path: root/infrastructure/rhino1_7R1/src/org/mozilla/javascript/resources/Messages.properties
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authorEgil Moeller <egil.moller@freecode.no>2010-03-21 23:33:06 +0100
committerEgil Moeller <egil.moller@freecode.no>2010-03-21 23:33:06 +0100
commitd56b9b3b82cdebcaeb00eec0fcb4326ad21adaa8 (patch)
treeb1dfe31956f3fc86e3408f1efac5e12acf65b11a /infrastructure/rhino1_7R1/src/org/mozilla/javascript/resources/Messages.properties
parentc1894c8e0a52f4e3d2f89fa92f0066bbf0fcf1b1 (diff)
parent103d4926ae6c61824dc0b48be7bf66f08830ed47 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:ether/pad
Diffstat (limited to 'infrastructure/rhino1_7R1/src/org/mozilla/javascript/resources/Messages.properties')
1 files changed, 778 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/infrastructure/rhino1_7R1/src/org/mozilla/javascript/resources/Messages.properties b/infrastructure/rhino1_7R1/src/org/mozilla/javascript/resources/Messages.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd869c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infrastructure/rhino1_7R1/src/org/mozilla/javascript/resources/Messages.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,778 @@
+# Default JavaScript messages file.
+# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+# License.
+# The Original Code is Rhino code, released
+# May 6, 1999.
+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+# Netscape Communications Corporation.
+# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-1999
+# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+# Contributor(s):
+# Norris Boyd
+# Bob Jervis
+# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+# the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), in which
+# case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of those above. If
+# you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of
+# the GPL and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the
+# MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replacing
+# them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do
+# not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
+# file under either the MPL or the GPL.
+# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+# This is replaced during jar assembly from property string
+# and should not be translated
+implementation.version = @IMPLEMENTATION.VERSION@
+# To add JavaScript error messages for a particular locale, create a
+# new Messages_[locale].properties file, where [locale] is the Java
+# string abbreviation for that locale. For example, JavaScript
+# messages for the Polish locale should be located in
+# Messages_pl.properties, and messages for the Italian Swiss locale
+# should be located in Messages_it_CH.properties. Message properties
+# files should be accessible through the classpath under
+# org.mozilla.javascript.resources
+# See:
+# java.util.ResourceBundle
+# java.text.MessageFormat
+# SomeJavaClassWhereUsed
+# Codegen
+msg.dup.parms =\
+ Duplicate parameter name "{0}".
+msg.too.big.jump =\
+ Program too complex: too big jump offset.
+msg.too.big.index =\
+ Program too complex: internal index exceeds 64K limit.
+msg.while.compiling.fn =\
+ Encountered code generation error while compiling function "{0}": {1}
+msg.while.compiling.script =\
+ Encountered code generation error while compiling script: {0}
+# Context
+msg.ctor.not.found =\
+ Constructor for "{0}" not found.
+msg.not.ctor =\
+ "{0}" is not a constructor.
+# FunctionObject
+msg.varargs.ctor =\
+ Method or constructor "{0}" must be static with the signature \
+ "(Context cx, Object[] args, Function ctorObj, boolean inNewExpr)" \
+ to define a variable arguments constructor.
+msg.varargs.fun =\
+ Method "{0}" must be static with the signature \
+ "(Context cx, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args, Function funObj)" \
+ to define a variable arguments function.
+msg.incompat.call =\
+ Method "{0}" called on incompatible object.
+msg.bad.parms =\
+ Unsupported parameter type "{0}" in method "{1}".
+msg.bad.method.return =\
+ Unsupported return type "{0}" in method "{1}".
+msg.bad.ctor.return =\
+ Construction of objects of type "{0}" is not supported.
+msg.no.overload =\
+ Method "{0}" occurs multiple times in class "{1}".
+msg.method.not.found =\
+ Method "{0}" not found in "{1}".
+# IRFactory
+msg.bad.for.in.lhs =\
+ Invalid left-hand side of for..in loop.
+msg.mult.index =\
+ Only one variable allowed in for..in loop.
+msg.bad.for.in.destruct =\
+ Left hand side of for..in loop must be an array of length 2 to accept \
+ key/value pair.
+msg.cant.convert =\
+ Can''t convert to type "{0}".
+msg.bad.assign.left =\
+ Invalid assignment left-hand side.
+msg.bad.decr =\
+ Invalid decerement operand.
+msg.bad.incr =\
+ Invalid increment operand.
+msg.bad.yield =\
+ yield must be in a function.
+msg.yield.parenthesized =\
+ yield expression must be parenthesized.
+# NativeGlobal
+msg.cant.call.indirect =\
+ Function "{0}" must be called directly, and not by way of a \
+ function of another name.
+msg.eval.nonstring =\
+ Calling eval() with anything other than a primitive string value will \
+ simply return the value. Is this what you intended?
+msg.eval.nonstring.strict =\
+ Calling eval() with anything other than a primitive string value is not \
+ allowed in strict mode.
+msg.bad.destruct.op =\
+ Invalid destructuring assignment operator
+# NativeCall
+msg.only.from.new =\
+ "{0}" may only be invoked from a "new" expression.
+msg.deprec.ctor =\
+ The "{0}" constructor is deprecated.
+# NativeFunction
+msg.no.function.ref.found =\
+ no source found to decompile function reference {0}
+msg.arg.isnt.array =\
+ second argument to Function.prototype.apply must be an array
+# NativeGlobal
+msg.bad.esc.mask =\
+ invalid string escape mask
+# NativeJavaClass
+msg.cant.instantiate =\
+ error instantiating ({0}): class {1} is interface or abstract
+msg.bad.ctor.sig =\
+ Found constructor with wrong signature: \
+ {0} calling {1} with signature {2}
+msg.not.java.obj =\
+ Expected argument to getClass() to be a Java object.
+msg.no.java.ctor =\
+ Java constructor for "{0}" with arguments "{1}" not found.
+# NativeJavaMethod
+msg.method.ambiguous =\
+ The choice of Java method {0}.{1} matching JavaScript argument types ({2}) is ambiguous; \
+ candidate methods are: {3}
+msg.constructor.ambiguous =\
+ The choice of Java constructor {0} matching JavaScript argument types ({1}) is ambiguous; \
+ candidate constructors are: {2}
+# NativeJavaObject
+msg.conversion.not.allowed =\
+ Cannot convert {0} to {1}
+msg.no.empty.interface.conversion =\
+ Cannot convert {0} to interface {1} with no methods
+msg.no.function.interface.conversion =\
+ Cannot convert function {0} to interface since it contains methods with \
+ different signatures
+# NativeJavaPackage
+msg.not.classloader =\
+ Constructor for "Packages" expects argument of type java.lang.Classloader
+# NativeRegExp
+msg.bad.quant =\
+ Invalid quantifier {0}
+msg.overlarge.backref =\
+ Overly large back reference {0}
+msg.overlarge.min =\
+ Overly large minimum {0}
+msg.overlarge.max =\
+ Overly large maximum {0}
+msg.zero.quant =\
+ Zero quantifier {0}
+msg.max.lt.min =\
+ Maximum {0} less than minimum
+msg.unterm.quant =\
+ Unterminated quantifier {0}
+msg.unterm.paren =\
+ Unterminated parenthetical {0}
+msg.unterm.class =\
+ Unterminated character class {0}
+msg.bad.range =\
+ Invalid range in character class.
+msg.trail.backslash =\
+ Trailing \\ in regular expression.
+msg.re.unmatched.right.paren =\
+ unmatched ) in regular expression.
+msg.no.regexp =\
+ Regular expressions are not available.
+msg.bad.backref =\
+ back-reference exceeds number of capturing parentheses.
+msg.bad.regexp.compile =\
+ Only one argument may be specified if the first argument to \
+ RegExp.prototype.compile is a RegExp object.
+# Parser
+msg.got.syntax.errors = \
+ Compilation produced {0} syntax errors.
+msg.var.redecl =\
+ TypeError: redeclaration of var {0}.
+msg.const.redecl =\
+ TypeError: redeclaration of const {0}.
+msg.let.redecl =\
+ TypeError: redeclaration of variable {0}.
+msg.parm.redecl =\
+ TypeError: redeclaration of formal parameter {0}.
+msg.fn.redecl =\
+ TypeError: redeclaration of function {0}.
+# NodeTransformer
+msg.dup.label =\
+ duplicated label
+msg.undef.label =\
+ undefined label
+msg.bad.break =\
+ unlabelled break must be inside loop or switch
+msg.continue.outside =\
+ continue must be inside loop
+msg.continue.nonloop =\
+ continue can only use labeles of iteration statements
+msg.bad.throw.eol =\
+ Line terminator is not allowed between the throw keyword and throw \
+ expression.
+msg.no.paren.parms =\
+ missing ( before function parameters.
+msg.no.parm =\
+ missing formal parameter
+msg.no.paren.after.parms =\
+ missing ) after formal parameters
+msg.no.brace.body =\
+ missing '{' before function body
+msg.no.brace.after.body =\
+ missing } after function body
+msg.no.paren.cond =\
+ missing ( before condition
+msg.no.paren.after.cond =\
+ missing ) after condition
+msg.no.semi.stmt =\
+ missing ; before statement
+msg.no.name.after.dot =\
+ missing name after . operator
+msg.no.name.after.coloncolon =\
+ missing name after :: operator
+msg.no.name.after.dotdot =\
+ missing name after .. operator
+msg.no.name.after.xmlAttr =\
+ missing name after .@
+msg.no.bracket.index =\
+ missing ] in index expression
+msg.no.paren.switch =\
+ missing ( before switch expression
+msg.no.paren.after.switch =\
+ missing ) after switch expression
+msg.no.brace.switch =\
+ missing '{' before switch body
+msg.bad.switch =\
+ invalid switch statement
+msg.no.colon.case =\
+ missing : after case expression
+msg.double.switch.default =\
+ double default label in the switch statement
+msg.no.while.do =\
+ missing while after do-loop body
+msg.no.paren.for =\
+ missing ( after for
+msg.no.semi.for =\
+ missing ; after for-loop initializer
+msg.no.semi.for.cond =\
+ missing ; after for-loop condition
+msg.in.after.for.name =\
+ missing in after for
+msg.no.paren.for.ctrl =\
+ missing ) after for-loop control
+msg.no.paren.with =\
+ missing ( before with-statement object
+msg.no.paren.after.with =\
+ missing ) after with-statement object
+msg.no.paren.after.let =\
+ missing ( after let
+msg.no.paren.let =\
+ missing ) after variable list
+msg.no.curly.let =\
+ missing } after let statement
+msg.bad.return =\
+ invalid return
+msg.no.brace.block =\
+ missing } in compound statement
+msg.bad.label =\
+ invalid label
+msg.bad.var =\
+ missing variable name
+msg.bad.var.init =\
+ invalid variable initialization
+msg.no.colon.cond =\
+ missing : in conditional expression
+msg.no.paren.arg =\
+ missing ) after argument list
+msg.no.bracket.arg =\
+ missing ] after element list
+msg.bad.prop =\
+ invalid property id
+msg.no.colon.prop =\
+ missing : after property id
+msg.no.brace.prop =\
+ missing } after property list
+msg.no.paren =\
+ missing ) in parenthetical
+msg.reserved.id =\
+ identifier is a reserved word
+msg.no.paren.catch =\
+ missing ( before catch-block condition
+msg.bad.catchcond =\
+ invalid catch block condition
+msg.catch.unreachable =\
+ any catch clauses following an unqualified catch are unreachable
+msg.no.brace.try =\
+ missing '{' before try block
+msg.no.brace.catchblock =\
+ missing '{' before catch-block body
+msg.try.no.catchfinally =\
+ ''try'' without ''catch'' or ''finally''
+msg.no.return.value =\
+ function {0} does not always return a value
+msg.anon.no.return.value =\
+ anonymous function does not always return a value
+msg.return.inconsistent =\
+ return statement is inconsistent with previous usage
+msg.generator.returns =\
+ TypeError: generator function {0} returns a value
+msg.anon.generator.returns =\
+ TypeError: anonymous generator function returns a value
+msg.syntax =\
+ syntax error
+msg.unexpected.eof =\
+ Unexpected end of file
+msg.XML.bad.form =\
+ illegally formed XML syntax
+msg.XML.not.available =\
+ XML runtime not available
+msg.too.deep.parser.recursion =\
+ Too deep recursion while parsing
+msg.no.side.effects =\
+ Code has no side effects
+msg.extra.trailing.comma =\
+ Trailing comma is not legal in an ECMA-262 object initializer
+msg.equal.as.assign =\
+ Test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)?
+msg.var.hides.arg =\
+ Variable {0} hides argument
+msg.destruct.assign.no.init =\
+ Missing = in destructuring declaration
+# ScriptRuntime
+msg.no.properties =\
+ {0} has no properties.
+msg.invalid.iterator =\
+ Invalid iterator value
+msg.iterator.primitive =\
+ __iterator__ returned a primitive value
+msg.assn.create.strict =\
+ Assignment to undeclared variable {0}
+msg.ref.undefined.prop =\
+ Reference to undefined property "{0}"
+msg.prop.not.found =\
+ Property {0} not found.
+msg.invalid.type =\
+ Invalid JavaScript value of type {0}
+msg.primitive.expected =\
+ Primitive type expected (had {0} instead)
+msg.namespace.expected =\
+ Namespace object expected to left of :: (found {0} instead)
+msg.null.to.object =\
+ Cannot convert null to an object.
+msg.undef.to.object =\
+ Cannot convert undefined to an object.
+msg.cyclic.value =\
+ Cyclic {0} value not allowed.
+msg.is.not.defined =\
+ "{0}" is not defined.
+msg.undef.prop.read =\
+ Cannot read property "{1}" from {0}
+msg.undef.prop.write =\
+ Cannot set property "{1}" of {0} to "{2}"
+msg.undef.prop.delete =\
+ Cannot delete property "{1}" of {0}
+msg.undef.method.call =\
+ Cannot call method "{1}" of {0}
+msg.undef.with =\
+ Cannot apply "with" to {0}
+msg.isnt.function =\
+ {0} is not a function, it is {1}.
+msg.isnt.function.in =\
+ Cannot call property {0} in object {1}. It is not a function, it is "{2}".
+msg.function.not.found =\
+ Cannot find function {0}.
+msg.function.not.found.in =\
+ Cannot find function {0} in object {1}.
+msg.isnt.xml.object =\
+ {0} is not an xml object.
+msg.no.ref.to.get =\
+ {0} is not a reference to read reference value.
+msg.no.ref.to.set =\
+ {0} is not a reference to set reference value to {1}.
+msg.no.ref.from.function =\
+ Function {0} can not be used as the left-hand side of assignment \
+ or as an operand of ++ or -- operator.
+msg.bad.default.value =\
+ Object''s getDefaultValue() method returned an object.
+msg.instanceof.not.object = \
+ Can''t use instanceof on a non-object.
+msg.instanceof.bad.prototype = \
+ ''prototype'' property of {0} is not an object.
+msg.bad.radix = \
+ illegal radix {0}.
+# ScriptableObject
+msg.default.value =\
+ Cannot find default value for object.
+msg.zero.arg.ctor =\
+ Cannot load class "{0}" which has no zero-parameter constructor.
+msg.ctor.multiple.parms =\
+ Can''t define constructor or class {0} since more than one \
+ constructor has multiple parameters.
+msg.extend.scriptable =\
+ {0} must extend ScriptableObject in order to define property {1}.
+msg.bad.getter.parms =\
+ In order to define a property, getter {0} must have zero parameters \
+ or a single ScriptableObject parameter.
+msg.obj.getter.parms =\
+ Expected static or delegated getter {0} to take a ScriptableObject parameter.
+msg.getter.static =\
+ Getter and setter must both be static or neither be static.
+msg.setter.return =\
+ Setter must have void return type: {0}
+msg.setter2.parms =\
+ Two-parameter setter must take a ScriptableObject as its first parameter.
+msg.setter1.parms =\
+ Expected single parameter setter for {0}
+msg.setter2.expected =\
+ Expected static or delegated setter {0} to take two parameters.
+msg.setter.parms =\
+ Expected either one or two parameters for setter.
+msg.setter.bad.type =\
+ Unsupported parameter type "{0}" in setter "{1}".
+msg.add.sealed =\
+ Cannot add a property to a sealed object: {0}.
+msg.remove.sealed =\
+ Cannot remove a property from a sealed object: {0}.
+msg.modify.sealed =\
+ Cannot modify a property of a sealed object: {0}.
+msg.modify.readonly =\
+ Cannot modify readonly property: {0}.
+# TokenStream
+msg.missing.exponent =\
+ missing exponent
+msg.caught.nfe =\
+ number format error
+msg.unterminated.string.lit =\
+ unterminated string literal
+msg.unterminated.mstring.appjet =\
+ unterminated multi-line string literal
+msg.unterminated.comment =\
+ unterminated comment
+msg.unterminated.re.lit =\
+ unterminated regular expression literal
+msg.invalid.re.flag =\
+ invalid flag after regular expression
+msg.no.re.input.for =\
+ no input for {0}
+msg.illegal.character =\
+ illegal character
+msg.illegal.character.appjet =\
+ illegal character: {0}
+msg.invalid.escape =\
+ invalid Unicode escape sequence
+msg.bad.namespace =\
+ not a valid default namespace statement. \
+ Syntax is: default xml namespace = EXPRESSION;
+# TokensStream warnings
+msg.bad.octal.literal =\
+ illegal octal literal digit {0}; interpreting it as a decimal digit
+msg.reserved.keyword =\
+ illegal usage of future reserved keyword {0}; interpreting it as ordinary identifier
+# LiveConnect errors
+msg.java.internal.field.type =\
+ Internal error: type conversion of {0} to assign to {1} on {2} failed.
+msg.java.conversion.implicit_method =\
+ Can''t find converter method "{0}" on class {1}.
+msg.java.method.assign =\
+ Java method "{0}" cannot be assigned to.
+msg.java.internal.private =\
+ Internal error: attempt to access private/protected field "{0}".
+msg.java.no_such_method =\
+ Can''t find method {0}.
+msg.script.is.not.constructor =\
+ Script objects are not constructors.
+msg.nonjava.method =\
+ Java method "{0}" was invoked with {1} as "this" value that can not be converted to Java type {2}.
+msg.java.member.not.found =\
+ Java class "{0}" has no public instance field or method named "{1}".
+msg.java.array.index.out.of.bounds =\
+ Array index {0} is out of bounds [0..{1}].
+msg.java.array.member.not.found =\
+ Java arrays have no public instance fields or methods named "{0}".
+msg.pkg.int =\
+ Java package names may not be numbers.
+msg.access.prohibited =\
+ Access to Java class "{0}" is prohibited.
+# ImporterTopLevel
+msg.ambig.import =\
+ Ambiguous import: "{0}" and and "{1}".
+msg.not.pkg =\
+ Function importPackage must be called with a package; had "{0}" instead.
+msg.not.class =\
+ Function importClass must be called with a class; had "{0}" instead.
+msg.not.class.not.pkg =\
+ "{0}" is neither a class nor a package.
+msg.prop.defined =\
+ Cannot import "{0}" since a property by that name is already defined.
+msg.adapter.zero.args =\
+ JavaAdapter requires at least one argument.
+msg.not.java.class.arg = \
+Argument {0} is not Java class: {1}.
+msg.only.one.super = \
+Only one class may be extended by a JavaAdapter. Had {0} and {1}.
+# Arrays
+msg.arraylength.bad =\
+ Inappropriate array length.
+# Arrays
+msg.arraylength.too.big =\
+ Array length {0} exceeds supported capacity limit.
+# URI
+msg.bad.uri =\
+ Malformed URI sequence.
+# Number
+msg.bad.precision =\
+ Precision {0} out of range.
+# NativeGenerator
+msg.send.newborn =\
+ Attempt to send value to newborn generator
+msg.already.exec.gen =\
+ Already executing generator
+msg.StopIteration.invalid =\
+ StopIteration may not be changed to an arbitrary object.
+# Interpreter
+msg.yield.closing =\
+ Yield from closing generator