path: root/paste/include/geshi/classes/class.geshicontext.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'paste/include/geshi/classes/class.geshicontext.php')
1 files changed, 721 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/paste/include/geshi/classes/class.geshicontext.php b/paste/include/geshi/classes/class.geshicontext.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..964d8b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paste/include/geshi/classes/class.geshicontext.php
@@ -0,0 +1,721 @@
+ * GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter
+ *
+ * For information on how to use GeSHi, please consult the documentation
+ * found in the docs/ directory, or online at
+ *
+ * This file is part of GeSHi.
+ *
+ * GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * You can view a copy of the GNU GPL in the COPYING file that comes
+ * with GeSHi, in the docs/ directory.
+ *
+ * @package core
+ * @author Nigel McNie <>
+ * @license GNU GPL
+ * @copyright (C) 2005 Nigel McNie
+ * @version 1.1.0
+ *
+ */
+ * The GeSHiContext class
+ *
+ * @package core
+ * @author Nigel McNie
+ * @since 1.1.0
+ * @version 1.1.0
+ */
+class GeSHiContext
+ /**#@-
+ * @access private
+ */
+ /**
+ * The context name. A unique identifier that corresponds to a path under
+ * the GESHI_CLASSES_ROOT folder where the configuration file for this
+ * context is.
+ * @var string
+ */
+ var $_contextName;
+ /**
+ * The file name from where to load data for this context
+ * @var string
+ */
+ var $_fileName;
+ /**
+ * The dialect name of this context
+ * @var string
+ */
+ var $_dialectName;
+ /**
+ * The styler helper object
+ * @var GeSHiStyler
+ */
+ var $_styler;
+ /**
+ * The context delimiters
+ * @var array
+ */
+ var $_contextDelimiters = array();
+ /**
+ * The child contexts
+ * @var array
+ */
+ var $_childContexts = array();
+ /**
+ * The style type of this context, used for backward compatibility
+ * with GeSHi 1.0.X
+ * @var int
+ */
+ var $_contextStyleType = GESHI_STYLE_NONE;
+ /**
+ * Delimiter parse data. Controls which context - the parent or child -
+ * should parse the delimiters for a context
+ * @var int
+ */
+ var $_delimiterParseData = GESHI_CHILD_PARSE_BOTH;
+ /**
+ * The overriding child context, if any
+ * @var GeSHiContext
+ */
+ var $_overridingChildContext;
+ /**
+ * The matching regex table for regex starters
+ * @var array
+ */
+ var $_startRegexTable = array();
+ /**
+ * The "infectious context". Will be used to "infect" the context
+ * tree with itself - this is how PHP inserts itself into HTML contexts
+ * @var GeSHiContext
+ */
+ var $_infectiousContext;
+ /**
+ * Whether this context has been already loaded
+ * @var boolean
+ */
+ var $_loaded = false;
+ /**
+ * The name for stuff detected in the start of a context
+ * @var string
+ */
+ var $_startName = 'start';
+ /**
+ * The name for stuff detected in the end of a context
+ * @var string
+ */
+ var $_endName = 'end';
+ /**
+ * Whether this context is an alias context
+ * @var boolean
+ */
+ var $_isAlias = false;
+ /**#@-*/
+ /**
+ * Creates a new GeSHiContext.
+ *
+ * @param string The name of the language this context represents
+ * @param string The dialect of the language this context represents
+ * @param string The name of the context
+ * @param array The name used for aliasing
+ * @todo [blocking 1.1.9] Better comment
+ */
+ function GeSHiContext ($language_name, $dialect_name = '', $context_name = '', $alias_name = '')
+ {
+ // Set dialect
+ if ('' == $dialect_name) {
+ $dialect_name = $language_name;
+ }
+ $this->_dialectName = $dialect_name;
+ // Set the context and file names
+ if ('' == $context_name) {
+ // Root of a language
+ $this->_fileName = $this->_contextName = $language_name . '/' . $dialect_name;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (0 === strpos($context_name, 'common')) {
+ $this->_fileName = $context_name;
+ // Strip "common/" from context name to get the actual name...
+ $context_name = substr($context_name, 7);
+ } else {
+ $this->_fileName = $language_name . '/' . $context_name;
+ }
+ if ($alias_name) {
+ $this->_contextName = $alias_name;
+ $this->_isAlias = true;
+ } else {
+ $this->_contextName = "$language_name/$dialect_name/$context_name";
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the name of this context
+ *
+ * @return string The full name of this context (language, dialect and context)
+ */
+ function getName ()
+ {
+ return $this->_contextName;
+ }
+ function getStartName ()
+ {
+ return $this->_startName;
+ }
+ function getEndName ()
+ {
+ return $this->_endName;
+ }
+ function isAlias ()
+ {
+ return $this->_isAlias;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Loads the context data
+ */
+ function load (&$styler)
+ {
+ geshi_dbg('Loading context: ' . $this->_contextName, GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ if ($this->_loaded) {
+ geshi_dbg('@oAlready loaded', GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->_loaded = true;
+ $this->_styler =& $styler;
+ if (!geshi_can_include(GESHI_CONTEXTS_ROOT . $this->_fileName . $this->_styler->fileExtension)) {
+ geshi_dbg('@e Cannot get context information for ' . $this->getName() . ' from file '
+ . GESHI_CONTEXTS_ROOT . $this->_fileName . $this->_styler->fileExtension, GESHI_DBG_ERR);
+ return array('code' => GESHI_ERROR_FILE_UNAVAILABLE, 'name' => $this->_contextName);
+ }
+ // Load the data for this context
+ $CONTEXT = $this->_contextName;
+ $CONTEXT_START = "$this->_contextName/$this->_startName";
+ $CONTEXT_END = "$this->_contextName/$this->_endName";
+ $DIALECT = $this->_dialectName;
+ // @todo [blocking 1.1.5] This needs testing to see if it is faster
+ if (false) {
+ $language_file_name = GESHI_CONTEXTS_ROOT . $this->_contextName . $this->_styler->fileExtension;
+ $cached_data = $this->_styler->getCacheData($language_file_name);
+ if (null == $cached_data) {
+ // Data not loaded for this context yet
+ //geshi_dbg('@wLoading data for context ' . $this->_contextName, GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ // Get the data, stripping the start/end PHP code markers which aren't allowed in eval()
+ $cached_data = substr(implode('', file($language_file_name)), 5, -3);
+ $this->_styler->setCacheData($language_file_name, $cached_data);
+ } else {
+ //geshi_dbg('@oRetrieving data from cache for context ' . $this->_contextName, GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ }
+ eval($cached_data);
+ } else {
+ require GESHI_CONTEXTS_ROOT . $this->_fileName . $this->_styler->fileExtension;
+ }
+ // Push the infectious context into the child contexts
+ if (null != $this->_infectiousContext) {
+ // Add the context to each of the current contexts...
+ $keys = array_keys($this->_childContexts);
+ foreach ($keys as $key) {
+ $this->_childContexts[$key]->infectWith($this->_infectiousContext);
+ }
+ // And add the infectious context to this context itself
+ $this->_childContexts[] =& $this->_infectiousContext;
+ geshi_dbg(' Added infectious context ' . $this->_infectiousContext->getName()
+ . ' to ' . $this->getName(), GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ }
+ // Recursively load the child contexts
+ $keys = array_keys($this->_childContexts);
+ foreach ($keys as $key) {
+ $this->_childContexts[$key]->load($styler);
+ }
+ // Load the overriding child context, if any
+ if ($this->_overridingChildContext) {
+ if (null != $this->_infectiousContext) {
+ $this->_overridingChildContext->infectWith($this->_infectiousContext);
+ }
+ $this->_overridingChildContext->load($styler);
+ }
+ //geshi_dbg('@o Finished loading context ' . $this->_styleName . ' successfully', GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds an "infectious child" to this context.
+ *
+ * Relies on child being a subclass of or actually being a GeSHiContext
+ */
+ function infectWith (&$context)
+ {
+ $this->_infectiousContext =& $context;
+ //geshi_dbg(' Added infectious context ' . $context->getName()
+ // . ' to ' . $this->getName(), GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Loads style data for the given context. Not implemented here, but can be overridden
+ * by a child class to get style data from its parent
+ *
+ * Note to self: This is needed by GeSHiCodeContext, so don't touch it!
+ */
+ function loadStyleData ()
+ {
+ //geshi_dbg('Loading style data for context ' . $this->getName(), GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ // Recursively load the child contexts
+ $keys = array_keys($this->_childContexts);
+ foreach ($keys as $key) {
+ $this->_childContexts[$key]->loadStyleData();
+ }
+ // Load the style data for the overriding child context, if any
+ if ($this->_overridingChildContext) {
+ $this->_overridingChildContext->loadStyleData();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks each child to see if it's useful. If not, then remove it
+ *
+ * @param string The code that can be used to check if a context
+ * is needed.
+ */
+ function trimUselessChildren ($code)
+ {
+ //geshi_dbg('GeSHiContext::trimUselessChildren()', GESHI_DBG_API | GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ $new_children = array();
+ $keys = array_keys($this->_childContexts);
+ foreach ($keys as $key) {
+ //geshi_dbg(' Checking child: ' . $this->_childContexts[$key]->getName() . ': ', GESHI_DBG_PARSE, false);
+ if (!$this->_childContexts[$key]->contextCanStart($code)) {
+ // This context will _never_ be useful - and nor will its children
+ //geshi_dbg('@buseless, removed', GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ // RAM saving technique
+ // But we shouldn't remove highlight data if the child is an
+ // "alias" context, since the real context might need the data
+ if (!$this->_childContexts[$key]->isAlias()) {
+ $this->_styler->removeStyleData($this->_childContexts[$key]->getName(),
+ $this->_childContexts[$key]->getStartName(),
+ $this->_childContexts[$key]->getEndName());
+ }
+ unset($this->_childContexts[$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Recurse into the remaining children, checking them
+ $keys = array_keys($this->_childContexts);
+ foreach ($keys as $key) {
+ $this->_childContexts[$key]->trimUselessChildren($code);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parses the given code
+ */
+ function parseCode (&$code, $context_start_key = -1, $context_start_delimiter = '', $ignore_context = '',
+ $first_char_of_next_context = '')
+ {
+ geshi_dbg('*** GeSHiContext::parseCode(' . $this->_contextName . ') ***', GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ geshi_dbg('CODE: ' . str_replace("\n", "\r", substr($code, 0, 100)) . "<<<<<\n", GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ if ($context_start_delimiter) geshi_dbg('Delimiter: ' . $context_start_delimiter, GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ // Skip empty/almost empty contexts
+ if (!$code || ' ' == $code) {
+ $this->_addParseData($code);
+ return;
+ }
+ // FIRST:
+ // If there is an "overriding child context", it should immediately take control
+ // of the entire parsing.
+ // An "overriding child context" has the following properties:
+ // * No starter or ender delimiter
+ //
+ // The overridden context has the following properties:
+ // * Explicit starter/ender
+ // * No children (they're not relevant after all)
+ //
+ // An example: HTML embeds CSS highlighting by using the html/css context. This context
+ // has one overriding child context: css. After all, once in the CSS context, HTML don't care
+ // anymore.
+ // Likewise, javascript embedded in HTML is an overriding child - HTML does the work of deciding
+ // exactly where javascript gets called, and javascript does the rest.
+ //
+ // If there is an overriding context...
+ if ($this->_overridingChildContext) {
+ // Find the end of this thing
+ $finish_data = $this->_getContextEndData($code, $context_start_key, $context_start_delimiter, true); // true?
+ // If this context should not parse the ender, add it on to the stuff to parse
+ if ($this->shouldParseEnder()) {
+ $finish_data['pos'] += $finish_data['len'];
+ }
+ // Make a temp copy of the stuff the occ will parse
+ $tmp = substr($code, 0, $finish_data['pos']);
+ // Tell the occ to parse the copy
+ $this->_overridingChildContext->parseCode($tmp); // start with no starter at all
+ // trim the code
+ $code = substr($code, $finish_data['pos']);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Add the start of this context to the parse data if it is already known
+ if ($context_start_delimiter) {
+ $this->_addParseDataStart($context_start_delimiter);
+ $code = substr($code, strlen($context_start_delimiter));
+ }
+ $original_length = strlen($code);
+ while ('' != $code) {
+ if (strlen($code) != $original_length) {
+ geshi_dbg('CODE: ' . str_replace("\n", "\r", substr($code, 0, 100)) . "<<<<<\n", GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ }
+ // Second parameter: if we are at the start of the context or not
+ // Pass the ignored context so it can be properly ignored
+ $earliest_context_data = $this->_getEarliestContextData($code, strlen($code) == $original_length,
+ $ignore_context);
+ $finish_data = $this->_getContextEndData($code, $context_start_key, $context_start_delimiter,
+ strlen($code) == $original_length);
+ geshi_dbg('@bEarliest context data: pos=' . $earliest_context_data['pos'] . ', len=' .
+ $earliest_context_data['len'], GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ geshi_dbg('@bFinish data: pos=' . $finish_data['pos'] . ', len=' . $finish_data['len'], GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ // If there is earliest context data we parse up to it then hand control to that context
+ if ($earliest_context_data) {
+ if ($finish_data) {
+ // Merge to work out who wins
+ if ($finish_data['pos'] <= $earliest_context_data['pos']) {
+ geshi_dbg('Earliest context and Finish data: finish is closer', GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ // Add the parse data
+ $this->_addParseData(substr($code, 0, $finish_data['pos']), substr($code, $finish_data['pos'], 1));
+ // If we should pass the ender, add the parse data
+ if ($this->shouldParseEnder()) {
+ $this->_addParseDataEnd(substr($code, $finish_data['pos'], $finish_data['len']));
+ $finish_data['pos'] += $finish_data['len'];
+ }
+ // Trim the code and return the unparsed delimiter
+ $code = substr($code, $finish_data['pos']);
+ return $finish_data['dlm'];
+ } else {
+ geshi_dbg('Earliest and finish data, but earliest gets priority', GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ $foo = true;
+ }
+ } else { $foo = true; /** no finish data */}
+ if (isset($foo)) geshi_dbg('Earliest data but not finish data', GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ // Highlight up to delimiter
+ ///The "+ len" can be manipulated to do starter and ender data
+ if (!$earliest_context_data['con']->shouldParseStarter()) {
+ $earliest_context_data['pos'] += $earliest_context_data['len'];
+ //BUGFIX: null out dlm so it doesn't squash the actual rest of context
+ $earliest_context_data['dlm'] = '';
+ }
+ // We should parseCode() the substring.
+ // BUT we have to remember that we should ignore the child context we've matched,
+ // else we'll have a wee recursion problem on our hands...
+ $tmp = substr($code, 0, $earliest_context_data['pos']);
+ $this->parseCode($tmp, -1, '', $earliest_context_data['con']->getName(),
+ substr($code, $earliest_context_data['pos'], 1)); // parse with no starter
+ $code = substr($code, $earliest_context_data['pos']);
+ $ender = $earliest_context_data['con']->parseCode($code, $earliest_context_data['key'], $earliest_context_data['dlm']);
+ // check that the earliest context actually wants the ender
+ if (!$earliest_context_data['con']->shouldParseEnder() && $earliest_context_data['dlm'] == $ender) {
+ geshi_dbg('earliest_context_data[dlm]=' . $earliest_context_data['dlm'] . ', ender=' . $ender, GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ // second param = first char of next context
+ $this->_addParseData(substr($code, 0, strlen($ender)), substr($code, strlen($ender), 1));
+ $code = substr($code, strlen($ender));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($finish_data) {
+ // finish early...
+ geshi_dbg('No earliest data but finish data', GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ // second param = first char of next context
+ $this->_addParseData(substr($code, 0, $finish_data['pos']), substr($code, $finish_data['pos'], 1));
+ if ($this->shouldParseEnder()) {
+ $this->_addParseDataEnd(substr($code, $finish_data['pos'], $finish_data['len']));
+ $finish_data['pos'] += $finish_data['len'];
+ }
+ $code = substr($code, $finish_data['pos']);
+ // return the length for use above
+ return $finish_data['dlm'];
+ } else {
+ geshi_dbg('No earliest or finish data', GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ // All remaining code is in this context
+ $this->_addParseData($code, $first_char_of_next_context);
+ $code = '';
+ return; // not really needed (?)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return true if this context wants to parse its start delimiters
+ */
+ function shouldParseStarter()
+ {
+ return $this->_delimiterParseData & GESHI_CHILD_PARSE_LEFT;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return true if this context wants to parse its end delimiters
+ */
+ function shouldParseEnder ()
+ {
+ return $this->_delimiterParseData & GESHI_CHILD_PARSE_RIGHT;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return true if it is possible for this context to parse this code at all
+ */
+ function contextCanStart ($code)
+ {
+ foreach ($this->_contextDelimiters as $key => $delim_array) {
+ foreach ($delim_array[0] as $delimiter) {
+ geshi_dbg(' Checking delimiter ' . $delimiter . '... ', GESHI_DBG_PARSE, false);
+ $data = geshi_get_position($code, $delimiter, 0, $delim_array[2]);
+ if (false !== $data['pos']) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Works out the closest child context
+ *
+ * @param $ignore_context The context to ignore (if there is one)
+ */
+ function _getEarliestContextData ($code, $start_of_context, $ignore_context)
+ {
+ geshi_dbg(' GeSHiContext::_getEarliestContextData(' . $this->_contextName . ', '. $start_of_context . ')', GESHI_DBG_API | GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ $earliest_pos = false;
+ $earliest_len = false;
+ $earliest_con = null;
+ $earliest_key = -1;
+ $earliest_dlm = '';
+ foreach ($this->_childContexts as $context) {
+ if ($ignore_context == $context->getName()) {
+ // whups, ignore you...
+ continue;
+ }
+ $data = $context->getContextStartData($code, $start_of_context);
+ geshi_dbg(' ' . $context->_contextName . ' says it can start from ' . $data['pos'], GESHI_DBG_PARSE, false);
+ if (-1 != $data['pos']) {
+ if ((false === $earliest_pos) || $earliest_pos > $data['pos'] ||
+ ($earliest_pos == $data['pos'] && $earliest_len < $data['len'])) {
+ geshi_dbg(' which is the earliest position', GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ $earliest_pos = $data['pos'];
+ $earliest_len = $data['len'];
+ $earliest_con = $context;
+ $earliest_key = $data['key'];
+ $earliest_dlm = $data['dlm'];
+ } else {
+ geshi_dbg('', GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ }
+ } else {
+ geshi_dbg('', GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ }
+ }
+ // What do we need to know?
+ // Well, assume that one of the child contexts can parse
+ // Then, parseCode() is going to call parseCode() recursively on that object
+ //
+ if (false !== $earliest_pos) {
+ return array('pos' => $earliest_pos, 'len' => $earliest_len, 'con' => $earliest_con, 'key' => $earliest_key, 'dlm' => $earliest_dlm);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks the context delimiters for this context against the passed
+ * code to see if this context can help parse the code
+ */
+ function getContextStartData ($code, $start_of_context)
+ {
+ //geshi_dbg(' GeSHi::getContextStartInformation(' . $this->_contextName . ')', GESHI_DBG_PARSE | GESHI_DBG_API);
+ geshi_dbg(' ' . $this->_contextName, GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ $first_position = -1;
+ $first_length = -1;
+ $first_key = -1;
+ $first_dlm = '';
+ foreach ($this->_contextDelimiters as $key => $delim_array) {
+ foreach ($delim_array[0] as $delimiter) {
+ geshi_dbg(' Checking delimiter ' . $delimiter . '... ', GESHI_DBG_PARSE, false);
+ $data = geshi_get_position($code, $delimiter, 0, $delim_array[2], true);
+ geshi_dbg(print_r($data, true), GESHI_DBG_PARSE, false);
+ $position = $data['pos'];
+ $length = $data['len'];
+ if (isset($data['tab'])) {
+ geshi_dbg('Table: ' . print_r($data['tab'], true), GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ $this->_startRegexTable = $data['tab'];
+ $delimiter = $data['tab'][0];
+ }
+ if (false !== $position) {
+ geshi_dbg('found at position ' . $position . ', checking... ', GESHI_DBG_PARSE, false);
+ if ((-1 == $first_position) || ($first_position > $position) ||
+ (($first_position == $position) && ($first_length < $length))) {
+ geshi_dbg('@bearliest! (length ' . $length . ')', GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ $first_position = $position;
+ $first_length = $length;
+ $first_key = $key;
+ $first_dlm = $delimiter;
+ }
+ } else {
+ geshi_dbg('', GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return array('pos' => $first_position, 'len' => $first_length,
+ 'key' => $first_key, 'dlm' => $first_dlm);
+ }
+ /**
+ * GetContextEndData
+ */
+ function _getContextEndData ($code, $context_open_key, $context_opener, $beginning_of_context)
+ {
+ geshi_dbg('GeSHiContext::_getContextEndData(' . $this->_contextName . ', ' . $context_open_key . ', '
+ . $context_opener . ', ' . $beginning_of_context . ')', GESHI_DBG_API | GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ $context_end_pos = false;
+ $context_end_len = -1;
+ $context_end_dlm = '';
+ // Bail out if context open key tells us that there is no ender for this context
+ if (-1 == $context_open_key) {
+ geshi_dbg(' no opener so no ender', GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ return false;
+ }
+ foreach ($this->_contextDelimiters[$context_open_key][1] as $ender) {
+ geshi_dbg(' Checking ender: ' . str_replace("\n", '\n', $ender), GESHI_DBG_PARSE, false);
+ $ender = $this->_substitutePlaceholders($ender);
+ geshi_dbg(' converted to ' . $ender, GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ $position = geshi_get_position($code, $ender);
+ geshi_dbg(' Ender ' . $ender . ': ' . print_r($position, true), GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ $length = $position['len'];
+ $position = $position['pos'];
+ // BUGFIX:skip around crap starters
+ if (false === $position) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((false === $context_end_pos) || ($position < $context_end_pos) || ($position == $context_end_pos && strlen($ender) > $context_end_len)) {
+ $context_end_pos = $position;
+ $context_end_len = $length;
+ $context_end_dlm = $ender;
+ }
+ }
+ geshi_dbg('Context ' . $this->_contextName . ' can finish at position ' . $context_end_pos, GESHI_DBG_PARSE);
+ if (false !== $context_end_pos) {
+ return array('pos' => $context_end_pos, 'len' => $context_end_len, 'dlm' => $context_end_dlm);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds parse data to the overall result
+ *
+ * This method is mainly designed so that subclasses of GeSHiContext can
+ * override it to break the context up further - for example, GeSHiStringContext
+ * uses it to add escape characters
+ *
+ * @param string The code to add
+ * @param string The first character of the next context (used by GeSHiCodeContext)
+ */
+ function _addParseData ($code, $first_char_of_next_context = '')
+ {
+ $this->_styler->addParseData($code, $this->_contextName);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds parse data for the start of a context to the overallresult
+ */
+ function _addParseDataStart ($code)
+ {
+ $this->_styler->addParseDataStart($code, $this->_contextName, $this->_startName);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds parse data for the end of a context to the overallresult
+ */
+ function _addParseDataEnd ($code)
+ {
+ $this->_styler->addParseDataEnd($code, $this->_contextName, $this->_endName);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Substitutes placeholders for values matched in opening regular expressions
+ * for contexts with their actual values
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ function _substitutePlaceholders ($ender)
+ {
+ if ($this->_startRegexTable) {
+ foreach ($this->_startRegexTable as $key => $match) {
+ $ender = str_replace('!!!' . $key, quotemeta($match), $ender);
+ }
+ }
+ return $ender;
+ }