path: root/emacs.d/lisp/rudel/jupiter/.svn/text-base/jupiter-delete.el.svn-base
blob: db2e98514433a8dafc551dad6789aa5c704067f2 (plain) (tree)

;;; jupiter-delete.el --- Jupiter delete operation
;; Copyright (C) 2009 Jan Moringen
;; Author: Jan Moringen <>
;; Keywords: jupiter, operation, delete
;; X-RCS: $Id:$
;; This file is part of Rudel.
;; Rudel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; Rudel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with Rudel. If not, see <>.

;;; Commentary:
;; Class `jupiter-delete' implements a delete operation for the
;; Jupiter algorithm.

;;; History:
;; 0.1 - Initial revision

;;; Code:

(require 'eieio)

(require 'rudel-operations)
(require 'jupiter-operation)

;;; Class jupiter-delete

(defclass jupiter-delete (jupiter-operation
  "Objects of this class represent deletions in buffers.")

(defmethod jupiter-transform ((this jupiter-delete) other)
  "Transform other using THIS.
OTHER is destructively modified or replaced."

   ;; Transform an insert operation
   ((jupiter-insert-p other)
    (with-slots ((this-from   :from)
		 (this-to     :to)
		 (this-length :length)) this
      (with-slots ((other-from   :from)
		   (other-to     :to)
		   (other-length :length)) other
	 ;; <other>
	 ;;         <this>
	 ((<= other-to this-from))

	 ;;        <other>
	 ;; <this>
	 ((> other-from this-to)
	  (decf other-from this-length))

	 ;;   <other>
	 ;; <  this  >
	 ((and (> other-from this-from) (< other-to this-to))
	  (setq other-from this-from))

   ;; Transform a delete operation
   ((jupiter-delete-p other)
    (with-slots ((this-from   :from)
		 (this-to     :to)
		 (this-length :length)) this
      (with-slots ((other-from   :from)
		   (other-to     :to)
		   (other-length :length)) other

	 ;;        <other>
	 ;; <this>
	 ;; OTHER deleted a region after the region deleted by
	 ;; THIS. Therefore OTHER has to be shifted by the length of
	 ;; the deleted region.
	 ((> other-from this-to)
	  (decf other-from this-length)
	  (decf other-to   this-length))

	 ;; <other>
	 ;;         <this>
	 ;; OTHER deleted a region before the region affected by
	 ;; THIS. That is not affected by THIS operation.
	 ((<= other-to this-from))

	 ;; <  other  >
	 ;;   <this>
	 ((and (>= other-from this-from) (>= other-to this-to))
	  (decf other-to this-length))

	 ;; <other>
	 ;;    <this>
	 ((and (< other-from this-from) (< other-to this-to))
	  (decf other-to (- other-to this-to)))

	 ;;    <other>
	 ;; <this>
	 ;; The region deleted by OTHER overlaps with the region
	 ;; deleted by THIS, such that a part of the region of this is
	 ;; before the region of OTHER. The first part of the region
	 ;; deleted by OTHER has already been deleted. Therefore, the
	 ;; start of OTHER has to be shifted by the length of the
	 ;; overlap.
	 ((and (< other-from this-to) (> other-to this-to))
	  (setq other-from this-from)
	  (incf other-to   (+ other-from (- other-to this-to))))

	 ;;   <other>
	 ;; <  this   >
	 ;; The region deleted by OTHER is completely contained in
	 ;; the region affected by THIS. Therefore, OTHER must not
	 ;; be executed.
	 ((and (>= other-from this-from) (<= other-to this-to))
	  (setq other (jupiter-nop "nop")))

	 (t (error "logic error in (jupiter-transform (x jupiter-delete) (y jupiter-delete))"))

   ;; Transform a compound operation
   ((jupiter-compound-p other) ;; TODO encapsulation violation
    (with-slots (children) other
      (dolist (child children)
	(setf child (jupiter-transform this child)))))

   ;; Transform a nop operation
   ((jupiter-nop-p other))

   ;; TODO this is for debugging
   (t (error "Cannot transform operation of type `%s'"
	     (object-class other))))

(defmethod object-print ((this jupiter-delete) &rest strings)
  "Add from, to and length to string representation of THIS."
  (with-slots (from to length) this
     (format " from %d" from)
     (format " to %d" to)
     (format " length %d" length)))

(provide 'jupiter-delete)
;;; jupiter-delete.el ends here