path: root/src/pcm_utils.c
diff options
authorAndreas Claesson <andreas.claesson@gmail.com>2005-05-24 15:06:23 +0000
committerAndreas Claesson <andreas.claesson@gmail.com>2005-05-24 15:06:23 +0000
commit29cc42bf9781f2407cc7ccfe801329b07434e50b (patch)
tree7a7b61381e788880c03b99325cb7448d5b7f88cd /src/pcm_utils.c
parent422410c46de81cec8872a9b91d07a7c9eca96b82 (diff)
Adding modifications for internal 1-3-28 bits integer samples. Only mp3 and mpc of the input plugins are modified. Resampling is NOT working!!
git-svn-id: https://svn.musicpd.org/mpd/branches/ancl@3281 09075e82-0dd4-0310-85a5-a0d7c8717e4f
Diffstat (limited to 'src/pcm_utils.c')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 368 deletions
diff --git a/src/pcm_utils.c b/src/pcm_utils.c
index bfb11e3ff..8341272e7 100644
--- a/src/pcm_utils.c
+++ b/src/pcm_utils.c
@@ -28,278 +28,34 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
-void pcm_changeBufferEndianness(char * buffer, int bufferSize, int bits) {
- switch(bits) {
- case 16:
- while(bufferSize) {
- char temp = *buffer;
- *buffer = *(buffer+1);
- *(buffer+1) = temp;
- bufferSize-=2;
- }
- break;
- case 32:
- /* I'm not sure if this code is correct */
- /* I guess it is OK for 32 bit int, but how about float? */
- while(bufferSize) {
- char temp = *buffer;
- char temp1 = *(buffer+1);
- *buffer = *(buffer+3);
- *(buffer+1) = *(buffer+2);
- *(buffer+2) = temp1;
- *(buffer+3) = temp;
- bufferSize-=4;
- }
- break;
- }
-void pcm_volumeChange(char * buffer, int bufferSize, AudioFormat * format,
- int volume)
- mpd_sint16 * buffer16 = (mpd_sint16 *)buffer;
- mpd_sint32 sample32;
- if(volume>=1000) return;
- if(volume<=0) {
- memset(buffer,0,bufferSize);
- return;
- }
- if(format->bits!=16 || format.channels!=2 || format->floatSamples) {
- ERROR("Only 16 bit stereo is supported in fixed point mode!\n");
- }
- while(bufferSize) {
- sample32 = (mpd_sint32)(*buffer16) * volume;
- /* no need to check boundaries - can't overflow */
- *buffer16 = sample32 >> 10;
- bufferSize -= 2;
- }
- return;
- mpd_sint8 * buffer8 = (mpd_sint8 *)buffer;
- mpd_sint16 * buffer16 = (mpd_sint16 *)buffer;
- mpd_sint32 * buffer32 = (mpd_sint32 *)buffer;
- float * bufferFloat = (float *)buffer;
- float fvolume = volume * 0.001;
- if(volume>=1000) return;
- if(volume<=0) {
- memset(buffer,0,bufferSize);
- return;
- }
-/* DEBUG */
- if(bufferSize % (format->channels * 4)) {
- ERROR("pcm_volumeChange: bufferSize=%i not multipel of %i\n",
- bufferSize, format->channels * 4);
- }
- if(!format->floatSamples)
- ERROR("pcm_volumeChange: not floatSamples\n");
-/* /DEBUG */
- if(format->floatSamples) {
- if(format->bits==32) {
- while(bufferSize) {
- *bufferFloat *= fvolume;
- bufferFloat++;
- bufferSize-=4;
- }
- return;
- }
- else {
- ERROR("%i bit float not supported by pcm_volumeChange!\n",
- format->bits);
- }
- }
- switch(format->bits) {
- case 32:
- while(bufferSize) {
- double sample = (double)(*buffer32) * fvolume;
- *buffer32++ = rint(sample);
- bufferSize-=4;
- }
- break;
- case 16:
- while(bufferSize) {
- float sample = *buffer16 * fvolume;
- *buffer16++ = rintf(sample);
- bufferSize-=2;
- }
- break;
- case 8:
- while(bufferSize) {
- float sample = *buffer8 * fvolume;
- *buffer8++ = rintf(sample);
- bufferSize--;
- }
- break;
- default:
- ERROR("%i bits not supported by pcm_volumeChange!\n",
- format->bits);
- }
-void pcm_add(char * buffer1, char * buffer2, size_t bufferSize1,
- size_t bufferSize2, int vol1, int vol2, AudioFormat * format)
- mpd_sint16 * buffer16_1 = (mpd_sint16 *)buffer1;
- mpd_sint16 * buffer16_2 = (mpd_sint16 *)buffer2;
- mpd_sint32 sample;
- if(format->bits!=16 || format.channels!=2 || format->floatSamples) {
- ERROR("Only 16 bit stereo is supported in fixed point mode!\n");
- }
- while(bufferSize1 && bufferSize2) {
- sample = ((mpd_sint32)(*buffer16_1) * vol1 +
- (mpd_sint32)(*buffer16_2) * vol2) >> 10;
- *buffer16_1 = sample>32767 ? 32767 :
- (sample<-32768 ? -32768 : sample);
- bufferSize1 -= 2;
- bufferSize2 -= 2;
- }
- if(bufferSize2) memcpy(buffer16_1,buffer16_2,bufferSize2);
- return;
-/* DEBUG */
- if(bufferSize1 % (format->channels * 4)) {
- ERROR("pcm_add: bufferSize1=%i not multipel of %i\n",
- bufferSize1, format->channels * 4);
- }
- if(bufferSize2 % (format->channels * 4)) {
- ERROR("pcm_add: bufferSize2=%i not multipel of %i\n",
- bufferSize2, format->channels * 4);
- }
- if(!format->floatSamples)
- ERROR("pcm_add: not floatSamples\n");
-/* /DEBUG */
- mpd_sint8 * buffer8_1 = (mpd_sint8 *)buffer1;
- mpd_sint8 * buffer8_2 = (mpd_sint8 *)buffer2;
- mpd_sint16 * buffer16_1 = (mpd_sint16 *)buffer1;
- mpd_sint16 * buffer16_2 = (mpd_sint16 *)buffer2;
- mpd_sint32 * buffer32_1 = (mpd_sint32 *)buffer1;
- mpd_sint32 * buffer32_2 = (mpd_sint32 *)buffer2;
- float * bufferFloat_1 = (float *)buffer1;
- float * bufferFloat_2 = (float *)buffer2;
- float fvol1 = vol1 * 0.001;
- float fvol2 = vol2 * 0.001;
- float sample;
- if(format->floatSamples) {
- /* 32 bit float */
- while(bufferSize1 && bufferSize2) {
- *bufferFloat_1 = fvol1*(*bufferFloat_1) +
- fvol2*(*bufferFloat_2);
- bufferFloat_1++;
- bufferFloat_2++;
- bufferSize1-=4;
- bufferSize2-=4;
- }
- if(bufferSize2) memcpy(bufferFloat_1,bufferFloat_2,bufferSize2);
- }
- switch(format->bits) {
- case 32:
- while(bufferSize1 && bufferSize2) {
- sample = fvol1*(*buffer32_1) + fvol2*(*buffer32_2);
- if(sample>2147483647.0) *buffer32_1 = 2147483647;
- else if(sample<-2147483647.0) *buffer32_1 = -2147483647;
- else *buffer32_1 = rintf(sample);
- bufferFloat_1++;
- bufferFloat_2++;
- bufferSize1-=4;
- bufferSize2-=4;
- }
- if(bufferSize2) memcpy(bufferFloat_1,bufferFloat_2,bufferSize2);
- break;
- case 16:
- while(bufferSize1 && bufferSize2) {
- sample = fvol1*(*buffer16_1) + fvol2*(*buffer16_2);
- *buffer16_1 = sample>32767.0 ? 32767 :
- (sample<-32768.0 ? -32768 :
- rintf(sample));
- buffer16_1++;
- buffer16_2++;
- bufferSize1-=2;
- bufferSize2-=2;
- }
- if(bufferSize2) memcpy(buffer16_1,buffer16_2,bufferSize2);
- break;
- case 8:
- while(bufferSize1 && bufferSize2) {
- sample = fvol1*(*buffer8_1) + fvol2*(*buffer8_2);
- *buffer8_1 = sample>127.0 ? 127 :
- (sample<-128.0 ? -128 :
- rintf(sample));
- buffer8_1++;
- buffer8_2++;
- bufferSize1--;
- bufferSize2--;
- }
- if(bufferSize2) memcpy(buffer8_1,buffer8_2,bufferSize2);
- break;
- default:
- ERROR("%i bits not supported by pcm_add!\n",format->bits);
- }
-void pcm_mix(char * buffer1, char * buffer2, size_t bufferSize1,
- size_t bufferSize2, AudioFormat * format, float portion1)
- int vol1;
- float s = sin(M_PI_2*portion1);
- s*=s;
- vol1 = s*1000+0.5;
- vol1 = vol1>1000 ? 1000 : ( vol1<0 ? 0 : vol1 );
- pcm_add(buffer1,buffer2,bufferSize1,bufferSize2,vol1,1000-vol1,format);
-void pcm_convertToFloat(AudioFormat * inFormat, char * inBuffer, size_t
- samples, char * outBuffer)
+void pcm_convertToMpdFixed(AudioFormat * inFormat, char * inBuffer, int
+ samples, char * outBuffer, int fracBits)
mpd_sint8 * in8 = (mpd_sint8 *)inBuffer;
mpd_sint16 * in16 = (mpd_sint16 *)inBuffer;
mpd_sint32 * in32 = (mpd_sint32 *)inBuffer;
- float * out = (float *)outBuffer;
- float multiplier;
+ mpd_fixed_t * out = (mpd_fixed_t *)outBuffer;
+ int shift;
switch(inFormat->bits) {
case 8:
- multiplier = 1.0 / 128.0;
+ shift = fracBits - 8;
while(samples--) {
- *out++ = (*in8++) * multiplier;
+ *out++ = (mpd_fixed_t)(*in8++) << shift;
case 16:
- multiplier = 1.0 / 32768.0;
+ shift = fracBits - 16;
while(samples--) {
- *out++ = (*in16++) * multiplier;
+ *out++ = (mpd_fixed_t)(*in16++) << shift;
-/* case 32:
- multiplier = 1.0 / (1L << 31);
+ case 32:
+ shift = 32 - fracBits;
while(samples--) {
- *out++ = (*in32++) * multiplier;
+ *out++ = (mpd_fixed_t)(*in32++) >> shift;
- break; */
+ break;
ERROR("%i bit samples are not supported for conversion!\n",
@@ -307,12 +63,43 @@ void pcm_convertToFloat(AudioFormat * inFormat, char * inBuffer, size_t
+/* this is stolen from mpg321! */
+inline mpd_uint32 prng(mpd_uint32 state) {
+ return (state * 0x0019660dL + 0x3c6ef35fL) & 0xffffffffL;
+/* end of stolen stuff from mpg321 */
+void pcm_convertToIntWithDither(int bits,
+ mpd_fixed_t *buffer, int samples, int fracBits)
+ static mpd_uint32 ditherRandom = 0;
+ mpd_fixed_t mask = ~(~0L << (fracBits - bits));
+ mpd_fixed_t max = (1L << (fracBits)) - 1;
+ mpd_fixed_t min = ~0L << (fracBits);
+ mpd_fixed_t sample;
+ERROR("conv: max=%x, min=%x \n", max, min);
+//buffer += samples - 25;
+//samples = 20;
+ while(samples--) {
+//ERROR("*buffer=%x, mask=%x\n", *buffer, mask);
+ sample = *buffer + (ditherRandom & mask);
+ if(sample > max || sample < min)
+ ERROR("clipping! %x\n", sample);
+ sample = sample>max ? max : (sample<min ? min : sample);
+ *buffer = sample >> (fracBits - bits + 1);
+//ERROR("sample=%x, *buffer=%x, dither=%x\n", sample, *buffer, ditherRandom & mask);
+ buffer++;
+ ditherRandom = prng(ditherRandom);
+ }
-char *pcm_convertSampleRate(AudioFormat *inFormat, char *inBuffer, size_t inFrames,
- AudioFormat *outFormat, size_t outFrames)
+char *pcm_convertSampleRate(AudioFormat *inFormat, char *inBuffer,
+ size_t inFrames, AudioFormat *outFormat, size_t outFrames)
/* Input must be float32, 1 or 2 channels */
- /* Interpolate using a second order polynom */
+ /* Interpolate using a second order polynomial */
/* k0 = s0 *
* k2 = (s0 - 2*s1 + s2) * 0.5 *
* k1 = s1 - s0 - k2 *
@@ -447,66 +234,149 @@ char *pcm_convertSampleRate(AudioFormat *inFormat, char *inBuffer, size_t inFram
return (char *)sampleConvBuffer;
+/****** exported procedures ***************************************************/
-/* now support conversions between sint8, sint16, sint32 and float32,
- * 1 or 2 channels and (although badly) all sample rates */
-void pcm_convertAudioFormat(AudioFormat * inFormat, char * inBuffer, size_t
- inSize, AudioFormat * outFormat, char * outBuffer)
- /* In fixed mode the conversion support is limited... */
- if(inFormat->bits != outFormat->bits || inFormat->bits != 16) {
- ERROR("Only 16 bit samples supported in fixed point mode!\n");
+void pcm_changeBufferEndianness(char * buffer, int bufferSize, int bits) {
+ switch(bits) {
+ case 16:
+ while(bufferSize) {
+ mpd_uint8 temp = *buffer;
+ *buffer = *(buffer+1);
+ *(buffer+1) = temp;
+ bufferSize-=2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 32:
+ /* I'm not sure if this code is correct */
+ /* I guess it is OK for 32 bit int, but how about float? */
+ while(bufferSize) {
+ mpd_uint8 temp = *buffer;
+ mpd_uint8 temp1 = *(buffer+1);
+ *buffer = *(buffer+3);
+ *(buffer+1) = *(buffer+2);
+ *(buffer+2) = temp1;
+ *(buffer+3) = temp;
+ bufferSize-=4;
+ }
+ break;
- if(inFormat->sampleRate || outFormat->sampleRate) {
- ERROR("Sample rate conversions not supported in fixed point mode!\n");
+void pcm_volumeChange(char * buffer, int bufferSize, AudioFormat * format,
+ int volume)
+ mpd_fixed_t * buffer32 = (mpd_fixed_t *)buffer;
+ int iScale;
+ int samples;
+ int shift;
+ if(format->bits!=32 || format->channels!=2) {
+ ERROR("Only 32 bit stereo is supported for pcm_volumeChange!\n");
- if(inFormat->channels == 2 && outFormat->channels == 1) {
- size_t frames = inSize >> 2; /* 16 bit stereo == 4 bytes */
- mpd_sint16 *in = (mpd_sint16 *)inBuffer;
- mpd_sint16 *out = (mpd_sint16 *)outBuffer;
- while(frames--) {
- *out++ = *in++;
- *in++; /* skip the other channel */
- }
+ /* take care of full and no volume cases */
+ if(volume>=1000) return;
+ if(volume<=0) {
+ memset(buffer,0,bufferSize);
+ return;
- if(inFormat->channels == 1 && outFormat->channels == 2) {
- size_t frames = inSize >> 1; /* 16 bit mono == 2 bytes */
- mpd_sint16 *in = (mpd_sint16 *)inBuffer;
- mpd_sint16 *out = (mpd_sint16 *)outBuffer;
- while(frames--) {
- *out++ = *in;
- *out++ = *in++; /* duplicate the channel */
- }
+ /****** change volume ******/
+ samples = bufferSize >> 2;
+ iScale = (mpd_uint32)(volume * 256) / 1000;
+ shift = 8;
+ERROR("vol1: iScale=%i, shift=%i, volume=%i\n", iScale, shift, volume);
+ /* lower shifting value as much as possible */
+ while(!(iScale & 1) && shift) {
+ iScale >>= 1;
+ shift--;
+ }
+ERROR("vol2: iScale=%i, shift=%i\n", iScale, shift);
+ /* change */
+ if(iScale == 1) {
+ while(samples--)
+ *buffer32++ = *buffer32 >> shift;
else {
- ERROR("More then 2 channels are not supported!\n");
+ while(samples--)
+ *buffer32++ = (*buffer32 >> shift) * iScale;
+ }
+void pcm_add(char * buffer1, char * buffer2, size_t bufferSize1,
+ size_t bufferSize2, int vol1, int vol2, AudioFormat * format)
+ mpd_fixed_t * buffer32_1 = (mpd_fixed_t *)buffer1;
+ mpd_fixed_t * buffer32_2 = (mpd_fixed_t *)buffer2;
+ mpd_fixed_t temp;
+ int samples1;
+ int samples2;
+ int iScale1;
+ int iScale2;
+ int shift;
+ if(format->bits!=32 || format->channels!=2 ) {
+ ERROR("Only 32 bit stereo is supported for pcm_add!\n");
+ samples1 = bufferSize1 >> 2;
+ samples2 = bufferSize1 >> 2;
+ iScale1 = (mpd_uint32)(vol1 * 256) / 1000;
+ iScale2 = (mpd_uint32)(vol2 * 256) / 1000;
+ shift = 8;
+ /* scale and add samples */
+ /* no check for overflow needed - we trust our headroom is enough */
+ while(samples1 && samples2) {
+ *buffer32_1++ = (*buffer32_1 >> shift) * iScale1 +
+ (*buffer32_2 >> shift) * iScale2;
+ }
+ /* take care of case where buffer2 > buffer1 */
+ if(samples2) memcpy(buffer32_1,buffer32_2,samples2<<2);
+void pcm_mix(char * buffer1, char * buffer2, size_t bufferSize1,
+ size_t bufferSize2, AudioFormat * format, float portion1)
+ int vol1;
+ float s = sin(M_PI_2*portion1);
+ s*=s;
-/* DEBUG */
- if(inSize % (inFormat->channels * 4)) {
- ERROR("pcm_convertAudioFormat: inSize=%i not multipel of %i\n",
- inSize, inFormat->channels * 4);
- }
-/* /DEBUG */
+ vol1 = s*1000+0.5;
+ vol1 = vol1>1000 ? 1000 : ( vol1<0 ? 0 : vol1 );
+ pcm_add(buffer1,buffer2,bufferSize1,bufferSize2,vol1,1000-vol1,format);
+void pcm_convertAudioFormat(AudioFormat * inFormat, char * inBuffer, size_t
+ inSize, AudioFormat * outFormat, char * outBuffer)
static char *convBuffer = NULL;
static int convBufferLength = 0;
char * dataConv;
int dataLen;
- static float ditherAmount = 2.0 / RAND_MAX;
- const size_t inSamples = (inSize << 3) / inFormat->bits;
- const size_t inFrames = inSamples / inFormat->channels;
- const size_t outFrames = (inFrames * (mpd_uint32)(outFormat->sampleRate)) /
+ int fracBits;
+ const int inSamples = (inSize << 3) / inFormat->bits;
+ const int inFrames = inSamples / inFormat->channels;
+ const int outFrames = (inFrames * (mpd_uint32)(outFormat->sampleRate)) /
- const size_t outSamples = outFrames * outFormat->channels;
- /* make sure convBuffer is big enough for 2 channels of float samples */
+ const int outSamples = outFrames * outFormat->channels;
+ERROR("0 inSamples=%i in:bits=%i, fracBits=%i\n",
+ inSamples, inFormat->bits, inFormat->fracBits);
+ERROR(" out:bits=%i, fracBits=%i\n",
+ outFormat->bits, outFormat->fracBits);
+ /* make sure convBuffer is big enough for 2 channels of 32 bit samples */
dataLen = inFrames << 3;
if(dataLen > convBufferLength) {
convBuffer = (char *) realloc(convBuffer, dataLen);
@@ -518,28 +388,28 @@ void pcm_convertAudioFormat(AudioFormat * inFormat, char * inBuffer, size_t
convBufferLength = dataLen;
- /* make sure dataConv points to 32 bit float samples */
- if(inFormat->floatSamples && inFormat->bits==32) {
+ /* make sure dataConv points to mpd_fixed_t samples */
+ if(inFormat->fracBits && inFormat->bits==32) {
+ fracBits = inFormat->fracBits;
dataConv = inBuffer;
- else if(!inFormat->floatSamples) {
- dataConv = convBuffer;
- pcm_convertToFloat(inFormat, inBuffer, inSamples, dataConv);
- }
else {
- ERROR("%i bit float are not supported for conversion!\n",
- inFormat->bits);
+ fracBits = 28; /* use 28 bits as default */
+ dataConv = convBuffer;
+ pcm_convertToMpdFixed(inFormat, inBuffer, inSamples,
+ dataConv, fracBits);
- /* convert between mono and stereo samples*/
+ /****** convert between mono and stereo samples ******/
if(inFormat->channels != outFormat->channels) {
- float *in = ((float *)dataConv)+inFrames;
switch(inFormat->channels) {
/* convert from 1 -> 2 channels */
case 1:
- float *out = ((float *)convBuffer)+(inFrames<<1);
+ /* in reverse order to allow for same in and out buffer */
+ mpd_fixed_t *in = ((mpd_fixed_t *)dataConv)+inFrames;
+ mpd_fixed_t *out = ((mpd_fixed_t *)convBuffer)+(inFrames<<1);
int f = inFrames;
while(f--) {
*out-- = *in;
@@ -550,11 +420,12 @@ void pcm_convertAudioFormat(AudioFormat * inFormat, char * inBuffer, size_t
/* convert from 2 -> 1 channels */
case 2:
- float * out = (float *)convBuffer;
+ mpd_fixed_t *in = ((mpd_fixed_t *)dataConv);
+ mpd_fixed_t *out = ((mpd_fixed_t *)convBuffer);
int f = inFrames;
while(f--) {
- *out = (*in++)*0.5;
- *out++ += (*in++)*0.5;
+ *out = (*in++)>>1;
+ *out++ += (*in++)>>1;
@@ -565,89 +436,75 @@ void pcm_convertAudioFormat(AudioFormat * inFormat, char * inBuffer, size_t
dataConv = convBuffer;
- /* convert sample rate */
+ /****** convert sample rate ******/
if(inFormat->sampleRate != outFormat->sampleRate) {
dataConv = pcm_convertSampleRate(
inFormat, dataConv, inFrames,
outFormat, outFrames);
- /* convert to output format */
- if(outFormat->floatSamples && outFormat->bits==32) {
- if(outBuffer != dataConv)
- memcpy(outBuffer, dataConv, outSamples << 2);
- return;
- }
- else if(outFormat->floatSamples) {
- ERROR("%i bit float are not supported for conversion!\n",
+ /****** convert to output format ******/
+ /* if outformat is mpd_fixed_t then we are done TODO */
+ if(outFormat->fracBits) {
+ if(outFormat->bits==32) {
+ if(outBuffer != dataConv)
+ memcpy(outBuffer, dataConv, outSamples << 2);
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ ERROR("%i bit float are not supported for conversion!\n",
+ }
+ /* convert to regular integer while adding dither and checking range */
+ pcm_convertToIntWithDither(outFormat->bits,
+ (mpd_fixed_t *)dataConv, outSamples, fracBits);
+ /* copy to output buffer*/
switch(outFormat->bits) {
case 8:
- /* add triangular dither and convert to sint8 */
- float * in = (float *)dataConv;
- mpd_sint8 * out = (mpd_sint8 *)outBuffer;
- int s = outSamples;
- while(s--) {
- float sample = (*in++) * 128.0 +
- ditherAmount*(rand()-rand());
- *out++ = sample>127.0 ? 127 :
- (sample<-128.0 ? -128 :
- rintf(sample));
- }
+ mpd_fixed_t *in = (mpd_fixed_t *)dataConv;
+ mpd_sint8 * out = (mpd_sint8 *)outBuffer;
+ int s = outSamples;
+ while(s--)
+ *out++ = *in++;
case 16:
- /* add triangular dither and convert to sint16 */
- float * in = (float *)dataConv;
- mpd_sint16 * out = (mpd_sint16 *)outBuffer;
- int s = outSamples;
- while(s--) {
- float sample = (*in++) * 32766.0 +
- ditherAmount*(rand()-rand());
- *out++ = sample>32767.0 ? 32767 :
- (sample<-32768.0 ? -32768 :
- rintf(sample));
- }
+ mpd_fixed_t *in = (mpd_fixed_t *)dataConv;
+ mpd_sint16 *out = (mpd_sint16 *)outBuffer;
+ int s = outSamples;
+ while(s--)
+ *out++ = *in++;
case 32:
- /* convert to sint32 */
- float * in = (float *)dataConv;
- mpd_sint32 * out = (mpd_sint32 *)outBuffer;
- int s = outSamples;
- while(s--) {
- float sample = (*in++) * 2147483647.0;
- if(sample>2147483647.0) *out++ = 2147483647;
- else if(sample<-2147483647.0) *out++ = -2147483647;
- else *out++ = rintf(sample);
- }
+ mpd_fixed_t *in = (mpd_fixed_t *)dataConv;
+ mpd_sint32 *out = (mpd_sint32 *)outBuffer;
+ int s = outSamples;
+ while(s--)
+ *out++ = *in++;
- case 24: /* how do we store 24 bit? Maybe sint32 is all we need? */
+ case 24: /* TODO! how do we store 24 bit? */
ERROR("%i bits are not supported for conversion!\n", outFormat->bits);
size_t pcm_sizeOfOutputBufferForAudioFormatConversion(AudioFormat * inFormat,
size_t inSize, AudioFormat * outFormat)
-/* DEBUG */
- if(inSize % (inFormat->channels * 4)) {
- ERROR("pcm_sizeOOBFAFC: inSize=%i not multipel of %i\n",
- inSize, inFormat->channels * 4);
- }
-/* /DEBUG */
const int inShift = (inFormat->bits * inFormat->channels) >> 3;
const int outShift = (outFormat->bits * outFormat->channels) >> 3;
@@ -659,3 +516,6 @@ size_t pcm_sizeOfOutputBufferForAudioFormatConversion(AudioFormat * inFormat,
return outSize;