path: root/admin/www/mailman-admin/node5.html
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authorbwarsaw <>2004-12-14 14:14:32 +0000
committerbwarsaw <>2004-12-14 14:14:32 +0000
commita3a7b94b04974c40bca54caece474e8506d53822 (patch)
treebb447beeccdfa07a18082a99929ea7eb9f85cf9e /admin/www/mailman-admin/node5.html
parentd497f1c251bff2eae3bce19d183a4bd988fe37e4 (diff)
updating the content for this guide
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index b8f7c2fe..3009a201 100644
--- a/admin/www/mailman-admin/node5.html
+++ b/admin/www/mailman-admin/node5.html
@@ -1,151 +1,123 @@
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-<H2><A NAME="SECTION002210000000000000000">
-2.1 A List's Email Addresses</A>
+<H2><A NAME="SECTION002120000000000000000">
+1.2 Administrative Roles</A>
-Every mailing list has a set of email addresses that messages can be
-sent to. There's always one address for posting messages to the list,
-one address that bounces will be sent to, and addresses for processing
-email commands. For example, for a mailing list called
-<var>mylist@example.com</var>, you'd find these addresses:
-<LI>mylist@example.com - this is the email address people should
- use for new postings to the list.
-<LI>mylist-join@example.com - by sending a message to this address,
- a new member can request subscription to the list. Both the
- <span class="mailheader">Subject:</span> header and body of such a message are
- ignored. Note that mylist-subscribe@example.com is an alias for
- the -join address.
-<LI>mylist-leave@example.com - by sending a message to this address,
- a member can request unsubscription from the list. As with the
- -join address, the <span class="mailheader">Subject:</span> header and body of the
- message is ignored. Note that mylist-unsubscribe@example.com is
- an alias for the -leave address.
-<LI>mylist-owner@example.com - This address reaches the list owner
- and list moderators directly.
-<LI>mylist-request@example.com - This address reaches a mail robot
- which processes email commands that can be used to set member
- subscription options, as well as process other commands.
+There are two primary administrative roles for each mailing list, a
+list owner and a list moderator. A list owner is allowed to change
+various settings of the list, such as the privacy and archiving
+policies, the content filtering settings, etc. The list owner is also
+allowed to subscribe or invite members, unsubscribe members, and
+change any member's subscription options.
-<LI>mylist-bounces@example.com - This address receives bounces from
- members who's addresses have become either temporarily or
- permanently inactive. The -bounces address is also a mail robot
- that processes bounces and automatically disables or removes
- members as configured in the bounce processing settings. Any
- bounce messages that are either unrecognized, or do not seem to
- contain member addresses, are forwarded to the list
- administrators.
+The list moderator on the other hand, is only allowed to approve or
+reject postings and subscription requests. The list moderator can
+also do things like clear a member's moderation flag, or add an
+address to a list of approved non-member posters.
-<LI>mylist-confirm@example.com - This address is another email
- robot, which processes confirmation messages for subscription
- and unsubscription requests.
+Normally, the list owner and list moderator are the same person. In
+fact, the list owner can always do all the tasks a list moderator can
+do. Access to both the owner's configuration pages, and the
+moderation pages are protected by the same password. However, if the
+list owner wants to delegate posting and subscription approval
+authority to other people, a separate list moderator password can be
+set, giving moderators access to the approval pages, but not the
+configuration pages. In this setup, list owners can still moderate
+the list, of course.
-There's also an -admin address which also reaches the list
-administrators, but this address only exists for compatibility with
-older versions of Mailman.
+In the sections that follow, we'll often use the terms list owner and
+list administrator interchangably, meaning both roles. When
+necessary, we'll distinguish the list moderator explicitly.
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-<span class="release-info">Release 2.1, documentation updated on October 2, 2004.</span>
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+<span class="release-info">Release 2.1, documentation updated on December 13, 2004.</span>
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