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1 files changed, 29 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Actions/RandomBackground.hs b/XMonad/Actions/RandomBackground.hs
index 71a5744..21dc4f8 100644
--- a/XMonad/Actions/RandomBackground.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Actions/RandomBackground.hs
@@ -13,27 +13,40 @@
-module XMonad.Actions.RandomBackground (randomBg,randomBg') where
+module XMonad.Actions.RandomBackground (randomBg',randomBg,RandomColor(HSV,RGB)) where
import XMonad(X, XConf(config), XConfig(terminal), io, spawn,
MonadIO, asks)
-import System.Random(Random(randomRIO))
-import Control.Monad(replicateM)
+import System.Random
+import Control.Monad(replicateM,liftM)
import Numeric(showHex)
--- | randomHex produces hex values in the form @xxyyzz@, with each of @xx@,
--- @yy@, @zz@ within the range specified. The first parameter determines the
--- the number of such groups.
-randomHex :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> IO String
-randomHex n = fmap disp . replicateM n . randomRIO
+-- | RandomColor fixes constraints when generating random colors
+data RandomColor = RGB { _colorMin :: Int, _colorMax :: Int }
+ | HSV { _colorSaturation :: Double, _colorValue :: Double }
+toHex :: [Int] -> String
+toHex = ("'#"++) . (++"'") . concatMap (ensure 2 . ($ "") . showHex)
where ensure x = reverse . take x . (++repeat '0') . reverse
- disp = concatMap $ ensure 2 . ($ "") . showHex
--- | randomBg' appends the random hex @ -bg '#xxyyzz'@ to the supplied string
-randomBg' :: (MonadIO m) => (Int, Int) -> String -> m String
-randomBg' x t = do
- num <- io $ randomHex 3 x
- return $ concat [t," -bg '#",num,"'"]
+randPermutation :: (RandomGen g) => [a] -> g -> [a]
+randPermutation xs g = swap $ zip (randoms g) xs
+ where
+ swap ((True,x):(c,y):ys) = y:swap ((c,x):ys)
+ swap ((False,x):ys) = x:swap ys
+ swap x = map snd x
+-- | randomBg' produces a random hex number in the form @'#xxyyzz'@
+randomBg' :: (MonadIO m) => RandomColor -> m String
+randomBg' (RGB l h) = liftM toHex $ replicateM 3 $ io $ randomRIO (l,h)
+randomBg' (HSV s v) = io $ do
+ g <- newStdGen
+ let -- x = (sqrt 3 - tan theta) / sqrt 3
+ x = (^2) $ fst $ randomR (0,sqrt $ pi / 3) g
+ return $ toHex $ map round $ randPermutation [v,(v-s)*x + s,s] g
-randomBg :: (Int,Int) -> X ()
-randomBg x = spawn =<< randomBg' x =<< asks (terminal . config)
+randomBg :: RandomColor -> X ()
+randomBg x = do
+ t <- asks (terminal . config)
+ c <- randomBg' x
+ spawn $ t ++ " -bg " ++ c