path: root/XMonad
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authorAdam Vogt <vogt.adam@gmail.com>2014-05-01 03:19:43 +0200
committerAdam Vogt <vogt.adam@gmail.com>2014-05-01 03:19:43 +0200
commit26bb0fbf421e7281667f983c874c71efd4505989 (patch)
treefa1a82573b70ae4640dd902966f8bffe844b11bc /XMonad
parentfbdea591f8c4de93a2e53997ecfad9a00622aeb8 (diff)
remove trailing whitespace in L.BinarySpacePartition
Ignore-this: 8dd677978992e0854801b8f254463dc2 darcs-hash:20140501011943-1499c-6536a0f80c5157465587cc7a98d165119586357d.gz
Diffstat (limited to 'XMonad')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Layout/BinarySpacePartition.hs b/XMonad/Layout/BinarySpacePartition.hs
index 0da107b..e51f174 100644
--- a/XMonad/Layout/BinarySpacePartition.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Layout/BinarySpacePartition.hs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-- Layout where new windows will split the focused window in half, based off of BSPWM
module XMonad.Layout.BinarySpacePartition (
-- * Usage
-- $usage
@@ -33,15 +33,15 @@ import Control.Monad
-- $usage
-- You can use this module with the following in your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@:
-- > import XMonad.Layout.BinarySpacePartition
-- Then add the layout, using the default BSP (BinarySpacePartition)
-- > myLayout = emptyBSP ||| etc ..
-- It will be helpful to add the following key bindings
-- > , ((modm .|. altMask, xK_l ), sendMessage $ ExpandTowards R)
-- > , ((modm .|. altMask, xK_h ), sendMessage $ ExpandTowards L)
-- > , ((modm .|. altMask, xK_j ), sendMessage $ ExpandTowards D)
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ import Control.Monad
-- > , ((modm .|. altMask .|. ctrlMask , xK_k ), sendMessage $ ShrinkFrom U)
-- > , ((modm, xK_r ), sendMessage Rotate)
-- > , ((modm, xK_s ), sendMessage Swap)
-- |Message for rotating a split in the BSP. Keep in mind that this does not change the order
-- of the windows, it will just turn a horizontal split into a verticial one and vice versa
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ oppositeDirection Vertical = Horizontal
oppositeDirection Horizontal = Vertical
split :: Direction -> Rational -> Rectangle -> (Rectangle, Rectangle)
-split Horizontal r (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) = (r1, r2) where
+split Horizontal r (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) = (r1, r2) where
r1 = Rectangle sx sy sw sh'
r2 = Rectangle sx (sy + fromIntegral sh') sw (sh - sh')
sh' = floor $ fromIntegral sh * r
@@ -88,16 +88,16 @@ split Vertical r (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) = (r1, r2) where
data Split = Split { direction :: Direction
, ratio :: Rational
} deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
oppositeSplit :: Split -> Split
oppositeSplit (Split d r) = Split (oppositeDirection d) r
increaseRatio :: Split -> Rational -> Split
-increaseRatio (Split d r) delta = Split d (min 0.9 (max 0.1 (r + delta)))
+increaseRatio (Split d r) delta = Split d (min 0.9 (max 0.1 (r + delta)))
data Tree a = Leaf | Node { value :: a
, left :: Tree a
- , right :: Tree a
+ , right :: Tree a
} deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
numLeaves :: Tree a -> Int
@@ -143,14 +143,14 @@ goSibling z@(_, RightCrumb _ _:_) = Just z >>= goUp >>= goLeft
goToNthLeaf :: Int -> Zipper a -> Maybe (Zipper a)
goToNthLeaf _ z@(Leaf, _) = Just z
-goToNthLeaf n z@(t, _) =
+goToNthLeaf n z@(t, _) =
if numLeaves (left t) > n
then do z' <- goLeft z
goToNthLeaf n z'
else do z' <- goRight z
goToNthLeaf (n - (numLeaves . left $ t)) z'
-splitCurrentLeaf :: Zipper Split -> Maybe (Zipper Split)
+splitCurrentLeaf :: Zipper Split -> Maybe (Zipper Split)
splitCurrentLeaf (Leaf, []) = Just (Node (Split Vertical 0.5) Leaf Leaf, [])
splitCurrentLeaf (Leaf, crumb:cs) = Just (Node (Split (oppositeDirection . direction . parentVal $ crumb) 0.5) Leaf Leaf, crumb:cs)
splitCurrentLeaf _ = Nothing
@@ -168,33 +168,33 @@ rotateCurrentLeaf _ = Nothing
swapCurrentLeaf :: Zipper a -> Maybe (Zipper a)
swapCurrentLeaf (Leaf, []) = Just (Leaf, [])
-swapCurrentLeaf (Leaf, c:cs) = Just (Leaf, swapCrumb c:cs)
+swapCurrentLeaf (Leaf, c:cs) = Just (Leaf, swapCrumb c:cs)
swapCurrentLeaf _ = Nothing
expandTreeTowards :: Direction2D -> Zipper Split -> Maybe (Zipper Split)
expandTreeTowards _ z@(_, []) = Just z
-expandTreeTowards R (t, LeftCrumb s r:cs)
+expandTreeTowards R (t, LeftCrumb s r:cs)
| direction s == Vertical = Just (t, LeftCrumb (increaseRatio s 0.1) r:cs)
-expandTreeTowards L (t, RightCrumb s l:cs)
+expandTreeTowards L (t, RightCrumb s l:cs)
| direction s == Vertical = Just (t, RightCrumb (increaseRatio s (-0.1)) l:cs)
-expandTreeTowards D (t, LeftCrumb s r:cs)
+expandTreeTowards D (t, LeftCrumb s r:cs)
| direction s == Horizontal = Just (t, LeftCrumb (increaseRatio s 0.1) r:cs)
-expandTreeTowards U (t, RightCrumb s l:cs)
+expandTreeTowards U (t, RightCrumb s l:cs)
| direction s == Horizontal = Just (t, RightCrumb (increaseRatio s (-0.1)) l:cs)
expandTreeTowards dir z = goUp z >>= expandTreeTowards dir
-shrinkTreeFrom :: Direction2D -> Zipper Split -> Maybe (Zipper Split)
+shrinkTreeFrom :: Direction2D -> Zipper Split -> Maybe (Zipper Split)
shrinkTreeFrom _ z@(_, []) = Just z
-shrinkTreeFrom R z@(_, LeftCrumb s _:_)
- | direction s == Vertical = Just z >>= goSibling >>= expandTreeTowards L
+shrinkTreeFrom R z@(_, LeftCrumb s _:_)
+ | direction s == Vertical = Just z >>= goSibling >>= expandTreeTowards L
shrinkTreeFrom L z@(_, RightCrumb s _:_)
- | direction s == Vertical = Just z >>= goSibling >>= expandTreeTowards R
-shrinkTreeFrom D z@(_, LeftCrumb s _:_)
+ | direction s == Vertical = Just z >>= goSibling >>= expandTreeTowards R
+shrinkTreeFrom D z@(_, LeftCrumb s _:_)
| direction s == Horizontal = Just z >>= goSibling >>= expandTreeTowards U
-shrinkTreeFrom U z@(_, RightCrumb s _:_)
- | direction s == Horizontal = Just z >>= goSibling >>= expandTreeTowards D
+shrinkTreeFrom U z@(_, RightCrumb s _:_)
+ | direction s == Horizontal = Just z >>= goSibling >>= expandTreeTowards D
shrinkTreeFrom dir z = goUp z >>= shrinkTreeFrom dir
top :: Zipper a -> Zipper a
top z = case goUp z of
Nothing -> z
@@ -204,13 +204,13 @@ toTree :: Zipper a -> Tree a
toTree = fst . top
index :: W.Stack a -> Int
-index s = case toIndex (Just s) of
+index s = case toIndex (Just s) of
(_, Nothing) -> 0
(_, Just int) -> int
data BinarySpacePartition a = BinarySpacePartition { getTree :: Maybe (Tree Split) } deriving (Show, Read)
--- | an empty BinarySpacePartition to use as a default for adding windows to.
+-- | an empty BinarySpacePartition to use as a default for adding windows to.
emptyBSP :: BinarySpacePartition a
emptyBSP = BinarySpacePartition Nothing
@@ -231,9 +231,9 @@ zipperToBinarySpacePartition (Just z) = BinarySpacePartition . Just . toTree . t
rectangles :: BinarySpacePartition a -> Rectangle -> [Rectangle]
rectangles (BinarySpacePartition Nothing) _ = []
rectangles (BinarySpacePartition (Just Leaf)) rootRect = [rootRect]
-rectangles (BinarySpacePartition (Just node)) rootRect =
- rectangles (makeBSP . left $ node) leftBox ++
- rectangles (makeBSP . right $ node) rightBox
+rectangles (BinarySpacePartition (Just node)) rootRect =
+ rectangles (makeBSP . left $ node) leftBox ++
+ rectangles (makeBSP . right $ node) rightBox
where (leftBox, rightBox) = split (direction info) (ratio info) rootRect
info = value node
@@ -242,44 +242,44 @@ doToNth f b n = zipperToBinarySpacePartition $ makeZipper b >>= goToNthLeaf n >>
splitNth :: BinarySpacePartition a -> Int -> BinarySpacePartition a
splitNth (BinarySpacePartition Nothing) _ = makeBSP Leaf
-splitNth b n = doToNth splitCurrentLeaf b n
+splitNth b n = doToNth splitCurrentLeaf b n
-removeNth :: BinarySpacePartition a -> Int -> BinarySpacePartition a
+removeNth :: BinarySpacePartition a -> Int -> BinarySpacePartition a
removeNth (BinarySpacePartition Nothing) _ = emptyBSP
removeNth (BinarySpacePartition (Just Leaf)) _ = emptyBSP
-removeNth b n = doToNth removeCurrentLeaf b n
-rotateNth :: BinarySpacePartition a -> Int -> BinarySpacePartition a
+removeNth b n = doToNth removeCurrentLeaf b n
+rotateNth :: BinarySpacePartition a -> Int -> BinarySpacePartition a
rotateNth (BinarySpacePartition Nothing) _ = emptyBSP
rotateNth b@(BinarySpacePartition (Just Leaf)) _ = b
-rotateNth b n = doToNth rotateCurrentLeaf b n
+rotateNth b n = doToNth rotateCurrentLeaf b n
swapNth :: BinarySpacePartition a -> Int -> BinarySpacePartition a
swapNth (BinarySpacePartition Nothing) _ = emptyBSP
swapNth b@(BinarySpacePartition (Just Leaf)) _ = b
-swapNth b n = doToNth swapCurrentLeaf b n
+swapNth b n = doToNth swapCurrentLeaf b n
growNthTowards :: Direction2D -> BinarySpacePartition a -> Int -> BinarySpacePartition a
growNthTowards _ (BinarySpacePartition Nothing) _ = emptyBSP
growNthTowards _ b@(BinarySpacePartition (Just Leaf)) _ = b
-growNthTowards dir b n = doToNth (expandTreeTowards dir) b n
-shrinkNthFrom :: Direction2D -> BinarySpacePartition a -> Int -> BinarySpacePartition a
+growNthTowards dir b n = doToNth (expandTreeTowards dir) b n
+shrinkNthFrom :: Direction2D -> BinarySpacePartition a -> Int -> BinarySpacePartition a
shrinkNthFrom _ (BinarySpacePartition Nothing) _ = emptyBSP
shrinkNthFrom _ b@(BinarySpacePartition (Just Leaf)) _ = b
-shrinkNthFrom dir b n = doToNth (shrinkTreeFrom dir) b n
+shrinkNthFrom dir b n = doToNth (shrinkTreeFrom dir) b n
instance LayoutClass BinarySpacePartition a where
doLayout b r s = return (zip ws rs, layout b) where
ws = W.integrate s
- layout bsp
+ layout bsp
| l == count = Just bsp
| l > count = layout $ splitNth bsp n
- | otherwise = layout $ removeNth bsp n
+ | otherwise = layout $ removeNth bsp n
where count = size bsp
l = length ws
- n = index s
+ n = index s
rs = case layout b of
Nothing -> rectangles b r
Just bsp' -> rectangles bsp' r