path: root/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/utils.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/utils.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 396 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/utils.js b/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/utils.js
deleted file mode 100644
index da9972f..0000000
--- a/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/utils.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,396 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// utilities
-// returns globally-unique padId
-function randomUniquePadId() {
- var id = stringutils.randomString(10);
- while (model.accessPadGlobal(id, function(p) { return p.exists(); }, "r")) {
- id = stringutils.randomString(10);
- }
- return id;
-// template rendering
-function renderTemplateAsString(filename, data) {
- data = data || {};
- data.helpers = helpers; // global helpers
- var f = "/templates/"+filename;
- if (! appjet.scopeCache.ejs) {
- appjet.scopeCache.ejs = {};
- }
- var cacheObj = appjet.scopeCache.ejs[filename];
- if (cacheObj === undefined || fileLastModified(f) > cacheObj.mtime) {
- var templateText = readFile(f);
- cacheObj = {};
- cacheObj.tmpl = new EJS({text: templateText, name: filename});
- cacheObj.mtime = fileLastModified(f);
- appjet.scopeCache.ejs[filename] = cacheObj;
- }
- var html = cacheObj.tmpl.render(data);
- return html;
-function renderTemplate(filename, data) {
- response.write(renderTemplateAsString(filename, data));
- if (request.acceptsGzip) {
- response.setGzip(true);
- }
-function renderHtml(bodyFileName, data) {
- var bodyHtml = renderTemplateAsString(bodyFileName, data);
- response.write(renderTemplateAsString("html.ejs", {bodyHtml: bodyHtml}));
- if (request.acceptsGzip) {
- response.setGzip(true);
- }
-function renderFramedHtml(contentHtml) {
- var getContentHtml;
- if (typeof(contentHtml) == 'function') {
- getContentHtml = contentHtml;
- } else {
- getContentHtml = function() { return contentHtml; }
- }
- var template = "framed/framedpage.ejs";
- if (isProDomainRequest()) {
- template = "framed/framedpage-pro.ejs";
- }
- renderHtml(template, {
- renderHeader: renderMainHeader,
- renderFooter: renderMainFooter,
- getContentHtml: getContentHtml,
- isProDomainRequest: isProDomainRequest(),
- renderGlobalProNotice: pro_utils.renderGlobalProNotice
- });
-function renderFramed(bodyFileName, data) {
- function _getContentHtml() {
- return renderTemplateAsString(bodyFileName, data);
- }
- renderFramedHtml(_getContentHtml);
-function renderFramedError(error) {
- var content = DIV({className: 'fpcontent'},
- DIV({style: "padding: 2em 1em;"},
- DIV({style: "padding: 1em; border: 1px solid #faa; background: #fdd;"},
- B("Error: "), error)));
- renderFramedHtml(content);
-function renderNotice(bodyFileName, data) {
- renderNoticeString(renderTemplateAsString(bodyFileName, data));
-function renderNoticeString(contentHtml) {
- renderFramed("notice.ejs", {content: contentHtml});
-function render404(noStop) {
- response.reset();
- response.setStatusCode(404);
- renderFramedHtml(DIV({className: "fpcontent"},
- DIV({style: "padding: 2em 1em;"},
- DIV({style: "border: 1px solid #aaf; background: #def; padding: 1em; font-size: 150%;"},
- "404 not found: "+request.path))));
- if (! noStop) {
- response.stop();
- }
-function render500(ex) {
- response.reset();
- response.setStatusCode(500);
- var trace = null;
- if (ex && (!isProduction())) {
- trace = exceptionutils.getStackTracePlain(ex);
- }
- renderFramed("500_body.ejs", {trace: trace});
-function _renderEtherpadDotComHeader(data) {
- if (!data) {
- data = {selected: ''};
- }
- data.html = stringutils.html;
- data.UL = UL;
- data.LI = LI;
- data.A = A;
- data.isPNE = isPrivateNetworkEdition();
- return renderTemplateAsString("framed/framedheader.ejs", data);
-function _renderProHeader(data) {
- if (!pro_accounts.isAccountSignedIn()) {
- return '<div style="height: 140px;">&nbsp;</div>';
- }
- var r = domains.getRequestDomainRecord();
- if (!data) { data = {}; }
- data.navSelection = (data.navSelection || appjet.requestCache.proTopNavSelection || '');
- data.proDomainOrgName = pro_config.getConfig().siteName;
- data.isPNE = isPrivateNetworkEdition();
- data.account = getSessionProAccount();
- data.validLicense = pne_utils.isServerLicensed();
- data.pneTrackerHtml = pne_utils.pneTrackerHtml();
- data.isAnEtherpadAdmin = sessions.isAnEtherpadAdmin();
- data.fullSuperdomain = pro_utils.getFullSuperdomainHost();
- return renderTemplateAsString("framed/framedheader-pro.ejs", data);
-function renderMainHeader(data) {
- if (isProDomainRequest()) {
- return _renderProHeader(data);
- } else {
- return _renderEtherpadDotComHeader(data);
- }
-function renderMainFooter() {
- return renderTemplateAsString("framed/framedfooter.ejs", {
- isProDomainRequest: isProDomainRequest()
- });
-// isValidEmail
-// TODO: make better and use the better version on the client in
-// various places as well (pad.js and etherpad.js)
-function isValidEmail(x) {
- return (x &&
- ((x.length > 0) &&
- (x.match(/^[\w\.\_\+\-]+\@[\w\_\-]+\.[\w\_\-\.]+$/))));
-function timeAgo(d, now) {
- if (!now) { now = new Date(); }
- function format(n, word) {
- n = Math.round(n);
- return ('' + n + ' ' + word + (n != 1 ? 's' : '') + ' ago');
- }
- d = (+now - (+d)) / 1000;
- if (d < 60) { return format(d, 'second'); }
- d /= 60;
- if (d < 60) { return format(d, 'minute'); }
- d /= 60;
- if (d < 24) { return format(d, 'hour'); }
- d /= 24;
- return format(d, 'day');
-// linking to a set of new CGI parameters
-function qpath(m) {
- var q = {};
- if (request.query) {
- request.query.split('&').forEach(function(kv) {
- if (kv) {
- var parts = kv.split('=');
- q[parts[0]] = parts[1];
- }
- });
- }
- eachProperty(m, function(k,v) {
- q[k] = v;
- });
- var r = request.path + '?';
- eachProperty(q, function(k,v) {
- if (v !== undefined && v !== null) {
- r += ('&' + k + '=' + v);
- }
- });
- return r;
-function ipToHostname(ip) {
- var DNS = Packages.org.xbill.DNS;
- if (!DNS.Address.isDottedQuad(ip)) {
- return null
- }
- try {
- var addr = DNS.Address.getByAddress(ip);
- return DNS.Address.getHostName(addr);
- } catch (ex) {
- return null;
- }
-function extractGoogleQuery(ref) {
- ref = String(ref);
- ref = ref.toLowerCase();
- if (!(ref.indexOf("google") >= 0)) {
- return "";
- }
- ref = ref.split('?')[1];
- var q = "";
- ref.split("&").forEach(function(x) {
- var parts = x.split("=");
- if (parts[0] == "q") {
- q = parts[1];
- }
- });
- q = decodeURIComponent(q);
- q = q.replace(/\+/g, " ");
- return q;
-function isTestEmail(x) {
- return (x.indexOf("+appjetseleniumtest+") >= 0);
-function isPrivateNetworkEdition() {
- return pne_utils.isPNE();
-function isProDomainRequest() {
- return pro_utils.isProDomainRequest();
-function hasOffice() {
- return appjet.config["etherpad.soffice"] || appjet.config["etherpad.sofficeConversionServer"];
-////////// console progress bar
-function startConsoleProgressBar(barWidth, updateIntervalSeconds) {
- barWidth = barWidth || 40;
- updateIntervalSeconds = ((typeof updateIntervalSeconds) == "number" ? updateIntervalSeconds : 1.0);
- var unseenStatus = null;
- var lastPrintTime = 0;
- var column = 0;
- function replaceLineWith(str) {
- //print((new Array(column+1)).join('\b')+str);
- print('\r'+str);
- column = str.length;
- }
- var bar = {
- update: function(frac, msg, force) {
- var t = +new Date();
- if ((!force) && ((t - lastPrintTime)/1000 < updateIntervalSeconds)) {
- unseenStatus = {frac:frac, msg:msg};
- }
- else {
- var pieces = [];
- pieces.push(' ', (' '+Math.round(frac*100)).slice(-3), '%', ' [');
- var barEndLoc = Math.max(0, Math.min(barWidth-1, Math.floor(frac*barWidth)));
- for(var i=0;i<barWidth;i++) {
- if (i < barEndLoc) pieces.push('=');
- else if (i == barEndLoc) pieces.push('>');
- else pieces.push(' ');
- }
- pieces.push('] ', msg || '');
- replaceLineWith(pieces.join(''));
- unseenStatus = null;
- lastPrintTime = t;
- }
- },
- finish: function() {
- if (unseenStatus) {
- bar.update(unseenStatus.frac, unseenStatus.msg, true);
- }
- println();
- }
- };
- println();
- bar.update(0, null, true);
- return bar;
-function isStaticRequest() {
- return (startsWith(request.path, '/static/') ||
- startsWith(request.path, '/favicon.ico') ||
- startsWith(request.path, '/robots.txt'));
-function httpsHost(h) {
- h = h.split(":")[0]; // strip any existing port
- if (appjet.config.listenSecurePort != "443") {
- h = (h + ":" + appjet.config.listenSecurePort);
- }
- return h;
-function httpHost(h) {
- h = h.split(":")[0]; // strip any existing port
- if (appjet.config.listenPort != "80") {
- h = (h + ":" + appjet.config.listenPort);
- }
- return h;
-function toJavaException(e) {
- var exc = ((e instanceof java.lang.Throwable) && e) || e.rhinoException || e.javaException ||
- new java.lang.Throwable(e.message+"/"+e.fileName+"/"+e.lineNumber);
- return exc;