path: root/XMonad
diff options
authorallbery.b <allbery.b@gmail.com>2014-08-03 04:05:30 +0200
committerallbery.b <allbery.b@gmail.com>2014-08-03 04:05:30 +0200
commitc2218350dfd21f60707e34eb1db112a0ae2ba548 (patch)
tree81a2bff0df2d2cf6dbb7536295008a31e8bdeab0 /XMonad
parent7de2796a2448a33ef4ed80111681bd6175f57477 (diff)
Ignore-this: cbb2b1d99293e3a4d02a256c2733aeb0 Various fixes and enhancements to DebugWindow and DebugStack. ManageDebug requires these fixes, but some of them are significant even if not using ManageDebug. darcs-hash:20140803020530-181ff-f11b9446cddb31d970d1e227e63ec6ec5a45a0d2.gz
Diffstat (limited to 'XMonad')
2 files changed, 111 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Hooks/DebugStack.hs b/XMonad/Hooks/DebugStack.hs
index a07495d..bb42696 100644
--- a/XMonad/Hooks/DebugStack.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Hooks/DebugStack.hs
@@ -1,26 +1,30 @@
-- |
-- Module : XMonad.Hooks.DebugStack
--- Copyright : (c) Brandon S Allbery KF8NH, 2012
+-- Copyright : (c) Brandon S Allbery KF8NH, 2014
-- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : allbery.b@gmail.com
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : not portable
--- Dump the state of the 'StackSet'. A @logHook@ and @handleEventHook@ are
+-- Dump the state of the 'StackSet'. A @logHook@ and @handleEventHook@ are
-- also provided.
module XMonad.Hooks.DebugStack (debugStack
+ ,debugStackFull
+ ,debugStackFullString
+ ,debugStackFullLogHook
+ ,debugStackFullEventHook
) where
import XMonad.Core
-import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
+import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Util.DebugWindow
@@ -28,66 +32,79 @@ import Graphics.X11.Types (Window)
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras (Event)
import Control.Monad (foldM)
-import Data.Map (toList)
+import Data.Map (member)
import Data.Monoid (All(..))
+import Data.List (intercalate)
--- | Print the state of the current window stack to @stderr@, which for most
--- installations goes to @~/.xsession-errors@. "XMonad.Util.DebugWindow"
--- is used to display the individual windows.
+-- | Print the state of the current window stack for the current workspace to
+-- @stderr@, which for most installations goes to @~/.xsession-errors@.
+-- "XMonad.Util.DebugWindow" is used to display the individual windows.
debugStack :: X ()
debugStack = debugStackString >>= trace
--- | The above packaged as a 'logHook'. (Currently this is identical.)
+-- | Print the state of the current window stack for all workspaces to
+-- @stderr@, which for most installations goes to @~/.xsession-errors@.
+-- "XMonad.Util.DebugWindow" is used to display the individual windows.
+debugStackFull :: X ()
+debugStackFull = debugStackFullString >>= trace
+-- | 'debugStack' packaged as a 'logHook'. (Currently this is identical.)
debugStackLogHook :: X ()
debugStackLogHook = debugStack
--- | The above packaged as a 'handleEventHook'. You almost certainly do not
+-- | 'debugStackFull packaged as a 'logHook'. (Currently this is identical.)
+debugStackFullLogHook :: X ()
+debugStackFullLogHook = debugStackFull
+-- | 'debugStack' packaged as a 'handleEventHook'. You almost certainly do not
-- want to use this unconditionally, as it will cause massive amounts of
-- output and possibly slow @xmonad@ down severely.
debugStackEventHook :: Event -> X All
debugStackEventHook _ = debugStack >> return (All True)
--- | Dump the state of the current 'StackSet' as a multiline 'String'.
+-- | 'debugStackFull' packaged as a 'handleEventHook'. You almost certainly do
+-- not want to use this unconditionally, as it will cause massive amounts of
+-- output and possibly slow @xmonad@ down severely.
+debugStackFullEventHook :: Event -> X All
+debugStackFullEventHook _ = debugStackFull >> return (All True)
+-- | Dump the state of the current workspace in the 'StackSet' as a multiline 'String'.
+debugStackString :: X String
+debugStackString = withWindowSet $ debugStackWs . W.workspace . W.current
+-- | Dump the state of all workspaces in the 'StackSet' as a multiline 'String'.
+-- @@@ this is in stackset order, which is roughly lru-ish
+debugStackFullString :: X String
+debugStackFullString = withWindowSet $ fmap (intercalate "\n") . mapM debugStackWs . W.workspaces
+-- | Dump the state of a workspace in the current 'StackSet' as a multiline 'String'.
-- @
--- stack [ mm
--- ,(*) ww
--- , ww
--- ]
--- float { ww
--- , ww
--- }
+-- Workspace "foo::
+-- mm
+-- * ww
+-- ^ww
-- @
--- One thing I'm not sure of is where the zipper is when focus is on a
--- floating window.
-debugStackString :: X String
-debugStackString = withWindowSet $ \ws -> do
- s <- emit "stack" ("[","]") (W.peek ws) $ W.index ws
- f <- emit "float" ("{","}") (W.peek ws) $ map fst $ toList $ W.floating ws
- return $ s ++ f
+-- * indicates the focused window, ^ indicates a floating window
+debugStackWs :: W.Workspace String (Layout Window) Window -> X String
+debugStackWs w = withWindowSet $ \ws -> do
+ let cur = if wt == W.currentTag ws then " (current)" else ""
+ wt = W.tag w
+ s <- emit ws $ W.integrate' . W.stack $ w
+ return $ intercalate "\n" $ ("Workspace " ++ show wt ++ cur):s
- emit :: String -> (String,String) -> Maybe Window -> [Window] -> X String
- emit title (lb,rb) _ [] = return $ title ++ " " ++ lb ++ rb ++ "]\n"
- emit title (lb,rb) focused ws = do
- (_,_,_,_,ss) <- foldM emit' (title,lb,rb,focused,"") ws
- return $ ss ++
- replicate (length title + 1) ' ' ++
- rb ++
- "\n"
- emit' :: (String,String,String,Maybe Window,String)
+ emit :: WindowSet -> [Window] -> X [String]
+ emit _ [] = return [" -empty workspace-"]
+ emit ww ws = do
+ (_,ss) <- foldM emit' (ww,[]) ws
+ return ss
+ emit' :: (WindowSet,[String])
-> Window
- -> X (String,String,String,Maybe Window,String)
- emit' (t,l,r,f,a) w = do
- w' <- emit'' f w
- return (replicate (length t) ' '
- ,',' : replicate (length l - 1) ' '
- ,r
- ,f
- ,a ++ t ++ " " ++ l ++ w' ++ "\n"
- )
- emit'' :: Maybe Window -> Window -> X String
- emit'' focus win =
- let fi f = if win == f then "(*) " else " "
- in (maybe " " fi focus ++) `fmap` debugWindow win
+ -> X (WindowSet,[String])
+ emit' (ws,a) w' = do
+ let focus = if Just w' == W.peek ws then '*' else ' '
+ float = if w' `member` W.floating ws then '^' else ' '
+ s <- debugWindow w'
+ return (ws,(focus:float:s):a)
diff --git a/XMonad/Util/DebugWindow.hs b/XMonad/Util/DebugWindow.hs
index 9fe5817..d4f5138 100644
--- a/XMonad/Util/DebugWindow.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Util/DebugWindow.hs
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-- |
-- Module : XMonad.Util.DebugWindow
--- Copyright : (c) Brandon S Allbery KF8NH, 2012
+-- Copyright : (c) Brandon S Allbery KF8NH, 2014
-- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : allbery.b@gmail.com
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : not portable
--- Module to dump window information for diagnostic/debugging purposes. See
+-- Module to dump window information for diagnostic/debugging purposes. See
-- "XMonad.Hooks.DebugEvents" and "XMonad.Hooks.DebugStack" for practical uses.
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import Prelude
import XMonad
import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String (decodeString)
-import Control.Exception.Extensible as E
+import Control.Exception.Extensible as E
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.List (unfoldr
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import System.Exit
-- and its title if available. Also indicate override_redirect with an
-- exclamation mark, and wrap in brackets if it is unmapped or withdrawn.
debugWindow :: Window -> X String
-debugWindow 0 = return "None"
+debugWindow 0 = return "-no window-"
debugWindow w = do
let wx = pad 8 '0' $ showHex w ""
w' <- withDisplay $ \d -> io (safeGetWindowAttributes d w)
@@ -59,23 +59,36 @@ debugWindow w = do
catchX' (wrap `fmap` getEWMHTitle "" w) $
catchX' (wrap `fmap` getICCCMTitle w) $
return ""
+ h' <- getMachine w
+ let h = if null h' then "" else '@':h'
+ -- if it has WM_COMMAND use it, else use the appName
+ -- NB. modern stuff often does not set WM_COMMAND since it's only ICCCM required and not some
+ -- horrible gnome/freedesktop session manager thing like Wayland intended. How helpful of them.
+ p' <- withDisplay $ \d -> safeGetCommand d w
+ let p = if null p' then "" else wrap $ intercalate " " p'
+ nWP <- getAtom "_NET_WM_PID"
+ pid' <- withDisplay $ \d -> io $ getWindowProperty32 d nWP w
+ let pid = case pid' of
+ Just [pid''] -> '(':show pid'' ++ ")"
+ _ -> ""
+ let cmd = p ++ pid ++ h
let (lb,rb) = case () of
() | m == waIsViewable -> ("","")
| otherwise -> ("[","]")
o' = if o then "!" else ""
return $ concat [lb
- ,"window "
- ," ("
+ ," "
,show wid
- ,',':show ht
- ,')':if bw == 0 then "" else '+':show bw
- ,"@("
+ ,'x':show ht
+ ,if bw == 0 then "" else '+':show bw
+ ,"@"
,show x
,',':show y
- ,')':if null c then "" else ' ':c
+ ,if null c then "" else ' ':c
+ ,if null cmd then "" else ' ':cmd
@@ -86,8 +99,11 @@ getEWMHTitle sub w = do
return $ map (toEnum . fromEnum) t
getICCCMTitle :: Window -> X String
-getICCCMTitle w = do
- t@(TextProperty t' _ 8 _) <- withDisplay $ \d -> io $ getTextProperty d w wM_NAME
+getICCCMTitle w = getDecodedStringProp w wM_NAME
+getDecodedStringProp :: Window -> Atom -> X String
+getDecodedStringProp w a = do
+ t@(TextProperty t' _ 8 _) <- withDisplay $ \d -> io $ getTextProperty d w a
[s] <- catchX' (tryUTF8 t) $
catchX' (tryCompound t) $
io ((:[]) `fmap` peekCString t')
@@ -138,3 +154,21 @@ safeGetWindowAttributes d w = alloca $ \p -> do
case s of
0 -> return Nothing
_ -> Just `fmap` peek p
+-- and so is getCommand
+safeGetCommand :: Display -> Window -> X [String]
+safeGetCommand d w = do
+ wC <- getAtom "WM_COMMAND"
+ p <- io $ getWindowProperty8 d wC w
+ case p of
+ Nothing -> return []
+ Just cs' -> do
+ let cs = map (toEnum . fromEnum) cs'
+ go (a,(s,"\NUL")) = (s:a,("",""))
+ go (a,(s,'\NUL':ss)) = go (s:a,go' ss)
+ go r = r -- ???
+ go' = break (== '\NUL')
+ in return $ reverse $ fst $ go ([],go' cs)
+getMachine :: Window -> X String
+getMachine w = catchX' (getAtom "WM_CLIENT_MACHINE" >>= getDecodedStringProp w) (return "")