path: root/mediaplugin/src/mediaplugins/include/core/plugin_core.h
blob: 67eca5f71557d23e2e903b5b086b53a654b74276 (plain) (tree)






/* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
 * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
 * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
 * file distributed with this source distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * $URL$
 * $Id$
#ifndef _PLUGIN_CORE_H_
#define _PLUGIN_CORE_H_

#include "inttypes.h"

 * C Interface

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* declaration for export */
#if defined(__WIN32__)
# define DECLSPEC_EXPORT	__declspec(dllexport)
# if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4
#  define DECLSPEC_EXPORT	__attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
# else
# endif

/* use C calling convention */
#ifndef CDECL
#if defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(__GNUC__)
#define CDECL __cdecl
#define CDECL
#endif /* CDECL */


// VERSION: AAABBBCCC (A: Major, B: Minor, C: Revision)
#define MAKE_VERSION(a,b,c) ((((a) * 1000 + (b)) * 1000) + (c))

typedef enum { FALSE , TRUE } BOOL;

typedef enum log_level {
} log_level;

typedef struct{} fileStream_t;
typedef struct{} cond_t;
typedef struct{} mutex_t;
typedef struct{} thread_t;

#define FILE_OPEN_MODE_READ  0x01

/* returned by condWaitTimeout() if a timeout occurs. */

typedef struct pluginCore_t {
	int version;

	void PLUGIN_CALL (*log)(int level, const char *msg, const char *context);
	uint32_t PLUGIN_CALL (*ticksMillis);

	fileStream_t* PLUGIN_CALL (*fileOpen)(const char *utf8Filename, int mode);
	void PLUGIN_CALL (*fileClose)(fileStream_t *stream);
	int64_t PLUGIN_CALL (*fileRead)(fileStream_t *stream, uint8_t *buf, int size);
	int64_t PLUGIN_CALL (*fileWrite)(fileStream_t *stream, const uint8_t *buf, int size);
	int64_t PLUGIN_CALL (*fileSeek)(fileStream_t *stream, int64_t pos, int whence);
	int64_t PLUGIN_CALL (*fileSize)(fileStream_t *stream);

	thread_t* PLUGIN_CALL (*threadCreate)(int (PLUGIN_CALL *fn)(void *), void *data);
	uint32_t PLUGIN_CALL (*threadCurrentID)();
	uint32_t PLUGIN_CALL (*threadGetID)(thread_t *thread);
	void PLUGIN_CALL (*threadWait)(thread_t *thread, int *status);
	void PLUGIN_CALL (*threadSleep)(uint32_t millisecs);

	mutex_t* PLUGIN_CALL (*mutexCreate)();
	void PLUGIN_CALL (*mutexDestroy)(mutex_t *mutex);
	int PLUGIN_CALL (*mutexLock)(mutex_t *mutex);
	int PLUGIN_CALL (*mutexUnlock)(mutex_t *mutex);

	cond_t* PLUGIN_CALL (*condCreate)();
	void PLUGIN_CALL (*condDestroy)(cond_t *cond);
	int PLUGIN_CALL (*condSignal)(cond_t *cond);
	int PLUGIN_CALL (*condBroadcast)(cond_t *cond);
	int PLUGIN_CALL (*condWait)(cond_t *cond, mutex_t *mutex);
	int PLUGIN_CALL (*condWaitTimeout)(cond_t *cond, mutex_t *mutex, uint32_t ms);
} pluginCore_t;

typedef enum audioSampleFormat_t {
	asfUnknown,           // unknown format
	asfU8, asfS8,         // unsigned/signed  8 bits
	asfU16LSB, asfS16LSB, // unsigned/signed 16 bits (endianness: LSB)
	asfU16MSB, asfS16MSB, // unsigned/signed 16 bits (endianness: MSB)
	asfU16, asfS16,       // unsigned/signed 16 bits (endianness: System)
	asfS32,               // signed 32 bits (endianness: System)
	asfFloat,             // float
	asfDouble             // double
} audioSampleFormat_t;

// Size of one sample (one channel only) in bytes
static const int g_audioSampleSize[] = {
	0,        // asfUnknown
	1, 1,     // asfU8, asfS8
	2, 2,     // asfU16LSB, asfS16LSB
	2, 2,     // asfU16MSB, asfS16MSB
	2, 2,     // asfU16,    asfS16
	3,        // asfS24
	4,        // asfS32
	4,        // asfFloat

typedef struct audioFormatInfo_t {
    double sampleRate;
    uint8_t channels;
    audioSampleFormat_t format;
} audioFormatInfo_t;

typedef struct{} audioDecodeStream_t;
typedef struct{} audioConvertStream_t;
typedef struct{} videoDecodeStream_t;

typedef struct audioDecoderInfo_t {
	int priority;
	BOOL PLUGIN_CALL (*init)();
	BOOL PLUGIN_CALL (*finalize)();
	audioDecodeStream_t* PLUGIN_CALL (*open)(const char *filename);
	void PLUGIN_CALL (*close)(audioDecodeStream_t *stream);
	double PLUGIN_CALL (*getLength)(audioDecodeStream_t *stream);
	void PLUGIN_CALL (*getAudioFormatInfo)(audioDecodeStream_t *stream, audioFormatInfo_t *info);
	double PLUGIN_CALL (*getPosition)(audioDecodeStream_t *stream);
	void PLUGIN_CALL (*setPosition)(audioDecodeStream_t *stream, double time);
	BOOL PLUGIN_CALL (*getLoop)(audioDecodeStream_t *stream);
	void PLUGIN_CALL (*setLoop)(audioDecodeStream_t *stream, BOOL enabled);
	BOOL PLUGIN_CALL (*isEOF)(audioDecodeStream_t *stream);
	BOOL PLUGIN_CALL (*isError)(audioDecodeStream_t *stream);
	int PLUGIN_CALL (*readData)(audioDecodeStream_t *stream, uint8_t *buffer, int bufferSize);
} audioDecoderInfo_t;

typedef struct audioConverterInfo_t {
	int priority;
	BOOL PLUGIN_CALL (*init)();
	BOOL PLUGIN_CALL (*finalize)();
	audioConvertStream_t* PLUGIN_CALL (*open)(audioFormatInfo_t *inputFormat,
			audioFormatInfo_t *outputFormat);
	void PLUGIN_CALL (*close)(audioConvertStream_t *stream);
	int PLUGIN_CALL (*convert)(audioConvertStream_t *stream,
			uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output, int *numSamples);
	int PLUGIN_CALL (*getOutputBufferSize)(audioConvertStream_t *stream, int inputSize);
    double PLUGIN_CALL (*getRatio)(audioConvertStream_t *stream);
} audioConverterInfo_t;

typedef struct videoDecoderInfo_t {
	int priority;
	BOOL PLUGIN_CALL (*init)();
	BOOL PLUGIN_CALL (*finalize)();
	videoDecodeStream_t* PLUGIN_CALL (*open)(const char *filename);
	void PLUGIN_CALL (*close)(videoDecodeStream_t *stream);
	void PLUGIN_CALL (*setLoop)(videoDecodeStream_t *stream, BOOL enable);
	BOOL PLUGIN_CALL (*getLoop)(videoDecodeStream_t *stream);
	void PLUGIN_CALL (*setPosition)(videoDecodeStream_t *stream, double time);
	double PLUGIN_CALL (*getPosition)(videoDecodeStream_t *stream);
	int PLUGIN_CALL (*getFrameWidth)(videoDecodeStream_t *stream);
	int PLUGIN_CALL (*getFrameHeight)(videoDecodeStream_t *stream);
	double PLUGIN_CALL (*getFrameAspect)(videoDecodeStream_t *stream);
	uint8_t* PLUGIN_CALL (*getFrame)(videoDecodeStream_t *stream, long double time);
} videoDecoderInfo_t;

typedef struct pluginInfo_t {
	int version;
	const char *name;
	BOOL PLUGIN_CALL (*initialize)();
	BOOL PLUGIN_CALL (*finalize)();
	const audioDecoderInfo_t *audioDecoder;
	const audioConverterInfo_t *audioConverter;
	const videoDecoderInfo_t *videoDecoder;
} pluginInfo_t;

// plugin entry function (must be implemented by the plugin)
extern DECLSPEC_EXPORT const pluginInfo_t* PLUGIN_CALL Plugin_register(const pluginCore_t *core);

// must be provided by the plugin and initialized on plugin initialization
extern const pluginCore_t *pluginCore;

BOOL pluginInitCore(const pluginCore_t *core);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _PLUGIN_CORE_H_ */