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diff --git a/XMonad/Actions/Search.hs b/XMonad/Actions/Search.hs
index 456d3f7..7dc9e03 100644
--- a/XMonad/Actions/Search.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Actions/Search.hs
@@ -10,16 +10,25 @@
Modeled after the handy Surfraw CLI search tools at <https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Surfraw>.
Additional sites welcomed. -}
-module XMonad.Actions.Search ( -- * Usage
+module XMonad.Actions.Search ( -- * Usage
-- $usage
+ searchEngineF,
+ hasPrefix,
+ escape,
+ use,
+ intelligent,
+ (!>),
+ prefixAware,
+ namedEngine,
@@ -38,7 +47,8 @@ module XMonad.Actions.Search ( -- * Usage
- youtube
+ youtube,
+ multi
-- * Use case: searching with a submap
-- $tip
@@ -85,7 +95,7 @@ import XMonad.Util.XSelection (getSelection)
* 'debbts' -- Debian Bug Tracking System.
-* 'debpts -- Debian Package Tracking System.
+* 'debpts' -- Debian Package Tracking System.
* 'dictionary' -- dictionary.reference.com search.
@@ -115,6 +125,8 @@ import XMonad.Util.XSelection (getSelection)
* 'youtube' -- Youtube video search.
+* 'multi' -- Search based on the prefix. \"amazon:Potter\" will use amazon, etc. With no prefix searches google.
Feel free to add more! -}
{- $tip
@@ -153,7 +165,7 @@ Or in combination with XMonad.Util.EZConfig:
> ...
-> searchList :: [([Char], S.SearchEngine)]
+> searchList :: [(String, S.SearchEngine)]
> searchList = [ ("g", S.google)
> , ("h", S.hoohle)
> , ("w", S.wikipedia)
@@ -205,14 +217,21 @@ escape = escapeURIString (\c -> isAlpha c || isDigit c || isMark c)
type Browser = FilePath
type Query = String
-type Site = String
+type Site = String -> String
type Name = String
data SearchEngine = SearchEngine Name Site
--- | Given a browser, a search engine, and a search term, perform the
+-- | Given an already defined search engine, extracts its transformation
+-- function, making it easy to create compound search engines.
+-- For an instance you can use @use google@ to get a function which
+-- makes the same transformation as the google search engine would.
+use :: SearchEngine -> Site
+use (SearchEngine _ engine) = engine
+-- | Given a browser, a search engine's transformation function, and a search term, perform the
-- requested search in the browser.
search :: Browser -> Site -> Query -> X ()
-search browser site query = safeSpawn browser $ site ++ escape query
+search browser site query = safeSpawn browser $ site query
{- | Given a base URL, create the 'SearchEngine' that escapes the query and
appends it to the base. You can easily define a new engine locally using
@@ -222,12 +241,34 @@ search browser site query = safeSpawn browser $ site ++ escape query
The important thing is that the site has a interface which accepts the escaped query
string as part of the URL. Alas, the exact URL to feed searchEngine varies
- from site to site, often considerably, so there's no general way to cover this.
+ from site to site, often considerably, so there\'s no general way to cover this.
Generally, examining the resultant URL of a search will allow you to reverse-engineer
it if you can't find the necessary URL already described in other projects such as Surfraw. -}
-searchEngine :: Name -> Site -> SearchEngine
-searchEngine = SearchEngine
+searchEngine :: Name -> String -> SearchEngine
+searchEngine name site = searchEngineF name (\s -> site ++ (escape s))
+{- | If your search engine is more complex than this (you may want to identify
+ the kind of input and make the search URL dependent on the input or put the query
+ inside of a URL instead of in the end) you can use the alternative 'searchEngineF' function.
+> searchFunc :: String -> String
+> searchFunc s | s `hasPrefix` "wiki:" = "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/" ++ (escape $ tail $ snd $ break (==':') s)
+> | s `hasPrefix` "http://" = s
+> | otherwise = (use google) s
+> myNewEngine = searchEngineF "mymulti" searchFunc
+ @searchFunc@ here searches for a word in wikipedia if it has a prefix
+ of \"wiki:\" (you can use the 'escape' function to escape any forbidden characters), opens an address
+ directly if it starts with \"http:\/\/\" and otherwise uses the provided google search engine.
+ You can use other engines inside of your own through the 'use' function as shown above to make
+ complex searches.
+ The user input will be automatically escaped in search engines created with 'searchEngine',
+ 'searchEngineF', however, completely depends on the transformation function passed to it. -}
+searchEngineF :: Name -> Site -> SearchEngine
+searchEngineF = SearchEngine
-- The engines.
amazon, codesearch, deb, debbts, debpts, dictionary, google, hackage, hoogle, images,
@@ -238,9 +279,9 @@ codesearch = searchEngine "codesearch" "http://www.google.com/codesearch?q="
deb = searchEngine "deb" "http://packages.debian.org/"
debbts = searchEngine "debbts" "http://bugs.debian.org/"
debpts = searchEngine "debpts" "http://packages.qa.debian.org/"
-dictionary = searchEngine "dictionary" "http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/"
+dictionary = searchEngine "dict" "http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/"
google = searchEngine "google" "http://www.google.com/search?num=100&q="
-hackage = searchEngine "hackage" "http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/"
+hackage = searchEngine "hackage" "http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/"
hoogle = searchEngine "hoogle" "http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/?q="
images = searchEngine "images" "http://images.google.fr/images?q="
imdb = searchEngine "imdb" "http://www.imdb.com/Find?select=all&for="
@@ -249,13 +290,60 @@ maps = searchEngine "maps" "http://maps.google.com/maps?q="
mathworld = searchEngine "mathworld" "http://mathworld.wolfram.com/search/?query="
scholar = searchEngine "scholar" "http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q="
thesaurus = searchEngine "thesaurus" "http://thesaurus.reference.com/search?q="
-wikipedia = searchEngine "wikipedia" "https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Special:Search?go=Go&search="
+wikipedia = searchEngine "wiki" "https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Special:Search?go=Go&search="
youtube = searchEngine "youtube" "http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=search_videos&search_query="
{- This doesn't seem to work, but nevertheless, it seems to be the official
method at <http://web.archive.org/collections/web/advanced.html> to get the
latest backup. -}
wayback = searchEngine "wayback" "http://web.archive.org/"
+multi :: SearchEngine
+multi = namedEngine "multi" $ foldr1 (!>) [amazon, codesearch, deb, debbts, debpts, dictionary, google, hackage, hoogle, images, imdb, isohunt, maps, mathworld, scholar, thesaurus, wayback, wikipedia, (prefixAware google)]
+{- | This function wraps up a search engine and creates a new one, which works
+ like the argument, but goes directly to a URL if one is given rather than
+ searching.
+> myIntelligentGoogleEngine = intelligent google
+ Now if you search for http:\/\/xmonad.org it will directly open in your browser-}
+intelligent :: SearchEngine -> SearchEngine
+intelligent (SearchEngine name site) = searchEngineF name (\s -> if (fst $ break (==':') s) `elem` ["http", "https", "ftp"] then s else (site s))
+{- | Checks if a string starts with a given prefix -}
+hasPrefix :: String -> String -> Bool
+hasPrefix _ [] = True
+hasPrefix [] (_:_) = False
+hasPrefix (t:ts) (p:ps) = if t == p then hasPrefix ts ps else False
+removeColonPrefix :: String -> String
+removeColonPrefix str = tail $ snd $ break (==':') str
+{- | Connects a few search engines into one. If the search engines\' names are
+ \"s1\", \"s2\" and \"s3\", then the resulting engine will use s1 if the query
+ is @s1:word@, s2 if you type @s2:word@ and s3 in all other cases.
+ Example:
+> multiEngine = intelligent (wikipedia !> mathworld !> (prefixAware google))
+ Now if you type \"wiki:Haskell\" it will search for \"Haskell\" in Wikipedia,
+ \"mathworld:integral\" will search mathworld, and everything else will fall back to
+ google. The use of intelligent will make sure that URLs are opened directly. -}
+(!>) :: SearchEngine -> SearchEngine -> SearchEngine
+(SearchEngine name1 site1) !> (SearchEngine name2 site2) = searchEngineF (name1 ++ "/" ++ name2) (\s -> if s `hasPrefix` (name1++":") then site1 (removeColonPrefix s) else site2 s)
+{- | Makes a search engine prefix-aware. Especially useful together with '!>'.
+ It will automatically remove the prefix from a query so that you don\'t end
+ up searching for google:xmonad if google is your fallback engine and you
+ explicitly add the prefix. -}
+prefixAware :: SearchEngine -> SearchEngine
+prefixAware (SearchEngine name site) = SearchEngine name (\s -> if s `hasPrefix` (name++":") then site $ removeColonPrefix s else site s)
+{- | Changes search engine's name -}
+namedEngine :: Name -> SearchEngine -> SearchEngine
+namedEngine name (SearchEngine _ site) = searchEngineF name site
{- | Like 'search', but for use with the output from a Prompt; it grabs the
Prompt's result, passes it to a given searchEngine and opens it in a given
browser. -}