path: root/XMonad/Actions/TagWindows.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'XMonad/Actions/TagWindows.hs')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Actions/TagWindows.hs b/XMonad/Actions/TagWindows.hs
index 4eac8ee..fc89bd8 100644
--- a/XMonad/Actions/TagWindows.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Actions/TagWindows.hs
@@ -42,15 +42,15 @@ import XMonad hiding (workspaces)
-- and add keybindings such as the following:
--- > , ((modMask x, xK_f ), withFocused (addTag "abc"))
--- > , ((modMask x .|. controlMask, xK_f ), withFocused (delTag "abc"))
--- > , ((modMask x .|. shiftMask, xK_f ), withTaggedGlobalP "abc" W.sink)
--- > , ((modMask x, xK_d ), withTaggedP "abc" (W.shiftWin "2"))
--- > , ((modMask x .|. shiftMask, xK_d ), withTaggedGlobalP "abc" shiftHere)
--- > , ((modMask x .|. controlMask, xK_d ), focusUpTaggedGlobal "abc")
--- > , ((modMask x, xK_g ), tagPrompt defaultXPConfig (\s -> withFocused (addTag s)))
--- > , ((modMask x .|. controlMask, xK_g ), tagDelPrompt defaultXPConfig)
--- > , ((modMask x .|. shiftMask, xK_g ), tagPrompt defaultXPConfig (\s -> withTaggedGlobal s float))
+-- > , ((modm, xK_f ), withFocused (addTag "abc"))
+-- > , ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_f ), withFocused (delTag "abc"))
+-- > , ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_f ), withTaggedGlobalP "abc" W.sink)
+-- > , ((modm, xK_d ), withTaggedP "abc" (W.shiftWin "2"))
+-- > , ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_d ), withTaggedGlobalP "abc" shiftHere)
+-- > , ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_d ), focusUpTaggedGlobal "abc")
+-- > , ((modm, xK_g ), tagPrompt defaultXPConfig (\s -> withFocused (addTag s)))
+-- > , ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_g ), tagDelPrompt defaultXPConfig)
+-- > , ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_g ), tagPrompt defaultXPConfig (\s -> withTaggedGlobal s float))
-- > , ((modWinMask, xK_g ), tagPrompt defaultXPConfig (\s -> withTaggedP s (W.shiftWin "2")))
-- > , ((modWinMask .|. shiftMask, xK_g ), tagPrompt defaultXPConfig (\s -> withTaggedGlobalP s shiftHere))
-- > , ((modWinMask .|. controlMask, xK_g ), tagPrompt defaultXPConfig (\s -> focusUpTaggedGlobal s))