path: root/XMonad/Layout/Decoration.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'XMonad/Layout/Decoration.hs')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Layout/Decoration.hs b/XMonad/Layout/Decoration.hs
index 9c42075..0119f37 100644
--- a/XMonad/Layout/Decoration.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Layout/Decoration.hs
@@ -132,10 +132,6 @@ class (Read (ds a), Show (ds a), Eq a) => DecorationStyle ds a where
describeDeco :: ds a -> String
describeDeco ds = show ds
- -- | Whether to decorate a layout if there is only one window.
- decorateFirst :: ds a -> Bool
- decorateFirst _ = True
-- | Shrink the window's rectangle when applying a decoration.
shrink :: ds a -> Rectangle -> Rectangle -> Rectangle
shrink _ (Rectangle _ _ _ dh) (Rectangle x y w h) = Rectangle x (y + fi dh) w (h - dh)
@@ -203,21 +199,19 @@ instance Eq a => DecorationStyle DefaultDecoration a
-- decorations and their windows accordingly. At the end we remove
-- invisible\/stacked windows.
--- Message handling is quite simple: we needed we release the state
+-- Message handling is quite simple: when needed we release the state
-- component of the 'Decoration' 'LayoutModifier'. Otherwise we call
-- 'handleEvent', which will call the appropriate 'DecorationStyle'
-- methods to perform its tasks.
instance (DecorationStyle ds Window, Shrinker s) => LayoutModifier (Decoration ds s) Window where
redoLayout (Decoration st sh t ds) sc stack wrs
- | decorate_first = do whenIJust st releaseResources
- return (wrs, Just $ Decoration (I Nothing) sh t ds)
| I Nothing <- st = initState t ds sc stack wrs >>= processState
| I (Just s) <- st = do let dwrs = decos s
(d,a) = curry diff (get_ws dwrs) ws
toDel = todel d dwrs
toAdd = toadd a wrs
deleteDecos (map snd toDel)
- ndwrs <- createDecos t ds sc stack wrs toAdd
+ let ndwrs = zip toAdd $ repeat (Nothing,Nothing)
ndecos <- resync (ndwrs ++ del_dwrs d dwrs) wrs
processState (s {decos = ndecos })
| otherwise = return (wrs, Nothing)
@@ -231,13 +225,17 @@ instance (DecorationStyle ds Window, Shrinker s) => LayoutModifier (Decoration d
todel d = filter (flip elem d . get_w)
toadd a = filter (flip elem a . fst )
- decorate_first = length wrs == 1 && (not . decorateFirst $ ds)
+ check_dwr dwr = case dwr of
+ (Nothing, Just dr) -> do dw <- createDecoWindow t dr
+ return (Just dw, Just dr)
+ _ -> return dwr
resync _ [] = return []
resync d ((w,r):xs) = case w `elemIndex` get_ws d of
Just i -> do dr <- decorate ds (decoWidth t) (decoHeight t) sc stack wrs (w,r)
+ dwr <- check_dwr (find_dw i d, dr)
dwrs <- resync d xs
- return $ ((w,r),(find_dw i d, dr)) : dwrs
+ return $ ((w,r),dwr) : dwrs
Nothing -> resync d xs
-- We drop any windows that are *precisely* stacked underneath
@@ -335,31 +333,25 @@ createDecos :: DecorationStyle ds Window => Theme -> ds Window -> Rectangle -> W
createDecos t ds sc s wrs ((w,r):xs) = do
deco <- decorate ds (decoWidth t) (decoHeight t) sc s wrs (w,r)
case deco of
- Just dr -> do let mask = Just (exposureMask .|. buttonPressMask)
- dw <- createNewWindow dr mask (inactiveColor t) True
+ Just dr -> do dw <- createDecoWindow t dr
dwrs <- createDecos t ds sc s wrs xs
return $ ((w,r), (Just dw, Just dr)) : dwrs
Nothing -> do dwrs <- createDecos t ds sc s wrs xs
return $ ((w,r), (Nothing, Nothing)) : dwrs
createDecos _ _ _ _ _ [] = return []
+createDecoWindow :: Theme -> Rectangle -> X Window
+createDecoWindow t r = let mask = Just (exposureMask .|. buttonPressMask) in
+ createNewWindow r mask (inactiveColor t) True
showDecos :: [DecoWin] -> X ()
-showDecos (m:mwrs)
- | (Just w,_) <- m = showWindow w >> showDecos mwrs
- | otherwise = showDecos mwrs
-showDecos [] = return ()
+showDecos = showWindows . catMaybes . map fst
hideDecos :: [DecoWin] -> X ()
-hideDecos (m:mwrs)
- | (Just w,_) <- m = hideWindow w >> hideDecos mwrs
- | otherwise = hideDecos mwrs
-hideDecos [] = return ()
+hideDecos = hideWindows . catMaybes . map fst
deleteDecos :: [DecoWin] -> X ()
-deleteDecos (m:mwrs)
- | (Just w,_) <- m = deleteWindow w >> deleteDecos mwrs
- | otherwise = deleteDecos mwrs
-deleteDecos [] = return ()
+deleteDecos = deleteWindows . catMaybes . map fst
updateDecos :: Shrinker s => s -> Theme -> XMonadFont -> [(OrigWin,DecoWin)] -> X ()
updateDecos s t f = mapM_ $ updateDeco s t f