{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
* UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* $URL$
* $Id$
unit ULuaParty;
{$MODE Delphi}
{$I switches.inc}
uses ULua;
{ lua c functions from Party table. Enables creating of party modes w/ lua scripts }
{ Party.Register - register party mode at party manager
arguments: info: table
Name: String; //< Name used as identifier (language strings, etc.). Has to be set.
CanNonParty: Boolean //< mode is playable when not in party mode. defaulted to false if not set
CanParty: Boolean //< mode is playable in party mode. defaulted to false if not set
PlayerCount: Table //< playable with one, two, three etc. players per team. defaulted to no restrictions if not set. (use table constructor e.g. {1, 2, 3) means playable w/ 1, 2 or three players)
TeamCount: Table //< playable with one, two, three etc. different teams. defaulted to no restrictions if not set. (use table constructor e.g. {1, 2, 3) means playable w/ 1, 2 or three players)
BeforeSongSelect: String //< name of global that will be called before song select screen is shown (if nil, not callable or returns true, default action will be executed)
AfterSongSelect: String //< name of global that will be called after song is selected (if nil, not callable or returns true, default action will be executed)
BeforeSing: String //< name of global that will be called before song select screen is shown (if nil, not callable or returns true, default action will be executed)
OnSing: String //< name of global that will be called before song select screen is shown (if nil, not callable or returns true, default action will be executed)
AfterSing: String //< name of global that will be called before song select screen is shown (if nil, not callable or returns true, default action will be executed)}
function ULuaParty_Register(L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
{ Party.GameFinished - returns true if no party game is running or all rounds
of current game were played }
function ULuaParty_GameFinished(L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
(* Party.SetRoundRanking - sets ranking of current party round,
arguments: Ranking: table
ranking of team i is the value (integer from 1 to number of teams) of the
table with index [i: number].
you may call this function in the following way:
Party.SetRoundRanking({3, 1, 2});
this means: team 1 is ranked third, team 2 is ranked first and team 3 is
ranked second.
if no party game is started or party game is finished
it will raise an error *)
function ULuaParty_SetRoundRanking(L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
{ Party.GetTeams - returns a table with all information and structure as
in the TPartyGame.Teams array }
function ULuaParty_GetTeams(L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
{ Party.SetTeams - changes all fields from TPartyGame.Teams that have been
set in the table given as first argument}
function ULuaParty_SetTeams(L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
ULuaParty_Lib_f: array [0..4] of lual_reg = (
(name:'Register'; func:ULuaParty_Register),
(name:'GameFinished'; func:ULuaParty_GameFinished),
(name:'SetRoundRanking'; func:ULuaParty_SetRoundRanking),
(name:'GetTeams'; func:ULuaParty_GetTeams),
(name:'SetTeams'; func:ULuaParty_SetTeams)
uses ULuaCore, ULuaUtils, UParty, SysUtils;
{ Party.Register - register party mode at party manager
arguments: info: table
Name: String; //< Name used as identifier (language strings, etc.). Has to be set.
CanNonParty: Boolean //< mode is playable when not in party mode. defaulted to false if not set
CanParty: Boolean //< mode is playable in party mode. defaulted to false if not set
PlayerCount: Table //< playable with one, two, three etc. players per team. defaulted to no restrictions if not set. (use table constructor e.g. {1, 2, 3) means playable w/ 1, 2 or three players)
TeamCount: Table //< playable with one, two, three etc. different teams. defaulted to no restrictions if not set. (use table constructor e.g. {1, 2, 3) means playable w/ 1, 2 or three players)
BeforeSongSelect: String //< name of global that will be called before song select screen is shown (if nil, not callable or returns true, default action will be executed)
AfterSongSelect: String //< name of global that will be called after song is selected (if nil, not callable or returns true, default action will be executed)
BeforeSing: String //< name of global that will be called before song select screen is shown (if nil, not callable or returns true, default action will be executed)
OnSing: String //< name of global that will be called before song select screen is shown (if nil, not callable or returns true, default action will be executed)
AfterSing: String //< name of global that will be called before song select screen is shown (if nil, not callable or returns true, default action will be executed)}
function ULuaParty_Register(L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
Info: TParty_ModeInfo;
Key: String;
P: TLuaPlugin;
Result := 0;
// check for table on stack
luaL_checkType(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
// get parent id
P := Lua_GetOwner(L);
// set mode info to default
// set parent in info rec and pop it from stack
Info.Parent := P.Id;
// go through table elements
while (lua_Next(L, 1) <> 0) do
Key := lowercase(lua_ToString(L, -2));
if (Key = 'name') and lua_isString(L, -1) then
Info.Name := lua_toString(L, -1)
else if (Key = 'cannonparty') and lua_isBoolean(L, -1) then
Info.CanNonParty := lua_toBoolean(L, -1)
else if (Key = 'canparty') and lua_isBoolean(L, -1) then
Info.CanParty := lua_toBoolean(L, -1)
else if (Key = 'playercount') and lua_isTable(L, -1) then
Info.PlayerCount := lua_toBinInt(L, -1)
else if (Key = 'teamcount') and lua_isTable(L, -1) then
Info.TeamCount := lua_toBinInt(L, -1)
else if (Key = 'beforesongselect') and lua_isString(L, -1) then
Info.Functions.BeforeSongSelect := lua_toString(L, -1)
else if (Key = 'aftersongselect') and lua_isString(L, -1) then
Info.Functions.AfterSongSelect := lua_toString(L, -1)
else if (Key = 'beforesing') and lua_isString(L, -1) then
Info.Functions.BeforeSing := lua_toString(L, -1)
else if (Key = 'onsing') and lua_isString(L, -1) then
Info.Functions.OnSing := lua_toString(L, -1)
else if (Key = 'aftersing') and lua_isString(L, -1) then
Info.Functions.AfterSing := lua_toString(L, -1);
// pop value from stack so key is on top
lua_pop(L, 1);
// clear stack from table
lua_pop(L, lua_gettop(L));
if not Party.RegisterMode(Info) then
luaL_error(L, PChar('can''t register party mode at party manager in Party.Register. Is Info.Name defined or is there another mode with this name?'));
{ Party.GameFinished - returns true if no party game is running or all rounds
of current game were played }
function ULuaParty_GameFinished(L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
// clear stack
lua_pop(L, lua_gettop(L));
// push result
lua_pushBoolean(L, Party.GameFinished);
//we return one value
Result := 1;
{ Party.SetRoundRanking - sets ranking of current party round,
if no party game is started or party game is finished
it will raise an error }
function ULuaParty_SetRoundRanking(L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
R: AParty_TeamRanking;
I: Integer;
Rank: Integer;
Result := 0;
luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
lua_checkstack(L, 1);
SetLength(R, Length(Party.Teams));
for I := 0 to High(R) do
lua_pushInteger(L, (I+1));
lua_gettable(L, 1);
R[I].Rank := Length(R);
R[I].Team := I;
if (lua_isnumber(L, -1)) then
Rank := lua_toInteger(L, -1);
if (Rank >= 1) and (Rank <= Length(R)) then
R[I].Rank := Rank
lua_pop(L, 1);
// pop table
lua_pop(L, 1);
if (not Party.SetRanking(R)) then
luaL_error(L, PChar('cann''t set party round ranking. Is party started and not finished yet?'));
{ Party.GetTeams - returns a table with all information and structure as
in the TPartyGame.Teams array }
function ULuaParty_GetTeams(L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
Team: Integer;
Player: Integer;
// clear stack
lua_pop(L, lua_gettop(L));
// ensure we have enough stack slots left
lua_checkstack(L, 7);
// create the table we want to return
lua_createtable(L, Length(Party.Teams), 0);
// add the teams
for Team := 0 to High(Party.Teams) do
// push key for current teams value. lua array beggins at 1
lua_pushInteger(L, Team + 1);
// push table containing team info and players table
lua_createtable(L, 0, 5);
// team name
lua_pushString(L, PChar(Party.Teams[Team].Name));
lua_setField(L, -2, 'Name');
// team score
lua_pushInteger(L, Party.Teams[Team].Score);
lua_setField(L, -2, 'Score');
// team jokers left
lua_pushInteger(L, Party.Teams[Team].JokersLeft);
lua_setField(L, -2, 'JokersLeft');
// team nextPlayer
lua_pushInteger(L, Party.Teams[Team].NextPlayer);
lua_setField(L, -2, 'NextPlayer');
// team players table
lua_createtable(L, Length(Party.Teams[Team].Players), 0);
//add players
for Player := 0 to High(Party.Teams[Team].Players) do
// push key for current players value. lua array beggins at 1
lua_pushInteger(L, Player + 1);
// push table containing player info
lua_createTable(L, 0, 2);
// player name
lua_PushString(L, PChar(Party.Teams[Team].Players[Player].Name));
lua_SetField(L, -2, 'Name');
// players times played
lua_PushInteger(L, Party.Teams[Team].Players[Player].TimesPlayed);
lua_SetField(L, -2, 'TimesPlayed');
// add value - key - pair to teams player table
lua_setTable(L, -3);
lua_setField(L, -2, 'Players');
// add value - key - pair to returned table
lua_setTable(L, -3);
// we return 1 value (the first table)
Result := 1;
{ Party.SetTeams - changes all fields from TPartyGame.Teams that have been
set in the table given as first argument}
function ULuaParty_SetTeams(L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
procedure Do_Player(Team, Player: Integer);
Key: String;
if (Player >= 0) and (Player <= High(Party.Teams[Team].Players)) then
// go through table elements
while (lua_Next(L, -2) <> 0) do
Key := lowercase(lua_ToString(L, -2));
if (Key = 'name') and lua_isString(L, -1) then
Party.Teams[Team].Players[Player].Name := lua_toString(L, -1)
else if (Key = 'timesplayed') and lua_isNumber(L, -1) then
Party.Teams[Team].Players[Player].TimesPlayed := lua_toInteger(L, -1);
// pop value from stack so key is on top
lua_pop(L, 1);
procedure Do_Players(Team: Integer);
// go through table elements
while (lua_Next(L, -2) <> 0) do
// check if key is a number and value is a table
if (lua_isNumber(L, -2)) and (lua_isTable(L, -1)) then
Do_Player(Team, lua_toInteger(L, -2));
// pop value from stack so key is on top
lua_pop(L, 1);
procedure Do_Team(Team: Integer);
Key: String;
if (Team >= 0) and (Team <= High(Party.Teams)) then
// go through table elements
while (lua_Next(L, -2) <> 0) do
Key := lowercase(lua_ToString(L, -2));
if (Key = 'name') and lua_isString(L, -1) then
Party.Teams[Team].Name := lua_toString(L, -1)
else if (Key = 'score') and lua_isNumber(L, -1) then
Party.Teams[Team].Score := lua_toInteger(L, -1)
else if (Key = 'jokersleft') and lua_isNumber(L, -1) then
Party.Teams[Team].JokersLeft := lua_toInteger(L, -1)
else if (Key = 'currentplayer') and lua_isNumber(L, -1) then
Party.Teams[Team].NextPlayer := lua_toInteger(L, -1)
else if (Key = 'players') and lua_isTable(L, -1) then
// pop value from stack so key is on top
lua_pop(L, 1);
Result := 0;
// check for table on stack
luaL_checkType(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);
// go through table elements
while (lua_Next(L, 1) <> 0) do
// check if key is a number and value is a table
if (lua_isNumber(L, -2)) and (lua_isTable(L, -1)) then
Do_Team(lua_toInteger(L, -2));
// pop value from stack so key is on top
lua_pop(L, 1);
// clear stack from table
lua_pop(L, lua_gettop(L));