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1 files changed, 25 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/Spiral.hs b/Spiral.hs
index 120baab..a2dd794 100644
--- a/Spiral.hs
+++ b/Spiral.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-module XMonadContrib.Spiral (spiral) where
+module XMonadContrib.Spiral (spiral, fibSpiral) where
import Graphics.X11.Xlib
import Operations
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import XMonad
-- spiral (1000 % 1618) ]
spiral :: Rational -> Layout
-spiral rat = Layout { doLayout = \sc ws -> return $ zip ws (divideRects rat (length ws) East $ sc),
+spiral rat = Layout { doLayout = \sc ws -> return $ zip ws (divideRects (repeat rat) (length ws) East $ sc),
modifyLayout = \m -> fmap resize (fromMessage m)}
where resize Expand = let newRat = ((numerator rat + 10) % (denominator rat))
@@ -26,6 +26,24 @@ spiral rat = Layout { doLayout = \sc ws -> return $ zip ws (divideRects rat (len
normRat = if numerator newRat < 0 then rat else newRat in
spiral normRat
+fibs :: [Integer]
+fibs = 1 : 1 : (zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs))
+fibRatios :: [Rational]
+fibRatios = ratios fibs
+ where
+ ratios (x:y:rs) = (x % y) : ratios (y:rs)
+ ratios _ = []
+fibSpiral :: Rational -> Layout
+fibSpiral scale = Layout { doLayout = fibLayout,
+ modifyLayout = \m -> fmap resize (fromMessage m) }
+ where
+ fibLayout sc ws = return $ zip ws (divideRects (map (* scale) . reverse . take len $ fibRatios) len East sc)
+ where len = length ws
+ resize Expand = fibSpiral $ (11 % 10) * scale
+ resize Shrink = fibSpiral $ (10 % 11) * scale
data Direction = East | South | West | North
nextDir :: Direction -> Direction
@@ -34,10 +52,11 @@ nextDir South = West
nextDir West = North
nextDir North = East
-divideRects :: Rational -> Int -> Direction -> Rectangle -> [Rectangle]
-divideRects r n dir rect | n <= 1 = [rect]
- | otherwise = case divideRect r dir rect of
- (r1, r2) -> r1 : (divideRects r (n - 1) (nextDir dir) r2)
+divideRects :: [Rational] -> Int -> Direction -> Rectangle -> [Rectangle]
+divideRects [] _ _ _ = []
+divideRects (r:rs) n dir rect | n <= 1 = [rect]
+ | otherwise = case divideRect r dir rect of
+ (r1, r2) -> r1 : (divideRects rs (n - 1) (nextDir dir) r2)
divideRect :: Rational -> Direction -> Rectangle -> (Rectangle, Rectangle)
divideRect ratio East (Rectangle x y w h) = let (w1, w2) = chop ratio (fromIntegral w) in