path: root/XMonad/Actions
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Diffstat (limited to 'XMonad/Actions')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Actions/GridSelect.hs b/XMonad/Actions/GridSelect.hs
index c268f6a..bacea13 100644
--- a/XMonad/Actions/GridSelect.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Actions/GridSelect.hs
@@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ data GSConfig = GSConfig {
type TwoDPosition = (Integer, Integer)
data TwoDState = TwoDState { td_curpos :: TwoDPosition,
- td_windowmap :: [(TwoDPosition,(String,Window))],
- td_gsconfig :: GSConfig,
- td_font :: XMonadFont,
- td_paneX :: Integer,
- td_paneY :: Integer }
+ td_windowmap :: [(TwoDPosition,(String,Window))],
+ td_gsconfig :: GSConfig,
+ td_font :: XMonadFont,
+ td_paneX :: Integer,
+ td_paneY :: Integer }
type TwoD a = StateT TwoDState X a
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ type TwoD a = StateT TwoDState X a
diamondLayer :: (Enum b', Num b') => b' -> [(b', b')]
-- FIXME remove nub
diamondLayer n = let ul = [ (x,n-x) | x <- [0..n] ]
- in nub $ ul ++ (map (negate *** id) ul) ++
- (map (negate *** negate) ul) ++
+ in nub $ ul ++ (map (negate *** id) ul) ++
+ (map (negate *** negate) ul) ++
(map (id *** negate) ul)
diamond :: (Enum a, Num a) => [(a, a)]
@@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ diamond = concatMap diamondLayer [0..]
diamondRestrict :: (Enum t, Num t, Ord t) => t -> t -> [(t, t)]
diamondRestrict x y = L.filter f diamond
where f (x',y') = (x' <= x) &&
- (x' >= -x) &&
- (y' <= y) &&
- (y' >= -y)
+ (x' >= -x) &&
+ (y' <= y) &&
+ (y' >= -y)
tupadd :: (Num t1, Num t) => (t, t1) -> (t, t1) -> (t, t1)
tupadd (a,b) (c,d) = (a+c,b+d)
@@ -110,9 +110,9 @@ drawWinBox dpy win font (fg,bg) ch cw text x y cp = do
fillRectangle dpy win gc (fromInteger x) (fromInteger y) (fromInteger cw) (fromInteger ch)
drawRectangle dpy win bordergc (fromInteger x) (fromInteger y) (fromInteger cw) (fromInteger ch)
stext <- shrinkWhile (shrinkIt shrinkText)
- (\n -> do size <- liftIO $ textWidthXMF dpy font n
- return $ size > (fromInteger (cw-(2*cp))))
- text
+ (\n -> do size <- liftIO $ textWidthXMF dpy font n
+ return $ size > (fromInteger (cw-(2*cp))))
+ text
printStringXMF dpy win font gc bg fg (fromInteger (x+cp)) (fromInteger (y+(div ch 2))) stext
liftIO $ freeGC dpy gc
liftIO $ freeGC dpy bordergc
@@ -121,30 +121,30 @@ updateWindows :: Display -> Window -> TwoD ()
updateWindows dpy win = do
(TwoDState curpos windowList gsconfig font paneX paneY) <- get
let cellwidth = gs_cellwidth gsconfig
- cellheight = gs_cellheight gsconfig
- paneX' = div (paneX-cellwidth) 2
+ cellheight = gs_cellheight gsconfig
+ paneX' = div (paneX-cellwidth) 2
paneY' = div (paneY-cellheight) 2
- updateWindow (pos@(x,y),(text, clientwindow)) = lift $ do
- colors <- (gs_colorizer gsconfig) clientwindow (pos == curpos)
- drawWinBox dpy win font
- colors
- (gs_cellheight gsconfig)
- (gs_cellwidth gsconfig) text
- (paneX'+x*cellwidth)
- (paneY'+y*cellheight)
- (gs_cellpadding gsconfig)
+ updateWindow (pos@(x,y),(text, clientwindow)) = lift $ do
+ colors <- (gs_colorizer gsconfig) clientwindow (pos == curpos)
+ drawWinBox dpy win font
+ colors
+ (gs_cellheight gsconfig)
+ (gs_cellwidth gsconfig) text
+ (paneX'+x*cellwidth)
+ (paneY'+y*cellheight)
+ (gs_cellpadding gsconfig)
mapM updateWindow windowList
return ()
eventLoop :: Display -> Window -> TwoD (Maybe Window)
eventLoop d win = do
(keysym,string,event) <- liftIO $ allocaXEvent $ \e -> do
- nextEvent d e
- ev <- getEvent e
- (ks,s) <- if ev_event_type ev == keyPress
- then lookupString $ asKeyEvent e
- else return (Nothing, "")
- return (ks,s,ev)
+ nextEvent d e
+ ev <- getEvent e
+ (ks,s) <- if ev_event_type ev == keyPress
+ then lookupString $ asKeyEvent e
+ else return (Nothing, "")
+ return (ks,s,ev)
handle d win (fromMaybe xK_VoidSymbol keysym,string) event
handle :: Display
@@ -162,10 +162,10 @@ handle d win (ks,_) (KeyEvent {ev_event_type = t})
(TwoDState pos win' _ _ _ _) <- get
return $ fmap (snd . snd) $ find ((== pos) . fst) win'
where diffAndRefresh diff = do
- (TwoDState pos windowlist gsconfig font paneX paneY) <- get
- put $ TwoDState (pos `tupadd` diff) windowlist gsconfig font paneX paneY
- updateWindows d win
- eventLoop d win
+ (TwoDState pos windowlist gsconfig font paneX paneY) <- get
+ put $ TwoDState (pos `tupadd` diff) windowlist gsconfig font paneX paneY
+ updateWindows d win
+ eventLoop d win
handle d win _ _ = do
updateWindows d win
@@ -176,26 +176,26 @@ handle d win _ _ = do
hsv2rgb :: Fractional a => (Integer,a,a) -> (a,a,a)
hsv2rgb (h,s,v) =
let hi = (div h 60) `mod` 6 :: Integer
- f = (((fromInteger h)/60) - (fromInteger hi)) :: Fractional a => a
- q = v * (1-f)
- p = v * (1-s)
- t = v * (1-(1-f)*s)
+ f = (((fromInteger h)/60) - (fromInteger hi)) :: Fractional a => a
+ q = v * (1-f)
+ p = v * (1-s)
+ t = v * (1-(1-f)*s)
in case hi of
- 0 -> (v,t,p)
- 1 -> (q,v,p)
- 2 -> (p,v,t)
- 3 -> (p,q,v)
- 4 -> (t,p,v)
- 5 -> (v,p,q)
- _ -> error "The world is ending. x mod a >= a."
+ 0 -> (v,t,p)
+ 1 -> (q,v,p)
+ 2 -> (p,v,t)
+ 3 -> (p,q,v)
+ 4 -> (t,p,v)
+ 5 -> (v,p,q)
+ _ -> error "The world is ending. x mod a >= a."
default_colorizer :: Window -> Bool -> X (String, String)
default_colorizer w active = do
classname <- runQuery className w
let seed x = toInteger (sum $ map ((*x).fromEnum) classname) :: Integer
(r,g,b) = hsv2rgb ((seed 83) `mod` 360,
- (fromInteger ((seed 191) `mod` 1000))/2500+0.4,
- (fromInteger ((seed 121) `mod` 1000))/2500+0.4)
+ (fromInteger ((seed 191) `mod` 1000))/2500+0.4,
+ (fromInteger ((seed 121) `mod` 1000))/2500+0.4)
if active
then return ("#faff69", "black")
else return ("#" ++ concat (map (twodigitHex.(round :: Double -> Integer).(*256)) [r, g, b] ), "white")
@@ -218,21 +218,21 @@ gridselect gsconfig =
status <- io $ grabKeyboard dpy win True grabModeAsync grabModeAsync currentTime
font <- initXMF (gs_font gsconfig)
let screenWidth = toInteger $ rect_width s;
- screenHeight = toInteger $ rect_height s;
+ screenHeight = toInteger $ rect_height s;
selectedWindow <- if (status == grabSuccess) then
- do
- let restrictX = floor $ ((fromInteger screenWidth)/(fromInteger $ gs_cellwidth gsconfig)-1)/2 ;
- restrictY = floor $ ((fromInteger screenHeight)/(fromInteger $ gs_cellheight gsconfig)-1)/2 ;
- selectedWindow <- evalStateT (do updateWindows dpy win; eventLoop dpy win)
- (TwoDState (0,0)
- (zipWith (,) (diamondRestrict restrictX restrictY) windowList)
- gsconfig
- font
- screenWidth
- screenHeight)
- return selectedWindow
- else
- return Nothing
+ do
+ let restrictX = floor $ ((fromInteger screenWidth)/(fromInteger $ gs_cellwidth gsconfig)-1)/2 ;
+ restrictY = floor $ ((fromInteger screenHeight)/(fromInteger $ gs_cellheight gsconfig)-1)/2 ;
+ selectedWindow <- evalStateT (do updateWindows dpy win; eventLoop dpy win)
+ (TwoDState (0,0)
+ (zipWith (,) (diamondRestrict restrictX restrictY) windowList)
+ gsconfig
+ font
+ screenWidth
+ screenHeight)
+ return selectedWindow
+ else
+ return Nothing
liftIO $ do
unmapWindow dpy win
destroyWindow dpy win