path: root/Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py
diff options
author <>2003-01-02 05:25:50 +0000
committer <>2003-01-02 05:25:50 +0000
commitb132a73f15e432eaf43310fce9196ca0c0651465 (patch)
treec15f816ba7c4de99fef510e3bd75af0890d47441 /Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py
This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch
Diffstat (limited to 'Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py')
1 files changed, 433 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py b/Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..397eb475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+# Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+"""Routines for presentation of list-specific HTML text."""
+import time
+import re
+from Mailman import mm_cfg
+from Mailman import Utils
+from Mailman import MemberAdaptor
+from Mailman.htmlformat import *
+from Mailman.i18n import _
+BR = '<br>'
+NL = '\n'
+class HTMLFormatter:
+ def GetMailmanFooter(self):
+ ownertext = COMMASPACE.join([Utils.ObscureEmail(a, 1)
+ for a in self.owner])
+ # Remove the .Format() when htmlformat conversion is done.
+ realname = self.real_name
+ hostname = self.host_name
+ listinfo_link = Link(self.GetScriptURL('listinfo'), realname).Format()
+ owner_link = Link('mailto:' + self.GetOwnerEmail(), ownertext).Format()
+ innertext = _('%(listinfo_link)s list run by %(owner_link)s')
+ return Container(
+ '<hr>',
+ Address(
+ Container(
+ innertext,
+ '<br>',
+ Link(self.GetScriptURL('admin'),
+ _('%(realname)s administrative interface')),
+ _(' (requires authorization)'),
+ '<br>',
+ Link(Utils.ScriptURL('listinfo'),
+ _('Overview of all %(hostname)s mailing lists')),
+ '<p>', MailmanLogo()))).Format()
+ def FormatUsers(self, digest, lang=None):
+ if lang is None:
+ lang = self.preferred_language
+ conceal_sub = mm_cfg.ConcealSubscription
+ people = []
+ if digest:
+ digestmembers = self.getDigestMemberKeys()
+ for dm in digestmembers:
+ if not self.getMemberOption(dm, conceal_sub):
+ people.append(dm)
+ num_concealed = len(digestmembers) - len(people)
+ else:
+ members = self.getRegularMemberKeys()
+ for m in members:
+ if not self.getMemberOption(m, conceal_sub):
+ people.append(m)
+ num_concealed = len(members) - len(people)
+ if num_concealed == 1:
+ concealed = _('<em>(1 private member not shown)</em>')
+ elif num_concealed > 1:
+ concealed = _(
+ '<em>(%(num_concealed)d private members not shown)</em>')
+ else:
+ concealed = ''
+ items = []
+ people.sort()
+ for person in people:
+ id = Utils.ObscureEmail(person)
+ url = self.GetOptionsURL(person)
+ if self.obscure_addresses:
+ showing = Utils.ObscureEmail(person, for_text=1)
+ else:
+ showing = person
+ got = Link(url, showing)
+ if self.getDeliveryStatus(person) <> MemberAdaptor.ENABLED:
+ got = Italic('(', got, ')')
+ items.append(got)
+ # Just return the .Format() so this works until I finish
+ # converting everything to htmlformat...
+ return concealed + UnorderedList(*tuple(items)).Format()
+ def FormatOptionButton(self, option, value, user):
+ if option == mm_cfg.DisableDelivery:
+ optval = self.getDeliveryStatus(user) <> MemberAdaptor.ENABLED
+ else:
+ optval = self.getMemberOption(user, option)
+ if optval == value:
+ checked = ' CHECKED'
+ else:
+ checked = ''
+ name = {mm_cfg.DontReceiveOwnPosts : 'dontreceive',
+ mm_cfg.DisableDelivery : 'disablemail',
+ mm_cfg.DisableMime : 'mime',
+ mm_cfg.AcknowledgePosts : 'ackposts',
+ mm_cfg.Digests : 'digest',
+ mm_cfg.ConcealSubscription : 'conceal',
+ mm_cfg.SuppressPasswordReminder : 'remind',
+ mm_cfg.ReceiveNonmatchingTopics : 'rcvtopic',
+ mm_cfg.DontReceiveDuplicates : 'nodupes',
+ }[option]
+ return '<input type=radio name="%s" value="%d"%s>' % (
+ name, value, checked)
+ def FormatDigestButton(self):
+ if self.digest_is_default:
+ checked = ' CHECKED'
+ else:
+ checked = ''
+ return '<input type=radio name="digest" value="1"%s>' % checked
+ def FormatDisabledNotice(self, user):
+ status = self.getDeliveryStatus(user)
+ reason = None
+ info = self.getBounceInfo(user)
+ if status == MemberAdaptor.BYUSER:
+ reason = _('; it was disabled by you')
+ elif status == MemberAdaptor.BYADMIN:
+ reason = _('; it was disabled by the list administrator')
+ elif status == MemberAdaptor.BYBOUNCE:
+ date = time.strftime('%d-%b-%Y',
+ time.localtime(Utils.midnight(info.date)))
+ reason = _('''; it was disabled due to excessive bounces. The
+ last bounce was received on %(date)s''')
+ elif status == MemberAdaptor.UNKNOWN:
+ reason = _('; it was disabled for unknown reasons')
+ if reason:
+ note = FontSize('+1', _(
+ 'Note: your list delivery is currently disabled%(reason)s.'
+ )).Format()
+ link = Link('#disable', _('Mail delivery')).Format()
+ mailto = Link('mailto:' + self.GetOwnerEmail(),
+ _('the list administrator')).Format()
+ return _('''<p>%(note)s
+ <p>You may have disabled list delivery intentionally,
+ or it may have been triggered by bounces from your email
+ address. In either case, to re-enable delivery, change the
+ %(link)s option below. Contact %(mailto)s if you have any
+ questions or need assistance.''')
+ elif info and info.score > 0:
+ # Provide information about their current bounce score. We know
+ # their membership is currently enabled.
+ score = info.score
+ total = self.bounce_score_threshold
+ return _('''<p>We have received some recent bounces from your
+ address. Your current <em>bounce score</em> is %(score)s out of a
+ maximum of %(total)s. Please double check that your subscribed
+ address is correct and that there are no problems with delivery to
+ this address. Your bounce score will be automatically reset if
+ the problems are corrected soon.''')
+ else:
+ return ''
+ def FormatUmbrellaNotice(self, user, type):
+ addr = self.GetMemberAdminEmail(user)
+ if self.umbrella_list:
+ return _("(Note - you are subscribing to a list of mailing lists, "
+ "so the %(type)s notice will be sent to the admin address"
+ " for your membership, %(addr)s.)<p>")
+ else:
+ return ""
+ def FormatSubscriptionMsg(self):
+ msg = ''
+ also = ''
+ if self.subscribe_policy == 1:
+ msg += _('''You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to
+ prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you.''')
+ elif self.subscribe_policy == 2:
+ msg += _("""This is a closed list, which means your subscription
+ will be held for approval. You will be notified of the list
+ moderator's decision by email.""")
+ also = _('also ')
+ elif self.subscribe_policy == 3:
+ msg += _("""You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to
+ prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. Once
+ confirmation is received, your request will be held for approval
+ by the list moderator. You will be notified of the moderator's
+ decision by email.""")
+ also = _("also ")
+ if msg:
+ msg += ' '
+ if self.private_roster == 1:
+ msg += _('''This is %(also)sa private list, which means that the
+ list of members is not available to non-members.''')
+ elif self.private_roster:
+ msg += _('''This is %(also)sa hidden list, which means that the
+ list of members is available only to the list administrator.''')
+ else:
+ msg += _('''This is %(also)sa public list, which means that the
+ list of members list is available to everyone.''')
+ if self.obscure_addresses:
+ msg += _(''' (but we obscure the addresses so they are not
+ easily recognizable by spammers).''')
+ if self.umbrella_list:
+ sfx = self.umbrella_member_suffix
+ msg += _("""<p>(Note that this is an umbrella list, intended to
+ have only other mailing lists as members. Among other things,
+ this means that your confirmation request will be sent to the
+ `%(sfx)s' account for your address.)""")
+ return msg
+ def FormatUndigestButton(self):
+ if self.digest_is_default:
+ checked = ''
+ else:
+ checked = ' CHECKED'
+ return '<input type=radio name="digest" value="0"%s>' % checked
+ def FormatMimeDigestsButton(self):
+ if self.mime_is_default_digest:
+ checked = ' CHECKED'
+ else:
+ checked = ''
+ return '<input type=radio name="mime" value="1"%s>' % checked
+ def FormatPlainDigestsButton(self):
+ if self.mime_is_default_digest:
+ checked = ''
+ else:
+ checked = ' CHECKED'
+ return '<input type=radio name="plain" value="1"%s>' % checked
+ def FormatEditingOption(self, lang):
+ if self.private_roster == 0:
+ either = _('<b><i>either</i></b> ')
+ else:
+ either = ''
+ realname = self.real_name
+ text = (_('''To unsubscribe from %(realname)s, get a password reminder,
+ or change your subscription options %(either)senter your subscription
+ email address:
+ <p><center> ''')
+ + TextBox('email', size=30).Format()
+ + ' '
+ + SubmitButton('UserOptions',
+ _('Unsubscribe or edit options')).Format()
+ + Hidden('language', lang).Format()
+ + '</center>')
+ if self.private_roster == 0:
+ text += _('''<p>... <b><i>or</i></b> select your entry from
+ the subscribers list (see above).''')
+ text += _(''' If you leave the field blank, you will be prompted for
+ your email address''')
+ return text
+ def RestrictedListMessage(self, which, restriction):
+ if not restriction:
+ return ''
+ elif restriction == 1:
+ return _(
+ '''(<i>%(which)s is only available to the list
+ members.</i>)''')
+ else:
+ return _('''(<i>%(which)s is only available to the list
+ administrator.</i>)''')
+ def FormatRosterOptionForUser(self, lang):
+ return self.RosterOption(lang).Format()
+ def RosterOption(self, lang):
+ container = Container()
+ container.AddItem(Hidden('language', lang))
+ if not self.private_roster:
+ container.AddItem(_("Click here for the list of ")
+ + self.real_name
+ + _(" subscribers: "))
+ container.AddItem(SubmitButton('SubscriberRoster',
+ _("Visit Subscriber list")))
+ else:
+ if self.private_roster == 1:
+ only = _('members')
+ whom = _('Address:')
+ else:
+ only = _('the list administrator')
+ whom = _('Admin address:')
+ # Solicit the user and password.
+ container.AddItem(
+ self.RestrictedListMessage(_('The subscribers list'),
+ self.private_roster)
+ + _(" <p>Enter your ")
+ + whom[:-1].lower()
+ + _(" and password to visit"
+ " the subscribers list: <p><center> ")
+ + whom
+ + " ")
+ container.AddItem(self.FormatBox('roster-email'))
+ container.AddItem(_("Password: ")
+ + self.FormatSecureBox('roster-pw')
+ + "&nbsp;&nbsp;")
+ container.AddItem(SubmitButton('SubscriberRoster',
+ _('Visit Subscriber List')))
+ container.AddItem("</center>")
+ return container
+ def FormatFormStart(self, name, extra=''):
+ base_url = self.GetScriptURL(name)
+ if extra:
+ full_url = "%s/%s" % (base_url, extra)
+ else:
+ full_url = base_url
+ return ('<FORM Method=POST ACTION="%s">' % full_url)
+ def FormatArchiveAnchor(self):
+ return '<a href="%s">' % self.GetBaseArchiveURL()
+ def FormatFormEnd(self):
+ return '</FORM>'
+ def FormatBox(self, name, size=20, value=''):
+ return '<INPUT type="Text" name="%s" size="%d" value="%s">' % (
+ name, size, value)
+ def FormatSecureBox(self, name):
+ return '<INPUT type="Password" name="%s" size="15">' % name
+ def FormatButton(self, name, text='Submit'):
+ return '<INPUT type="Submit" name="%s" value="%s">' % (name, text)
+ def FormatReminder(self, lang):
+ if self.send_reminders:
+ return _('Once a month, your password will be emailed to you as'
+ ' a reminder.')
+ return ''
+ def ParseTags(self, template, replacements, lang=None):
+ if lang is None:
+ charset = 'us-ascii'
+ else:
+ charset = Utils.GetCharSet(lang)
+ text = Utils.maketext(template, raw=1, lang=lang, mlist=self)
+ parts = re.split('(</?[Mm][Mm]-[^>]*>)', text)
+ i = 1
+ while i < len(parts):
+ tag = parts[i].lower()
+ if replacements.has_key(tag):
+ repl = replacements[tag]
+ if isinstance(repl, type(u'')):
+ repl = repl.encode(charset, 'replace')
+ parts[i] = repl
+ else:
+ parts[i] = ''
+ i = i + 2
+ return EMPTYSTRING.join(parts)
+ # This needs to wait until after the list is inited, so let's build it
+ # when it's needed only.
+ def GetStandardReplacements(self, lang=None):
+ dmember_len = len(self.getDigestMemberKeys())
+ member_len = len(self.getRegularMemberKeys())
+ # If only one language is enabled for this mailing list, omit the
+ # language choice buttons.
+ if len(self.GetAvailableLanguages()) == 1:
+ listlangs = _(Utils.GetLanguageDescr(self.preferred_language))
+ else:
+ listlangs = self.GetLangSelectBox(lang).Format()
+ d = {
+ '<mm-mailman-footer>' : self.GetMailmanFooter(),
+ '<mm-list-name>' : self.real_name,
+ '<mm-email-user>' : self._internal_name,
+ '<mm-list-description>' : self.description,
+ '<mm-list-info>' : BR.join(self.info.split(NL)),
+ '<mm-form-end>' : self.FormatFormEnd(),
+ '<mm-archive>' : self.FormatArchiveAnchor(),
+ '</mm-archive>' : '</a>',
+ '<mm-list-subscription-msg>' : self.FormatSubscriptionMsg(),
+ '<mm-restricted-list-message>' : \
+ self.RestrictedListMessage(_('The current archive'),
+ self.archive_private),
+ '<mm-num-reg-users>' : `member_len`,
+ '<mm-num-digesters>' : `dmember_len`,
+ '<mm-num-members>' : (`member_len + dmember_len`),
+ '<mm-posting-addr>' : '%s' % self.GetListEmail(),
+ '<mm-request-addr>' : '%s' % self.GetRequestEmail(),
+ '<mm-owner>' : self.GetOwnerEmail(),
+ '<mm-reminder>' : self.FormatReminder(self.preferred_language),
+ '<mm-host>' : self.host_name,
+ '<mm-list-langs>' : listlangs,
+ }
+ if mm_cfg.IMAGE_LOGOS:
+ d['<mm-favicon>'] = mm_cfg.IMAGE_LOGOS + mm_cfg.SHORTCUT_ICON
+ return d
+ def GetAllReplacements(self, lang=None):
+ """
+ returns standard replaces plus formatted user lists in
+ a dict just like GetStandardReplacements.
+ """
+ if lang is None:
+ lang = self.preferred_language
+ d = self.GetStandardReplacements(lang)
+ d.update({"<mm-regular-users>": self.FormatUsers(0, lang),
+ "<mm-digest-users>": self.FormatUsers(1, lang)})
+ return d
+ def GetLangSelectBox(self, lang=None, varname='language'):
+ if lang is None:
+ lang = self.preferred_language
+ # Figure out the available languages
+ values = self.GetAvailableLanguages()
+ legend = map(_, map(Utils.GetLanguageDescr, values))
+ try:
+ selected = values.index(lang)
+ except ValueError:
+ try:
+ selected = values.index(self.preferred_language)
+ except ValueError:
+ selected = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_SERVER_LANGUAGE
+ # Return the widget
+ return SelectOptions(varname, values, legend, selected)