# transcheck - (c) 2002 by Simone Piunno <pioppo@ferrara.linux.it>
# Copyright (C) 2002-2007 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the version 2.0 of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Check a given Mailman translation, making sure that variables and
tags referenced in translation are the same variables and tags in
the original templates and catalog.
%(program)s [-q] <lang>
Where <lang> is your country code (e.g. 'it' for Italy) and -q is
to ask for a brief summary.
import sys
import re
import os
import getopt
import paths
from Mailman.i18n import C_
program = sys.argv[0]
def usage(code, msg=''):
if code:
fd = sys.stderr
fd = sys.stdout
print >> fd, C_(__doc__)
if msg:
print >> fd, msg
class TransChecker:
"check a translation comparing with the original string"
def __init__(self, regexp, escaped=None):
self.dict = {}
self.errs = []
self.regexp = re.compile(regexp)
self.escaped = None
if escaped:
self.escaped = re.compile(escaped)
def checkin(self, string):
"scan a string from the original file"
for key in self.regexp.findall(string):
if self.escaped and self.escaped.match(key):
if self.dict.has_key(key):
self.dict[key] += 1
self.dict[key] = 1
def checkout(self, string):
"scan a translated string"
for key in self.regexp.findall(string):
if self.escaped and self.escaped.match(key):
if self.dict.has_key(key):
self.dict[key] -= 1
"%(key)s was not found" %
{ 'key' : key }
def computeErrors(self):
"check for differences between checked in and checked out"
for key in self.dict.keys():
if self.dict[key] < 0:
"Too much %(key)s" %
{ 'key' : key }
if self.dict[key] > 0:
"Too few %(key)s" %
{ 'key' : key }
return self.errs
def status(self):
if self.errs:
return "FAILED"
return "OK"
def errorsAsString(self):
msg = ""
for err in self.errs:
msg += " - %(err)s" % { 'err': err }
return msg
def reset(self):
self.dict = {}
self.errs = []
class POParser:
"parse a .po file extracting msgids and msgstrs"
def __init__(self, filename=""):
self.status = 0
self.files = []
self.msgid = ""
self.msgstr = ""
self.line = 1
self.f = None
self.esc = { "n": "\n", "r": "\r", "t": "\t" }
if filename:
self.f = open(filename)
def open(self, filename):
self.f = open(filename)
def close(self):
def parse(self):
"""States table for the finite-states-machine parser:
0 idle
1 filename-or-comment
2 msgid
3 msgstr
4 end
# each time we can safely re-initialize those vars
self.files = []
self.msgid = ""
self.msgstr = ""
# can't continue if status == 4, this is a dead status
if self.status == 4:
return 0
while 1:
# continue scanning, char-by-char
c = self.f.read(1)
if not c:
# EOF -> maybe we have a msgstr to save?
self.status = 4
if self.msgstr:
return 1
return 0
# keep the line count up-to-date
if c == "\n":
self.line += 1
# a pound was detected the previous char...
if self.status == 1:
if c == ":":
# was a line of filenames
row = self.f.readline()
self.files += row.split()
self.line += 1
elif c == "\n":
# was a single pount on the line
# was a comment... discard
self.line += 1
# in every case, we switch to idle status
self.status = 0;
# in idle status we search for a '#' or for a 'm'
if self.status == 0:
if c == "#":
# this could be a comment or a filename
self.status = 1;
elif c == "m":
# this should be a msgid start...
s = self.f.read(4)
assert s == "sgid"
# so now we search for a '"'
self.status = 2
# in idle only those other chars are possibile
assert c in [ "\n", " ", "\t" ]
# searching for the msgid string
if self.status == 2:
if c == "\n":
# a double LF is not possible here
c = self.f.read(1)
assert c != "\n"
if c == "\"":
# ok, this is the start of the string,
# now search for the end
while 1:
c = self.f.read(1)
if not c:
# EOF, bailout
self.status = 4
return 0
if c == "\\":
# a quoted char...
c = self.f.read(1)
if self.esc.has_key(c):
self.msgid += self.esc[c]
self.msgid += c
if c == "\"":
# end of string found
# a normal char, add it
self.msgid += c
if c == "m":
# this should be a msgstr identifier
s = self.f.read(5)
assert s == "sgstr"
# ok, now search for the msgstr string
self.status = 3
# searching for the msgstr string
if self.status == 3:
if c == "\n":
# a double LF is the end of the msgstr!
c = self.f.read(1)
if c == "\n":
# ok, time to go idle and return
self.status = 0
self.line += 1
return 1
if c == "\"":
# start of string found
while 1:
c = self.f.read(1)
if not c:
# EOF, bail out
self.status = 4
return 1
if c == "\\":
# a quoted char...
c = self.f.read(1)
if self.esc.has_key(c):
self.msgstr += self.esc[c]
self.msgstr += c
if c == "\"":
# end of string
# a normal char, add it
self.msgstr += c
def check_file(translatedFile, originalFile, html=0, quiet=0):
"""check a translated template against the original one
search also <MM-*> tags if html is not zero"""
if html:
c = TransChecker("(%%|%\([^)]+\)[0-9]*[sd]|</?MM-[^>]+>)", "^%%$")
c = TransChecker("(%%|%\([^)]+\)[0-9]*[sd])", "^%%$")
f = open(originalFile)
except IOError:
if not quiet:
print " - Can'open original file " + originalFile
return 1
while 1:
line = f.readline()
if not line: break
f = open(translatedFile)
except IOError:
if not quiet:
print " - Can'open translated file " + translatedFile
return 1
while 1:
line = f.readline()
if not line: break
n = 0
msg = ""
for desc in c.computeErrors():
n +=1
if not quiet:
print " - %(desc)s" % { 'desc': desc }
return n
def check_po(file, quiet=0):
"scan the po file comparing msgids with msgstrs"
n = 0
p = POParser(file)
c = TransChecker("(%%|%\([^)]+\)[0-9]*[sdu]|%[0-9]*[sdu])", "^%%$")
while p.parse():
if p.msgstr:
for desc in c.computeErrors():
n += 1
if not quiet:
print " - near line %(line)d %(file)s: %(desc)s" % {
'line': p.line,
'file': p.files,
'desc': desc
return n
def main():
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'qh', ['quiet', 'help'])
except getopt.error, msg:
usage(1, msg)
quiet = 0
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
elif opt in ('-q', '--quiet'):
quiet = 1
if len(args) <> 1:
lang = args[0]
isHtml = re.compile("\.html$");
isTxt = re.compile("\.txt$");
numerrors = 0
numfiles = 0
files = os.listdir("templates/" + lang + "/")
print "can't open templates/%s/" % lang
for file in files:
fileEN = "templates/en/" + file
fileIT = "templates/" + lang + "/" + file
errlist = []
if isHtml.search(file):
if not quiet:
print "HTML checking " + fileIT + "... "
n = check_file(fileIT, fileEN, html=1, quiet=quiet)
if n:
numerrors += n
numfiles += 1
elif isTxt.search(file):
if not quiet:
print "TXT checking " + fileIT + "... "
n = check_file(fileIT, fileEN, html=0, quiet=quiet)
if n:
numerrors += n
numfiles += 1
file = "messages/" + lang + "/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.po"
if not quiet:
print "PO checking " + file + "... "
n = check_po(file, quiet=quiet)
if n:
numerrors += n
numfiles += 1
if quiet:
print "%(errs)u warnings in %(files)u files" % {
'errs': numerrors,
'files': numfiles
if __name__ == '__main__':