path: root/XMonad/Actions
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authorc.lopez <c.lopez@kmels.net>2012-06-28 12:17:49 +0200
committerc.lopez <c.lopez@kmels.net>2012-06-28 12:17:49 +0200
commit620555e3867be04572e1c41b1bc54fe23bfd7c51 (patch)
treeee8f21c841295b039844b3e39da46423db898781 /XMonad/Actions
parenta1befbeeababc6e25d8901b222d2c614c7544534 (diff)
Changes on XPrompt:
Ignore-this: 2384f5c1b886716b3d9785877c2e32f9 * Adds mkPromptWithModes, creates a prompt given a list of modes (list of XPType). * Adds Setting `alwaysHighlight` to defaultXPConfig. When set to true, autocompletion always highlight the first result if it is not highlighted. Adds module XMonad.Actions.Launcher. This module allows to combine and switch between instances of XPrompt. It includes a default set of modes which require the programs `hoogle`, `locate` and `calc` to be installed to work properly. darcs-hash:20120628101749-c3db2-f6d1cd3315d56300d734f4c874409e0782096eac.gz
Diffstat (limited to 'XMonad/Actions')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Actions/Launcher.hs b/XMonad/Actions/Launcher.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b54571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XMonad/Actions/Launcher.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+{- |
+Module : XMonad.Actions.Launcher
+Copyright : (C) 2012 Carlos López-Camey
+License : None; public domain
+Maintainer : <c.lopez@kmels.net>
+Stability : unstable
+A set of prompts for XMonad
+module XMonad.Actions.Launcher(
+ -- * Description and use
+ -- $description
+ defaultLauncherModes
+ , ExtensionActions
+ , LauncherConfig(..)
+ , LocateFileMode
+ , LocateFileRegexMode
+ , launcherPrompt
+ -- * ToDo
+ -- $todo
+) where
+import Data.List (find, findIndex, isPrefixOf, tails)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
+import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist)
+import XMonad hiding (config)
+import XMonad.Prompt
+import XMonad.Util.Run
+{- $description
+ This module lets you combine and switch between different types of prompts (XMonad.Prompt). It includes a set of default modes:
+ * Hoogle mode: Search for functions using hoogle, choosing a function leads you to documentation in Haddock.
+ * Locate mode: Search for files using locate, choosing a file opens it with a program you specify depending on the file's extension.
+ * Locate regexp: Same as locate mode but autocomplete works with regular expressions.
+ * Calc: Uses the program calc to do calculations.
+ To use the default modes, modify your .xmonad:
+ > import XMonad.Prompt(defaultXPConfig)
+ > import XMonad.Actions.Launcher
+ > ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_l), launcherPrompt kmelsXPConfig $ defaultLauncherModes launcherConfig)
+ A LauncherConfig contains settings for the default modes, modify them accordingly.
+ > launcherConfig = LauncherConfig { pathToHoogle = "/home/YOU/.cabal/bin/hoogle" , actionsByExtension = extensionActions }
+@extensionActions :: M.Map String (String -> X())
+extensionActions = M.fromList $ [
+ (\".hs\", \p -> spawn $ \"emacs \" ++ p)
+ , (\".pdf\", \p -> spawn $ \"acroread \" ++ p)
+ , (\".*\", \p -> spawn $ \"emacs \" ++ p) --match with any files
+ , (\"/\", \p -> spawn $ \"nautilus \" ++ p) --match with directories
+ ]@
+ To try it, restart xmonad. Press Ctrl + Your_Modkey + L and the first prompt should pop up.
+ You can change mode with xK_grave if you used defaultXP or change the value of changeModeKey in your XPConfig-}
+data LocateFileMode = LMode ExtensionActions
+data LocateFileRegexMode = LRMode ExtensionActions
+data HoogleMode = HMode FilePath String --path to hoogle e.g. "/home/me/.cabal/bin/hoogle"
+data CalculatorMode = CalcMode
+data LauncherConfig = LauncherConfig {
+ browser :: String
+ , pathToHoogle :: String
+ , actionsByExtension :: ExtensionActions
+type ExtensionActions = M.Map String (String -> X())
+-- | Uses the program `locate` to list files
+instance XPrompt LocateFileMode where
+ showXPrompt (LMode _) = "locate %s> "
+ completionFunction (LMode _) = \s -> if (s == "" || last s == ' ') then return [] else (completionFunctionWith "locate" ["--limit","5",s])
+ modeAction (LMode actions) _ fp = spawnWithActions actions fp
+-- | Uses the program `locate --regex` to list files
+instance XPrompt LocateFileRegexMode where
+ showXPrompt (LRMode _) = "locate --regexp %s> "
+ completionFunction (LRMode _) = \s -> if (s == "" || last s == ' ') then return [] else (completionFunctionWith "locate" ["--limit","5","--regexp",s])
+ modeAction (LRMode actions) _ fp = spawnWithActions actions fp
+-- | Uses the command `calc` to compute arithmetic expressions
+instance XPrompt CalculatorMode where
+ showXPrompt CalcMode = "calc %s> "
+ commandToComplete CalcMode = id --send the whole string to `calc`
+ completionFunction CalcMode = \s -> if (length s == 0) then return [] else do
+ fmap lines $ runProcessWithInput "calc" [s] ""
+ modeAction CalcMode _ _ = return () -- do nothing; this might copy the result to the clipboard
+-- | Uses the program `hoogle` to search for functions
+instance XPrompt HoogleMode where
+ showXPrompt _ = "hoogle %s> "
+ commandToComplete _ = id
+ completionFunction (HMode pathToHoogleBin' _) = \s -> completionFunctionWith pathToHoogleBin' ["--count","5",s]
+ -- This action calls hoogle again to find the URL corresponding to the autocompleted item
+ modeAction (HMode pathToHoogleBin'' browser) query result = do
+ completionsWithLink <- liftIO $ completionFunctionWith pathToHoogleBin'' ["--count","5","--link",query]
+ let link = do
+ s <- find (isJust . \c -> findSeqIndex c result) completionsWithLink
+ i <- findSeqIndex s "http://"
+ return $ drop i s
+ case link of
+ Just l -> spawn $ browser ++ " " ++ l
+ _ -> return ()
+ where
+ -- | Receives a sublist and a list. It returns the index where the sublist appears in the list.
+ findSeqIndex :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe Int
+ findSeqIndex xs xss = findIndex (isPrefixOf xss) $ tails xs
+-- | Creates an autocompletion function for a programm given the program's name and a list of args to send to the command.
+completionFunctionWith :: String -> [String] -> IO [String]
+completionFunctionWith cmd args = do fmap lines $ runProcessWithInput cmd args ""
+-- | Creates a prompt with the given modes
+launcherPrompt :: XPConfig -> [XPMode] -> X()
+launcherPrompt config modes = mkXPromptWithModes modes config
+-- | Create a list of modes based on :
+-- a list of extensions mapped to actions
+-- the path to hoogle
+defaultLauncherModes :: LauncherConfig -> [XPMode]
+defaultLauncherModes cnf = let
+ ph = pathToHoogle cnf
+ actions = actionsByExtension cnf
+ in [ hoogleMode ph $ browser cnf
+ , locateMode actions
+ , locateRegexMode actions
+ , calcMode]
+locateMode, locateRegexMode :: ExtensionActions -> XPMode
+locateMode actions = XPT $ LMode actions
+locateRegexMode actions = XPT $ LRMode actions
+hoogleMode :: FilePath -> String -> XPMode
+hoogleMode pathToHoogleBin browser = XPT $ HMode pathToHoogleBin browser
+calcMode :: XPMode
+calcMode = XPT CalcMode
+-- | This function takes a map of extensions and a path file. It uses the map to find the pattern that matches the file path, then the corresponding program (listed in the map) is spawned.
+spawnWithActions :: ExtensionActions -> FilePath -> X()
+spawnWithActions actions fp = do
+ isDirectoryPath <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist fp
+ let
+ takeExtension = \p -> "." ++ (reverse . takeWhile (/= '.') $ reverse p) --it includes the dot
+ -- Patterns defined by the user
+ extAction = M.lookup (takeExtension fp) actions
+ dirAction = if (isDirectoryPath) then M.lookup "/" actions else Nothing -- / represents a directory
+ anyFileAction = M.lookup ".*" actions -- .* represents any file
+ action = fromMaybe (spawnNoPatternMessage (takeExtension fp)) $ extAction `orElse1` dirAction `orElse1` anyFileAction
+ action fp
+ where
+ -- | This function is defined in Data.Generics.Aliases (package syb "Scrap your boilerplate"), defined here to avoid dependency
+ orElse1 :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
+ x `orElse1` y = case x of
+ Just _ -> x
+ Nothing -> y
+ spawnNoPatternMessage :: String -> String -> X ()
+ spawnNoPatternMessage fileExt _ = spawn $ "xmessage No action specified for file extension " ++ fileExt ++ ", add a default action by matching the extension \".*\" in the action map sent to launcherPrompt"
+{- $todo
+ * Switch to mode by name of the prompt, 1. ':' at an empty(?) buffer, 2. autocomplete name in buffer should happen, 3. switch to mode with enter (cancel switch with C-g)
+ * Support for actions of type String -> X a
+ * Hoogle mode: add a setting in the action to either go to documentation or to the source code (needs hoogle change?)
+ * Hoogle mode: add setting to query hoogle at haskell.org instead (with &mode=json)
+-} \ No newline at end of file