blob: 0db9826f4c7c0a68bc5cb8738fa6bd273614c3c8 (
plain) (
Integrate [JSHint]( into Emacs via a [node.js]( server.

jshint-mode was heavily inspired by Kevin Turners [lintnode](
Install via [npm](
$ npm install jshint-mode
or you can [download]( or clone
$ git clone git://
Add the configuration to your .emacs config file:
$jshint-emacs-path >> ~/.emacs
or if you downloaded manually:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/path/to/jshint-mode")
(require 'flymake-jshint)
(add-hook 'javascript-mode-hook
(lambda () (flymake-mode t)))
You can use M-x flymake-mode to turn flymake of and on, if you want to turn it on be fault, add the following to your .emacs
;; Turns on flymake for all files which have a flymake mode
(add-hook 'find-file-hook 'flymake-find-file-hook)