path: root/trunk/src/decode.c
diff options
authorJ. Alexander Treuman <jat@spatialrift.net>2007-05-28 15:50:45 +0000
committerJ. Alexander Treuman <jat@spatialrift.net>2007-05-28 15:50:45 +0000
commit4e05a161e54fe05902b99eff521aa0759b102f05 (patch)
tree9014ab8ce74e4fb2f0115c5518c62879bc269324 /trunk/src/decode.c
parente45bc035931b2c9ef13b85f98a3d4833a8dec8a9 (diff)
Making branch for 0.13.0 fixes.
git-svn-id: https://svn.musicpd.org/mpd/branches/branch-0.13.0-fixes@6330 09075e82-0dd4-0310-85a5-a0d7c8717e4f
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/src/decode.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 706 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/src/decode.c b/trunk/src/decode.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 82eba19b9..000000000
--- a/trunk/src/decode.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,706 +0,0 @@
-/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 by Warren Dukes (warren.dukes@gmail.com)
- * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#include "decode.h"
-#include "player.h"
-#include "playerData.h"
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "pcm_utils.h"
-#include "audio.h"
-#include "path.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "sig_handlers.h"
-#include "ls.h"
-#include "utf8.h"
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-static int decode_pid;
-void decodeSigHandler(int sig, siginfo_t * si, void *v)
- if (sig == SIGCHLD) {
- int status;
- if (decode_pid == wait3(&status, WNOHANG, NULL)) {
- if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
- if (WTERMSIG(status) != SIGTERM) {
- ERROR("decode process died from "
- "signal: %i\n", WTERMSIG(status));
- }
- }
- decode_pid = 0;
- getPlayerData()->playerControl.decode_pid = 0;
- }
- } else if (sig == SIGTERM) {
- int pid = decode_pid;
- if (pid > 0) {
- DEBUG("player (or child) got SIGTERM\n");
- kill(pid, SIGTERM);
- } else
- DEBUG("decoder (or child) got SIGTERM\n");
- }
-static void stopDecode(DecoderControl * dc)
- if (decode_pid > 0 && (dc->start || dc->state != DECODE_STATE_STOP)) {
- dc->stop = 1;
- while (decode_pid > 0 && dc->stop)
- my_usleep(10000);
- }
-static void quitDecode(PlayerControl * pc, DecoderControl * dc)
- stopDecode(dc);
- pc->state = PLAYER_STATE_STOP;
- dc->seek = 0;
- pc->play = 0;
- pc->stop = 0;
- pc->pause = 0;
- kill(getppid(), SIGUSR1);
-static int calculateCrossFadeChunks(PlayerControl * pc, AudioFormat * af)
- long chunks;
- if (pc->crossFade <= 0)
- return 0;
- chunks = (af->sampleRate * af->bits * af->channels / 8.0 / CHUNK_SIZE);
- chunks = (chunks * pc->crossFade + 0.5);
- if (chunks > (buffered_chunks - buffered_before_play)) {
- chunks = buffered_chunks - buffered_before_play;
- }
- if (chunks < 0)
- chunks = 0;
- return (int)chunks;
-#define handleDecodeStart() \
- if(decodeWaitedOn) { \
- if(dc->state!=DECODE_STATE_START && decode_pid > 0 && \
- dc->error==DECODE_ERROR_NOERROR) \
- { \
- decodeWaitedOn = 0; \
- if(openAudioDevice(&(cb->audioFormat))<0) { \
- pathcpy_trunc(pc->erroredUrl, pc->utf8url); \
- pc->error = PLAYER_ERROR_AUDIO; \
- ERROR("problems opening audio device while playing \"%s\"\n", pc->utf8url); \
- quitDecode(pc,dc); \
- return; \
- } \
- pc->totalTime = dc->totalTime; \
- pc->sampleRate = dc->audioFormat.sampleRate; \
- pc->bits = dc->audioFormat.bits; \
- pc->channels = dc->audioFormat.channels; \
- sizeToTime = 8.0/cb->audioFormat.bits/ \
- cb->audioFormat.channels/ \
- cb->audioFormat.sampleRate; \
- } \
- else if(dc->state!=DECODE_STATE_START || decode_pid <= 0) { \
- pathcpy_trunc(pc->erroredUrl, pc->utf8url); \
- pc->error = PLAYER_ERROR_FILE; \
- quitDecode(pc,dc); \
- return; \
- } \
- else { \
- my_usleep(10000); \
- continue; \
- } \
- }
-static int waitOnDecode(PlayerControl * pc, DecoderControl * dc,
- OutputBuffer * cb, int *decodeWaitedOn)
- MpdTag *tag = NULL;
- pathcpy_trunc(pc->currentUrl, pc->utf8url);
- while (decode_pid > 0 && dc->start)
- my_usleep(10000);
- if (dc->start || dc->error != DECODE_ERROR_NOERROR) {
- pathcpy_trunc(pc->erroredUrl, pc->utf8url);
- pc->error = PLAYER_ERROR_FILE;
- quitDecode(pc, dc);
- return -1;
- }
- if ((tag = metadataChunkToMpdTagDup(&(pc->fileMetadataChunk)))) {
- sendMetadataToAudioDevice(tag);
- freeMpdTag(tag);
- }
- pc->totalTime = pc->fileTime;
- pc->bitRate = 0;
- pc->sampleRate = 0;
- pc->bits = 0;
- pc->channels = 0;
- *decodeWaitedOn = 1;
- return 0;
-static int decodeSeek(PlayerControl * pc, DecoderControl * dc,
- OutputBuffer * cb, int *decodeWaitedOn, int *next)
- int ret = -1;
- if (decode_pid > 0) {
- if (dc->state == DECODE_STATE_STOP || dc->error ||
- strcmp(dc->utf8url, pc->utf8url) != 0) {
- stopDecode(dc);
- *next = -1;
- cb->begin = 0;
- cb->end = 0;
- dc->error = 0;
- dc->start = 1;
- waitOnDecode(pc, dc, cb, decodeWaitedOn);
- }
- if (decode_pid > 0 && dc->state != DECODE_STATE_STOP &&
- dc->seekable) {
- *next = -1;
- dc->seekWhere = pc->seekWhere > pc->totalTime - 0.1 ?
- pc->totalTime - 0.1 : pc->seekWhere;
- dc->seekWhere = 0 > dc->seekWhere ? 0 : dc->seekWhere;
- dc->seekError = 0;
- dc->seek = 1;
- while (decode_pid > 0 && dc->seek)
- my_usleep(10000);
- if (!dc->seekError) {
- pc->elapsedTime = dc->seekWhere;
- ret = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- pc->seek = 0;
- return ret;
-#define processDecodeInput() \
- if(pc->cycleLogFiles) { \
- cycle_log_files(); \
- pc->cycleLogFiles = 0; \
- } \
- if(pc->lockQueue) { \
- pc->queueLockState = PLAYER_QUEUE_LOCKED; \
- pc->lockQueue = 0; \
- } \
- if(pc->unlockQueue) { \
- pc->queueLockState = PLAYER_QUEUE_UNLOCKED; \
- pc->unlockQueue = 0; \
- } \
- if(pc->pause) { \
- pause = !pause; \
- if (pause) pc->state = PLAYER_STATE_PAUSE; \
- else { \
- if (openAudioDevice(NULL) >= 0) pc->state = PLAYER_STATE_PLAY; \
- else { \
- pathcpy_trunc(pc->erroredUrl, pc->utf8url); \
- pc->error = PLAYER_ERROR_AUDIO; \
- ERROR("problems opening audio device while playing \"%s\"\n", pc->utf8url); \
- pause = -1; \
- } \
- } \
- pc->pause = 0; \
- kill(getppid(), SIGUSR1); \
- if (pause == -1) pause = 1; \
- else if (pause) { \
- dropBufferedAudio(); \
- closeAudioDevice(); \
- } \
- } \
- if(pc->seek) { \
- dropBufferedAudio(); \
- if(decodeSeek(pc,dc,cb,&decodeWaitedOn,&next) == 0) { \
- doCrossFade = 0; \
- nextChunk = -1; \
- bbp = 0; \
- } \
- } \
- if(pc->stop) { \
- dropBufferedAudio(); \
- quitDecode(pc,dc); \
- return; \
- }
-static void decodeStart(PlayerControl * pc, OutputBuffer * cb,
- DecoderControl * dc)
- int ret;
- InputStream inStream;
- InputPlugin *plugin = NULL;
- char *path;
- if (isRemoteUrl(pc->utf8url))
- path = utf8StrToLatin1Dup(pc->utf8url);
- else
- path = xstrdup(rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(pc->utf8url)));
- if (!path) {
- dc->error = DECODE_ERROR_FILE;
- dc->state = DECODE_STATE_STOP;
- dc->start = 0;
- return;
- }
- copyMpdTagToOutputBuffer(cb, NULL);
- pathcpy_trunc(dc->utf8url, pc->utf8url);
- if (openInputStream(&inStream, path) < 0) {
- dc->error = DECODE_ERROR_FILE;
- dc->state = DECODE_STATE_STOP;
- dc->start = 0;
- free(path);
- return;
- }
- dc->state = DECODE_STATE_START;
- dc->start = 0;
- while (!inputStreamAtEOF(&inStream) && bufferInputStream(&inStream) < 0
- && !dc->stop) {
- /* sleep so we don't consume 100% of the cpu */
- my_usleep(1000);
- }
- /* for http streams, seekable is determined in bufferInputStream */
- dc->seekable = inStream.seekable;
- if (dc->stop) {
- dc->state = DECODE_STATE_STOP;
- dc->stop = 0;
- free(path);
- return;
- }
- /*if(inStream.metaName) {
- MpdTag * tag = newMpdTag();
- tag->name = xstrdup(inStream.metaName);
- copyMpdTagToOutputBuffer(cb, tag);
- freeMpdTag(tag);
- } */
- /* reset Metadata in OutputBuffer */
- if (isRemoteUrl(dc->utf8url)) {
- unsigned int next = 0;
- cb->acceptMetadata = 1;
- /* first we try mime types: */
- while (ret
- && (plugin =
- getInputPluginFromMimeType(inStream.mime, next++))) {
- if (!plugin->streamDecodeFunc)
- continue;
- if (!(plugin->streamTypes & INPUT_PLUGIN_STREAM_URL))
- continue;
- if (plugin->tryDecodeFunc
- && !plugin->tryDecodeFunc(&inStream))
- continue;
- ret = plugin->streamDecodeFunc(cb, dc, &inStream);
- break;
- }
- /* if that fails, try suffix matching the URL: */
- if (plugin == NULL) {
- char *s = getSuffix(dc->utf8url);
- next = 0;
- while (ret
- && (plugin =
- getInputPluginFromSuffix(s, next++))) {
- if (!plugin->streamDecodeFunc)
- continue;
- if (!(plugin->streamTypes &
- continue;
- if (plugin->tryDecodeFunc &&
- !plugin->tryDecodeFunc(&inStream))
- continue;
- ret =
- plugin->streamDecodeFunc(cb, dc, &inStream);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* fallback to mp3: */
- /* this is needed for bastard streams that don't have a suffix
- or set the mimeType */
- if (plugin == NULL) {
- /* we already know our mp3Plugin supports streams, no
- * need to check for stream{Types,DecodeFunc} */
- if ((plugin = getInputPluginFromName("mp3")))
- ret = plugin->streamDecodeFunc(cb, dc,
- &inStream);
- }
- } else {
- unsigned int next = 0;
- char *s = getSuffix(dc->utf8url);
- cb->acceptMetadata = 0;
- while (ret && (plugin = getInputPluginFromSuffix(s, next++))) {
- if (!plugin->streamTypes & INPUT_PLUGIN_STREAM_FILE)
- continue;
- if (plugin->tryDecodeFunc
- && !plugin->tryDecodeFunc(&inStream))
- continue;
- if (plugin->streamDecodeFunc) {
- ret =
- plugin->streamDecodeFunc(cb, dc, &inStream);
- break;
- } else if (plugin->fileDecodeFunc) {
- closeInputStream(&inStream);
- ret = plugin->fileDecodeFunc(cb, dc, path);
- }
- }
- }
- if (ret < 0 || ret == DECODE_ERROR_UNKTYPE) {
- pathcpy_trunc(pc->erroredUrl, dc->utf8url);
- dc->error = DECODE_ERROR_FILE;
- else {
- closeInputStream(&inStream);
- }
- dc->stop = 0;
- dc->state = DECODE_STATE_STOP;
- }
- free(path);
-static int decoderInit(PlayerControl * pc, OutputBuffer * cb,
- DecoderControl * dc)
- blockSignals();
- getPlayerData()->playerControl.decode_pid = 0;
- decode_pid = fork();
- if (decode_pid == 0) {
- /* CHILD */
- unblockSignals();
- while (1) {
- if (dc->cycleLogFiles) {
- cycle_log_files();
- dc->cycleLogFiles = 0;
- } else if (dc->start || dc->seek)
- decodeStart(pc, cb, dc);
- else if (dc->stop) {
- dc->state = DECODE_STATE_STOP;
- dc->stop = 0;
- } else
- my_usleep(10000);
- }
- /* END OF CHILD */
- } else if (decode_pid < 0) {
- unblockSignals();
- pathcpy_trunc(pc->erroredUrl, pc->utf8url);
- pc->error = PLAYER_ERROR_SYSTEM;
- return -1;
- }
- DEBUG("decoder PID: %d\n", decode_pid);
- getPlayerData()->playerControl.decode_pid = decode_pid;
- unblockSignals();
- return 0;
-static void handleMetadata(OutputBuffer * cb, PlayerControl * pc, int *previous,
- int *currentChunkSent, MetadataChunk * currentChunk)
- if (cb->begin != cb->end) {
- int meta = cb->metaChunk[cb->begin];
- if (meta != *previous) {
- DEBUG("player: metadata change\n");
- if (meta >= 0 && cb->metaChunkSet[meta]) {
- DEBUG("player: new metadata from decoder!\n");
- memcpy(currentChunk,
- cb->metadataChunks + meta,
- sizeof(MetadataChunk));
- *currentChunkSent = 0;
- cb->metaChunkSet[meta] = 0;
- }
- }
- *previous = meta;
- }
- if (!(*currentChunkSent) && pc->metadataState ==
- MpdTag *tag = NULL;
- *currentChunkSent = 1;
- if ((tag = metadataChunkToMpdTagDup(currentChunk))) {
- sendMetadataToAudioDevice(tag);
- freeMpdTag(tag);
- }
- memcpy(&(pc->metadataChunk), currentChunk,
- sizeof(MetadataChunk));
- pc->metadataState = PLAYER_METADATA_STATE_READ;
- kill(getppid(), SIGUSR1);
- }
-static void advanceOutputBufferTo(OutputBuffer * cb, PlayerControl * pc,
- int *previous, int *currentChunkSent,
- MetadataChunk * currentChunk, int to)
- while (cb->begin != to) {
- handleMetadata(cb, pc, previous, currentChunkSent,
- currentChunk);
- if (cb->begin + 1 >= buffered_chunks) {
- cb->begin = 0;
- }
- else cb->begin++;
- }
-static void decodeParent(PlayerControl * pc, DecoderControl * dc, OutputBuffer * cb)
- int pause = 0;
- int quit = 0;
- int bbp = buffered_before_play;
- int doCrossFade = 0;
- int crossFadeChunks = 0;
- int fadePosition;
- int nextChunk = -1;
- int test;
- int decodeWaitedOn = 0;
- char silence[CHUNK_SIZE];
- double sizeToTime = 0.0;
- int previousMetadataChunk = -1;
- MetadataChunk currentMetadataChunk;
- int currentChunkSent = 1;
- int end;
- int next = -1;
- memset(silence, 0, CHUNK_SIZE);
- if (waitOnDecode(pc, dc, cb, &decodeWaitedOn) < 0)
- return;
- pc->elapsedTime = 0;
- pc->state = PLAYER_STATE_PLAY;
- pc->play = 0;
- kill(getppid(), SIGUSR1);
- while (decode_pid > 0 &&
- cb->end - cb->begin < bbp &&
- cb->end != buffered_chunks - 1 &&
- dc->state != DECODE_STATE_STOP) {
- processDecodeInput();
- my_usleep(1000);
- }
- while (!quit) {
- processDecodeInput();
- handleDecodeStart();
- handleMetadata(cb, pc, &previousMetadataChunk,
- &currentChunkSent, &currentMetadataChunk);
- if (dc->state == DECODE_STATE_STOP &&
- pc->queueState == PLAYER_QUEUE_FULL &&
- pc->queueLockState == PLAYER_QUEUE_UNLOCKED) {
- next = cb->end;
- dc->start = 1;
- pc->queueState = PLAYER_QUEUE_DECODE;
- kill(getppid(), SIGUSR1);
- }
- if (next >= 0 && doCrossFade == 0 && !dc->start &&
- dc->state != DECODE_STATE_START) {
- nextChunk = -1;
- if (isCurrentAudioFormat(&(cb->audioFormat))) {
- doCrossFade = 1;
- crossFadeChunks =
- calculateCrossFadeChunks(pc,
- &(cb->
- audioFormat));
- if (!crossFadeChunks
- || pc->crossFade >= dc->totalTime) {
- doCrossFade = -1;
- }
- } else
- doCrossFade = -1;
- }
- /* copy these to local variables to prevent any potential
- race conditions and weirdness */
- end = cb->end;
- if (pause)
- my_usleep(10000);
- else if (cb->begin != end && cb->begin != next) {
- if (doCrossFade == 1 && next >= 0 &&
- ((next > cb->begin &&
- (fadePosition = next - cb->begin)
- <= crossFadeChunks) ||
- (cb->begin > next &&
- (fadePosition = next - cb->begin +
- buffered_chunks) <= crossFadeChunks))) {
- if (nextChunk < 0) {
- crossFadeChunks = fadePosition;
- }
- test = end;
- if (end < cb->begin)
- test += buffered_chunks;
- nextChunk = cb->begin + crossFadeChunks;
- if (nextChunk < test) {
- if (nextChunk >= buffered_chunks) {
- nextChunk -= buffered_chunks;
- }
- pcm_mix(cb->chunks +
- cb->begin * CHUNK_SIZE,
- cb->chunks +
- nextChunk * CHUNK_SIZE,
- cb->chunkSize[cb->begin],
- cb->chunkSize[nextChunk],
- &(cb->audioFormat),
- ((float)fadePosition) /
- crossFadeChunks);
- if (cb->chunkSize[nextChunk] >
- cb->chunkSize[cb->begin]
- ) {
- cb->chunkSize[cb->begin]
- = cb->chunkSize[nextChunk];
- }
- } else {
- if (dc->state == DECODE_STATE_STOP) {
- doCrossFade = -1;
- } else
- continue;
- }
- }
- pc->elapsedTime = cb->times[cb->begin];
- pc->bitRate = cb->bitRate[cb->begin];
- pcm_volumeChange(cb->chunks + cb->begin *
- cb->chunkSize[cb->begin],
- &(cb->audioFormat),
- pc->softwareVolume);
- if (playAudio(cb->chunks + cb->begin * CHUNK_SIZE,
- cb->chunkSize[cb->begin]) < 0) {
- quit = 1;
- }
- pc->totalPlayTime +=
- sizeToTime * cb->chunkSize[cb->begin];
- if (cb->begin + 1 >= buffered_chunks) {
- cb->begin = 0;
- } else
- cb->begin++;
- } else if (cb->begin != end && cb->begin == next) {
- if (doCrossFade == 1 && nextChunk >= 0) {
- nextChunk = cb->begin + crossFadeChunks;
- test = end;
- if (end < cb->begin)
- test += buffered_chunks;
- if (nextChunk < test) {
- if (nextChunk >= buffered_chunks) {
- nextChunk -= buffered_chunks;
- }
- advanceOutputBufferTo(cb, pc,
- &previousMetadataChunk,
- &currentChunkSent,
- &currentMetadataChunk,
- nextChunk);
- }
- }
- while (pc->queueState == PLAYER_QUEUE_DECODE ||
- pc->queueLockState == PLAYER_QUEUE_LOCKED) {
- processDecodeInput();
- if (quit) {
- quitDecode(pc, dc);
- return;
- }
- my_usleep(10000);
- }
- if (pc->queueState != PLAYER_QUEUE_PLAY) {
- quit = 1;
- break;
- } else {
- next = -1;
- if (waitOnDecode(pc, dc, cb, &decodeWaitedOn) <
- 0) {
- return;
- }
- nextChunk = -1;
- doCrossFade = 0;
- crossFadeChunks = 0;
- pc->queueState = PLAYER_QUEUE_EMPTY;
- kill(getppid(), SIGUSR1);
- }
- } else if (decode_pid <= 0 ||
- (dc->state == DECODE_STATE_STOP && !dc->start)) {
- quit = 1;
- break;
- } else {
- /*DEBUG("waiting for decoded audio, play silence\n");*/
- if (playAudio(silence, CHUNK_SIZE) < 0)
- quit = 1;
- }
- }
- quitDecode(pc, dc);
-/* decode w/ buffering
- * this will fork another process
- * child process does decoding
- * parent process does playing audio
- */
-void decode(void)
- OutputBuffer *cb;
- PlayerControl *pc;
- DecoderControl *dc;
- cb = &(getPlayerData()->buffer);
- clearAllMetaChunkSets(cb);
- cb->begin = 0;
- cb->end = 0;
- pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl);
- dc = &(getPlayerData()->decoderControl);
- dc->error = 0;
- dc->seek = 0;
- dc->stop = 0;
- dc->start = 1;
- if (decode_pid <= 0) {
- if (decoderInit(pc, cb, dc) < 0)
- return;
- }
- decodeParent(pc, dc, cb);