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authorbwarsaw <>2004-12-14 14:14:32 +0000
committerbwarsaw <>2004-12-14 14:14:32 +0000
commita3a7b94b04974c40bca54caece474e8506d53822 (patch)
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parentd497f1c251bff2eae3bce19d183a4bd988fe37e4 (diff)
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-<H2><A NAME="SECTION002240000000000000000">
-2.4 Basic Architectural Overview</A>
+<H1><A NAME="SECTION002200000000000000000">
+2 The List Configuration Pages</A>
-This section will outline the basic architecture of GNU Mailman, such
-as how messages are processed by the sytem. Without going into lots
-of detail, this information will help you understand how the
-configuration options control Mailman's functionality.
+After logging into the list configuration pages, you'll see the
+configuration options for the list, grouped in categories. All the
+administrative pages have some common elements. In the upper section,
+you'll see two columns labeled ``Configuration Categories''. Some
+categories have sub-categories which are only visible when you click
+on the category link. The first page you see after logging in will be
+the ``General Options'' category. The specific option settings for
+each category are described below.
-When mail enters the system from your mail server, it is dropped into
-one of several Mailman <i>queues</i> depending on the address the
-message was sent to. For example, if your system has a mailing list
-named <var>mylist</var> and your domain is <var>example.com</var>, people can
-post messages to your list by sending them to
-<var>mylist@example.com</var>. These messages will be dropped into the
-<i>incoming</i> queue, which is also colloquially called the
-<i>moderate-and-munge</i> queue. The incoming queue is where most of
-the approval process occurs, and it's also where the message is
-prepared for sending out to the list membership.
+On the right side of the top section, you'll see a column labeled
+``Other Administrative Activities''. Here you'll find some other
+things you can do to your list, as well as convenient links to the
+list information page and the list archives. Note the big ``Logout''
+link; use this if you're finished configuring your list and don't want
+to leave the session cookie active in your browser.
-There are separate queues for the built-in archiver, the bounce
-processor, the email command processor, as well as the outgoing email
-and news queues. There's also a queue for messages generated by the
-Mailman system. Each of these queues typically has one <i>queue
-runner</i> (or ``qrunner'') that processes messages in the queue. The
-qrunners are idle when there are no messages to process.
+Below this common header, you'll find a list of this category's
+configuration variables, arranged in two columns. In the left column
+is a brief description of the option, which also contains a
+``details'' link. For many of the variables, more details are
+available describing the semantics of the various available settings,
+or information on the interaction between this setting and other list
+options. Clicking on the details link brings up a page which contains
+only the information for that option, as well as a button for
+submitting your setting, and a link back to the category page.
-Every message in the queues are represented by two files, a message
-file and a metadata file. Both of these files share the same base
-name, which is a combination of a unique hash and the Unix time that
-the message was received. The metadata file has a suffix of
-<span class="file">.db</span> and the message file has a suffix of either <span class="file">.msg</span> if
-stored in plain text, or <span class="file">.pck</span> if stored in a more efficient
-internal representation<A NAME="tex2html1"
- HREF="#foot41"><SUP>1</SUP></A>.
+On the right side of the two-column section, you'll see the variable's
+current value. Some variables may present a limited set of values,
+via radio button or check box arrays. Other variables may present
+text entry boxes of one or multiple lines. Most variables control
+settings for the operation of the list, but others perform immediate
+actions (these are clearly labeled).
-As a message moves through the incoming queue, it performs various
-checks on the message, such as whether it matches one of the
-moderation criteria, or contains disallowed MIME types. Once a
-message is approved for sending to the list membership, the message is
-prepared for sending by deleting, adding, or changing message headers,
-adding footers, etc. Messages in the incoming queue may also be
-stored for appending to digests.
+At the bottom of the page, you'll find a ``Submit'' button and a
+footer with some more useful links and a few logos. Hitting the
+submit button commits your list settings, after they've been
+validated. Any invalid values will be ignored and an error message
+will be displayed at the top of the resulting page. The results page
+will always be the category page that you submitted.
-<DT><A NAME="foot41">... representation</A><A
- HREF="node8.html#tex2html1"><SUP>1</SUP></A></DT>
-<DD>Specifically, a Python pickle
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+<UL CLASS="ChildLinks">
+<LI><A href="node9.html">2.1 The General Options Category</a>
+<LI><A href="node10.html">2.1.1 General list personality</a>
+<LI><A href="node11.html">2.1.2 Reply-To header munging</a>
+<LI><A href="node12.html">2.1.3 Umbrella list settings</a>
+<LI><A href="node13.html">2.1.4 Notifications</a>
+<LI><A href="node14.html">2.1.5 Additional settings</a>
+<LI><A href="node15.html">2.2 The Passwords Category</a>
+<LI><A href="node16.html">2.3 The Language Options Category</a>
+<LI><A href="node17.html">2.4 The Membership Management Category</a>
+<LI><A href="node18.html">2.5 The Non-digest Options Category</a>
+<LI><A href="node19.html">2.6 The Digest Options Category</a>
+<LI><A href="node20.html">2.7 The Privacy Options Category</a>
+<LI><A href="node21.html">2.7.1 Subscription rules</a>
+<LI><A href="node22.html">2.7.2 Sender filters</a>
+<LI><A href="node23.html">2.7.3 Recipient Filters</a>
+<LI><A href="node24.html">2.7.4 Spam Filters</a>
+<LI><A href="node25.html">2.8 The Bounce Processing Category</a>
+<LI><A href="node26.html">2.9 The Archiving Options Category</a>
+<LI><A href="node27.html">2.10 The Mail/News Gateway Category</a>
+<LI><A href="node28.html">2.11 The Auto-responder Category</a>
+<LI><A href="node29.html">2.12 The Content Filtering Category</a>
+<LI><A href="node30.html">2.13 The Topics Category</a>
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-<b class="navlabel">Next:</b> <a class="sectref" HREF="node9.html">3 The List Configuration</A>
-<span class="release-info">Release 2.1, documentation updated on October 2, 2004.</span>
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+<span class="release-info">Release 2.1, documentation updated on December 13, 2004.</span>
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