* GeSHi - Generic Syntax Highlighter
* For information on how to use GeSHi, please consult the documentation
* found in the docs/ directory, or online at http://geshi.org/docs/
* This file is part of GeSHi.
* GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* You can view a copy of the GNU GPL in the COPYING file that comes
* with GeSHi, in the docs/ directory.
* @package lang
* @author Nigel McNie <nigel@geshi.org>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL
* @copyright (C) 2005 Nigel McNie
* @version 1.1.0
$this->_contextDelimiters = array();
$this->_childContexts = array(
new GeSHiContext('web3d', $DIALECT, 'comment'),
new GeSHiContext('web3d', $DIALECT, 'string')
$this->_contextKeywords = array(
0 => array(
// nodes
0 => array(
// sensors
'CylinderSensor', 'PlaneSensor', 'ProximitySensor', 'SphereSensor',
'TimeSensor', 'TouchSensor', 'VisibilitySensor',
// interpolators
'ColorInterpolator', 'CoordinateInterpolator', 'NormalInterpolator',
'OrientationInterpolator', 'PositionInterpolator', 'ScalarInterpolator',
// grouping nodes
'Anchor', 'Billboard', 'Collision', 'Group', 'LOD', 'Switch', 'Transform',
// bindables
'Background', 'Fog', 'NavigationInfo', 'Viewpoint',
// lights
'DirectionalLight', 'PointLight', 'SpotLight',
// shape and geometry
'Box', 'Cone', 'Coordinate', 'Cylinder', 'ElevationGrid', 'Extrusion',
'IndexedFaceSet', 'IndexedLineSet', 'PointSet', 'Shape', 'Sphere', 'Text',
// appearance
'Appearance', 'Color', 'FontStyle', 'Material',
'Normal', 'TextureCoordinate', 'TextureTransform',
// textures
'ImageTexture', 'MovieTexture', 'PixelTexture',
// sound
'AudioClip', 'Sound',
// other
'Inline', 'Script', 'WorldInfo'
// name
1 => $CONTEXT . '/node',
// style
2 => 'color:#b1b100;',
// case sensitive
3 => true,
// url
4 => 'http://www.web3d.org/x3d/specifications/vrml/ISO-IEC-14772-IS-VRML97WithAmendment1/part1/nodesRef.html#{FNAME}'
1 => array(
// fields of nodes
0 => array(
// A
'addChildren', 'ambientIntensity', 'appearance', 'attenuation', 'autoOffset',
'avatarSize', 'axisOfRotation',
// B
'backUrl', 'bboxCenter', 'bboxSize', 'beamWidth', 'beginCap',
'bindTime', 'bottom', 'bottomRadius', 'bottomUrl',
// C
'ccw', 'center', 'children', 'choice', 'collide',
'collideTime', 'color', 'colorIndex', 'colorPerVertex', 'convex',
'coord', 'coordIndex', 'creaseAngle', 'crossSection', 'cutOffAngle',
'cycleInterval', 'cycleTime',
// D
'description', 'diffuseColor', 'direction', 'directOutput',
'diskAngle', 'duration_changed',
// E
'emissiveColor', 'enabled', 'endCap', 'enterTime', 'exitTime',
// F
'family', 'fieldOfView', 'fogType', 'fontStyle', 'fraction_changed',
// G
'geometry', 'groundAngle', 'groundColor',
// H
'headlight', 'height', 'hitNormal_changed', 'hitPoint_changed', 'horizontal',
// I
'image', 'info', 'intensity', 'isActive', 'isBound', 'isOver',
// J
'jump', 'justify',
// K
'key', 'keyValue',
// L
'language', 'leftUrl', 'leftToRight','length', 'level',
'location', 'loop',
// M
'material', 'maxAngle', 'maxBack', 'maxExtent', 'maxFront',
'maxPosition', 'minAngle', 'minBack', 'minFront', 'minPosition',
// N
'normal', 'normalIndex', 'normalPerVertex',
// O
'offset', 'on', 'orientation', 'orientation_changed',
// P
'parameter', 'pitch', 'point', 'position', 'position_changed',
'priority', 'proxy',
// Q
// R
'radius', 'range', 'removeChildren', 'repeatS', 'repeatT',
'rightUrl', 'rotation', 'rotation_changed',
// S
'scale', 'scaleOrientation', 'set_bind', 'set_colorIndex', 'set_coordIndex',
'set_crossSection', 'set_fraction', 'set_height', 'set_normalIndex', 'set_orientation',
'set_spine', 'set_scale', 'set_texCoordIndex', 'shininess', 'side',
'size', 'skyAngle', 'skyColor', 'solid', 'source',
'spacing', 'spatialization', 'specularColor', 'speed', 'spine',
'startTime', 'stopTime', 'string', 'style',
// T
'texCoord', 'texCoordIndex', 'texture', 'textureTransform', 'time',
'title', 'top', 'topUrl', 'topToBottom', 'touchTime',
'trackPoint_changed', 'translation', 'translation_changed', 'transparency', 'type',
// U
// V
'value_changed', 'vector', 'visibilityLimit', 'visibilityRange',
// W
// X
'xDimension', 'xSpacing',
// Y
// Z
'zDimension', 'zSpacing'
1 => $CONTEXT . '/field',
2 => 'font-weight:bold;color:red;',
3 => true,
4 => ''
2 => array(
// keywords
0 => array(
1 => $CONTEXT . '/keyword',
2 => 'font-weight:bold;color:blue;',
3 => true,
4 => ''
3 => array(
// field access types
0 => array(
'eventIn', 'eventOut', 'exposedField', 'field',
1 => $CONTEXT . '/fieldaccess',
2 => 'font-weight:bold;color:purple;',
3 => true,
4 => ''
4 => array(
// field data types
0 => array(
'SFBool', 'SFColor', 'SFFloat', 'SFImage', 'SFInt32', 'SFNode',
'SFRotation', 'SFString', 'SFTime', 'SFVec2f', 'SFVec3f',
'MFColor', 'MFFloat', 'MFInt32', 'MFNode',
'MFRotation', 'MFString', 'MFTime', 'MFVec2f', 'MFVec3f',
1 => $CONTEXT . '/fieldtype',
2 => 'color:green;',
3 => true,
4 => ''
$this->_contextSymbols = array(
0 => array(
0 => array(
'{', '}'
1 => $CONTEXT . '/nodesymbol',
2 => 'color:#008000;'
1 => array(
0 => array(
'[', ']'
1 => $CONTEXT . '/arraysymbol',
2 => 'color:#008000;'
$this->_contextRegexps = array(
0 => geshi_use_doubles($CONTEXT),
1 => geshi_use_integers($CONTEXT)