interaction is Selectable Simply Select Next
+ if (Int = Interaction) then
+ begin
+ Int := SelInteraction - 1;
+ if Int = -1 then Int := High(Interactions);
+ Break;
+ end;
+ Until IsSelectable(Int);
+ //Set Interaction
+ Interaction := Int
+procedure TMenu.InteractCustom(CustomSwitch: integer);
+ Num: integer;
+ Typ: integer;
+ Again: boolean;
+ //Code Commented atm, because it needs to be Rewritten
+ //it doesn't work with Button Collections
+ {then begin
+ CustomSwitch:= CustomSwitch*(-1);
+ Again := true;
+ // change interaction as long as it's needed
+ while (Again = true) do begin
+ Num := SelInteraction - CustomSwitch;
+ if Num = -1 then Num := High(Interactions);
+ Interaction := Num;
+ Again := false; // reset, default to accept changing interaction
+ // checking newly interacted element
+ Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num;
+ Typ := Interactions[Interaction].Typ;
+ case Typ of
+ iButton:
+ begin
+ if Button[Num].Selectable = false then Again := True;
+ end;
+ end; // case
+ end; // while
+ end
+ else if num>0 then begin
+ Again := true;
+ // change interaction as long as it's needed
+ while (Again = true) do begin
+ Num := (Interaction + CustomSwitch) Mod Length(Interactions);
+ Interaction := Num;
+ Again := false; // reset, default to accept changing interaction
+ // checking newly interacted element
+ Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num;
+ Typ := Interactions[Interaction].Typ;
+ case Typ of
+ iButton:
+ begin
+ if Button[Num].Selectable = false then Again := True;
+ end;
+ end; // case
+ end; // while
+ end }
+procedure TMenu.FadeTo(Screen: PMenu);
+ Display.Fade := 0;
+ Display.NextScreen := Screen;
+//popup hack
+procedure TMenu.CheckFadeTo(Screen: PMenu; msg: String);
+ Display.Fade := 0;
+ Display.NextScreenWithCheck := Screen;
+ Display.CheckOK:=False;
+ ScreenPopupCheck.ShowPopup(msg);
+procedure TMenu.AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; AddText: string);
+ AddButtonText(AddX, AddY, 1, 1, 1, AddText);
+procedure TMenu.AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; AddText: string);
+ Il: integer;
+ with Button[High(Button)] do begin
+ Il := Length(Text);
+ SetLength(Text, Il+1);
+ Text[Il] := TText.Create(X + AddX, Y + AddY, AddText);
+ Text[Il].ColR := ColR;
+ Text[Il].ColG := ColG;
+ Text[Il].ColB := ColB;
+ Text[Il].Int := 1;//0.5;
+ end;
+procedure TMenu.AddButtonText(AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Font: integer; Size: integer; Align: integer; AddText: string);
+ Il: integer;
+ with Button[High(Button)] do begin
+ Il := Length(Text);
+ SetLength(Text, Il+1);
+ Text[Il] := TText.Create(X + AddX, Y + AddY, AddText);
+ Text[Il].ColR := ColR;
+ Text[Il].ColG := ColG;
+ Text[Il].ColB := ColB;
+ Text[Il].Int := 1;//0.5;
+ Text[Il].Style := Font;
+ Text[Il].Size := Size;
+ Text[Il].Align := Align;
+ end;
+procedure TMenu.AddButtonText(CustomButton: TButton; AddX, AddY: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real; Font: integer; Size: integer; Align: integer; AddText: string);
+ Il: integer;
+ with CustomButton do begin
+ Il := Length(Text);
+ SetLength(Text, Il+1);
+ Text[Il] := TText.Create(X + AddX, Y + AddY, AddText);
+ Text[Il].ColR := ColR;
+ Text[Il].ColG := ColG;
+ Text[Il].ColB := ColB;
+ Text[Il].Int := 1;//0.5;
+ Text[Il].Style := Font;
+ Text[Il].Size := Size;
+ Text[Il].Align := Align;
+ end;
+function TMenu.AddSelect(ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; var Data: integer; Values: array of string): integer;
+ SO: integer;
+ Result := AddSelect(ThemeSelect.X, ThemeSelect.Y, ThemeSelect.W, ThemeSelect.H, ThemeSelect.SkipX,
+ ThemeSelect.ColR, ThemeSelect.ColG, ThemeSelect.ColB, ThemeSelect.Int,
+ ThemeSelect.DColR, ThemeSelect.DColG, ThemeSelect.DColB, ThemeSelect.DInt,
+ ThemeSelect.TColR, ThemeSelect.TColG, ThemeSelect.TColB, ThemeSelect.TInt,
+ ThemeSelect.TDColR, ThemeSelect.TDColG, ThemeSelect.TDColB, ThemeSelect.TDInt,
+ ThemeSelect.SBGColR, ThemeSelect.SBGColG, ThemeSelect.SBGColB, ThemeSelect.SBGInt,
+ ThemeSelect.SBGDColR, ThemeSelect.SBGDColG, ThemeSelect.SBGDColB, ThemeSelect.SBGDInt,
+ ThemeSelect.STColR, ThemeSelect.STColG, ThemeSelect.STColB, ThemeSelect.STInt,
+ ThemeSelect.STDColR, ThemeSelect.STDColG, ThemeSelect.STDColB, ThemeSelect.STDInt,
+ Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeSelect.Tex), 'Font Black',
+ Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeSelect.TexSBG), 'Font Black',
+ ThemeSelect.Text, Data);
+ for SO := 0 to High(Values) do
+ AddSelectOption(ThemeSelect.X + ThemeSelect.W + ThemeSelect.SkipX + SO * 100 + 20, ThemeSelect.Y + 20, Values[SO]);
+function TMenu.AddSelect(X, Y, W, H, SkipX, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt,
+ TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt, TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt,
+ STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt, STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
+ Name, Typ: String; SBGName, SBGTyp: String;
+ Caption: string; var Data: integer): integer;
+ S: integer;
+ S := Length(Selects);
+ SetLength(Selects, S + 1);
+ Selects[S] := TSelect.Create;
+ Selects[S].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ);
+ Selects[S].X := X;
+ Selects[S].Y := Y;
+ Selects[S].W := W;
+ Selects[S].H := H;
+ Selects[S].ColR := ColR;
+ Selects[S].ColG := ColG;
+ Selects[S].ColB := ColB;
+ Selects[S].Int := Int;
+ Selects[S].DColR := DColR;
+ Selects[S].DColG := DColG;
+ Selects[S].DColB := DColB;
+ Selects[S].DInt := DInt;
+ Selects[S].TextureSBG := Texture.GetTexture(SBGName, SBGTyp);
+ Selects[S].TextureSBG.X := X + W + SkipX;
+ Selects[S].TextureSBG.Y := Y;
+ Selects[S].TextureSBG.W := 450;
+ Selects[S].TextureSBG.H := H;
+ Selects[S].SBGColR := SBGColR;
+ Selects[S].SBGColG := SBGColG;
+ Selects[S].SBGColB := SBGColB;
+ Selects[S].SBGInt := SBGInt;
+ Selects[S].SBGDColR := SBGDColR;
+ Selects[S].SBGDColG := SBGDColG;
+ Selects[S].SBGDColB := SBGDColB;
+ Selects[S].SBGDInt := SBGDInt;
+ Selects[S].Text.X := X + 20;
+ Selects[S].Text.Y := Y + 20;
+ Selects[S].Text.Text := Caption;
+ Selects[S].Text.Size := 10;
+ Selects[S].Text.Visible := true;
+ Selects[S].TColR := TColR;
+ Selects[S].TColG := TColG;
+ Selects[S].TColB := TColB;
+ Selects[S].TInt := TInt;
+ Selects[S].TDColR := TDColR;
+ Selects[S].TDColG := TDColG;
+ Selects[S].TDColB := TDColB;
+ Selects[S].TDInt := TDInt;
+ Selects[S].STColR := STColR;
+ Selects[S].STColG := STColG;
+ Selects[S].STColB := STColB;
+ Selects[S].STInt := STInt;
+ Selects[S].STDColR := STDColR;
+ Selects[S].STDColG := STDColG;
+ Selects[S].STDColB := STDColB;
+ Selects[S].STDInt := STDInt;
+ // new
+ Selects[S].Texture.TexX1 := 0;
+ Selects[S].Texture.TexY1 := 0;
+ Selects[S].Texture.TexX2 := 1;
+ Selects[S].Texture.TexY2 := 1;
+ Selects[S].TextureSBG.TexX1 := 0;
+ Selects[S].TextureSBG.TexY1 := 0;
+ Selects[S].TextureSBG.TexX2 := 1;
+ Selects[S].TextureSBG.TexY2 := 1;
+ // Sets Data to copy the value of selectops to global value;
+ Selects[S].PData := @Data;
+ // Sets default value of selectopt from Data;
+ Selects[S].SelectedOption := Data;
+ // Disables default selection
+ Selects[S].SetSelect(false);
+ // adds interaction
+ AddInteraction(iSelect, S);
+procedure TMenu.AddSelectOption(AddX, AddY: real; AddText: string);
+ AddSelectOption (High(Selects), AddX, AddY, AddText);
+procedure TMenu.AddSelectOption(SelectNo: Cardinal; AddX, AddY: real; AddText: string);
+ SO: integer;
+ SO := Length(Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt);
+ SetLength(Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt, SO + 1);
+ Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO] := TText.Create;
+ Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].X := AddX;
+ Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].Y := AddY;
+ Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].Text := AddText;
+ Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].Size := 10;
+ Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].ColR := Selects[SelectNo].STDColR;
+ Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].ColG := Selects[SelectNo].STDColG;
+ Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].ColB := Selects[SelectNo].STDColB;
+ Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].Int := Selects[SelectNo].STDInt;
+ Selects[SelectNo].TextOpt[SO].Visible := true;
+ if SO = Selects[SelectNo].PData^ then Selects[SelectNo].SelectedOption := SO;
+procedure TMenu.UpdateSelectOptions(ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; SelectNum: integer; Values: array of string; var Data: integer);
+ SO: integer;
+ SetLength(Selects[SelectNum].TextOpt, 0);
+ for SO := 0 to High(Values) do
+ AddSelectOption(SelectNum, ThemeSelect.X + ThemeSelect.W + ThemeSelect.SkipX + SO * 100 + 20, ThemeSelect.Y + 20, Values[SO]);
+function TMenu.AddSelectSlide(ThemeSelectS: TThemeSelectSlide; var Data: integer; Values: array of string): integer;
+ SO: integer;
+ Result := AddSelectSlide(ThemeSelectS.X, ThemeSelectS.Y, ThemeSelectS.W, ThemeSelectS.H, ThemeSelectS.SkipX, ThemeSelectS.SBGW,
+ ThemeSelectS.ColR, ThemeSelectS.ColG, ThemeSelectS.ColB, ThemeSelectS.Int,
+ ThemeSelectS.DColR, ThemeSelectS.DColG, ThemeSelectS.DColB, ThemeSelectS.DInt,
+ ThemeSelectS.TColR, ThemeSelectS.TColG, ThemeSelectS.TColB, ThemeSelectS.TInt,
+ ThemeSelectS.TDColR, ThemeSelectS.TDColG, ThemeSelectS.TDColB, ThemeSelectS.TDInt,
+ ThemeSelectS.SBGColR, ThemeSelectS.SBGColG, ThemeSelectS.SBGColB, ThemeSelectS.SBGInt,
+ ThemeSelectS.SBGDColR, ThemeSelectS.SBGDColG, ThemeSelectS.SBGDColB, ThemeSelectS.SBGDInt,
+ ThemeSelectS.STColR, ThemeSelectS.STColG, ThemeSelectS.STColB, ThemeSelectS.STInt,
+ ThemeSelectS.STDColR, ThemeSelectS.STDColG, ThemeSelectS.STDColB, ThemeSelectS.STDInt,
+ Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeSelectS.Tex), 'Font Black',
+ Skin.GetTextureFileName(ThemeSelectS.TexSBG), 'Font Black',
+ ThemeSelectS.Text, Data);
+ for SO := 0 to High(Values) do
+ AddSelectSlideOption(Values[SO]);
+ SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].Text.Size := ThemeSelectS.TextSize;
+ SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].Texture.Z := ThemeSelectS.Z;
+ SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].TextureSBG.Z := ThemeSelectS.Z;
+ //Generate Lines
+ SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].GenLines;
+ SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].SelectedOption := SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].SelectOptInt; // refresh
+function TMenu.AddSelectSlide(X, Y, W, H, SkipX, SBGW, ColR, ColG, ColB, Int, DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt,
+ TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt, TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt,
+ STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt, STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
+ Name, Typ: String; SBGName, SBGTyp: String;
+ Caption: string; var Data: integer): integer;
+ S: integer;
+ I: integer;
+ S := Length(SelectsS);
+ SetLength(SelectsS, S + 1);
+ SelectsS[S] := TSelectSlide.Create;
+ SelectsS[S].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Name, Typ);
+ SelectsS[S].X := X;
+ SelectsS[S].Y := Y;
+ SelectsS[S].W := W;
+ SelectsS[S].H := H;
+ SelectsS[S].ColR := ColR;
+ SelectsS[S].ColG := ColG;
+ SelectsS[S].ColB := ColB;
+ SelectsS[S].Int := Int;
+ SelectsS[S].DColR := DColR;
+ SelectsS[S].DColG := DColG;
+ SelectsS[S].DColB := DColB;
+ SelectsS[S].DInt := DInt;
+ SelectsS[S].TextureSBG := Texture.GetTexture(SBGName, SBGTyp);
+ SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.X := X + W + SkipX;
+ SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.Y := Y;
+ //SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.W := 450;
+ SelectsS[S].SBGW := SBGW;
+ SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.H := H;
+ SelectsS[S].SBGColR := SBGColR;
+ SelectsS[S].SBGColG := SBGColG;
+ SelectsS[S].SBGColB := SBGColB;
+ SelectsS[S].SBGInt := SBGInt;
+ SelectsS[S].SBGDColR := SBGDColR;
+ SelectsS[S].SBGDColG := SBGDColG;
+ SelectsS[S].SBGDColB := SBGDColB;
+ SelectsS[S].SBGDInt := SBGDInt;
+ SelectsS[S].Text.X := X + 20;
+ SelectsS[S].Text.Y := Y + (SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.H / 2) - 15;
+ SelectsS[S].Text.Text := Caption;
+ SelectsS[S].Text.Size := 10;
+ SelectsS[S].Text.Visible := true;
+ SelectsS[S].TColR := TColR;
+ SelectsS[S].TColG := TColG;
+ SelectsS[S].TColB := TColB;
+ SelectsS[S].TInt := TInt;
+ SelectsS[S].TDColR := TDColR;
+ SelectsS[S].TDColG := TDColG;
+ SelectsS[S].TDColB := TDColB;
+ SelectsS[S].TDInt := TDInt;
+ SelectsS[S].STColR := STColR;
+ SelectsS[S].STColG := STColG;
+ SelectsS[S].STColB := STColB;
+ SelectsS[S].STInt := STInt;
+ SelectsS[S].STDColR := STDColR;
+ SelectsS[S].STDColG := STDColG;
+ SelectsS[S].STDColB := STDColB;
+ SelectsS[S].STDInt := STDInt;
+ // new
+ SelectsS[S].Texture.TexX1 := 0;
+ SelectsS[S].Texture.TexY1 := 0;
+ SelectsS[S].Texture.TexX2 := 1;
+ SelectsS[S].Texture.TexY2 := 1;
+ SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.TexX1 := 0;
+ SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.TexY1 := 0;
+ SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.TexX2 := 1;
+ SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.TexY2 := 1;
+ // Sets Data to copy the value of selectops to global value;
+ SelectsS[S].PData := @Data;
+ // Configures Select options
+ {//SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].Text := IntToStr(I+1);
+ SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].Size := 10;
+ SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].Align := 1;
+ SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].ColR := SelectsS[S].STDColR;
+ SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].ColG := SelectsS[S].STDColG;
+ SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].ColB := SelectsS[S].STDColB;
+ SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].Int := SelectsS[S].STDInt;
+ SelectsS[S].TextOpt[0].Visible := true; }
+ // Sets default value of selectopt from Data;
+ SelectsS[S].SelectedOption := Data;
+ // Disables default selection
+ SelectsS[S].SetSelect(false);
+ {// Configures 3 select options
+ for I := 0 to 2 do begin
+ SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].X := SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.X + 20 + (50 + 20) + (150 - 20) * I;
+ SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Y := SelectsS[S].TextureSBG.Y + 20;
+ SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Text := IntToStr(I+1);
+ SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Size := 10;
+ SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Align := 1;
+ SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].ColR := SelectsS[S].STDColR;
+ SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].ColG := SelectsS[S].STDColG;
+ SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].ColB := SelectsS[S].STDColB;
+ SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Int := SelectsS[S].STDInt;
+ SelectsS[S].TextOpt[I].Visible := true;
+ end;}
+ // adds interaction
+ AddInteraction(iSelectS, S);
+ Result := S;
+procedure TMenu.AddSelectSlideOption(AddText: string);
+ AddSelectSlideOption(High(SelectsS), AddText);
+procedure TMenu.AddSelectSlideOption(SelectNo: Cardinal; AddText: string);
+ SO: integer;
+ SO := Length(SelectsS[SelectNo].TextOptT);
+ SetLength(SelectsS[SelectNo].TextOptT, SO + 1);
+ SelectsS[SelectNo].TextOptT[SO] := AddText;
+ //SelectsS[S].SelectedOption := SelectsS[S].SelectOptInt; // refresh
+ //if SO = Selects[S].PData^ then Selects[S].SelectedOption := SO;
+procedure TMenu.UpdateSelectSlideOptions(ThemeSelectSlide: TThemeSelectSlide; SelectNum: integer; Values: array of string; var Data: integer);
+ SO: integer;
+ SetLength(SelectsS[SelectNum].TextOptT, 0);
+ for SO := 0 to High(Values) do
+ AddSelectSlideOption(SelectNum, Values[SO]);
+ SelectsS[SelectNum].GenLines;
+// SelectsS[SelectNum].SelectedOption := SelectsS[SelectNum].SelectOptInt; // refresh
+// SelectS[SelectNum].SetSelectOpt(Data);
+// SelectS[SelectNum].SelectedOption := 0;//Data;
+// Log.LogError(IntToStr(High(SelectsS[SelectNum].TextOptT)));
+// if 0 <= High(SelectsS[SelectNum].TextOptT) then
+ SelectsS[SelectNum].PData := @Data;
+ SelectsS[SelectNum].SelectedOption := Data;
+function TMenu.InRegion(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X, Y: real): Boolean;
+ Result := false;
+ X1 := X1 * RenderW/640;
+ X2 := X2 * RenderW/640;
+ Y1 := Y1 * RenderH/480;
+ Y2 := Y2 * RenderH/480;
+ if (X >= X1) and (X <= X2) and (Y >= Y1) and (Y <= Y2) then
+ Result := true;
+function TMenu.InStaticRegion(StaticNr: integer; X, Y: integer): Boolean;
+ Result := InRegion(Static[StaticNr].Texture.X,
+ Static[StaticNr].Texture.Y,
+ Static[StaticNr].Texture.X + Static[StaticNr].Texture.W - 1,
+ Static[StaticNr].Texture.Y + Static[StaticNr].Texture.H - 1,
+ X, Y);
+procedure TMenu.InteractInc;
+ Num: integer;
+ Value: integer;
+ case Interactions[Interaction].Typ of
+ iSelect: begin
+ Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num;
+ Value := Selects[Num].SelectedOption;
+ Value := (Value + 1) Mod (Length(Selects[Num].TextOpt));
+ Selects[Num].SelectedOption := Value;
+ end;
+ iSelectS: begin
+ Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num;
+ Value := SelectsS[Num].SelectedOption;
+// Value := (Value + 1) Mod (Length(SelectsS[Num].TextOptT));
+ // limit
+ Value := Value + 1;
+ if Value <= High(SelectsS[Num].TextOptT) then
+ SelectsS[Num].SelectedOption := Value;
+ end;
+ //Button Collection Mod
+ iBCollectionChild:
+ begin
+ //Select Next Button in Collection
+ For Num := 1 to High(Button) do
+ begin
+ Value := (Interaction + Num) Mod Length(Button);
+ if Value = 0 then
+ begin
+ InteractNext;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ if (Button[Value].Parent = Button[Interaction].Parent) then
+ begin
+ Interaction := Value;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //interact Next if there is Nothing to Change
+ else InteractNext;
+ end;
+procedure TMenu.InteractDec;
+ Num: integer;
+ Value: integer;
+ case Interactions[Interaction].Typ of
+ iSelect: begin
+ Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num;
+ Value := Selects[Num].SelectedOption;
+ Value := Value - 1;
+ if Value = -1 then
+ Value := High(Selects[Num].TextOpt);
+ Selects[Num].SelectedOption := Value;
+ end;
+ iSelectS: begin
+ Num := Interactions[Interaction].Num;
+ Value := SelectsS[Num].SelectedOption;
+ Value := Value - 1;
+// if Value = -1 then
+// Value := High(SelectsS[Num].TextOptT);
+ if Value >= 0 then
+ SelectsS[Num].SelectedOption := Value;
+ end;
+ //Button Collection Mod
+ iBCollectionChild:
+ begin
+ //Select Prev Button in Collection
+ For Num := High(Button) downto 1 do
+ begin
+ Value := (Interaction + Num) Mod Length(Button);
+ if Value = High(Button) then
+ begin
+ InteractPrev;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ if (Button[Value].Parent = Button[Interaction].Parent) then
+ begin
+ Interaction := Value;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //interact Prev if there is Nothing to Change
+ else
+ begin
+ InteractPrev;
+ //If ButtonCollection with more than 1 Entry then Select Last Entry
+ if (Button[Interactions[Interaction].Num].Parent <> 0) AND (ButtonCollection[Button[Interactions[Interaction].Num].Parent-1].CountChilds > 1) then
+ begin
+ //Select Last Child
+ For Num := High(Button) downto 1 do
+ begin
+ Value := (Interaction + Num) Mod Length(Button);
+ if (Button[Value].Parent = Button[Interaction].Parent) then
+ begin
+ Interaction := Value;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TMenu.AddBox(X, Y, W, H: real);
+ AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, 0, 0, 0, Skin.GetTextureFileName('Bar'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ AddStatic(X+2, Y+2, W-4, H-4, 1, 1, 1, Skin.GetTextureFileName('Bar'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+procedure TMenu.onShow;
+// nothing
+// beep;
+procedure TMenu.onShowFinish;
+// nothing
+// beep;
+procedure TMenu.onHide;
+// nothing
+// beep;
+function TMenu.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+// nothing
+// Beep;
+ Result := true;
+procedure TMenu.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+// nothing
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsRecord.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsRecord.pas
index 2ff989fa..ef8b31d1 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsRecord.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsRecord.pas
@@ -1,132 +1,138 @@
-unit UScreenOptionsRecord;
- UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UFiles, UIni, UThemes;
- TScreenOptionsRecord = class(TMenu)
- private
- SelectSlideInput: integer;
- SelectSlideChannelL: integer;
- SelectSlideChannelR: integer;
- public
- constructor Create; override;
- function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
- procedure onShow; override;
- procedure UpdateCard;
- end;
-uses SysUtils, UGraphic, URecord, ULog;
-function TScreenOptionsRecord.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
- Result := true;
- If (PressedDown) Then
- begin // Key Down
- case PressedKey of
- begin
- Result := false;
- end;
- begin
- Ini.Save;
- Music.PlayBack;
- FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
- end;
- begin
- if SelInteraction = 4 then begin
- Ini.Save;
- Music.PlayBack;
- FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
- end;
- end;
- InteractNext;
- InteractPrev;
- begin
- if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 3) then begin
- Music.PlayOption;
- InteractInc;
- end;
- if SelInteraction = 0 then UpdateCard;
- end;
- begin
- if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 3) then begin
- Music.PlayOption;
- InteractDec;
- end;
- if SelInteraction = 0 then UpdateCard;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-constructor TScreenOptionsRecord.Create;
- I: integer;
- SC: integer;
- SCI: integer;
- inherited Create;
- LoadFromTheme(Theme.OptionsRecord);
- SetLength(ICard, Length(Recording.SoundCard));
- for SC := 0 to High(Recording.SoundCard) do
- ICard[SC] := Recording.SoundCard[SC].Description;
-// end;
-// if Length(Recording.SoundCard[Ini.Card].Input) > 0 then begin
- SetLength(IInput, Length(Recording.SoundCard[Ini.Card].Input));
- for SCI := 0 to High(Recording.SoundCard[Ini.Card].Input) do
- IInput[SCI] := Recording.SoundCard[Ini.Card].Input[SCI].Name;
-// end;
- AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideCard, Ini.Card, ICard);
- SelectSlideInput := AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideInput, Ini.CardList[0].Input, IInput);
- SelectSlideChannelL := AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelL, Ini.CardList[0].ChannelL, IChannel);
- SelectSlideChannelR := AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelR, Ini.CardList[0].ChannelR, IChannel);
- AddButton(Theme.OptionsRecord.ButtonExit);
- if (Length(Button[0].Text)=0) then
- AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[7]);
- Interaction := 0;
-procedure TScreenOptionsRecord.onShow;
- Interaction := 0;
-procedure TScreenOptionsRecord.UpdateCard;
- SC: integer;
- SCI: integer;
- SC := Ini.Card;
-// if SC = 1 then beep;
- SetLength(IInput, Length(Recording.SoundCard[SC].Input));
- for SCI := 0 to High(Recording.SoundCard[SC].Input) do begin
- IInput[SCI] := Recording.SoundCard[SC].Input[SCI].Name;
-// Log.LogError(IInput[SCI]);
- end;
- UpdateSelectSlideOptions(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideInput, SelectSlideInput, IInput, Ini.CardList[SC].Input);
- UpdateSelectSlideOptions(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelL, SelectSlideChannelL, IChannel, Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelL);
- UpdateSelectSlideOptions(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelR, SelectSlideChannelR, IChannel, Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelR);
-end. \ No newline at end of file
+unit UScreenOptionsRecord;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UFiles, UIni, UThemes;
+ TScreenOptionsRecord = class(TMenu)
+ private
+ SelectSlideInput: integer;
+ SelectSlideChannelL: integer;
+ SelectSlideChannelR: integer;
+ public
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure UpdateCard;
+ end;
+uses SysUtils, UGraphic, URecord, ULog;
+function TScreenOptionsRecord.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if SelInteraction = 4 then begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ end;
+ InteractNext;
+ InteractPrev;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 3) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractInc;
+ end;
+ if SelInteraction = 0 then UpdateCard;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 3) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractDec;
+ end;
+ if SelInteraction = 0 then UpdateCard;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenOptionsRecord.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ SC: integer;
+ SCI: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.OptionsRecord);
+ SetLength(ICard, Length(Recording.SoundCard));
+ for SC := 0 to High(Recording.SoundCard) do
+ ICard[SC] := Recording.SoundCard[SC].Description;
+// end;
+// if Length(Recording.SoundCard[Ini.Card].Input) > 0 then begin
+ {$IFDEF win32}
+ // TODO : JB_Linux .... Audio Input ... had to remove to get it to run ???
+ SetLength(IInput, Length(Recording.SoundCard[Ini.Card].Input));
+ for SCI := 0 to High(Recording.SoundCard[Ini.Card].Input) do
+ IInput[SCI] := Recording.SoundCard[Ini.Card].Input[SCI].Name;
+// end;
+ AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideCard, Ini.Card, ICard);
+ SelectSlideInput := AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideInput, Ini.CardList[0].Input, IInput);
+ SelectSlideChannelL := AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelL, Ini.CardList[0].ChannelL, IChannel);
+ SelectSlideChannelR := AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelR, Ini.CardList[0].ChannelR, IChannel);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ AddButton(Theme.OptionsRecord.ButtonExit);
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[7]);
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenOptionsRecord.onShow;
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenOptionsRecord.UpdateCard;
+ SC: integer;
+ SCI: integer;
+ SC := Ini.Card;
+// if SC = 1 then beep;
+ SetLength(IInput, Length(Recording.SoundCard[SC].Input));
+ for SCI := 0 to High(Recording.SoundCard[SC].Input) do begin
+ IInput[SCI] := Recording.SoundCard[SC].Input[SCI].Name;
+// Log.LogError(IInput[SCI]);
+ end;
+ UpdateSelectSlideOptions(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideInput, SelectSlideInput, IInput, Ini.CardList[SC].Input);
+ UpdateSelectSlideOptions(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelL, SelectSlideChannelL, IChannel, Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelL);
+ UpdateSelectSlideOptions(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelR, SelectSlideChannelR, IChannel, Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelR);
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenScore.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenScore.pas
index 0182bbd2..c53e8b32 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenScore.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenScore.pas
@@ -1,663 +1,672 @@
-unit UScreenScore;
- UMenu,
- SDL,
- SysUtils,
- UDisplay,
- UMusic,
- USongs,
- UThemes,
- OpenGL12,
- Windows,
- math,
-// OpenGL;
- TScreenScore = class(TMenu)
- public
- TextArtist: integer;
- TextTitle: integer;
- TextArtistTitle : integer;
- TextName: array[1..6] of integer;
- TextScore: array[1..6] of integer;
- TextNotes: array[1..6] of integer;
- TextNotesScore: array[1..6] of integer;
- TextLineBonus: array[1..6] of integer;
- TextLineBonusScore: array[1..6] of integer;
- TextGoldenNotes: array[1..6] of integer;
- TextGoldenNotesScore: array[1..6] of integer;
- TextTotal: array[1..6] of integer;
- TextTotalScore: array[1..6] of integer;
- PlayerStatic: array[1..6] of array of integer;
- PlayerTexts : array[1..6] of array of integer;
- StaticBoxLightest: array[1..6] of integer;
- StaticBoxLight: array[1..6] of integer;
- StaticBoxDark: array[1..6] of integer;
- StaticBackLevel: array[1..6] of integer;
- StaticBackLevelRound: array[1..6] of integer;
- StaticLevel: array[1..6] of integer;
- StaticLevelRound: array[1..6] of integer;
- Animation: real;
- Fadeout: boolean;
- BarScore_ActualHeight : array[1..6] of real;
- BarPhrase_ActualHeight : array[1..6] of real;
- BarGolden_ActualHeight : array[1..6] of real;
- BarScore_EaseOut_Step : real;
- BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step : real;
- BarGolden_EaseOut_Step : real;
- TextScore_ActualValue : array[1..6] of integer;
- TextPhrase_ActualValue : array[1..6] of integer;
- TextGolden_ActualValue : array[1..6] of integer;
- EaseOut_MaxSteps : real;
- constructor Create; override;
- function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
- procedure onShow; override;
- procedure onShowFinish; override;
- function Draw: boolean; override;
- procedure FillPlayer(Item, P: integer);
- function RaiseBar(PlayerNumber: integer; BarStartPosY: Single; ActualHeight: real; Score: integer; ColorBrightness : String; EaseOut_Step: Real) : real;
- function IncrementScore(PlayerNumber: integer; ActualScoreValue: Integer; ScoreReached: integer; EaseOut_Step: Real) : integer;
- end;
-uses UGraphic, UScreenSong, UMenuStatic, UTime, UMain, UIni, ULanguage;
-//uses UGraphic, UScreenSong, UMenuStatic, UTime, UMain, UIni;
-function TScreenScore.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
- Result := true;
- If (PressedDown) Then begin
- case PressedKey of
- begin
- Result := false;
- end;
- begin
- if (not Fadeout) then begin
-// Music.StopShuffle;
- FadeTo(@ScreenTop5);
- Fadeout := true;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- if (not Fadeout) then begin
-// Music.StopShuffle;
- FadeTo(@ScreenTop5);
- Fadeout := true;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- beep;
- end;}
- begin
- Display.PrintScreen;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-constructor TScreenScore.Create;
- P: integer;
- I, C: integer;
- inherited Create;
- LoadFromTheme(Theme.Score);
- TextArtist := AddText(Theme.Score.TextArtist);
- TextTitle := AddText(Theme.Score.TextTitle);
- TextArtistTitle := AddText(Theme.Score.TextArtistTitle);
- for P := 1 to 6 do begin
- TextName[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextName[P]);
- TextScore[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextScore[P]);
- TextNotes[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextNotes[P]);
- TextNotesScore[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextNotesScore[P]);
- TextLineBonus[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextLineBonus[P]);
- TextLineBonusScore[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextLineBonusScore[P]);
- TextGoldenNotes[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextGoldenNotes[P]);
- TextGoldenNotesScore[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextGoldenNotesScore[P]);
- TextTotal[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextTotal[P]);
- TextTotalScore[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextTotalScore[P]);
- SetLength(PlayerStatic[P], Length(Theme.Score.PlayerStatic[P]));
- SetLength(PlayerTexts[P], Length(Theme.Score.PlayerTexts[P]));
- for I := 0 to High(Theme.Score.PlayerStatic[P]) do
- PlayerStatic[P, I] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.PlayerStatic[P, I]);
- //added by mog
- for C := 0 to High(Theme.Score.PlayerTexts[P]) do
- PlayerTexts[P, C] := AddText(Theme.Score.PlayerTexts[P, C]);
- // more skinable now
- StaticBoxLightest[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBoxLightest[P]);
- StaticBoxLight[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBoxLight[P]);
- StaticBoxDark[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBoxDark[P]);
- StaticBackLevel[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBackLevel[P]);
- StaticBackLevelRound[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBackLevelRound[P]);
- StaticLevel[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticLevel[P]);
- StaticLevelRound[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticLevelRound[P]);
- end;
-procedure TScreenScore.onShow;
- P: integer; // player
- PP: integer; // another player variable
- S: string;
- I: integer;
- Lev: real;
- Skip: integer;
- V: array[1..6] of boolean; // visibility array
- MaxH: real; // maximum height of score bar
- Wsp: real;
- CountSkipTimeSet;
- Animation := 0;
- Fadeout := false;
- Text[1].Text := AktSong.Artist + ' - ' + AktSong.Title;
- Text[2].Text := ' ' + IntToStr((Round(Gracz[0].Punkty) div 10) * 10) + ' points';
- Static[0].Texture.X := -2000;
- Static[1].Texture.X := -2000;
- Static[2].Texture.X := -2000;
- Static[3].Texture.X := -2000;
- Static[4].Texture.X := -2000;
- Static[5].Texture.X := -2000;
- Static[6].Texture.X := -2000;
- Static[7].Texture.X := -2000;
- Text[0].X := -2000;
- Text[1].X := -2000;
- Text[2].X := -2000;
- Text[3].X := -2000;
- case (Round(Gracz[0].Punkty) div 10) * 10 of
- 0..1000: Text[3].Text := ' Tone Deaf';
- 2010..4000: Text[3].Text := ' Amateur';
- 4010..6000: Text[3].Text := ' Rising Star';
- 6010..8000: Text[3].Text := ' Lead Singer';
- 8010..9000: Text[3].Text := ' Hit Artist';
- 9010..10000: Text[3].Text := ' Superstar';
- end;
- Music.PlayShuffle;
- // Singstar
- Fadeout := false;
- Text[TextArtist].Text := AktSong.Artist;
- Text[TextTitle].Text := AktSong.Title;
- Text[TextArtistTitle].Text := AktSong.Artist + ' - ' + AktSong.Title;
- // set visibility
- case PlayersPlay of
- 1: begin
- V[1] := true;
- V[2] := false;
- V[3] := false;
- V[4] := false;
- V[5] := false;
- V[6] := false;
- end;
- 2, 4: begin
- V[1] := false;
- V[2] := true;
- V[3] := true;
- V[4] := false;
- V[5] := false;
- V[6] := false;
- end;
- 3, 6: begin
- V[1] := false;
- V[2] := false;
- V[3] := false;
- V[4] := true;
- V[5] := true;
- V[6] := true;
- end;
- end;
- for P := 1 to 6 do begin
- Text[TextName[P]].Visible := V[P];
- Text[TextScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
- // We set alpha to 0 , so we can nicely blend them in when we need them
- Text[TextScore[P]].Alpha := 0;
- Text[TextNotesScore[P]].Alpha := 0;
- Text[TextNotes[P]].Alpha := 0;
- Text[TextLineBonus[P]].Alpha := 0;
- Text[TextLineBonusScore[P]].Alpha := 0;
- Text[TextGoldenNotes[P]].Alpha := 0;
- Text[TextGoldenNotesScore[P]].Alpha := 0;
- Text[TextTotal[P]].Alpha := 0;
- Text[TextTotalScore[P]].Alpha := 0;
- Text[TextNotes[P]].Visible := V[P];
- Text[TextNotesScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
- Text[TextLineBonus[P]].Visible := V[P];
- Text[TextLineBonusScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
- Text[TextGoldenNotes[P]].Visible := V[P];
- Text[TextGoldenNotesScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
- Text[TextTotal[P]].Visible := V[P];
- Text[TextTotalScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
- for I := 0 to high(PlayerStatic[P]) do
- Static[PlayerStatic[P, I]].Visible := V[P];
- for I := 0 to high(PlayerTexts[P]) do
- Text[PlayerTexts[P, I]].Visible := V[P];
- Static[StaticBoxLightest[P]].Visible := V[P];
- Static[StaticBoxLight[P]].Visible := V[P];
- Static[StaticBoxDark[P]].Visible := V[P];
- Static[StaticBackLevel[P]].Visible := false; //V[P];
- Static[StaticBackLevelRound[P]].Visible := false; //V[P];
- Static[StaticLevel[P]].Visible := false; //V[P];
- Static[StaticLevelRound[P]].Visible := false; //V[P];
- end;
-procedure TScreenScore.onShowFinish;
- index : integer;
-for index := 1 to 2 do
- begin
- BarScore_ActualHeight[index] := 0;
- BarPhrase_ActualHeight[index] := 0;
- BarGolden_ActualHeight[index] := 0;
- TextScore_ActualValue[index] := 0;
- TextPhrase_ActualValue[index] := 0;
- TextGolden_ActualValue[index] := 0;
- end;
- BarScore_EaseOut_Step := 1;
- BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step := 1;
- BarGolden_EaseOut_Step := 1;
- EaseOut_MaxSteps := 100;
-function TScreenScore.Draw: boolean;
-{ Min: real;
- Max: real;
- Wsp: real;
- Wsp2: real;
- Pet: integer;}
- ActualTime, OldTime : Integer;
- Item: integer;
- P: integer;
- C: integer;
- katze : integer;
- // 0.5.0: try also use 4 players screen with nicks
- if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
- for Item := 2 to 3 do begin
- if ScreenAct = 1 then P := Item-2;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then P := Item;
- FillPlayer(Item, P);
- end;
- end;
- // Singstar - let it be...... with 6 statics
- if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
- for Item := 4 to 6 do begin
- if ScreenAct = 1 then P := Item-4;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then P := Item-1;
- FillPlayer(Item, P);
-{ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- LoadColor(
- Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColR,
- Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColG,
- Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColB,
- 'P1Dark');
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- LoadColor(
- Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColR,
- Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColG,
- Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColB,
- 'P4Dark');
- end;}
- end;
- end;
- inherited Draw;
- player[1].ScoreI := 7000;
- player[1].ScoreLineI := 2000;
- player[1].ScoreGoldenI := 1000;
- player[2].ScoreI := 2500;
- player[2].ScoreLineI := 1100;
- player[2].ScoreGoldenI := 900;
- }
-// Let's arise the bars
- ActualTime := GetTickCount div 33;
- if ((ActualTime <> OldTime) and ShowFinish )then
- begin
- OldTime := ActualTime;
- For katze:= 0 to 5 do
- begin
- // We actually araise them in the right order, but we have to draw them in reverse order (golden -> phrase -> mainscore)
- Case BarScore_EaseOut_Step < EaseOut_MaxSteps * 10 of
- true : BarScore_EaseOut_Step := BarScore_EaseOut_Step + 1;
- end;
- // PhrasenBonus
- if (BarScore_EaseOut_Step >= (EaseOut_MaxSteps * 10)) then
- begin
- Case BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step < EaseOut_MaxSteps * 10 of
- true : BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step := BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step + 1;
- end;
- // GoldenNotebonus
- if (BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step >= (EaseOut_MaxSteps * 10)) then
- begin
- Case BarGolden_EaseOut_Step < EaseOut_MaxSteps * 10 of
- true : BarGolden_EaseOut_Step := BarGolden_EaseOut_Step + 1;
- end;
- //########################
- // Draw golden score bar #
- //########################
- BarGolden_ActualHeight[katze] := RaiseBar(katze,
- Static[StaticBackLevel[katze+1]].Texture.y - BarScore_ActualHeight[katze] - BarPhrase_ActualHeight[katze],
- BarGolden_ActualHeight[katze],
- player[katze+1].ScoreGoldenI,
- 'Lightest',
- BarGolden_EaseOut_Step);
- // Increment and show total score and plain score
- TextGolden_ActualValue[katze] := IncrementScore(katze,
- TextGolden_ActualValue[katze],
- Player[katze+1].ScoreGoldenI,
- BarGolden_EaseOut_Step);
- Text[TextGoldenNotesScore[katze+1]].Text := IntToStr(TextGolden_ActualValue[katze]);
- // Blend in
- Text[TextGoldenNotesScore[katze+1]].Alpha := (BarGolden_EaseOut_Step / 100);
- Text[TextGoldenNotes[katze+1]].Alpha := (BarGolden_EaseOut_Step / 100);
- end;
- //########################
- // Draw phrase score bar #
- //########################
- BarPhrase_ActualHeight[katze] := RaiseBar(katze,
- Static[StaticBackLevel[katze+1]].Texture.y - BarScore_ActualHeight[katze],
- BarPhrase_ActualHeight[katze],
- Player[katze+1].ScoreLineI,
- 'Light',
- BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step);
- // Increment and show total score and plain score
- TextPhrase_ActualValue[katze] := IncrementScore(katze,
- TextPhrase_ActualValue[katze],
- Player[katze+1].ScoreLineI,
- BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step);
- Text[TextLineBonusScore[katze+1]].Text := IntToStr(TextPhrase_ActualValue[katze]);
- //Blend in
- Text[TextLineBonusScore[katze+1]].Alpha := (BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step / 100);
- Text[TextLineBonus[katze+1]].Alpha := (BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step / 100);
- end;
- //#######################
- // Draw plain score bar #
- //#######################
- BarScore_ActualHeight[katze] := RaiseBar(katze,
- Static[StaticBackLevel[katze+1]].Texture.y,
- BarScore_ActualHeight[katze],
- Player[katze+1].ScoreI,
- 'Dark',
- BarScore_EaseOut_Step);
- // Increment and show total score and plain score
- TextScore_ActualValue[katze] := IncrementScore(katze,
- TextScore_ActualValue[katze],
- Player[katze+1].ScoreI,
- BarScore_EaseOut_Step);
- Text[TextNotesScore[katze+1]].Text := IntToStr(TextScore_ActualValue[katze]);
- Text[TextTotalScore[katze+1]].Text := IntToStr(TextScore_ActualValue[katze] + TextPhrase_ActualValue[katze] + TextGolden_ActualValue[katze]);
- //Blend em in
- Text[TextTotalScore[katze+1]].Alpha := (BarScore_EaseOut_Step / 100);
- Text[TextTotal[katze+1]].Alpha := (BarScore_EaseOut_Step / 100);
- Text[TextNotesScore[katze+1]].Alpha := (BarScore_EaseOut_Step / 100);
- Text[TextNotes[katze+1]].Alpha := (BarScore_EaseOut_Step / 100);
- Text[TextScore[katze+1]].Alpha := (BarScore_EaseOut_Step / 100);
- end; // me loop
- end;
-function TscreenScore.RaiseBar(PlayerNumber: integer; BarStartPosY: Single; ActualHeight: real; Score: integer; ColorBrightness : String; EaseOut_Step: Real) : real;
- RaiseSmoothness : integer = 100;
- MaxHeight : real;
- NewHeight : real;
- Width : real;
- Height2Reach : real;
- RaiseStep : real;
- BarStartPosX : Single;
- R,G,B : real;
- MaxHeight := Static[StaticBackLevel[PlayerNumber + 1]].Texture.H;
- Width := Static[StaticBackLevel[PlayerNumber + 1]].Texture.W;
- BarStartPosX := Static[StaticBackLevel[PlayerNumber + 1]].Texture.X;
- BarStartPosY := BarStartPosY + MaxHeight; // The texture starts in the upper left corner, so let's subtract the height - so we can arise it
- // the height dependend of the score
- Height2Reach := (Score / 10000) * MaxHeight;
- // EaseOut_Step is the actual step in the raising process, like the 20iest step of EaseOut_MaxSteps
- RaiseStep := EaseOut_Step;
- if (ActualHeight < Height2Reach) then
- begin
- // Check http://proto.layer51.com/d.aspx?f=400 for more info on easing functions
- // Calculate the actual step according to the maxsteps
- RaiseStep := RaiseStep / EaseOut_MaxSteps;
- // quadratic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
- // -end_position * current_time * ( current_time - 2 ) + start_postion
- NewHeight := (-Height2Reach * RaiseStep * (RaiseStep - 20) + BarStartPosY) / RaiseSmoothness;
- end
- else
- begin
- NewHeight := Height2Reach;
- end;
- //+1
- LoadColor(R, G, B, 'P' + inttostr(PlayerNumber+1) + ColorBrightness); //dark, light, lightest
- glColor4f(R, G, B, 1);
- //the actual bar
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Static[StaticLevel[PlayerNumber + 1]].Texture.TexNum);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(BarStartPosX, BarStartPosY - NewHeight);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(BarStartPosX + Width, BarStartPosY - NewHeight);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(BarStartPosX + Width, BarStartPosY);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(BarStartPosX, BarStartPosY);
- glEnd;
- //the round thing on top
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Static[StaticLevelRound[PlayerNumber + 1]].Texture.TexNum);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(BarStartPosX, (BarStartPosY - Static[StaticLevelRound[PlayerNumber + 1]].Texture.h) - NewHeight);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(BarStartPosX + Width, (BarStartPosY - Static[StaticLevelRound[PlayerNumber + 1]].Texture.h) - NewHeight);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(BarStartPosX + Width, BarStartPosY - NewHeight);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(BarStartPosX, BarStartPosY - NewHeight);
- glEnd;
- Result := NewHeight;
-function TScreenScore.IncrementScore(PlayerNumber: integer; ActualScoreValue: Integer; ScoreReached: integer; EaseOut_Step: Real) : integer;
- RaiseSmoothness : integer = 100;
- RaiseStep : Real;
- lTmpA : Real;
- // EaseOut_Step is the actual step in the raising process, like the 20iest step of EaseOut_MaxSteps
- RaiseStep := EaseOut_Step;
- if (ActualScoreValue < ScoreReached) then
- begin
- // Calculate the actual step according to the maxsteps
- RaiseStep := RaiseStep / EaseOut_MaxSteps;
- // quadratic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
- // -end_position * current_time * ( current_time - 2 ) + start_postion
- lTmpA := (-ScoreReached * RaiseStep * (RaiseStep - 20));
- if ( lTmpA > 0 ) AND
- ( RaiseSmoothness > 0 ) THEN
- begin
- Result := floor( lTmpA / RaiseSmoothness);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- Result := ScoreReached;
- end;
-procedure TScreenScore.FillPlayer(Item, P: integer);
- S: string;
- Text[TextName[Item]].Text := Ini.Name[P];
- S := IntToStr((Round(Player[P].Score) div 10) * 10);
- while (Length(S)<4) do S := '0' + S;
- Text[TextNotesScore[Item]].Text := S;
-// while (Length(S)<5) do S := '0' + S;
-// Text[TextTotalScore[Item]].Text := S;
-//fixed: line bonus and golden notes don't show up,
-// another bug: total score was shown without added golden-, linebonus
- S := IntToStr(Player[P].ScoreTotalI);
- while (Length(S)<5) do S := '0' + S;
- Text[TextTotalScore[Item]].Text := S;
- S := IntToStr(Player[P].ScoreLineI);
- while (Length(S)<4) do S := '0' + S;
- Text[TextLineBonusScore[Item]].Text := S;
- S := IntToStr(Player[P].ScoreGoldenI);
- while (Length(S)<4) do S := '0' + S;
- Text[TextGoldenNotesScore[Item]].Text := S;
-//end of fix
- LoadColor(
- Text[TextName[Item]].ColR,
- Text[TextName[Item]].ColG,
- Text[TextName[Item]].ColB,
- 'P' + IntToStr(P+1) + 'Dark');
- LoadColor(
- Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColR,
- Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColG,
- Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColB,
- 'P' + IntToStr(P+1) + 'Lightest');
- LoadColor(
- Static[StaticBoxLight[Item]].Texture.ColR,
- Static[StaticBoxLight[Item]].Texture.ColG,
- Static[StaticBoxLight[Item]].Texture.ColB,
- 'P' + IntToStr(P+1) + 'Light');
- LoadColor(
- Static[StaticBoxDark[Item]].Texture.ColR,
- Static[StaticBoxDark[Item]].Texture.ColG,
- Static[StaticBoxDark[Item]].Texture.ColB,
- 'P' + IntToStr(P+1) + 'Dark');
+unit UScreenScore;
+ UMenu,
+ SDL,
+ SysUtils,
+ UDisplay,
+ UMusic,
+ USongs,
+ UThemes,
+ OpenGL12,
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ Windows,
+ {$endif}
+ math,
+// OpenGL;
+ TScreenScore = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ TextArtist: integer;
+ TextTitle: integer;
+ TextArtistTitle : integer;
+ TextName: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextScore: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextNotes: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextNotesScore: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextLineBonus: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextLineBonusScore: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextGoldenNotes: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextGoldenNotesScore: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextTotal: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextTotalScore: array[1..6] of integer;
+ PlayerStatic: array[1..6] of array of integer;
+ PlayerTexts : array[1..6] of array of integer;
+ StaticBoxLightest: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticBoxLight: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticBoxDark: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticBackLevel: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticBackLevelRound: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticLevel: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticLevelRound: array[1..6] of integer;
+ Animation: real;
+ Fadeout: boolean;
+ BarScore_ActualHeight : array[1..6] of real;
+ BarPhrase_ActualHeight : array[1..6] of real;
+ BarGolden_ActualHeight : array[1..6] of real;
+ BarScore_EaseOut_Step : real;
+ BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step : real;
+ BarGolden_EaseOut_Step : real;
+ TextScore_ActualValue : array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextPhrase_ActualValue : array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextGolden_ActualValue : array[1..6] of integer;
+ EaseOut_MaxSteps : real;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure onShowFinish; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure FillPlayer(Item, P: integer);
+ function RaiseBar(PlayerNumber: integer; BarStartPosY: Single; ActualHeight: real; Score: integer; ColorBrightness : String; EaseOut_Step: Real) : real;
+ function IncrementScore(PlayerNumber: integer; ActualScoreValue: Integer; ScoreReached: integer; EaseOut_Step: Real) : integer;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic,
+ UScreenSong,
+ UMenuStatic,
+ UTime,
+ UMain,
+ UIni,
+ {$IFNDEF win32}
+ lclintf,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ULanguage;
+function TScreenScore.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then begin
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (not Fadeout) then begin
+// Music.StopShuffle;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenTop5);
+ Fadeout := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (not Fadeout) then begin
+// Music.StopShuffle;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenTop5);
+ Fadeout := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ beep;
+ end;}
+ begin
+ Display.PrintScreen;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenScore.Create;
+ P: integer;
+ I, C: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.Score);
+ TextArtist := AddText(Theme.Score.TextArtist);
+ TextTitle := AddText(Theme.Score.TextTitle);
+ TextArtistTitle := AddText(Theme.Score.TextArtistTitle);
+ for P := 1 to 6 do begin
+ TextName[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextName[P]);
+ TextScore[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextScore[P]);
+ TextNotes[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextNotes[P]);
+ TextNotesScore[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextNotesScore[P]);
+ TextLineBonus[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextLineBonus[P]);
+ TextLineBonusScore[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextLineBonusScore[P]);
+ TextGoldenNotes[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextGoldenNotes[P]);
+ TextGoldenNotesScore[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextGoldenNotesScore[P]);
+ TextTotal[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextTotal[P]);
+ TextTotalScore[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextTotalScore[P]);
+ SetLength(PlayerStatic[P], Length(Theme.Score.PlayerStatic[P]));
+ SetLength(PlayerTexts[P], Length(Theme.Score.PlayerTexts[P]));
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Score.PlayerStatic[P]) do
+ PlayerStatic[P, I] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.PlayerStatic[P, I]);
+ //added by mog
+ for C := 0 to High(Theme.Score.PlayerTexts[P]) do
+ PlayerTexts[P, C] := AddText(Theme.Score.PlayerTexts[P, C]);
+ // more skinable now
+ StaticBoxLightest[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBoxLightest[P]);
+ StaticBoxLight[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBoxLight[P]);
+ StaticBoxDark[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBoxDark[P]);
+ StaticBackLevel[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBackLevel[P]);
+ StaticBackLevelRound[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBackLevelRound[P]);
+ StaticLevel[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticLevel[P]);
+ StaticLevelRound[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticLevelRound[P]);
+ end;
+procedure TScreenScore.onShow;
+ P: integer; // player
+ PP: integer; // another player variable
+ S: string;
+ I: integer;
+ Lev: real;
+ Skip: integer;
+ V: array[1..6] of boolean; // visibility array
+ MaxH: real; // maximum height of score bar
+ Wsp: real;
+ CountSkipTimeSet;
+ Animation := 0;
+ Fadeout := false;
+ Text[1].Text := AktSong.Artist + ' - ' + AktSong.Title;
+ Text[2].Text := ' ' + IntToStr((Round(Gracz[0].Punkty) div 10) * 10) + ' points';
+ Static[0].Texture.X := -2000;
+ Static[1].Texture.X := -2000;
+ Static[2].Texture.X := -2000;
+ Static[3].Texture.X := -2000;
+ Static[4].Texture.X := -2000;
+ Static[5].Texture.X := -2000;
+ Static[6].Texture.X := -2000;
+ Static[7].Texture.X := -2000;
+ Text[0].X := -2000;
+ Text[1].X := -2000;
+ Text[2].X := -2000;
+ Text[3].X := -2000;
+ case (Round(Gracz[0].Punkty) div 10) * 10 of
+ 0..1000: Text[3].Text := ' Tone Deaf';
+ 2010..4000: Text[3].Text := ' Amateur';
+ 4010..6000: Text[3].Text := ' Rising Star';
+ 6010..8000: Text[3].Text := ' Lead Singer';
+ 8010..9000: Text[3].Text := ' Hit Artist';
+ 9010..10000: Text[3].Text := ' Superstar';
+ end;
+ Music.PlayShuffle;
+ // Singstar
+ Fadeout := false;
+ Text[TextArtist].Text := AktSong.Artist;
+ Text[TextTitle].Text := AktSong.Title;
+ Text[TextArtistTitle].Text := AktSong.Artist + ' - ' + AktSong.Title;
+ // set visibility
+ case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: begin
+ V[1] := true;
+ V[2] := false;
+ V[3] := false;
+ V[4] := false;
+ V[5] := false;
+ V[6] := false;
+ end;
+ 2, 4: begin
+ V[1] := false;
+ V[2] := true;
+ V[3] := true;
+ V[4] := false;
+ V[5] := false;
+ V[6] := false;
+ end;
+ 3, 6: begin
+ V[1] := false;
+ V[2] := false;
+ V[3] := false;
+ V[4] := true;
+ V[5] := true;
+ V[6] := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ for P := 1 to 6 do begin
+ Text[TextName[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ // We set alpha to 0 , so we can nicely blend them in when we need them
+ Text[TextScore[P]].Alpha := 0;
+ Text[TextNotesScore[P]].Alpha := 0;
+ Text[TextNotes[P]].Alpha := 0;
+ Text[TextLineBonus[P]].Alpha := 0;
+ Text[TextLineBonusScore[P]].Alpha := 0;
+ Text[TextGoldenNotes[P]].Alpha := 0;
+ Text[TextGoldenNotesScore[P]].Alpha := 0;
+ Text[TextTotal[P]].Alpha := 0;
+ Text[TextTotalScore[P]].Alpha := 0;
+ Text[TextNotes[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextNotesScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextLineBonus[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextLineBonusScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextGoldenNotes[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextGoldenNotesScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextTotal[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextTotalScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ for I := 0 to high(PlayerStatic[P]) do
+ Static[PlayerStatic[P, I]].Visible := V[P];
+ for I := 0 to high(PlayerTexts[P]) do
+ Text[PlayerTexts[P, I]].Visible := V[P];
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Static[StaticBoxLight[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Static[StaticBoxDark[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Static[StaticBackLevel[P]].Visible := false; //V[P];
+ Static[StaticBackLevelRound[P]].Visible := false; //V[P];
+ Static[StaticLevel[P]].Visible := false; //V[P];
+ Static[StaticLevelRound[P]].Visible := false; //V[P];
+ end;
+procedure TScreenScore.onShowFinish;
+ index : integer;
+for index := 1 to 2 do
+ begin
+ BarScore_ActualHeight[index] := 0;
+ BarPhrase_ActualHeight[index] := 0;
+ BarGolden_ActualHeight[index] := 0;
+ TextScore_ActualValue[index] := 0;
+ TextPhrase_ActualValue[index] := 0;
+ TextGolden_ActualValue[index] := 0;
+ end;
+ BarScore_EaseOut_Step := 1;
+ BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step := 1;
+ BarGolden_EaseOut_Step := 1;
+ EaseOut_MaxSteps := 100;
+function TScreenScore.Draw: boolean;
+{ Min: real;
+ Max: real;
+ Wsp: real;
+ Wsp2: real;
+ Pet: integer;}
+ ActualTime, OldTime : Integer;
+ Item: integer;
+ P: integer;
+ C: integer;
+ katze : integer;
+ // 0.5.0: try also use 4 players screen with nicks
+ if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
+ for Item := 2 to 3 do begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then P := Item-2;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then P := Item;
+ FillPlayer(Item, P);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Singstar - let it be...... with 6 statics
+ if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ for Item := 4 to 6 do begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then P := Item-4;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then P := Item-1;
+ FillPlayer(Item, P);
+{ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ LoadColor(
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColR,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColB,
+ 'P1Dark');
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ LoadColor(
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColR,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColB,
+ 'P4Dark');
+ end;}
+ end;
+ end;
+ inherited Draw;
+ player[1].ScoreI := 7000;
+ player[1].ScoreLineI := 2000;
+ player[1].ScoreGoldenI := 1000;
+ player[2].ScoreI := 2500;
+ player[2].ScoreLineI := 1100;
+ player[2].ScoreGoldenI := 900;
+ }
+// Let's arise the bars
+ ActualTime := GetTickCount div 33;
+ if ((ActualTime <> OldTime) and ShowFinish )then
+ begin
+ OldTime := ActualTime;
+ For katze:= 0 to 5 do
+ begin
+ // We actually araise them in the right order, but we have to draw them in reverse order (golden -> phrase -> mainscore)
+ Case BarScore_EaseOut_Step < EaseOut_MaxSteps * 10 of
+ true : BarScore_EaseOut_Step := BarScore_EaseOut_Step + 1;
+ end;
+ // PhrasenBonus
+ if (BarScore_EaseOut_Step >= (EaseOut_MaxSteps * 10)) then
+ begin
+ Case BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step < EaseOut_MaxSteps * 10 of
+ true : BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step := BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step + 1;
+ end;
+ // GoldenNotebonus
+ if (BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step >= (EaseOut_MaxSteps * 10)) then
+ begin
+ Case BarGolden_EaseOut_Step < EaseOut_MaxSteps * 10 of
+ true : BarGolden_EaseOut_Step := BarGolden_EaseOut_Step + 1;
+ end;
+ //########################
+ // Draw golden score bar #
+ //########################
+ BarGolden_ActualHeight[katze] := RaiseBar(katze,
+ Static[StaticBackLevel[katze+1]].Texture.y - BarScore_ActualHeight[katze] - BarPhrase_ActualHeight[katze],
+ BarGolden_ActualHeight[katze],
+ player[katze+1].ScoreGoldenI,
+ 'Lightest',
+ BarGolden_EaseOut_Step);
+ // Increment and show total score and plain score
+ TextGolden_ActualValue[katze] := IncrementScore(katze,
+ TextGolden_ActualValue[katze],
+ Player[katze+1].ScoreGoldenI,
+ BarGolden_EaseOut_Step);
+ Text[TextGoldenNotesScore[katze+1]].Text := IntToStr(TextGolden_ActualValue[katze]);
+ // Blend in
+ Text[TextGoldenNotesScore[katze+1]].Alpha := (BarGolden_EaseOut_Step / 100);
+ Text[TextGoldenNotes[katze+1]].Alpha := (BarGolden_EaseOut_Step / 100);
+ end;
+ //########################
+ // Draw phrase score bar #
+ //########################
+ BarPhrase_ActualHeight[katze] := RaiseBar(katze,
+ Static[StaticBackLevel[katze+1]].Texture.y - BarScore_ActualHeight[katze],
+ BarPhrase_ActualHeight[katze],
+ Player[katze+1].ScoreLineI,
+ 'Light',
+ BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step);
+ // Increment and show total score and plain score
+ TextPhrase_ActualValue[katze] := IncrementScore(katze,
+ TextPhrase_ActualValue[katze],
+ Player[katze+1].ScoreLineI,
+ BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step);
+ Text[TextLineBonusScore[katze+1]].Text := IntToStr(TextPhrase_ActualValue[katze]);
+ //Blend in
+ Text[TextLineBonusScore[katze+1]].Alpha := (BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step / 100);
+ Text[TextLineBonus[katze+1]].Alpha := (BarPhrase_EaseOut_Step / 100);
+ end;
+ //#######################
+ // Draw plain score bar #
+ //#######################
+ BarScore_ActualHeight[katze] := RaiseBar(katze,
+ Static[StaticBackLevel[katze+1]].Texture.y,
+ BarScore_ActualHeight[katze],
+ Player[katze+1].ScoreI,
+ 'Dark',
+ BarScore_EaseOut_Step);
+ // Increment and show total score and plain score
+ TextScore_ActualValue[katze] := IncrementScore(katze,
+ TextScore_ActualValue[katze],
+ Player[katze+1].ScoreI,
+ BarScore_EaseOut_Step);
+ Text[TextNotesScore[katze+1]].Text := IntToStr(TextScore_ActualValue[katze]);
+ Text[TextTotalScore[katze+1]].Text := IntToStr(TextScore_ActualValue[katze] + TextPhrase_ActualValue[katze] + TextGolden_ActualValue[katze]);
+ //Blend em in
+ Text[TextTotalScore[katze+1]].Alpha := (BarScore_EaseOut_Step / 100);
+ Text[TextTotal[katze+1]].Alpha := (BarScore_EaseOut_Step / 100);
+ Text[TextNotesScore[katze+1]].Alpha := (BarScore_EaseOut_Step / 100);
+ Text[TextNotes[katze+1]].Alpha := (BarScore_EaseOut_Step / 100);
+ Text[TextScore[katze+1]].Alpha := (BarScore_EaseOut_Step / 100);
+ end; // me loop
+ end;
+function TscreenScore.RaiseBar(PlayerNumber: integer; BarStartPosY: Single; ActualHeight: real; Score: integer; ColorBrightness : String; EaseOut_Step: Real) : real;
+ RaiseSmoothness : integer = 100;
+ MaxHeight : real;
+ NewHeight : real;
+ Width : real;
+ Height2Reach : real;
+ RaiseStep : real;
+ BarStartPosX : Single;
+ R,G,B : real;
+ MaxHeight := Static[StaticBackLevel[PlayerNumber + 1]].Texture.H;
+ Width := Static[StaticBackLevel[PlayerNumber + 1]].Texture.W;
+ BarStartPosX := Static[StaticBackLevel[PlayerNumber + 1]].Texture.X;
+ BarStartPosY := BarStartPosY + MaxHeight; // The texture starts in the upper left corner, so let's subtract the height - so we can arise it
+ // the height dependend of the score
+ Height2Reach := (Score / 10000) * MaxHeight;
+ // EaseOut_Step is the actual step in the raising process, like the 20iest step of EaseOut_MaxSteps
+ RaiseStep := EaseOut_Step;
+ if (ActualHeight < Height2Reach) then
+ begin
+ // Check http://proto.layer51.com/d.aspx?f=400 for more info on easing functions
+ // Calculate the actual step according to the maxsteps
+ RaiseStep := RaiseStep / EaseOut_MaxSteps;
+ // quadratic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
+ // -end_position * current_time * ( current_time - 2 ) + start_postion
+ NewHeight := (-Height2Reach * RaiseStep * (RaiseStep - 20) + BarStartPosY) / RaiseSmoothness;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ NewHeight := Height2Reach;
+ end;
+ //+1
+ LoadColor(R, G, B, 'P' + inttostr(PlayerNumber+1) + ColorBrightness); //dark, light, lightest
+ glColor4f(R, G, B, 1);
+ //the actual bar
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Static[StaticLevel[PlayerNumber + 1]].Texture.TexNum);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(BarStartPosX, BarStartPosY - NewHeight);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(BarStartPosX + Width, BarStartPosY - NewHeight);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(BarStartPosX + Width, BarStartPosY);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(BarStartPosX, BarStartPosY);
+ glEnd;
+ //the round thing on top
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Static[StaticLevelRound[PlayerNumber + 1]].Texture.TexNum);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(BarStartPosX, (BarStartPosY - Static[StaticLevelRound[PlayerNumber + 1]].Texture.h) - NewHeight);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(BarStartPosX + Width, (BarStartPosY - Static[StaticLevelRound[PlayerNumber + 1]].Texture.h) - NewHeight);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(BarStartPosX + Width, BarStartPosY - NewHeight);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(BarStartPosX, BarStartPosY - NewHeight);
+ glEnd;
+ Result := NewHeight;
+function TScreenScore.IncrementScore(PlayerNumber: integer; ActualScoreValue: Integer; ScoreReached: integer; EaseOut_Step: Real) : integer;
+ RaiseSmoothness : integer = 100;
+ RaiseStep : Real;
+ lTmpA : Real;
+ // EaseOut_Step is the actual step in the raising process, like the 20iest step of EaseOut_MaxSteps
+ RaiseStep := EaseOut_Step;
+ if (ActualScoreValue < ScoreReached) then
+ begin
+ // Calculate the actual step according to the maxsteps
+ RaiseStep := RaiseStep / EaseOut_MaxSteps;
+ // quadratic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
+ // -end_position * current_time * ( current_time - 2 ) + start_postion
+ lTmpA := (-ScoreReached * RaiseStep * (RaiseStep - 20));
+ if ( lTmpA > 0 ) AND
+ ( RaiseSmoothness > 0 ) THEN
+ begin
+ Result := floor( lTmpA / RaiseSmoothness);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Result := ScoreReached;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenScore.FillPlayer(Item, P: integer);
+ S: string;
+ Text[TextName[Item]].Text := Ini.Name[P];
+ S := IntToStr((Round(Player[P].Score) div 10) * 10);
+ while (Length(S)<4) do S := '0' + S;
+ Text[TextNotesScore[Item]].Text := S;
+// while (Length(S)<5) do S := '0' + S;
+// Text[TextTotalScore[Item]].Text := S;
+//fixed: line bonus and golden notes don't show up,
+// another bug: total score was shown without added golden-, linebonus
+ S := IntToStr(Player[P].ScoreTotalI);
+ while (Length(S)<5) do S := '0' + S;
+ Text[TextTotalScore[Item]].Text := S;
+ S := IntToStr(Player[P].ScoreLineI);
+ while (Length(S)<4) do S := '0' + S;
+ Text[TextLineBonusScore[Item]].Text := S;
+ S := IntToStr(Player[P].ScoreGoldenI);
+ while (Length(S)<4) do S := '0' + S;
+ Text[TextGoldenNotesScore[Item]].Text := S;
+//end of fix
+ LoadColor(
+ Text[TextName[Item]].ColR,
+ Text[TextName[Item]].ColG,
+ Text[TextName[Item]].ColB,
+ 'P' + IntToStr(P+1) + 'Dark');
+ LoadColor(
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColR,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColB,
+ 'P' + IntToStr(P+1) + 'Lightest');
+ LoadColor(
+ Static[StaticBoxLight[Item]].Texture.ColR,
+ Static[StaticBoxLight[Item]].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticBoxLight[Item]].Texture.ColB,
+ 'P' + IntToStr(P+1) + 'Light');
+ LoadColor(
+ Static[StaticBoxDark[Item]].Texture.ColR,
+ Static[StaticBoxDark[Item]].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticBoxDark[Item]].Texture.ColB,
+ 'P' + IntToStr(P+1) + 'Dark');
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenTop5.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenTop5.pas
index 4971d12a..d0fe15c8 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenTop5.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenTop5.pas
@@ -1,168 +1,168 @@
-unit UScreenTop5;
- UMenu, SDL, SysUtils, UDisplay, UMusic, USongs, UThemes, ULCD;
- TScreenTop5 = class(TMenu)
- public
- TextLevel: integer;
- TextArtistTitle: integer;
- StaticNumber: array[1..5] of integer;
- TextNumber: array[1..5] of integer;
- TextName: array[1..5] of integer;
- TextScore: array[1..5] of integer;
- Fadeout: boolean;
- constructor Create; override;
- function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
- procedure onShow; override;
- function Draw: boolean; override;
- end;
-uses UGraphic, UDataBase, UMain, UIni;
-function TScreenTop5.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
- Result := true;
- If (PressedDown) Then begin
- case PressedKey of
- begin
- Result := false;
- end;
- begin
- if (not Fadeout) then begin
- FadeTo(@ScreenSong);
- Fadeout := true;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- Display.PrintScreen;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-constructor TScreenTop5.Create;
- I: integer;
- inherited Create;
- LoadFromTheme(Theme.Top5);
- TextLevel := AddText(Theme.Top5.TextLevel);
- TextArtistTitle := AddText(Theme.Top5.TextArtistTitle);
- for I := 0 to 4 do
- StaticNumber[I+1] := AddStatic(Theme.Top5.StaticNumber[I]);
- for I := 0 to 4 do
- TextNumber[I+1] := AddText(Theme.Top5.TextNumber[I]);
- for I := 0 to 4 do
- TextName[I+1] := AddText(Theme.Top5.TextName[I]);
- for I := 0 to 4 do
- TextScore[I+1] := AddText(Theme.Top5.TextScore[I]);
-procedure TScreenTop5.onShow;
- I: integer;
- PMax: integer;
- Fadeout := false;
- //ReadScore(AktSong);
- PMax := Ini.Players;
- if Ini.Players = 4 then Ini.Players := 5;
- for I := 0 to PMax do
- DataBase.AddScore(AktSong, Ini.Difficulty, Ini.Name[I], Round(Player[I].ScoreTotalI));
- DataBase.WriteScore(AktSong);
- DataBase.ReadScore(AktSong);
- Text[TextArtistTitle].Text := AktSong.Artist + ' - ' + AktSong.Title;
- for I := 1 to Length(AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty]) do begin
- Static[StaticNumber[I]].Visible := true;
- Text[TextNumber[I]].Visible := true;
- Text[TextName[I]].Visible := true;
- Text[TextScore[I]].Visible := true;
- Text[TextName[I]].Text := AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty, I-1].Name;
- Text[TextScore[I]].Text := IntToStr(AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty, I-1].Score);
- end;
- for I := Length(AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty])+1 to 5 do begin
- Static[StaticNumber[I]].Visible := false;
- Text[TextNumber[I]].Visible := false;
- Text[TextName[I]].Visible := false;
- Text[TextScore[I]].Visible := false;
- end;
- Text[TextLevel].Text := IDifficulty[Ini.Difficulty];
-function TScreenTop5.Draw: boolean;
-{ Min: real;
- Max: real;
- Wsp: real;
- Wsp2: real;
- Pet: integer;}
-{ Item: integer;
- P: integer;
- C: integer;}
- // Singstar - let it be...... with 6 statics
-(* if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
- for Item := 4 to 6 do begin
- if ScreenAct = 1 then P := Item-4;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then P := Item-1;
- FillPlayer(Item, P);
-{ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- LoadColor(
- Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColR,
- Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColG,
- Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColB,
- 'P1Dark');
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- LoadColor(
- Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColR,
- Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColG,
- Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColB,
- 'P4Dark');
- end; }
- end;
- end; *)
- inherited Draw;
+unit UScreenTop5;
+ UMenu, SDL, SysUtils, UDisplay, UMusic, USongs, UThemes, ULCD;
+ TScreenTop5 = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ TextLevel: integer;
+ TextArtistTitle: integer;
+ StaticNumber: array[1..5] of integer;
+ TextNumber: array[1..5] of integer;
+ TextName: array[1..5] of integer;
+ TextScore: array[1..5] of integer;
+ Fadeout: boolean;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UDataBase, UMain, UIni;
+function TScreenTop5.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then begin
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (not Fadeout) then begin
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSong);
+ Fadeout := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Display.PrintScreen;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenTop5.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.Top5);
+ TextLevel := AddText(Theme.Top5.TextLevel);
+ TextArtistTitle := AddText(Theme.Top5.TextArtistTitle);
+ for I := 0 to 4 do
+ StaticNumber[I+1] := AddStatic( Theme.Top5.StaticNumber[I] );
+ for I := 0 to 4 do
+ TextNumber[I+1] := AddText(Theme.Top5.TextNumber[I]);
+ for I := 0 to 4 do
+ TextName[I+1] := AddText(Theme.Top5.TextName[I]);
+ for I := 0 to 4 do
+ TextScore[I+1] := AddText(Theme.Top5.TextScore[I]);
+procedure TScreenTop5.onShow;
+ I: integer;
+ PMax: integer;
+ Fadeout := false;
+ //ReadScore(AktSong);
+ PMax := Ini.Players;
+ if Ini.Players = 4 then Ini.Players := 5;
+ for I := 0 to PMax do
+ DataBase.AddScore(AktSong, Ini.Difficulty, Ini.Name[I], Round(Player[I].ScoreTotalI));
+ DataBase.WriteScore(AktSong);
+ DataBase.ReadScore(AktSong);
+ Text[TextArtistTitle].Text := AktSong.Artist + ' - ' + AktSong.Title;
+ for I := 1 to Length(AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty]) do begin
+ Static[StaticNumber[I]].Visible := true;
+ Text[TextNumber[I]].Visible := true;
+ Text[TextName[I]].Visible := true;
+ Text[TextScore[I]].Visible := true;
+ Text[TextName[I]].Text := AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty, I-1].Name;
+ Text[TextScore[I]].Text := IntToStr(AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty, I-1].Score);
+ end;
+ for I := Length(AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty])+1 to 5 do begin
+ Static[StaticNumber[I]].Visible := false;
+ Text[TextNumber[I]].Visible := false;
+ Text[TextName[I]].Visible := false;
+ Text[TextScore[I]].Visible := false;
+ end;
+ Text[TextLevel].Text := IDifficulty[Ini.Difficulty];
+function TScreenTop5.Draw: boolean;
+{ Min: real;
+ Max: real;
+ Wsp: real;
+ Wsp2: real;
+ Pet: integer;}
+{ Item: integer;
+ P: integer;
+ C: integer;}
+ // Singstar - let it be...... with 6 statics
+(* if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ for Item := 4 to 6 do begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then P := Item-4;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then P := Item-1;
+ FillPlayer(Item, P);
+{ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ LoadColor(
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColR,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColB,
+ 'P1Dark');
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ LoadColor(
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColR,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColB,
+ 'P4Dark');
+ end; }
+ end;
+ end; *)
+ inherited Draw;
diff --git a/Game/Code/UltraStar.lpr b/Game/Code/UltraStar.lpr
index 026d0d69..ce006d54 100644
--- a/Game/Code/UltraStar.lpr
+++ b/Game/Code/UltraStar.lpr
@@ -1,428 +1,428 @@
-program UltraStar;
- {$R 'UltraStar.res' 'UltraStar.rc'}
-{$I switches.inc}
- // ***************************************************************************
- //
- // Developers PLEASE NOTE !!!!!!!
- //
- // As of september 2007, I am working towards porting Ultrastar-DX to run
- // on Linux. I will be modifiying the source to make it compile in lazarus
- // on windows & linux and I will make sure that it compiles in delphi still
- // To help me in this endevour, please can you make a point of remembering
- // that linux is CASE SENSATIVE, and file / unit names must be as per
- // the filename exactly.
- //
- // EG : opengl12.pas must not be OpenGL in the uses cluase.
- //
- // thanks for your help...
- //
- // ***************************************************************************
- // Interesting stuff... :)
- // http://burningsmell.org/sdl_audioin/
- //------------------------------
- //Includes - 3rd Party Libraries
- //------------------------------
- // SDL / OpenGL
- moduleloader in 'lib\JEDI-SDLv1.0\SDL\Pas\moduleloader.pas',
- opengl12 in 'lib\JEDI-SDLv1.0\OpenGL\Pas\opengl12.pas',
- sdl in 'lib\JEDI-SDLv1.0\SDL\Pas\sdl.pas',
- sdl_image in 'lib\JEDI-SDLv1.0\SDL_Image\Pas\sdl_image.pas',
- sdl_ttf in 'lib\JEDI-SDLv1.0\SDL_ttf\Pas\sdl_ttf.pas',
- sdlutils in 'lib\JEDI-SDLv1.0\SDL\Pas\sdlutils.pas',
- // Bass
- bass in 'lib\bass\delphi\bass.pas',
- {$ENDIF}
- // Midi Units
- {$IFDEF UseMIDIPort}
- Circbuf in 'lib\midi\CIRCBUF.PAS',
- Delphmcb in 'lib\midi\Delphmcb.PAS',
- MidiCons in 'lib\midi\MidiCons.PAS',
- MidiDefs in 'lib\midi\MidiDefs.PAS',
- MidiFile in 'lib\midi\MidiFile.PAS',
- midiin in 'lib\midi\midiin.pas',
- midiout in 'lib\midi\midiout.pas',
- MidiType in 'lib\midi\MidiType.PAS',
- {$ENDIF}
- // FFMpeg units
- avcodec in 'lib\ffmpeg\avcodec.pas',
- avformat in 'lib\ffmpeg\avformat.pas',
- avio in 'lib\ffmpeg\avio.pas',
- avutil in 'lib\ffmpeg\avutil.pas',
- opt in 'lib\ffmpeg\opt.pas',
- rational in 'lib\ffmpeg\rational.pas',
- // Sql Lite
- SQLiteTable3 in 'lib\SQLite\SQLiteTable3.pas',
- SQLite3 in 'lib\SQLite\SQLite3.pas',
- //------------------------------
- //Includes - Menu System
- //------------------------------
- UDisplay in 'Menu\UDisplay.pas',
- UDrawTexture in 'Menu\UDrawTexture.pas',
- UMenu in 'Menu\UMenu.pas',
- UMenuButton in 'Menu\UMenuButton.pas',
- UMenuButtonCollection in 'Menu\UMenuButtonCollection.pas',
- UMenuInteract in 'Menu\UMenuInteract.pas',
- UMenuSelect in 'Menu\UMenuSelect.pas',
- UMenuSelectSlide in 'Menu\UMenuSelectSlide.pas',
- UMenuStatic in 'Menu\UMenuStatic.pas',
- UMenuText in 'Menu\UMenuText.pas',
- //------------------------------
- //Includes - Classes
- //------------------------------
- ulazjpeg in 'Classes\ulazjpeg.pas',
- {$ENDIF}
- TextGL in 'Classes\TextGL.pas',
- UCatCovers in 'Classes\UCatCovers.pas',
- UCommandLine in 'Classes\UCommandLine.pas',
- UCommon in 'Classes\UCommon.pas',
- UCovers in 'Classes\UCovers.pas',
- UDataBase in 'Classes\UDataBase.pas',
- UDLLManager in 'Classes\UDLLManager.pas',
- UDraw in 'Classes\UDraw.pas',
- UFiles in 'Classes\UFiles.pas',
- UGraphic in 'Classes\UGraphic.pas',
- UGraphicClasses in 'Classes\UGraphicClasses.pas',
- UIni in 'Classes\UIni.pas',
- UJoystick in 'Classes\UJoystick.pas',
- ULanguage in 'Classes\ULanguage.pas',
- ULCD in 'Classes\ULCD.pas',
- ULight in 'Classes\ULight.pas',
- ULog in 'Classes\ULog.pas',
- ULyrics in 'Classes\ULyrics.pas',
- ULyrics_bak in 'Classes\ULyrics_bak.pas',
- UMain in 'Classes\UMain.pas',
- UMusic in 'Classes\UMusic.pas',
- UParty in 'Classes\UParty.pas',
- UPlaylist in 'Classes\UPlaylist.pas',
- URecord in 'Classes\URecord.pas',
- USkins in 'Classes\USkins.pas',
- USingScores in 'Classes\USingScores.pas',
- USongs in 'Classes\USongs.pas',
- UTexture in 'Classes\UTexture.pas',
- UThemes in 'Classes\UThemes.pas',
- UTime in 'Classes\UTime.pas',
- USingNotes in 'Classes\USingNotes.pas',
- //------------------------------
- //Includes - Video Support
- //------------------------------
- UVideo in 'Classes\UVideo.pas',
- //------------------------------
- //Includes - Screens
- //------------------------------
- UScreenCredits in 'Screens\UScreenCredits.pas',
- UScreenEdit in 'Screens\UScreenEdit.pas',
- UScreenEditConvert in 'Screens\UScreenEditConvert.pas',
- UScreenEditHeader in 'Screens\UScreenEditHeader.pas',
- UScreenEditSub in 'Screens\UScreenEditSub.pas',
- UScreenLevel in 'Screens\UScreenLevel.pas',
- UScreenLoading in 'Screens\UScreenLoading.pas',
- UScreenMain in 'Screens\UScreenMain.pas',
- UScreenName in 'Screens\UScreenName.pas',
- UScreenOpen in 'Screens\UScreenOpen.pas',
- UScreenOptions in 'Screens\UScreenOptions.pas',
- UScreenOptionsAdvanced in 'Screens\UScreenOptionsAdvanced.pas',
- UScreenOptionsGame in 'Screens\UScreenOptionsGame.pas',
- UScreenOptionsGraphics in 'Screens\UScreenOptionsGraphics.pas',
- UScreenOptionsLyrics in 'Screens\UScreenOptionsLyrics.pas',
- UScreenOptionsRecord in 'Screens\UScreenOptionsRecord.pas',
- UScreenOptionsSound in 'Screens\UScreenOptionsSound.pas',
- UScreenOptionsThemes in 'Screens\UScreenOptionsThemes.pas',
- UScreenPopup in 'Screens\UScreenPopup.pas',
- UScreenScore in 'Screens\UScreenScore.pas',
- UScreenSing in 'Screens\UScreenSing.pas',
- UScreenSong in 'Screens\UScreenSong.pas',
- UScreenSongJumpto in 'Screens\UScreenSongJumpto.pas',
- UScreenSongMenu in 'Screens\UScreenSongMenu.pas',
- UScreenStatDetail in 'Screens\UScreenStatDetail.pas',
- UScreenStatMain in 'Screens\UScreenStatMain.pas',
- UScreenTop5 in 'Screens\UScreenTop5.pas',
- UScreenWelcome in 'Screens\UScreenWelcome.pas',
- //------------------------------
- //Includes - Screens PartyMode
- //------------------------------
- UScreenPartyNewRound in 'Screens\UScreenPartyNewRound.pas',
- UScreenPartyOptions in 'Screens\UScreenPartyOptions.pas',
- UScreenPartyPlayer in 'Screens\UScreenPartyPlayer.pas',
- UScreenPartyScore in 'Screens\UScreenPartyScore.pas',
- UScreenPartyWin in 'Screens\UScreenPartyWin.pas',
- UScreenSingModi in 'Screens\UScreenSingModi.pas',
- //------------------------------
- //Includes - Modi SDK
- //------------------------------
- ModiSDK in '..\..\Modis\SDK\ModiSDK.pas',
- //------------------------------
- //Includes - Delphi
- //------------------------------
- {$IFDEF win32}
- Windows,
- {$ENDIF}
- SysUtils;
- Version = 'UltraStar Deluxe V 1.10 Alpha Build';
- WndTitle: string;
- hWnd: THandle;
- I: Integer;
- WndTitle := Version;
- {$ifdef Win32}
- //------------------------------
- //Start more than One Time Prevention
- //------------------------------
- hWnd:= FindWindow(nil, PChar(WndTitle));
- //Programm already started
- if (hWnd <> 0) then
- begin
- I := Messagebox(0, PChar('Another Instance of Ultrastar is already running. Cont�nue ?'), PChar(WndTitle), MB_ICONWARNING or MB_YESNO);
- if (I = IDYes) then
- begin
- I := 1;
- repeat
- Inc(I);
- hWnd := FindWindow(nil, PChar(WndTitle + ' Instance ' + InttoStr(I)));
- until (hWnd = 0);
- WndTitle := WndTitle + ' Instance ' + InttoStr(I);
- end
- else
- Exit;
- end;
- {$endif}
- //------------------------------
- //StartUp - Create Classes and Load Files
- //------------------------------
- USTime := TTime.Create;
- // Commandline Parameter Parser
- Params := TCMDParams.Create;
- // Log + Benchmark
- Log := TLog.Create;
- Log.Title := WndTitle;
- Log.Enabled := Not Params.NoLog;
- Log.BenchmarkStart(0);
- // Language
- Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- Log.LogStatus('Initialize Paths', 'Initialization'); InitializePaths;
- Log.LogStatus('Load Language', 'Initialization'); Language := TLanguage.Create;
- //Add Const Values:
- Language.AddConst('US_VERSION', Version);
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Language', 1);
- // SDL
- Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- Log.LogStatus('Initialize SDL', 'Initialization');
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Initializing SDL', 1);
- // Skin
- Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- Log.LogStatus('Loading Skin List', 'Initialization'); Skin := TSkin.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Skin List', 1);
- // Sound Card List
- Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- Log.LogStatus('Loading Soundcard list', 'Initialization');
- Recording := TRecord.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Soundcard list', 1);
- // Ini + Paths
- Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- Log.LogStatus('Load Ini', 'Initialization'); Ini := TIni.Create;
- Ini.Load;
- //Load Languagefile
- if (Params.Language <> -1) then
- Language.ChangeLanguage(ILanguage[Params.Language])
- else
- Language.ChangeLanguage(ILanguage[Ini.Language]);
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Ini', 1);
- // LCD
- Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- Log.LogStatus('Load LCD', 'Initialization'); LCD := TLCD.Create;
- if Ini.LPT = 1 then begin
-// LCD.HalfInterface := true;
- LCD.Enable;
- LCD.Clear;
- LCD.WriteText(1, ' UltraStar ');
- LCD.WriteText(2, ' Loading... ');
- end;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Loading LCD', 1);
- // Light
- Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- Log.LogStatus('Load Light', 'Initialization'); Light := TLight.Create;
- if Ini.LPT = 2 then begin
- Light.Enable;
- end;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Light', 1);
- // Theme
- Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- Log.LogStatus('Load Themes', 'Initialization'); Theme := TTheme.Create('Themes\' + ITheme[Ini.Theme] + '.ini', Ini.Color);
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Themes', 1);
- // Covers Cache
- Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- Log.LogStatus('Creating Covers Cache', 'Initialization'); Covers := TCovers.Create;
- Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Covers Cache Array', 1);
- Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- // Category Covers
- Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- Log.LogStatus('Creating Category Covers Array', 'Initialization');
- CatCovers:= TCatCovers.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Category Covers Array', 1);
- // Songs
- //Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- Log.LogStatus('Creating Song Array', 'Initialization'); Songs := TSongs.Create;
- Songs.LoadSongList;
- Log.LogStatus('Creating 2nd Song Array', 'Initialization'); CatSongs := TCatSongs.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Songs', 1);
- // PluginManager
- Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- Log.LogStatus('PluginManager', 'Initialization');
- DLLMan := TDLLMan.Create; //Load PluginList
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Loading PluginManager', 1);
- // Party Mode Manager
- Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- Log.LogStatus('PartySession Manager', 'Initialization');
- PartySession := TParty_Session.Create; //Load PartySession
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Loading PartySession Manager', 1);
- // Graphics
- Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- Log.LogStatus('Initialize 3D', 'Initialization'); Initialize3D(WndTitle);
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Initializing 3D', 1);
- // Sound
- Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- Log.LogStatus('Initialize Sound', 'Initialization');
- Log.LogStatus('Creating Music', 'InitializeSound'); Music := TMusic.Create;
- InitializeSound;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Initializing Sound', 1);
- // Score Saving System
- Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- Log.LogStatus('DataBase System', 'Initialization');
- DataBase := TDataBaseSystem.Create;
- if (Params.ScoreFile = '') then
- DataBase.Init ('Ultrastar.db')
- else
- DataBase.Init (Params.ScoreFile);
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Loading DataBase System', 1);
- //Playlist Manager
- Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- Log.LogStatus('Playlist Manager', 'Initialization');
- PlaylistMan := TPlaylistManager.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Playlist Manager', 1);
- //GoldenStarsTwinkleMod
- Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- Log.LogStatus('Effect Manager', 'Initialization');
- GoldenRec := TEffectManager.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Particel System', 1);
- // Joypad
- if (Ini.Joypad = 1) OR (Params.Joypad) then begin
- Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- Log.LogStatus('Initialize Joystick', 'Initialization'); Joy := TJoy.Create;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Initializing Joystick', 1);
- end;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(0);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Time', 0);
- //------------------------------
- //Start- Mainloop
- //------------------------------
- //Music.SetLoop(true);
- //Music.SetVolume(50);
- //Music.Open(SkinPath + 'Menu Music 3.mp3');
- //Music.Play;
- Log.LogStatus('Main Loop', 'Initialization'); MainLoop;
- Log.LogStatus('Cleanup', 'Done');
- //------------------------------
- //Finish Application
- //------------------------------
- if Ini.LPT = 1 then LCD.Clear;
- if Ini.LPT = 2 then Light.TurnOff;
- // Insignificant change..
- Log.Free;
+program UltraStar;
+ {$R 'UltraStar.res' 'UltraStar.rc'}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ // ***************************************************************************
+ //
+ // Developers PLEASE NOTE !!!!!!!
+ //
+ // As of september 2007, I am working towards porting Ultrastar-DX to run
+ // on Linux. I will be modifiying the source to make it compile in lazarus
+ // on windows & linux and I will make sure that it compiles in delphi still
+ // To help me in this endevour, please can you make a point of remembering
+ // that linux is CASE SENSATIVE, and file / unit names must be as per
+ // the filename exactly.
+ //
+ // EG : opengl12.pas must not be OpenGL in the uses cluase.
+ //
+ // thanks for your help...
+ //
+ // ***************************************************************************
+ // Interesting stuff... :)
+ // http://burningsmell.org/sdl_audioin/
+ //------------------------------
+ //Includes - 3rd Party Libraries
+ //------------------------------
+ // SDL / OpenGL
+ moduleloader in 'lib\JEDI-SDLv1.0\SDL\Pas\moduleloader.pas',
+ opengl12 in 'lib\JEDI-SDLv1.0\OpenGL\Pas\opengl12.pas',
+ sdl in 'lib\JEDI-SDLv1.0\SDL\Pas\sdl.pas',
+ sdl_image in 'lib\JEDI-SDLv1.0\SDL_Image\Pas\sdl_image.pas',
+ sdl_ttf in 'lib\JEDI-SDLv1.0\SDL_ttf\Pas\sdl_ttf.pas',
+ sdlutils in 'lib\JEDI-SDLv1.0\SDL\Pas\sdlutils.pas',
+ // Bass
+ bass in 'lib\bass\delphi\bass.pas',
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // Midi Units
+ {$IFDEF UseMIDIPort}
+ Circbuf in 'lib\midi\CIRCBUF.PAS',
+ Delphmcb in 'lib\midi\Delphmcb.PAS',
+ MidiCons in 'lib\midi\MidiCons.PAS',
+ MidiDefs in 'lib\midi\MidiDefs.PAS',
+ MidiFile in 'lib\midi\MidiFile.PAS',
+ midiin in 'lib\midi\midiin.pas',
+ midiout in 'lib\midi\midiout.pas',
+ MidiType in 'lib\midi\MidiType.PAS',
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // FFMpeg units
+ avcodec in 'lib\ffmpeg\avcodec.pas',
+ avformat in 'lib\ffmpeg\avformat.pas',
+ avio in 'lib\ffmpeg\avio.pas',
+ avutil in 'lib\ffmpeg\avutil.pas',
+ opt in 'lib\ffmpeg\opt.pas',
+ rational in 'lib\ffmpeg\rational.pas',
+ // Sql Lite
+ SQLiteTable3 in 'lib\SQLite\SQLiteTable3.pas',
+ SQLite3 in 'lib\SQLite\SQLite3.pas',
+ //------------------------------
+ //Includes - Menu System
+ //------------------------------
+ UDisplay in 'Menu\UDisplay.pas',
+ UDrawTexture in 'Menu\UDrawTexture.pas',
+ UMenu in 'Menu\UMenu.pas',
+ UMenuButton in 'Menu\UMenuButton.pas',
+ UMenuButtonCollection in 'Menu\UMenuButtonCollection.pas',
+ UMenuInteract in 'Menu\UMenuInteract.pas',
+ UMenuSelect in 'Menu\UMenuSelect.pas',
+ UMenuSelectSlide in 'Menu\UMenuSelectSlide.pas',
+ UMenuStatic in 'Menu\UMenuStatic.pas',
+ UMenuText in 'Menu\UMenuText.pas',
+ //------------------------------
+ //Includes - Classes
+ //------------------------------
+ ulazjpeg in 'Classes\ulazjpeg.pas',
+ {$ENDIF}
+ TextGL in 'Classes\TextGL.pas',
+ UCatCovers in 'Classes\UCatCovers.pas',
+ UCommandLine in 'Classes\UCommandLine.pas',
+ UCommon in 'Classes\UCommon.pas',
+ UCovers in 'Classes\UCovers.pas',
+ UDataBase in 'Classes\UDataBase.pas',
+ UDLLManager in 'Classes\UDLLManager.pas',
+ UDraw in 'Classes\UDraw.pas',
+ UFiles in 'Classes\UFiles.pas',
+ UGraphic in 'Classes\UGraphic.pas',
+ UGraphicClasses in 'Classes\UGraphicClasses.pas',
+ UIni in 'Classes\UIni.pas',
+ UJoystick in 'Classes\UJoystick.pas',
+ ULanguage in 'Classes\ULanguage.pas',
+ ULCD in 'Classes\ULCD.pas',
+ ULight in 'Classes\ULight.pas',
+ ULog in 'Classes\ULog.pas',
+ ULyrics in 'Classes\ULyrics.pas',
+ ULyrics_bak in 'Classes\ULyrics_bak.pas',
+ UMain in 'Classes\UMain.pas',
+ UMusic in 'Classes\UMusic.pas',
+ UParty in 'Classes\UParty.pas',
+ UPlaylist in 'Classes\UPlaylist.pas',
+ URecord in 'Classes\URecord.pas',
+ USkins in 'Classes\USkins.pas',
+ USingScores in 'Classes\USingScores.pas',
+ USongs in 'Classes\USongs.pas',
+ UTexture in 'Classes\UTexture.pas',
+ UThemes in 'Classes\UThemes.pas',
+ UTime in 'Classes\UTime.pas',
+ USingNotes in 'Classes\USingNotes.pas',
+ //------------------------------
+ //Includes - Video Support
+ //------------------------------
+ UVideo in 'Classes\UVideo.pas',
+ //------------------------------
+ //Includes - Screens
+ //------------------------------
+ UScreenCredits in 'Screens\UScreenCredits.pas',
+ UScreenEdit in 'Screens\UScreenEdit.pas',
+ UScreenEditConvert in 'Screens\UScreenEditConvert.pas',
+ UScreenEditHeader in 'Screens\UScreenEditHeader.pas',
+ UScreenEditSub in 'Screens\UScreenEditSub.pas',
+ UScreenLevel in 'Screens\UScreenLevel.pas',
+ UScreenLoading in 'Screens\UScreenLoading.pas',
+ UScreenMain in 'Screens\UScreenMain.pas',
+ UScreenName in 'Screens\UScreenName.pas',
+ UScreenOpen in 'Screens\UScreenOpen.pas',
+ UScreenOptions in 'Screens\UScreenOptions.pas',
+ UScreenOptionsAdvanced in 'Screens\UScreenOptionsAdvanced.pas',
+ UScreenOptionsGame in 'Screens\UScreenOptionsGame.pas',
+ UScreenOptionsGraphics in 'Screens\UScreenOptionsGraphics.pas',
+ UScreenOptionsLyrics in 'Screens\UScreenOptionsLyrics.pas',
+ UScreenOptionsRecord in 'Screens\UScreenOptionsRecord.pas',
+ UScreenOptionsSound in 'Screens\UScreenOptionsSound.pas',
+ UScreenOptionsThemes in 'Screens\UScreenOptionsThemes.pas',
+ UScreenPopup in 'Screens\UScreenPopup.pas',
+ UScreenScore in 'Screens\UScreenScore.pas',
+ UScreenSing in 'Screens\UScreenSing.pas',
+ UScreenSong in 'Screens\UScreenSong.pas',
+ UScreenSongJumpto in 'Screens\UScreenSongJumpto.pas',
+ UScreenSongMenu in 'Screens\UScreenSongMenu.pas',
+ UScreenStatDetail in 'Screens\UScreenStatDetail.pas',
+ UScreenStatMain in 'Screens\UScreenStatMain.pas',
+ UScreenTop5 in 'Screens\UScreenTop5.pas',
+ UScreenWelcome in 'Screens\UScreenWelcome.pas',
+ //------------------------------
+ //Includes - Screens PartyMode
+ //------------------------------
+ UScreenPartyNewRound in 'Screens\UScreenPartyNewRound.pas',
+ UScreenPartyOptions in 'Screens\UScreenPartyOptions.pas',
+ UScreenPartyPlayer in 'Screens\UScreenPartyPlayer.pas',
+ UScreenPartyScore in 'Screens\UScreenPartyScore.pas',
+ UScreenPartyWin in 'Screens\UScreenPartyWin.pas',
+ UScreenSingModi in 'Screens\UScreenSingModi.pas',
+ //------------------------------
+ //Includes - Modi SDK
+ //------------------------------
+ ModiSDK in '..\..\Modis\SDK\ModiSDK.pas',
+ //------------------------------
+ //Includes - Delphi
+ //------------------------------
+ {$IFDEF win32}
+ Windows,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ SysUtils;
+ Version = 'UltraStar Deluxe V 1.10 Alpha Build';
+ WndTitle: string;
+ hWnd: THandle;
+ I: Integer;
+ WndTitle := Version;
+ {$ifdef Win32}
+ //------------------------------
+ //Start more than One Time Prevention
+ //------------------------------
+ hWnd:= FindWindow(nil, PChar(WndTitle));
+ //Programm already started
+ if (hWnd <> 0) then
+ begin
+ I := Messagebox(0, PChar('Another Instance of Ultrastar is already running. Cont�nue ?'), PChar(WndTitle), MB_ICONWARNING or MB_YESNO);
+ if (I = IDYes) then
+ begin
+ I := 1;
+ repeat
+ Inc(I);
+ hWnd := FindWindow(nil, PChar(WndTitle + ' Instance ' + InttoStr(I)));
+ until (hWnd = 0);
+ WndTitle := WndTitle + ' Instance ' + InttoStr(I);
+ end
+ else
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ {$endif}
+ //------------------------------
+ //StartUp - Create Classes and Load Files
+ //------------------------------
+ USTime := TTime.Create;
+ // Commandline Parameter Parser
+ Params := TCMDParams.Create;
+ // Log + Benchmark
+ Log := TLog.Create;
+ Log.Title := WndTitle;
+ Log.Enabled := Not Params.NoLog;
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(0);
+ // Language
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
+ Log.LogStatus('Initialize Paths', 'Initialization'); InitializePaths;
+ Log.LogStatus('Load Language', 'Initialization'); Language := TLanguage.Create;
+ //Add Const Values:
+ Language.AddConst('US_VERSION', Version);
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Language', 1);
+ // SDL
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
+ Log.LogStatus('Initialize SDL', 'Initialization');
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Initializing SDL', 1);
+ // Skin
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
+ Log.LogStatus('Loading Skin List', 'Initialization'); Skin := TSkin.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Skin List', 1);
+ // Sound Card List
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
+ Log.LogStatus('Loading Soundcard list', 'Initialization');
+ Recording := TRecord.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Soundcard list', 1);
+ // Ini + Paths
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
+ Log.LogStatus('Load Ini', 'Initialization'); Ini := TIni.Create;
+ Ini.Load;
+ //Load Languagefile
+ if (Params.Language <> -1) then
+ Language.ChangeLanguage(ILanguage[Params.Language])
+ else
+ Language.ChangeLanguage(ILanguage[Ini.Language]);
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Ini', 1);
+ // LCD
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
+ Log.LogStatus('Load LCD', 'Initialization'); LCD := TLCD.Create;
+ if Ini.LPT = 1 then begin
+// LCD.HalfInterface := true;
+ LCD.Enable;
+ LCD.Clear;
+ LCD.WriteText(1, ' UltraStar ');
+ LCD.WriteText(2, ' Loading... ');
+ end;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Loading LCD', 1);
+ // Light
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
+ Log.LogStatus('Load Light', 'Initialization'); Light := TLight.Create;
+ if Ini.LPT = 2 then begin
+ Light.Enable;
+ end;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Light', 1);
+ // Theme
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
+ Log.LogStatus('Load Themes', 'Initialization'); Theme := TTheme.Create('Themes\' + ITheme[Ini.Theme] + '.ini', Ini.Color);
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Themes', 1);
+ // Covers Cache
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
+ Log.LogStatus('Creating Covers Cache', 'Initialization'); Covers := TCovers.Create;
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Covers Cache Array', 1);
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
+ // Category Covers
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
+ Log.LogStatus('Creating Category Covers Array', 'Initialization');
+ CatCovers:= TCatCovers.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Category Covers Array', 1);
+ // Songs
+ //Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
+ Log.LogStatus('Creating Song Array', 'Initialization'); Songs := TSongs.Create;
+ Songs.LoadSongList;
+ Log.LogStatus('Creating 2nd Song Array', 'Initialization'); CatSongs := TCatSongs.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Songs', 1);
+ // PluginManager
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
+ Log.LogStatus('PluginManager', 'Initialization');
+ DLLMan := TDLLMan.Create; //Load PluginList
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Loading PluginManager', 1);
+ // Party Mode Manager
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
+ Log.LogStatus('PartySession Manager', 'Initialization');
+ PartySession := TParty_Session.Create; //Load PartySession
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Loading PartySession Manager', 1);
+ // Graphics
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
+ Log.LogStatus('Initialize 3D', 'Initialization'); Initialize3D(WndTitle);
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Initializing 3D', 1);
+ // Sound
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
+ Log.LogStatus('Initialize Sound', 'Initialization');
+ Log.LogStatus('Creating Music', 'InitializeSound'); Music := TMusic.Create;
+ InitializeSound;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Initializing Sound', 1);
+ // Score Saving System
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
+ Log.LogStatus('DataBase System', 'Initialization');
+ DataBase := TDataBaseSystem.Create;
+ if (Params.ScoreFile = '') then
+ DataBase.Init ('Ultrastar.db')
+ else
+ DataBase.Init (Params.ScoreFile);
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Loading DataBase System', 1);
+ //Playlist Manager
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
+ Log.LogStatus('Playlist Manager', 'Initialization');
+ PlaylistMan := TPlaylistManager.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Playlist Manager', 1);
+ //GoldenStarsTwinkleMod
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
+ Log.LogStatus('Effect Manager', 'Initialization');
+ GoldenRec := TEffectManager.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Particel System', 1);
+ // Joypad
+ if (Ini.Joypad = 1) OR (Params.Joypad) then begin
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
+ Log.LogStatus('Initialize Joystick', 'Initialization'); Joy := TJoy.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Initializing Joystick', 1);
+ end;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(0);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Time', 0);
+ //------------------------------
+ //Start- Mainloop
+ //------------------------------
+ //Music.SetLoop(true);
+ //Music.SetVolume(50);
+ //Music.Open(SkinPath + 'Menu Music 3.mp3');
+ //Music.Play;
+ Log.LogStatus('Main Loop', 'Initialization'); MainLoop;
+ Log.LogStatus('Cleanup', 'Done');
+ //------------------------------
+ //Finish Application
+ //------------------------------
+ if Ini.LPT = 1 then LCD.Clear;
+ if Ini.LPT = 2 then Light.TurnOff;
+ // Insignificant change..
+ Log.Free;
diff --git a/Game/Code/UltraStar.rc b/Game/Code/UltraStar.rc
index cc12eb51..4bd9145d 100644
--- a/Game/Code/UltraStar.rc
+++ b/Game/Code/UltraStar.rc
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-Font TEX "..\Fonts\Normal\eurostar_regular.png"
-Font FNT "..\Fonts\Normal\eurostar_regular.dat"
+Font TEX "..\Fonts\Normal\eurostar_regular.png"
+Font FNT "..\Fonts\Normal\eurostar_regular.dat"
-FontB TEX "..\Fonts\Bold\eurostar_regular_bold.png"
-FontB FNT "..\Fonts\Bold\eurostar_regular_bold.dat"
+FontB TEX "..\Fonts\Bold\eurostar_regular_bold.png"
+FontB FNT "..\Fonts\Bold\eurostar_regular_bold.dat"
-FontO TEX "..\Fonts\Outline 1\Outline 1.png"
-FontO FNT "..\Fonts\Outline 1\Outline 1.dat"
+FontO TEX "..\Fonts\Outline 1\Outline 1.png"
+FontO FNT "..\Fonts\Outline 1\Outline 1.dat"
-FontO2 TEX "..\Fonts\Outline 2\Outline 2.png"
-FontO2 FNT "..\Fonts\Outline 2\Outline 2.dat"
+FontO2 TEX "..\Fonts\Outline 2\Outline 2.png"
+FontO2 FNT "..\Fonts\Outline 2\Outline 2.dat"
-MAINICON ICON "..\Graphics\ustar-icon_v01.ico"
-//MAINICON ICON "..\Graphics\us.ico"
+MAINICON ICON "..\Graphics\ustar-icon_v01.ico"
+//MAINICON ICON "..\Graphics\us.ico"
CRDTS_BG TEX "..\Graphics\credits_v5_bg.png"
CRDTS_OVL TEX "..\Graphics\credits_v5_overlay.png"
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ INTRO_L08 TEX "..\Graphics\intro-l-08.png"
INTRO_L09 TEX "..\Graphics\intro-l-09.png"
OUTRO_BG TEX "..\Graphics\outro-bg.png"
OUTRO_ESC TEX "..\Graphics\outro-esc.png"
-OUTRO_EXD TEX "..\Graphics\outro-exit-dark.png" \ No newline at end of file
+OUTRO_EXD TEX "..\Graphics\outro-exit-dark.png"
diff --git a/Game/Code/lib/requirements.txt b/Game/Code/lib/requirements.txt
index 49aad6ba..e4b14060 100644
--- a/Game/Code/lib/requirements.txt
+++ b/Game/Code/lib/requirements.txt
@@ -37,3 +37,7 @@ ffmpeg :
sqlite :
sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
+sdl development libraries :
+ sudo apt-get install libsdl-ttf2.0-dev
+ THERE WILL be more of them... oops I forgot to list them :P