Mailman - The GNU Mailing List Management System
Copyright (C) 2001-2018 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
Mailman is compliant with RFC 2369, which specifies a number of
List-* headers that mailing list management software should add to
every outbound email message. These headers are designed to make
it easy for mail user agents (MUAs) to assist users in common
mailing list tasks, such as getting help or unsubscribing.
At this time, not all MUAs understand the RFC 2369 headers, and
instead of suppressing those List-* headers, they show them to the
user. Many list managers report that this can generate a large
amount of support requests from their user base.
In Mailman 2.0, you cannot turn off the List-* headers without
hacking the Mailman source. Because these headers are in the
long-term benefit of end-users, it is strongly encouraged to leave
these headers in and lobby the MUA vendors to support them. In
the meantime, you can provide your users with the following
information to help them suppress these headers.
Mike Noyes provides the following suggestion:
You can hide the new list headers. Edit your Eudora.ini file, and
add this line under [settings].
TabooHeaders=List,X-UID,Received,Status,X-UIDL,Message,In-Reply, \
X-Priority,Mime-Version,Content,X-Persona,Resent-Message,References, \
Return,X400,X-400,Mail-System,Errors-To,X-List,Delivery,Disposition, \
note: everything other than "List" is the default
ref. Eudora .ini Settings TabooHeaders
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