diff options
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Prompt.hs b/XMonad/Prompt.hs
index e25bb1b..cc5bb7e 100644
--- a/XMonad/Prompt.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Prompt.hs
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ module XMonad.Prompt
, historyCompletion
) where
+import Prelude hiding (catch)
import XMonad hiding (config, io)
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Util.Font
@@ -61,9 +63,12 @@ import Data.Bits ((.&.))
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.Set (fromList, toList)
-import System.Environment (getEnv)
+import System.Directory
import System.IO
-import System.Posix.Files
+import Control.Exception hiding (handle)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Map (Map)
-- $usage
-- For usage examples see "XMonad.Prompt.Shell",
@@ -87,10 +92,10 @@ data XPState =
, gcon :: !GC
, fontS :: !XMonadFont
, xptype :: !XPType
- , command :: String
+ , commandHistory :: W.Stack String
, offset :: !Int
- , history :: [History]
, config :: XPConfig
+ , successful :: Bool
data XPConfig =
@@ -183,7 +188,7 @@ defaultXPConfig =
type ComplFunction = String -> IO [String]
initState :: XPrompt p => Display -> Window -> Window -> Rectangle -> ComplFunction
- -> GC -> XMonadFont -> p -> [History] -> XPConfig -> XPState
+ -> GC -> XMonadFont -> p -> [String] -> XPConfig -> XPState
initState d rw w s compl gc fonts pt h c =
XPS { dpy = d
, rootw = rw
@@ -196,12 +201,21 @@ initState d rw w s compl gc fonts pt h c =
, gcon = gc
, fontS = fonts
, xptype = XPT pt
- , command = defaultText c
+ , commandHistory = W.Stack { W.focus = defaultText c
+ , W.up = []
+ , W.down = h }
, offset = length (defaultText c)
- , history = h
, config = c
+ , successful = False
+-- this would be much easier with functional references
+command :: XPState -> String
+command = W.focus . commandHistory
+setCommand :: String -> XPState -> XPState
+setCommand xs s = s { commandHistory = (commandHistory s) { W.focus = xs }}
-- | Same as 'mkXPrompt', except that the action function can have
-- type @String -> X a@, for any @a@, and the final action returned
-- by 'mkXPromptWithReturn' will have type @X (Maybe a)@. @Nothing@
@@ -214,25 +228,25 @@ mkXPromptWithReturn t conf compl action = do
let d = display c
rw = theRoot c
s <- gets $ screenRect . W.screenDetail . W.current . windowset
+ hist <- liftIO $ readHistory
w <- liftIO $ createWin d rw conf s
liftIO $ selectInput d w $ exposureMask .|. keyPressMask
gc <- liftIO $ createGC d w
liftIO $ setGraphicsExposures d gc False
- (hist,h) <- liftIO $ readHistory
fs <- initXMF (font conf)
- let st = initState d rw w s compl gc fs (XPT t) hist conf
+ let hs = fromMaybe [] $ Map.lookup (showXPrompt t) hist
+ st = initState d rw w s compl gc fs (XPT t) hs conf
st' <- liftIO $ execStateT runXP st
releaseXMF fs
liftIO $ freeGC d gc
- liftIO $ hClose h
- if (command st' /= "")
+ if successful st'
then do
- let htw = take (historySize conf) (history st')
- liftIO $ writeHistory htw
+ liftIO $ writeHistory $ Map.insertWith
+ (\xs ys -> take (historySize conf) $ xs ++ ys)
+ (showXPrompt t) [command st'] hist
Just <$> action (command st')
- else
- return Nothing
+ else return Nothing
-- | Creates a prompt given:
@@ -297,7 +311,7 @@ completionHandle c (ks,_) (KeyEvent {ev_event_type = t})
| t == keyPress && ks == xK_Tab = do
st <- get
let updateState l = do let new_command = nextCompletion (xptype st) (command st) l
- modify $ \s -> s { command = new_command, offset = length new_command }
+ modify $ \s -> setCommand new_command $ s { offset = length new_command }
updateWins l = do redrawWindows l
eventLoop (completionHandle l)
case c of
@@ -324,11 +338,10 @@ tryAutoComplete = do
where runCompleted cmd delay = do
st <- get
let new_command = nextCompletion (xptype st) (command st) [cmd]
- modify $ \s -> s { command = "autocompleting..." }
+ modify $ setCommand "autocompleting..."
io $ threadDelay delay
- modify $ \s -> s { command = new_command }
- historyPush
+ modify $ setCommand new_command
return True
-- KeyPresses
@@ -353,19 +366,20 @@ keyPressHandle mask (ks,_)
| ks == xK_w -> killWord Prev >> go
| ks == xK_g || ks == xK_c -> quit
| otherwise -> eventLoop handle -- unhandled control sequence
- | ks == xK_Return = historyPush >> return ()
+ | ks == xK_Return = setSuccess True
| ks == xK_BackSpace = deleteString Prev >> go
| ks == xK_Delete = deleteString Next >> go
| ks == xK_Left = moveCursor Prev >> go
| ks == xK_Right = moveCursor Next >> go
- | ks == xK_Up = moveHistory Prev >> go
- | ks == xK_Down = moveHistory Next >> go
+ | ks == xK_Up = moveHistory W.focusUp' >> go
+ | ks == xK_Down = moveHistory W.focusDown' >> go
| ks == xK_Home = startOfLine >> go
| ks == xK_End = endOfLine >> go
| ks == xK_Escape = quit
go = updateWindows >> eventLoop handle
- quit = flushString >> return () -- quit and discard everything
+ quit = flushString >> setSuccess False -- quit and discard everything
+ setSuccess b = modify $ \s -> s { successful = b }
-- insert a character
keyPressHandle _ (_,s)
| s == "" = eventLoop handle
@@ -379,18 +393,18 @@ keyPressHandle _ (_,s)
-- | Kill the portion of the command before the cursor
killBefore :: XP ()
killBefore =
- modify $ \s -> s { command = drop (offset s) (command s)
- , offset = 0 }
+ modify $ \s -> setCommand (drop (offset s) (command s)) $ s { offset = 0 }
-- | Kill the portion of the command including and after the cursor
killAfter :: XP ()
killAfter =
- modify $ \s -> s { command = take (offset s) (command s) }
+ modify $ \s -> setCommand (take (offset s) (command s)) s
-- | Kill the next\/previous word
killWord :: Direction -> XP ()
killWord d = do
- XPS { command = c, offset = o } <- get
+ o <- gets offset
+ c <- gets command
let (f,ss) = splitAt o c
delNextWord w =
case w of
@@ -401,7 +415,7 @@ killWord d = do
case d of
Next -> (f ++ delNextWord ss, o)
Prev -> (delPrevWord f ++ ss, length $ delPrevWord f) -- laziness!!
- modify $ \s -> s { command = ncom, offset = noff}
+ modify $ \s -> setCommand ncom $ s { offset = noff}
-- | Put the cursor at the end of line
endOfLine :: XP ()
@@ -416,12 +430,12 @@ startOfLine =
-- | Flush the command string and reset the offset
flushString :: XP ()
flushString = do
- modify $ \s -> s { command = "", offset = 0}
+ modify $ \s -> setCommand "" $ s { offset = 0}
-- | Insert a character at the cursor position
insertString :: String -> XP ()
insertString str =
- modify $ \s -> s { command = c (command s) (offset s), offset = o (offset s)}
+ modify $ \s -> setCommand (c (command s) (offset s)) $ s { offset = o (offset s)}
where o oo = oo + length str
c oc oo | oo >= length oc = oc ++ str
| otherwise = f ++ str ++ ss
@@ -434,7 +448,7 @@ pasteString = join $ io $ liftM insertString $ getSelection
-- | Remove a character at the cursor position
deleteString :: Direction -> XP ()
deleteString d =
- modify $ \s -> s { command = c (command s) (offset s), offset = o (offset s)}
+ modify $ \s -> setCommand (c (command s) (offset s)) $ s { offset = o (offset s)}
where o oo = if d == Prev then max 0 (oo - 1) else oo
c oc oo
| oo >= length oc && d == Prev = take (oo - 1) oc
@@ -464,17 +478,10 @@ moveWord d = do
Next -> o + (ln id ss)
modify $ \s -> s { offset = newoff }
-moveHistory :: Direction -> XP ()
-moveHistory d = do
- h <- getHistory
- c <- gets command
- let str = if h /= [] then head h else c
- let nc = case elemIndex c h of
- Just i -> case d of
- Prev -> h !! (if (i + 1) > (length h - 1) then 0 else i + 1)
- Next -> h !! (max (i - 1) 0)
- Nothing -> str
- modify $ \s -> s { command = nc, offset = length nc}
+moveHistory :: (W.Stack String -> W.Stack String) -> XP ()
+moveHistory f = modify $ \s -> let ch = f $ commandHistory s
+ in s { commandHistory = ch
+ , offset = length $ W.focus ch }
-- X Stuff
@@ -678,41 +685,26 @@ printComplString d drw gc fc bc x y s = do
-- History
-data History =
- H { prompt :: String
- , command_history :: String
- } deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
+type History = Map String [String]
-historyPush :: XP ()
-historyPush = do
- c <- gets command
- when (c /= []) $ modify (\s -> s { history = nub $ H (showXPrompt (xptype s)) c : history s })
-getHistory :: XP [String]
-getHistory = do
- hist <- gets history
- pt <- gets xptype
- return $ map command_history . filter (\h -> prompt h == showXPrompt pt) $ hist
-readHistory :: IO ([History],Handle)
-readHistory = do
- home <- getEnv "HOME"
- let path = home ++ "/.xmonad/history"
- f <- fileExist path
- if f then do h <- openFile path ReadMode
- str <- hGetContents h
- case (reads str) of
- [(hist,_)] -> return (hist,h)
- [] -> return ([],h)
- _ -> return ([],h)
- else do h <- openFile path WriteMode
- return ([],h)
-writeHistory :: [History] -> IO ()
+emptyHistory :: History
+emptyHistory = Map.empty
+getHistoryFile :: IO FilePath
+getHistoryFile = fmap (++ "/history") $ getAppUserDataDirectory "xmonad"
+readHistory :: IO History
+readHistory = catch readHist (const (return emptyHistory))
+ where
+ readHist = do
+ path <- getHistoryFile
+ xs <- bracket (openFile path ReadMode) hClose hGetLine
+ readIO xs
+writeHistory :: History -> IO ()
writeHistory hist = do
- home <- getEnv "HOME"
- let path = home ++ "/.xmonad/history"
- catch (writeFile path (show hist)) (\_ -> do putStrLn "error in writing"; return ())
+ path <- getHistoryFile
+ catch (writeFile path (show hist)) $ const $ hPutStrLn stderr "error in writing"
-- $xutils
@@ -815,10 +807,4 @@ uniqSort = toList . fromList
-- getShellCompl; you pass it to mkXPrompt, and it will make completions work
-- from the query history stored in ~/.xmonad/history.
historyCompletion :: ComplFunction
-historyCompletion = \x -> liftM (filter $ isInfixOf x) readHistoryIO
--- We need to define this locally because there is no function with the type "XP a -> IO a", and
--- 'getHistory' is uselessly of the type "XP [String]".
-readHistoryIO :: IO [String]
-readHistoryIO = do (hist,_) <- readHistory
- return $ map command_history hist
+historyCompletion x = fmap (filter (isInfixOf x) . Map.fold (++) []) readHistory