path: root/XMonad/Layout
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diff --git a/XMonad/Layout/SwitchTrans.hs b/XMonad/Layout/SwitchTrans.hs
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--- a/XMonad/Layout/SwitchTrans.hs
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-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
--- |
--- Module : XMonad.Layout.SwitchTrans
--- Copyright : (c) Lukas Mai
--- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
--- Maintainer : <l.mai@web.de>
--- Stability : unstable
--- Portability : unportable
--- Ordinary layout transformers are simple and easy to use but inflexible.
--- This module provides a more structured interface to them.
--- The basic idea is to have a base layout and a set of layout transformers,
--- of which at most one is active at any time. Enabling another transformer
--- first disables any currently active transformer; i.e. it works like
--- a group of radio buttons.
--- A side effect of this meta-layout is that layout transformers no longer
--- receive any messages; any message not handled by @SwitchTrans@ itself will
--- undo the current layout transformer, pass the message on to the base layout,
--- then reapply the transformer.
--- Another potential problem is that functions can't be (de-)serialized so this
--- layout will not preserve state across xmonad restarts.
--- Here's how you might use this in Config.hs:
--- > layouts =
--- > map (
--- > mkSwitch (M.fromList [
--- > ("full", const $ Layout $ noBorders Full)
--- > ]) .
--- > mkSwitch (M.fromList [
--- > ("mirror", Layout . Mirror)
--- > ])
--- > ) [ Layout tiled ]
--- (The @noBorders@ transformer is from "XMonad.Layout.NoBorders".)
--- This example is probably overkill but it's very close to what I actually use.
--- Anyway, this layout behaves like the default @tiled@ layout, until you send it
--- @Enable@\/@Disable@\/@Toggle@ messages. From the definition of @keys@:
--- > ...
--- > , ((modMask, xK_f ), sendMessage $ Toggle "full")
--- > , ((modMask, xK_r ), sendMessage $ Toggle "mirror")
--- (You may want to use other keys. I don't use Xinerama so the default mod-r
--- binding is useless to me.)
--- After this, pressing @mod-f@ switches the current window to fullscreen mode.
--- Pressing @mod-f@ again switches it back. Similarly, @mod-r@ rotates the layout
--- by 90 degrees (and back). The nice thing is that your changes are kept:
--- Rotating first then changing the size of the master area then rotating back
--- does not undo the master area changes.
--- The reason I use two stacked @SwitchTrans@ transformers instead of @mkSwitch
--- (M.fromList [(\"full\", const $ Layout $ noBorders Full), (\"mirror\",
--- Layout . Mirror)])@ is that I use @mod-f@ to \"zoom in\" on interesting
--- windows, no matter what other layout transformers may be active. Having an
--- extra fullscreen mode on top of everything else means I can zoom in and out
--- without implicitly undoing \"normal\" layout transformers, like @Mirror@.
--- Remember, inside a @SwitchTrans@ there can be at most one active layout
--- transformer.
-module XMonad.Layout.SwitchTrans (
- Toggle(..),
- Enable(..),
- Disable(..),
- mkSwitch
-) where
-import XMonad
-import XMonad.Operations
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import Data.Map (Map)
---import System.IO
--- | Toggle the specified layout transformer.
-data Toggle = Toggle String deriving (Eq, Typeable)
-instance Message Toggle
--- | Enable the specified transformer.
-data Enable = Enable String deriving (Eq, Typeable)
-instance Message Enable
--- | Disable the specified transformer.
-data Disable = Disable String deriving (Eq, Typeable)
-instance Message Disable
-data SwitchTrans a = SwitchTrans {
- base :: Layout a,
- currTag :: Maybe String,
- currLayout :: Layout a,
- currFilt :: Layout a -> Layout a,
- filters :: Map String (Layout a -> Layout a)
-instance Show (SwitchTrans a) where
- show st = "SwitchTrans #<base: " ++ show (base st) ++ ", tag: " ++ show (currTag st) ++ ", layout: " ++ show (currLayout st) ++ ", ...>"
-instance Read (SwitchTrans a) where
- readsPrec _ _ = []
-unLayout :: Layout a -> (forall l. (LayoutClass l a) => l a -> r) -> r
-unLayout (Layout l) k = k l
-acceptChange :: (LayoutClass l a) => SwitchTrans a -> ((l a -> SwitchTrans a) -> b -> c) -> X b -> X c
-acceptChange st f action =
- -- seriously, Dave, you need to stop this
- fmap (f (\l -> st{ currLayout = Layout l})) action
-instance LayoutClass SwitchTrans a where
- description _ = "SwitchTrans"
- doLayout st r s = currLayout st `unLayout` \l -> do
- --io $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "[ST]{ " ++ show st
- x{- @(_, w) -} <- acceptChange st (fmap . fmap) (doLayout l r s)
- --io $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "[ST]} " ++ show w
- return x
- pureLayout st r s = currLayout st `unLayout` \l -> pureLayout l r s
- handleMessage st m
- | Just (Disable tag) <- fromMessage m
- , M.member tag (filters st)
- = provided (currTag st == Just tag) $ disable
- | Just (Enable tag) <- fromMessage m
- , Just alt <- M.lookup tag (filters st)
- = provided (currTag st /= Just tag) $ enable tag alt
- | Just (Toggle tag) <- fromMessage m
- , Just alt <- M.lookup tag (filters st)
- =
- if (currTag st == Just tag) then
- disable
- else
- enable tag alt
- | Just ReleaseResources <- fromMessage m
- = currLayout st `unLayout` \cl -> do
- --io $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "[ST]~ " ++ show st
- acceptChange st fmap (handleMessage cl m)
- | Just Hide <- fromMessage m
- = currLayout st `unLayout` \cl -> do
- --io $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "[ST]< " ++ show st
- x <- acceptChange st fmap (handleMessage cl m)
- --io $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "[ST]> " ++ show x
- return x
- | otherwise = base st `unLayout` \b -> do
- x <- handleMessage b m
- case x of
- Nothing -> return Nothing
- Just b' -> currLayout st `unLayout` \cl -> do
- handleMessage cl (SomeMessage ReleaseResources)
- let b'' = Layout b'
- return . Just $ st{ base = b'', currLayout = currFilt st b'' }
- where
- enable tag alt = currLayout st `unLayout` \cl -> do
- --io $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "[ST]+ " ++ show cl ++ " -> " ++ show (alt (base st))
- handleMessage cl (SomeMessage ReleaseResources)
- return . Just $ st{
- currTag = Just tag,
- currFilt = alt,
- currLayout = alt (base st) }
- disable = currLayout st `unLayout` \cl -> do
- --io $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "[ST]- " ++ show cl ++ " -> " ++ show (base st)
- handleMessage cl (SomeMessage ReleaseResources)
- return . Just $ st{
- currTag = Nothing,
- currFilt = id,
- currLayout = base st }
--- | Take a transformer table and a base layout, and return a
--- SwitchTrans layout.
-mkSwitch :: Map String (Layout a -> Layout a) -> Layout a -> Layout a
-mkSwitch fs b = Layout st
- where
- st = SwitchTrans{
- base = b,
- currTag = Nothing,
- currLayout = b,
- currFilt = id,
- filters = fs }
-provided :: Bool -> X (Maybe a) -> X (Maybe a)
-provided c x
- | c = x
- | otherwise = return Nothing