path: root/XMonad/Actions
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Actions/AppLauncher.hs b/XMonad/Actions/AppLauncher.hs
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index a2026ad..0000000
--- a/XMonad/Actions/AppLauncher.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-{- |
- Module : XMonad.Actions.AppLauncher
- Copyright : (C) 2008 Luis Cabellos
- License : None; public domain
- Maintainer : <zhen.sydow@gmail.com>
- Stability : unstable
- Portability : unportable
- A module for launch applicationes that receive parameters in the command line.
- The launcher call a prompt to get the parameters.
-module XMonad.Actions.AppLauncher ( -- * Usage
- -- $usage
- launchApp
- -- * Use case: launching gimp with file
- -- $tip
- ) where
-import XMonad (X(),MonadIO)
-import XMonad.Core (spawn)
-import XMonad.Prompt (XPrompt(showXPrompt), mkXPrompt, XPConfig())
-import XMonad.Prompt.Shell (getShellCompl)
-{- $usage
- This module is intended to allow the launch of the same application
- but changing the parameters using the user response. For example, when
- you want to open a image in gimp program, you can open gimp and then use
- the File Menu to open the image or you can use this module to select
- the image in the command line.
- We use Prompt to get the user command line. This also allow to autoexpand
- the names of the files when we are writing the command line.
- -}
-{- $tip
-First, you need to import necessary modules. Prompt is used to get the promp
-configuration and the AppLauncher module itself.
-> import XMonad.Prompt
-> import XMonad.Actions.AppLauncher as AL
-Then you can add the bindings to the applications.
-> ...
-> , ((modm, xK_g), AL.launchApp defaultXPConfig "gimp" )
-> , ((modm, xK_g), AL.launchApp defaultXPConfig "evince" )
-> ...
- -}
--- A customized prompt
-data AppPrompt = AppPrompt String
-instance XPrompt AppPrompt where
- showXPrompt (AppPrompt n) = n ++ " "
-type Application = String
-type Parameters = String
-{- | Given an application and its parameters, launch the application. -}
-launch :: MonadIO m => Application -> Parameters -> m ()
-launch app params = spawn ( app ++ " " ++ params )
-{- | Get the user's response to a prompt an launch an application using the
- input as command parameters of the application.-}
-launchApp :: XPConfig -> Application -> X ()
-launchApp config app = mkXPrompt (AppPrompt app) config (getShellCompl []) $ launch app