path: root/Mailman/Cgi/admin.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Mailman/Cgi/admin.py')
1 files changed, 1407 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Mailman/Cgi/admin.py b/Mailman/Cgi/admin.py
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+++ b/Mailman/Cgi/admin.py
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+# Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+"""Process and produce the list-administration options forms.
+# For Python 2.1.x compatibility
+from __future__ import nested_scopes
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import cgi
+import sha
+import urllib
+import signal
+from types import *
+from string import lowercase, digits
+from email.Utils import unquote, parseaddr, formataddr
+from Mailman import mm_cfg
+from Mailman import Utils
+from Mailman import MailList
+from Mailman import Errors
+from Mailman import MemberAdaptor
+from Mailman import i18n
+from Mailman.UserDesc import UserDesc
+from Mailman.htmlformat import *
+from Mailman.Cgi import Auth
+from Mailman.Logging.Syslog import syslog
+# Set up i18n
+_ = i18n._
+NL = '\n'
+def main():
+ # Try to find out which list is being administered
+ parts = Utils.GetPathPieces()
+ if not parts:
+ # None, so just do the admin overview and be done with it
+ admin_overview()
+ return
+ # Get the list object
+ listname = parts[0].lower()
+ try:
+ mlist = MailList.MailList(listname, lock=0)
+ except Errors.MMListError, e:
+ # Avoid cross-site scripting attacks
+ safelistname = Utils.websafe(listname)
+ admin_overview(_('No such list <em>%(safelistname)s</em>'))
+ syslog('error', 'admin.py access for non-existent list: %s',
+ listname)
+ return
+ # Now that we know what list has been requested, all subsequent admin
+ # pages are shown in that list's preferred language.
+ i18n.set_language(mlist.preferred_language)
+ # If the user is not authenticated, we're done.
+ cgidata = cgi.FieldStorage(keep_blank_values=1)
+ if not mlist.WebAuthenticate((mm_cfg.AuthListAdmin,
+ mm_cfg.AuthSiteAdmin),
+ cgidata.getvalue('adminpw', '')):
+ if cgidata.has_key('adminpw'):
+ # This is a re-authorization attempt
+ msg = Bold(FontSize('+1', _('Authorization failed.'))).Format()
+ else:
+ msg = ''
+ Auth.loginpage(mlist, 'admin', msg=msg)
+ return
+ # Which subcategory was requested? Default is `general'
+ if len(parts) == 1:
+ category = 'general'
+ subcat = None
+ elif len(parts) == 2:
+ category = parts[1]
+ subcat = None
+ else:
+ category = parts[1]
+ subcat = parts[2]
+ # Is this a log-out request?
+ if category == 'logout':
+ print mlist.ZapCookie(mm_cfg.AuthListAdmin)
+ Auth.loginpage(mlist, 'admin', frontpage=1)
+ return
+ # Sanity check
+ if category not in mlist.GetConfigCategories().keys():
+ category = 'general'
+ # Is the request for variable details?
+ varhelp = None
+ qsenviron = os.environ.get('QUERY_STRING')
+ parsedqs = None
+ if qsenviron:
+ parsedqs = cgi.parse_qs(qsenviron)
+ if cgidata.has_key('VARHELP'):
+ varhelp = cgidata.getvalue('VARHELP')
+ elif parsedqs:
+ # POST methods, even if their actions have a query string, don't get
+ # put into FieldStorage's keys :-(
+ qs = parsedqs.get('VARHELP')
+ if qs and isinstance(qs, ListType):
+ varhelp = qs[0]
+ if varhelp:
+ option_help(mlist, varhelp)
+ return
+ # The html page document
+ doc = Document()
+ doc.set_language(mlist.preferred_language)
+ # From this point on, the MailList object must be locked. However, we
+ # must release the lock no matter how we exit. try/finally isn't enough,
+ # because of this scenario: user hits the admin page which may take a long
+ # time to render; user gets bored and hits the browser's STOP button;
+ # browser shuts down socket; server tries to write to broken socket and
+ # gets a SIGPIPE. Under Apache 1.3/mod_cgi, Apache catches this SIGPIPE
+ # (I presume it is buffering output from the cgi script), then turns
+ # around and SIGTERMs the cgi process. Apache waits three seconds and
+ # then SIGKILLs the cgi process. We /must/ catch the SIGTERM and do the
+ # most reasonable thing we can in as short a time period as possible. If
+ # we get the SIGKILL we're screwed (because it's uncatchable and we'll
+ # have no opportunity to clean up after ourselves).
+ #
+ # This signal handler catches the SIGTERM, unlocks the list, and then
+ # exits the process. The effect of this is that the changes made to the
+ # MailList object will be aborted, which seems like the only sensible
+ # semantics.
+ #
+ # BAW: This may not be portable to other web servers or cgi execution
+ # models.
+ def sigterm_handler(signum, frame, mlist=mlist):
+ # Make sure the list gets unlocked...
+ mlist.Unlock()
+ # ...and ensure we exit, otherwise race conditions could cause us to
+ # enter MailList.Save() while we're in the unlocked state, and that
+ # could be bad!
+ sys.exit(0)
+ mlist.Lock()
+ try:
+ # Install the emergency shutdown signal handler
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler)
+ if cgidata.keys():
+ # There are options to change
+ change_options(mlist, category, subcat, cgidata, doc)
+ # Let the list sanity check the changed values
+ mlist.CheckValues()
+ # Additional sanity checks
+ if not mlist.digestable and not mlist.nondigestable:
+ doc.addError(
+ _('''You have turned off delivery of both digest and
+ non-digest messages. This is an incompatible state of
+ affairs. You must turn on either digest delivery or
+ non-digest delivery or your mailing list will basically be
+ unusable.'''), tag=_('Warning: '))
+ if not mlist.digestable and mlist.getDigestMemberKeys():
+ doc.addError(
+ _('''You have digest members, but digests are turned
+ off. Those people will not receive mail.'''),
+ tag=_('Warning: '))
+ if not mlist.nondigestable and mlist.getRegularMemberKeys():
+ doc.addError(
+ _('''You have regular list members but non-digestified mail is
+ turned off. They will receive mail until you fix this
+ problem.'''), tag=_('Warning: '))
+ # Glom up the results page and print it out
+ show_results(mlist, doc, category, subcat, cgidata)
+ print doc.Format()
+ mlist.Save()
+ finally:
+ # Now be sure to unlock the list. It's okay if we get a signal here
+ # because essentially, the signal handler will do the same thing. And
+ # unlocking is unconditional, so it's not an error if we unlock while
+ # we're already unlocked.
+ mlist.Unlock()
+def admin_overview(msg=''):
+ # Show the administrative overview page, with the list of all the lists on
+ # this host. msg is an optional error message to display at the top of
+ # the page.
+ #
+ # This page should be displayed in the server's default language, which
+ # should have already been set.
+ hostname = Utils.get_domain()
+ legend = _('%(hostname)s mailing lists - Admin Links')
+ # The html `document'
+ doc = Document()
+ doc.set_language(mm_cfg.DEFAULT_SERVER_LANGUAGE)
+ doc.SetTitle(legend)
+ # The table that will hold everything
+ table = Table(border=0, width="100%")
+ table.AddRow([Center(Header(2, legend))])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2,
+ bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_HEADER_COLOR)
+ # Skip any mailing list that isn't advertised.
+ advertised = []
+ listnames = Utils.list_names()
+ listnames.sort()
+ for name in listnames:
+ mlist = MailList.MailList(name, lock=0)
+ if mlist.advertised:
+ if mm_cfg.VIRTUAL_HOST_OVERVIEW and \
+ mlist.web_page_url.find(hostname) == -1:
+ # List is for different identity of this host - skip it.
+ continue
+ else:
+ advertised.append(mlist)
+ # Greeting depends on whether there was an error or not
+ if msg:
+ greeting = FontAttr(msg, color="ff5060", size="+1")
+ else:
+ greeting = _("Welcome!")
+ welcome = []
+ mailmanlink = Link(mm_cfg.MAILMAN_URL, _('Mailman')).Format()
+ if not advertised:
+ welcome.extend([
+ greeting,
+ _('''<p>There currently are no publicly-advertised %(mailmanlink)s
+ mailing lists on %(hostname)s.'''),
+ ])
+ else:
+ welcome.extend([
+ greeting,
+ _('''<p>Below is the collection of publicly-advertised
+ %(mailmanlink)s mailing lists on %(hostname)s. Click on a list
+ name to visit the configuration pages for that list.'''),
+ ])
+ creatorurl = Utils.ScriptURL('create')
+ mailman_owner = Utils.get_site_email()
+ extra = msg and _('right ') or ''
+ welcome.extend([
+ _('''To visit the administrators configuration page for an
+ unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and
+ the %(extra)slist name appended. If you have the proper authority,
+ you can also <a href="%(creatorurl)s">create a new mailing list</a>.
+ <p>General list information can be found at '''),
+ Link(Utils.ScriptURL('listinfo'),
+ _('the mailing list overview page')),
+ '.',
+ _('<p>(Send questions and comments to '),
+ Link('mailto:%s' % mailman_owner, mailman_owner),
+ '.)<p>',
+ ])
+ table.AddRow([Container(*welcome)])
+ table.AddCellInfo(max(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0), 0, colspan=2)
+ if advertised:
+ table.AddRow(['&nbsp;', '&nbsp;'])
+ table.AddRow([Bold(FontAttr(_('List'), size='+2')),
+ Bold(FontAttr(_('Description'), size='+2'))
+ ])
+ highlight = 1
+ for mlist in advertised:
+ table.AddRow(
+ [Link(mlist.GetScriptURL('admin'), Bold(mlist.real_name)),
+ mlist.description or Italic(_('[no description available]'))])
+ if highlight and mm_cfg.WEB_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR:
+ table.AddRowInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(),
+ bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR)
+ highlight = not highlight
+ doc.AddItem(table)
+ doc.AddItem('<hr>')
+ doc.AddItem(MailmanLogo())
+ print doc.Format()
+def option_help(mlist, varhelp):
+ # The html page document
+ doc = Document()
+ doc.set_language(mlist.preferred_language)
+ # Find out which category and variable help is being requested for.
+ item = None
+ reflist = varhelp.split('/')
+ if len(reflist) >= 2:
+ category = subcat = None
+ if len(reflist) == 2:
+ category, varname = reflist
+ elif len(reflist) == 3:
+ category, subcat, varname = reflist
+ options = mlist.GetConfigInfo(category, subcat)
+ for i in options:
+ if i and i[0] == varname:
+ item = i
+ break
+ # Print an error message if we couldn't find a valid one
+ if not item:
+ bad = _('No valid variable name found.')
+ doc.addError(bad)
+ doc.AddItem(mlist.GetMailmanFooter())
+ print doc.Format()
+ return
+ # Get the details about the variable
+ varname, kind, params, dependancies, description, elaboration = \
+ get_item_characteristics(item)
+ # Set up the document
+ realname = mlist.real_name
+ legend = _("""%(realname)s Mailing list Configuration Help
+ <br><em>%(varname)s</em> Option""")
+ header = Table(width='100%')
+ header.AddRow([Center(Header(3, legend))])
+ header.AddCellInfo(header.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2,
+ bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_HEADER_COLOR)
+ doc.SetTitle(_("Mailman %(varname)s List Option Help"))
+ doc.AddItem(header)
+ doc.AddItem("<b>%s</b> (%s): %s<p>" % (varname, category, description))
+ if elaboration:
+ doc.AddItem("%s<p>" % elaboration)
+ if subcat:
+ url = '%s/%s/%s' % (mlist.GetScriptURL('admin'), category, subcat)
+ else:
+ url = '%s/%s' % (mlist.GetScriptURL('admin'), category)
+ form = Form(url)
+ valtab = Table(cellspacing=3, cellpadding=4, width='100%')
+ add_options_table_item(mlist, category, subcat, valtab, item, detailsp=0)
+ form.AddItem(valtab)
+ form.AddItem('<p>')
+ form.AddItem(Center(submit_button()))
+ doc.AddItem(Center(form))
+ doc.AddItem(_("""<em><strong>Warning:</strong> changing this option here
+ could cause other screens to be out-of-sync. Be sure to reload any other
+ pages that are displaying this option for this mailing list. You can also
+ """))
+ adminurl = mlist.GetScriptURL('admin')
+ if subcat:
+ url = '%s/%s/%s' % (adminurl, category, subcat)
+ else:
+ url = '%s/%s' % (adminurl, category)
+ categoryname = mlist.GetConfigCategories()[category][0]
+ doc.AddItem(Link(url, _('return to the %(categoryname)s options page.')))
+ doc.AddItem('</em>')
+ doc.AddItem(mlist.GetMailmanFooter())
+ print doc.Format()
+def show_results(mlist, doc, category, subcat, cgidata):
+ # Produce the results page
+ adminurl = mlist.GetScriptURL('admin')
+ categories = mlist.GetConfigCategories()
+ label = _(categories[category][0])
+ # Set up the document's headers
+ realname = mlist.real_name
+ doc.SetTitle(_('%(realname)s Administration (%(label)s)'))
+ doc.AddItem(Center(Header(2, _(
+ '%(realname)s mailing list administration<br>%(label)s Section'))))
+ doc.AddItem('<hr>')
+ # Now we need to craft the form that will be submitted, which will contain
+ # all the variable settings, etc. This is a bit of a kludge because we
+ # know that the autoreply and members categories supports file uploads.
+ encoding = None
+ if category in ('autoreply', 'members'):
+ encoding = 'multipart/form-data'
+ if subcat:
+ form = Form('%s/%s/%s' % (adminurl, category, subcat),
+ encoding=encoding)
+ else:
+ form = Form('%s/%s' % (adminurl, category), encoding=encoding)
+ # This holds the two columns of links
+ linktable = Table(valign='top', width='100%')
+ linktable.AddRow([Center(Bold(_("Configuration Categories"))),
+ Center(Bold(_("Other Administrative Activities")))])
+ # The `other links' are stuff in the right column.
+ otherlinks = UnorderedList()
+ otherlinks.AddItem(Link(mlist.GetScriptURL('admindb'),
+ _('Tend to pending moderator requests')))
+ otherlinks.AddItem(Link(mlist.GetScriptURL('listinfo'),
+ _('Go to the general list information page')))
+ otherlinks.AddItem(Link(mlist.GetScriptURL('edithtml'),
+ _('Edit the public HTML pages')))
+ otherlinks.AddItem(Link(mlist.GetBaseArchiveURL(),
+ _('Go to list archives')).Format() +
+ '<br>&nbsp;<br>')
+ # We do not allow through-the-web deletion of the site list!
+ mlist.internal_name() <> mm_cfg.MAILMAN_SITE_LIST:
+ otherlinks.AddItem(Link(mlist.GetScriptURL('rmlist'),
+ _('Delete this mailing list')).Format() +
+ _(' (requires confirmation)<br>&nbsp;<br>'))
+ otherlinks.AddItem(Link('%s/logout' % adminurl,
+ # BAW: What I really want is a blank line, but
+ # adding an &nbsp; won't do it because of the
+ # bullet added to the list item.
+ '<FONT SIZE="+2"><b>%s</b></FONT>' %
+ _('Logout')))
+ # These are links to other categories and live in the left column
+ categorylinks_1 = categorylinks = UnorderedList()
+ categorylinks_2 = ''
+ categorykeys = categories.keys()
+ half = len(categorykeys) / 2
+ counter = 0
+ subcat = None
+ for k in categorykeys:
+ label = _(categories[k][0])
+ url = '%s/%s' % (adminurl, k)
+ if k == category:
+ # Handle subcategories
+ subcats = mlist.GetConfigSubCategories(k)
+ if subcats:
+ subcat = Utils.GetPathPieces()[-1]
+ for k, v in subcats:
+ if k == subcat:
+ break
+ else:
+ # The first subcategory in the list is the default
+ subcat = subcats[0][0]
+ subcat_items = []
+ for sub, text in subcats:
+ if sub == subcat:
+ text = Bold('[%s]' % text).Format()
+ subcat_items.append(Link(url + '/' + sub, text))
+ categorylinks.AddItem(
+ Bold(label).Format() +
+ UnorderedList(*subcat_items).Format())
+ else:
+ categorylinks.AddItem(Link(url, Bold('[%s]' % label)))
+ else:
+ categorylinks.AddItem(Link(url, label))
+ counter += 1
+ if counter >= half:
+ categorylinks_2 = categorylinks = UnorderedList()
+ counter = -len(categorykeys)
+ # Make the emergency stop switch a rude solo light
+ etable = Table()
+ # Add all the links to the links table...
+ etable.AddRow([categorylinks_1, categorylinks_2])
+ etable.AddRowInfo(etable.GetCurrentRowIndex(), valign='top')
+ if mlist.emergency:
+ label = _('Emergency moderation of all list traffic is enabled')
+ etable.AddRow([Center(
+ Link('?VARHELP=general/emergency', Bold(label)))])
+ color = mm_cfg.WEB_ERROR_COLOR
+ etable.AddCellInfo(etable.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0,
+ colspan=2, bgcolor=color)
+ linktable.AddRow([etable, otherlinks])
+ # ...and add the links table to the document.
+ form.AddItem(linktable)
+ form.AddItem('<hr>')
+ form.AddItem(
+ _('''Make your changes in the following section, then submit them
+ using the <em>Submit Your Changes</em> button below.''')
+ + '<p>')
+ # The members and passwords categories are special in that they aren't
+ # defined in terms of gui elements. Create those pages here.
+ if category == 'members':
+ # Figure out which subcategory we should display
+ subcat = Utils.GetPathPieces()[-1]
+ if subcat not in ('list', 'add', 'remove'):
+ subcat = 'list'
+ # Add member category specific tables
+ form.AddItem(membership_options(mlist, subcat, cgidata, doc, form))
+ form.AddItem(Center(submit_button('setmemberopts_btn')))
+ # In "list" subcategory, we can also search for members
+ if subcat == 'list':
+ form.AddItem('<hr>\n')
+ table = Table(width='100%')
+ table.AddRow([Center(Header(2, _('Additional Member Tasks')))])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2,
+ bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_HEADER_COLOR)
+ # Add a blank separator row
+ table.AddRow(['&nbsp;', '&nbsp;'])
+ # Add a section to set the moderation bit for all members
+ table.AddRow([_("""<li>Set everyone's moderation bit, including
+ those members not currently visible""")])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2)
+ table.AddRow([RadioButtonArray('allmodbit_val',
+ (_('Off'), _('On')),
+ mlist.default_member_moderation),
+ SubmitButton('allmodbit_btn', _('Set'))])
+ form.AddItem(table)
+ elif category == 'passwords':
+ form.AddItem(Center(password_inputs(mlist)))
+ form.AddItem(Center(submit_button()))
+ else:
+ form.AddItem(show_variables(mlist, category, subcat, cgidata, doc))
+ form.AddItem(Center(submit_button()))
+ # And add the form
+ doc.AddItem(form)
+ doc.AddItem(mlist.GetMailmanFooter())
+def show_variables(mlist, category, subcat, cgidata, doc):
+ options = mlist.GetConfigInfo(category, subcat)
+ # The table containing the results
+ table = Table(cellspacing=3, cellpadding=4, width='100%')
+ # Get and portray the text label for the category.
+ categories = mlist.GetConfigCategories()
+ label = _(categories[category][0])
+ table.AddRow([Center(Header(2, label))])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2,
+ bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_HEADER_COLOR)
+ # The very first item in the config info will be treated as a general
+ # description if it is a string
+ description = options[0]
+ if isinstance(description, StringType):
+ table.AddRow([description])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2)
+ options = options[1:]
+ if not options:
+ return table
+ # Add the global column headers
+ table.AddRow([Center(Bold(_('Description'))),
+ Center(Bold(_('Value')))])
+ table.AddCellInfo(max(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0), 0,
+ width='15%')
+ table.AddCellInfo(max(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0), 1,
+ width='85%')
+ for item in options:
+ if type(item) == StringType:
+ # The very first banner option (string in an options list) is
+ # treated as a general description, while any others are
+ # treated as section headers - centered and italicized...
+ table.AddRow([Center(Italic(item))])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2)
+ else:
+ add_options_table_item(mlist, category, subcat, table, item)
+ table.AddRow(['<br>'])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2)
+ return table
+def add_options_table_item(mlist, category, subcat, table, item, detailsp=1):
+ # Add a row to an options table with the item description and value.
+ varname, kind, params, extra, descr, elaboration = \
+ get_item_characteristics(item)
+ if elaboration is None:
+ elaboration = descr
+ descr = get_item_gui_description(mlist, category, subcat,
+ varname, descr, elaboration, detailsp)
+ val = get_item_gui_value(mlist, category, kind, varname, params, extra)
+ table.AddRow([descr, val])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0,
+ bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_ADMINITEM_COLOR)
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 1,
+ bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_ADMINITEM_COLOR)
+def get_item_characteristics(record):
+ # Break out the components of an item description from its description
+ # record:
+ #
+ # 0 -- option-var name
+ # 1 -- type
+ # 2 -- entry size
+ # 3 -- ?dependancies?
+ # 4 -- Brief description
+ # 5 -- Optional description elaboration
+ if len(record) == 5:
+ elaboration = None
+ varname, kind, params, dependancies, descr = record
+ elif len(record) == 6:
+ varname, kind, params, dependancies, descr, elaboration = record
+ else:
+ raise ValueError, _('Badly formed options entry:\n %(record)s')
+ return varname, kind, params, dependancies, descr, elaboration
+def get_item_gui_value(mlist, category, kind, varname, params, extra):
+ """Return a representation of an item's settings."""
+ # Give the category a chance to return the value for the variable
+ value = None
+ label, gui = mlist.GetConfigCategories()[category]
+ if hasattr(gui, 'getValue'):
+ value = gui.getValue(mlist, kind, varname, params)
+ # Filter out None, and volatile attributes
+ if value is None and not varname.startswith('_'):
+ value = getattr(mlist, varname)
+ # Now create the widget for this value
+ if kind == mm_cfg.Radio or kind == mm_cfg.Toggle:
+ # If we are returning the option for subscribe policy and this site
+ # doesn't allow open subscribes, then we have to alter the value of
+ # mlist.subscribe_policy as passed to RadioButtonArray in order to
+ # compensate for the fact that there is one fewer option.
+ # Correspondingly, we alter the value back in the change options
+ # function -scott
+ #
+ # TBD: this is an ugly ugly hack.
+ if varname.startswith('_'):
+ checked = 0
+ else:
+ checked = value
+ if varname == 'subscribe_policy' and not mm_cfg.ALLOW_OPEN_SUBSCRIBE:
+ checked = checked - 1
+ # For Radio buttons, we're going to interpret the extra stuff as a
+ # horizontal/vertical flag. For backwards compatibility, the value 0
+ # means horizontal, so we use "not extra" to get the parity right.
+ return RadioButtonArray(varname, params, checked, not extra)
+ elif (kind == mm_cfg.String or kind == mm_cfg.Email or
+ kind == mm_cfg.Host or kind == mm_cfg.Number):
+ return TextBox(varname, value, params)
+ elif kind == mm_cfg.Text:
+ if params:
+ r, c = params
+ else:
+ r, c = None, None
+ return TextArea(varname, value or '', r, c)
+ elif kind in (mm_cfg.EmailList, mm_cfg.EmailListEx):
+ if params:
+ r, c = params
+ else:
+ r, c = None, None
+ res = NL.join(value)
+ return TextArea(varname, res, r, c, wrap='off')
+ elif kind == mm_cfg.FileUpload:
+ # like a text area, but also with uploading
+ if params:
+ r, c = params
+ else:
+ r, c = None, None
+ container = Container()
+ container.AddItem(_('<em>Enter the text below, or...</em><br>'))
+ container.AddItem(TextArea(varname, value or '', r, c))
+ container.AddItem(_('<br><em>...specify a file to upload</em><br>'))
+ container.AddItem(FileUpload(varname+'_upload', r, c))
+ return container
+ elif kind == mm_cfg.Select:
+ if params:
+ values, legend, selected = params
+ else:
+ values = mlist.GetAvailableLanguages()
+ legend = map(_, map(Utils.GetLanguageDescr, values))
+ selected = values.index(mlist.preferred_language)
+ return SelectOptions(varname, values, legend, selected)
+ elif kind == mm_cfg.Topics:
+ # A complex and specialized widget type that allows for setting of a
+ # topic name, a mark button, a regexp text box, an "add after mark",
+ # and a delete button. Yeesh! params are ignored.
+ table = Table(border=0)
+ # This adds the html for the entry widget
+ def makebox(i, name, pattern, desc, empty=0, table=table):
+ deltag = 'topic_delete_%02d' % i
+ boxtag = 'topic_box_%02d' % i
+ reboxtag = 'topic_rebox_%02d' % i
+ desctag = 'topic_desc_%02d' % i
+ wheretag = 'topic_where_%02d' % i
+ addtag = 'topic_add_%02d' % i
+ newtag = 'topic_new_%02d' % i
+ if empty:
+ table.AddRow([Center(Bold(_('Topic %(i)d'))),
+ Hidden(newtag)])
+ else:
+ table.AddRow([Center(Bold(_('Topic %(i)d'))),
+ SubmitButton(deltag, _('Delete'))])
+ table.AddRow([Label(_('Topic name:')),
+ TextBox(boxtag, value=name, size=30)])
+ table.AddRow([Label(_('Regexp:')),
+ TextArea(reboxtag, text=pattern,
+ rows=4, cols=30, wrap='off')])
+ table.AddRow([Label(_('Description:')),
+ TextArea(desctag, text=desc,
+ rows=4, cols=30, wrap='soft')])
+ if not empty:
+ table.AddRow([SubmitButton(addtag, _('Add new item...')),
+ SelectOptions(wheretag, ('before', 'after'),
+ (_('...before this one.'),
+ _('...after this one.')),
+ selected=1),
+ ])
+ table.AddRow(['<hr>'])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2)
+ # Now for each element in the existing data, create a widget
+ i = 1
+ data = getattr(mlist, varname)
+ for name, pattern, desc, empty in data:
+ makebox(i, name, pattern, desc, empty)
+ i += 1
+ # Add one more non-deleteable widget as the first blank entry, but
+ # only if there are no real entries.
+ if i == 1:
+ makebox(i, '', '', '', empty=1)
+ return table
+ elif kind == mm_cfg.Checkbox:
+ return CheckBoxArray(varname, *params)
+ else:
+ assert 0, 'Bad gui widget type: %s' % kind
+def get_item_gui_description(mlist, category, subcat,
+ varname, descr, elaboration, detailsp):
+ # Return the item's description, with link to details.
+ #
+ # Details are not included if this is a VARHELP page, because that /is/
+ # the details page!
+ if detailsp:
+ if subcat:
+ varhelp = '/?VARHELP=%s/%s/%s' % (category, subcat, varname)
+ else:
+ varhelp = '/?VARHELP=%s/%s' % (category, varname)
+ if descr == elaboration:
+ linktext = _('<br>(Edit <b>%(varname)s</b>)')
+ else:
+ linktext = _('<br>(Details for <b>%(varname)s</b>)')
+ link = Link(mlist.GetScriptURL('admin') + varhelp,
+ linktext).Format()
+ text = Label('%s %s' % (descr, link)).Format()
+ else:
+ text = Label(descr).Format()
+ if varname[0] == '_':
+ text += Label(_('''<br><em><strong>Note:</strong>
+ setting this value performs an immediate action but does not modify
+ permanent state.</em>''')).Format()
+ return text
+def membership_options(mlist, subcat, cgidata, doc, form):
+ # Show the main stuff
+ adminurl = mlist.GetScriptURL('admin', absolute=1)
+ container = Container()
+ header = Table(width="100%")
+ # If we're in the list subcategory, show the membership list
+ if subcat == 'add':
+ header.AddRow([Center(Header(2, _('Mass Subscriptions')))])
+ header.AddCellInfo(header.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2,
+ bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_HEADER_COLOR)
+ container.AddItem(header)
+ mass_subscribe(mlist, container)
+ return container
+ if subcat == 'remove':
+ header.AddRow([Center(Header(2, _('Mass Removals')))])
+ header.AddCellInfo(header.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2,
+ bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_HEADER_COLOR)
+ container.AddItem(header)
+ mass_remove(mlist, container)
+ return container
+ # Otherwise...
+ header.AddRow([Center(Header(2, _('Membership List')))])
+ header.AddCellInfo(header.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2,
+ bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_HEADER_COLOR)
+ container.AddItem(header)
+ # Add a "search for member" button
+ table = Table(width='100%')
+ link = Link('http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/re-syntax.html',
+ _('(help)')).Format()
+ table.AddRow([Label(_('Find member %(link)s:')),
+ TextBox('findmember',
+ value=cgidata.getvalue('findmember', '')),
+ SubmitButton('findmember_btn', _('Search...'))])
+ container.AddItem(table)
+ container.AddItem('<hr><p>')
+ usertable = Table(width="90%", border='2')
+ # If there are more members than allowed by chunksize, then we split the
+ # membership up alphabetically. Otherwise just display them all.
+ chunksz = mlist.admin_member_chunksize
+ all = mlist.getMembers()
+ all.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.lower(), y.lower()))
+ # See if the query has a regular expression
+ regexp = cgidata.getvalue('findmember', '').strip()
+ if regexp:
+ try:
+ cre = re.compile(regexp, re.IGNORECASE)
+ except re.error:
+ doc.addError(_('Bad regular expression: ') + regexp)
+ else:
+ # BAW: There's got to be a more efficient way of doing this!
+ names = [mlist.getMemberName(s) or '' for s in all]
+ all = [a for n, a in zip(names, all)
+ if cre.search(n) or cre.search(a)]
+ chunkindex = None
+ bucket = None
+ actionurl = None
+ if len(all) < chunksz:
+ members = all
+ else:
+ # Split them up alphabetically, and then split the alphabetical
+ # listing by chunks
+ buckets = {}
+ for addr in all:
+ members = buckets.setdefault(addr[0].lower(), [])
+ members.append(addr)
+ # Now figure out which bucket we want
+ bucket = None
+ qs = {}
+ # POST methods, even if their actions have a query string, don't get
+ # put into FieldStorage's keys :-(
+ qsenviron = os.environ.get('QUERY_STRING')
+ if qsenviron:
+ qs = cgi.parse_qs(qsenviron)
+ bucket = qs.get('letter', 'a')[0].lower()
+ if bucket not in digits + lowercase:
+ bucket = None
+ if not bucket or not buckets.has_key(bucket):
+ keys = buckets.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ bucket = keys[0]
+ members = buckets[bucket]
+ action = adminurl + '/members?letter=%s' % bucket
+ if len(members) <= chunksz:
+ form.set_action(action)
+ else:
+ i, r = divmod(len(members), chunksz)
+ numchunks = i + (not not r * 1)
+ # Now chunk them up
+ chunkindex = 0
+ if qs.has_key('chunk'):
+ try:
+ chunkindex = int(qs['chunk'][0])
+ except ValueError:
+ chunkindex = 0
+ if chunkindex < 0 or chunkindex > numchunks:
+ chunkindex = 0
+ members = members[chunkindex*chunksz:(chunkindex+1)*chunksz]
+ # And set the action URL
+ form.set_action(action + '&chunk=%s' % chunkindex)
+ # So now members holds all the addresses we're going to display
+ allcnt = len(all)
+ if bucket:
+ membercnt = len(members)
+ usertable.AddRow([Center(Italic(_(
+ '%(allcnt)s members total, %(membercnt)s shown')))])
+ else:
+ usertable.AddRow([Center(Italic(_('%(allcnt)s members total')))])
+ usertable.AddCellInfo(usertable.GetCurrentRowIndex(),
+ usertable.GetCurrentCellIndex(),
+ colspan=OPTCOLUMNS,
+ bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_ADMINITEM_COLOR)
+ # Add the alphabetical links
+ if bucket:
+ cells = []
+ for letter in digits + lowercase:
+ if not buckets.get(letter):
+ continue
+ url = adminurl + '/members?letter=%s' % letter
+ if letter == bucket:
+ show = Bold('[%s]' % letter.upper()).Format()
+ else:
+ show = letter.upper()
+ cells.append(Link(url, show).Format())
+ joiner = '&nbsp;'*2 + '\n'
+ usertable.AddRow([Center(joiner.join(cells))])
+ usertable.AddCellInfo(usertable.GetCurrentRowIndex(),
+ usertable.GetCurrentCellIndex(),
+ colspan=OPTCOLUMNS,
+ bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_ADMINITEM_COLOR)
+ usertable.AddRow([Center(h) for h in (_('unsub'),
+ _('member address<br>member name'),
+ _('mod'), _('hide'),
+ _('nomail<br>[reason]'),
+ _('ack'), _('not metoo'),
+ _('nodupes'),
+ _('digest'), _('plain'),
+ _('language'))])
+ rowindex = usertable.GetCurrentRowIndex()
+ for i in range(OPTCOLUMNS):
+ usertable.AddCellInfo(rowindex, i, bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_ADMINITEM_COLOR)
+ # Find the longest name in the list
+ longest = 0
+ if members:
+ names = filter(None, [mlist.getMemberName(s) for s in members])
+ # Make the name field at least as long as the longest email address
+ longest = max([len(s) for s in names + members])
+ # Abbreviations for delivery status details
+ ds_abbrevs = {MemberAdaptor.UNKNOWN : _('?'),
+ MemberAdaptor.BYUSER : _('U'),
+ MemberAdaptor.BYADMIN : _('A'),
+ MemberAdaptor.BYBOUNCE: _('B'),
+ }
+ # Now populate the rows
+ for addr in members:
+ link = Link(mlist.GetOptionsURL(addr, obscure=1),
+ mlist.getMemberCPAddress(addr))
+ fullname = Utils.uncanonstr(mlist.getMemberName(addr),
+ mlist.preferred_language)
+ name = TextBox(addr + '_realname', fullname, size=longest).Format()
+ cells = [Center(CheckBox(addr + '_unsub', 'off', 0).Format()),
+ link.Format() + '<br>' +
+ name +
+ Hidden('user', urllib.quote(addr)).Format(),
+ ]
+ # Do the `mod' option
+ if mlist.getMemberOption(addr, mm_cfg.Moderate):
+ value = 'on'
+ checked = 1
+ else:
+ value = 'off'
+ checked = 0
+ box = CheckBox('%s_mod' % addr, value, checked)
+ cells.append(Center(box).Format())
+ for opt in ('hide', 'nomail', 'ack', 'notmetoo', 'nodupes'):
+ extra = ''
+ if opt == 'nomail':
+ status = mlist.getDeliveryStatus(addr)
+ if status == MemberAdaptor.ENABLED:
+ value = 'off'
+ checked = 0
+ else:
+ value = 'on'
+ checked = 1
+ extra = '[%s]' % ds_abbrevs[status]
+ elif mlist.getMemberOption(addr, mm_cfg.OPTINFO[opt]):
+ value = 'on'
+ checked = 1
+ else:
+ value = 'off'
+ checked = 0
+ box = CheckBox('%s_%s' % (addr, opt), value, checked)
+ cells.append(Center(box.Format() + extra))
+ # This code is less efficient than the original which did a has_key on
+ # the underlying dictionary attribute. This version is slower and
+ # less memory efficient. It points to a new MemberAdaptor interface
+ # method.
+ if addr in mlist.getRegularMemberKeys():
+ cells.append(Center(CheckBox(addr + '_digest', 'off', 0).Format()))
+ else:
+ cells.append(Center(CheckBox(addr + '_digest', 'on', 1).Format()))
+ if mlist.getMemberOption(addr, mm_cfg.OPTINFO['plain']):
+ value = 'on'
+ checked = 1
+ else:
+ value = 'off'
+ checked = 0
+ cells.append(Center(CheckBox('%s_plain' % addr, value, checked)))
+ # User's preferred language
+ langpref = mlist.getMemberLanguage(addr)
+ langs = mlist.GetAvailableLanguages()
+ langdescs = [_(Utils.GetLanguageDescr(lang)) for lang in langs]
+ try:
+ selected = langs.index(langpref)
+ except ValueError:
+ selected = 0
+ cells.append(Center(SelectOptions(addr + '_language', langs,
+ langdescs, selected)).Format())
+ usertable.AddRow(cells)
+ # Add the usertable and a legend
+ legend = UnorderedList()
+ legend.AddItem(
+ _('<b>unsub</b> -- Click on this to unsubscribe the member.'))
+ legend.AddItem(
+ _("""<b>mod</b> -- The user's personal moderation flag. If this is
+ set, postings from them will be moderated, otherwise they will be
+ approved."""))
+ legend.AddItem(
+ _("""<b>hide</b> -- Is the member's address concealed on
+ the list of subscribers?"""))
+ legend.AddItem(_(
+ """<b>nomail</b> -- Is delivery to the member disabled? If so, an
+ abbreviation will be given describing the reason for the disabled
+ delivery:
+ <ul><li><b>U</b> -- Delivery was disabled by the user via their
+ personal options page.
+ <li><b>A</b> -- Delivery was disabled by the list
+ administrators.
+ <li><b>B</b> -- Delivery was disabled by the system due to
+ excessive bouncing from the member's address.
+ <li><b>?</b> -- The reason for disabled delivery isn't known.
+ This is the case for all memberships which were disabled
+ in older versions of Mailman.
+ </ul>"""))
+ legend.AddItem(
+ _('''<b>ack</b> -- Does the member get acknowledgements of their
+ posts?'''))
+ legend.AddItem(
+ _('''<b>not metoo</b> -- Does the member want to avoid copies of their
+ own postings?'''))
+ legend.AddItem(
+ _('''<b>nodupes</b> -- Does the member want to avoid duplicates of the
+ same message?'''))
+ legend.AddItem(
+ _('''<b>digest</b> -- Does the member get messages in digests?
+ (otherwise, individual messages)'''))
+ legend.AddItem(
+ _('''<b>plain</b> -- If getting digests, does the member get plain
+ text digests? (otherwise, MIME)'''))
+ legend.AddItem(_("<b>language</b> -- Language preferred by the user"))
+ addlegend = ''
+ parsedqs = 0
+ qsenviron = os.environ.get('QUERY_STRING')
+ if qsenviron:
+ qs = cgi.parse_qs(qsenviron).get('legend')
+ if qs and isinstance(qs, ListType):
+ qs = qs[0]
+ if qs == 'yes':
+ addlegend = 'legend=yes&'
+ if addlegend:
+ container.AddItem(legend.Format() + '<p>')
+ container.AddItem(
+ Link(adminurl + '/members/list',
+ _('Click here to hide the legend for this table.')))
+ else:
+ container.AddItem(
+ Link(adminurl + '/members/list?legend=yes',
+ _('Click here to include the legend for this table.')))
+ container.AddItem(Center(usertable))
+ # There may be additional chunks
+ if chunkindex is not None:
+ buttons = []
+ url = adminurl + '/members?%sletter=%s&' % (addlegend, bucket)
+ footer = _('''<p><em>To view more members, click on the appropriate
+ range listed below:</em>''')
+ chunkmembers = buckets[bucket]
+ last = len(chunkmembers)
+ for i in range(numchunks):
+ if i == chunkindex:
+ continue
+ start = chunkmembers[i*chunksz]
+ end = chunkmembers[min((i+1)*chunksz, last)-1]
+ link = Link(url + 'chunk=%d' % i, _('from %(start)s to %(end)s'))
+ buttons.append(link)
+ buttons = UnorderedList(*buttons)
+ container.AddItem(footer + buttons.Format() + '<p>')
+ return container
+def mass_subscribe(mlist, container):
+ table = Table(width='90%')
+ table.AddRow([
+ Label(_('Subscribe these users now or invite them?')),
+ RadioButtonArray('subscribe_or_invite',
+ (_('Subscribe'), _('Invite')),
+ 0, values=(0, 1))
+ ])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, bgcolor=GREY)
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 1, bgcolor=GREY)
+ table.AddRow([
+ Label(_('Send welcome messages to new subscribees?')),
+ RadioButtonArray('send_welcome_msg_to_this_batch',
+ (_('No'), _('Yes')),
+ mlist.send_welcome_msg,
+ values=(0, 1))
+ ])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, bgcolor=GREY)
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 1, bgcolor=GREY)
+ table.AddRow([
+ Label(_('Send notifications of new subscriptions to the list owner?')),
+ RadioButtonArray('send_notifications_to_list_owner',
+ (_('No'), _('Yes')),
+ mlist.admin_notify_mchanges,
+ values=(0,1))
+ ])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, bgcolor=GREY)
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 1, bgcolor=GREY)
+ table.AddRow([Italic(_('Enter one address per line below...'))])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2)
+ table.AddRow([Center(TextArea(name='subscribees',
+ rows=10, cols='70%', wrap=None))])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2)
+ table.AddRow([Italic(Label(_('...or specify a file to upload:'))),
+ FileUpload('subscribees_upload', cols='50')])
+ container.AddItem(Center(table))
+ # Invitation text
+ table.AddRow(['&nbsp;', '&nbsp;'])
+ table.AddRow([Italic(_("""Below, enter additional text to be added to the
+ top of your invitation or the subscription notification. Include at least
+ one blank line at the end..."""))])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2)
+ table.AddRow([Center(TextArea(name='invitation',
+ rows=10, cols='70%', wrap=None))])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2)
+def mass_remove(mlist, container):
+ table = Table(width='90%')
+ table.AddRow([
+ Label(_('Send unsubscription acknowledgement to the user?')),
+ RadioButtonArray('send_unsub_ack_to_this_batch',
+ (_('No'), _('Yes')),
+ 0, values=(0, 1))
+ ])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, bgcolor=GREY)
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 1, bgcolor=GREY)
+ table.AddRow([
+ Label(_('Send notifications to the list owner?')),
+ RadioButtonArray('send_unsub_notifications_to_list_owner',
+ (_('No'), _('Yes')),
+ mlist.admin_notify_mchanges,
+ values=(0, 1))
+ ])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, bgcolor=GREY)
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 1, bgcolor=GREY)
+ table.AddRow([Italic(_('Enter one address per line below...'))])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2)
+ table.AddRow([Center(TextArea(name='unsubscribees',
+ rows=10, cols='70%', wrap=None))])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2)
+ table.AddRow([Italic(Label(_('...or specify a file to upload:'))),
+ FileUpload('unsubscribees_upload', cols='50')])
+ container.AddItem(Center(table))
+def password_inputs(mlist):
+ adminurl = mlist.GetScriptURL('admin', absolute=1)
+ table = Table(cellspacing=3, cellpadding=4)
+ table.AddRow([Center(Header(2, _('Change list ownership passwords')))])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2,
+ bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_HEADER_COLOR)
+ table.AddRow([_("""\
+The <em>list administrators</em> are the people who have ultimate control over
+all parameters of this mailing list. They are able to change any list
+configuration variable available through these administration web pages.
+<p>The <em>list moderators</em> have more limited permissions; they are not
+able to change any list configuration variable, but they are allowed to tend
+to pending administration requests, including approving or rejecting held
+subscription requests, and disposing of held postings. Of course, the
+<em>list administrators</em> can also tend to pending requests.
+<p>In order to split the list ownership duties into administrators and
+moderators, you must set a separate moderator password in the fields below,
+and also provide the email addresses of the list moderators in the
+<a href="%(adminurl)s/general">general options section</a>.""")])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, colspan=2)
+ # Set up the admin password table on the left
+ atable = Table(border=0, cellspacing=3, cellpadding=4,
+ bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_ADMINPW_COLOR)
+ atable.AddRow([Label(_('Enter new administrator password:')),
+ PasswordBox('newpw', size=20)])
+ atable.AddRow([Label(_('Confirm administrator password:')),
+ PasswordBox('confirmpw', size=20)])
+ # Set up the moderator password table on the right
+ mtable = Table(border=0, cellspacing=3, cellpadding=4,
+ bgcolor=mm_cfg.WEB_ADMINPW_COLOR)
+ mtable.AddRow([Label(_('Enter new moderator password:')),
+ PasswordBox('newmodpw', size=20)])
+ mtable.AddRow([Label(_('Confirm moderator password:')),
+ PasswordBox('confirmmodpw', size=20)])
+ # Add these tables to the overall password table
+ table.AddRow([atable, mtable])
+ return table
+def submit_button(name='submit'):
+ table = Table(border=0, cellspacing=0, cellpadding=2)
+ table.AddRow([Bold(SubmitButton(name, _('Submit Your Changes')))])
+ table.AddCellInfo(table.GetCurrentRowIndex(), 0, align='middle')
+ return table
+def change_options(mlist, category, subcat, cgidata, doc):
+ def safeint(formvar, defaultval=None):
+ try:
+ return int(cgidata.getvalue(formvar))
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ return defaultval
+ confirmed = 0
+ # Handle changes to the list moderator password. Do this before checking
+ # the new admin password, since the latter will force a reauthentication.
+ new = cgidata.getvalue('newmodpw', '').strip()
+ confirm = cgidata.getvalue('confirmmodpw', '').strip()
+ if new or confirm:
+ if new == confirm:
+ mlist.mod_password = sha.new(new).hexdigest()
+ # No re-authentication necessary because the moderator's
+ # password doesn't get you into these pages.
+ else:
+ doc.addError(_('Moderator passwords did not match'))
+ # Handle changes to the list administrator password
+ new = cgidata.getvalue('newpw', '').strip()
+ confirm = cgidata.getvalue('confirmpw', '').strip()
+ if new or confirm:
+ if new == confirm:
+ mlist.password = sha.new(new).hexdigest()
+ # Set new cookie
+ print mlist.MakeCookie(mm_cfg.AuthListAdmin)
+ else:
+ doc.addError(_('Administrator passwords did not match'))
+ # Give the individual gui item a chance to process the form data
+ categories = mlist.GetConfigCategories()
+ label, gui = categories[category]
+ # BAW: We handle the membership page special... for now.
+ if category <> 'members':
+ gui.handleForm(mlist, category, subcat, cgidata, doc)
+ # mass subscription, removal processing for members category
+ subscribers = ''
+ subscribers += cgidata.getvalue('subscribees', '')
+ subscribers += cgidata.getvalue('subscribees_upload', '')
+ if subscribers:
+ entries = filter(None, [n.strip() for n in subscribers.splitlines()])
+ send_welcome_msg = safeint('send_welcome_msg_to_this_batch',
+ mlist.send_welcome_msg)
+ send_admin_notif = safeint('send_notifications_to_list_owner',
+ mlist.admin_notify_mchanges)
+ # Default is to subscribe
+ subscribe_or_invite = safeint('subscribe_or_invite', 0)
+ invitation = cgidata.getvalue('invitation', '')
+ digest = 0
+ if not mlist.digestable:
+ digest = 0
+ if not mlist.nondigestable:
+ digest = 1
+ subscribe_errors = []
+ subscribe_success = []
+ # Now cruise through all the subscribees and do the deed. BAW: we
+ # should limit the number of "Successfully subscribed" status messages
+ # we display. Try uploading a file with 10k names -- it takes a while
+ # to render the status page.
+ for entry in entries:
+ fullname, address = parseaddr(entry)
+ # Canonicalize the full name
+ fullname = Utils.canonstr(fullname, mlist.preferred_language)
+ userdesc = UserDesc(address, fullname,
+ Utils.MakeRandomPassword(),
+ digest, mlist.preferred_language)
+ try:
+ if subscribe_or_invite:
+ if mlist.isMember(address):
+ raise Errors.MMAlreadyAMember
+ else:
+ mlist.InviteNewMember(userdesc, invitation)
+ else:
+ mlist.ApprovedAddMember(userdesc, send_welcome_msg,
+ send_admin_notif, invitation)
+ except Errors.MMAlreadyAMember:
+ subscribe_errors.append((entry, _('Already a member')))
+ except Errors.MMBadEmailError:
+ if userdesc.address == '':
+ subscribe_errors.append((_('&lt;blank line&gt;'),
+ _('Bad/Invalid email address')))
+ else:
+ subscribe_errors.append((entry,
+ _('Bad/Invalid email address')))
+ except Errors.MMHostileAddress:
+ subscribe_errors.append(
+ (entry, _('Hostile address (illegal characters)')))
+ else:
+ member = Utils.uncanonstr(formataddr((fullname, address)))
+ subscribe_success.append(Utils.websafe(member))
+ if subscribe_success:
+ if subscribe_or_invite:
+ doc.AddItem(Header(5, _('Successfully invited:')))
+ else:
+ doc.AddItem(Header(5, _('Successfully subscribed:')))
+ doc.AddItem(UnorderedList(*subscribe_success))
+ doc.AddItem('<p>')
+ if subscribe_errors:
+ if subscribe_or_invite:
+ doc.AddItem(Header(5, _('Error inviting:')))
+ else:
+ doc.AddItem(Header(5, _('Error subscribing:')))
+ items = ['%s -- %s' % (x0, x1) for x0, x1 in subscribe_errors]
+ doc.AddItem(UnorderedList(*items))
+ doc.AddItem('<p>')
+ # Unsubscriptions
+ removals = ''
+ if cgidata.has_key('unsubscribees'):
+ removals += cgidata['unsubscribees'].value
+ if cgidata.has_key('unsubscribees_upload') and \
+ cgidata['unsubscribees_upload'].value:
+ removals += cgidata['unsubscribees_upload'].value
+ if removals:
+ names = filter(None, [n.strip() for n in removals.splitlines()])
+ send_unsub_notifications = int(
+ cgidata['send_unsub_notifications_to_list_owner'].value)
+ userack = int(
+ cgidata['send_unsub_ack_to_this_batch'].value)
+ unsubscribe_errors = []
+ unsubscribe_success = []
+ for addr in names:
+ try:
+ mlist.ApprovedDeleteMember(
+ addr, whence='admin mass unsub',
+ admin_notif=send_unsub_notifications,
+ userack=userack)
+ unsubscribe_success.append(addr)
+ except Errors.NotAMemberError:
+ unsubscribe_errors.append(addr)
+ if unsubscribe_success:
+ doc.AddItem(Header(5, _('Successfully Unsubscribed:')))
+ doc.AddItem(UnorderedList(*unsubscribe_success))
+ doc.AddItem('<p>')
+ if unsubscribe_errors:
+ doc.AddItem(Header(3, Bold(FontAttr(
+ _('Cannot unsubscribe non-members:'),
+ color='#ff0000', size='+2')).Format()))
+ doc.AddItem(UnorderedList(*unsubscribe_errors))
+ doc.AddItem('<p>')
+ # See if this was a moderation bit operation
+ if cgidata.has_key('allmodbit_btn'):
+ val = cgidata.getvalue('allmodbit_val')
+ try:
+ val = int(val)
+ except VallueError:
+ val = None
+ if val not in (0, 1):
+ doc.addError(_('Bad moderation flag value'))
+ else:
+ for member in mlist.getMembers():
+ mlist.setMemberOption(member, mm_cfg.Moderate, val)
+ # do the user options for members category
+ if cgidata.has_key('setmemberopts_btn') and cgidata.has_key('user'):
+ user = cgidata['user']
+ if type(user) is ListType:
+ users = []
+ for ui in range(len(user)):
+ users.append(urllib.unquote(user[ui].value))
+ else:
+ users = [urllib.unquote(user.value)]
+ errors = []
+ removes = []
+ for user in users:
+ if cgidata.has_key('%s_unsub' % user):
+ try:
+ mlist.ApprovedDeleteMember(user)
+ removes.append(user)
+ except Errors.NotAMemberError:
+ errors.append((user, _('Not subscribed')))
+ continue
+ if not mlist.isMember(user):
+ doc.addError(_('Ignoring changes to deleted member: %(user)s'),
+ tag=_('Warning: '))
+ continue
+ value = cgidata.has_key('%s_digest' % user)
+ try:
+ mlist.setMemberOption(user, mm_cfg.Digests, value)
+ except (Errors.AlreadyReceivingDigests,
+ Errors.AlreadyReceivingRegularDeliveries,
+ Errors.CantDigestError,
+ Errors.MustDigestError):
+ # BAW: Hmm...
+ pass
+ newname = cgidata.getvalue(user+'_realname', '')
+ newname = Utils.canonstr(newname, mlist.preferred_language)
+ mlist.setMemberName(user, newname)
+ newlang = cgidata.getvalue(user+'_language')
+ oldlang = mlist.getMemberLanguage(user)
+ if newlang and newlang <> oldlang:
+ mlist.setMemberLanguage(user, newlang)
+ moderate = not not cgidata.getvalue(user+'_mod')
+ mlist.setMemberOption(user, mm_cfg.Moderate, moderate)
+ # Set the `nomail' flag, but only if the user isn't already
+ # disabled (otherwise we might change BYUSER into BYADMIN).
+ if cgidata.has_key('%s_nomail' % user):
+ if mlist.getDeliveryStatus(user) == MemberAdaptor.ENABLED:
+ mlist.setDeliveryStatus(user, MemberAdaptor.BYADMIN)
+ else:
+ mlist.setDeliveryStatus(user, MemberAdaptor.ENABLED)
+ for opt in ('hide', 'ack', 'notmetoo', 'nodupes', 'plain'):
+ opt_code = mm_cfg.OPTINFO[opt]
+ if cgidata.has_key('%s_%s' % (user, opt)):
+ mlist.setMemberOption(user, opt_code, 1)
+ else:
+ mlist.setMemberOption(user, opt_code, 0)
+ # Give some feedback on who's been removed
+ if removes:
+ doc.AddItem(Header(5, _('Successfully Removed:')))
+ doc.AddItem(UnorderedList(*removes))
+ doc.AddItem('<p>')
+ if errors:
+ doc.AddItem(Header(5, _("Error Unsubscribing:")))
+ items = ['%s -- %s' % (x[0], x[1]) for x in errors]
+ doc.AddItem(apply(UnorderedList, tuple((items))))
+ doc.AddItem("<p>")