;;; rudel-obby-client.el --- Client functions of the Rudel obby backend
;; Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Jan Moringen
;; Author: Jan Moringen <scymtym@users.sourceforge.net>
;; Keywords: Rudel, obby, backend, client
;; X-RCS: $Id:$
;; This file is part of Rudel.
;; Rudel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; Rudel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with Rudel. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
;;; Commentary:
;; This file contains the client part of the obby backend.
;;; History:
;; 0.2 - State machine.
;; 0.1 - Initial revision.
;;; Code:
(require 'eieio)
(require 'jupiter)
(require 'rudel-state-machine)
(require 'rudel-operations)
(require 'rudel-chat)
(require 'rudel-obby-errors)
(require 'rudel-obby-util)
(require 'rudel-obby-state)
;;; Class rudel-obby-client-state-new
(defclass rudel-obby-client-state-new
"Start state of newly established connections.")
(defmethod rudel-obby/obby_welcome
((this rudel-obby-client-state-new) version)
"Handle obby 'welcome' message."
;; Examine announced protocol version.
(with-parsed-arguments ((version number))
(message "Received Obby welcome message (version %d)" version))
;; Start encryption handshake
;;; Class rudel-obby-client-state-encryption-negotiate
(defclass rudel-obby-client-state-encryption-negotiate
"Start state of the encryption handshake.")
(defmethod rudel-obby/net6_encryption
((this rudel-obby-client-state-encryption-negotiate) value)
"Handle net6 'encryption' message."
(rudel-send this "net6_encryption_ok")
;;; Class rudel-obby-client-connection-encryption-start
(defclass rudel-obby-client-state-encryption-start
"Second state of the encryption handshake.")
(defmethod rudel-obby/net6_encryption_begin
((this rudel-obby-client-state-encryption-start))
"Handle net6 'encryption_begin' message."
;; Start TLS encryption for the connection.
(with-slots (connection) this
(with-slots (socket) connection
(when (rudel-process-object socket :supports-tls)
(rudel-tls-start-tls socket)
(sit-for 1))))
;; The connection is now established
(defmethod rudel-obby/net6_encryption_failed
((this rudel-obby-client-state-encryption-start))
"Handle net6 'encryption_failed' message."
;; The connection is now established; without encryption though
;;; Class rudel-obby-client-state-joining
(defclass rudel-obby-client-state-joining
"First state after the connection has been properly set up.")
(defmethod rudel-enter ((this rudel-obby-client-state-joining))
"When entering this state, send a login request."
;; Send login request with username and color. This can easily fail
;; (resulting in response 'net6_login_failed') if the username or
;; color is already taken.
(with-slots (info) (oref this connection)
(let ((username (plist-get info :username))
(color (plist-get info :color))
(global-password (plist-get info :global-password))
(user-password (plist-get info :user-password)))
(apply #'rudel-send
username (rudel-obby-format-color color)
(append (when global-password
(list global-password))
(when (and global-password user-password)
(list user-password))))))
(defmethod rudel-obby/obby_sync_init
((this rudel-obby-client-state-joining) count)
"Handle obby 'sync_init' message."
;; Switch to 'synching' state, passing the number of synchronization
;; items.
(with-parsed-arguments ((count number))
(list 'session-synching count)))
(defmethod rudel-obby/net6_login_failed
((this rudel-obby-client-state-joining) reason)
"Handle net6 'login_failed' message."
(with-parsed-arguments ((reason number))
(with-slots (connection) this
(let ((error-data
;; Invalid username
((= reason rudel-obby-error-username-invalid)
(cons 'rudel-obby-username-invalid nil))
;; Username in use
((= reason rudel-obby-error-username-in-use)
(cons 'rudel-obby-username-in-use nil))
;; Color in use
((= reason rudel-obby-error-color-in-use)
(cons 'rudel-obby-color-in-use nil))
;; Wrong global password
((= reason rudel-obby-error-wrong-global-password)
(cons 'rudel-obby-wrong-global-password nil))
;; Wrong user password
((= reason rudel-obby-error-wrong-user-password)
(cons 'rudel-obby-wrong-user-password nil))
;; Otherwise, signal a generic join error
(t (cons 'rudel-join-error nil)))))
;; Switch to 'join-failed' state, pass the error data.
(list 'join-failed error-data))))
;;; Class rudel-obby-client-state-join-failed
(defclass rudel-obby-client-state-join-failed
((error-symbol :initarg :error-symbol
:type symbol
"Error symbol describing the reason for the
login failure.")
(error-data :initarg :error-data
:type list
"Additional error data describing the login
"State for failed login attempts.")
(defmethod rudel-enter ((this rudel-obby-client-state-join-failed)
"When the state is entered, store the error data passed in ERROR."
(with-slots (error-symbol error-data) this
(setq error-symbol (car error)
error-data (cdr error)))
;;; Class rudel-obby-client-state idle
(defclass rudel-obby-client-state-idle
"Default state of the connection.")
(defmethod rudel-obby/net6_client_join
((this rudel-obby-client-state-idle)
client-id name encryption user-id color)
"Handle net6 'client_join' message."
(with-parsed-arguments ((client-id number)
(user-id number)
(color color))
(with-slots (connection) this
(with-slots (session) connection
(let ((user (rudel-find-user session user-id
#'eq #'rudel-id)))
(if user
;; If we have such a user object, update its state.
(with-slots ((client-id1 client-id)
(color1 color)
(encryption1 encryption)) user
(setq client-id1 client-id
color1 color
connected t
encryption1 (string= encryption "1"))
;; Run the change hook of the user object.
(object-run-hook-with-args user 'change-hook))
;; Otherwise, create a new user object.
(let ((user (rudel-obby-user
:client-id client-id
:user-id user-id
:connected t
:encryption (string= encryption "1")
:color color)))
(rudel-add-user session user))))))
(message "Client joined: %s %s" name color))
(defmethod rudel-obby/net6_client_part
((this rudel-obby-client-state-idle) client-id)
"Handle net6 'client_part' message."
;; Find the user object, associated to the client id. Remove the
;; client id and change the user's state to disconnected.
(with-parsed-arguments ((client-id number))
(with-slots (connection) this
(with-slots (session) connection
(let ((user (rudel-find-user session client-id
#'eql #'rudel-client-id)))
(if user
(with-slots (client-id connected) user
;; Set slot values.
(setq client-id nil
connected nil)
;; Run the change hook of the user object.
(object-run-hook-with-args user 'change-hook))
'(rudel obby)
(format "Cannot find user for client id: %d"
(defmethod rudel-obby/obby_user_colour
((this rudel-obby-client-state-idle) user-id color)
"Handle obby 'user_colour' message."
(with-parsed-arguments ((user-id number)
(color color))
;; Find user object and set color.
(with-slots (connection) this
(with-slots (session) connection
(let ((user (rudel-find-user session user-id
#'= #'rudel-id)))
(with-slots ((name :object-name) (color1 :color)) user
;; Set color in user object.
(setq color1 color)
;; Run the change hook of the user object.
(object-run-hook-with-args user 'change-hook)
;; Update overlays.
(rudel-overlay-make-face-symbol 'author name)
(defmethod rudel-obby/obby_document_create
((this rudel-obby-client-state-idle)
owner-id doc-id name suffix encoding)
"Handle obby 'document_create' message."
(with-parsed-arguments ((owner-id number)
(doc-id number)
(suffix number)
(encoding coding-system))
(with-slots (connection) this
(with-slots (session) connection
(let ((owner (rudel-find-user session owner-id
#'= #'rudel-id)))
(rudel-add-document session (rudel-obby-document
:subscribed (list owner)
:id doc-id
:owner-id owner-id
:suffix suffix))))
(message "New document: %s" name)))
(defmethod rudel-obby/obby_document_remove
((this rudel-obby-client-state-idle) doc-id)
"Handle obby 'document_remove' message."
(with-parsed-arguments ((doc-id document-id))
(with-slots (connection) this
(with-slots (session) connection
(let ((document (rudel-find-document
session doc-id
#'equal #'rudel-both-ids)))
(if document
(rudel-remove-document session document)
(with-slots ((name :object-name)) document
(message "Document removed: %s" name)))
'(rudel obby)
(format "Document not found: %s" doc-id)
(defmethod rudel-obby/obby_document/rename
((this rudel-obby-client-state-idle)
document user new-name new-suffix)
"Handle obby 'rename' submessage of the 'obby_document' message."
(with-parsed-arguments ((new-suffix number))
(with-slots ((name :object-name) suffix) document
(setq name new-name
suffix new-suffix)))
(defmethod rudel-obby/obby_document/subscribe
((this rudel-obby-client-state-idle)
document user-id)
"Handle 'subscribe' submessage of obby 'document' message."
(with-parsed-arguments ((user-id number))
(with-slots (connection) this
(with-slots (session) connection
(let ((user (rudel-find-user session user-id
#'= #'rudel-id)))
(rudel-add-user document user)))))
(defmethod rudel-obby/obby_document/unsubscribe
((this rudel-obby-client-state-idle)
document user-id)
"Handle 'unsubscribe' submessage of obby 'document' message."
(with-parsed-arguments ((user-id number))
(with-slots (connection) this
(with-slots (session) connection
(let ((user (rudel-find-user session user-id
#'= #'rudel-id)))
(rudel-remove-user document user)))))
(defmethod rudel-obby/obby_document/record
((this rudel-obby-client-state-idle)
document user-id local-revision remote-revision
action &rest arguments)
"Handle 'record' submessage of obby 'document' message."
(with-parsed-arguments ((user-id number)
(local-revision number)
(remote-revision number))
;; Locate the user.
(let ((user (with-slots (connection) this
(with-slots (session) connection
(rudel-find-user session user-id
#'= #'rudel-id)))))
(if user
(condition-case error
;; Try to dispatch
this "rudel-obby/obby_document/record/" action
(append (list document user local-revision remote-revision)
;; Warn if we failed to locate or execute the
;; method. Return nil in this case, so we remain in the
;; current state.
'(rudel obby)
(format "%s: no method (%s: %s): `%s:%s'; arguments: %s"
(object-print this) (car error) (cdr error)
"rudel-obby/obby_document/record/" action arguments)
;; If we did not find the user, warn.
'(rudel obby)
(format "User not found: %d" user-id)
(defmethod rudel-obby/obby_document/record/ins
((this rudel-obby-client-state-idle)
document user local-revision remote-revision
position data)
"Handle 'ins' submessage of 'record' submessage of obby 'document' message."
(with-parsed-arguments ((position number))
(let ((operation (jupiter-insert
(format "insert-%d-%d"
remote-revision local-revision)
:from position
:data data)))
(with-slots (connection) this
(rudel-remote-operation connection
document user
remote-revision local-revision
(defmethod rudel-obby/obby_document/record/del
((this rudel-obby-client-state-idle)
document user local-revision remote-revision
position length)
"Handle 'del' submessage of 'record' submessage of obby 'document' message."
(with-parsed-arguments ((position number)
(length number))
(let ((operation (jupiter-delete
(format "delete-%d-%d"
remote-revision local-revision)
:from position
:to (+ position length))))
(with-slots (connection) this
(rudel-remote-operation connection
document user
remote-revision local-revision
(defmethod rudel-obby/obby_document/record/split
((this rudel-obby-client-state-idle)
document user local-revision remote-revision
&rest operations)
"Handle 'split' submessage of 'record' submessage of obby 'document' message."
(let ((operation (rudel-message->operation
(cons "split" operations)
local-revision remote-revision)))
(with-slots (connection) this
(rudel-remote-operation connection
document user
remote-revision local-revision
(defmethod rudel-obby/obby_document/record/noop
((this rudel-obby-client-state-idle)
document user local-revision remote-revision)
"Handle 'noop' submessage of 'record' submessage of obby 'document' message."
(let ((operation (jupiter-nop
(format "nop-%d-%d"
remote-revision local-revision))))
(with-slots (connection) this
(rudel-remote-operation connection
document user
remote-revision local-revision
(defmethod rudel-obby/obby_message ((this rudel-obby-client-state-idle)
sender text)
"Handle obby 'message' message"
(with-parsed-arguments ((sender number))
(with-slots (session) (oref this :connection)
(let ((sender (rudel-find-user session sender #'eq #'rudel-id)))
(rudel-chat-dispatch-message sender text))))
;;; Class rudel-obby-client-state-session-synching
(defclass rudel-obby-client-state-session-synching
((all-items :initarg :all-items
:type (integer 0)
"Total number of synchronization items expected
to receive from the server.")
(remaining-items :initarg :remaining-items
:type (integer 0)
"Number of synchronization items not yet
received from the server.")
(have-self :initarg :have-self
:type boolean
"Flag that remembers, whether the session has
a 'self' user object."))
"State used for synching session data.")
(defmethod rudel-enter ((this rudel-obby-client-state-session-synching)
"When entering state, store number of expected items."
(with-slots (all-items remaining-items have-self) this
(setq all-items num-items
remaining-items num-items
have-self nil))
(defmethod rudel-obby/net6_client_join
((this rudel-obby-client-state-session-synching)
client-id name encryption user-id color)
"Handle net6 'client_join' message."
(with-parsed-arguments ((client-id number)
(user-id number)
(color color))
(with-slots (connection remaining-items have-self) this
(with-slots (session) connection
;; Construct user object and add it to the session.
(let ((user (rudel-obby-user
:client-id client-id
:user-id user-id
:connected t
:encryption (string= encryption "1")
:color color)))
(rudel-add-user session user)
;; The first user object describes the user of this client.
(unless have-self
(with-slots (self) session
(setq self user
have-self t)))))
;; Decrease number of not yet received synchronization items.
(decf remaining-items)))
(defmethod rudel-obby/obby_sync_usertable_user
((this rudel-obby-client-state-session-synching) user-id name color)
"Handle obby 'sync_usertable_user' message."
(with-parsed-arguments ((user-id number)
(color color))
(with-slots (connection remaining-items) this
(with-slots (session) connection
(rudel-add-user session (rudel-obby-user
:user-id user-id
:connected nil
:color color)))
;; Decrease number of not yet received synchronization items.
(decf remaining-items)))
(defmethod rudel-obby/obby_sync_doclist_document
((this rudel-obby-client-state-session-synching)
owner-id doc-id name suffix encoding &rest subscribed-user-ids)
"Handle obby 'sync_doclist_document' message."
(with-parsed-arguments ((doc-id number)
(owner-id number)
(suffix number)
(encoding coding-system))
(with-slots (connection remaining-items) this
(with-slots (session) connection
;; Retrieve the subscribed users
(let ((subscribed-users
(lambda (user-id)
(with-parsed-arguments ((user-id number))
(rudel-find-user session user-id
#'= #'rudel-id)))
;; Make a new document with the list of subscribed users.
(rudel-add-document session (rudel-obby-document
:subscribed subscribed-users
:id doc-id
:owner-id owner-id
:suffix suffix))))
;; Decrease number of not yet received synchronization items.
(decf remaining-items)))
(defmethod rudel-obby/obby_sync_final
((this rudel-obby-client-state-session-synching))
"Handle obby 'sync_final' message."
(defmethod object-print ((this rudel-obby-client-state-session-synching)
&rest strings)
"Append number of remaining items to string representation."
(with-slots (remaining-items) this
(call-next-method this (format " remaining: %d" remaining-items))))
;;; Class rudel-obby-client-state-subscribing
(defclass rudel-obby-client-state-subscribing
((document :initarg :document
:type rudel-obby-document-child
(defmethod rudel-enter ((this rudel-obby-client-state-subscribing)
user document)
"When entering this state, send a subscription request to the server."
(with-slots ((document1 :document)) this
(setq document1 document)
(with-slots ((doc-id :id) owner-id) document1
(with-slots (user-id) user
(rudel-send this "obby_document"
(format "%x %x" owner-id doc-id)
(format "%x" user-id)))))
(defmethod rudel-obby/obby_document/sync_init
((this rudel-obby-client-state-subscribing)
document num-bytes)
"Handle obby 'sync_init' message."
(with-parsed-arguments ((num-bytes number))
(with-slots (documents) this
(if (= num-bytes 0)
(list 'document-synching document num-bytes))))
;;; Class rudel-obby-client-state-document-synching
(defclass rudel-obby-client-state-document-synching
((document :initarg :document
:type rudel-obby-document-child
(all-bytes :initarg :all-bytes
:type (integer 0)
(remaining-bytes :initarg :remaining-bytes
:type (integer 0)
(defmethod rudel-enter ((this rudel-obby-client-state-document-synching)
document num-bytes)
(with-slots ((document1 :document) all-bytes remaining-bytes) this
(setq document1 document
all-bytes num-bytes
remaining-bytes num-bytes))
(defmethod rudel-obby/obby_document/sync_chunk
((this rudel-obby-client-state-document-synching)
document data user-id)
"Handle obby 'sync_chunk' message."
(with-parsed-arguments ((user-id number))
(with-slots (connection remaining-bytes) this
(with-slots (session) connection
(let* ((user (unless (zerop user-id)
(rudel-find-user session user-id
#'= #'rudel-id)))
(operation (rudel-insert-op "bulk-insert"
:from nil
:data data)))
(rudel-remote-operation document user operation)))
;; After all bytes are transferred, go back to idle state.
(decf remaining-bytes (string-bytes data))
(if (= remaining-bytes 0)
(defmethod object-print ((this rudel-obby-client-state-document-synching)
&rest strings)
"Append number of remaining items to string representation."
(with-slots (remaining-bytes) this
(call-next-method this (format " remaining: %d" remaining-bytes))))
;;; Class rudel-obby-client-state-they-finalized
(defclass rudel-obby-client-state-they-finalized
"State used to indicate that the connection was closed by the peer.")
;;; Client connection states.
(defvar rudel-obby-client-connection-states
'((new . rudel-obby-client-state-new)
(encryption-negotiate . rudel-obby-client-state-encryption-negotiate)
(encryption-start . rudel-obby-client-state-encryption-start)
(joining . rudel-obby-client-state-joining)
(join-failed . rudel-obby-client-state-join-failed)
(idle . rudel-obby-client-state-idle)
(session-synching . rudel-obby-client-state-session-synching)
(subscribing . rudel-obby-client-state-subscribing)
(document-synching . rudel-obby-client-state-document-synching)
(they-finalized . rudel-obby-client-state-they-finalized))
"Name symbols and classes of connection states.")
;;; Class rudel-obby-connection
(defclass rudel-obby-connection (rudel-obby-socket-owner
((info :initarg :info
:type list
"Stores connection information for later use.")
(contexts :initarg :contexts
:type hash-table
"Contains jupiter context objects for all
"Class rudel-obby-connection ")
(defmethod initialize-instance ((this rudel-obby-connection) &rest slots)
;; Initialize slots of THIS
(when (next-method-p)
;; Create a new hash-table object to hold jupiter contexts
;; associated to documents.
(with-slots (contexts) this
(setq contexts (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
;; Register states.
(rudel-register-states this rudel-obby-client-connection-states)
(defmethod rudel-register-state ((this rudel-obby-connection)
symbol state)
"Register SYMBOL and STATE and set connection slot of STATE."
;; Associate THIS connection to STATE.
(oset state :connection this)
;; Register STATE.
(when (next-method-p)
(defmethod rudel-disconnect ((this rudel-obby-connection))
(when (next-method-p)
(defmethod rudel-close ((this rudel-obby-connection))
;; Move the state machine into an error state.
(rudel-switch this 'they-finalized)
;; Terminate the session.
(with-slots (session) this
(rudel-end session)))
(defmethod rudel-find-context ((this rudel-obby-connection) document)
"Return the jupiter context associated to DOCUMENT in THIS connection."
(with-slots (contexts) this
(gethash (oref document :id) contexts)))
(defmethod rudel-add-context ((this rudel-obby-connection) document)
"Add a jupiter context for DOCUMENT to THIS connection."
(with-slots (contexts) this
(with-slots ((doc-name :object-name) (doc-id :id)) document
(puthash doc-id
(jupiter-context (format "%s" doc-name))
(defmethod rudel-remove-context ((this rudel-obby-connection) document)
"Remove the jupiter context associated to DOCUMENT from THIS connection."
(with-slots (contexts) this
(remhash (oref document :id) contexts)))
(defmethod rudel-message ((this rudel-obby-connection) message)
"Dispatch MESSAGE to the current state of THIS object.
If the state has no suitable method, generate a warning, but do
nothing else."
;; Dispatch message to state.
(rudel-accept this message))
(defmethod rudel-change-color- ((this rudel-obby-connection) color)
(rudel-send this "obby_user_colour"
(rudel-obby-format-color color)))
(defmethod rudel-publish ((this rudel-obby-connection) document)
;; Create a new jupiter context for DOCUMENT.
(rudel-add-context this document)
;; Announce the new document to the server.
(with-slots ((name :object-name) id buffer) document
(rudel-send this "obby_document_create"
(format "%x" id)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(defmethod rudel-unpublish ((this rudel-obby-connection) document)
"Remove DOCUMENT from the obby session THIS is connected to."
;; Request removal of DOCUMENT.
(with-slots ((doc-id :id) owner-id) document
(rudel-send this "obby_document_remove"
(format "%x %x" owner-id doc-id)))
;; Remove the jupiter context for DOCUMENT.
(rudel-remove-context this document)
(defmethod rudel-subscribe-to ((this rudel-obby-connection) document)
;; Create a new jupiter context for DOCUMENT.
(rudel-add-context this document)
;; Switch to subscribing state and wait until the state goes back to
;; idle.
(with-slots (session) this
(with-slots (self) session
(rudel-switch this 'subscribing self document)))
(lexical-let ((reporter (make-progress-reporter "Subscribing " 0.0 1.0)))
(flet ((display-progress (state)
;; Syncing document content, we can provide detailed progress.
((and (consp state)
(eq (car state) 'document-synching))
(with-slots (all-bytes remaining-bytes) (cdr state)
(- 1.0 (/ (float remaining-bytes) (float all-bytes)))
(format "Subscribing (%s) " (car state)))))
;; For other states, we just spin.
((consp state)
reporter 0.5
(format "Subscribing (%s) " (car state))))
;; Done
(progress-reporter-force-update reporter 1.0 "Subscribing ")
(progress-reporter-done reporter)))))
(rudel-state-wait this '(idle) '(they-finalized) #'display-progress)))
;; We receive a notification of our own subscription from the
;; server. Consequently we do not add SELF to the list of subscribed
;; users of DOCUMENT.
(defmethod rudel-unsubscribe-from ((this rudel-obby-connection) document)
;; Delete the jupiter context for DOCUMENT.
(rudel-remove-context this document)
;; Announce the end of our subscription to the server.
(with-slots (session) this
(with-slots (user-id) (oref session :self)
(with-slots ((doc-id :id) owner-id) document
(rudel-send this "obby_document"
(format "%x %x" owner-id doc-id)
(format "%x" user-id)))))
;; We receive a notification of the end of our own subscription from
;; the server. Consequently we do not remove SELF from the list of
;; subscribed users of DOCUMENT.
(defmethod rudel-local-insert ((this rudel-obby-connection)
document position data)
(jupiter-insert "insert" :from position :data data)))
(defmethod rudel-local-delete ((this rudel-obby-connection)
document position length)
(jupiter-delete "delete" :from position :to (+ position length))))
(defmethod rudel-local-operation ((this rudel-obby-connection)
document operation)
"Handle OPERATION performed on DOCUMENT by sending a message through THIS connection."
;; Convert character positions in OPERATION to byte positions, since
;; the obby protocol works with byte positions, but Emacs uses
;; character positions.
(with-slots (buffer) document
(rudel-obby-char->byte operation buffer))
;; Find jupiter context for DOCUMENT.
(let ((context (rudel-find-context this document)))
;; Notify the server of the operation.
(with-slots (owner-id (doc-id :id)) document
(with-slots (local-revision remote-revision) context
(apply #'rudel-send
(format "%x %x" owner-id doc-id)
(format "%x" local-revision)
(format "%x" remote-revision)
(rudel-operation->message operation))))
;; Submit the operation to the jupiter context.
(jupiter-local-operation context operation))
(defmethod rudel-remote-operation ((this rudel-obby-connection)
document user
remote-revision local-revision
"Handle OPERATION received through THIS connection performed by USER on DOCUMENT."
(let* (;; Find jupiter context for DOCUMENT.
(context (rudel-find-context this document))
;; And transform the operation.
(transformed (jupiter-remote-operation
remote-revision local-revision
;; Convert byte positions in OPERATION to character positions,
;; since the obby protocol works with byte positions, but Emacs
;; uses character positions.
(with-slots (buffer) document
(rudel-obby-byte->char transformed buffer)) ;; TODO operation's responsibility?
;; Apply the transformed operation to the document.
(rudel-remote-operation document user transformed))
(provide 'rudel-obby-client)
;;; rudel-obby-client.el ends here