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From: "Jim C" <globalenergymusik@housemusic.com>
To: scr@socal-raves.org, fitrhaper@aol.com, pbrock@odin.ac.hmc.edu
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Hi New to the List.   Just curious.  What would you have the government do instead?    I see alot of passion over this topic so I assume you have an alternative to Ashcroft.     These are tough times, and call for quick and concise thinking, Gov is doing its best, Do we have anything better in mind that can be implemented in a short amount of time like this is.? 

> FitRhapER@aol.comDate: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 00:39:20 EST
> Re: [scr] scary pbrock@odin.ac.hmc.edu, scr@socal-raves.org
>argh! That makes me so angry. Every time i see another people happily not 
>questioning anything and going along with the government for some idiotic 
>reason (i cant really figure out why people happily go along with things, i 
>guess just less stress or something) it just disheartens me further. Why 
>don't these people see just a bit further. I mean it's not hard to see how 
>this could be misused is it? And alot of these people wont be convinced 
>otherwise. You tell them the facts. They give you the obivious retort (the 
>one they've been spoon fed), you show them how that could be side stepped to 
>hurt the innocent, they give you another answer (usually one they thought up 
>themselves, oo how clever), you again show em how this is 
>wrong/unconstitutional/gonna fuck everything  up. They give you a "yeah well, 
>the government needs to stop terrorism somehow!" kind of answer.
>grrrr. *slap* WAKE UP BITCH!!! then they ask you why your eyes are all glazed 
>over and you're smiling funny.
>olly the limey
>> i know many mudders who think the goverenment is being perfectly
>>  reasonable and that everything about the war and the new laws is
>>  correct.  one girl lives like a few doors down from me and it just cracks
>>  me up....
>>  jesus i can understand not hating everyth9ing, but being happy with every
>>  action the government is taking now just boggles my mind
>>  on an unrelated note./......
>>  i like buffy songs...yay buffy songs
>>  ,tricia
>>  AIM amphitrite27
>>  http://www.geocities.com/amphitrite27/index.html
>>  I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems
>>  don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and
>>  end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and
>>  making the best of it without knowing what's going to happen next.
>>          ~Gilda Radner
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