path: root/
blob: f6e08e1fccb4ade0c49759306ff6203f769676c5 (plain) (tree)



# setup django environment, so we can use their template engine
from import setup_environ
from account import settings

from django.template import Context
from django.template.loader import render_to_string

# mod_python session handling and redirects
from mod_python import Session
from mod_python.util import redirect

# import mysql bindings
import MySQLdb

# import other common stuff
from random import choice
import base64, cracklib, sha, string, os

# render mail template and send it using local sendmail binary
def sendmail(to_addr, template, c):
	c['from_addr'] = ""
	c['to_addr'] = to_addr

	msg = render_to_string(template + "_mail.txt", c)

	# open sendmail process for writing
	p = os.popen("/usr/sbin/sendmail -t", 'w')

	# close will return exit status
	# TODO: log error to some file
	if p.close():
		return False

	return True

# cleanup database connection after every request
def closedb(req):

# start a new session and context and register the session dictionary in our
# global template context
def session_start(req, anonymous):
		req.dbc = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="apache", passwd="password", db="trac")
		redirect(req, "db_error")

	req.cursor = req.dbc.cursor()
	req.register_cleanup(closedb, req)

	s = Session.Session(req)

	if not 'login' in s:
		s['login'] = None

	req.c = Context()
	req.c['session'] = s

	# None means everyone can acccess this URL
	# True/False means only anonymous/authenticated users can access this URL
	if anonymous != None:
		if (anonymous and s['login']) or (not anonymous and not s['login']):
			redirect(req, "index")

	return (req.c, s, req.cursor)

# generate a htpasswd compatible sha1 digest in base64 encoding
# see:
def generate_sha_base64(password):
	return "{SHA}" + base64.encodestring('\n')

# generate a new random password, save it to the database and send it to the user
# WARNING: this function will do an implicit commit/rollback to the database!
def set_random_password(req, user_id, length):
	req.c['new_password'] = ''.join([choice(string.letters) for i in range(length)])

	pw_hash = generate_sha_base64(req.c['new_password'])
	req.cursor.execute("UPDATE user SET password = %s WHERE id = %s", (pw_hash, user_id))

	req.cursor.execute("SELECT email FROM user WHERE id = %s", (user_id,))
	result = req.cursor.fetchone()
	email = result[0]

	req.cursor.execute("SELECT login FROM user WHERE id = %s AND password NOT NULL", (user_id,))
	result = req.cursor.fetchone()

	if not result:
		template = 'registration'
		req.c['login'] = result[0]
		template = 'password'

	if not sendmail(email, template, req.c):
		return "failed to send temporary password. sorry."

	# otherwise commit to database and confirm
	return None

def validate_and_register(req, login, email):
	# check for invalid entries
	if not email.endswith(''):
		return "you did not give a  * address"

	req.cursor.execute("SELECT login FROM user WHERE login = %s", (login, ))
	if req.cursor.fetchone():
		return "username already taken, please choose another one"

	req.cursor.execute("SELECT login FROM user WHERE email = %s", (email, ))
	if req.cursor.fetchone():
		return 'you already have an account! <a href="password">forgot your password?</a>'

	# entries are valid - generate activation code and prepare insert statements
	hash = ''.join([choice(string.letters) for i in range(10)])
	req.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO user (login, email, date_added) VALUES (%s, %s, NOW())", (login, email))
	req.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO activation (hash, user_id) VALUES (%s, LAST_INSERT_ID())", (hash, ))

	# send confirmation email to applicant
	req.c['activation_link'] = "" + hash

	# in case of an error, rollback
	if not sendmail(email, 'activation', req.c):
		return "failed to send confirmation link."

	# otherwise commit to database
	return None

#   URL handlers start here   #

# req = request
def index(req):
	(c, s, cursor) = session_start(req, None)
	return render_to_string("index.html", c)

def activate(req, **formdata):
	(c, s, cursor) = session_start(req, True)

	# check whether a (correct) hashcode is given in the url
	if "hash" in formdata:
		cursor.execute("SELECT user_id FROM activation WHERE hash = %s", (formdata['hash'],))
		result = cursor.fetchone()

		if not result:
			c['error_msg'] = "invalid activation code"
			user_id = result[0]
			cursor.execute("DELETE FROM activation WHERE user_id = %s", (user_id,))
			cursor.execute("UPDATE user SET activated = 1 WHERE id = %s", (user_id,))

			# send email containing a temporary password
			c['error_msg'] = set_random_password(req, user_id, 8)

			if not c['error_msg']:
				c['info_msg'] = "your account has been activated. you will receive an email with a temporary password."

	# no hash value given
		redirect(req, "index")

	return render_to_string("index.html", c)

def login(req, **formdata):
	(c, s, cursor) = session_start(req, True)

	if req.method == "POST":
		pw_hash = generate_sha_base64(formdata['password'])
		cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM user WHERE login = %s AND password = %s", (formdata['login'], pw_hash))

		if not cursor.fetchone():
			c['error_msg'] = "Login failed. Sorry."
			return render_to_string("index.html", c)
			s['login'] = formdata['login']

	redirect(req, 'index')

def logout(req):
	(c, s, cursor) = session_start(req, False)
	s['login'] = None
	redirect(req, 'index')

def register(req, **formdata):
	(c, s, cursor) = session_start(req, True)

	if req.method == "POST":
		c['error_msg'] = validate_and_register(req, formdata['login'], formdata['email'])
		if not c['error_msg']:
			c['info_msg'] = "we have sent an email to " + formdata['email'] + " with your confirmation link"
			return render_to_string("index.html", c)

	return render_to_string("register.html", c)

def password(req, **formdata):
	(c, s, cursor) = session_start(req, True)

	if req.method == 'POST':
		cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM user WHERE email = %s", (formdata['email'],))
		result = cursor.fetchone()

		if not result:
			c['error_msg'] = "unknown email address"
			c['error_msg'] = set_random_password(req, result[0], 8)

		if not c['error_msg']:
			c['info_msg'] = "a new temporary password has been sent to your email address"
			return render_to_string("index.html", c)

	return render_to_string("password.html", c)

def profile(req, **formdata):
	(c, s, cursor) = session_start(req, False)

	if req.method == 'POST':
		old_pw_hash = generate_sha_base64(formdata['old_pw'])
		cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM user WHERE password = %s AND login = %s", (old_pw_hash,s['login']))

		new_pw_bad = cracklib.FascistCheck(formdata['new_pw1'])

		if not cursor.fetchone():
			c['error_msg'] = "old pasword did not match"

		elif formdata['new_pw1'] != formdata['new_pw2']:
			c['error_msg'] = "new passwords did not match"

		elif new_pw_bad:
			c['error_msg'] = "cannot accept new password: " + new_pw_bad

			new_pw_hash = generate_sha_base64(formdata['new_pw1'])
			cursor.execute("UPDATE user SET password = %s WHERE login = %s", (new_pw_hash, s['login']))

			c['info_msg'] = "new password has been set"
			return render_to_string("index.html", c)

	cursor.execute("SELECT email FROM user WHERE login = %s", (s['login'],))
	result = cursor.fetchone()
	c['email'] = result[0]

	return render_to_string("profile.html", c)

def projects(req, **formdata):
	(c, s, cursor) = session_start(req, False)

	if "action" in formdata and "proj_name" in formdata:
		if formdata['action'] == "leave":
			cursor.execute("delete from member where user_id = (select id from user where login = %s) "
				+ "and project_id = (select id from project where project_name = %s)", (s['login'], formdata['proj_name']))
			c['info_msg'] = "you left project " + formdata['proj_name']

		elif formdata['action'] == "delete":
			# check whether the person is member of the project he or she wants to delete
			cursor.execute("select * from member where user_id = (select id from user where login = %s) "
				+ "and project_id = (select id from project where project_name = %s)", (s['login'], formdata['proj_name']))
			if cursor.fetchone() != None:
				cursor.execute("update project set deleted = 1 where project_name = %s", (formdata['proj_name'],))
				c['info_msg'] = "you deleted project " + formdata['proj_name']
				c['proj_name'] = formdata['proj_name']
				sendmail("", "deleted_project", c)

	cursor.execute("select project_name from project p join member m on m.project_id = join user u on = m.user_id where p.deleted <> 1 and u.login = %s", (s['login'],))
	c['projects'] = cursor.fetchall()

	return render_to_string("projects.html", c)

def imprint(req):
	(c, s, cursor) = session_start(req, None)
	return render_to_string("imprint.html", c)

def new_project(req, **formdata):
	(c, s, cursor) = session_start(req, False)

	if req.method == "POST":
		c['name'] = formdata['project_name']
		c['desc'] = formdata['project_desc']
		c['priv'] = formdata['priv']

		# send message to
		sendmail("", "new_project", c)

		# confirm to user
		c['info_msg'] = "your application has been sent to the team. you'll receive a message shortly"
		return render_to_string("index.html", c)

	return render_to_string("new_project.html", c)

def members(req, **formdata):
	(c, s, cursor) = session_start(req, False)

	if not "proj_name" in formdata:

	proj = formdata['proj_name']

	cursor.execute("select id from project where project_name = %s", (proj,))
	result = cursor.fetchone()

	if not result:
		c['error_msg'] = "project '%s' does not exist" % proj
		return render_to_string("index.html", c)

	project_id = result[0]

	# if he/she wants to add/delete members, the logged in user must be a member of the project, too
	cursor.execute("select * from member where user_id = (select id from user where login = %s) "
		+ "and project_id = %s", (s['login'], project_id))

	if cursor.fetchone() == None:
		c['error_msg'] = "you are not a member of project '%s'" % proj

	elif "login" in formdata and "action" in formdata:
		who = formdata['login']
		what = formdata['action']

		cursor.execute("select id from user where login = %s", (who, ))
		result = cursor.fetchone()

		if result:
			user_id = result[0]

			if what == "delete":
				cursor.execute("delete from member where user_id = %s and project_id = %s", (user_id, project_id))
				c['info_msg'] = "you deleted " + who + " from project " + proj

			elif what == "add":
				cursor.execute("insert into member (user_id, project_id) values (%s, %s)", (user_id, project_id))
				c['info_msg'] = "you added " + who + " to project " + proj

			c['error_msg'] = "invalid user name"

	cursor.execute("select login from user u join member m on = m.user_id "
			+ "where m.project_id = (select id from project where project_name = %s)", (proj,))
	c['members'] = cursor.fetchall()
	c['proj'] = proj

	return render_to_string("members.html", c)