path: root/admin/www/mailman.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'admin/www/mailman.html')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/www/mailman.html b/admin/www/mailman.html
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+<!-- This is a boilerplate for the web pages used in the GNU project.
+ Please change it according to specifications -->
+<TITLE>Mailman - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)</TITLE>
+<LINK REV="made" HREF="mailto:webmasters@www.gnu.org">
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#1F00FF" ALINK="#FF0000" VLINK="#9900DD">
+<!-- When using this boilerplate, remember to replace the "???" in both places above. -->
+<!-- when you replace this graphics, make sure you change the link
+ to also point to the correct html page.
+ If you make a new graphics for this page, make sure it has
+ a corresponding entry in /graphics/graphics.html -->
+<A HREF="/graphics/dragonlogo.jpg"><IMG SRC="/graphics/dragonlogo.jpg"
+ ALT=" [Delivered by Mailman logo] "
+ WIDTH="247" HEIGHT="93">&nbsp; (jpeg 6k)</A>
+<!-- only english is available currently
+<P>[<A HREF="">French</A>|<A HREF="">Spanish</A>]
+<P> -->
+<!-- Replace this list with the page's contents. -->
+<H4>Table of contents</H4>
+ <LI><A HREF="#introduction"
+ NAME="TOCintroduction">Introduction to Mailman</A>
+ <LI><A HREF="#downloading"
+ NAME="TOCdownloading">Downloading Mailman</A>
+ <li><a href="#mailinglists"
+ name="TOCmailinglists">Mailman Discussion Lists</a>
+<H4><A HREF="#TOCintroduction"
+ NAME="introduction">Introduction to Mailman</A></H4>
+Mailman is software to help manage email discussion lists, much like
+Majordomo and SmartList. Unlike most similar products, Mailman gives
+each mailing list a web page, and allows users to subscribe,
+unsubscribe, etc. over the web. Even the list manager can administer
+his or her list entirely from the web. Mailman also integrates most
+things people want to do with mailing lists, including archiving,
+mail-to-news gateways, integrated bounce handling, spam prevention,
+email-based admin commands, direct SMTP delivery (with fast bulk
+mailing), support for virtual domains, and more.
+Mailman runs on most Un*x-like systems, is compatible with most web
+servers and browsers, and most SMTP servers. Mailman requires
+<a href="http://www.python.org/">Python version 1.5 or newer</a>.
+Python is a free object-oriented scripting language. A few files are
+written in C for security purposes.
+<p>The manual is still only a set of READMEs provided in the Mailman
+distribution. For now, more information can be found at
+<a href="http://www.list.org/">www.list.org</a>.
+<H4><A HREF="#TOCdownloading" NAME="downloading">Downloading Mailman</A></H4>
+Mailman can be found on
+<A HREF="http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/mailman/">http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/mailman/</A>
+or one of <A HREF="/prep/ftp.html">the mirrors</A>.
+<H4><a href="#TOCmailinglists" NAME="mailinglists">Mailman Discussion
+There are several mailing lists devoted to Mailman, which also provide
+nice demonstrations of Mailman!
+<li><a href="http://www.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-announce">
+ Mailman Announce</a> is a read-only list that you can subscribe to
+ if you are only interested in release notices and other important
+ news. Only the core Mailman developers can post messages to this
+ list.
+<p><li><a href="http://www.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users">
+ Mailman Users</a> is the mailing list to subscribe to if you are
+ using Mailman at your site, and may have problems or questions
+ relating to installation, use, etc. We'll try to keep the deep
+ technical discussions off this list.
+<p><li><a href="http://www.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-developers">
+ Mailman Developers</a> is the mailing list to use if you are
+ interested in helping us develop Mailman, discuss future
+ directions, etc. This is the list for more in-depth technical
+ issues.
+<p><li><a href="http://www.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-checkins">
+ Mailman Checkins</a> is an adjunct list to the publically
+ accessible read-only CVS repository. This list is for the
+ hardcore developers, or anybody else submitting patches, since we
+ really prefer such patches to be generated against the latest
+ snapshot. This is a read-only list; only the core Mailman
+ developers can post messages to this list. There is no archive.
+ * If needed, change the copyright block at the bottom. In general, all pages
+ on the GNU web server should have the section about verbatim copying. Please
+ do NOT remove this without talking with the webmasters first.
+<!-- english only currently
+[<A HREF="">French</A>|<A HREF="">Spanish</A>]<P>
+Return to <A HREF="/home.html">GNU's home page</A>.
+Please send FSF &amp; GNU inquiries &amp; questions to
+<A HREF="mailto:gnu@gnu.org"><EM>gnu@gnu.org</EM></A>.
+There are also <A HREF="/home.html#ContactInfo">other ways to
+contact</A> the FSF.
+Please send comments on these web pages to
+<A HREF="mailto:webmasters@gnu.org"><EM>webmasters@gnu.org</EM></A>,
+send other questions to
+<A HREF="mailto:gnu@gnu.org"><EM>gnu@gnu.org</EM></A>.
+Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA
+Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is
+permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.<P>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Sat Oct 26 13:29:25 EDT 2002
+<!-- hhmts end -->