path: root/XMonad/Layout
diff options
authorMax Rabkin <max.rabkin@gmail.com>2010-03-10 18:01:59 +0100
committerMax Rabkin <max.rabkin@gmail.com>2010-03-10 18:01:59 +0100
commit7a3035c299185d9af31601772c9607e8e1844027 (patch)
tree27238d6e9fe7ae213d5064fcd00e432d27098193 /XMonad/Layout
parentdad63f81a9ac309f3c43cc79b7d8f07428c876e8 (diff)
Fix bugs with nested drawers in X.L.Drawer
Ignore-this: 5c7665f3f3ea2c629deb0cca3715bb8d There were two bugs: 1. The layout modifier assumed the rect's x was zero. 2. The layout modifier assumed that the stackset's focus actually had focus. darcs-hash:20100310170159-a5338-19f7aa3df6ad57734d0ebc874e5d758935d19850.gz
Diffstat (limited to 'XMonad/Layout')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Layout/Drawer.hs b/XMonad/Layout/Drawer.hs
index 04e900e..909ecfb 100644
--- a/XMonad/Layout/Drawer.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Layout/Drawer.hs
@@ -73,16 +73,17 @@ instance (LayoutClass l Window, Read (l Window)) => LayoutModifier (Drawer l) Wi
(upD, upM) <- partitionM (hasProperty p) up_
(downD, downM) <- partitionM (hasProperty p) down_
b <- hasProperty p w
+ focusedWindow <- gets (fmap S.focus . stack . workspace . current . windowset)
- let (rectD, stackD, stackM) = if b
- then ( rectB
- , Just $ stk { up=upD, down=downD }
- , mkStack upM downM )
- else ( rectS
- , mkStack upD downD
- , Just $ stk { up=upM, down=downM } )
+ let rectD = if b && Just w == focusedWindow then rectB else rectS
- (winsD, _) <- runLayout (ws { layout=l , stack=stackD }) rectD
+ let (stackD, stackM) = if b
+ then ( Just $ stk { up=upD, down=downD }
+ , mkStack upM downM )
+ else ( mkStack upD downD
+ , Just $ stk { up=upM, down=downM } )
+ (winsD, _) <- runLayout (ws { layout=l, stack=stackD }) rectD
(winsM, u') <- runLayout (ws { stack=stackM }) rectM
return (winsD ++ winsM, u')
@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ instance (LayoutClass l Window, Read (l Window)) => LayoutModifier (Drawer l) Wi
mkStack (x:xs) ys = Just (Stack { up=xs, S.focus=x, down=ys })
rectB = rect { rect_width=round $ fromIntegral (rect_width rect) * rb }
- rectS = rectB { rect_x=round $ (rs - rb) * fromIntegral (rect_width rect) }
+ rectS = rectB { rect_x=rect_x rectB - (round $ (rb - rs) * fromIntegral (rect_width rect)) }
rectM = rect { rect_x=rect_x rect + round (fromIntegral (rect_width rect) * rs)
, rect_width=rect_width rect - round (fromIntegral (rect_width rect) * rs) }